File - Mortlake P12 College

Mortlake College Newsletter
10 Hood Ave
Mortlake, Vic, 3272
Ph: 03 5599 2204
Fax: 03 5599 2503
Email: [email protected]
SMS Mobile: 0427 841 239 (Text Only)
Term 2 - Week 5– 13th May 2015
Principals Report Educaon Week: Monday 18- Friday 22 May
Just a reminder that we are celebrang Educaon Week next week and it would be great to see lots of families taking the
opportunity to visit the school and observe the learning. As I have menoned in previous newsle ers a highlight of the
week will be the special assembly on Wednesday 20th May commencing a li le a$er 9am in the BER. At this assembly, Charmarelle McCarroll will be presented with her McPherson Smith Rural Foundaon scholarship, rering school councillors,
Ross Quail and Kate McGavin will be acknowledged and there will be performances from the choir and the cast of CATS. At
the conclusion of the assembly everyone is welcome to visit classrooms and observe the learning. Full details of the week’s
program are included in the newsle er.
NAPLAN tesng
NAPLAN tesng for students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 will conclude on Thursday. These tests are designed to provide an indicaon
of students’ capabilies in Literacy and Numeracy. Informaon from the tests is used to idenfy strengths as well as areas of
concern and to inform teaching and learning across the school.
VCE Careers Expo:
Last Friday our Year 12 students a ended the Careers Expo in Melbourne and had a very worthwhile day. Anthea Good and
Mark Croucher reported that all the students approached the day posively and were able to gain important informaon
about careers, potenal terary opons and apprenceships. Last week I menoned the need for students to be really commi ed in order to achieve success in VCE and, of course, for our Year 12 students in parcular, it is crical that they be thinking about their future opons including potenal scholarships. To this end I would encourage them (and their parents) to
seek the support and advice of Mrs Good, Mr Croucher or their house mentors at the earliest opportunity.
Naonal Volunteer Week
This week is Naonal Volunteer Week where we acknowledge the valuable contribuon made by our dedicated volunteers
who provide wonderful support both within and outside the classrooms. Thank you all for being so willing to assist students
and staff in so many ways.
Years 3&4 Bike Educaon program
Despite the wintry weather this week the Years 3&4 students are undertaking their Bike Ed program. The program is designed to educate the students about all aspects of bike safety including road rules and regulaons. They also receive some
valuable ps on bike maintenance. At the end of the week the Year 3 students will do a ‘shared pathway’ ride around Tea
Tree Lake whilst the Year 4s will do a ride around town. Thanks to Mrs Storr and Mr Vangeninden for conducng this valuable program.
Year 11 Exams
This week the Year 11 students have their mid-year exams. These exams, and the end-of-year exams are important for a
number of reasons not the least being that they will assist in preparing the students for the external exams that are such an
important part of VCE Units 3&4 studies.
Graeme Good
On Thursday 21st of May as part of Educaon Week, Inspire
are holding our fundraising day to raise money to support
the Taksenkangbloung Community Centre in Cambodia.
In Cambodia schooling is free. However, barriers such as lack
of access to food, clothes, hygiene and healthcare prevent
many of the children in the village from a ending. We want
to help these children.
On this charity day there will be a dress up with two opinions: dress in blue and OR your dream occupaon.
It is a GOLD COIN DONATION and we expect everyone who dresses up to pay their gold coin donaon.
Food available at lunch will fried rice.
What do you want to be?
Do you want to reach the local school market with your goods and services?
Help Local Primary and Secondary schools enhance and provide addional educaonal support and services to our students and their families.
EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST are being invited from businesses who wish to parcipate in a BUSINESS SPONSOR PARTNERSHIP with the Warrnambool and District Network of Schools (made up of 18 primary and secondary government schools
within the Warrnambool district).
Various Sponsor Partnerships are available.
Please contact Joanne Saffin or Warwick Price at Grasmere Primary School for more informaon:
03 5565 4253 or
Email: grasmere,[email protected]
Expressions of Interest must be made by 4pm on Friday 29th May 2015.
Every child Every opportunity to Shine
Join us in the Walk
Safely to School
Day. Meet at
Clarke’s at 8:15am
and join us in the
undercover area for
a healthy breakfast
afterwards organ$
ised by Amy
Hughes, Sophie
Lehmann and the
Well$being team.
Happy Birthday to the following student s. We hope you have a wonderful day.
13th— Cooper Edge
Draffen & Damian Goddard
McDowell & Jake Tanner
Absences from school/ Late Passes
If students are going to be absent from school for any reason, it is the responsibility of the parents to make
contact with the school.
Contact can be made via note, text message only to 0427 841 239 , a phone call on 55992204 or email the
school at [email protected] before 9.30am on the day of the absence or days prior to the
If no contact has been made to the school, a text message will be sent to the parent/guardian asking for an
explanaon for any absences.
If an explanaon has not been received by the school, a le er indicang the unexplained absence will be sent
home that needs to be signed and returned ASAP.
It is a department direcve that we have an explanaon for all absences from school. We ask for your cooperaon with this ma er.
Any student arriving a@er 8.55am will need to come to the office to get a late pass which they then hand on
to their teacher. If they do not get a late pass from the office, it is presumed that they are not at school and
will therefore be marked absent for the day.
In the P-4 area this term our theme is
“Transport”. As part of our terms work we are all
doing a common assessment task relang to
In 1/2P this week we have been improving our
‘informaon report wring’ and planning for our
bicycle assessment task.
3-4 Extended Study Group
This term we have a group of students who are meeting once a week
to participate in some extended
learning activities. These activities
include planning for a Kitchen Garden market stall, writing a book for
the library and introducing chickens
into our kitchen garden program.
“I am learning about the advantages and disadvantages of having chooks in schools. An advantage is that we will have eggs to supply the kitchen. A disadvantage is that we have to
pay for the chooks”
Mitchell Hughes
“I am researching the best place for a chook house in our school. I went around the p-4 classes and asked them where they thought the chook pen should go. I have graphed the results”
Alice Kain
“I have been learning about how much an individual chicken eats. I have found that they
need approximately 120g per day of kitchen and garden scraps”
Jock McGavin
2015 Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge is now open and Mortlake College
is excited to be parcipang.
The Challenge is open to all Victorian children from birth to 16 years in recognion of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a compeon; but a personal challenge for children to read a set number of books by September 14.
Children from Prep to Year 2 are encouraged to read or ‘experience’ 30 books with their parents and teachers.
Children from Year 3 to Year 10 are challenged to read 15 books.
If you would like your child to parcipate, please return the forms that have been sent home. If you require a
form, please go to the library.
All children who meet the Challenge will receive a cerficate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier
and can choose to have their name included on the online Honour Roll.
For more informaon about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge and to view the booklists, visit:
Jump Rope for Heart
Dear Parents,
All children in Years Prep – 4 will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart for the rest
of this term as part of our House Groups fitness program. This will mostly be lead by our Junior House Captains
and supported and supervised by the P-4 teachers.
Our emphasis will be on participation, skill acquisition and having fun. There will be a ‘Jump Off’ on the last
Thursday of term, June 25th, in period one.
The Heart Foundation have provided 50 new skipping ropes, a DVD of skills and a CD of suitable skipping music. This package is worth in excess of $200 and in return they ask that each child seeks some sponsorship,
even if it’s only $5 each, to be donated to the Heart Foundation.
There are some lovely prizes to be awarded for children who raise $30 or more. You can also go online for bonus prizes.
Please encourage your child to participate and support this very worthy cause.
All sponsorship forms and money needs to be returned to school by Monday 22nd June.
With thanks,
The P-4 Team
We are looking for donations of old Tonka trucks, buckets, spades or
any sandpit toys (in good condition) for our college sandpit.
With Thanks Kath Tanner
On Tuesday the 14th of April, 11 students from Mortlake College left school to go to a
camp called Somers. The kids that went were Amber Johnson, Ruby Schuuring, Tasha
Killen, Jaime Killen, Grace Wareham, Josie Gubbins, Shayne Woods, Liam Schuuring, ned
quail, Taine DeManser & Fletcher Sagnol.
Somers camp is a nine day camp with 160 children from around the district.
When we arrived we had a play around on the asphalt. There was plenty of things to do
outside like basketball, four square, playing with balls or climbing on the boulder rock.
We then had a tour of the place.
Everyday we would wake up to the sound of the bell at 7.00am. Then we would have
showers and get organised. At 7.30am table hosts (jury group) would head up to the
kitchen. Then at 8.00 the bell would go for breakfast
After breakfast we would go back to our huts and have clean up time. At 8.45 am we
would go line up for morning activities. After that we went to assemble. At assembly we
would sign, listen to hut marks and listen to the weather.
Then we went to session 1 and 2. At 12.30 pm we would have lunch. After tat we would
have mail call and we could see if we had mail. Then we had session 3 and 4, then a break
and then session 5.
When we finished we then showered and had dinner at 5.30pm.
After dinner was diary time and evening activities. Some of the evening activites were
concert, disco and camp fire. By 8.45pm it was lights out.
Overall, I think everyone who went to Somers Camp would have had a great time and I
recommend this opportunity to future.
Grace Wareham
At the start of term, 11 Mortlake College students went to Somers Camp at Somers on the Mornington Peninsula. It was a great experience filled with opportunities. We all faced challenges,
some smaller and others greater.
Some of these challenges were living with people you didn’t know, not living at home or with our
families for 9 days. The challenge swing, high ropes course, abseiling, rock climbing, boating and
holding a snake were the most challenging for people.
At the start it was hard not knowing many people but I soon made lots of new friends to enjoy the
activities and Somers Camp with.
On Sunday, families and friends were allowed to visit. My family came. We sang some songs for
them when they first got there and shared lunch with them. They saw all the things that we were
doing, the huts that we were staying in, the beach and the campground. It was great to see them.
Other activities that we did were bush cooking, environmental studies, flying fox, bike riding, orienteering, low ropes course, library, archery, drama. At night, we did a walk by torchlight, tabloid
sports, camp fire, bush dancing, concerts ( we learnt our act in drama), games and a disco.
My favourite things about Somers camp were meeting new friends, rock climbing, abseiling, challenge swing and the flying fox. I did a lot of things I never thought I would or could. Somers was
a fabulous, exciting, new experience that I would recommend to anyone who gets the chance.
Ruby Schuuring
On the second day of term, 11 grade 5
& 6 students went to Somers Camp. At
Somers there were a lot of activities to
do. Some of them were boating in little
aluminium boats, archery, art, environmental studies,rock climbing, bush
cooking, giant swing, drama,ropes
course, bike ed and flying fox. There
was heaps to do. The activity I liked the
best was archery, I got a bullseye. I went to the top of the giant swing and got to hold a python in
environmental studies. My family got to come and visit on Sunday to see what we were up to.
The food at Somers was delicious and I made lots of new friends. Somers is lots of fun and I
would recommend it to anyone who gets the chance to go.
Liam Schuuring
On Anzac Day for our special assembly along with the speeches, we got to see some weapons from
WWI including three swords and an Australian rifle. A$erwards I brought them around to my 8-10
Advance class. It was interesng, Ms Coate especially enjoyed it (mostly the Turkish sword). It was
really good and I'd say we got the opportunity to learn with first hand weapons, which most kids
don't get to do.
Ms Coate and I organised to be shown through the RSL properly and learn more about it. We had a
class there and filled out a scavenger hunt about various things like: name all the weapons which
were rifles, swords, daggers, bayonets, and mortars (a kind of bomb) and which wars they were
from; WWI, WWII, Crimean war, Vietnam war and Boer war. We found the oldest and most recent
weapon; a tri-bayonet (1853) from the Crimean war and the most recent was my dad’s bayonet
(1965-90) from the Vietnam war and the Middle East.
I think we all learnt a lot that day and found it
interesng. I'd hope to do it again and show
the way we honour our ex-servicemen of this
region by displaying their achievements at the
VCE and Careers Expo
On Friday 8th May, the Year 12 students with Mrs Good and Mr Croucher travelled
to Caulfield Racecourse to attend the VCE and Careers Expo.
The Expo brings tertiary providers, tutoring and VCE study experts, travel and exchange programs all together under one roof, so students were able to have all the
most important post-school information at their fingertips.
The expo featured seminars on topics such as VCE subject, including English,
Maths, Biology, Business Management, Psychology, Health and Human Development.
There were also presentations on tertiary courses, careers and gap year options.
The students looking for specific information were able to visit exhibitors at their
stands, for information and resources for VCE, information about university, TAFE
and training courses, as well as careers advice, study advice, and information on international exchange and gap year programs.
Warrnambool Careers Expo (May 18, 19 & 20 – 2015)
All Warrnambool and District Secondary Colleges in conjunction with the region’s Further Education providers will be combining to host the Biennial Careers Expo during Careers Week in
May 2015. The primary aim of the Expo is to assist students and their parents to research a wide
range of careers options in preparation for the important decisions students will make over the
next few years.
The Careers Expo is conducted every two years and from past experience and testimonials, is
an invaluable experience and extremely useful in assisting students in their career decision making and transition process. Research clearly indicates that families who research career options
early have a greater degree of success in navigating through the many career options.
Guest presenters are current practitioners in their chosen vocations and they will outline the day
to day tasks involved within their career, the career paths and education and training required to
obtain employment in their field / industry as well as further career prospects / advancement opportunities. Students from Year 8 to Year 12 can attend the Careers Expo.
Expo Dates and Venues:
18 May 2015
7:00 pm
Emmanuel College
19 May 2015
7:00 pm
Brauer College
20 May 2015
7:00 pm
Warrnambool College
Each evening will commence at 7:00pm with an array of static displays. Presentations commence at the times listed below:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
7:15pm – 7:55pm
8:00pm – 8:40pm
8:45pm – 9:25pm
Students are able to choose up to three different presentations on each of the three evenings. As it is
possible to attend nine different career presentations during the week, we encourage all students and
parents to take full advantage of this schedule.
A program of presentations will be provided in the near future for you to be able to plan the session
times you wish to attend.
Career preparation is vitally important to any child’s future prospects and students are encouraged to do a little research prior to the Expo in order to ask relevant questions, enjoy and
make the most of this opportunity.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me
Yours sincerely
Mark Croucher
Melbourne / Victoria Open Days 2015
Deakin University (DEAKIN)
August 2nd 2015 (Sunday) Warrnambool Campus
August 9th 2015 (Sunday) Geelong Waurn
Ponds & Waterfront Campus
August 23rd 2015 (Sunday) Melbourne Burwood
La Trobe University (LATROBE)
August 7th 2015 (Friday) (Shepparton campus)
August 9th 2015 (Sunday) (Melbourne
(Bundoora Campus))
August 19th 2015 (Wednesday) (Mildura campus)
August 16th 2015 (Sunday) (Bendigo campus)
August 28th 2015 (Friday) (Albury-Wodonga
Monash University (MONASH)
August 1st 2015 (Saturday) Berwick and Peninsula
August 2nd 2015 (Sunday) Caulfield and Clayton
Swinburne University of Technology
August 2nd 2015 (Sunday) Hawthorn 10am-4pm
University of Melbourne (MELBOURNE)
August 16th 2015 (Sunday)
Victoria University (VU)
August 23rd 2015 (Sunday)
Please go to the instuon website for more details.
On Wednesday 6th May students from Years 3-12 competed in the House Cross Country in cold
Thankyou to all the staff and students who assisted with duties for the event, in particular Mr. Bell
for his efforts in data entry and collaboration.
Congratulations to the following age group champions and placegetters.
9-10 Boys
1st Hamish Hobbs
2nd Mitchell Hughes
3rd Will Anders
9-10 Girls
1st Mia Ritchie
2nd Lily Schuuring
3rd Holly Fowler
11-12 Boys
1st Simon Atkinson
2nd Lochie McLauchlan
3rd Liam Schuuring
11-12 Girls
1st Ruby Schuuring
2nd Jamie Killen
3rd Grace Wareham
13-14 Boys
1st Isaac Wareham
2nd Jackson Boyden
3rd Issac Fowler
13-14 Girls
1st Charlotte Gartland
2nd Erin McGuigan
3rd Amber Johnson
15-16 Boys
1st Harry Hobbs (1st Male overall)
2nd Callum Repacholli
3rd Jake Fowler
15-16 Girls
1st Sasha Frith (1st Female overall)
2nd Georgia Wareham
3rd Shona McGuigan
17-20 Boys
1st Tyler Fowler
2nd Mason Fagan
3rd Triston Webster-Bamford
17-20 Girls
1st Breanna Kirkwood
2nd Rachel Eldridge
3rd Sarah Parker
1st Endeavour 783
2nd Succeed 777
3rd Inspire 673
House Cross Country Age Group Champions—Hamish Hobbs, Simon Atkinson, Tyler Fowler,
Sasha Frith, Ruby Schuuring, Charlotte Gartland, Isaac Wareham, Breanna Kirkwood, Mia Ritchie
Abs—Harry Hobbs
Wednesday 20th May 10am – 2pm (Lake Bolac) 3km
BBQ will be available:
Sausage in bread $2
Sausage in bread with coleslaw & onion $2.50
Hamburger in bread $2.50
Hamburger in bread with coleslaw & onion $3.00
Students may come to school in Full Sports Uniform with running gear underneath. The race will start as
soon as we get there. There will be no change rooms available at the start of the race although there will
be at the finish line.
P-12 Sport Dates Term 2
20th May
7-12 MWC Cross Country
22nd May
3-6 District Cross Country
29th May
3-6 Regional Cross Country
12th June
GWR Cross Country (Secondary)
18th June
7-9 MWC Football/Netball
24th June
5-6 District Tri Sports
Nathan Jones Year 7-12 Sports Coordinator
All orders to be returned with payment to the General Office by 15th May
Have you ever wanted to :
• Travel to another country with your own personal tour guide?
• Experience another culture?
• Eat food cooked by steam from the core of the Earth?
• Visit natural thermal pools?
• See where and how the Maori people lived?
• Visit sparkling white beaches and beaches covered in black sand?
• Go walking in a bush where there are no spiders or snakes?
• Swim in hot mineral pools?
• Ride a luge down the side of a mountain?
View some of the most spectacular scenery in the world?
In 2016 we are once again planning to conduct a Mortlake College tour of the North Island of New Zealand. It
is anticipated the trip will take place in April from Monday 4th April to Friday 15th April over 12 days. The
tour will be open to students who will be in Yr 6,7,8,9 or 10 in 2016.
Based on current airfares and exchange rate the full cost of the tour including airfares, ground travel, accommodation, food and entry to attractions will be approximately $1500.00. On top of this travellers would need a
current passport and spending money.
Please note : The first payment of $500pp will be due on Wednesday 24th June and is non refundable.
We are also looking for interested parents to join the tour as supervisors as we will need a student/ adult ratio
of 5 or 6 : 1. As with staff attending, parents will be expected to pay the same costs as students. At this stage
we are only looking for expressions of interest to see if we are likely to have enough numbers to make the
camp viable. Returning this form does not guarantee a place on the tour, nor does it commit you to taking part.
If you would like further information see Anne or Geoff DeManser. If we get surplus expressions of interest we
will hold a ballot to select the parents who will come.
Please think about your options for the camp next year and if interested return this form to the general office.
My child (name) ……………………………………….. is interested in parcipang in the NZ school trip.
I (name) ………………………………………………… am interested in accompanying the NZ school trip.
Parent signature ………………………………………………
Theatre Seang
Supper available to purchase
on all nights
7 years ago Mortlake College performed Andrew Lloyd Webber’s
musical ‘Cats’ which tells the story of a tribe of cats called The
Jellicles who are striving to make it to the ‘Heavy Side Layer’ so
they can be granted a new life.
And now in 2015, Mortlake College has decided to tackle this
production once again.
With a cast comprising of over 70 students, featuring a star
studded line-up full of both regular returning students, as well
as fresh faced year 5’s keen on the challenge that is pulling together a musical that has encompassed over 8 months of hard
work on both the planning & execution.
Nothing drives cast members to put on their best performances
more than having a fantastic audience of people to watch them, so please come
along for a night full of theatrics, music & felines!
Tickets available from the Mortlake College school office – dates below:
Monday 22nd June
Tuesday 23rd June
Friday 19th June
Saturday 20th June
Thursday 25th June
Frinday 26th June
Tables BYO Supper
Tables BYO Supper
Theatre Seating
Tables BYO Supper—Final Performance
Mortlake College and Meals on Wheels.
It is Mortlake College’s turn to do Meals on Wheels from the
18th to the 22nd May 2015.
We need helpers to deliver the meals.
If you could spare 45 min at midday any
day next week please call or text Mirren
Munn 0488295310.
Thank You
All students are encouraged to submit an artwork to the Mortlake Art Show 5-8th June. Many great
works have been created in art classes this year – so please have a look in your collections and submit
a work to support the ‘Artists of Tomorrow’ section. You must fill in a registration form to enter. More
details below. Annette Janes
Mortlake Artists: Today, Tomorrow & Yesterday
An art exhibition will be held on Saturday 6, Sunday 7 and Monday 8 June at the RSL Hall in Mortlake. The
exhibition will showcase works of art by current artists, establishing artists, and artists of yesteryear. All artists,
and/or works of art, will have a connection to Mortlake.
Admittance is by gold coin donation with proceeds being divided between the
Mortlake and District Historical Society and the Mortlake Artists Group
(operating under the auspices of the Mortlake and Community Development
Inquiries can be directed to [email protected], or you can telephone
Virginia Branton-Hunt on 0419 140 273 or Cassie Ellis on 0412 273 334.
Find us on Facebook at
Tue 12th – 14th
Fri 15th
Deakin Geelong Great Race Year 7
Fri 15th
Taste of Dairy
Mon 18th – Fri 23rd
Education Week – See weeks activities earlier in newsletter
Mon 18th
Drama Excursion GPAC
Tues 19th
Mortlake Kindergarten Visit
Wed 20th
MWC Year 7-12 Cross Country
Wed 20th
P-12 Special Assembly – 9.10am
Wed 20th
Barwon Prison visit - VCE
Fri 22nd
Years 3-6 District Cross Country
Fri 22nd
Walk to School Day
Fri 22nd
Deakin Geelong Year 8
Wed 27th
Immunisations Year 7. Catch ups Year 8, 9 & 10
Fri 29th
Years 3-6 Regional Cross Country
Fri 29th
Top Design Melbourne Excursion
Mon 1st
Year 10 Work Experience
Mon 1st
Try A Career Day—Yr9 Warrnambool
Tue 2nd
School Council Meeting
Fri 5th
Report Writing Day – No Students
Mon 8th
Queens Birthday Holiday – No Students
Wed 10th
GAT Exam
Fri 12th
GWR Cross Country (Secondary)
Wed 17th
Lion King Excursion Melbourne
Thurs 18th
MWC Year 7-9 Football/Netball
Sat 20th
CATS Production – Tables BYO Supper
Mon 22nd
CATS Production - Matinee
Tue 23rd
CATS Production - Matinee
Wed 24th
Years 5-6 District Tri Sports
Thurs 25th
CATS Production – Theatre Seating
Fri 26th
CATS Production - Tables BYO Supper