Moruya 8 April 2015 Invoca on: For good food, for good friendship and the privilege to serve we give thanks. Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Keith’s Klatter Last Week - Cinders Welcome to our Club Assembly. This is an opportunity for all members to look over the activities we have been involved in and take some time to plan our future projects to benefit our community. There are some regular things coming up that we can plan for but we are always looking for new ideas to interest the members. It is obviously an opportunity to think about the new Rotary year of 2015-16. Please feel free to contribute your thoughts and ideas to make the world a better place. Last week we won the Cinders Trophy for the 7.5th time according to the shield!!! It was a “fearsome contest” between the Rotary Clubs of Moruya and Narooma with 5 rounds of questions and one “all nighter”! Despite numerous attempts at protest and claims of unfairness all agreed in the end that it was a wonderful night of friendship and community. Thanks go to Peter and Sharon Smith for the questions, Terry Young for the smooth conduct of the night and to Kelly in the kitchen for the effective finger food. Thanks also to all those who attended and brought their friends to boost our stocks!! We were pleasantly surprised with the activity at the kiosk for the races on Easter Saturday. With the help of Peter and Sharon’s daughter Bethany and Tony and Therese’s son Thomas we were fully staffed and run off our feet during the busy 11.30 – 2.00pm rush hours. Thank you to all those that volunteered for that work and particularly to Peter for the organisation. If he can get a good offsider some day soon who remembers to get the frozen material out of the freezer on time it would be really good!!!! I would like to invite all Rotarians to the 2015 Rotary Success Conference and Youth Summit which will be held at the Hellenic Club, Canberra on 5 – 6 September 2015. This conference is an affordable conference as the price of $120 per person covers, morning teas, lunch, afternoon tea and the Saturday night dinner. It will commence at 8.30am on the Saturday morning and conclude at 12.30pm on the Sunday. Go to success-conference.html to register. Enjoy your Rotary, Keith Every Cinders we wrestle with the problem of finding the winner using a formula which will be fair to all concerned. Last week we had 29 Moruya players with an average score of 6.3 and 22 Narooma players with an average score of 5.9. Moruya’s four tables scored 184, an average of 46, Narooma’s three tables scored 131, an average of 43.6. So we won. The finger food arrangement worked well, with several comments that we were better fed than on many an ordinary meeting. The questions covered a wide field - a better memory for names would have helped the more aged amongst us - Rohan and Pauline’s naming of past District Governors led to the victory of the Fran’s Friends table. As always, this was an entertaining night of good fellowship, a real opportunity to keep in touch with our neighbor. Duty This Week April 8 Next Week April 15 Badges Shirl Hayes Ken McLeod Invocation/toast Cletus Heffernan Ligh ng the chip fryers ‐ no easy task! Saturday’s Races Rain and a fairly miserable sort of day kept the numbers short of the forecast bumper crowd and we ended up with a fair amount of left over food. Our takings were $3830.95, down on last year’s sell out which raised $5,385.25. The coffee van was absent, which gave our sales a boost. Last week it looked as though we were in trouble with numbers, but help came from several quarters, including presidential grandson Tom Armstrong. Thanks to all who helped and particularly the trio who run the show - Peter, President Keith and Jan. Tonight’s Assembly - a reminder Graham Thomas, Community: Gerry Bussa, Ron Chesher, David Collis, Ross Hankins, Cletus Heffernan, Chris Manahan, Graham Ogilvie, Alan Shephard. Terry Young, Club: Phil Armstrong, Stuart Davis, Lee Gleeson, Michael Gold, John Nader, Michel Nader, Huw Owen‐Jones, John Sewell, Allan Veness, Steve Young. Ron Lunt, Interna onal: Barry Apps, Ward Hack, John Hayes, Shirl Hayes, David Pe s. Mike Dent, Voca onal: Geoff Fleming, June Mills, Rob‐ ert Richmond, John Spencer. Phil Smith, Youth: Derek Anderson, Clare Hack, Rohan Gleeson. Peter Smith, Catering: Merrick Bailey, Isabel Cu s, Col Jay, Allan Jennaway, Ken McLeod, Bill Olmos. News from Reuben Oddy in Germany He a ended the Rotary Youth Exchange Chairs Conference with RYE Chairman Michael Fischer. June Mills Meet & Greet Col Jay John Nader Cashiers Allan Jennaway Ron Lunt Michel Nader Graham Ogilvie 4 Way Test Chris Manahan Bill Olmos Introduce Club Assembly Ken McLeod Thank Club Assembly Lee Gleeson Birthday: Ken McLeod Anniversary: The McLeods Program April 8 ‐ Board Mee ng ‐ Club Assembly April 15‐ Paul Johnson ‐ Submarines ‐ me to move on April 18‐19 District Assembly at Tumut April 22 ‐ Mayor Lindsey Brown April 29 ‐ Anniss Penning ‐ Work in India. MEAL NUMBERS: Remember that Steve will assume that you will be attending unless you tell him otherwise by Tuesday lunch time. Email [email protected] or phone 44739246 or mobile 0438 739246 Attendance last week with a duty makeups for Merrick,Clare and Allan Veness was 66.67%. Community hours for March were 262 First Principles Review Those of us who have worked in the Forces or for the Defence Department will recognise that we were always easy pickings for reviews by outside consultants ‐ there have been 35 published reviews in the last 40 years. Last week’s major review First Principles calls for “an end to end approach for capability development with capability managers having clear authority and accountability as sponsors for the delivery of capa‐ bility outcomes …... supported by an integrated ca‐ pability delivery func on and subject to stronger direc on se ng and contestability from the centre” For this to happen, there will need to be “enablers that are integrated and customer centric with great‐ er use of cross func onal processes, par cularly in regional loca ons.” Who could argue with that?
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