Welcome to Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 10, 2015 JILL HANN REALTOR / Certified Home Stager 902 471 2941 [email protected] First Reading: Acts 10:25-26,34-35,44-48 Second Reading: 1 John 4:7-10 Gospel: John 15:9-17 YOLANDE MASON, REALTOR® EXIT REALTY METRO Cell : (902) 478-3197, [email protected] #1 AGENT TOP GROSS COMMISSIONS 2013 Based on gross earnings for EXIT Realty Metro for 2013. CathThree locations: V ERITAS olic Books & Gifts 1546 Barrington St. Ph 429-7216, 445 Suite 2 Lower Sackville Dr. Ph. 252-3213 Parker Place Mall, Enfield Ph. 259-3309 Quality Religious Books Catholic Devotional Items Beads & Rosaries Religious Gifts Church Supplies BULLETIN ONLINE. Visit our website to register and the bulletin will be delivered to your inbox weekly: www.motherteresaparish.com. Call Cathy in the Office to: register with the Parish, receive weekly updates, and Parish News—902-454-5835 ext. 201. “This is my commandment, Love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:13 CONTACT US: 6032 Normandy Dr., Halifax, NS, B3K 2S9 (Phone: 902-454-5835) E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.motherteresaparish.com Facebook: Blessed Mother Teresa Of Calcutta Parish, Twitter: BL Mtr Teresa Parish—@BlMotherteresa PARISH INFORMATION Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00 am—12 Noon & 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Parish Staff: Fr. Andrew Rembarczyk—Pastor Rev. Mr. Bob Landry—Deacon Rev. Mr. Paul Carnell—Deacon Brother Paul MacIntosh—FoH Cathy Targett—Office Administrator Sue Hann—Finance Manager Susan Sarty—Director of Religious Education Jerry Campbell & John Bradley—Custodians Sherry Conrad—Housekeeper Jack & Rita Swan—Northwood SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: Saturday 3:15—3:45 pm; First Friday’s of the month during Adoration, following the 7:00 pm Mass. Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office for details. Marriage: Please contact Parish Office at least six months in advance. Sacrament of the Sick: If you or a loved one is entering hospital or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office. Funerals: Please contact the Parish Office as soon as is convenient and the Parish staff will assist with the necessary arrangements. MASS SCHEDULE Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Thursday, **Friday at 9:00 am. Wednesday 10:15 am NORTHWOOD MANOR **On the First Friday of each month Mass is at 7:00 pm. Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:00 pm—Blessed Mother Teresa Sunday: 10:00 am—Blessed Mother Teresa MASS INTENTIONS: Tues. May 12th— Laura Fogarty (D) Wed. May 13th— Northwood Thurs. May 14th— Joseph Louis Boudreau (D) Friday May 15th — Mary Margaret Mullane (D) Sat. May 16th—Ed & Lil Kyte (D) MINISTRIES/COMMITTEES Building Committee—Chris DeViller Catholic Women’s League—Colleen Burgess Counters—George McCormack Development & Peace—Kay Ann Meagher Finance Committee—Janet Durant Knights of Columbus—Anthony Power Lectors/Eucharistic Ministers—Janet Mullock Liturgy Committee—Fr. Andrew Music Ministry –Carmel Oster Pastoral Council—Jim Evans Religious Education Comm.—Claudette Carroll Senior’s Committee—Janet Mullock Social Committee—Jim Evans St. Vincent de Paul Society—Anthony Power Young Adult Group—Katie Oster ~ New members are welcome ~ LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: 135 Envelopes: $2891.00 Loose: $281.80 Repair and Maintenance: $889.00 = Total: $4061.80 IN THE PARISH Congratulations to Mia Grace DeViller, Aledien Tyler Karsoua, Isabel Eileen McCarron, Kendra Alexis McMahon, Aiden Vincent Purcell, Lauren Catherine Redfern, & Gabriel Hugh Wood who celebrate their First Eucharist —Sun. May 10th, reception to follow. * Confirmation will be celebrated Sun. May 24th. Please keep our children in your prayers as they continue on their faith journey working towards their special day. ~~~~ Sunday, May 10th from 2:00-3:00 pm at Northwood, the North End Ministerial will be hosting another "Songs and Stories" event. All are welcome for songs, Mother's Day reflections and light refreshments. * Collection for Coverdale May 16th & 17th. Envelopes will be in the bulletins & you can take them home & either mail them in or leave them at the church in the collection? They also accept donations of toiletries & gift cards for groceries & Walmart. * Senior’s Day—Wed., May 20th. The theme is “crazy hat day”. All who attend wearing a crazy hat will have their name entered for a special prize. * Knights of Columbus Flea Market —Sat. May 30th—9:00 – 11:30 am. For pick up of items call Rod Nicholson 902-453-0915 or Anthony Power 902-455-8975. * Open Door Women's Care Centre Bottle Drive —Pick up an empty baby bottle on May 16th/17th and fill it with your spare change until Father's Day. Bring the baby bottle back with your donation inside on Father's Day. Your gift is tax deductible. To find out more about the Centre, visit www.opendoorcentre.com or email us at [email protected]. The Parish hall is available to rent (receptions, parties, special events etc.). Please contact Cathy Targett, in the Parish Office, if you would like more information: 902-4545-5835 ext. 201. * Msgr. Leo Murphy Scholarship applications are available at the back of the church and in the parish office. The deadline for submission is Sept. 25, 2015. * Please remember Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish in your will. * This coming week, many of you will receive a brochure inviting you to be part of this year’s Share the Mission Collection on June 6 and 7. Let us all keep the missionary work of our parish. * Congratulations to Caryss Faye Katherine Johnson on her Baptism May 10th, 2015. May she receive God’s Blessings as she begins her Journey in Faith. * Blessings for Mother’s Day Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group Fridays 9:30 am—Marian Room. K of C Card Social — Tues. evenings at 7:00 pm—Hall. Crafters—Tues. mornings at 9:30 am—Hall. ~~~~ K of C—Wed. May 13th—7:00pm—Hall. Pastoral Council —Tues. May 19th—7:00 pmMarian Room.
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