Motor Summit 2014 Japan starts with mandatory motor requirements Takeshi Obata The Japan Electrical manufacturer’s Association (JEMA) (Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co.,Ltd) 1 Overview The Top runner scheme will be applied to industrial induction motors from Fiscal Year 2015 in Japan, as one of the operation of The Energy Conservation Law (hereinafter referred as “ECL”). The purpose of this law is efficient energy use. This paper shows the obligation that Top runner motors should have their estimated effect for energy saving. Overview 1. The obligation of Top runner motor (for manufacturer and importer) 2. The obligation of Energy Users based on the ECL 3. Next step 4. Conclusions 2 World situation Time frame and IE class 2008 USA Canada 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 :IE3 :IE2 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ’97~EPAct:EPAct(IE2) EISA:’10/12~NEMA Premium ’95~EEAct:Energy Efficient (IE3) (IE2) EEAct: ’11/1~Premium(IE3) MEPS(Minimum Energy Performance Standards) Australia New Zealand ’06~EEF1(IE2+α) ’11/6~IE2 EU27 ’08/7~45kW over Korea China Brazil ’10/1~15kW over ’10/7~0.75kW up to ’11/1~8P IE3 or IE2+INV drive ’15/1~7.5kW over ’17/1~0.75kW up to ’15/1~37kW~200kW ’16/1~15kW~37kW ’17/1~0.75~15kW ’11/7~GB2 class(IE2+α) ’12/9~New GB3 class (IE2) ’07/7~GB3 class ’09/12~IE2 Japan ’16/9~7.5kW over ’17/9~ 0.75kW over ’17/1~IE3 ’15/4~IE3 Top runner Source: 3 1. The obligation of Top runner motor (for manufacturer and importer) Difference between MEPS and Top runner. Target Time Frame 2015.4.1 2016.4 Regulation 2017.4 Nominal efficiency Tolelace M E P S Efficiency distribution of the motor producted. MOTOR Every motor must meet regulation. Products cannnot be sold. Average efficiency 2015.4.1 T O P R U N N E R 2016.4 2017.4 Regulated efficiency Efficiency distribution of the motor producted in category. MOTOR Manufacturer & MOTOR Importer Report to METI. Average efficiency in Category during one fiscal year. Report to METI. Average efficiency 4 Regulated efficiency The regulated efficiency of each category is defined on IE3 4 pole motor efficiency. The time average of the efficiency defined multiplier used for 2 pole and 6 pole motors. 60Hz 50Hz from to Regulated efficiency [%] 1 0.75kW ≤ 0.925kW 85.5 14 0.75kW 82.5 27 37kW 93.9 2 > 0.925kW ≤ 1.85kW 86.5 15 1.1kW 84.1 28 45kW 94.2 3 > 1.85kW ≤ 4.6kW 89.5 16 1.5kW 85.3 29 55kW 94.6 4 > 4.6kW ≤ 9.25kW 91.7 17 2.2kW 86.7 30 75kW 95.0 5 > 9.25kW ≤ 13kW 92.4 18 3kW 87.7 31 90kW 95.2 6 > 13kW ≤ 16.75kW 93.0 19 4kW 88.6 32 110kW 95.4 7 > 16.75kW ≤ 26kW 93.6 20 5.5kW 89.6 33 132kW 95.6 8 > 26kW ≤ 33.5kW 94.1 21 7.5kW 90.4 34 160kW 95.8 9 > 33.5kW ≤ 41kW 94.5 22 11kW 91.4 35 200~375kW 96.0 10 > 41kW ≤ 50kW 95.0 23 15kW 92.1 11 > 50kW ≤ 100kW 95.4 24 18.5kW 92.6 36 Others Defined by eguation 12 > 100kW ≤ 130kW 95.8 25 22kW 93.0 13 > 130kW ≤ 375kW 96.2 26 30kW 93.6 Rated output power Category Category Rated output power Regulated efficiency [%] Category Rated output power Regulated efficiency [%] Regulated efficiency : IE3 5 Test method(1) Test method is defined from JIS C 4034-2-1. (IEC 60034-2-1) Only one method is allowed by ECL to determine efficiency equal to IEEE 112 method B. (Low uncertain) Calculating stray-load losses by a load test with torque measurement. Indirect method ・Couple the motor to a load machine with a torque meter. ・Determination of losses and summing up total loss PT. ・Calculating indirectly efficiency, subtracting total loss PT from input. Efficiency(%)=(P1-PT)/P1×100 P1:Input power Load losses Additional-load Constant losses Caluculated from Calculated from Total losses PT= observed data at + losses + observed data at Calculated from observed rated load test. data at load curve test. no-load test. 6 Test method(2) Load losses ・Sum of the excitation winding losses. ・Calculated from voltage, current, resistance, and etc prescribed by JIS, at rated output after reaching the condition of the thermal equilibrium. 3φ power source Variable transformer Motor Constant losses Additional-load losses ・Sum of the iron losses, friction losses and wind age loss, and etc. ・Calculated form current, resistance, and etc, prescribed by JIS at noload and at several reduced voltage points. ・Losses caused by load current. ・Apply the load to the machine at six load points. ・Calculated form voltage, current, resistance, and etc, prescribed by JIS at the thermal equilibrium. 3φ power source Measurement instrument Torque meter Load Tachometer Variable transformer Measurement instrument Motor 7 Technical standard system JIS:Japanese Industrial Standard IEC IEC 60034-30:2008 Efficiency class (IE code) JIS for motor characteristics JIS C 4034-30 Efficiency class (IE code) IEC 60034-1 Rotating machine JIS C 4210:2001 Induction motor (IE1 revel) 0.2kW~37kW IEC 60072-1 Frame size IEC 60034-2-1 Deterring efficiency JIS C 4034-2-1 Deterring efficiency IEC 60034-9 Noise JIS C 4213:2014 Top runner motor (IE3) 0.75kW~375kW JIS C 4212:2000 High efficiency induction motor (IE2 revel) 0.2kW~160kW IEC 60034-12 Starting characteristics IEC 60034-5 Protection JIS for motor product JIS C 4034-5 Protection 8 JIS C 4213:2014 Rated Output Power / Frame size Rated output power / Frame size is shown just for reference. Rated Output Power (kW) 2P 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 ― 3.7 5.5 7.5 ― 11 15 ― 4P 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 6P ― ― 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 7.5 ― 5.5 ― 11 7.5 Frame No. 63M 71M 80M 90L 100L 112M 132S 132M 160M Rated Output Power (kW) 2P 18.5 ― 22 ― 30 ― 37 45 ― 55 ― 4P ― 15 6P ― 11 Frame No. 160L 180M 18.5 22 ― 30 15 ― ― 18.5 22 ― 37 45 ― 55 30 37 ― 45 180L 200L Rated Output Power (kW) 2P 75 ― 90 ― 110 ― 132 ― 160 ― 4P ― 75 ― 90 ― 110 ― 132 ― 160 6P ― 55 ― 75 ― 90 ― 110 ― 132 up to 375 Frame No. 250S 250M 280S 280M 315S Not defined 225S : Defined by JIS C 4210 : 2010 : Defined by JIS C 4212 : 2010 (existed from 1983) (existed from 2000) 9 JIS C 4213:2014 Tolerance and efficiency distribution Efficiency Clarified in commentary Efficiency distribution A : Perfect Rated efficiency Regulated efficiency Tolerance (IEC 60034-1) B : At least required by JIS C 4213 〔Every plots clear the tolerance〕 C : Out of rule D : Out of rule 10 2. The obligation of Energy Users based on the ECL Energy users are requested to make reasonable efforts to reduce, energy consumption intensity of their company as a whole or each factory etc. by 1% or more on an annual average in medium- and long- term. In addition, Major energy users specified by ECL are obliged to submit medium-to-long term plans such as replacement to highly energy-efficient facilities. For preparation of such plans, Government provides a guideline in which presenting practical names of such highly energy-efficient facilities Business operator (ex : Franchise Manufacturing company chain) Head Quarter Shop Shop Head Quarter Factory Sales office 2 4 1 3 Annual energy use(Crude oil equivalent) 800㎘ + 800 ㎘ Annual energy use(Crude oil equivalent) Total 1,900㎘ ≧ 1,500㎘ Total 1,800㎘ ≧ 1,500㎘ 600㎘ + 1,200㎘ + 100㎘ Specified Business Operators 200㎘ + Specified Chain Business Operators These designated energy management company must allocate from 1 to 4 specified engineers depend on usage amount. 11 Business sectors and obligations Change of designated Energy management factories (Industrial sector and commercial sector). Number of factories ≒ 5 times. Type2(Commercial sector) 3,647 Type1(Commercial sector) 2,082 Type2(Industrial sector) 3,853 Type1(Industrial sector) 5,063 Total 14,645 (Fiscal year) Source:Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 2011. So many Users in Japan have medium-to-long term plan to reduce energy use, and that is inspected and controlled by specified engineers. 12 Changes in Final Energy Consumption ECL made good effect to reduce energy saving. Energy / GDP Index 1979 : 4.0 → 2011 : 2.8 Energy (1018J) 18 GDP (Trillion Yen) 600 GDP 1973-2011FY 2.4 times 16 1.9 times Transportation sector ECL start 12 400 16.4% 8 9.2% Growth (1973 →2011FY) 500 14 10 GDP Commercial sector 2.8 times 300 2.1 times Residential sector 8.9% 2.4 times 200 6 4 0.9 times Industrial sector 65.5% 100 2 0 73 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 0 11 (Fiscal year) Source: Comprehensive Energy Statistics and Annual Report on National Account Note: As the statistical method of Comprehensive Energy Statistics was revised, it should be noted that the statistical method of the values in and after FY1990 is different from that of the values before FY1990. 13 Estimated Energy-saving effect Reference 1 There is potential of energy conservation 155 (hundred million kWh)=15.5 TWh in the case of IE3. Annual consumption electric energy Pump * * * Energy saving effect Standard JIS C4212 IE3 Hundred million kWh Hundred million kWh Hundred million kWh CO2 effect-saving JIS C4212 Hundred million kWh IE3 Effect proportion Hundred million kWh JIS C4212 Effect proportion IE3 Ten thousand-t.CO2 2,805 2,755 2,713 49.8 1.8% 92.0 3.3% 169 313 Compressor 778 778 778 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 0 0 Blower 885 865 851 19.7 2.2% 33.7 3.8% 67 115 Transporting machine 185 180 176 4.9 2.7% 8.9 4.8% 17 30 Power transmission device 108 103 101 4.8 4.5% 7.3 6.7% 16 25 Metalworking machine 332 326 321 6.4 1.9% 11.6 3.5% 22 39 Textile machinery 26 25 24 1.0 4.0% 1.5 5.8% 3 5 Refrigerating machine 151 151 151 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 0 0 Refrigerating machine application products 160 160 160 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 0 0 5,429 5,343 5,275 86.7 1.6% 155.0 2.9% 295 527 Total ・The CO2 exhaust unit requirement is calculated as target unit requirement 0.34kg-CO2/kWh for The Federation of Electric Power Companies from fiscal year 2008 to 2012. ・Source : Energy conservation equipment introduction promotion guidance business in 2009 fiscal year. Investigation business report like the energy consumption equipment realities etc. Institute of Applied Energy (JP), 2009 *:Out of count because of top runner facilities.. 14 Next step and Conclusions Next step The rule for Top runner products have to be revised every 3 to 4 years, they could improve efficiency or expand coverage. Top runner motor also will be studied again after 2015. Conclusions The regulation of Top runner motor is on schedule to start April 1st 2015. It has a potential to reduce 15.5 TWh/a electricity. It saves 5.3 Mton/a CO2 or more greenhouse gas. Japan makes a new commitment to reduce greenhouse gas by 3.8% from 2005 until 2020. The reduction amount would be 51 Mton-CO2. Top runner motor is an excellent way to achieve this commitment. 15 Thank you for your attention!! References 1. JIS C 4213(2014) Low-voltage three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors – Lowvoltage top runner motor 2. Takeshi Obata, The Japan Electrical Manufacturer’s Association(JEMA), Japan, Japan’s new motor standards and top runner scheme. Motor summit 2012 3. Takeshi Obata, The Japan Electrical Manufacturer’s Association(JEMA), Japan, Motor drive and Energy Conservation Activities in Japan, EEMODS’2011 4. Energy conservation equipment introduction promotion guidance business in 2009 fiscal year. Investigation business report like the energy consumption equipment realities etc. Institute of Applied Energy (JP), 2009 16
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