Al+LwTIcA CHIMICA ACTA Analytica Chimica Acta 313 (1995) 139-143 Letter to the Editor Comment on “effect of physico-chemical heterogeneity complexants’ ’ by Buffle et al. of natural Ivica Rtii6 Center for Marine Research Zagreb, “Ruaer Bo&wiC” Institute, Zagreb, Croatia Received 30 September 1994; revised 30 March 1995; accepted 12 April 1995 Sir: A series of papers has been published by Buffle and co-workers [l-3] on the subject of physico-chemical heterogeneity of natural complexants where they introduce inconsistent concept of complexation in natural aquatic environment. They divide complexing sites of many natural complexants into major and minor site types. Major sites according to their concept, amounting to up to 90% of the total sites present, should be considered as chemically homogeneous, producing s-shaped jumps in logarithmic plots of experimental titration curves (carboxylate, phenolate and Fe-OH groups are mentioned as examples), which are characterized by relatively low binding strengths. Minor sites, according to this concept, comprise a relatively small fraction of the total sites, should involve a large variety of site types with different binding strengths. Consequently, their titration curves are supposed to show a straightline devoid of a large number of small jumps (N, S, S-H and Mn-OH functional groups are mentioned as examples). Two types of minor sites are conceptually recognised, the so called background and dominant sites. However, there is no experimental evidence for this concept. It is known that heterogeneity of binding is not a characteristic of some special type of functional groups, and it can be a result of pure physical heterogeneity of chemically almost homogeneous surfaces. So-called major sites generally do not produce titration curves presented in Fig. la from Ref. [3]. In most cases they produce a 0003-2670/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0003-2670(95)00203-O single s shaped gradual jump where characteristics of individual complexes are melted in an overall titration curve. Very often there is no clear limit between major and minor sites on the titration curve because major sites also exhibit significant degree of heterogeneities themselves. Therefore, statistics of complexation can explain the behaviour of both major and minor sites with similar distribution functions and in practice these two groups of sites cannot be clearly separated. In addition, there is no experimental evidence for the existence of the so-called dominant minor sites. On the contrary, relatively smooth titration curves are generally reported, and continuous model of binding strength distribution can in most cases describe well the experimental data. The concept of heterogeneity in the form of many small jumps on the titration curve, merging into a line (whose slope, if far from unity, can be a measure of the heterogeneity of binding) is not a new one. This concept is well known indeed from the theory of gas adsorption at heterogeneous surfaces [4,5]. Buffle et al. [3] claim “The purpose of this paper is to explain the chemical reasons for background sites and how they are related to the overall buffering action of these sites”. However, there is no solid evidence for this statement in their paper. The fact is that physical adsorption of gases exhibits the same effects of heterogeneity as those reported for surface complexation interaction. From this it is clear that the shape of the titration curve is a result of heterogeneity of I. Ru.?iE/Analytica Chimica Acta 313 (1995) 139-143 140 binding without respect to the nature or mechanism of binding itself. Changes of pH or other chemical parameters can be used to study the nature of this interaction. The linear relationship used by Buffle et al. for the titration curve in the logarithmic plot is equivalent to the classical Freundlich isotherm: @=A.(K,# (1) where K, is the ground level binding strength (complexing stability constant or adsorption equilibrium constant for local Langmuirian isotherm), m the heterogeneity parameter, C solute concentration, A a constant and 0 the surface coverage. This fact, which was first suggested by Zeldowitsch [6] a long time ago, was confirmed rigorously also by Halsey and Taylor [7] and Sips [8], using the power distribution function for binding strength K or the Boltzmann distribution function for the binding energy E: F=(K/K,)-m =exp(-mE/RT) (2) However, Buffle et al. completely ignored more general theoretical results which can explain the experimental results which deviate from the linear relationship of the Freundlich type in the logarithmic plot for the titration curve. Glueckauf [9] explained that the Freundlich isotherm fails to predict complete monolayer formation equivalent to the total complex- ing capacity because of the unnatural limits of integration used to derive the total surface coverage: 0, = jmt3( E,K,C) 0 . dF (3) Here O(E,K,C) is the so-called local adsorption isotherm (corresponding to a model for the adsorption at the homogeneous surfaces). Instead, he introduced the upper limit to the distribution function F I 1, which corresponds to the lower limit of the energy of binding E 2 0, and this enables to predict well the complexation near the equivalency point. In addition, he also introduced the upper limit to the energy of binding E s E, corresponding to the lower limit to the distribution function F 2 q, which enables one to predict the appearance of the Henry region at the extremely low surface coverages. Therefore the correct model for complexation or submonolayer adsorption should be described by: 0, = /‘@(E,K,C) . dF (4) 4 The complete analytical solution of for a Langmuir type of local isotherm mann distribution of adsorption energies by Rudnitskii and Alekseev [lo] in terms this integral and Boltzwas derived of hyperge- 0 -1 -6 -a -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 log (K,Cl Fig. I. ‘&e rigorous solution from Eq. 5 for m = l/2 and different q values. (1) q = 0, (2) q = 0.001, (3) q = 0.01 and (4) 9 = 0.1. I. RuiiC/Analytica ometric functions RuZC [ll]: and using o= l;- (F(l,m;m+ -q*F(l,m;m numerical solution by l/K&) + l;-ql’“/K,C))/(l-q) This general rigorous solution is described in Fig. 1 for m = l/2 and different q values. Without the upper limit for the adsorption energy (E + w> this general analytical solution [12] becomes simpler: @=F(l,m;m+l;-l/K,C)=7r*m rnr ) + (K,C since they used the following E: power series instead of &E’ (5) . ( K,C) “/sin( 141 Chimica Acta 313 (1995) 139-143 . m/( 1 - m)) In our recent paper [ll] we demonstrated that rigorous solution of Eq. 4 can do the same and in addition it can predict the Henry behaviour at extremely low surface coverages. In order to predict the formation of a monolayer, i.e., total complexing capacity, several authors reported semi-empirical relations. Sips [8,15] himself suggested the use of the so-called generalized Langmuir: or= *F( 1,l - m;2 - m; - K,C) (8) (~,c)~/(l/~ and generalized + (~,c)“) Freundlich (9 isotherms: (6) 0, The first part of the expression on the right side of Eq. 6 is the well known Freundlich isotherm reported earlier by Sips [81. The second part enables prediction of the complete monolayer formation. From such a rigorous solution one can recognise that Freundlich behaviour can be observed only inside a certain concentration range depending on the q values. In the case of relatively large q values the heterogeneity of adsorption or complexation can be completely lost [9], and Langmuirian, i.e., Henry behaviour can only be detected from experiments in the entire concentration region. Therefore, Buffle et al. [l] are wrong in claiming that a few dominant minor sites “are responsible for the small deviations from linearity observed on these titration curves”. Deviations from the linearity of titration curves in the logarithmic plot (i.e., from the Freundlich behaviour) experimentally observed can be in most cases explained be the rigorous solution of Eq. 4. Deviations from the linearity below the Freundlich region have been interpreted by Dubinin [12] and Dubinin and Astakhov [13] via semi-empirical isotherms: log 0, = a - b . (log( KC))’ (7) (i = 2 in the case of the Dubinin-Radushkewich isotherm). Cerofolini et al. [14] claimed erroneously that a combination of Boltzmann and quasi-Gaussian distribution functions is necessary to explain both Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkewich isotherms = (K,C/( 1 + K,C))” (10) while van Riemsdijk et al. [16] reported a multicomponent version of the following isotherm: 0, = K&/(1+ (K,C)m)l’m (11) Isotherms 9 and 11 correspond to quasi-Gaussian adsorption energy distributions, and the van Riemsdijk isotherm predicts the appearance of a Henry region at low surface coverages. Recently, we compared these isotherms in the region of concentrations near the equivalence point to the data on the titration of Tjeukemeer lake water with Cu(I1) reported by Verweij et al. [17]. The concentration range available for titration of four orders of magnitude was not large enough to reach beyond the Freundlich region (the parameter of heterogeneity m = l/2 was obtained). Better agreement was obtained with the rigorous solution of Eq. 4 than with Eqs. 9, 10 and 11 [Ml. The shape of the rigorous solution of Eq. 4 and Eq. 10 both resemble the shape of the local Langmuir isotherm at very high coverages. However, the semi-empirical generalized Freundlich isotherm cannot predict the constant A, because in order to describe well the formation of the monolayer it should be set to unity. Therefore, semi-empirical isotherms, especially those based on quasi-Gaussian distribution of adsorption energies, are not suitable for the interpretation of titration curves. If experimental titration curves can be obtained in the region near the equivalency point, then K, and the com- 142 I. RuiiC/Andytica Chimica Acta 313 (1995) 139-143 plexing capacity could be extracted from the data as parameters of complexation. The complexing capacity can be determined from the van den BergRuiiC-Lee plot in the same way as was recently proposed for a discrete model of binding strengths [18]. Without the knowledge of complexing capacity the complete interpretation of the titration curve would be extremely difficult. The K, value can then also be determined from the inverse mean of individual stabilities, which for a continuous model of binding strengths should read: l/K; = (l/K,) . /lexp( 4 = lim ,&( @/C(l - -E/RT) 0)) *dF (12) In most cases 4 < 1, and for this purpose can be set to zero. For the Boltzmann distribution function of adsorption energies K; = K, . (1 + l/m> [Ml. If, in addition, the titration window is wide enough, then the heterogeneity parameter m could also be determined from the slope of the titration curve in the logarithmic plot at lower coverages. Without the tn parameter, only the overall quantity K; can be extracted from the experimental data or the approximative value for K, could be obtained as the weakest individual stability constant using the procedure described for a discrete model of binding strengths [18]. In cases where the region near the equivalence point cannot be reached by titration experiments, and if the deviation from the straight line is observed at higher concentrations applicable, then rigorous solution of Eq. 4 could be used to determine both K, and complexing capacity. When only the Freundlich region is available at higher concentrations applicable, then these two basic parameters for submonolayer adsorption or complexation cannot be obtained except if the reliable value for the complexing capacity could be obtained in any other way. Because the complete rigorous solution of Eq. 4 is known, the DEF method introduced first by Gamble et al. [19211 and later extended by Buffle et al. [1,3] is unnecessarily complex, and at the end producing only an overall quantity K,* which would be certainly influenced by the range of validity of Freundlich behaviour, or which is even worse by available titration window. In conclusion, we recommend for the interpretation of titration data the following procedure: (1) Determination of the complexing capacity or estimation of its value in any possible way, because without this quantity the basic parameters of the complexation cannot be obtained. The corrected version for determination of this quantity from the van den Berg-RuiiC-Lee plot [18] could be used for this purpose if experimental data are available near the equivalence point. (2) K,, the ground level stability constant, can be obtained from the inverse mean of individual stability constants KI*. Such an overall value can be obtained together with the complexing capacity from the van den Berg-Ruiic-Lee plot or by fitting the experimental and theoretical curves in the plot of log(O/C(l - 0)) vs. log C [18]. (3) If the Freundlich behaviour can be observed at least in a part of the titration curve, then the heterogeneity parameter m can be extracted from the experimental data. (4) If the deviation from the Freundlich to Henry region can be observed at the lowest coverages, then the maximum energy of adsorption E can be determined. A set of these four parameters is enough to fit the entire region of the titration curve. If the complexing capacity is not known it could be replaced with a certain measure of the amount of binding material and only a constant equivalent to K,* could be obtained as an operationally defined parameter from the data inside the Freundlich region. It has been recognized from the titration experiments with different trace metals in natural waters that all sites are not available for complexation with every metal and therefore the complexing capacity is an important parameter for the interpretation of complexation in aquatic systems (contrary to the claim of Buffle et al. [31). Acknowledgements The author is grateful to Dr. Dieter Britz for his support and kind interest in the part of this work done at the Chemistry Department of the University of Aarhus, Denmark. This work was also supported by the National Science Foundation of Croatia. I. RuZ/Analytica Chimica Acta 313 (1995) 139-143 References [l] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [S] [9] [lo] J. B&e, R.S. Ahmann, M. Filella, A. 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