Mountview Messenger April 22, 2015 Lights Out Canada !! Mountview is going dark!! In partnership with Earth Day Canada, 450 students and teachers @ École Mountview School will participate in the Lights Out Canada event on April 22 by turning off the lights and engaging with the climate change awareness and action. Lights Out Canada provides participating schools with comprehensive lesson plans, step by step participation guides and posters. The lesson plans have been edited by Dr. Andrew Weaver, leading author of the 2007 Intergovern- mental Panel on Climate Change Report and David Noble, Founder and Principal of 2DegreesC, among others. After School Playground Use Please be advised that our playground is a school playground (and, therefore, closed at 3:00p.m. unless parents are present) . Children must go home and check in with their grown-ups prior to playing on the playground after school. Parents are asked to support this by refraining from telling their children just to stay after school and play. If you would like to discuss this “rule”, please do not hesitate to call Cathy Gukert at the school at 403-346-5765. Mountview’s Makerspace A Makerspace is a crea ve, DIY space where students can gather to create, invent, and learn. They o en have 3D printers, so ware, electronics, cra and hardware supplies and tools, and more . More informa on can be found here: h ps:// ir/library/pdf/eli7095.pdf A Makerspace is one way to develop 21st century competencies in students. Mountview has received a monetary dona on to help set up a Makerspace in our school. The dona on is going to be used to purchase 3D printers, robo c kits, and other “construc on” materials. In order to further the development of our Makerspace, we are looking for donaƟons of used Lego, K’nex, cra ing sets, and Tinker Toys. In addi on, if you have any small electronics (cell phone, camera, calculators) that are no longer working and you would be willing to donate for “deconstruc on” by our students, we would happily take them off your hands. If you have ques ons contact Edie Heavin or Jeff Plackner. QSP Customer Service: 1-800-667-2536 Parents For Mountview Annual Magazine Fundraiser A Big THANK YOU to Everyone for your continued support of our magazine fundraiser! The online portion of our fundraiser goes until July 2015! Browse the 450 magazine titles and order online at Great gift ideas! New this year: Photo Keepsakes! Calendars, cards, photobooks and more! Questions about your order? Please have your pink receipt handy and call QSP customer service. Our school group ID# is 3694361 QSP Customer Service: 1-800-667-2536 PFM Fundraising Coordinators: Christine Squire [email protected] Big Changes for Mountview for the 2015-2016 school year. Our first announcement is congratulations to our Vice Principal , Mr. Cam Pizzey. He has been designated a Principal position at West Park Elementary for the next school year. Our second announcement is another congratulations. This one goes out to our Principal, Mme Cathy Gukert. She will be the new Regional Manager for the Central Alberta Regional Collaborative Service Delivery starting in August. Though we are all very sad to see them go, we wish them well in their new positions. We would like to extend a huge welcome to our new Principal, Mme Diane Roberts., currently Principal of WPE. Diane brings a wealth of experience in both English and FRIM programming and was formerly VP of CMS. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU!! WE WILL UPDATE YOU OF ANY OTHER CHANGES SO PLEASE STAY TUNED!! Want something to read on the beach this summer? Need a thank you gift for someone? How about a Mother’s Day present? You can order magazines at until July, and all of the money raised will still be credited to Parents for Mountview. Our school ID number is 3694631 Thank you for all of the support this year . If you have not yet received the magazine that you ordered in the fall, please contact QSP directly to solve any problems at 1-800 678-2673 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. EST, or if you ordered on-line, please re-visit their website for contact information. Thank you!! From the Parents of Mountview School 2 Key to Reducing Idling (April) Drivers turn their keys to start and stop engines, but the ignition has more than “on” “off” features.The ignition generally has four positions: off, accessories, on, and start. In the ACC Position, certain accessories, such as the radio, are powered; however, accessories that use too much battery power, such as window motors, remain off in order to prevent the car's battery from being drained. The ACC Position permits you to enjoy your favorite music while waiting for your child with your engine turned off. Don’t be an “accessory” to air pollution. CRIME PREVENTION WEEK MAY 9 - 17, 2015 Graffiti Clean Crime Prevention Fair CPTED LUNCHEON LEARN Saturday - May 9 @ 10 AM Saturday - May 9 @ 11 AM Thursday - May 14 @ 12 PM Looking for 20 teams of 6 Join us for an all ages event with Crime Prevention Through ALL AGES WELCOME! interactive booths! Environmental Design 5015-48 Street Lunch provided! REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.CAPC.CA REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.CACPC.CA Collicut Passes Parents for Mountview is selling Collicutt Passes again this year. A green form was sent home with your child. These passes offer substantial savings on regular admission passes. They make great gifts. Forms and payment are due on May 6. Thank you for your support! Parents for Mountview - School Council Corner Do you like to Golf? Thanks to the generosity of Shawn (Trimmed- An excellent workshop was presented by Marni Moore and Jill Line Tree Services) who is a Mountview parent, there are Hockin to provide parents with information and tips on how to now golf passes available to Mountview families. support children with reading. Four golf passes are available at Meadowlands Golf Course in Sylvan Lake every day all season!! Information was provided about the budget and some staffing for 2015-2016 If you wish to use the passes, please call Shawn directly at 403-350-9871 to make sure no one else is using them and Plan for next year to arrange a tee time. If you need to cancel, you are asked to call the golf course Parent feedback was sought regarding the School Education directly. Jill Hockin presented information about “Daily 5” a system for teaching reading to all children at their level Obviously, all golf etiquette must apply to both adults and children using the passes. We are also looking for parents who are willing to take on the roles of Chair of the Parent Council and Fundraising Coordinator 3 School Information Dates to Remember April Phone Fax (403) 346-5765 (403) 346-5022 22 Newsletter home Email [email protected] 23 World Book Day Address 4331 – 34 Street Red Deer, Alberta T4N 0N9 30 Hot Lunch Principal Mrs. Cathy Gukert Vice Principal Mr. Cam Pizzey Mrs. Edie Heavin Website Connect with REMIND 101 for daily reminders. Please visit our website at May 6 Showcase Mountview Assembly 1:00 7 Go Girl/Grow Boy 13 Orientation to Gr 6 14 Bike Rodeo 15 NO STUDENTS — Staff Planning Day 18 NO SCHOOL—Victoria Day 19 School Council 7:00 20 Newsletter home Final day for Hot Lunch Orders 22 Bike Rodeo Alternate 23 Volunteer Appreciation Assembly 10:45 28 Hot Lunch Check Our Website for Information On: Red Deer Native Friendship Society Red Deer Minor Football Museum Day and Summer Camps Thurber Summer Sport Camps Ever Active Girls STUDENT LUNCHES Please remember to send forks and spoons with your child to use for lunch. Also, please have soup in a container or a thermos as we do not always have a can opener and bowls available. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. “Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.” Parents--Have you changed your address or phone number(s) or have your family circumstances shifted? ~Doug Larson~ If yes, please contact the school with your updated information. 4
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