MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL / TENDER FOR 'SERVICE CONTRACT' FOR HIRING SERVICES OF A HOUSEKEEPING AGENCY FOR 'SHIFT BASED' SERVICE FOR THE CAMPUS OF HOLKAR STADIUM, INDORE SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILS & PRICE BID ISSUED BY HON. SECRETARY MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION HOLKAR STADIUM, RACE COURSE ROAD, INDORE – 452 003 (M.P.) RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 1 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] Date : 16.3.2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL / TENDER FOR 'SERVICE CONTRACT' FOR HIRING SERVICES OF A HOUSEKEEPING AGENCY FOR 'SHIFT BASED' SERVICE FOR THE CAMPUS OF HOLKAR STADIUM, INDORE The Hon. Secretary, Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association, invites sealed tenders in two-bid system (Technical & Financial) from highly reputed / well established and professional Housekeeping Agency, fulfilling the eligibility conditions, for a 'SERVICE CONTRACT' FOR HIRING SERVICES OF A HOUSEKEEPING AGENCY FOR 'SHIFT BASED' SERVICE FOR THE CAMPUS OF HOLKAR STADIUM, INDORE on a annual fixed rate contract. The tender is for availing services from successful tenderer for a period of three years, with an annual performance review condition. The tender shall be in a two-bid system. Tender shall comprise of – A) Technical bid : A1 : Information about the tenderer as per annexure A 1, A2 : Documents to support reflect fulfillment of eligibility conditions as per annexure A 2 A3 : A copy of this Tender Document with signature & seal of the authority submitting the offer on behalf of the tenderer to indicate that the tenderer has read and accepted all terms & conditions of the tender document while submission. A4 : EMD as per relevant clause in this document and B) Financial bid B1 : Financial Bid as per annexure B 1 These two envelopes should be sealed in one big envelope. Each envelope must be suitably marked to indicate the type of bid. The covering envelope should be marked as under – 'SERVICE CONTRACT' FOR HIRING SERVICES OF A HOUSEKEEPING AGENCY FOR 'SHIFT BASED' SERVICE FOR THE CAMPUS OF HOLKAR STADIUM, INDORE AND THE NAME OF THE FIRM (submitting the envelope) / NAME OF THE AUTHORISED SIGNATORY / CONTACT DETAILS OF THE OFFICE AND THE AUTHORISED SIGNATORY 1. DATA SHEET : 'SERVICE 1 NATURE OF SERVICE REQUIRED 2 CONTRACTING AUTHORITY CONTRACT' FOR HIRING SERVICES OF A HOUSEKEEPING AGENCY FOR 'SHIFT BASED' SERVICE FOR THE CAMPUS OF HOLKAR STADIUM, INDORE 3 4 ADDRESS OF THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY HON. SECRETARY, MPCA MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION, HOLKAR STDAIUM, RACE COURSE ROAD, INDORE 452 003 TEL : 0731 2543602 EMAIL : [email protected] AVAILABILITY OF RFP / TENDER FROM : 16.3.2015 (12.noon) DOCUMENT ON WEBSITE OF MPCA TO : 21.3.2015 (6.00 PM) RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 2 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] 5 6 ADDRESS FOR BID SUBMISSION LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS AT MPCA OFFICE MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION, HOLKAR STDAIUM, RACE COURSE ROAD, INDORE 452 003 24.3.2015 BY 6.00 PM THE OFFER SHOULD REMAIN VALID FOR A PERIOD OF 45 DAYS 7 VALIDITY OF OFFER FROM THE LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF THE OFFERS AS REFERRED ABOVE. 8 9 10 START OF SERVICE OTHER REFERENCE / TERM USED FOR CONTRACTING AUTHORITY REFERENCE / TERM USED FOR THE TENDERER WITHIN 7 DAYS OF WORK ORDER BEING ISSUED MPCA TENDERER / HKA / AGENCY 2. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : 1. The Housekeeping Agency (referred as HKA hereinafter UNDER CLAUSE 2) should be a company (Limited or Pvt. Limited) registered under Companies Act, 1956, being registered before 1.4.2012, or a partnership firm preferably with minimum three partners and duly registered with the appropriate statutory authority of the State / Central Government before 1.4.2012. 2. Joint bidding / Consortium by two or more firms fulfilling the above condition is not permissible. 3. The HKA should have a valid PAN Card no. of Income tax department, and Service Tax Registration and contract labour license from appropriate statutory agency (Central / State / Local) 4. HKA should be preferably an ISO certified unit for atleast two years as on 31.3.2015 i.e. certification being granted before 1.4.2013, and being affective as on the date of the issue of this RFP / Tender. 5. The HKA should have a valid license from the appropriate Statutory Authority from the Central / State / Local Government to carry on the business of 'Housekeeping Service Provider'. Reference is invited to License under the Private house-keeping Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 and the Rules framed there under by the State govt if any. 6. The HKA should have experience in this field for at least 3 years as on date of issue of this RFP / tender. 7. The HKA should have minimum 75 menials (semi skilled) and minimum of 20 field officers (skilled) on permanent payroll as on 1-4-2014 and duly registered with the appropriate statutory authority. 8. Average Annual Turnover of the HKA, from providing exclusive housekeeping services, during the past three years (FY 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14) should be Rs 20 Lacs. 9. The HKA should be providing 'shift based' housekeeping service for atleast two years as on date of this tender to atleast 3 establishments of Government (Central / State / Local) OR Semi Government / PSU / Limited Company establishments in Madhya Pradesh, preferably in and around Indore, where atleast 5 menials are deployed per shift. Such contract should be effective as on date of this tender. 10. The HKA as an employer should be complying with all the statutory requirements such as Payment of gratuity act, ESI, P.F. etc. as applicable to them RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 3 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] 3. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) i. The tenderer should submit along with the technical bid in Annexure-I EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty Five thousand only) by Demand Draft / Pay Order/ Banker’s Cheque of any scheduled bank in favour of “M P Cricket Association” and payable at “Indore”. ii. Any tender not accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit will be rejected. iii. No interest will be payable by the M.P.C.A. on the Earnest Money Deposit. iv. The EMD will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders after awarding the service contract to the successful bidder. v. The Earnest Money Deposit of the successful tenderer shall become the security deposit (interest free), and will be deposited with M.P.C.A. A/c as security deposit till the end of the Service Contract period. vi. 50% of the security deposit will be refunded on successful completion of the contract, subject to adjustments arising out of non-performance etc., while the balance security deposit will be refunded within 3 months after completion of contract, after the agency finally settles payment / transfer of Provident Fund to all its workers deployed at Holkar Stadium during the term of the contract. 4. SCOPE OF WORK AS PER ANNEXURE 1 5. The tenderers should be willing to deploy MALE staff only fulfilling the following requirements – i. The staff deployed should be MALE only. ii. The staff should not be more than 50 years of age. iii. Physically fit. iv. Staff should be neatly attired in Uniform along with shoes, belt, and such other items as required and necessary for smart appearance of the personnel. v. Identity cards should be properly displayed. vi. Minimum experience for menial shall be 3 years with the tenderer vii. Minimum experience for higher grade of staff shall be 2 years tenderer Upon award of contract to the successful tenderer, the Contracting Authority shall demand the list of personnel to be deployed, the staff would be assessed by the appropriate authority of the Contracting Authority before giving a consent for the deployment. RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 4 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] 6. SUBCONTRACTING NOT ALLOWED : The successful bidder shall not subcontract, transfer or assign the task to any other agency without the previous written approval of M.P.C.A. In case the contractor contravenes this condition, M.P.C.A. shall be entitled to place the contract elsewhere at the cost and risk of contractor and all expenses borne on this account shall be recovered from him. 7. OPENING OF PRICE BID The price bids of only those firms, who are found qualified on evaluation of the technical bids, shall be opened. There is no requirement of the bidder being present while opening of the tender or the prices bid. The decision of the Contracting Authority shall be final and binding. 8. ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER Contracting Authority reserves the right to reject any or all tender forms without assigning any reasons Acceptance of tendered rates will be communicated by Email / letter to the tenderers. 9. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS a. The Contracting Authority desires to avail a 'SERVICE CONTRACT' and not supply of 'MANPOWER'. The successful tenderer agrees to absolve the Contracting Authority from all the liabilities in regard to any statutory enactments to the extent applicable to the service provided by the tenderer. It is clearly understood that should the Contracting Authority be called upon to make any payment to any authority, the tenderer shall reimburse such amounts to the Contracting Authority whether such liability arises during the currency of this agreement or after expiry of the period of this agreement. If there would be any claim on the Contracting Authority for any default of the tenderer or its employees committed during the operation of this Agreement, the tenderer shall pay the Contracting Authority such amount on demand without protest. b. Submission against this document should be strictly in the enclosed format along with supporting documents. No column in the Tender should be left blank. Documents should be either typed / legibly hand written with ink. Use of pencil is strictly prohibitted. c. Conditional, vague or incomplete submission will not be accepted. d. Canvassing of any kind, direct or indirect, shall lead to disqualification of the Tenderer. e. Contracting Authority does not put any limit on the minimum or maximum number of offers received in response to tender, provided that the procurement opportunity has been appropriately made public. Even single offer may be considered if it meets the evaluation criteria expressed in offer document and is not in conflict with any other rules, regulations or policy of the Contracting Authority. As such, the process is not vitiated in case of single offer. f. The offers shall be scrutinized as per the 'Quality and Cost Based Selection' pattern decided by the contracting authority. RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 5 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] g. The Tender is not transferable under any circumstance. h. Each page of the Tender Document shall be signed by the intending Tenderer or such person on his behalf as is legally authorised to sign and imprinted with the official seal at the time of submission. i. Effect and validity of offer submitted under this tender shall be for a period of 36 months starting from the date of the 'Service Contract' that would be executed between the contracting authority and the successful bidder, with a annual performance review. j. The offer expressed shall remain valid for a period of forty five days (45 days) from the last date of submission of tender. 10. NEGOTIATION AND OTHER RIGHTS RETAINED BY THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: i. If deemed fit, CONTRACTING AUTHORITY may call any or all the tenderer who have participated in the offer for further negotiation of rates or any of the conditions. ii. However, CONTRACTING AUTHORITY reserves the right to reject any or all the offers with or without any negotiations, without assigning any reasons thereof. iii. Reject or accept any submission, cancel the offer process, and reject all applications; iv. Amend the scope and value of any contracts offered under this project. In such an event, offer will be invited for needful documents / offers for the revised requirements; v. Contracting Authority shall not be liable for any such actions and shall be under no obligation to inform the offerer of the grounds for such actions. 11. GENERAL TERMS OF CONTRACT THAT WOULD BE SIGNED WITH THE SUCCESSFUL TENDERER. i. The Contracting Authority shall enter into a Contract for providing 'Service' for prescribed housekeeping requirements with the successful tenderer. ii. The selected Agency shall take Workmen Compensation policy covering all its workmen deployed / intended to be deployed at the Holkar Stadium. iii. Indemnification The Agency shall keep the Contracting Authority completely indemnified against all the liabilities arising due to non-compliance or delay in compliance of any statutory obligations. The Agency shall keep the Contracting Authority indemnified against any payment or liability arising out of non-observance of the applicable laws/rules and liabilities on account of non-compliance of any other statutory obligation. iv. CONTRACT RATES i. The Agency will be paid according to the approved Schedule of Rates as approved. ii. The Agency shall raise bills on a monthly basis. iii. The approved rates will be binding on both the parties and no change in the rates will be permissible during currency of the contract RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 6 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] iv. Subject to any deductions which M.P.C.A. will be authorised to make under the terms of contract that may be applicable while accepting the tender, the Agency shall be entitled for payment as under: i. A claim (Bill / invoice) for services rendered under this contract shall be made by the contractor to M.P.C.A. on monthly basis within 7th day. If the successful tenderer does not prefer claim within the said period, he shall be deemed to have waived his right in respect thereof and shall not be entitled to any payment on account thereof, unless with prior approval of the designated officer of the contracting authority. ii. Payment shall be made through account payee cheques. iii. M.P.C.A. will have the right to recover any over payment which might have been made to the contractor by M.P.C.A. through inadvertence, error, etc or any cause whatsoever from their bills and from the security deposit or any other amounts due to him. In the event of any such recoveries/adjustments being made from the security deposit, the contractor shall at once make good deficiency in the amount of the security deposit within 15 days of payment to this effect, failing which M.P.C.A. will be at liberty to deduct the said amount from the future bills. v. i. PENALTIES It shall be the prerogative of the Contracting Authority to approve the staff intended to be deployed by the agency. If the agency replaces any such approved staff without approval of the Contracting Authority for the new staff, the agency shall be liable for a penalty of Rs. 500/- per shift per such staff (changed without notice) This shall not be applicable for a temporary replacement / reliever for a period upto 3 shifts or three days per such case. ii. If the agency to whom contract is awarded fails to implement the assigned job to the satisfaction of designated offie of the Contracting Authority, on any day in any part of the area assigned, the Agency shall also be penalized by imposing a fine of Rs. 500/- per shift. The penalty shall continue for successive days till the satisfaction of the authorities. iii. If the attendance of the staff deployed by the Agency is less than the prescribed for any given day / shift, the Agency shall provide due replacement / reliever. In case if such replacement / reliever is not appointed, the Agency shall be penalised with Rs. 500/- per shift / day, subject to a reasonable opportunity being given to explain the reasons behind short attendance. iv. Misbehaviour by staff with the users, the Agency shall be penalised with Rs. 500/- per such incidence with immediate replacement of the concerned staff. v. In case of any thefts or pilferages, loss or other offences, the contractor will investigate and submit a report to the Contracting Authority and maintain liaison with the Police. FIR will be lodged by the Contracting Authority, wherever necessary, if need be joint enquiry comprising of both the parties shall be conducted and responsibility be fixed/pinpointed. RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 7 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] Under such circumstances if found guilty, the concerned staff shall be immediately replaced, the cost of such thefts or pilferages, loss shall be recovered from the agency at the current market value. The final decision of the extent of penalty leviable will rest with the Contracting Authority. vi. M.P.C.A. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TERMINATE THE AGREEMENT IN CASE THE AGENCY BECOMES INSOLVENT OR IS CONVICTED IN A COURT OF LAW. If, at any time, the agency becomes insolvent or files an application for insolvency or any creditor of his moves the court for adjudicating him as an insolvent or, if he is convicted in any Court of law, M.P.C.A. will have the absolute option of terminating the contract forthwith and the contractor shall have no right for damage or compensation on this account. vii. EXIT CLAUSE MPCA will also have the Liberty to seek a clause of termination of contract by serving an advance 7 days notice against contractor in case there are reasons for doing so as determined by the Authority. viii. ARBITRATION In case of any disputes arising out of interpretation of any of the provisions of this contract, an arbitrator shall be appointed by the Competent Authority of MPCA. There will be no objection if the arbitrator so appointed is an employee of M.P.C.A. and that he had to deal with the matters to which the contract relates and that in the course of his duties as such he had expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute in reference. Subject as aforesaid, the provision of the Arbitration & Conceleation Act 1996 or any statutory modification or reenactment thereof and the rules made there under and for the time being in force shall apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties to the contract. ix. NOTICES ETC. Save as otherwise provided, all notices to be issued and action to be taken for and on behalf of M.P.C.A. shall be issued or taken on his behalf by the CAO or any other designated official of MPCA. x. GENERAL Any clarification in regard to the meaning or intent or interpretation of any of the provisions of these terms and conditions required on any point shall be sought from the M.P.C.A. whose decision in the matter shall be final and binding. Any other matter relevant to but not covered in the contract shall also be decided by making reference to the Hon. Secretary, M.P.C.A. whose decision will be final and binding. ISSUED BY : HON. SECRETARY, MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION HOLKAR STADIUM, RACE COURSE ROAD, INDORE (MADHYA PRADESH, INDIA) RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 8 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] ANNEXURE 1 SCOPE OF WORK WITH SOME CONDITIONS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SERVICE PROVIDER TO BE EXECUTED THROUGH THE APPOINTED PERSONNEL 1. All material shall be provided by the Contracting Authority. 2. Approximate monthly requirement of personnel (8 hours shift), subject to variation as per actual need, is tentatively projected as under: Menials : 6 x 30 = 180 mandays The appointed staff shall however get one weekly off and other Holidays as decided by the Contracting Authority Tenderers are requested to kindly quote accordingly 3. The agency is required to deploy its supervisory / field officer for a daily check of atleast one hour. 4. DAILY / WEEKLY / FORT-NIGHTLY / MONTHLY OPERATIONS AS DIRECTED BY THE DESIGNATED OFFICIALS OF THE CONTRACTED AUTHORITY SHALL INCLUDE :- i. Sweeping , dusting and washing of corridors and staircases. ii. Spraying of Room freshner/Deodornat in all cabine of officers and bathrooms. iii. Dusting and cleaning of office furniture, office and equipments including tables, chairs, side tables, racks and doors, paper trays and other installations. iv. Sweeping of floors, mopping of floors-twice a day of all open area and removal of scrap as per instructions of respective sections to the designated scrap area. v. Sweeping of open space and removal of garbage there from. vi. Emptying of dustbins of all rooms/sections. vii. Replenishment of soap, naphthalene balls/air purifiers as and when required. viii. Dumping of garbage by suitable means at designated dumping area ix. Dusting of doors, windows, dusting of room coolers, air conditioners. x. Polishing of staircase railings, cleaning of Venetian blinds and cobwebs on walls. xi. Dusting of files and file racks and cleaning of walls & windows panes. xii. Dusting of room coolers, ceiling fans, tube lights, fixtures and furnitures and steel almirahs, xiii. thorough cleaning of window panes, Venetian blinds and wall scrubbing and washing of rooms, floors, cleaning of duct ways outside the toilets, wiping/mopping of furniture, xiv. checking and cleaning of sewer and drainage system as and when they occur, other misc. cleaning work etc. xv. Any other work of similar nature as required by the authority of MPCA. RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 9 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] ANNEXURE A 1 INFORMATION ABOUT THE TENDERER (ON THE LETTER HEAD OF THE TENDERER) 1. Name of the Bidder 2. Address of the Bidder (with Tel. & Mob. No.s) 3. Name and Designation of the Representative of the bidder who is authorised to submit discuss, negotiate this tender 4. Legal Entity of the Tenderer (Partnership firm/Company) 5. Details of Registration under Central / State / Local Govt. 6. Brief Bio-Data of key officials (Please attach extra sheets duly signed by respective official) 7. ESI No. : 8. EPF No. : 9. Service Tax No. : 10. Income Tax PAN & TAN : 11. Details in respect of training centre / facilities Authorized signature and seal of the Tenderer with Date RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 10 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] ANNEXURE A 2 DOCUMENTS TO SUPPORT FULFILLMENT OF ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS Self Attested Photocopy of the Document with Date to be submitted Covering letter on the letterhead of the firm with signature & seal of the authority submitting the tender on behalf of the firm S No Parameter 1 Submission of Tender document 2 3 4 5 7 In case of company or partnership firm, a resolution of all Directors / Partners etc. nominating the authorised person on their behalf to sign and submit the tender. Legal Entity of the tenderer Company (Limited or Pvt. Limited) registered under Companies Act, 1956, being registered before 1.4.2012, or a partnership firm with minimum three partners and duly registered with the appropriate statutory authority of the State / Central Government before 1.4.2012. ESI and EPF Service Tax Income Tax PAN / Income Tax TAN Contract labour license from appropriate statutory agency (Central / State / Local) Registration Certificate from appropraite registration authority. Registration Certificates Registration Certificate Copy of PAN Card / TAN Card Registration Certificate 8 ISO Certification (if available) ISO Certificate + A letter of even date from the certificate issuing authority stating that the certificate is in force as on date of the issue of this RFP / Tender. 9 Valid license from the appropriate Statutory Authority from the Central / State / Local Government to carry on the business of 'Housekeeping Service Provider'. Registration Certificate The HKA should have minimum 75 menials (semi skilled) and minimum of 20 field officers (skilled) on permanent 10 payroll as on 1-4-2014 and duly registered with the Appropriate documents of ESI / EPF to illustrate appropriate statutory authority. Average Annual Turnover of the Agency, from providing exclusive housekeeping services, during the past three 11 years (FY 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14) should be Rs 20 Lacs. The Agency should be providing 'shift based' housekeeping service for atleast two years as on date of this tender to atleast 3 establishments of Government (Central / State / Local) OR Semi Government / PSU / 12 A certificate from the Chartered Accountant to this effect + Certified Income & Expenditure, Balance Sheet Limited Company establishments in Madhya Pradesh, preferably in and around Indore, where atleast 5 menials are deployed per shift. Such contract should be effective A letter of even date from the clients covering the following i. Name of the Client with address & contact ii. Category of establishment iii. Period of contract (from-to) iv. No. of staff deployed per shift v. Remarks on the service quality as on date of this tender. 13 14 A copy of this Tender Document with signature & seal of the authority submitting the offer on behalf of the tenderer to indicate that the tenderer has read and accepted all terms & conditions of the tender document while submission. EMD as prescribed RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Refer details in respect of Annexure A 3 (refer page no 2 of this document) Refer details in respect of Annexure A 4 Page 11 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] ANNEXURE B 1 FINANCIAL BID (To be put in a separate sealed cover marked ‘FINANCIAL BID’) TENDER FOR 'SERVICE CONTRACT' FOR HIRING SERVICES OF A HOUSEKEEPING AGENCY FOR 'SHIFT BASED' SERVICE FOR THE CAMPUS OF HOLKAR STADIUM, INDORE 1. Name of the Company/Agency (full address with Tel. No.) 2. Rates quoted (INR) per category of staff deployed for 8 (eight) hours duty per month with one weekly holiday to be decided by the Contracting Authority S NO Element CHARGES (INR) Housekeeping menial (for 8 hours shift) 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Housekeeping Supervisor (for 1 hour per day) Grade of worksman (unskilled / semi skilled / skilled) Min. Wage Rate (MWR) as per statute as on 1.3.2015 UNSKILLED SEMI SKILLED SKILLED All inclusive charges per person based upon the above MWR category Loading % on MWR considered in 3 above all inclusive cost towards ESI EPF WEEKLY OFF / NATIONAL HOLIDAYS UNIFORM CHARGES OTHER CHARGES (IF ANY)..TO BE SPECIFIED SERVICE CHARGES OF THE AGENCY Notes : 1. Service tax shall be additional and shall be paid by the Contracting authority if applicable and demanded within the statutory limit. 2. The Service Charge as computed on the date of awarding the contract shall remain same throughout the term of the contract (I.E. 3 YEARS). In other words, the change in MWR and its effect on other parameters shall not change the service charge 3. During the term of the contract, if the Contracting Authority requires additional staff (i.e. in excess of routine requirement) upto 10 staff per shift, the same shall be provided by the agency on the above rates. 4. During the term of the contract, if the Contracting Authority requires additional staff (i.e. in excess of routine requirement) more than 10 staff per shift, the same shall be negotiated with the agency on case to case basis. This is to certify that I/We before signing this tender have read and fully understood all the terms and conditions contained herein and undertake myself/ourselves to abide by them. Authorized signature and seal of the Tenderer with Date RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 12 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] RFP : HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE PROVIDER FOR HOLKAR STADIUM Page 13
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