
African History Ancient Egypt •  World’s civiliza8on a9er Middle East •  Lasts from 3100-­‐332 BC •  Major cultural contribu8ons to future civiliza8ons –  Created papyrus (1st material) –  Created a month calendar (basis for ours today) –  Created a system of –  Built massive tombs and temples decorated with sculptures, pain8ngs, & wri8ngs that kept their –  Mummies Extent of Egyp8an rule and influence Ancient Egypt •  Mummies –  Provided knowledge for diagnosing and trea8ng illness and doing surgeries –  Story of why Egypt creates mummies: •  Osiris married to Isis and ruled Egypt •  Set was Osiris’s brother •  Set was jealous, killed him, cut him into pieces, and scaUered the pieces across Egypt •  Isis reassembled the pieces and brought him back to life through mummifica8on Foreign Rulers in North Africa •  Around 100 BC armies began conquering North Africa, spreading culture and civiliza8on there •  Around 650 AD armies expanded into and conquered North Africa, conver8ng the people to –  Mul8ple Muslim empires controlled the region –  Region was ruled by Muslims un8l when the began collapsing and took control Trade Kingdoms •  Trade in North Africa incredibly difficult due to the •  All trade carried out across just a few routes •  Anyone that could control those routes would become •  Primary trade goods were , gold, and –  All were abundant in –  In many areas was as valuable as gold Trade Kingdoms •  1st kingdom: (800-­‐1050 AD) –  Called the “Land of Gold” for the amount of gold traded through its ci8es –  Kingdom gained power and $ by taxing the trade –  8red of paying taxes destroy it •  2nd kingdom: Mali (1200-­‐1450) –  Leaders become to expand trade and poli8cal influence –  Helped to spread into Africa by building universi8es & welcoming intellectuals & travelers Trade Kingdoms •  : –  Largest empire in West Africa •  A9er its collapse only small kingdoms exist un8l •  dominate East Africa trade European Coloniza8on •  Europeans led by explore African coast as they seek trade routes to •  Other Europeans followed to engage in the trade (Triangular Trade with the Americas) –  Slaves captured by & sold to Europeans –  Europeans set up small colonies along West Africa to carry on •  The unknown interior encourages explora8on •  encourages further coloniza8on European Coloniza8on •  As Europeans colonize they come into compe88on with each other –  of 1884 divides Africa into colonies amongst the European powers –  Borders drawn with no regard to or input from •  Only 2 countries escape coloniza8on: –  : established in 1847 by freed slaves from the United States –  Ethiopia: used modern weapons and tac8cs to keep from enforcing its claim Independence •  Independence for European countries a9er sparks na8onalist movements in Africa •  During WWII many African colonies experienced greater freedoms •  A9er WWII Europeans had great difficulty reestablishing control –  Countries with experienced independence quickly through diplomacy –  Colonies heavily colonized o9en 8mes gained independence later & only a9er African Culture •  Influenced by what is known as Africa’s ( ) •  Religion based upon –  North and East Africa Muslim due to Muslim empires and traders –  West, Central, and South Africa (denomina8on based upon the denomina8on of the colonizing European country) –  Remote areas s8ll prac8ce indigenous religions, primarily –  Isolated pockets of in former Bri8sh colonies due to migrant workers from India •  g African Culture •  Na8ve Languages are s8ll prac8ced in remote areas •  Country’s primary language is based on the –  Kenya: former –  Algeria: colony; speaks country; speaks •  Dress in all rural areas is s8ll tradi8onal, but urban areas have adopted dress