Chapter 21 As you complete the Reading Notes, use these terms in your answers. Zhou dynasty Confucianism Mandate of Heaven feudalism yin and yang civil servant Legalism Daoism 1. Revie,a, this scenario: '% dynastyhas ruled China for 100 years. This year, a severe drought is causing many to starve to death." From what you knmv of the Mandate of Heaven, why did the drought occur, and what action can be taken? 2, For each person below, write a speech bubble describing his or her role in the Zhou dynasty's feudal system. Then add an appropriate facial expression. Peasant 3. Describe the Warring States period by filling in the warriors' banners below. In the banner to the left, explain what caused this period of instability. In the banner to the right, describe what happened as a result of this period. Causes Results 3 E D D 14g Chapter 21 © Teachers'CarricuIum Institute Chapter Tn accordance ÿ,itb Confucian traditions, 21 4. How should peop]e act in these basic relationships? respect your teacher by answering the questions correct]},. 1. Who was Confucius? 5. What infiuence did Confucius have on Chinese government? 2. What was Chhla like during his lifetime? . Write a caption be!ow this image that would make your eiders proud. 3. According to Confucius, what are the five basic relationships? ©Tÿachers'Curriÿlumÿstiÿte Three Chinese Philosophies I4ÿ Chapte{ 21 In accordance with Daoist traditions, choose 3. What are yin and yang? any technique that hdps you demonstrate an understanding of the fo!lowing ideas of Daoism. You may write in complete sentences, use bullets, make drawings, or use another method that shoxÿs -your understanding of "ÿis material. 1. Who was Laozi? 4. According to Daoists, how should rulers behave? 2. According to Daoism, how should people discover ways to behave? 5. Perhaps you couldwrite a caption below this image. I50 Chapter 21 © Teachers' Curriculum Institute Chapter In accordance with Legalist traditions, follow 2! 3. How did Hanfeizi believe a ruler should govern? tire class rules as you auswer the questions below. Do not make any errors. Memorize all answers. !. Who was Hanfeizi? 4. How did the members of the Qin dynasty apply tile teachings of Hanfeizi? 2. According to Hanfeizi, what was the only way to create a strong society? 5. Write a caption below this image, right now! © Teachers' CurricalumInstitute Three Chinese Philosophies !51
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