APPROVED April 27, 2015 MINUTES of the Regular Meeting Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency Board of Directors March 30, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency was Called to Order by Chair De La Rosa at 5:31 pm, on Monday, March 30, 2015 in the Board Room at 5 Harris Court, Building D, Monterey, California. 2. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gloria De La Rosa, Chair Rudy Fischer, Vice Chair Ron Stefani John M. Phillips Dennis Allion Peter Le Libby Downey Tommy Razzeca Dave Pendergrass Ralph Rubio Vacant – Ex-Officio Salinas Pacific Grove Castroville Community Services District County of Monterey Del Rey Oaks Marina Coast Water District Monterey Moss Landing County Sanitation District Sand City Seaside United States Army BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Linda Grier Boronda County Sanitation District MRWPCA STAFF PRESENT: Keith Israel Paul Sciuto Tori Hannah Rob Wellington Bob Holden General Manager Deputy General Manager Chief Financial Officer Legal Counsel Principal Engineer Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 2 Mike McCullough Jennifer Gonzalez Garrett Haertel Leara Sampson Cheryl Rogers Jarrod Levine Chris Foley Mark Malanka Chayito Ibarra Recycled Water Projects Assistant Engineering Supervisor Associate Engineer HR Administrator Administrative Support Specialist Operator III Instrumentation System Technician Maintenance Manager Executive Assistant OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Wittry – City of Monterey None 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS Chair De La Rosa called for Public Comments on Closed Session items, none received. 4. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION A. Public Employee Appointment Pursuant to Government Code 54957 Title: General Manager At 5:33 pm, Chair De La Rosa adjourned Open Session and commenced Closed Session. Chair De La Rosa adjourned Closed Session at 6:23 pm. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM CLOSED SESSION Legal Counsel reported that with regard to Item 4-A (Public Employee Appointment), the Board had taken up the listed matter and conducted one interview; no other reportable action was taken. 6. RECONVENE OPEN SESSION Chair De La Rosa reconvened Open Session at 6:32 pm 7. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Phillips led the Pledge of Allegiance. 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS At 6:34 pm, Chair De La Rosa called for Public Comments: none received. 9. CONSENT AGENDA With regard to Item 9-H, Mr. Pendergrass stated that he was listed incorrectly on the Board Committee assignments as representing the City of Seaside on the Recycled Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 3 Water Committee. He asked that the list be corrected to list him as representing Sand City. ACTION TAKEN: On a motion by Ms. Downey, seconded by Mr. Allion, the Board approved Consent Agenda Items A through I. [Yes: De La Rosa, Fischer, Stefani, Phillips, Allion, Le, Downey, Pendergrass, Rubio] [Abstain: Le (Item A only)] [Absent: Grier] A. Approve Board Minutes/Report for Regular Board Meeting of February 23, 2015 B. Receive Financial Statements through February 2015 C. Receive Schedule of Cash and Investments as of March 31, 2015 D. Receive Comparison Percentage of FY 2014/15 Budget Expended through February E. Receive Check Register for February 2015 F. Receive Waste Discharge Report for February 2015; NPDES Monitoring Report for February 2015; and Plant Flows and Effluent Quality for Connected Agencies, Plus Flow Charts for RTP, Salinas, Monterey Peninsula, Marina, Fort Ord, and Castroville for February 2015 G. Receive Actual vs. Budgeted Fiscal Year 2014/15 Expenditures for the Capital Improvement Program, Capitalized Equipment Fund, Urban Reclamation Program, and Capacity Fees for February 2015 H. Receive Board Committee Assignments for April 2015 through March 2016 I. Consider Final Adoption of MRWPCA Ordinance No. 2015-01, Establishing Rules and Regulations Regulating the Discharge of Hauled Wastes to the MRWPCA RTP, Repealing Ordinances No. 88-03 and 93-01. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RELATED ACTION ITEMS Mr. Sciuto introduced Tori Hannah, the Agency’s new Chief Financial Officer, to the Board. He noted that Ms. Hannah began employment with the Agency at the end of February and previously worked at the City of Capitola as the Finance Director. Mr. Sciuto welcomed Ms. Hannah and stated that he was very pleased to have her on board. A. BUDGET PERSONNEL COMMITTEE – MARCH 13, 2015 The following are Information Only Items – No Board Action is needed Agenda Item 1 – BPC Approval of February 13, 2015 BPC Minutes The BPC approved the February 13, 2015 BPC minutes as presented. Information only – no action needed. Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 4 The following are BPC Action Items – Board Action is required Agenda Item 2 – Update on Organizational Restructuring of Maintenance and Engineering Departments Mr. Sciuto explained that since 2007 there have been two supervisors in the maintenance department with blended responsibilities in the field and at the treatment plant. Due to the increased maintenance requirements of the Agency’s aging infrastructure and the increase of technology and instrumentation, it is recommended that the Department be reorganized along functional lines and have minor modifications in job duties and compensation to optimize the effectiveness of the department. Mr. Sciuto stated that because the maintenance needs of the Agency have been slowly shifting towards a more significant technology base, a dedicated Supervisor is required who can oversee the SCADA, instrumentation, and electrical functions. The proposed organizational structure splits the Maintenance Department into three sections: Field Maintenance, Plant Maintenance, and Utilities. He added that as part of the proposed structure, staff is recommending the following changes: Creation of a Utilities Supervisor through internal recruitment, so as not to increase staffing levels Reclassification of the current Maintenance Mechanic-In-Training to a Preventative Maintenance Mechanic to better reflect the actual functions of the position Reclassification of the Maintenance Planner to a Preventative Maintenance Coordinator and move the position to the Engineering Department Creation of an Engineering Manager through internal recruitment to oversee the Engineering Department Mr. Sciuto went over the updated organizational chart and explained how it differed from the current organizational chart. He noted that funding for the above changes is available within the overall budget in part due to recent retirements and associated time lag for recruitments. ACTION TAKEN: On a motion by Mr. Pendergrass, seconded by Mr. Rubio, the Board approved the restructuring of the Maintenance Department to include the creation of a Utilities Supervisor through internal recruitment, the reclassification of the current Maintenance Mechanic-In-Training to a Preventative Maintenance Mechanic, the reclassification of the Maintenance Planner to a Preventative Maintenance Coordinator and to move the position to the Engineering Department, and the creation of an Engineering Manager through internal recruitment all per the revised Organizational Chart. [Yes: De La Rosa, Fischer, Stefani, Phillips, Allion, Downey, Pendergrass, Rubio] [Absent: Grier] [Abstain: Le] Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 5 Agenda Item 3 – Consider Approval of Contract with NexLevel for IT Strategic Plan Mr. Sciuto provided an overview of this item and stated that the Agency has not previously had an Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan. He explained that the purpose of the strategic plan is to identify deficient areas in our IT structure as well as provide a plan to improve the overall health and efficiency of the various IT components. Those IT components include the following: SCADA system, CMMS, GIS, telephone, network infrastructure, security, wireless access, database systems, and end-user experience. Mr. Sciuto stated that in January staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for an IT Strategic Plan and received three proposals. A four staff member panel reviewed the proposals and unanimously chose NexLevel Information Technology to develop the plan. He went over a few of the reasons that the NexLevel proposal was superior to the others which include: NexLevel maintains a specific focus of assisting California public sector clients in the planning, implementation, and use of information technology NexLevel has extensive, positive experience with developing IT Strategic Plans for other Agencies similar in size and function NexLevel specific industry experience should be a positive influence in providing recommendations that are unique to our business sector The NexLevel proposal was tailored to our requests as opposed to the other consultants who appeared to fit their standard proposal to suit our needs ACTION TAKEN: On a motion by Mr. Allion, seconded by Mr. Rubio, the Board approved a contract with NexLevel Information Technology for the development of an Information Technology Strategic Plan in the amount of $45,540. [Yes: De La Rosa, Fischer, Stefani, Phillips, Allion, Le, Downey, Pendergrass, Rubio] [Absent: Grier] B. RECYCLED WATER COMMITTEE – MARCH 19, 2015 The following are Information Only Items – No Board Action is needed Agenda Item 1 – RWC Approval of February 12, 2015 RWC Minutes The RWC approved the February 12, 2015 RWC minutes as presented. Information only – no action needed. Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 6 Agenda Item 2 – Update on CPUC Water Proceedings (A.12-04-019), Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority, and Technical Advisory Committee Mr. Israel stated that the Minutes and Agenda for the MPRWA Board and TAC meetings were provided to the RWC for review. Information only – no action needed. Agenda Item 3 – Update on the Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) Project and Urban Reclamation Projects Mr. Sciuto stated that the draft EIR is being reviewed internally before it is released to the public. Due to coordination issues, staff is anticipating releasing the draft EIR in mid-April. Mr. Sciuto reported that staff has been working on the externalities study and has met twice with the consultant, HDR, who will be looking at the economics of the project, carbon footprint and social and environmental impacts. Mr. Sciuto stated that last Friday, the MRWPCA/MCWD negotiation committee met for the third time and will continue to meet. With regards to GWR reimbursement, Mr. Sciuto reported that the Agency received a check from MPWMD in the amount of $934,695. Mr. Sciuto reviewed the GWR Project Phasing chart and briefly reviewed the items that are in the critical path such as the EIR and definitive agreements. Information only – no action needed. Agenda Item 4 – Update on Equipment Purchase for the Advanced Water Treatment Demonstration Facility Mr. Sciuto stated that this item would be considered by the Board under Item 11- A. Information only – no action needed. The following are RWC Action Items – Board Action is required Agenda Item 5 – Consider Extending Water Utilization Agreement with City of Salinas and MCWRA Mr. Israel stated that last year the Board approved the water utilization agreement with the City of Salinas and MCWRA from July 1, 2014 through October 31, 2014. He explained that the agreement allowed for the continued diversion of Salinas Produce Wash Water to the Regional Treatment Plant (RTP) for subsequent use for irrigating crops in the CSIP area. An extension of this agreement was made in October 2014, to allow the City of Salinas to divert flows for up to 6 weeks at the Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 7 same rate for construction related diversion of the new Produce Wash Water Pipeline. Mr. Israel stated that because there is no river water available for the growers this year, the produce wash water becomes an additional water supply that will be recycled for irrigation purposes. He noted that Agency staff has been working with City of Salinas staff on developing a long-term agreement for utilization of the Produce Wash Water per the language in the MOU. Until then, the interruptible rate cost to treat the Produce Wash Water will remain $179/AF and the City of Salinas will continue to pay this fee. The anticipated date for delivery of the Produce Wash Water to the Salinas Pump station is April 1, 2015. In response to Mr. Fischer’s question, Mr. Israel stated that the interruptible rate is based on the incremental cost of bringing that water in. He added that because it is supplemental and interruptible water it would not follow the same criteria as regular sewage. Public Comments: Gary Petersen, City of Salinas, stated that this extension agreement will be considered for approval by the Salinas City Council on April 14. He noted that the City of Salinas has yet to be approached by the MCWRA requesting this water, which he stated was a little concerning. He noted that due to this water utilization agreement, last year they were able to provide 800M gallons of water for irrigation in the CSIP area that had not been previously available. In response to Mr. Allion’s question, Mr. Petersen stated that he is unsure that they have seen a change in the wash water but agreed that they do know more about this water than before. He stated that if there are any specific issues with this water going through primary and secondary it is with phosphates. At least once during each shift, the produce companies hose everything down and clean due to food safety. He noted that they have seen an increase in winter processing in the processing plants, which previously used to be done in the fields in Arizona. ACTION TAKEN: On a motion by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Rubio, the Board approved an extension of the Produce Wash Water Utilization Agreement through June 30, 2015. [Yes: De La Rosa, Fischer, Stefani, Phillips, Allion, Pendergrass, Rubio] [No: Downey] [Absent: Grier] Agenda Item 6 – Consider Cost Sharing Agreement with City of Salinas for Salinas Source Water Industrial Wastewater Diversion Project Mr. McCullough stated that for the past 6 months, the City of Salinas and Agency staff have been working together on the design of a permanent shunt for the Agriculture Wash Water. He explained that due to the construction of the new Ag Wash Water Pipeline by the City of Salinas, the existing MRWPCA emergency Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 8 sewer bypass will not function as planned unless the bypass is connected to the new ag wash water pipeline. Mr. McCullough stated that the City of Salinas is willing to share in the costs associated with the design and construction of the shunt with the Agency. He noted that MRWPCA will be the lead agency in regards to the construction activity for the emergency sewer bypass and the permanent shunt for the Agriculture Wash Water. Mr. McCullough stated that the City of Salinas share of cost is anticipated to be $970,073.56 while the MRWPCA share will be $407,073.56. He noted that the City of Salinas City Council approved the cost sharing agreement at their meeting on March 17. Mr. Phillips asked staff to explain what a permanent shunt was. Mr. McCullough explained that a series of pipes will be built that will have a flow meter to measure how much water they are diverting. There will also be a drop structure so when the water comes into the facility it is not turbulent in nature. Currently, when the ag wash water enters the system it causes turbulence in the sewage and releases corrosive levels of hydrogen sulfide gas. Staff is trying to alleviate this situation for the health and safety of the staff as well as the long term sustainability of the sewer system. He noted that it is a very well designed shunt and staff hopes to have it installed by the end of the summer. ACTION TAKEN: On a motion by Mr. Rubio, seconded by Mr. Phillips, the Board approved the sharing of costs between the MRWPCA and the City of Salinas for the construction of the wastewater diversion system for a total cost of $407,073.56 [Yes: De La Rosa, Fischer, Stefani, Phillips, Allion, Le, Downey, Pendergrass, Rubio] [Absent: Grier] Agenda Item 7 – Consider Awarding of Contract for Salinas Source Water Industrial Wastewater Diversion Project Construction Ms. Gonzalez explained that the Salinas Source Water Industrial Wastewater Diversion Project will facilitate the long-term diversion of agricultural industrial wash water from the City of Salinas Industrial Wastewater Pipeline into the Salinas Pump Station. Over the past several years the Agency has received up to 4 million gallons per day of industrial wastewater on an interruptible basis through a temporary shunt. The temporary shunt was created by plugging the Industrial Wastewater Pipeline which runs directly adjacent to the Agency’s Pump Station facility and allowing the water to back up and overflow into our system. Due to the City of Salinas upsizing and replacing the existing 30” wastewater pipeline with a 42” pipeline that direct connection will no longer exist. This project will result in the installation of sluice gates and pipelines which will allow agricultural industrial wastewater to be diverted Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 9 to the Salinas Pump Station as agreed to by both the Agency and the City of Salinas. Ms. Gonzalez stated that the City of Salinas and the Agency will share the costs equally for the design of the Industrial Wastewater connection while the emergency bypass design would be funded by the Agency. The City of Salinas will be responsible for 100% of the Agricultural Industrial Wash Water construction costs and the Agency will be responsible for 100% of the Emergency Bypass construction costs. Ms. Gonzalez stated that the project was widely advertised and four bids were received on February 24, 2015. The lowest bid received was from Monterey Peninsula Engineering in the amount of $1,165,000, which was slightly higher than the Engineers estimate of $1,034,825. With the cost sharing agreement in place, the City of Salinas will reimburse the Agency approximately $864,000 for the construction portion of the project. After reimbursements, the Agency’s share of the construction project will be $301,000. ACTION TAKEN: On a motion by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Mr. Allion, the Board approved a contract with Monterey Peninsula Engineering for the Salinas Source Water Industrial Wastewater Diversion Project in the amount of $1,165,000. [Yes: De La Rosa, Fischer, Stefani, Phillips, Allion, Le, Downey, Pendergrass, Rubio] [Absent: Grier] Agenda Item 8 – Consider Extending the Deadline for the Completion of the MOU Definitive Agreement Mr. Israel stated that the MOU regarding Source Waters and Water Recycling was signed by MRWPCA, MCWRA, City of Salinas, MCWD and MPWMD in October of 2014. The MOU did not include any language for extending it and would expire if the Definitive Agreement had not been executed by March 31, 2015. Mr. Israel stated that progress is being made in the various agreements as written in the MOU. Staff is requesting that the deadline be extended until June 30, 2015 to allow time to finalize the various parts. Mr. Israel noted that the other four parties are also asking their respective entities to approve extending the deadline to June 30, 2015. Public Comments: Gary Petersen, City of Salinas, stated that this is a really complex process and some of the water rights are tied to the environmental document that we have coming forward which is also linked to this. He stated that the most important accomplishments being made, or the most visible, are the structures that the Board just approved. The structures are essential to the opportunity to recycle the water and do it permanently. He added that with five parties, there are a lot of things Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 10 moving in different directions and not all of them are visible. He agreed that the water rights are going to be a substantial issue but noted that all of the parties are coming together. He stated that the City of Salinas City Council will be considering this item for approval at their April 14 meeting. ACTION TAKEN: On a motion by Mr. Rubio, seconded by Mr. Pendergrass, the Board approved extending the definitive agreement completion deadline to June 30, 2015 and directed Chair De La Rosa to sign the Amendment 1 to Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Source Waters and Water Recycling. [Yes: De La Rosa, Fischer, Stefani, Phillips, Allion, Le, Downey, Pendergrass, Rubio] [Absent: Grier] Agenda Item 9 – Consider Increase to Bahman Sheikh’s Existing GWR Contract Mr. Holden stated that Nellor Environmental Associates, Inc. (Nellor) has been working as a sub consultant to Bahman Sheikh. Nellor is particularly knowledgeable about marine discharge and regulatory requirements, which has been very helpful with the CEQA process. He noted that the scope of work for Nellor was anticipated when the GWR budget was approved in January and more than $41,500 was shown within various line items of that budget for Nellor. Mr. Holden explained that the cost estimate for Nellor is as follows: 210 Hours @ $190/hr = $39,900 Other Direct Costs = $1,600 Total Increase in Contract = $41,500 Staff is requesting that Bahman Sheikh’s contract be increased by $41,500 to cover the Nellor expenses. ACTION TAKEN: On a motion by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Ms. Downey, the Board approved an increase in Bahman Sheikh’s GWR contract by a not to exceed amount of $41,500 with a corresponding increase in the scope of work. [Yes: De La Rosa, Fischer, Stefani, Phillips, Allion, Le, Downey, Pendergrass, Rubio] [Absent: Grier] 11. ADDITIONAL ACTION ITEMS A. Consider Approval of Contracts for Advanced Water Treatment Equipment for the Demonstration Facility Mr. McCullough stated that at the February 23, 2015 Board meeting, the Board approved $400,000 for the purchase of advanced water treatment equipment for the demonstration facility. The MPWMD agreed to pay $300,000 and the MRWPCA would pay $100,000 to purchase the equipment. Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 11 MRWPCA staff worked with consultants to develop appropriate specifications for the equipment. The specifications were sent out to responsible vendors during the first two weeks in March. Staff and consultants reviewed the quotes for four separate process packages including Ozone, Membrane Filtration, Reverse Osmosis, and Advanced Oxidation Process. Mr. McCullough stated that based on a thorough evaluation by the review team, the contracts that are recommended to the Board for approval are as follows: Company H2O Engineering Wigen Trojan Process Ozone Membrane Filtration/Reverse Osmosis Advanced Oxidation Process Cost $92,269 $251,369 $47,957 ACTION TAKEN: On a motion by Mr. Pendergrass, seconded by Mr. Fischer, the Board approved contracts with H20 Engineering, Wigen and Trojan for the total amount of $391,595 for advanced water treatment equipment to be used at the Pure Water Monterey Water Purification Demonstration Facility. [Yes: De La Rosa, Fischer, Stefani, Phillips, Allion, Le, Downey, Pendergrass, Rubio] [Absent: Grier] B. Consider Board Chair De La Rosa’s request to start the Board meetings at 6:00 pm Ms. De La Rosa stated that this item was presented to the Board for their consideration and approval. She asked if any Board Members had conflicts with permanently changing the start time of the Board meetings from 6:30 pm to 6:00 pm. Ms. Downey stated that she would support starting the Board meetings at 6:00 pm if the Board agreed to consider changing the Board meeting dates when it conflicted with the Panetta Series. She stated that this year the Board meeting dates did not conflict with the Panetta Series but wanted to keep that caveat in case they conflicted in the future. Mr. Wellington stated that the item before the Board has to do with starting the Board meeting at 6:00 pm instead of 6:30 pm and no other items should be considered. After further discussion from the Board, it was the consensus of the Board that the meetings start at 6:00 pm instead of 6:30 pm. ACTION TAKEN: On a motion by Mr. Allion, seconded by Mr. Phillips, the Board approved changing the Board meeting start time from 6:30 pm to 6:00 pm. [Yes: Minutes MRWPCA Regular Board Meeting March 30, 2015 Page 12 De La Rosa, Fischer, Stefani, Phillips, Allion, Le, Downey, Pendergrass, Rubio] [Absent: Grier] 12. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Reclamation Project Status Summary Mr. Israel stated that the report has been updated. B. Strategic Planning Goals and Objectives Semi-Annual Review of Internal Board/Staff Tactical Goals Mr. Israel provided the Board with a review of the following Internal Board/Staff Tactical Goals: Work well together as a Regional Board Maintain productive relations with other local water and wastewater agencies Evaluate and keep productive relations with regional stakeholder groups Maintain a highly capable and proven management team Continue to be financially sound Produce and publish a comprehensive annual report Mr. Israel stated that the Board would be meeting on April 24 for the Strategic Planning Workshop. He asked the Board to provide any additional input regarding the goals to the Board Chair and workshop Facilitator to ensure that they have a productive workshop. C. Operational Report Mr. Sciuto stated that the report has been updated. 13. STAFF REPORTS A. General Manager/Director of O&M/Deputy GM/Legal Counsel Mr. Israel referenced the article that was provided to the Board titled “Apple Campus 2: Massive recycled water project approved” which details the recycled water project that Apple will be constructing. 14. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS/REPORTS (none) [Chair De La Rosa adjourned Open Session and commenced Closed Session at 7:38 pm. 15. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION A. Public Employee Appointment Pursuant to Government Code 54957
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