File - Ms. Gordon`s Class Website

1.Simple Machines Lego Structured Inquiry
Read the simple machines nonfiction information provided then use
your communication skills to share
your learning. Use group-decision
making to choose three ideas from
your discussion to add to the poster.
Choose a recorder from your group
to write your ideas.
Next, use your social skills to work as
a group to explore the Lego and the
guide books. When you are ready to
begin building, you may work
independently or as a group to build a model. Remember to use
your social skills to share the Lego pieces. All group members
should get a change to explore the Lego.
2.Mousetrap Game
Use your social skills to choose a group reader
and read the rules out loud. Be sure to refer to
the rules if you get stuck. Play the game!
If your group prefers, you may use the
whiteboard to design a similar “trap” style game
of your own. How will you use simple machines in your game?
3.Tinker Toys Open Inquiry
4.Block Launcher Guided Inquiry
Use your social skills to work as a group to
launch a wooden block as far as possible.
using the materials provided.You may not
launch the block using any part of your
You must launch the block from a
minimum of 30 cm off the ground. Use the
measuring devices provided to record the
distances your block travels.
For safety, all group members must be behind the launch line
during each launch. Write your names on the whiteboard and take
a photo when you are done building your launcher!
5.Simple Machines Videos
Go to your class website and watch a selection of the Station 5
Videos. Complete the student note sheet to help organize and
deepen your understanding. You may work as a group or
independently to complete your note sheet.
6.Block Launcher Guided Inquiry
Use your social skills to work as a group to
launch a wooden block as many various
distances as possible using the materials
provided. Your focus here is on accuracy.
You may not launch the block using any
part of your body.
You must launch the block from a
minimum of 30 cm off the ground. Use the
measuring devices provided to record on a
whiteboard the distances your block travels.
For safety, all group members must be behind the launch line
during each launch. Write your names on the whiteboard and take
a photo when you are done building!
7.Innovations and Our Driving Questions
Begin by getting the Thinking About Our Driving Questions
posters from the outside bulletin board. Next, browse and share
the non-fiction books provided.
Use the questions on each poster to guide your thinking about
what you are reading. Apply your communication skills to share
your ideas and discuss as a group. Record your thinking on the
corresponding posters. Remember to write small so all students
can add their ideas. Your group may choose to focus on just a few
questions as a whole or may split into smaller groups to work on
each poster.
8.Force and Friction Structured Inquiry
Read pages 6 & 7 in Force and Motion- From Push to Shove and
complete the student note sheet.
Next, read the demonstration procedure (on the back) and follow
the steps to investigate into force and
friction.Record your findings on your student
note sheet.
Your group may work through more of the
demonstrations in the book or use your social
skills to create your own demonstration. Record your findings on
your student note sheet.
9.Pulleys Guided Inquiry
Read the flagged pages in the non-fiction books provided and
make notes using your student note sheet. Use your
communication skills to share your learning and support each
Next, use your social skills and the materials provided to lift a
basket over the head of one of your group members. Next, use
the materials to move the basket across the room. You may not lift
or move the basket with any part of your body.
Reflect on the information you
learned from the reading to
guide your thinking. What are
the different ways you can
solve this problem?
Write your names on the
whiteboard and take a picture
as you work to record your
10. Lego Open Inquiry
Focus on your self-management skills at this station. When
finished, please return each piece of Lego to its original container.
Use the whiteboard to write your names and take a picture of your
11.Ramp Station Guided Inquiry
A ramp (an inclined plane) is
a slope. It makes it easier to
lift something heavy, like a
box of books. It is called an
inclined plane because it is a
plane (a flat surface) and it is
inclined (sloped, not level).
Instead of lifting the box of
books straight up, you can
push it a greater distance, but
with less force.
Use your social skills and the materials provided to find the
easiest way to move to a box of books from the floor to the top of
the shelf. Focus on safety and spatial awareness. Try out various
sizes, types, and lengths of ramps.
Think about function (how does it work?) and causation (why is it
working like this?) as you work with your group.
Use the whiteboard to write your names and take a picture of your
work. Maker Station Open Inquiry
12. Maker Station Open Inquiry
Focus on safety and respect at this station. Please return all your
materials to their original containers. Ask your adult helper to take
a picture as you work.