DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION FALL 2015 COURSE OFFERINGS COWI 200 A - Learning to Write/Writing to Learn NEW PROFESSOR! Dr. Mary Catherine Kennedy M/W/F 11:00 – 11:50 AM This course will introduce students to forms of writing in Communication Studies, including journalistic, argumentative and creative writing. COWI 201 A - Media Writing Dr. Ralph Frasca W 6:00 – 8:45 PM This course introduces the basics of writing for the mass media, including print, broadcast, public relations and online media. Students learn news judgment, concision, AP Style, active-voice writing and the “inverted pyramid.” Prerequisite: sophomore standing. COMM 203 A - Interpersonal Communication Dr. Pratibha Kumar M/W/F 10:00 – 10:50 AM An introduction to critical and qualitative inquiry into intercultural communication processes in both interpersonal and broader social contexts. Some emphasis on identity, interethnic & intergroup communication and developing communication competency. COMM 210 A - Media & Society Dr. Pratibha Kumar M/W/F 3:00 – 3:50 PM A foundational survey in the analysis of the major media of human communication, both print and broadcast. Some emphasis on history, law and ethics. COMM 220 A - Broadcast Journalism NEW PROFESSOR! Prof. Randall Gray M/W 6:00—7:15 PM Study and practice of writing for broadcast news. Also, a study of the history of broadcast journalism from pre-Murrow to CNN and the makeup of the broadcast newsroom. Prerequisite: COMM 201 COMM 230 A & B - Public Speaking NEW PROFESSOR! Dr. Brian Gilchrist M/W/F 1:00 – 1:50 & 2:00 – 2:50 PM A course in the practical aspects of effective public speaking, with special attention to methods of delivery and the incorporation of responsible knowledge in speeches of information, conviction and persuasion. COMM 303 A - Argument Prof. Rachel Glover M/W 4:00 – 5:15 PM An introduction to the method and theory of constructing oral and written persuasive arguments and refutations on a variety of topics. Students learn how to analyze, construct and support arguments written to well-defined audiences. COMM 307 A – Introduction to Public Relations Dr. Carl Glover T/TH 2:00 – 3:15 PM Study of theory and practice of the mutual understanding between an institution and its public through effective communication. Emphasis on research, planning, communication and evaluation of public-relations efforts. COMM 311 A – Media & the Catholic Church NEW PROFESSOR! Dr. Brian Gilchrist M/W/F 11:00 – 11:50 AM This course examines the ways conventional and non-conventional media portray and re-create Catholic religious experience. Increasingly, religion is experienced not only through the Mass, scripture and Magisterial teaching. It is also communicated through print, broadcasting, the Internet and social media, as well as in consumer culture and political campaigns. This course examines the relationship between the Catholic Church and the mass media (which popes St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI called “social communication”) through historical and contemporary perspectives. COMM 313 A – Mass Communication History Dr. Ralph Frasca T/TH 12:30 – 1:45 PM Historical consideration of the persuasive effect of mass-communicated messages before printing to modern times. Special emphasis on critical thinking about why the mass media became what they are now, and how history can help make sense of current developments. COMM 317 A – Rhetorical Criticism NEW PROFESSOR! Dr. Brian Gilchrist M/W/F 9:00 – 9:50 AM A course in the analysis, interpretation and evaluation of written, spoken and visual discourses designed to influence belief, produce social change or craft cultural identities. Emphasis on the preparation and presentation of written analyses using a variety of critical approaches. COMM 321 A – Political Communication NEW PROFESSOR! Dr. Mary Catherine Kennedy M/W/F 2:00 – 2:50 PM Exploration of efforts by both the powerful and the seemingly powerless to influence public opinion using a variety of communication channels. Students will participate in critical analyses of a wide variety of political messages, ranging from campaign advertisements to protest music. COMM 327 A – Crisis Communication Dr. Carl Glover T/TH 11:00 – 12:30 AM An introduction to crisis management principles, strategies and communication methods. Students learn to predict and manage real-world controversies and to develop crisis-management plans. COMM 498 A & B – Senior Seminar Dr. Pratibha Kumar M/W/F 12:00 – 12:50 & 1:00 – 1:50 PM A capstone course culminating four years of learning into a portfolio and exploring post-graduation opportunities. Courses Planned for SPRING 2016 COWI 172 American Epistolary Tradition COWI 200 Learning to Write/Writing to Learn COWI 201 Media Writing COMM 210 Media & Society COMM 225 Intercultural Communication COMM 230 Public Speaking COMM 315 News Reporting COMM 322 Copy Editing COMM 325 Art of Persuasion COMM 330 Public Relations Cases COMM 328 Gender and Communication COMM 333 Writing for Catholic Media COMM 335 Communication Law and Ethics COMM 373 Social Media
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