Our Lady of Mount Carmel St. Ann Parish www.mtcarmel.ws LORD’S DAY MASSES Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00, 10:00, and 11:30 a.m. DAILY MASS Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. HOLYDAY MASSES Vigil: 7:00 p.m. Holyday: 7:00 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) This process of sharing faith stories and studying the Bible and the teachings of the Church is open to anyone who is in need of receiving any one or all of the Sacraments of Initiation. -Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation or to anyone who wishes to enter into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. FAITH FORMATION TEAM Mrs. Joan D’Argenis D.R.E./Youth Director Maria Sciannameo RCIA Director & Director of Adult Education SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday at 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. or by private appointment. LITURGICAL MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Scott Olson, Organist Mr. Michael Garceau, Organist/Wedding Ministry PASTORAL STAFF Msgr. F. Stephen Pedone, Pastor Rev. Jesus Martinez, Associate Pastor Most Rev. George E. Rueger, in residence Deacon Gerry Montiverdi, Part-time Liturgical Assistant. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Council meets on the third Tuesday of every month. The Council is committed to assisting the pastor in various liturgical celebrations and parochial and diocesan fundraisers and to pursing its own charitable endeavors. PARISH OFFICES AND STAFF Mailing Address: 28 Mulberry St., Worcester, MA 01605 Street Address: 24 Mulberry St., Worcester, MA 01605 Telephone: 508-797-4546 Office Hours are Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Lisa Fenuccio, Administrative Assistant Email: [email protected] Phyllis Lynch, Secretary Mr. Francis Heffron, Head Custodian Mr. Glenn MacGregor, Part-time Custodian Mr. Walter Borek, Part-time Church Caretaker ORGANIZATIONS Guild of Our Lady of Sorrows Beato Angelo D’Acri Society The Gene J. DeFeudis Italian Cultural Center Mt. Carmel Golden Years Club SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parents and Godparents must attend the Baptismal instruction session before the Baptism is celebrated. These sessions take place on the First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Community baptisms are celebrated on the third Sunday of every month after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Private baptisms may also be arranged by calling the parish office. ILLNESS Arrangements can be made to have Holy Communion brought those who are homebound due to illness, age, or impairment of any kind or to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing and Reconciliation with them. Please notify the parish office with the necessary information. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY To prepare for this lifelong commitment, couples must begin marriage preparation twelve months before the proposed wedding date, according to the diocesan policy. FAITH FORMATION The Religious Education Program offers instruction to children and young people from Grade One through the high school years. Children are prepared for the reception of First Reconciliation and then First Holy Communion and young people for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation in high school, including those who attend Catholic schools. Rel. Ed. Office: 508-791-6139. PRO-LIFE CONTACTS Pro-Life Office, Mrs. Allison LeDoux: 508-929-4311 Respect Life Parish Representative: Louise Faiola: 508-756-1150 Visitation House: 508-798-0762 Problem Pregnancy: 888-310-7217 PARISH REGISTRATION To become a registered member of the parish, please call the office. One of the secretaries will gladly assist anyone and complete the registration over the phone or through the website. REPORTING THE ABUSE OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE To report the abuse of a child or a teenager, please contact Mrs. Frances Nugent, Director of the Diocesan Office of Healing and Prevention at 508-791-7171. You may also call Gloria Caprioli, our parish coordinator for prevention and education, at 508-3447718. Lastly, you may call Msgr. F. Pedone at 774-243-1154. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL - ST. ANN PARISH WEEKEND COLLECTION 4/11/2015 & 4/12/2015 7:30 PM Mass 8:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM Mass 11:30 AM Mass Shared Envelopes Total Mass Collections $959.00 $1,056.00 $1,370.00 $845.00 $165.00 $4,395.00 Special Collections: Weekend Envelopes –mailed in Children’s Envelopes Fuel Good Friday/Holy Land Easter Capital Campaign On-Line Giving Candle Offering Total $1,314.00 $4.70 $368.00 $40.00 $232.00 $213.00 $182.50 $194.00 $2,548.20 APRIL 19, 2015 Just a reminder that Monday, April 20 is Patriot’s Day and the parish office will be closed. PARTNERS IN CHARITY The Finance Committee has determined that we need to collect $9,400 each week to meet our current expenses. Thank you for your continued support of Our Lady of Mount Carmel-St. Ann parish. ___________________________________________________ Many thanks to all who have donated or pledged to the 2015 Partners in Charity Appeal. This annual appeal for the Diocese of Worcester serves 28 charitable, educational, and pastoral ministries. Through your generous support, we are able to serve thousands of families and individuals in Worcester County through outreach, formation, evangelization and worship. Our goal again this year is $50,000. The last two years you as a parish successfully exceeded this goal. We are again asking for your generous and faithful support to this vital diocesan campaign. If you haven’t yet pledged or donated, envelopes for this purpose are in the pews. Once completed, they can be dropped into the collection basket, mailed to or dropped off at the parish center. To date, you as a parish have pledged and donated $36,9622. We need everyone’s help to make our goal. Again, many thanks! ___________________________________________________ THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER PARISH/ADULT Continuing Education..... Restricted Funds Unrestricted Funds Total $253.00 $6,690.20 $6,943.20 “Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace to you.’ But they were startled and frightened.” (Luke 24:36-37) Throughout the day we have many opportunities to “see the face of Jesus” in others and provide some “peace” in their lives. Just because the person is a stranger, maybe looks different than us or is someone we don’t particularly care for doesn’t let us off the hook. PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS AND CONTACT INFORMATION Msgr. F. Stephen Pedone – [email protected] John Conte, Chair – [email protected] We are trying to expand our Adult Education program here at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel with varying formats. If you've wondered WHAT and WHY the Catholic Church teaches..... scripture, doctrine, morality, and/or current issues that affect our everyday lives, please make an effort to join us.We hope these educational sessions will prove to be instrumental in helping to make our lives more meaningful, relevant, joyful, and helpful to us as we strive to live through the many difficulties in our lives. The 1st of a three part series will be offered on Wednesday May 6, 2015 beginning at 7:00 pm at the center. This series will focus on a discussion on the Old Testament passage from Micah 6:8. All are welcome. Anyone interested in joining us, please contact Maria @ (508) 842 -7604. Cheryl Berthiaume – [email protected] Amoret Zamarro-Beiter – [email protected] Albert Cecchini – [email protected] Mateo Fiore Deacon Gerald Montiverdi – [email protected] Maria Sciannameo – [email protected] David Soares – [email protected] PARISH FOOD PANTRY Through your generosity, we are able to help families in our local area with food. Please drop off food items in the white cart near the shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Your donations make a big difference to some one who is hungry. Many thanks! THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Saturday, April 18, 2015—4:00 p.m. Harry Burgos by The Burgos Family Priscilla Pavone (First Anniversary) by Family Sunday, April 19, 2015—8:00 a.m. Robert Ballarino (3rd Anniversary) by Wife Mary and Family Sunday, April 19, 2015—10:00 a.m. Eugenio & Annunziata Scola by Family Sunday, April 19, 2015—11:30 a.m. Victor Kardakas (First Anniversary) by granddaughter P.J. Monday, April 20, 2015—7:00 a.m. The Sick of the Parish Tuesday, April 21, 2015—7:00 a.m. The Souls of Grandparents Wednesday, April 22, 2015—7:00 a.m. Elizabeth Abdella by Family Thursday, April 23, 2015—7:00 a.m. Jacon Inh Friday, April 24, 2015—7:00 a.m. Mary Cuc Saturday, April 25, 2015—4:00 p.m. Lou and Rose Belsito by Family Ann Lynch (Birthday Remembrance) by Family Janice Sullivan (First Anniversary) by niece Phyllis Richard J. Cozzolino (Month’s Mind) by Family Sunday, April 26, 2015—8:00 a.m. Frank and Mary Paladino and Deceased Members of Lopardo and Paladino Families by Family Sunday, April 26, 2015—10:00 a.m. Carmen Dellomo (19th Anniversary) and Marianna Dellomo by Children Sunday, April 26, 2015—11:30 a.m. Giuseppe and Nancy DeSimone by Family PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL-ST. ANN PARISH IN YOUR WILLS, BEQUESTS, YOUR ESTATE PLANNING AND UPON THE DEATH OF A LOVED ONE. MANY THANKS! APRIL 19, 2015 Please pray for the sick of our parish: Anna Perro, Francis Caffone, Susan Stomski, James Dionne, Donna Grasseschi, Lena Sbrogna, Michael Crossen, Lori Blackwell, Carmella Szklarz, Matteo Fiore, Matthew Hicks, Henry Penny, Patrick Loconto, Eleanor Lupisella, Butch Rano, Mary O’Connor, Christina Rovezzi, Christopher Collazo, Eleanor Gaudenzi, Eileen Biziewski, Patricia Naples, Paula & Arthur Mari, Beverly Sacco, Sim Simone, Cathy Coffey, Lorraine Mazzola and Mary Ciuffredo. May the Lord give them strength, courage and healing. __________________________________________________ THIS WEEK OUR SANCTUARY LAMPS ARE DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF: Robert Ballarino and Family By wife Mary and Family Robert Olson, Sr. and our daughter Joan Olson By Frances Olson __________________________________________ ON-LINE GIVING We appreciate your contributions to the church community and would especially like to recognize those who are now using our Online Giving service. To get started or to learn more about Online Giving, please click the Online Giving link on our church website at mtcarmel.ws. If you would like help, please call Lisa at 508-797-4546 or e-mail us at [email protected] __________________________________________________ SPONSORSHIP CERTIFICATES We often receive requests from parishioners who have been asked to serve as a godparent at a baptism or a sponsor at confirmation. In order for us to issue these certificates, certain rules apply: (1) You must be a baptized and confirmed Catholic; (2) You must be a registered member of this parish, who contributes financially to the parish and attends Mass here regularly; (3) If married, you were married before a Catholic priest. If these criteria are not met, regretfully we cannot issue the certificate. ___________________________________________________ NEW HYMNALS The new Worship IV and Gather III hymnals have arrived and are on display at the entrances of the church. Please consider donating a set as a gift from or in memory of a loved one. We will have a special nameplate printed for this purpose, which will be affixed to the hymnals. The cost is $40.00 for both hymnals, which must be purchased together. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL—ST. ANN PARISH OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL – ST. ANN GOLDEN YEARS CLUB Program for the Month April 2015 April 21, 2015 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. VNA “Keep Well Clinic” – Blood Pressure Etc. 10:00 A.M. Socializing 12:00 NOON Lunch – Followed by Social. April 28, 2015 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:00 NOON Socializing Paper Sale – No broken packages. Lunch – Followed by Social. REMINDER --- PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING FOOD FOR THE POOR --- FOOD FOR OUR FOOD BANK---DONATIONS FOR THE FOOD BANK HAVE BEEN VERY LOW---IF MEMBERS DONATE ONE ITEM EVERY TUESDAY FOR THE FOOD BANK IT WILL BE VERY HELPFUL. ST. THOMAS MORE LAW SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP Each year the St. Thomas More Society of our Diocese awards a scholarship of not less than $3000 to a law student attending an accredited law school in the fall. Applicants or parents must be registered and active members of a parish in the Diocese of Worcester. Applicants may be in any year of law school studies. Applications may be obtained by visiting the diocesan website, www.worcesterdiocese.org/st-thomas-more-society, by mailing requests to: St. Thomas More Society, Chancery Office, 49 Elm Street, Worcester, MA 01609 or by calling Julie Schroeder at 508-929-4345. Applications are due on or before June 30, 2015. Should anyone wish to contribute to the scholarship fund, donations will be greatly appreciated and you can make contact at the above address or phone number. ___________________________________________________ SUMMER CAMP IN WORCESTER St. Mary's Schools of Worcester is sponsoring a summer camp for all children grades PreK-6. Camp weeks run from June 22 through August 21. Camp cost is just $30 per day. Come make new friends and have fun this summer! Please call 508-753-1170 or visit www.stmarysworcester.org for more information. Looking for Catholic Programming ? WCCA TV , formerly Ch. 13 but now found on Ch. 194 in Worcester airs Diocese Specials every Tuesday at 8pm. Also streaming live online on Tuesdays at 8pm at wccatv.com . APRIL 19, 2015 NEWPORT PLAYHOUSE DINNER SHOW AND CABARET MAY 9, 2015 CHEATERS Allen and Michelle have been living together for eighteen months. It is the first real relationship for both of them. Michelle thinks they should marry; Allen isn't sure. His hesitancy drives her home to her parents for advice. Unknowingly, both sets of parents know each other “very well”. The pieces fall uproariously into place when the parents decide to meet the young lovers over dinner to lend their maturity and experience for the benefit of their children's relationship. It's suddenly everyone for himself in this wild, rollicking look at love and romance. We will leave the center at 1:00 p.m. It will be a full day. We should arrive in Newport around 3:30 p.m. You will be given an ocean view tour and then have two hours to shop. Dinner will be at 6:15 p.m. and the show starts at 8:00 p.m. followed by a cabaret show. The bus will leave Newport at 10:30 p.m. Cost is $65.00 that includes coach bus transportation, dinner, show and cabaret.For tickets or more information call Joan at 508-791-6139 or email [email protected] ___________________________________________________ VACATION BIBLE AND SUMMER PROGRAM Ages 5-10 July 7-30 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Please contact Joan D’Argenis at [email protected] or 508-797-4546 for more information. ___________________________________________________ CAROLE KING THE MUSICAL Sunday, September 20 Providence Performing Arts Center Tickets: $88.00 includes show and bus I will need people to pay in advance, but wanted to secure good seats. So I took a chance and ordered the tickets now. They go on sale to the public next week. Long before she was Carole King, chart-topping music legend, she was Carol Klein, BROOKLYN girl with Passion and Chutzpah.She fought her way into the record business as a teenager and, by the time she reached her twenties, had the husband of her dreams and a flourishing career writing hits for the biggest acts in rock ‘n’ roll. But it wasn’t until her personal life began to crack that she finally managed to find her true voice.BEAUTIFUL tells the inspiring true story of King’s remarkable rise to stardom, from being part of a hit songwriting team with her husband Gerry Goffin, to her relationship with fellow writers and best friends Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann, to becoming one of the most successful solo acts in popular music history. Along the way, she made more than BEAUTIFUL music, she wrote the soundtrack to a generation. THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 19, 2015 Many thanks to all who made contributions for flowers to decorate our church so beautifully for the Easter Season. Easter Flowers In Memory of: Scott J. Pigaga by Vite & Vivian Pigaga Nicholas Mastro by Stella Mastro John J. Mazzola by Lorraine Mazzola Joseph P. Lavin by Sarah Lavin Sam & Mary Gallati by Timothy, Francine and Gary Alfred, Catherine and Joseph Pasquerella Guinto by Freddy Pasquerella and Tina (Pasquerella) Guinto Nicola and Filomena (Gentile) Santagata Guinto by Freddy Pasquerella and Tina (Pasquerella) Guinto Atty. Joseph A., Adeline and Michelina (Murgo) Guinto by Freddy Pasquerella and Tina (Pasquerella) Guinto Gentile, Michael Peter Gentile Guinto by Freddy Pasquerella and Tina (Pasquerella) Guinto Congetta, Mary, Rose, Joseph and Tony Pasquerella Guinto by Freddy Pasquerella and Tina (Pasquerella) Guinto Tony Guinto by Freddy Pasquerella and Tina (Pasquerella) Guinto Leo, Josephine and Natale Losapio by Maryann Aslanian Tomaiolo and Naples Family by Phyllis Tomaiolo Philip, Joseph Aquino and Father James Aquino by Janice DeFusco Henry C. Pignataro, Sr. by Rosemarie and Chelestine Pignataro Carmella DeNicola and Carmella Sokowaski by Josephine Jeniski Kenneth J. Daignault, Sr. and Adele Daignault by Mr. & Mrs. Matosky Diane Porcaro by Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Porcaro John & Rose Gerdauskas by Marie Bilzerian Marguerite J. Caffone and Betty M. Duncan by Mr. & Mrs. Earl Duncan, Jr. Maria Sacco by Michael Sacco Howard & Carmela Shattuck, Edward & Nora Quinn by Howard Shattuck Deluca Family and Delle Femine Family by Rita Deluca Lucy Daviau by Michael & Gina Pinkham Ciuffredo Family by Mary Ciuffredo Angelo & Gladys DeRuvo by Gladys Adams Joseph Monfreda by Anna Monfreda Giovanni Raddi and Alex & Rose Mele by Antoinette Raddi D’Andrea & Dellomo Families by Mary & Nicholas D’Andrea Jennie Cicio by Anthony Cicio Florence DiPadua by Antoinette Smith Arthur Vautrain by Alfred Mero Alice, Henry and Christopher Dziczek by Maria Dziczek Mary Losapio and Luigina Rinaldi by Mr. & Mrs. Patsy Rinaldi Lena Villa by Charles Villa Sargentelli Family by Virginia Frankian Frank Riccardi by Mary Riccardi The Deceased of the Battelle Family by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Battelle Louise Deluge by Annette Novia Pellegrino & Palermo Families by Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Palermo Donald Dembowski and Matteo & Antonetta Bisceglia by Esther Dembowski The Sena Family by Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sena Louis & Rose Belsito by Kathy Belsito Cafaro Vincenza by Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Salerno Sam Del’Olio by Felice Del’Olio Sydni Calcagni; Antonia Bernard; Pasquale & Martha Lonardo; Kenneth Curry; Domenic, Anna & Frances Pascucci; Francis & Ciara Roncone by Rose Marie & David Roncone Frank & Anna Caffone by Mr. & Mrs. Francis Caffone Rubin and son Ronald Mikitarian by Rosemarie Ditullio Mikitarian Mr. & Mrs. James Generelli and Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jakaitis by Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Jaikatis John Loconto by Yolanda Loconto Arthur & Mary Forget by Family Michael Mastrorio; Mauro, Anna, John & Vincent Garofoli by Martha Mastrorio Simone Family by Winnifred & Bartolomeo Simone Mancini & Caputo Family by Peter Mancini Lonardo & Picirillo Family by Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Lonardo Late Grandma and Grandpa Kim by Edward & Lillia Kim Leone & Migliorelli Family by Maria & Antonio Leone Locantore Family by Anthony Locantore Michael DelloStritto by Wife Josie and Children Antonietta and Arturo Fraioli by Josie DelloStritto and Family DelloStritto Family by Josie DelloStritto and Family Damiano Family by Josie DelloStritto and Family Frances Grimaldi by Josie DelloStritto The Deceased of DeLoriea & Lombardi Family; Rodgers DeLoriea, Vi and Dom Lombardi by Millieann DeLoriea Joseph & Katherine Riggieri by Dolores Riggieri Pasquale and Maria Cappabianca and Anna & Anthony Sharameta by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sharameta John & Mary Giangregorio and Manuel & Rita Cursi by Mr. & Mrs. Ingatius Giangregorio Vincenzo & Laura Sasso and Chester Wielgoreski by Thomas & Debbie Sasso Teresa & Albert Bucciaglia and Amelia & Patsy Cornacchioli by Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bucciaglia, Jr. Carlo & Maria Latino by John & Joan Latino THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 19, 2015 Easter Flowers In Memory of: Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ciccone by Gloria Ciccone Notarangelo Family by Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Notarangelo Anthony DiPilato, Sr. and George Burton, Sr. by Anthony DiPilato John P. Macaruso, Jr., John P. Macaruso III and Nancy Macaruso (Johnson) by Mr. & Matthew Bisceglia Nicola & Rosalia Sciannameo by Maria Sciannameo Stanley and Mary Trent William V. DeFlavio and Family by Wife and Family D’Agostino, Finocchi and Mastrapasqua Families by Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D’Agostino Michael Naples, Louis & Angelina Naples and Frank & Antoinette Capurso by Angelo & Nina Naples Sarerio & Carolina, Phyllis Maroney by Nicholas & Theresa Mascia Frank Porcaro by Ann Porcaro Salvatore Rinaldi and Rinaldi & Murgo Families by Antoinette Rinaldi DiReda and Sacco Families by Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Sacco Angelo and Nancy Santa Maria by Antoinette Santa Maria Felix & Philomena Putes, Ralph & Rose Aromando by Helen & Ralph Aromando Raymond & Marie Gordon by Richard & Patricia Haines Joseph P. Bellino, Josie & Philip Panzero by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bellino Michael & Mary Caccialino by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lamarche Robert Stewart and Deceased of the Cariglia Family by Jennie, Peter & Joseph Stewart Alesando & Rose Mele and Vernon & Helen Bourn by Dolores & Robert Bourn Maria & Mario Quarta by Anthony & Ann Marie Quarta John & Carmela Bafaro by Dennis Osborn & Elaine Bafaro Guy Mattero, Rosa & Cesare DiRoberto and Lynsey Rose Cooney by Rose Marie Mattero The San Clemente and Demita Families by Mr. & Mrs. San Clemente Simmarano-Lentini Family by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simmarano Joseph & Rose D’Errico and Dominic & Mary Rigero by William & Paula Rigero Francis Turo by Rosemary Turo D’Elia Family by Sandra D’Elia Domenic & Antoinette Guiliani by daughter Donna Guiliani John Cariglia and Cariglia and Rosati Family by Miranda Cariglia Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Armenti by Joseph & Gretchen Armenti Paul Carelli and Eric Swenson by June Carelli Virginia Pepi by Robert Pepi Frank & Olga Marzillo by Angela Marzillo Jimmy & Helen D’Alonzo by Family Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Scano and Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vincequere by Elizabeth & Thomas Scano The Deceased Members of the Church Santa & John Campanale by Rosalie & William Fiorino Nelson, Mary & Joseph Rahaim; Kathleen Perez Rahaim; Frank & Stella Liseno by Ann Marie & Frank Liseno Harold Swindell by Rosemarie Swindell Frank Ciccarelli by Joseph & Maryann Alfego Rose & Angelo Bello by Mary Ann Bello Albert Riggieri by Christine Riggieri John Carelli by Mary Carelli Henry C. Pignataro, Sr. by Rosemarie Pignataro Trin & Dot Astrella by Gail Astrella Deceased Members of the Bello Family by Gladys Bello Lucy R. DiLeo by Andrea DiLeo Carmela Leone by Bruce Quinn Bart Simone Family by Millie Simone Joseph A. Padavano by Carolyn Padavano Pasquale Capalbo, Dora Paldino, Armando Paldino and Laura Algieri by Charles & Maria Paldino Rinaldo & Tarallo Families by Mr. & Mrs. Francis Tarallo Joseph & Helen DeSimone, Bernard & Josephine McQuaid by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Desimone Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Munck, Sr. and Mr. Alberto R. Munck, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Archer and Mr. John Raddi Father and Grandparents by Michael Scaglione Joan Castagna by Rita Castagna Luigi, Serafino, Anna Pietrafesa by Rosanna & Michael Travaglio Armando Paldino, Dora Paldino, Pasquale Capalbo, Laura Algieri and Tiziana Innocenzi by Antonio & Laura Laratro Joseph & Francis Grimaldi by Mary Grimaldi Mitchell, D’Acri and Potenti Family by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mitchell Vincent & Angelo Sasso & Michael Bodinizzo by Theresa Bodinizzo Anna & Felice Ventresca and Mary & John Shumak by Joanne Shumak Pelino-Laura-Caloccia-Sons and Grandsons by Adam & Frances Balcewicz Sheryl (Romano) Patterson by Carmen & Ann Romano Bodinizzo Family and Frances Walkowiak by Annette Pellegrino George & Elizabeth Abdella by Anne Abdella Frank & Mildred Tycks by Deacon Gerald & Veronika Montiverdi Priscila Pavone by John Pavone Jack Masiello by Caryl Masiello Salvatore & Frances Virgilio by John Virgilio Anthony Ritacco by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Deyette Rudolph Castagna End of Bulletin Church Name: Our Lady Of Mt. Carmel—St. Ann City: Worcester Account Number: 04-0513 Routing Code: Y Run: 15 Editor:
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