CELEBRATING OUR CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Great job, Finance Committee! Great job, congregation!! To date we have received at least $16,000.00 in our six-week special offering. (The exact amount is unclear because some people may have increased their giving without designating the increase for the campaign.) This special offering will help fund our youth and children’s programs this year, as well as a scholarship for a child to attend our excellent preschool and daycare program, Children’s House. One contribution came from a family that moved out of state in 2009 but gave in honor of their children, who were nurtured in the faith at Mount Vernon. Another contributor, who moved away after college and marriage, wrote: “I wanted to give to a program that was such a large part of my childhood.” By providing varied, excellent programs for our children, we hope that Mount Vernon United Methodist Church will continue passing on the faith. Vacation Bible School, June 22 --- 26, 9 a.m. --- Noon Any child between the age of 4 and 11 is welcome to join us! Registration forms are in the hall outside the church office on a bulletin board, and on the church Web site (mtvernonumc.org). During Vacation Bible School week our church will be filled with the sights and sounds of children participating in fun discovery activities at a special Holy Land Adventure—in Nazareth! We’ll learn about Jesus as a boy. Children will worship God with songs and prayer, create unique craft projects, learn about life in Nazareth, and learn from Mary how Jesus grew as a boy. Youth and adult volunteers can visit Nazareth with us! Please consider where your gifts and time would best serve: (1) Tribe Leaders prepare a 10- to 15-minute lesson each day and lead children around to different areas (materials provided). (2) Actors for Bible Stories participate in short skits one or more days of VBS. (3) Shopkeepers guide groups with making crafts, serve snack, and more. (4) The Decorating Team transforms our church into Nazareth as Jesus knew it. Please contact Beth deAristizabal at (434) 7927766 or [email protected] for more information or to volunteer. Kits for Conference The Virginia Annual Conference will be held in Roanoke, June 19 – 21. “Kits for Conference” will be due in the church office by Tuesday, June 16. Instructions for assembling kits and for donating money for kits are on the table outside the church office. According to UMCOR, the most needed kits at this time are Health Kits and School Kits, but all kit types are always welcome. Barry Foster will take the kits to the Conference. From there, the kits will go to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) to help people in times of crisis who lack ready access to essential supplies, such as bedding, and supplies for cleaning, school, and so on. Please make checks to Mount Vernon UMC, designated for UMCOR Kits. The church will send one check directly to UMCOR. Coming Up ... Please mark your calendars: June 4 – 8: High School study trip to New York City July T.B.D.: Younger Youth mission event July 26–31: Project Crossroads mission trip Worship Quiz What is the meaning of Baptism? Do you think you know? See how your answer compares to the one on page 4. 2015 Virginia Annual Conference Offering Contributions are asked for the following ministries: Methodist Mission in Cambodia: $50,000 We want to continue to strengthen our partnership with the Methodist Mission in Cambodia by offering support as they continue to purchase property to establish new churces and expand their fast-growing mission. UMCOR Global Health Ministries: $50,000 These funds will go to United Methodist Committee on Relief Global Health ministries to aid the Ebola-ravaged countries of Sierra Leone and Liberia. Both of these countries have trained and equipped Health Boards in their United Methodist conferences that are working to meet priorities and needs of communities recovering from the Ebola outbreak as well as a holistic approach to health that empowers people to take charge of their own lives and develop positive health-seeking behavior in their communities. Children Out of Poverty in Virginia: $50,000 This will provide financial support for mission projects working with the poor in the Danville and Eastern Shore districts of our conference. Both of these districts are working in ministry in areas of Virginia that are well below the national and state poverty levels. Of particular concern and emphasis are children living in poverty. Please make checks to Mount Vernon UMC, and designate “Annual Conf. Offering.” Update: Special Offerings In recent months, our congregation has given generously to several special offerings, and our gifts are making a big difference in our church and local community, and around the world! • Imagine No Malaria (Nov/Dec 2014) – $1,703.00 (to provide malaria nets in subSaharan Africa) • Advent Offering 2014 – $2,145.00 (to support the Free Clinic of Danville, the Danville Salvation Army, and God’s Storehouse) • Lenten Offering 2015 – $1,812.00 of our $2,500.00 covenant (to support our United Methodist missionary, Dr. Tendai Manyeza, in Zimbabwe) • Haitian Student Fund – $2,061.00 • Music fundraiser (May 2015) – $2,022.00 • Children’s Ministry Fund, total to date – $16,000.00 of our $25,000.00 goal CHURCH COUNCIL meets on Monday, June 15, at 7 p.m. 2 New York City, Here We Come! Our high school youth group will travel to New York June 4–8. The group adopted “Beloved Community” as their theme and has been exploring this concept since January. Martin Luther King used this phrase to describe a global community of caring, where poverty, hunger, and injustice are no more. The group has heard speakers who have described efforts locally and around the world to create this type of world. Speakers included Warrick Scott (grandson of Wendell Scott who has established a local organization to assist at-risk youth); Catherine Bauman (Child Protection Specialist in the Democratic Republic of Congo); and Leger Bruggeman (who works for One Acre Fund in Burundi). They saw the movies “Selma” and “Ghandi” and visited the International Museum of Civil Rights in Greensboro. In New York, they will visit the 9/11 Memorial, the United Nations, Ellis Island, and the Statue of Liberty; go on a walking tour of Harlem and attend worship at Abyssinian Baptist Church; and see Les Miserables on Broadway. Our youth (and adult leaders) who are going: Back row: Alex Larking, Suzanne Mills, Thomas Fortney, Nik Belanger Tiver, Gary Benefield Center row: Elizabeth Payne, Samantha Mills, Lindsay Payne, Deontae Jones, Charlotte Parrish, Abby DeAristizabal Front row: Beth Bauman, Cara Mills Not shown: Kate Newell, Nicholas Wright, Monica Jones Let’s keep them in our prayers for a safe journey on the church bus, and for deeply meaningful experiences. Exciting Plans for the Summer at Children’s House Special summer fun begins at Children’s House on June 2! In June, July, and August, the summer preschool program for children ages 2 – 5 meets from 9:25 a.m. to 12:25 p.m., on Tuesdays (optional), Wednesdays, and Thursdays. In addition to playtime, stories, and crafts, on “Top Chef Tuesdays” children will measure, pour, and mix Flowers for the Sanctuary If you are interested in sponsoring the flowers for the urns in the front of the sanctuary anytime this summer, we have a few open Sundays. Even if you would be willing to sponsor just one urn, please contact me for cost and more information, and to sign up! These Sundays go quickly. – Emily Potts, [email protected], 791-3538 up special snacks or tasty treats, and talk about health and nutrition, too. On “Water Wednesdays” we’ll have outdoor and indoor adventures in water play, along with water-based science experiments. For “Masterpiece Thursdays,” think Van Gogh, Kandinsky, Monet, and more. Each week we’ll learn about a great artist and create art in a similar style. Early drop off and after-care are available for an additional fee. There are a limited number of spaces. For more information, call Leslie Navis, Director, at 713-2169. June Worship Services JUNE 7, 2015 second sunday after pentecost holy communion Sermon by The Rev. Stephen Cheyney, Campus Minister at UNC Charlotte JUNE 14 third sunday after pentecost Scripture: Romans 14: 1 – 12 Sermon: “Flying the Flag of Country and of Faith“ The Rev. Barry S. Foster 3 JUNE 21 fourth sunday after pentecost father’s day Sermon by The Rev. Joshua Hearn, Abbot and Director of Grace & Main Fellowship JUNE 28 fifth sunday after pentecost Scripture: Acts 5: 25 – 42 Sermon: “If It Is of God, It Cannot Be stopped” The Rev. Barry S. Foster Young Adult Families Picnic May 31 Wildwood Lake Worship Quiz: What is the meaning of Baptism? The “symbol” of baptism has many meanings that have evolved over 25 centuries of Judaism and Christianity. In the beginning, for Judaism, it had a duel meaning: it symbolized a “washing” of the outside body for cleanliness and a “washing” of the spirit for purification in serving Yahweh. died before being baptized. Or what about those poor souls in places in the world where the church had no presence or ability to baptize people? Several levels of after-life – Hell, Purgatory, Limbo, Heaven – were created by the Church to help ease the minds of people. John the Baptist redefined baptism for his followers. He took them to the Jordan River to the spot where their ancestors crossed the river into the promised land. This act of baptism symbolized a “New Covenant People” who would reclaim the spiritual promises Yahweh had made to the “First Covenant People” led by Moses. The Protestant movement rejected the symbol of “an act of salvation” for Baptism, and accepted the notion that Baptism was a “sacrament” from God. Meaning: a “free gift” from God. The church then gives the gift from God to the person – whether or not the person understands the faith. Baptism is God’s gift of acceptance of each person, and through Baptism, we have been adopted, so to speak, into God’s family (the church). Therefore, infants, developmentally disabled persons, those interested in learning about the Christian faith, may all be given the “free gift” of grace from God in baptism, and accepted into the family of God. Jesus carried out this symbolism by appointing 12 disciples (representing the 12 tribes of the first covenant community) to create his “New Covenant Community.” Baptism gained new symbolism in the early Christian community as a “rite of passage” or “initiation into this New Covenant community.” With the addition of vows made by parents and sponsors of the baptized person, all of us accept responsibility for the nurturing of the person’s soul and faith maturity as we travel together this road of life – following our Lord, Jesus. As the Church progressed into the Middle Ages in Europe, the meaning of “Baptism” evolved into an “Act of Salvation.” Only “baptized” persons could go to heaven. This created a lot of consternation among people, especially if an infant (Look for another Worship Quiz in our July newsletter.) 4 Troop 300 Sweeps District Boy Scout Awards Thank You, Godly Play Teachers! Many thanks to our Godly Play teachers as we complete another year. Your dedication and faithfulness is making a big impact on the lives of our children. Special thanks to Kelly Long who, along with her husband, Eddie, is moving to Myrtle Beach. Kelly has also served a teacher in our Children’s House Preschool. Kelly and Eddie, you will be missed and we look forward to your visits to Danville. Pictured above: Kelly Long, Beth DeAristizabal, and Leslie Navis. Not shown: Joyce Underwood, Becky Lutz, and Ann Hurt. Mount Vernon’s Troop 300 was awarded a trophy for Troop of the Year! The troop also received awards for service to the community, accomplishments in rank advancements, merit badges, and scout membership – and was recognized as the troop with the highest popcorn sales ($16,000). David Eagle, Assistant Scoutmaster, was named Leader of the Year by American Legion Post 325. Randy McDaniel, Scoutmaster, received the Unit Leader Award of Merit for dedicated service and responsible leadership, District Award of Merit, and a National Award for Outstanding Service. Congratulations to Thomas Fortney, 2015 GWHS Graduate! Thomas has been an active member of our Mount Vernon youth group for many years. He worked in our Gardening for God project; attended Project Crossroads and many retreats; and assisted with Vacation Bible School, Brunswick Stews, and many youth-sponsored events for Mount Vernon children. Thomas graduated from George Washington High School in May and will attend Old Dominion University in the fall and major in electrical engineering. He will be in the Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps, aviation track, and after the Navy, he hopes to be a commercial airline pilot. 5 June Birthdays 1 Carol Majors Emily Whittle 4 Max Brande “B” Hylton family for your prayers, calls, and loving support during and after my knee surgery. Special thanks to the knitting group for the soft, hot-pink lap robe. 29 Ralph Kelley Hawkins 5 Adam Lester July Birthdays 8 Berkley Furgurson Max Glass, Sr. Patrick Womack I want to thank my church 28 Frances Stoneburner Robert Sule Miles Knox Milligan 1 Richard Smith Jean Wilt 3 Marian Adkins Earle Garrett, III 9 Lynne Booker Ellen Mitchell Newton Ray, III 10 Alan Adkins Catherine Bauman 4 John Ranson Edgar Love 5 Jenna Rudder 11 Ann Kinn Coraline Lutz 12 Rusty Moore Karen Blachura 13 Brook McFarland 14 Pattie Cairns 17 Cami Rudder 6 Tommie Blackmon Jean Brown Beth deAristizabal Dana Glass David Parrish 7 Tom Darkis Thomas Farley Nick Fowler At home: Bill Hardy, Ronnie Waters At Roman Eagle: Zula Callahan At Riverside Healthcare: Greg Read At Stratford House: Newton Ray Sr., Marjorie Hood Our Worship Assistants 8 Laura Hughes 18 Richard Dunn Pat Giles 9 Jim Daniel USHERS 19 Andrew Fitch Emma Trent 10 Amy Eller Joshua Southward June 7 8:30: John Morris, Bill Booker, Brendan DeAristizabal (alt.) 21 Melissa Herke Rebecca Lutz 11 Jerrye Mayhew Mary Wilkes 22 Donald Turner 13 Libby Spainhour 25 Cooper Charles Michelle Francis 14 Beth Daniels Becky Farthing 11:00: J.G. Hurt,* Budge Kent, Gene Saunders, John Ranson, Coleman Hylton, Bill Smith (alt.) June 14 8:30: Darrell Williamson, Tom Savastano, Brendan DeAristizabal (alt.) 11:00: J.G. Hurt,* Budge Kent, Gene Saunders, John Ranson, Coleman Hylton, Bill Smith (alt.) Attendance 8:30 11:00 Total May 3 22 120 142 May 10 29 117 146 May 17 22 186 208 May 24 32 81 113 May 31 30 125 155 Gluten-free communion bread is available at Mount Vernon. Please contact the pastor at 793-6824 before Communion Sunday if you would like gluten-free wafers. Our deepest sympathy to Betty Ann Smith, whose sister, Marlene Jones, died on May 26. June 21 8:30: Bill Booker, Tom Booker, Brendan DeAristizabal (alt.) 11:00: Tom Leggett,* Andrew Farley, David Fuquay, Tommy Hodges, Bill Smith, Coleman Hylton (alt.) June 28 8:30: Tom Savastano, Darrell Williamson, Brendan DeAristizabal (alt.) 11:00: Dan Waters,* J. G. Hurt, Charles Sampson, Tom Underwood, Frank Davis, John Ranson (alt.) June: Jan Sutherland,* Pattie Cairns, Joyce Obstler July: Peggy Wright,* Pat Giles, Ellen Joyce, Betty Leggett, Frances McMillan
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