Multi-Flex Pipe: The Next Generation HVAC/R Piping Solution

Multi- F lex Pipe : T he Next Generation H V A C/R Piping Solution
F acts, F igures and T echnical Specifications you should know ±
Charlotte, NC - As with any new technically advanced product that challenges an industry norm and raises the bar
encourage that resistance to change are the stakeholders of the more traditional products and materials who have a
lot to lose should the new technology be widely embraced. The purpose of this White Paper is very simple; to offer
the reader the facts about this extraordinary new product and why Multi-F lex Pipe is rapidly becoming the logical
replacement for traditional copper pipe and HVAC Line sets.
Conclusion: Multi- F lex Pipe is the only premium grade P E RT-A L-P E RT material specifically designed,
engineered and approved for H VA C/R line-set applications.
M aterial Compatibility: Multi-Flex Engineers commissioned independent, nationally ranked laboratories, who
tested and certified that our proprietary inner PERT stratum was not compromised after a system was operational
for two years, with the use of R-22, R-404 or R-410a refrigerants (Test Report 30500088). Extensive testing was
conducted after two years at sustained high pressure in accordance with industry standard AC operational
conditions. Multi-F lex Pipe (MFP) is certified 4X stronger than generic PEX-AL-PEX piping material in
accordance with ASTM-F-1281.
Conclusion: Multi- F lex Premium Refrigeration Pipe exceeds North American H VA C industry and building code
General Safety: Multi-F lex Pipe has been Certified by ICC (International Code Council) and is in strict compliance
with ASME B 31.5 standards for use as SECONDARY HVAC piping. Further, Multi-Flex Pipe has been tested by
multiple independent laboratories as to compliance with UL 207 at sustained high (psi) pressure ratings at designed
operational temperature. All respected US engineering societies concur with ASME B 31.5 standards. These
industry mandated safety features prevent the secondary pipe (line-sets) from being exposed to pressures exceeding
the manufactures line ratings.
Conclusion: Multi- F lex Pipe surpasses required industry standards for operational safety and compliance.
F ire & Smoke Ratings: Multi-F lex Pipe is E-84 Fire and Smoke rated by multiple independent testing laboratories
(test report J-00107515) and has a Class A (class 1) Fire Certification. Building & Code Inspectors around the
country are embracing the numerous safety and functionality advantages of Multi-F lex Pipe.
Conclusion: Multi- F lex Pipe exceeds North American H VA C industry and building code specifications.
U V Ratings: Our pipe is manufactured with an Aluminum (AL 1350) layer within the secondary stratum which
enhances the added UV components for maximum protection.
Conclusion: This high density metallurgical component provides an additional U V protection component that is
rated and certified to continuously withstand the most intense environmental conditions.
M ulti-F lex Connections, F ittings, and O-Rings: German engineered with Stainless Steel crimped sleeves which
are applied with 2000 lbs of torque. Multi-F lex Pipe fittings and connections are manufactured using superior grade
brass and copper. Multi-F lex elastomeric seals (O-Rings) are exclusively engineered for use with oils found in
HVAC applications and are specifically designed with triple layer construction for added durability. DuPont
refrigerants are used to test and certify Multi-F lex O-Rings (test report 3050088).
Conclusion: Multi- F lex Premium Refrigerant Piping exceeds testing specifications and is certified for H VA C/R
Line Sets.
x Multi- F lex Pipe is the only premium grade P E RT-A L-P E RT material specifically designed, engineered
and approved for H VA C/R line-set applications
x Multi- F lex Premium Refrigeration Pipe exceeds North American H VA C industry and building code
x Multi- F lex Pipe surpasses required industry standards for operational safety and compliance.
x Multi- F lex Pipe exceeds North American H VA C industry and building code specifications.
x This high density metallurgical component provides an additional U V protection component that is rated
and certified to continuously withstand the most intense environmental conditions.
x Multi- F lex Premium Refrigerant Piping exceeds testing specifications and is certified for H VA C/R Line
Sources: ASME, ASHRAE, DuPont, ASTM, NSF, ICC & Microbac Laboratories SCW10-­‐14 0XOWL)OH[3LSH6\VWHPV//&