CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; MCC 534 Fluid therapy in septic shock Emanuel P. Riversa,b, Anja Kathrin Jaehnea, Laura Eichhorn-Wharryb, Samantha Browna and David Amponsaha a Department of Emergency Medicine and Department of Surgery, Henry Ford Hospital, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA b Correspondence to Emanuel P. Rivers, MD, MPH, IOM, Vice Chairman and Research Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, Attending Staff, Emergency Medicine and Surgical Critical Care, Henry Ford Hospital, Clinical Professor, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA Tel: +1 313 916 1801; e-mail: [email protected] Current Opinion in Critical Care 2010, 16:000–000 Purpose of review To examine the role of fluid therapy in the pathogenesis of severe sepsis and septic shock. The type, composition, titration, management strategies and complications of fluid administration will be examined in respect to outcomes. Recent findings Fluids have a critical role in the pathogenesis and treatment of early resuscitation of severe sepsis and septic shock. Summary Although this pathogenesis is evolving, early titrated fluid administration modulates inflammation, improves microvascular perfusion, impacts organ function and outcome. Fluid administration has limited impact on tissue perfusion during the later stages of sepsis and excess fluid is deleterious to outcome. The type of fluid solution does not seem to influence these observations. Keywords colloid therapy, crystalloid therapy, fluid therapy, sepsis, septic shock, severe sepsis Curr Opin Crit Care 16:000–000 ß 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1070-5295 Introduction: The ebb and flow phase of fluid management In 1942, Cuthbertson [1] described the metabolic response to inflammation, injury and shock in the ‘ebb and flow’ phase. ‘During the ebb phase or resuscitation phase, there is low cardiac output (CO), poor tissue perfusion and a cold and clammy patient. During the flow phase which is a staccato affair, the patient struggles to break from the grip of the ebb phase which lasts about 3 days. Upon entering the flow phase, the swollen patient has an increased CO, normal tissue perfusion when diuresis occurs and body weight falls steady’. This eloquent description serves as the framework for the clinical principles of fluid management in sepsis. This review will examine the role of fluid therapy in the pathogenesis of sepsis. The timing, type, composition, titration, management strategies and complications of fluid administration will be examined in respect to outcome. The pathogenesis of hypovolemia in sepsis Sepsis-induced hypovolemia can be a result of vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, edema, peritonitis or other exogenous losses. Further contributions to hypovolemia may result from a maldistributive defect with vasodilatation, peripheral blood pooling, and extravasation of fluid into the interstitial space and increased capillary endothelial 1070-5295 ß 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins permeability. All of these mechanisms result in a decrease in intravascular volume which gives rise to a critical reduction in ventricular preload, ventricular diastolic pressure, stroke volume, CO, and systemic oxygen delivery. Compensatory responses as a reaction to decreased circulating blood volume are mediated by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and include: (1) A redistribution of blood flow away from skeletal muscle beds and the splanchnic viscera to support vital organ blood flow to the heart and brain [2,3]. The movement of fluid into or out of the intravascular compartment is determined by the hydrostatic and oncotic pressure gradients between the microvascular and the interstitial spaces. Precapillary vasoconstriction decreases microvascular blood pressure promoting the net movement of fluid from the interstitial compartment into the vascular compartment [4]. Because of these factors, the type of fluid administered (crystalloid versus colloid) becomes an important and controversial component of the initial resuscitation. (2) An augmentation of myocardial contractility increases stroke volume [2]. Pre-existing cardiac disease may alter this response and the clinical picture. (3) There is a constriction of arterial and venous capacitance vessels, particularly in the splanchnic bed, augmenting venous return [2,3]. The use of antihyDOI:10.1097/MCC.0b013e32833be8b3 Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; MCC 534 2 Intravenous fluids pertensive medications and diuretics may alter this response. (4) A sustained release of adrenocortico-medullary hormones including cortisol, aldosterone and catecholamines such as epinephrine occurs [5]. Congestive heart failure, renal failure, liver disease and adrenal dysfunction may modify this salt and water homeostasis which will alter both requirements and elimination of fluid. (5) The activation of the renin-angiotensin axis releases aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. Changes in serum osmolarity lead to arginine-vasopressin (AVP) release from the posterior pituitary. Both enhances fluid retention [3,6–8]. (6) Microcirculatory changes such as acidosis, pyrexia, and increased red blood cell 2,3-diphosphoglycerate occur, creating a local tissue environment to enhance the unloading of oxygen to tissues. Multiple factors may contribute to microvascular alterations, including driving pressure, alterations in red blood cell rheology and viscosity (local hematocrit) and leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, endothelial dysfunction and interstitial edema. The magnitude of compensatory mechanisms is dependent on the timing, severity of insults and the baseline organ function status of the patient. Compensatory mechanisms are effective at restoring tissue perfusion for a period during shock; however, if the initiating process is not reversed the non-compensatory pathogenesis continues and leads to downstream complications. These pathogenic mechanisms include endothelial disruption, the generation of proinflammation and anti-inflammation, microcirculatory compromise, global tissue hypoxia, organ dysfunction and death (Fig. 1). Fluid therapy modulates early inflammation. In the human model of endotoxemia isotonic prehydration significantly attenuates the concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-8 and IL-1b), whereas the concentration of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 demonstrates a trend towards higher concentrations. Prehydration results in a shift towards an anti-inflammatory cytokine pattern. This effect is associated with a reduction of endotoxininduced symptoms and fever, whereas the endotoxininduced changes in hemodynamic parameters remain unchanged. More importantly, the peak activity of the inflammatory response is between 1 and 6 h after introduction of the insult, which gives rise to the concept of early and late resuscitation as distinct therapeutic entities [10]. Fluids may increase microvascular perfusion by increasing thedriving pressure or by decreasing blood viscosity (hemodilution) and modulating interactions between the endothelium and circulating cells. Angiotensin II is believed to play a role in the induction of inflammation. Mild hypovolemia activates the sympathetic nervous system leading to increased concentrations of circulating catecholamines which activates cytokine-producing cells containing a and b-adrenoreceptors. During adrenaline infusion, endotoxin induces less TNF-a and more IL-10, indicating that b-adrenergic stimulation exerts anti-inflammatory effects. In-vitro studies demonstrated that noradrenaline exhibits proinflammatory properties. By stimulating the a-adrenoreceptors of macrophages and lung mononuclear cells, noradrenaline augments TNF-a secretion in various inflammation-inducing models. Because fluid infusion decreases the stimulus for activation of vasoactive agents, it influences inflammation [11]. Clinical manifestations of hypovolemia Fluid therapy effects on the pathogenesis of severe sepsis and septic shock In animal models, fluid therapy has been shown to improve outcome. Natanson et al. [9] compared the efficacy of antibiotics, cardiovascular support (fluids and dopamine titrated by intravascular monitoring to hemodynamic endpoints) and a combination of these two therapies in dogs with septic shock. Survival rates were 0, 13, 13, and 43% in groups receiving no therapy (controls), antibiotics alone, cardiovascular support alone, or combined therapy [9]. The improved survival observed in the group receiving combined therapy considerably exceeded that in the groups receiving either therapy alone. Although survivors and nonsurvivors in the combined therapy group required similar quantities of fluid therapy, nonsurvivors gained significantly more weight, suggesting abnormal vascular permeability with extravascular retention of fluids in the nonsurvivors indicating a more pronounced ebb phase. When a clinician is confronted with a profoundly hypotensive patient and a source of infection, the diagnosis of septic shock is straightforward. Although hypovolemia is present in virtually all patients ranging from sepsis to septic shock, quantitating volume status is one of the most difficult management steps. The clinical assessment of hypovolemia is historically nonsensitive and nonspecific. In a post-hoc analysis of Fluids and Catheters Treatment Trial in acute lung injury (FACTT) this hypothesis was examined. When physical examination findings of an ineffective circulation (capillary refill time >2 s, skin mottling, and cool extremities) were compared to parameters obtained from a pulmonary artery catherter, it was found that they are not useful predictors of a low cardiac index (CI) or low SvO2 [12,13]. Titrating fluid therapy Optimizing fluid therapy not only modulates inflammation, it also decreases the need for vasopressor therapy, Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; MCC 534 Fluid therapy in septic shock Rivers et al. 3 Figure 1 Compensatory and non-compensatory responses to shock Compensatory Infection and volume loss (decrease in DO2) Renin-angiotensin, vasopressin and ADH Splanchnic viscera, skin, kidneys and skeletal muscle Non-compensatory Endothelial cells Complement kinins endorphins ICAM-1 ELAM-1 oxidants CNS stimulation Cortisol and catecholamines Redistribution of blood volume to heart and brain (hypovolemia) Arterio-venous constriction Peripheral vasodilation and vasoconstriction (tissue hypoxia) Gut hypoperfusion and mucosal breakdown Activation of inflammation and panendothelial dysruption Endotoxin release Leukocytes Platelets Monocytes/macrophages Adherence proteases oxidants Arachidonic acid metabolites platelet activating factor Coagulation cascade Pro and anti-inflammatory mediators and apoptotic proteins Cellular and organ dysfunction necrosis and/or apoptosis (myocardial suppression) Impaired uptake and utilization: microcirculatory alterations increased diffusion distance Local and global tissue hypoxia Oxygen debt Reversible or irreversible organ dysfunction steroid use and more invasive monitoring with pulmonary artery and arterial line catheterization [10,14]. Decreasing vasopressor use which causes a false elevation in cardiac filling pressures eliminates pressure volume misinterpretations. It is these mulifactorial reasons which associate vasopressors use to increased mortality [15,16]. The goal of fluid resuscitation in severe sepsis and septic shock is not merely achieving a predetermined value, but rather optimizing systemic oxygen delivery (cardiac preload, afterload, arterial oxygen content, contractility or stroke Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; MCC 534 4 Intravenous fluids Figure 2 The hemodynamic, oxygen transport and utilization components of tissue perfusion Systemic oxygen extraction Systemic oxygen delivery × = (OER-%) = (1-SvO2) (DO2) Hemoglobin Cardiac output heart rate × stroke volume Arterial oxygen content (CaO2) Pulmonary gas exchange (PaO2, SaO2) Systemic oxygen consumption (VO2) Systemic oxygen demands: stress pain hyperthermia shivering work of breathing Stroke volume (SV) cardiac output/heart rate Heart rate Microcirculation Contractility Preload (CVP, PAOP, SVV, PPV, FTc) Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) MAP-CVP or PAOP × 80 CO volume), and ultimately balancing tissue oxygen demands (Fig. 2) [17]. The goal is to infuse adequate volume to restore perfusion before the onset of irreversible tissue damage without raising cardiac filling pressure to a level that produces hydrostatic pulmonary edema. Hemodynamic monitoring used to accomplish these goals is noted in Table 1 [18]. Thus, it is important to have a command of physiologic variables that are responsible for tissue perfusion. These variables further serve as diagnostic tools and therapeutic roadmaps for characterization and management of the patient presenting with shock. Commonly used methods to assess the adequacy of volume status or cardiac preload include blood pressure, heart rate, urine output, central venous pressure (CVP) or pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP). Multicenter outcome studies have shown that the central venous catheter measurements are equal to the volume assessments via pulmonary artery catheter in fluid management. However, neither CVP nor PAOP correlates well with the true parameter of interest, left-ventricular enddiastolic volume (LVEDV) [19]. Thus, measuring a ‘normal’ CVP or PAOP may not rule out inadequate preload. Extremely high or low CVP or PAOP values are informative; however, intermediate readings are not clinically useful. Furthermore, changes in CVP or PAOP fail to correlate well with changes in stroke volume [20]. In Metabolic endpoints SvO2 > 65% ScvO2 > 70% lactate < 2 mM/l base deficit < 5 mEq/l pH > 7.3 (a-v)CO2 < 5mmHg pHi > 7.31 urine output > 0.5 cc/kg/h order to assess fluid responsiveness, the fluid challenge has been the traditional method for decades. In the volume-responsive phase, a change in CVP of 2 mmHg will produce an easily measurable change in CO, whereas in the plateau phase there is no change in CO with a change in CVP [21]. Echocardiography can be used to estimate LVEDV, but this approach is very dependent on the skill and training of the individual using it [22]. Isolated measurements of LVEDV fail to predict the hemodynamic response to alterations in preload [23]. Pulse pressure variation (PPV) during a positive pressure breath can be used to predict the responsiveness of CO to changes in preload [24]. PPV is defined as the difference between the maximal pulse pressure and the minimum pulse pressure divided by the average of these two pressures [24]. PPV has been compared to CVP, PAOP, and systolic pressure variation as predictors of preload responsiveness. Patients were classified as preload responsive if their CI increased by at least 10–15% after rapid infusion of standard volume of intravenous fluid [25]. Receiver operator curve characteristics (ROC) demonstrated that PPV was the best predictor of preload responsiveness. Atrial arrhythmias and spontaneous breathing can interfere with the usefulness of this technique [23]. PPV in mechanically ventilated patients remains a useful approach for assessing preload responsiveness [23]. Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; MCC 534 Fluid therapy in septic shock Rivers et al. 5 Table 1 Tools for assessing volume status Static measures of fluid responsiveness Dynamic measures of fluid responsiveness Noninvasive cardiac output Systemic arterial-venous CO2 difference Ultrasound and echocardiography Circulating blood volume measurement CVP or right atrial pressure, PAOP or PAWP, right-ventricular end-diastolic volume index, left-ventricular end-diastolic area, global end-diastolic volume and intrathoracic blood volume index [26]. May not reliably reflect the left-ventricular filling pressure in clinical states that produce pulmonary hypertension or compliance changes in the right or left heart. Common iliac venous pressure can approximate CVP [17,27,28]. If cardiac output increases after a fluid challenge and stroke volume variation decreases, this can be a sign of resolving hypovolemia. Fall in systolic pressure compared with end-expiratory baseline or inspiratory decrement in PPV, peak aortic blood flow velocity variation, respiratory variation in vena cava diameter, passive leg raising and plethysmographic pulse wave variation [29]. In ventilated patients, measures of SVV using arterial pulse contour analysis estimates CO and can demonstrate fluid responsiveness. A pulse pressure variation of 13% is highly sensitive and specific for detecting preload responsiveness [26]. CO can be measured by PPV, pulse contour analysis, transesophageal Doppler, thoracic cutaneous bioimpedance, lithium dilution or transpulmonary thermodilution [30]. Increased arterial-mixed venous carbon dioxide gradients or (a-v)CO2 are seen in acute circulatory failure, and inversely correlate with the CI. Central venous and pulmonary artery CO2 values can be interchanged to determine CI [31]. Measuring PCO2 has been advocated as a way to monitor perfusion of the gastrointestinal tract. Small increases (5–15 mm Hg) in the difference between arterial and gastric mucosal PCO2 become apparent before other signs of hemodynamic instability [32,33]. Intracardiac, vena caval diameters, left-ventricular end-diastolic area after a fluid challenge or passive leg raising may be used to asses volume status. Controlled compression sonography is a valuable tool for measuring venous pressure in peripheral veins and allows reliable indirect assessment of CVP. Ultrasound can also be used to assist in-line placement and cardiac output measurement [34]. It can also be a diagnostic tool to detect myocardial dysfunction, pericardial disease, aortic disease, intraperitoneal blood and pneumothoraces [35]. There is a statistically significant, but weak, correlation between blood volume results and PAOP, but no correlation with CVP, CI, and stroke volume index. Circulating blood volume measurements may be useful in critically ill patients when clinical appraisal of intravascular volume is uncertain. This remains to be validated in a larger, prospective randomized trial [36]. CI, cardiac index; CO, cardiac output; CVP, central venous pressure; PAOP, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure; PPV, pulse pressure variation. dextrans, and gelatins). Colloids include the starches, hetastarch and pentastarch, human serum albumin, gelatin, and dextran. Colloids are dissolved in either normal saline or a balanced salt solution. Recent reviews suggest that there are no clinically significant differences among the various colloid solutions when used for shock resuscitation [38]. When compared to saline-based solutions, hetastarch dissolved in a calcium-containing low-chloride balanced salt solution may be associated with less acidosis and use of blood products [39] (Table 3). Crystalloid therapy The two most commonly used crystalloid solutions are 0.9% sodium chloride solution (normal saline or NaCl) and Ringer’s lactate solution. The composition of these two fluids is shown in Table 2. Although normal saline and Ringer’s lactate solution have been regarded by many clinicians as being essentially interchangeable, accumulating data support the view that the use of large volumes of normal saline, but not Ringer’s lactate solution, promotes the development of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis [37]. Due to their higher molecular weight, colloids stay in the intravascular space significantly longer than crystalloids with an intravascular half-life for albumin of 16 h versus 30–60 min for normal saline and lactated Ringer’s solution [41,42]. When titrated to the same PAOP, Colloids are higher-molecular-weight solutions that increase plasma oncotic pressure. Colloids can be classified as either natural (albumin) or artificial (starches, Table 2 Composition and osmolarity of crystalloid solutions [11] Solution NaCl 0.9% NaCl and glucose Ringer’s lactatea Plasmalyte B Normasolb a b Osmolarity (mOsm/l) Naþ (mmol/l) Cl (mmol/l) Kþ (mmol/l) Ca2þ (mmol/l) 308 264 275 298.5 280 154 31 130 140 140 154 31 110 98 98 4 5 5 3 Glucose (mg/l) HCO3(mmol/l) Lactate (mmol/l) 40 Energy (kcal/l) 320 28 50 Hartmann’s solution or lactated Ringer’s solution. Normasol contains acetate 27 mmol/l and gluconate 23 mmol/l. Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; 6 Intravenous fluids Table 3 Physiological characteristics and clinical effects of commonly used intravenous solutions [11,40] (table obtained from publication) Available formulations Albumin solutions Dextrans 3%, 6%, 10% Hetastarch 10% Pentastarch 10% Dextran-40 Gelatins Crystalloids 3% Dextran-60, 6% Dextran-70 Succinylated and cross-linked; 2.5%, 3%, 4% urea-linked: 3.5% Normal saline Ringer’s lactate 40 70 30–35 0 0 326 23–50 100–200 280-324 20–60 100–200 280–324 20–60 80–140 300–350 25–42 70–80 285–308 0 20–25 250–273 0 20–25 8–36 12–24 1–2 8–24 4–6 1–4 1–4 16–24 þ 50 þþ 2–12 þþ 4–6 þþþ 12 þþþ 2–9 þ 0.5 þ 0.5 þ Allergic reactions Renal dysfunction Renal dysfunction Anaphylactoid reactions Anaphylactoid reactions Transmitted Transmitted Coagulopathy infection infection Pruritus Coagulopathy Allergic reactions Interference with blood cross-matching Allergic reactions Interference with blood cross-matching High calcium content (urealinked forms) Anaphylactoid reactions Anaphylactoid reactions Anaphylactaid reactions 4%, 5% 20%, 25% 69 69 4 50 280 290 20–30 70–100 310 70–100 300–500 300–310 23–50 100–200 12–24 12–24 16–24 þ Allergic reactions Pruritus COP, colloid osmotic pressure. a Expressed as percentage of administered volume. Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Hyperchloremic Hyperkalemia metabolic acidosis MCC 534 Molecular weight, average (kD) Osmolality, mOim/l COP, mmHg Maximum volume expansion,a % Duration of volume expansion, h Plasmatic half-life, h Potential to adverse reactions Possible side effects Starches CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; MCC 534 Fluid therapy in septic shock Rivers et al. 7 Table 4 Descriptions of fluid therapy Normal saline Lactated Ringer’s Hypertonic saline Albumin [47] Hydroxyethyl starch Dextrans Gelatins Normal saline is a slightly hyperosmolar solution containing 154 mEq/l of both sodium and chloride. Due to the relatively high chloride concentration, normal saline carries a risk of inducing hyperchloremic metabolic acidiosis when given in large amounts [42]. LR results in a buffering of the acidemia which is advantageous over normal saline. Due to the fact that LR contains potassium, albeit a very small amount, there is a small risk of inducing hyperkalemia in patients with renal insufficiency or renal failure. There is a theoretic issue of using LR because of the significant immune activation and induction of cellular injury caused by the D-isomer of lactated Ringer’s. Hypertonic saline exerts immunomodulatory effects through suppression of neutrophil activation and modulation of and proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. In-vitro experiments demonstrate that hypertonic saline reduces endotoxin-induced TNF-a production, whereas IL-10 production is augmented and, therefore, helps to restore the proinflammatory/anti-inflammatory balance. Hypertonic saline has led to rapid plasma volume expansion, improvement in myocardial contractility and performance, reduction in endothelial and myocardial edema, and enhancement of immune function in experimental models of sepsis. Human data are lacking [46]. Albumin is a protein derived from human plasma. It is available in varying strengths from 4 to 25%. The Saline versus Albumin Fluid Evaluation (SAFE) study compared fluid resuscitation with albumin or saline on mortality and found similar 28-day mortalities and secondary outcomes in each arm [48]. However, a subset analysis of patients with sepsis and acute lung injury resuscitated with albumin showed a decrease in mortality, although statistically it was insignificant. There was a significant increase in mortality in trauma patients particularly with head injury [42]. Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) is a synthetic colloid derived from hydrolyzed amylopectin, which has been found to be harmful, causing renal impairment at recommended doses and impairing long-term survival at high doses [49]. HES can also cause coagulopathy and bleeding complications from reduced factor VIII and von Willebrand factor levels, as well as impaired platelet function. HES increases the risk of acute renal failure among patients with sepsis and reduces the probability of survival. HES should be avoided in sepsis [49–51]. Dextrans are not frequently used for rapid plasma expansion, but rather to lower blood viscosity. This class can cause renal dysfunction, as well as anaphylactoid reactions. Gelatins are produced from bovine collagen. Because they have a much smaller molecular weight, they are not as effective expanding plasma volume; however, they cost less [52]. They too have been reported to cause renal impairment, as well as allergic reactions ranging from pruritus to anaphylaxis. Gelatins are not currently available in North America. Because of the significant calcium content of Hemaccel, blood should not be infused through tubing previously used for this product. colloids and crystalloids restore tissue perfusion to the same magnitude, although two to four times more volume of crystalloids is required to achieve the same endpoint [43]. This obviously depends on the stage of shock and capillary permeability. improve in the late phase even in patients with the worst microvascular perfusion at baseline [53]. The optimal hemoglobin (macrovascular and microvascular hematocrit) The outcome advantages between crystalloid and colloids continue to remain unresolved in septic shock [40]. Table 4 compares the most commonly used fluid therapies. Meta-analyses of the results from trials comparing crystalloids versus colloids suggest that outcome is not affected by the choice of fluid [44,45]. Appropriate hemoglobin levels in shock remain controversial because there is a paucity of literature for patients in septic shock. The controversy is largely based on a study by Hebert et al. [54] which found tolerance to lower hemoglobin levels in stable ICU patients. Hemoglobin concentrations may vary in the central, peripheral and microvascular circulations. Fluid therapy and the microcirculation The combination of anemia and global tissue hypoxia provides the physiologic rationale for transfusion of red blood cells (RBCs) during this delivery-dependent (increased lactate and low ScvO2) phase. Anemia may also result from hemodilution. It is this particular phase that has gone unstudied in previous trials of hemoglobin maintenance strategies. Whereas transfusion therapy has received increasing scrutiny in critical illness, recent data are conflicting [55]. Furthermore, there are findings that suggest that the sublingual microcirculation is globally unaltered by RBC transfusion in septic patients and can improve in patients with altered capillary perfusion at baseline [56]. The risks and benefits of RBC transfusion Microvascular alterations are frequent in patients with septic shock, even when global oxygen delivery seems adequate. Common findings include a decrease in functional capillary density and heterogeneity of blood flow with perfused capillaries in close vicinity to nonperfused capillaries. These alterations are more severe in nonsurvivors than in survivors, and their persistence is associated with organ failure and death [53]. Fluids improve the microcirculation in early but not in late sepsis. These effects are independent of the systemic effects of fluids and are observed with crystalloid as well as with albumin solutions. In addition, microvascular perfusion failed to Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; MCC 534 8 Intravenous fluids should be assessed in every patient before transfusion. Although maintaining stable patients arbitrarily at hemoglobin of 10 is not supported, for hemodynamically compromised patients, especially those with coronary artery disease, transfusion may be warranted. overall fluid volume in the first 72 h was essentially equal in both groups. In a subset analysis, patients who were on hemodialysis at enrollment had a more pronounced mortality reduction and decrease in mechanical ventilation despite similar volume administration [62]. Negative consequences of fluid therapy The FACTT isolated the manipulation of volume therapy as a controlled intervention which began an average of 43 h after ICU admission and 24 h after the establishment of acute lung injury (ALI) [63]. Although there was no difference in 60-day mortality, patients in the conservative strategy group had significantly improved lung and central nervous system function and a decreased need for sedation, mechanical ventilation, and ICU care. However, there was a statistically significant 0.3-day increase in cardiovascular failure free days in the liberal compared to the conservative fluid group, suggesting that caution should be used in applying a conservative fluid strategy during the resuscitation phase. When liberal fluid management strategies are utilized early, there were no differences in pulmonary function and the use of mechanical ventilation. In fact, this early liberal strategy decreases the incidence of mechanical ventilation over the first 72 h of hospitalization. This may be due to the modulating effects on IL-8, which has been identified as a culprit within the first 72 h of presentation [64,65]. Fluid overload and positive fluid balance has been associated with worse outcomes in critically ill patients [57–59]. In the setting of sepsis, edema is attributed to a combination of increased capillary permeability to proteins and increased net transcapillary hydrostatic pressure through reduced precapillary vasoconstriction. The use of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in these patients can also exacerbate fluid and salt retention and decrease lymphatic drainage. In addition, several studies have shown that mechanical ventilation and PEEP reduce urine output; however, their effects on glomerular filtration rate and renal blood flow are inconsistent and may reflect differences in hydration status and lung injury. Fluid accumulation can contribute to impair organ function by different mechanisms. Tissue edema can impair gut absorption, kidney excretion, increased abdominal pressure leading to abdominal compartment syndrome [60]. High-risk patients are the elderly, renal failure, malnutrition and mechanical ventilation [18]. We should not only focus on daily fluid balances but also on the cumulative fluid balance, as duration of fluid accumulation might influence outcomes. Liberal or conservative fluid management strategies or is it timing? The concept of early goal-directed therapy (EGDT), based on a study by Rivers and colleagues [61], not only changed the landscape of sepsis management but also reinvigorated the debates regarding resuscitation and fluid management in sepsis. High-risk sepsis patients were randomized to conventional therapy or goal-directed resuscitation to ‘normal’ physiologic endpoints during the first 6 h after presentation. EGDT is a stepwise physiologic approach that includes optimization of preload, afterload, arterial oxygen content, contractility and the minimization of oxygen demands. Rather than targeting specific values for CO, systemic DO2 or systemic VO2, EGDT targets the achievement of an ScvO2 greater than 70% as an additional endpoint rather than only an optimized CVP. Using this carefully planned algorithm for resuscitation (Fig. 3), EGDT improved 30-day mortality from 46.5 to 30.5%. The outcome findings of this study and its socioeconomic impact have been confirmed extensively since this seminal publication. However, because the treatment arm received an average of 2 l more fluid than the control arm in the first 6 h, the fluid therapy has received the most attention. It should be noted that the The findings of the FACTT trial are not at odds with EGDT. This study has brought attention to the negative consequences of overzealous fluid administration. The protocol used in FACTT is not identical to standard practice. In order to generalize these results and avoid mitigating the salutary findings, multiple variables must be considered when applying a conservative fluid management approach [11]. The exclusion of patients on hemodialysis, overt renal insufficiency, heart failure and the relatively young age of the patients studied (about 50 years of age) make FACTT a departure from the reality that many clinicians will face in the treatment of ALI or sepsis. As Cuthbertson decribed in 1942, the clinician must also make an accurate clinical assessment of the flow phase while paying particular attention to the untoward complications upon instituting conservative fluid strategies and active diuresis. Although pathogenically well described, the clinical landmark that separates the ebb from flow phase is frequently indistinct and complex. In ALI the ebb phase is characterized by an increase in lung water due to direct permeability changes on lung capillaries and systemic influences on water balance [8,9]. In the absence of manipulating fluid balance in this phase of ALI, pulmonary edema, myocardial complications, respiratory insufficiency and the continued need for ventilator support result. Thus, conservative Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; MCC 534 Fluid therapy in septic shock Rivers et al. 9 Figure 3 Protocol for early goal-directed therapy in septic shock Suspected infection and document source within 2 hours The high risk patient: blood pressure < 90 mmHg after 20−40 cc/kg volume challenge or lactic acid > 4 mmole/liter Antibiotics within hour and source control < 8 mmHg Crystalloid CVP > 8−12 mmHg Decrease oxygen consumption < 65 or > 90 mmHg Vasoactive agent (s) MAP > 65−90 mmHg > 70% < 70% ScvO2 Packed red blood cells to Hct > 30% < 70% > 70% Ionotrope (s) No Goals achieved Reproduced from [61]. Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; MCC 534 10 Intravenous fluids Figure 4 Fluid management strategies in sepsis Fluid mobilization and liberate from mechanical ventilation Severe sepsis and septic shock The Ebb phase: Sodium and water conservation, hypovolemia, vasodilation, myocardial suppression, increase metabolic demands and impaired tissue oxygen utilization Compensated sepsis: The flow phase: Shock reversal and volume replete avidity for water and sodium, low plasma oncotic pressure, increased lung water, generalized edema Conservation of fluids and/or diuresis, closely monitor electrolytes and volume status Co-morbidities and considerations: Incomplete source control, ongoing inflamation complicated by: renal failure myocardial dysfunction liver disease endocrinopathies -hypothyroidism -adrenal dysfunction Prolonged mechanical ventilation (increased anti-diuretic hormone) Pre-existing hypertension (increased sodium and water retention) Identify and treat: Underlying disorder Persistant Ebb phase: Impaired fluid mobilization Reproduced from [63]. fluid strategies, perhaps even with a ‘diuretic provocation’, with appropriate cautions to preserve organ perfusion and avoid metabolic derangements are therapeutically sound (Fig. 4). and withdrawal of fluid during appropriate phases of inflammation. Conclusion The FACTT trial and subsequent studies differentiate adequate initial fluid resuscitation from conservative late fluid management. Whereas appropriate fluid resuscitation based on the resuscitation or ebb phase leads to improved outcomes, liberal and late fluid resuscitation is a negative contributor to outcome [66]. Thus, there are significant benefits to both a goal-directed administration Fluids are critical in the pathogenesis and treatment of early resuscitation of severe sepsis and septic shock. Although this pathogenesis is evolving, early titrated fluid administration modulates inflammation, improves microvascular perfusion, impacts organ function and outcome. Fluid administration has limited impact on tissue perfusion during the later stages of sepsis and excess fluid is Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. CE: Namrta; MCC/534; Total nos of Pages: 12; MCC 534 Fluid therapy in septic shock Rivers et al. 11 deleterious to outcome. The type of fluid solution does not seem to influence these observations. Fluid therapy remains a clinical decision based on the understanding of the pathogenic landscape of the disease. Acknowledgements Conflicts of interests: None related to this publication. Dr Rivers receives research funding from the NIH. In the last 5 years he has been a consultant to Esai Pharmaceuticals, Agennix, Astra Zeneca and Idaho Technologies. References and recommended reading Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as: of special interest of outstanding interest Additional references related to this topic can also be found in the Current World Literature section in this issue (pp. 000–000). 20 Lichtwarck-Aschoff M, Zeravik J, Pfeiffer UJ. 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