Extract MIDI (Cubase)

 AUDIO PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES (TPM) Lab #9 Lab Objectives: • Harmonies in Cubase • VariAudio in Cubase • Extract MIDI in Cubase TECHNIQUES DE PRODUCTION AUDIO: LABORATOIRE 9 Chords and harmonies A chord is composed of at least 3 notes. Those 3 notes have a harmonic ratio between them. Interval is the spread between the notes in pitch. A 3 note chord, is generally grouped around a fundamental note, the notes coming after are the third and the (the notes after the fundamental are place higher than the). • Fondamental : The generating note of a chord and give the chord it’s name • Third : The interval can be 3 semi-­‐tones (minor) or 4 (major). • Fifth: Interval of 7 semi-­‐tones from the fundamental. VariAudio (Cubase) Even though nothing can replace the quality of a singer singing harmonies in a track, Melodyne and VariAudio allow us to easily create harmonies. • Acivate VariAudio on each of the fictional harmonies. • On the first track, shift the voice a third higher. • On the second track and shift the voice a fifth higher. 2 TECHNIQUES DE PRODUCTION AUDIO: LABORATOIRE 9 Extract MIDI (Cubase) If VariAudio is activated on an audio track, it possible to convert a groupe of segments (audio detected as notes) into MIDI notes. • Via the Sample Editor (double click on a waveform), make sure that VariAudio is activated on the track you are going to work on. • On the VariAudio tab, click on Extract MIDI. • In Extract MIDI, choose New MIDI Track as the destination. • Now assign the MIDI track to a virtual instrument of your choice. It may be necessary to prevent converting the pitch bending done by the vocalist into MIDI to avoid abusive pitch bending. Via the Pitch Mode of the « Extract MIDI » window choose « Just notes, no pitchbend data ». 3