Evaluation of Dynamic Energy Consumption of Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies Subject Area: Efficient and Customer-Responsive Organization Evaluation of Dynamic Energy Consumption of Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED About the Awwa Research Foundation The Awwa Research Foundation (AwwaRF) is a member-supported, international, nonprofit organization that sponsors research to enable water utilities, public health agencies, and other professionals to provide safe and affordable drinking water to consumers. The Foundation’s mission is to advance the science of water to improve the quality of life. To achieve this mission, the Foundation sponsors studies on all aspects of drinking water, including supply and resources, treatment, monitoring and analysis, distribution, management, and health effects. Funding for research is provided primarily by subscription payments from approximately 1,000 utilities, consulting firms, and manufacturers in North America and abroad. Additional funding comes from collaborative partnerships with other national and international organizations, allowing for resources to be leveraged, expertise to be shared, and broad-based knowledge to be developed and disseminated. Government funding serves as a third source of research dollars. From its headquarters in Denver, Colorado, the Foundation’s staff directs and supports the efforts of more than 800 volunteers who serve on the board of trustees and various committees. These volunteers represent many facets of the water industry, and contribute their expertise to select and monitor research studies that benefit the entire drinking water community. The results of research are disseminated through a number of channels, including reports, the Web site, conferences, and periodicals. For subscribers, the Foundation serves as a cooperative program in which water suppliers unite to pool their resources. By applying Foundation research findings, these water suppliers can save substantial costs and stay on the leading edge of drinking water science and technology. Since its inception, AwwaRF has supplied the water community with more than $300 million in applied research. More information about the Foundation and how to become a subscriber is available on the Web at www.awwarf.org. ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Evaluation of Dynamic Energy Consumption of Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies Prepared by: YuJung Chang, David J. Reardon, Pierre Kwan, Glen Boyd, and Jonathan Brant HDR Engineering, Inc. 500 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1200, Bellevue, Washington 98004 Kerwin L. Rakness Process Applications, Inc. 2627 Redwing Road, Suite 340, Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 and David Furukawa Separation Consultants, Inc. 13511 Willow Run Road, Poway, California 96064 Jointly sponsored by: Awwa Research Foundation 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098 and California Energy Commission Sacramento, CA Published by: Distributed by: ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DISCLAIMER This study was jointly funded by the Awwa Research Foundation (AwwaRF) and the California Energy Commission (Energy Commission) under Cooperative Agreement No. CEC-500-03-025. AwwaRF and Energy Commission assume no responsibility for the content of the research study reported in this publication or for the opinions or statements of fact expressed in the report. The mention of trade names for commercial products does not represent or imply the approval or endorsement of AwwaRF or Energy Commission. This report is presented solely for information purposes. Copyright © 2008 by Awwa Research Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise utilized without permission. ISBN 978-1-60573-033-2 Printed in the U.S.A. ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................... ix LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... xiii FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................... xxi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................................... xxiii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .........................................................................................................xxv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES..................................................................1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................1 Objectives ............................................................................................................................2 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .........................................................................................3 Summary of Relevant Existing Publications and Studies....................................................3 Industry Standards for Electrical Energy Efficiency ...........................................................4 Ultraviolet Light Disinfection..............................................................................................4 Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................5 Optimizing Energy Efficiency .................................................................................8 Ozone Disinfection ..............................................................................................................9 Energy Use...............................................................................................................9 Optimizing Energy Efficiency ...............................................................................12 Membrane Filtration ..........................................................................................................15 Low-Pressure Membrane Filtration (Ultrafiltration/Microfiltration) ................................16 Energy Use.............................................................................................................16 Optimizing Energy Efficiency ...............................................................................16 Reverse Osmosis................................................................................................................18 Energy Use.............................................................................................................18 Optimizing Energy Efficiency ...............................................................................19 Membrane Bioreactors.......................................................................................................21 Energy Use.............................................................................................................21 Optimizing Energy Efficiency ...............................................................................21 Electrodialysis Reversal.....................................................................................................22 Energy Use.............................................................................................................22 Optimizing Energy Efficiency ...............................................................................23 Summary of Findings.........................................................................................................23 CHAPTER 3: PROJECT APPROACH .........................................................................................25 Identification of ATTs .......................................................................................................25 Energy Audits ....................................................................................................................27 Collection of Data and Information ...................................................................................29 Data Evaluation..................................................................................................................29 Theoretical EC .......................................................................................................29 EC Measurements ..................................................................................................29 v ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Water Quality Correlation......................................................................................30 EC Audit ............................................................................................................................30 Identification of Optimization Opportunities.....................................................................30 CHAPTER 4: EC OF LOW-PRESSURE MEMBRANE SYSTEMS FOR DRINKING WATER AND REUSE WATER TREATMENT....................................................................31 Process Description Overview...........................................................................................31 Major EC Components ......................................................................................................32 Descriptions and Findings from Case Studies ...................................................................32 Kamloops Centre for Water Quality ......................................................................32 Anthem Water Campus, Anthem, Ariz..................................................................45 Summary and Conclusions for Low-Pressure Membrane Systems ...................................57 Factors Affecting EC of Low-Pressure Membrane Systems .................................57 Considerations for EC Optimization of Low-Pressure Membrane Systems .........60 CHAPTER 5: REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS FOR DRINKING WATER AND REUSE WATER TREATMENT ..........................................................................................................61 Process Description Overview...........................................................................................61 Major EC Components ......................................................................................................62 Descriptions and Findings from Case Studies ...................................................................63 Water Replenishment District of Southern California Robert W. Goldsworthy Desalter ......................................................................................................63 Seward, Nebraska Corrosion Control Plant ...........................................................69 West Basin Municipal Water District (California) Water Recycling Facility.......84 Summary and Conclusions for Reverse Osmosis Systems................................................92 Factors Affecting EC of Reverse Osmosis Systems ..............................................92 Considerations for EC Optimization of RO Systems ........................................................94 CHAPTER 6: EC OF OZONE SYSTEMS FOR DRINKING WATER TREATMENT .............97 Process Description Overview...........................................................................................97 Major EC Components ......................................................................................................98 Descriptions and Findings from Case Studies ...................................................................98 Southern Nevada Water Authority Alfred Merritt Smith Water Treatment Plant ...........................................................................................................98 Contra Costa Water District (California) Ralph D. Bollman Water Treatment Plant .........................................................................................................116 Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency Paul M. Neal Water Treatment Plant........................................................................................129 Considerations for EC Optimization of Ozone Systems..................................................141 Factors Affecting EC of Ozonation Systems .......................................................141 Considerations for EC Optimization of Ozonation Systems ...........................................144 CHAPTER 7: EC OF UV SYSTEMS FOR DRINKING WATER AND REUSE WATER TREATMENT .................................................................................................................145 Process Description Overview.........................................................................................145 Major EC Components ....................................................................................................146 Descriptions and Findings from Case Studies .................................................................146 vi ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED West Basin Municipal Water District (California) Water Recycling Facility.....146 Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency ...............................................149 Considerations for EC Optimization of UV Systems ......................................................152 Factors Affection EC of the UV Systems ............................................................152 Considerations for EC Optimization of UV Systems ..........................................152 CHAPTER 8: EC OF MEMBRANE BIO-REACTORS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT .......................................................................................................................153 Process Description Overview.........................................................................................153 Major EC Components ....................................................................................................154 Descriptions and Findings from Case Studies .................................................................154 City of Pooler, Georgia Wastewater Treatment Plant .........................................154 Arizona American Water Company Anthem Water Campus..............................167 Considerations for EC Optimization of MBR Systems ...................................................182 Factors Affecting EC of MBR Systems...............................................................182 Considerations for EC Optimization of MBR Systems .......................................186 CHAPTER 9: ELECTRODIALYSIS REVERSAL ....................................................................187 Process Description Overview.........................................................................................187 Major EC Components ....................................................................................................188 Descriptions and Findings from Case Studies .................................................................188 Sarasota County, Florida T. Marbury Carlton, Jr. WTP......................................188 Considerations for EC Optimization of EDR Systems ....................................................194 Factors Affecting EC of EDR Systems................................................................194 Considerations for EC Optimization of EDR Systems ........................................194 CHAPTER 10: GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR EC ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION......195 CHAPTER 11: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH...........................................................................................................................203 Conclusions......................................................................................................................203 Recommendations for Further Research..........................................................................206 APPENDIX A:.............................................................................................................................207 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................221 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................225 vii ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED viii ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TABLES 2.1 Operating characteristics of UV lamps used to disinfect biologically treated wastewater................................................................................................................6 2.2 Typical energy requirements for various ozone system components ................................10 2.3 Examples of optimization opportunities for ozone processes............................................14 2.4 Anticipated efficiencies of various energy recovery systems............................................19 2.5 Selected operational statistics for the HERO and RO/electrodeionization process...........20 2.6 Summary of ATTs, major components, typical power usage, and common strategies for optimizing energy efficiently.................................................................................24 3.1 Project partners and roles...................................................................................................25 3.2 Proposed advanced treatment technologies for energy evaluations ..................................26 3.3 Utility partners ...................................................................................................................27 3.4 Activities for each utility group .........................................................................................28 3.5 Participating utilities and ATT by ATT by group .............................................................28 4.1 Raw water quality parameters for the Kamloops WPT from March 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005................................................................................................33 4.2 Waddell Canal water quality parameters ...........................................................................45 4.3 Summary of membrane trains at AWC WTP ....................................................................47 4.4 Comparison of actual AWC WTP energy consumption, by equipment categories, between months with lowest and highest energy consumption...........51 5.1 Water characteristics for the raw water feed to the Goldsworthy Desalter treatment plant .......................................................................................................64 5.2 Breakdown of the specific energy consumption at the Goldsworthy Desalter..................66 5.3 Water quality properties of the raw feedwater and RO product water at the Seward WTP ..........................................................................................................69 5.4 Average monthly specific energy consumption at the Seward Corrosion Control Plant ..........................................................................................................75 ix ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 5.5 Secondary effluent quality to West Basin Water Recycling Facility ................................86 5.6 Performance results for the Phase III RO system ..............................................................90 5.7 WBWRF Phase III MF/RO energy consumption breakdown ...........................................91 5.8 Summary of selected average water quality parameters and RO system specific energy consumption from the three RO WTPs......................................................94 5.9 Typical energy recovery efficiencies for different energy recovery devices.....................95 6.1 VPSA unit oxygen production and specific energy consumption ...................................103 6.2 Potential energy and cost savings analysis for optimization of ozone concentration during the winter and summer operating periods at the AMS WTP....................115 6.3 Annual average ozone production rate and specific energy consumption data for the ozone generator and destruction unit ...................................................................123 6.4 Energy consumption and ozone production for the Bollman WTP.................................128 6.5 Summary of selected data for the Paul M. Neal WTP.....................................................133 6.6 Summary of “other” ozone power at the Paul M. Neal WTP..........................................133 6.7 Summary of ozone-related data for the Paul M. Neal WTP ............................................134 6.8 Summary of ozone concentration and specific energy data.............................................135 7.1 Phase IV UV/peroxide advanced oxidation system design requirement .........................147 8.1 Effluent standards for the Pooler WWTP when discharging to a creek ..........................158 8.2 Average specific energy consumption for specific operational periods ..........................161 8.3 AWC WWTP membrane bioreactor characteristics ........................................................167 8.4 Effluent standards for the Anthem AWC WWTP when discharging to a stream ...........171 8.5 Power loads and associated supplies for the AWC WWTP ............................................174 8.6 Summary analysis of the relationship between the specific energy required for various process equipment and the total system monthly effluent volume ......................180 9.1 Summary of water treatment system performance and specific energy consumption at the Carlton WTP.........................................................................193 x ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 9.2 Potential Reduction in Pumping Associated with Increased Water Recovery ................194 10.1 General list of data required for EC optimization............................................................196 10.2 List of data required for EC optimization for specific ATTs...........................................196 10.3 Example of electrical equipment inventory sheet............................................................197 10.4 Examples of equipment that should be inventoried for specific treatment processes ..............................................................................................................198 10.5 Performance benchmarks specific to various treatment systems.....................................199 10.6 Areas of emphasis to be considered for the evaluation of specific treatment processes ..............................................................................................................200 11.1 Comparison of case studies results and literature values for EC and strategies for optimizing energy efficiency..........................................................................204 xi ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED xii ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FIGURES 2.1 Impact of operating time on UV lamp efficiency ................................................................7 2.2 Possible lamp configurations inflow-through UV disinfection systems..............................9 2.3 Specific energy consumption for air-fed ozone systems operating at varying degrees of their ozone production capacity .............................................................................11 2.4 Specific energy data for LOX fed ozone generators in comparing UV to ozone energy uses, estimated ozone power usage of 0.6kW-hr/kgal at an ozone dose of 12 mg/L .....................................................................................................12 2.5 Ozone facility evaluation approach for assessing energy efficiency .................................13 2.6 Optimized operating ozone concentration curve for an example LOX oxygen-fed ozone generator......................................................................................................15 2.7 Specific energy consumption as a function of instantaneous water flux for low-pressure membranes .............................................................................................................17 2.8 General layout of a seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) treatment system........................18 2.9 Energy required in SWRO to produce a unit volume of treated water..............................19 2.10 Energy consumption for electrodialysis reversal and other processes as a function of the feed water total dissolved solids content..........................................................22 4.1 General layout for low-pressure water treatment membrane systems ...............................31 4.2 Kamloops Centre for Water Quality process schematic ....................................................34 4.3 Evolution of membrane permeability overtime for Train 1 at the Kamloops water treatment facility ....................................................................................................36 4.4 Average daily energy consumption by the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems as a function of a) and b) permeate production rate at the Kamloops water treatment facility ..........................................................................................37 4.5 Specific energy consumption by the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems as a function of the daily permeate production rate at the Kamloops water treatment facility ....................................................................................................38 4.6 Average daily energy consumption by the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems at the Kamloops WTP as a function of water temperature ......................40 xiii ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 4.7 Specific energy consumption by the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems as a function of the raw water temperature at the Kamloops water treatment facility ....................................................................................................................40 4.8 Correlation between transmembrane pressure and temperature for Membrane Train 1 prior to membrane system recalibration at two different flux rates (x-axis scale reversed to emphasize increasing vacuum).......................................41 4.9 Specific energy consumption and water temperature for the period after system recalibration ...........................................................................................................41 4.10 Raw water turbidity and specific energy consumption by the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems over time for the Kamloops WTP .......................43 4.11 Transmembrane pressure (TMP) for the primary membranes (Train 1) as a function of the influent raw water turbidity..............................................................................43 4.12 AWC WTP process flow schematic ..................................................................................46 4.13 AWC WTP energy consumption by all equipment at the water treatment plant and water production ....................................................................................................49 4.14 Breakdown of AWC WTP energy consumption by major equipment ..............................50 4.15 Correlation between AWC WTP membrane energy use by the membrane related equipment only (permeate pump, air scour, cleaning system) and water production ..............................................................................................................52 4.16 AWC WTP specific energy consumption by the membrane related equipment only (permeate pump, air scour, cleaning system).........................................................53 4.17 AWC WTP monthly water production and monthly average raw water temperature.......54 4.18 Correlation between Anthem WTP specific energy consumption by the membrane related equipment only (permeate pump, air scour, cleaning system) and raw water temperature...................................................................................................55 4.19 AWC WTP specific energy consumption by the membrane related equipment only (permeate pump, air scour, cleaning system) and average monthly raw water turbidity..................................................................................................................56 4.20 Specific energy consumption as a function of daily permeate production at the Kamloops and Anthem WTPs ...............................................................................58 4.21 Specific energy consumption as a function of water temperature at the Kamloops and Anthem WTPs........................................................................................................59 xiv ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 4.22 Specific energy consumption as a function of the raw water turbidity at the Kamloops and Anthem WTPs.................................................................................................60 5.1 General layout for a RO membrane water treatment system.............................................62 5.2 Process flow diagram for the Goldsworthy Desalter treatment plant ................................65 5.3 Comparison of Goldsworthy energy consumption (influent TDS = 2,393 mg/L).............67 5.4 Theoretical specific energy consumption for several new RO and NF membranes as a function of raw water TDS ....................................................................................68 5.5 Process flow diagram for the Seward, Nebraska Corrosion Control Plant........................69 5.6 Feed and permeate flowrates as well as the corresponding recovery rate for Seward Corrosion Plant RO Train A measured over the study period ...............................71 5.7 Permeate flowrate as a function of feed pressure for Seward Corrosion Control Plant RO Trains A and B taken at two different time periods ........................................71 5.8 Seward Corrosion Control Plant feed water and permeate conductivity as a function of time ........................................................................................................................72 5.9 Estimated total monthly run time for the booster pumps for RO Trains A and B.............73 5.10 Daily maximum run times for the Seward groundwater wells ..........................................74 5.11 Seward energy consumption by different process equipment as a function of the water production rate .......................................................................................................75 5.12 Seward energy consumption by different process equipment as a function of time .........76 5.13 Seward well production and energy consumption by the corresponding well pumping systems...................................................................................................................77 5.14 Seward wellfield specific energy consumption for November 2004 through November 2005......................................................................................................78 5.15 Specific energy consumption for different process equipment at the Seward Corrosion Control Plant ..........................................................................................................79 5.16 Average monthly specific energy consumption for the RO booster pumps only as a function of the feed water conductivity .................................................................80 5.17 Average monthly specific energy consumption for the RO booster pumps only as a function of the feedwater temperature ...................................................................80 xv ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 5.18 Monthly water production for the three different well-field areas in the Seward system ....................................................................................................................82 5.19 Phase III Low-Pressure Boiler Feed Water (LPBF) Production Train Schematic ............87 5.20 Comparison of WBWRF Phase III MF/RO energy consumption .....................................91 5.21 Specific energy consumption by the RO systems as a function of the operating feed pressure at West Basin, Goldsworthy, and Seward WTPs ....................................93 5.22 Theoretical energy consumption by a pump operating at different flow rates and feed pressures.................................................................................................................94 6.1 Typical process layout for an ozonation water treatment system ......................................97 6.2 Schematic of the Alfred Merritt Smith WTP oxygen/ozone generators..........................100 6.3 Detailed schematic of the VPSA system used at the AMS WTP ....................................101 6.4 VPSA specific energy consumption with respect to oxygen production rate..................102 6.5 VPAS specific energy consumption with respect to ozone production rate at 8 percent (by weight) ozone concentration..........................................................................103 6.6 Ozone generator specific energy consumption as a function of ozone concentration (by weight) ...........................................................................................................104 6.7 Combined specific energy consumption for the VPSA and ozone generators ................104 6.8 Monthly average specific energy consumption for the ozone generator, VPSA system and the combined specific energy consumption for both ....................................106 6.9 Specific energy consumption for the ozone generator and the VPSA system as a function of the average daily flow rate per month to the SNWA treatment plant......................................................................................................................107 6.10 Hourly raw water flowrate measurements for one week period in January 2006 (winter demand period) and June – July 2006 (summer demand period)............108 6.11 Hourly ozone production and dosage for January 2006 (winter demand period)............109 6.12 Hourly ozone production dosage for June/July 2006 (summer demand period) .............109 6.13 Power demand for the ozone generator and the VPSA system during January 2006 (winter) at the SNWA ..........................................................................................110 xvi ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 6.14 Power demand for the ozone generator and the VPSA system during June 2006 (summer) at the SNWA .......................................................................................111 6.15 Calculated AMS ozone system specific energy consumption as a function of operating ozone concentration .............................................................................................112 6.16 Calculated AMS ozone system specific energy consumption as a function of operating ozone production rate...........................................................................................113 6.17 Calculated AMS ozone system specific energy consumption as a function of water production ............................................................................................................114 6.18 Process flow diagram for the Ralph D. Bollman drinking water treatment plant............116 6.19 Schematic layout of the ozonation system at the Bollman WTP.....................................117 6.20 Average monthly finished water flowrate and ozone production rate at the Bollman WTP ......................................................................................................118 6.21 Monthly ozone generator gas flowrate and resulting ozone concentration over the course of the study period at the Bollman WTP ..................................................119 6.22 Monthly average virus inactivation achieved through ozonation at the Bollman WTP .....................................................................................................................120 6.23 Influent and effluent concentrations of a) Geosmin and b) MIB following ozonation ...121 6.24 Monthly average ozone dose used at the Bollman WTP .................................................122 6.25 Average monthly specific energy consumption by the ozonation system (ozone generator and destruction unit) measured from 2004 to 2006 .............................123 6.26 Average monthly specific energy consumption by the ozonation system (ozone generator and destruction unit) as a function of the finished water flowrate ................................................................................................................124 6.27 Average monthly specific energy consumption by the ozonation system (ozone generator and destruction unit) as a function of the ozone production rate.........125 6.28 Average monthly specific energy consumption by the ozonation system (ozone generator and destruction unit) as a function of the ozone concentration in the gas stream...................................................................................................125 Unit-mass costs in terms of energy required by the ozone generator and LOX material costs for producing a pound of ozone at the Bollman WTP..................127 6.29 6.30 Simplified schematic diagram of the unit processes at the Paul M. Neal WTP ..............130 xvii ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 6.31 Simplified schematic diagram of ozone feed gas and generator unit processes ..............131 6.32 Simplified schematic diagram of ozone destruct units ....................................................131 6.33 Monthly ozone production rate at the Paul M. Neal WTP for the operating year 2006......................................................................................................................132 6.34 Specific energy required for producing a unit mass of ozone as a function of ozone concentration........................................................................................................135 6.35 Specific energy consumption (kWh/lb O3) for the ozonation system as a function of the corresponding ozone production rate for the operating year 2006 ................136 6.36 Specific energy consumption by the total water treatment plant as a function of the ozone dose............................................................................................................137 6.37 Specific energy consumption by the total water treatment plant as a function of raw water turbidity......................................................................................................138 6.38 Specific energy consumption by the total water treatment plant as a function of the average monthly temperature...............................................................................139 6.39 Specific energy consumption by the total water treatment plant as a function of the finished water flowrate ........................................................................................140 6.40 Specific EC for the total ozonation system as a function of ozone concentration for the Contra Costa, SNWA, and Central Lake County WTPs................................142 6.41 Specific energy consumption for the total ozonation system as a function of the average daily flowrate at the Contra Costa, SWNA, and Central Lake County WTPs.......................................................................................................143 6.42 Ozonation system specific energy consumption as a function of ozone production rate for the Contra Costa, SNWA, and Central Lake County WTPs ...................144 7.1 General layout of a UV disinfection system ....................................................................145 7.2 Estimated range of Phase IV UV/peroxide system electrical load ..................................148 7.3 Estimated range of specific energy consumption of Phase IV UV/peroxide system ......148 7.4 Average daily flowrate and corresponding number of UV reactors in operation at the Paul M. Neal WTP over the course of this study period .....................................150 7.5 Specific energy consumption by the UV system at the Paul M. Neal WTP as function of flowrate............................................................................................................151 xviii ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8.1 General system layout for a membrane biological reactor (MBR) wastewater treatment system ..................................................................................................153 8.2 Process schematic for the Pooler WWTP ........................................................................156 8.3 Influent and effluent BOD5 concentrations to the Pooler WWTP...................................158 8.4 Influent and effluent TSS concentrations to the Pooler WWTP......................................159 8.5 Average monthly energy consumption and corresponding effluent flowrates at the Pooler WWTP......................................................................................................160 8.6 Monthly energy consumption as a function of the effluent flowrate at the Pooler WWTP .................................................................................................................160 8.7 Specific energy consumption for the total wastewater treatment system at the Pooler WWTP .................................................................................................................161 8.8 Specific energy plotted as a function of the average monthly flowrate at the Pooler WWTP .................................................................................................................162 8.9 Monthly specific energy consumption plotted as a function of the average monthly influent BOD5 concentration to the Pooler WWTP MBR system.......................163 8.10 Monthly specific energy consumption plotted as a function of the average monthly influent TSS concentration to the Pooler WWTP system....................................163 8.11 Energy consumption by membrane bioreactor relative to the total energy consumption at the treatment plant............................................................................................165 8.12 Specific energy consumption by the different MBR related equipment during different months of the study-period....................................................................165 8.13 Process schematic for the AWC Wastewater Treatment Plant........................................168 8.14 Schematic drawings of the bioreactors used at the AWC WWTP...................................169 8.15 Influent and effluent BOD5 concentrations to the MBR system at the AWC WWTP ....172 8.16 Influent and effluent TSS concentrations to the MBR system at the AWC WWTP .......173 8.17 Monthly energy consumption at the AWC WWTP.........................................................175 8.18 Monthly specific energy consumption at the AWC WWTP ...........................................176 xix ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8.19 Monthly effluent flowrate and total treatment system energy consumption for the AWC WWTP .......................................................................................................177 8.20 Energy consumption by the treatment system as a function of the volume of treated effluent at the AWC WWTP................................................................................178 8.21 Specific energy consumption for the treatment system as a function of the total volume of wastewater treated per month .............................................................179 8.22 Specific energy consumption plotted as a function of the average monthly raw water influent BOD5 concentration................................................................................181 8.23 Specific energy consumption by the treatment system as a function of the monthly average influent TSS concentration .....................................................................181 8.24 Specific energy consumption for the total MBR systems at the Anthem and Pooler WWTPs as a function of the effluent flowrate ....................................................183 8.25 Average specific energy consumption by the permeate pumps at the Anthem and Pooler WWTPs ....................................................................................................184 8.26 Specific energy consumption for the MBR systems at the Anthem and Pooler WWTPs as a function of the influent a) TSS concentration and b) the BOD5 levels ....................................................................................................................185 9.1 General layout of an EDR membrane stack.....................................................................187 9.2 Sarasota County, Florida Carlton WTP process schematic .............................................189 9.3 Schematic of the EDR stack configuration at the Carlton WTP......................................190 9.4 Historical raw and finished water a) TDS and b) turbidity for the Carlton WTP............191 9.5 Monthly average daily energy consumption for the Carlton WTP..................................192 10.1 General procedure for planning and performing an EC analysis at water and wastewater treatment plants.................................................................................195 xx ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOREWORD The Awwa Research Foundation is a nonprofit corporation that is dedicated to the implementation of a research effort to help utilities respond to regulatory requirements and traditional high-priority concerns of the industry. The research agenda is developed through a process of consultation with subscribers and drinking water professionals. Under the umbrella of a Strategic Research Plan, the Research Advisory Council prioritizes the suggested projects based upon current and future needs, applicability, and past work; the recommendations are forwarded to the Board of Trustees for final selection. The foundation also sponsors research projects through the unsolicited proposal process; the Collaborative Research, Research Applications, and Tailored Collaboration programs; and various joint research efforts with organizations such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and the Association of California Water Agencies. This publication is a result of one of these sponsored studies, and it is hoped that its findings will be applied in communities throughout the world. The following report serves not only as a means of communicating the results of the water industry’s centralized research program but also as a tool to enlist the further support of the nonmember utilities and individuals. Projects are managed closely from their inception to the final report by the foundation’s staff and large cadre of volunteers who willingly contribute their time and expertise. The foundation serves a planning and management function and awards contracts to other institutions such as water utilities, universities, and engineering firms. The funding for this research effort comes primarily from the Subscription Program, through which water utilities subscribe to the research program and make an annual payment proportionate to the volume of water they deliver and consultants and manufacturers subscribe based on their annual billings. The program offers a cost-effective and fair method for funding research in the public interest. A broad spectrum of water supply issues are addressed by the foundation’s research agenda: resources, treatment and operations, distribution and storage, water quality and analysis, toxicology, economics, and management. The ultimate purpose of the coordinated effort is to assist water suppliers in providing the highest possible quality of water economically and reliably. David E. Rager Chair, Board of Trustees Awwa Research Foundation Robert C. Renner, P.E. Executive Director Awwa Research Foundation xxi ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED xxii ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the gracious support of the Awwa Research Foundation (AwwaRF) without whose support, this project would not have been possible. The authors wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to Linda Reekie AwwaRF Project Manager and the following AwwaRF Project Advisory Committee members for their expertise and constructive guidance and contributions throughout the project: • Paul Roggensack, California Energy Commission • Joanne Daugherty & Shivaji Deshmukh, Orange County Water District • Dave Huey, Contra Costa Water District • Omar Moghaddam, Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation • Mike Stenstrom, University of California, Los Angeles Several utilities, agencies, and companies from across the country provided significant time, staff, and expertise, as participants in the project’s Expert Workshop. The authors gratefully acknowledge their efforts: • • • • • • • • • • • West Basin Municipal Water District, CA Contra Costa Water District, CA Water Replenish District, CA Arizona American Water Company, AZ Southern Nevada Water Authority, NV City of Pooler, GA Sarasota County, FL Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency, IL City of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada Zenon/GE Water Process and Technologies Trojan Technologies The authors would also like to extend a special thanks to California Energy Commission who provided a financial contribution to the project. Finally, we would like to thank Julie Self for her efforts in preparing the final report. xxiii ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED xxiv ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to evaluate factors that affect energy consumption (EC) by advanced water/wastewater treatment technologies and to identify energy optimization opportunities while maintaining treatment performance. While equipment costs have been decreasing as a result of technological advancements, the cost of energy continues to rise. At water and wastewater treatment facilities, high EC is typically associated with inefficient equipment and operations, over design of pumps and processes, and, in many cases, a lack of understanding of energy conservation measures (ECMs). These problems can be exacerbated for advanced treatment systems, which tend to be more energy intensive than conventional technologies. RESEARCH APPROACH The research approach for this project consisted of the following major activities: 1) identification of advanced treatment technologies (ATTs) for inclusion in this study; 2) development of a standard framework for evaluating EC and efficiency of ATTs; 3) performance of energy audits of selected ATT installations; 4) analysis of data and identification of energy optimization opportunities; and 5) development of general guidelines for EC analysis and optimization. As part of a project kickoff meeting conducted in December 2005, members of the Project Partners in consultation with the AwwaRF Project Manager and Project Advisory Committee identified the following ATTs for inclusion in this study: • Ultraviolet light disinfection o Drinking water primary disinfection o Advanced oxidation with UV/peroxide • Ozonation o Vapor/pressure-swing adsorption o Liquid oxygen o Ambient air • Membrane processes o Microfiltration o Ultrafiltration o Reverse osmosis o Membrane bioreactors o Electrodialysis reversal The ATTs listed above were determined to have the greatest impact on EC based on the following criteria: • The ATT has broad application potential for meeting water and/or wastewater treatment requirements. • The treatment performance of the ATT is proven, well understood, and well documented based on results from operating installations. • The ATT is commercially available from more than one manufacturer/supplier. • The ATT can have a notable energy demand. xxv ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Case studies were developed based on the availability of 14 water and wastewater treatment utilities located throughout the US and Canada that were using one or more of the selected ATTs listed above. A standard framework was developed for analyzing, evaluating and comparing EC and efficiency data for the selected ATTs. The framework for this project consisted of the following activities: • Grouping of utilities • Data and information collection • Analysis and theoretical energy efficiency and correlation of EC with water quality • EC audit • Identification of optimization opportunities Standard units of measurement were also established for quantifying energy data. For the purpose of comparing the selected ATTs, energy consumption (EC) was expressed in units of kilowatt hours per 1000 gallons (kWh per 1000 gal). The specific level of research activities that were conducted at each treatment facility was determined by the designated “utility group”. Table ES-1 provides a summary of the participating utilities, the designated group for each utility, definitions for each utility group, and comments about the selected ATTs. Table ES-1 Participating utilities, designated utility group, and selected ATTs Utility Southern Nevada Water Authority, NV Utility Group* 1 Water Replenishment District of Southern California, CA West Basin Municipal Water District, CA Sarasota County, FL City of Seward, NE 1 Arizona American Water Company, Anthem Water Campus City of Pooler, GA City of Kamloops, BC 2 2 2 Contra Costa Water District, CA 2 Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency, IL 3 1 1 2 Selected ATTs and Comment Utility partner with largest ozone installations. Two different ozone installations; one installation included in this study. Brackish water RO desalination facility Water reuse facility, multiple ATT at site (MF, RO, UV) Only utility partner with an EDR facility Groundwater RO facility that is smaller than Group 1 RO facilities Smaller than Group 1 MBR and low-pressure facility Smallest MBR facility One low-pressure membrane facility already in Group 1 Two ozone installations; one installation included in this study. Potable water treatment facility using UV light disinfection. *Activities for each utility group were defined as including the following: 1. Collection of data and information; analysis of historical energy efficiency and correlation of EC with water quality; performance of EC audit; and identification of optimization measure. 2. Collection of data and information, analysis of historical energy efficiency, and correlation of EC with water quality. If schedule permitted, optimization measures were identified. 3. If scheduling permitted, activities included one or more of the activities in Group 2. xxvi ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Table ES-2 provides a summary of results of the specific EC values that were determined for the targeted ATTs based on the case studies conducted as part of this study. Also included in Table ES-2 are summaries of the factors affecting specific EC values. In general, these findings indicate that UV and ozone disinfection processes exhibited the lowest specific EC values in the range of 0.02 to 0.16 kWh per 1000 gal whereas pressure-driven processes (ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, membrane bioreactors, and electrodialysis reversal) exhibited higher specific EC values ranging from 0.5 to 7.5 kWh per 1000 gal. For most processes (with the exception of UV disinfection), case study results indicate a decreasing specific EC with increasing flowrate and, in nearly all case studies, energy efficiency potentially could be optimized by operating near design capacity. xxvii ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table ES-2 Results of case studies for EC values and strategies for optimizing energy efficiency Specific Energy Consumption (kWh per 1000 gal)1 ATT Process or Component UV disinfection Mediumpressure lamp system 0.02-0.09 LOX feed 0.02-0.053,6 Ozone disinfection Reverse osmosis 0.06-0.08 Ambient air feed 0.11-0.165,6 Pumps, air scour, cleaning system Feed pumps Membrane bioreactors Pumps, blowers Electrodialysis Reversal Electrified membrane plates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 4 VPSA feed 0.5-1.07 Microfiltration/ Ultrafiltration 2 0.4-0.78 0.5-4.8 9 3.0-7.510 4.3 11 Factors Affecting EC Optimizing Energy Efficiency Specific EC decreases with increasing flow rate (15-40 mgd) and total number of operating reactors (1-3). Operate at or near flow capacity. Ozone concentration affects all ozone systems (LOX, VPSA, and ambient air). Operate at or near design ozone concentration. Production rate Pretreatment also affects specific EC. For example, addition of coag and floc reduced specific EC related to pumping whereas addition of PAC increased specific EC. Reconfigure re-circulating lines and other operational improvements Specific EC increases linearly with feed pressure Pre-blending, improved pump operating efficiency, new membrane materials, and energy recovery systems. Air scour blowers represent approximately 40 percent of total specific EC whereas permeate pumps and aeration blowers account for 3 to 5 percent. Specific EC for permeate pumps depend on membrane pore size. Fixed energy consumption (e.g., building HVAC, mixers, etc.) is considered small relative to EDR. More data would be needed to determine effects of TDS or other parameters. Minimize the frequency of air scour. Although insufficient data available, improved efficiency potentially could be achieved by operating near design recovery. Based on values collected per utility case studies as described in Chapters 4 through 9. Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency Contra Costa Water District, California Southern Nevada Water Authority Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency Represents EC for ATT only. Kamloops Centre for Water Quality Anthem Water Campus, Arizona Based on operating feed pressures at West Basin, Goldsworthy, and Seward WTPs. Based on total MBR systems at the Anthem and Pooler WWTPs. Average based on 3 months of production data at Sarasota County, Florida. xxviii ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED One notable observation during this study is that despite a high level of interest in understanding EC by advanced treatment processes, the level of EC monitoring capability varied greatly amongst the participating utilities. While a few utilities can monitor EC for each major piece of equipment and log all of the EC data, some utilities have very limited or no monitoring capability for EC. The first opportunity for optimizing EC is during the planning and design phase of the implementation stage. Appropriate engineering design, equipment specification, and operation strategy can be incorporated into the design. Once the plant is built, any modification in system operation for the purpose of EC optimization may require collaboration with the equipment provider so that equipment warranty can be maintained. Also, it should be noted that optimizing treatment process energy consumption is only one of many system operational objectives. Other important factors, such as operation flexibility, process reliability, and system redundancy should also be considered along with the benefits of optimizing treatment energy consumption. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH Based on the findings of this study, the following topics are suggested for further research with the goal of optimizing energy efficiency of treatment systems: • Contrary to conventional expectations, case studies on MBR systems revealed lower pressure requirements for smaller mean pore size membranes compared to larger mean pore size. It would therefore be beneficial to assess the effects of other membrane characteristics (e.g., thickness and hydrophobicity) on pumping requirements for MBR systems in water and wastewater treatment applications. • Case studies demonstrated that air scour accounted for roughly 40 percent of the total specific EC at MBR treatment facilities. Research is needed to determine which factors (e.g., membrane properties and configuration) could be improved to decrease the frequency and duration of air scour cycles in MBR facilities. Research could also be conducted to determine how biofouling can be reduced to optimize energy consumption. • Case studies demonstrated that temperature was a minor factor affecting RO performance whereas TDS had a notable influence on specific EC. More study could be conducted to assess temperature ranges that have the greatest influence on RO systems and possible mitigation measures (e.g., heating systems) for improving energy efficiency. • Advancements are continuing in the design of membrane configurations (e.g., spiral wound versus hollow fiber), element design (e.g., 16-inch module versus 8-inch module), and system design (e.g., 3-Center design concept). It would be valuable to determine how these design changes affect the energy efficiency of a given membrane system. xxix ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED xxx ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES INTRODUCTION Water and wastewater systems have been estimated to account for 4 percent of the total electricity demand in the United States (US) (EPRI 2002). As a particularly extreme example, water systems in California are estimated to use about 7 percent of the state’s electricity (QEI, INC. 1992). In 1998, the American Water Works Service Company surveyed 109 drinking water plants, ranging in size from less than 1 mgd to over 70 mgd. The average power usage per million gallons of water treated for these plants was 2240 kWh/MG, with the range being 338 to 4500 kWh/MG (Arora and LeChevallier 1998). Many of the systems surveyed in this study used conventional water treatment technologies. These results may therefore not adequately characterize future utilities which are increasingly turning to more advanced technologies. This is because the demand for water from a growing population is rapidly outstripping the available supply from high quality water sources, so agencies are turning to lower quality sources of supply. To treat these waters, while at the same time meeting more stringent drinking water regulations, agencies are implementing more sophisticated and energy intensive advanced treatment technologies (ATTs). Examples of ATTs being used or considered for both water and wastewater applications include ozonation, ultra violet (UV) disinfection, and membrane processes. Energy consumption (EC) is of particular concern due to the rising cost of electricity. While equipment costs have been decreasing as a result of technological advancements, the cost of energy continues to escalate. For example, due to significant reductions in membrane equipment and material costs over the last 20 years, EC is now the second largest fraction of unit water cost (capital recovery represents the largest fraction) in RO applications. For example, at a recently constructed RO plant at Point Lisas, Trinidad, energy represents 23 percent of the total treatment cost. Given the increasing application of membrane processes, in addition to other advanced technologies, it is prudent to understand their energy requirements and to determine applicable optimization strategies. In general, EC is typically high at water and wastewater treatment plants for a number of reasons, including: use of inefficient equipment, over design of pumps and processes, operation of equipment at maximum capacities to maintain predetermined safety factors, and in many cases a lack of understanding of energy conservation measures (ECMs). These problems are exasperated for more advanced treatment systems, which tend to be more energy intensive than conventional technologies. Improving the energy efficiency of both conventional and advanced treatment systems requires that a comprehensive understanding of the EC by the different equipment be developed. This understanding may be realized through an energy audit (Reardon, 1995a). In an energy audit the processes are described in detail to identify key sources of EC. The operating conditions are then characterized to understand how they are influencing process EC. Based on these results it is possible to develop ECMs in which strategies are outlined for improving energy efficiency. Key to improving the energy efficiency of ATTs, is understanding several important characteristics including: what are the primary energy consuming equipment and what factors (water quality and operating parameters) are influencing EC? Because the emergence of many ATTs is relatively recent, particularly with respect to their application in full-scale treatment 1 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED systems, little information is available on their EC characteristics. This effort represents one of the first to characterize the EC characteristics of a variety of popular ATTs used in both water and wastewater treatment systems. OBJECTIVES This project was conducted to meet three overall objectives: 1) describe the EC characteristics of different ATTs; 2) evaluate the factors that affect EC by these ATTs; and 3) identify feasible energy optimization measures for each ATT. Selection of the ATTs for study was based on the degree of application (popularity) in drinking water and wastewater utilities. Those ATTs that were selected for analysis in this study include: • Ultraviolet light disinfection o Drinking water primary disinfection o Advanced oxidation with UV/peroxide • Ozonation o Vapor/pressure-swing adsorption o Liquid oxygen o Ambient air • Membrane processes o Microfiltration o Ultrafiltration o Reverse osmosis o Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) o Electrodialysis reversal (EDR) Case studies were developed based on 14 water and wastewater treatment utilities located throughout the US and Canada that were using one or more of the ATTs selected for study. A standard framework was developed for evaluating EC and efficiency data. Energy audits were also conducted for selected ATT installations. Results were analyzed and energy optimization opportunities were identified. Based on results of this study, conclusions, recommendations and general guidelines were developed for performing site-specific EC analysis and optimization studies. This project evaluated many different ATTs, but not all ATTs (even those in the same category) have the same basis of technology, operation criteria, and EC monitoring capability. Therefore, results from this study do not intend to serve as benchmarks for the types of ATT evaluated. Those data should be considered as a general spot-check on the actual energy consumption by the ATTs. 2 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW SUMMARY OF RELEVANT EXISTING PUBLICATIONS AND STUDIES Previous studies on the EC characteristics of water and wastewater treatment industries have generally focused on a broader assessment of energy management (Reardon et al. 1987a and 1987b; Reardon, 1995b). There is also a wide range of information on ATTs with respect to treatment performance, design considerations, and operations and maintenance. However, there has been little published information that specifically addresses the energy efficiency and optimization aspects for ATTs. There are however, several published reports from various research agencies that address the needs for such information. The Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program, managed by the California Energy Commission, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and Awwa Research Foundation (AwwaRF) have initiated and/or sponsored recent projects focusing on energy management for water and wastewater treatment systems and plants. EPRI published a guidance document entitled “Energy Audit Manual for Water/Wastewater Facilities” (Reardon, 1994). The purpose of this document was to provide an overview of the relationship between specific unit processes and energy demands and conservation. It provides general guidance for conducting energy audits to identify ECMs, primarily for pumping systems and conventional treatment processes (coagulation, sedimentation, and granular media filtration). One ATT that is addressed in this report is ozonation. A report entitled “Quality Energy Efficiency Retrofits for Wastewater Systems” (EPRI 1998) addressed a wide variety of energy uses within wastewater treatment plants, several of which (variable-frequency drives (VFDs), energy-efficient motors, and pumping station modifications) apply indirectly to advanced treatment processes. However, the only advanced treatment process addressed directly in this report was UV-disinfection. In the discussion on UV-disinfection the report does not address how system design and operation affect process EC. Furthermore, little information was provided for energy optimization in UV systems. AwwaRF and the EPRI Community Environmental Center commissioned a series of projects to define Energy and Water Quality Management Systems (EWQMS) to help address energy optimization and energy-cost minimization. As part of this initiative, EPRI published “A Total Energy and Water Quality Management System,” (EPRI 1999), the objective of which was to develop a generic model for EWQMS. The purpose of EWQMS is to establish a plan for operating a utility’s system that delivers the quantities needed to customers, meets the water quality requirements, and minimizes the net cost of energy consumed. There are many factors that input into the EWQMS process, only one of which is EC by the treatment processes. Therefore, while the EWQMS provides a good overall framework for optimization of energy use in relation to water supply and quality, it was not designed to specifically evaluate energy efficiencies of specific treatment processes. The EPRI (2001) report “Summary Report for California Energy Commission Energy Efficiency Studies,” presented the findings of four energy assessments. The assessments were performed at two large water treatment plants and two large wastewater treatment plants. The purpose of these assessments was to identify ECMs and electrotechnologies that can reduce EC or improve the treatment process efficiency. Five different types of ECMs were identified at the 3 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED water plants and eight ECM types were identified at the wastewater plants. The ECMs included a broad range of measures, including such things as lighting retrofits, load shedding, and equipment modifications. These assessments appear to have little information that is directly relevant to energy optimization for advanced treatment processes. However, one interesting outcome of the assessments is that an overall “unit EC” value was calculated for each plant. For instance, one of the water plants had a unit EC value of 446 kWh/MG (0.4 kWh/kgal) of water produced, while one of the wastewater plants had a value of 2,263 kWh/Mgal (2.3 kWh/kgal) of water treated. Overall unit EC values for a given plant may serve as a good benchmark for evaluating EC of specific unit treatment processes. The purpose of the 2003 report “Water and Wastewater Industry Energy Efficiency: A Research Roadmap,” (Means III 2003) was to provide direction for research and development activities. The Roadmap identified eight primary research topics where potentially significant energy savings could occur. These eight research topics included advanced treatment processes, energy optimization, and total energy management. The suggested research topics included various aspects and applications of UV disinfection, catalytic advanced oxidation, ozonation, and membrane filtration. Because the federal government is the single largest energy consumer in the US, the US Department of Energy established the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) to sponsor activities and investigations to reduce EC at federal installations. The FEMP has prepared several publications as part of its New Technology Demonstrations program including some for advanced water/wastewater treatment processes. For instance, one recent publication focused on high efficiency RO and is discussed in the RO section below. INDUSTRY STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY Currently, there are no accepted energy efficiency standards for ATT systems. However, one important industry standard for energy efficiency that applies to virtually any treatment process is the National Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA) MG1 standards for energyefficient motors (NEMA 2006). The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT) requires that most general-purpose motors sold in the US must meet these standards. The EPACT standards establish minimum full-load nominal efficiencies based on the motor type (open or enclosed), horsepower (hp), and speed. The Consortium for Energy Efficiency then developed a standard for premium-efficiency motors that exceeds the EPACT efficiencies by 1 to 4 percent. ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT DISINFECTION Disinfection using UV light has received increased attention as an alternative to chlorination as a result of heightened concerns regarding disinfection by-products associated with the latter process. UV-disinfection uses UV light to inactivate microorganisms by damaging their DNA and thus preventing them from reproducing. For disinfection purposes, the optimum UV wavelengths are from 245 – 285 nm. UV systems typically use low-pressure lamps which emit maximum energy output at a wavelength of 253.7 nm; medium pressure lamps emit energy over a broader wavelength spectrum ranging from 180 to 1370 nm. Medium pressure lamps have a life-expectancy of between 4,000 to 8,000 operating hours. Conversely low-pressure and low-pressure high-output lamps have longer lifetimes at 8,000-10,000 and 8,000-12,000 operating hours, respectively. Typically, medium pressure lamps are more expensive compared 4 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED to low pressure lamps and therefore tend to have higher annual O&M costs as a result of lamp replacement. Lamp replacement typically accounts for between 35 to 45 percent of the annual O&M costs for a UV disinfection system in both water and wastewater applications. The UV lamps are housed in a flow-through reactor in order to expose any pathogens present in the water to the UV light. Typically, an open channel is used in wastewater applications, while a closed reactor is used in drinking water treatment. Energy Consumption EC is on average greater for UV systems than for chlorination systems. The principle energy consumers in a UV system are the lamps which generate the UV light. It has been estimated that UV-disinfection increases EC by 70 to 100 kWh/MG (0.07 to 0.10 kWh/kgal) relative to that needed by conventional chlorination processes (EPRI, 1997). For Cryptosporidium control, Mackey et al. (2001) estimated that UV disinfection will use about 0.05 kWh/kgal to 0.15 kWh/kgal, using low pressure-high intensity and medium pressure lamp systems, respectively. There are three types of UV lamps: low pressure-low intensity, low pressure-high intensity, and medium pressure-high intensity. Pressure refers to the gases inside the lamp, while intensity refers to the lamp’s energy output. As described earlier, low pressure-low intensity lamps emit their maximum energy output at approximately 254 nm, while medium pressure lamps emit UV-light at a wide range of wavelengths. From the perspective of the conversion of electrical energy to germicidal energy, the low pressure-low intensity lamps are more efficient than medium-pressure-high intensity lamps. However, because of the higher intensity, fewer lamps are needed to provide the same dosage emitted by low pressure-low intensity lamps. For example, in a wastewater pilot study conducted by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), it was determined that low pressure-low intensity lamps were not cost-effective at large flow rates due to the number of lamps required (NYSERDA 2004). In order to deliver the necessary disinfectant dose, 2,160 low pressure-low intensity lamps would be needed whereas 360 low pressure-high intensity lamps, or 176 medium pressure–high intensity lamps would be required. In a 1990 survey, 98 percent of UV systems used the low pressure lamps (EPRI 1994). The operating characteristics of low- and medium- pressure lamps used to disinfect good quality biologically pre-treated wastewater to comply with an effluent limit of 200 fecal coliform per 100 mL are summarized in Table 2.1. 5 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 2.1 Operating characteristics of UV lamps used to disinfect biologically treated wastewater Variable Emission wavelength Power draw (W) Power Conversion to UV (%) Germicidal output (W/cm of radiation energy) Typical Number of lamps in wastewater application (Number /mgd)2 Typical Power Use (kWh/mgd) Minimum lamp life Typical Cost ($/lamp) 1 2 Low Pressure-Low Intensity 254 nm Low Pressure-High Intensity Broad Spectrum Medium PressureHigh Intensity Broad Spectrum 881 2501 1000 - 150002 20 - 251 15 – 25 0.2 1 131 161 40 – 60 - 2–4 3.2 – 4.8 - 6.8 - 15 13,0001 80001 80001 451 1851 2251 NYSERDA, 2004 EPRI 1994 NYSERDA (2004) investigated the use of three UV technologies for wastewater treatment: low pressure-low intensity; low pressure-high intensity; and medium pressure-high intensity. These technologies were investigated at pilot-scale under a variety of UV doses and flowrates. In order to meet a fecal coliform effluent limit of 200 MPN/100 ml, a fecal log inactivation of 2.7 – 2.9 was required. This inactivation level required UV doses of 26 mW-s/cm2 (low pressure-low intensity), 30 mW-s/cm2 (low pressure –high intensity), and 32 mW-s/cm2 (medium pressure-high intensity). This study (NYSERDA 2004) then compared power requirements for the three UV pilot plants with the amount of power needed by a chlorination/dechlorination facility using hypochlorite and sodium bisulfite to treat the same quantity of water. The chlorination/dechlorination facility would have a power use of 6 kW, whereas the UV systems have power uses of 60 kW (low pressure-low intensity), 45 kW (low pressure-high intensity), and 190 kW (medium pressure-high intensity). The study concluded that low pressure-low intensity UV lamps would not be cost-effective for an application with high flow rates. Mackey et al. (2001) tested four UV technologies for drinking water treatment, including one medium pressure unit and four low pressure units. In this study, two of the units were low pressure-high output. The study was conducted in two phases, with one of the low pressure-high output units receiving a different water quality in the second phase than in the first. The units had a design UV dose of 40 mJ/cm2. Three of the units had operational flow rates of 200 gpm, while the fourth had an operational flow rate of 300 gpm. Mackey et al. (2001) found that the medium pressure unit had the highest power consumption per lamp, while the low-pressure units had the lowest. In comparing different configurations, these investigators found that the Spectrotherm Series K 130 low pressure-high output lamps used less than half (2 kWh/day per lamp) of the energy that the MDW-HO low pressure-high output lamps consumed (5 kW-hr/d per lamp). The higher power consumption was attributed to the greater length of the MDW-HO lamps, which was twice that of the Series K 130 lamps. 6 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The lamp efficiency is shown as a function of the operating time (lamp hours) in Figure 2.1. All of the units were all evaluated for the same flow rates, even though the units did not necessarily share the same optimum flow conditions. From the data presented here the efficiency increased for the Series K130 lamp with operating time, while it decreased for the remaining lamps. The rate of efficiency loss with operating time varied dramatically amongst the different lamps. The increased efficiency for the Series K 130 unit, was unexpected and could not be explained by the project investigators. With regards to the efficiency of dose delivery per unit, the low pressure – high output lamps were found to be more efficient than both the low pressure-low intensity lamps and the medium pressure-high output lamps. Figure 2.1 Impact of operating time on UV lamp efficiency (Source Mackey et al. 2001). 7 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Optimizing Energy Efficiency Currently there are little published results on the optimization of UV processes in water and wastewater treatment. This is perhaps due to the relatively recent emergence of this technology in the field of water treatment. Nevertheless, a dose control strategy is considered to be the most effective way to reduce EC by UV processes. This type of strategy alters the number of lamps in use or the lamp power based on the flowrate, level of disinfection required (dose) and water quality (e.g., UV transmittance) (United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) UV Disinfection Guidance Manual, 2003). EPRI (1994) indicates that two mediumpressure lamps provide settings on the transformer to allow lamps to be dimmed to 60 percent of the “high” intensity setting to adjust for low flows or good influent water quality. Temperature will also impact the energy efficiency of the UV-lamps. The NYSERDA (2004) reported that low pressure-low intensity lamps operate optimally at 40ºC and a variation from this temperature can reduce lamp intensity by 1 percent to 3 percent per degree. Lamp energy efficiency will also be affected by fouling of the lamp housing (typically a quartz tube). Fouling reduces the amount of UV-light which is transmitted to the water, subsequently requiring that the lamps be operated at a higher intensity to maintain the same dose. The degree of fouling that is experienced by UV systems has been found to be highly variable and dependent on a variety of parameters (Job et al., 1995, Mackey et al., 2001, NYSERDA, 2004). Fouling is a function of the influent water quality, lamp configuration, and system hydraulic characteristics. Finally, hydraulic conditions and UV lamp configuration could also affect energy efficiency. Some different possible UV lamp configurations are shown in Figure 2.2. A linear configuration (configuration #5 in Figure 2.2) is generally considered to be the most energy efficient configuration for UV lamps so as to avoid UV emission losses due to self-absorption, reflection or refraction (NYSERDA, 2004). 8 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Inlet Outlet Reflectors Figure 2.2 Possible lamp configurations inflow-through UV disinfection systems (Source: Qualls et al. 1989 and Nieuwstad et al. 1991). The solid gray circles represent the UVlamps while the dotted circles represent the water filled areas. OZONE DISINFECTION As of 1998, approximately 264 water treatment plants in the US were using ozone for disinfection purposes. However, most of these facilities were small, with more than half having treatment capacities that were less than 1 mgd. Ozone is a very strong oxidant that is relatively unstable, thus, the ozone must be generated on-site in order to be useful. The ozonation process includes four steps: feed-gas preparation, ozone generation, ozone contacting, and off-gas treatment. Energy Use Implementation of ozonation can significantly increase the energy demand by a treatment system. EPRI (1997) estimates that implementation of ozonation to meet new or proposed drinking water regulations will increase power consumption by 170 kWh/MG. Although EC will increase when implementing ozone processes, the magnitude of this increase is variable (100 to 200 kWh) and is dependent on the system design and other variables (DeMers et al., 1996). The energy requirements of different components in an ozone system are summarized in Table 2.2. 9 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 2.2 Typical energy requirements for various ozone system components (Source: DeMers et al. 1996) System Component Electrical Energy Usage Air Compressors Liquid ring compressors 20 – 25 bhp per 100 scfm @ 30 psig Rotary screw compressors 13 – 17 bhp per 100 scfm @35 psig Rotary lobe compressors 27 – 33 bhp per 100 scfm @ 100 psig Refrigerant Dryers 1 – 3 kW per 100 scfm Desiccant Dryers Heat reactivated 2 – 3 kW per scfm Heatless Minimal Liquid Oxygen Feed Systems Minimal Pressure Swing Adsorption Feed Systems 15 – 18 kW per ton of oxygen Ozone Generators Air feed (low and medium frequency) 6 – 9 kWh per lb ozone Oxygen feed (medium frequency) 3.5 – 6 kWh per lb ozone Chillers 0.7 – 1.4 kW per ton cooling Off-gas Treatment (destruct & blowers) 1 – 3 kW per 100 scfm The energy required by an ozonation system is determined by the plant capacity, operating flowrate, ozone dosage, and type of feed gas system (i.e., ambient air, LOX or on-site generated oxygen). The energy efficiency for ozonation systems may be assessed in terms of the amount of energy required to produce one pound of ozone (kWh/lb O3), or the specific EC by the system. Evaluating the EC in this manner allows for a baseline comparison to be drawn between different ozonation systems. The specific energy requirements for several ambient air-fed ozonation systems operating at varying fractions of their design ozone production capacities are shown in Figure 2.3. From the data shown in Figure 2.3 the following are general optimization considerations for EC associated with air-fed ozone systems: • Air-fed ozone systems tend to have the lowest specific energy requirements at or near design production. • Systems became less efficient (i.e., higher specific energy) when operating at or near 30 percent to 50 percent of their respective design capacities. • Two air-fed ozone systems maintained efficiency, even below 10 percent to 15 percent of their design capacity. EC for liquid oxygen (LOX)-fed ozone systems is largely (i.e., > 90 percent) from the ozone generator. The specific EC by several different ozone generators using an LOX feed gas system is reported in Figure 2.4. Ozone generators have a characteristic energy efficiency curve that is a function of ozone concentration, water temperature and type of generator. 10 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 28 26 24 22 Specific Energy, kWh/lb 20 Plant 'D' Plant 'G' Plant 'H' Plant 'F' Plant 'B' Charles-J. Des Baillets-OFE Charles-J. Des Baillets-Optimized Canal Road- Optimized 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Percent of Design Production Figure 2.3 Specific energy consumption for air-fed ozone systems operating at varying degrees of their ozone production capacity (Rakness and DeMers 1998). 11 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 100 6.0 Equation for solid line is: Y = 4.655 – 0.518x + 0.0487x2 Specific Energy, kWh/lb 5.0 4.0 3.0 Plant 10 Supplier A @ 95F Plant 10 Supplier A @ 70F 2.0 Plant 11 Supplier B @ 70F Plant 12 Supplier B @ 84F 1.0 Plant 13 Suppler C @ 66F +/- 10% 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ozone Concentration, %wt Figure 2.4 Specific energy data for LOX-fed ozone generators (Rakness and Hunter 2002 Mackey et al. (2001), in comparing UV to ozone energy uses, estimated ozone power usage of 0.6 kWh/kgal at an ozone dose of 12 mg/L. Optimizing Energy Efficiency In 1996, the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan replaced chlorine with ozone as its primary disinfectant and observed a 45 percent increase in electrical costs as a result (Steglitz and Alford, 2001). In response, the utility implemented a strategy to reduce energy costs (not necessarily energy usage) through improving their understanding the electricity rate structure; installing energy monitoring devices; analyzing loads and energy consumption; and assessing process modifications. As a result of this strategy, Ann Arbor implemented strategies to reduce energy use by replacing old equipment with energy-efficient equipment, evaluating motors for operating efficiency, and regularly inspecting and maintaining capacitors in the electrical system. Ann Arbor also planned to evaluate the operation of the ozonation process. For instance, the treatment plant had routinely been providing more than the required CT, by about 50 percent, alluding to the possibility that the system may be suffering from over design. This was planned to be addressed in the future through better monitoring. DeMers et al. (1996) developed a standard approach for evaluating opportunities for energy optimization of ozone facilities, which was termed an Ozone Facility Evaluation. This approach develops optimization opportunities and assesses the result of implementing some of these opportunities as an Ozone Facility Technical Assistance project (Figure 2.5). DeMers et al. (1996) determined that energy optimization opportunities for ozonation facilities could be separated into three different categories: Type 1 – operations and maintenance (O&M) 12 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED activities; Type 2 – involves an O&M evaluation prior to implementing process changes; and Type 3 - involves a design change or system modifications. Table 2.3 presents examples of the three types of opportunities. DeMers et al. (1996) estimated that implementing all of these opportunities could result in a reduction of energy use by 5 to 15 percent. Figure 2.5 Ozone facility evaluation approach for assessing energy efficiency (Source DeMers et al 1996). 13 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 2.3 Examples of optimization opportunities for ozone processes Type Examples Type 1 Opportunity involving equipment maintenance or a change in system operation Type 2 Opportunity involving further O&M evaluation before implementing change in operating parameter Type 3 Opportunity involving design change and system modifications • • • Establish performance targets for operation of ozone system. Calibrate gas flow meters, ozone residual monitors, and power meters. Inspect and clean ozone generator dielectrics/check fuses. Adjust ozone dosage to match diurnal changes in ozone demand. Extend desiccant dryer cycle. • Decrease system operating pressure. • Utilize existing refrigerant dryer bypass. • Install small compressor(s). • • Bypass/modify refrigerant dryer or chiller. Modify ozone residual sampling and monitoring to accurately detect residual inside contactor. • • Source: DeMers et al. 1996. In their study, DeMers et al. (1996) presented two specific examples of possible energy savings. In one example, the investigators looked at reducing desiccant dryer time from 30 hours to 12, finding that this reduced EC for this step by more than 50 percent. A second example involves providing two post-ozone contact basins, but no energy savings is calculated. Many ozone systems operate at less than 30 percent design production rate due to (a) lower than design water flow rate, especially during late fall, winter and spring and (b) lower than design ozone dose due to the fact that the usual water quality is better than the “worst-case” water quality condition that established the design production value. One consideration for reducing EC at air-fed ozone plants is to focus on ways to modify operating practices for lowproduction operation (i.e., if identified as a need) that is different from design-production operation, or to implement minor design or equipment changes, such as installing a small capacity air compressor in place of the large compressors needed to achieve design production value. Energy optimization considerations associated with LOX-ozone-fed generators include the following: • Ozone generators might become inefficient over time. Current operating specific energy value can be compared to the characteristic energy efficiency curve to assess degree of inefficiency. Generators can return to like-new efficiency when maintenance activities are completed, such as cleaning. • Knowing the specific energy versus ozone concentration characteristic curve, the optimum operating ozone concentration can be identified, as shown in Figure 2.6. 14 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1.00 Chart developed at prices LOX = $0.035 / lbO2 Energy = $0.08 / kWh 0.90 Unit Mass Ozone Cost, $/lb 0.80 LOX Cost Energy Cost 0.70 Energy + LOX Cost 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ozone Concentration, %wt Figure 2.6 Optimized operating ozone concentration curve for an example LOX oxygenfed ozone generator. On-site oxygen systems vary according to the size of the plant at which they are operating. Large plants (Q > 600 mgd) typically use Vacuum/Pressure Swing Adsorption (VPSA) systems. Conversely, small plants (Q < 5 mgd) use Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) units. These systems are differentiated by the amount of oxygen that each can produce. For instance, VPSA systems can generate between 10,000 and 200,000 ft3/hr of oxygen, while the production rate for PSA systems is substantially less. Thus, PSA systems are better suited and more economical for smaller systems, which have lower ozone generation requirements. Energy optimization considerations for both VPSA and PSA systems should be based on the fact that both are most energy efficient (lowest specific EC) when they are operated at or near their respective design oxygen production values. One consideration for reducing EC might be to install a smaller-sized unit in a plant that operates at low ozone (i.e., low oxygen) production rates for much of the time. MEMBRANE FILTRATION Membrane filtration is an energy intensive process where most of the energy is being used to provide necessary operating pressure. In order to reduce the capital, operating and maintenance costs for a membrane system – membrane selection plays a critical role. This section discusses the energy requirements for a variety of membrane processes, including MF, UF, and RO (the systems examined in this study). If available, methods of increasing energy 15 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED efficiency have been described as well. In general, most of the information on improving energy efficiency is related to RO systems since it is the most energy intensive of all membrane systems. LOW-PRESSURE MEMBRANE FILTRATION (MICROFILTRATION/ ULTRAFILTRATION) Energy Use On average, low-pressure membranes have lower energy requirements compared to highpressure membranes. This is due to the lower operating pressures and hence pumping requirements of the former category. Mackey et al. (2001) estimated that the specific EC for UF membrane systems is around 0.5 kWh/kgal of water treated. EPRI (1997) estimated that the average specific EC of MF membrane systems is approximately 0.1 kWh/kgal. The values referenced here are only general estimates and will vary based on the specific membrane and feedwater characteristics. Operational parameters such as backwashing frequency and air scouring will also affect the EC by both UF and MF processes. Optimizing Energy Efficiency The energy efficiency of low-pressure membrane systems is determined largely by the membrane permeability and the backwash frequency that is used. Backwash frequency affects the system energy efficiency due to the associated pumping of the backwash water and the loss of product water during the process. Thus, more frequent backwashing decreases the energy efficiency of the membrane system. Backwashing frequency and duration are optimized through careful selection of pretreatment practices and proper membrane selection (Jacangelo et al. 1992; Crozes et al. 2003). The latter is important because some membranes are more susceptible to fouling under a given set of conditions than others. This is due to differences in membrane surface chemistry and physical structure. Thus, some membranes will perform better than others under a given set of conditions and require less cleaning and other maintenance (air scouring and backwashing) as is shown in Figure 2.7. 16 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Figure 2.7 Specific energy consumption as a function of instantaneous water flux for lowpressure membranes (Source: Jacangelo et al. 1992). 17 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED REVERSE OSMOSIS Energy Use RO processes (Figure 2.8) utilize electric motors for 1) low pressure forwarding pumps, 2) the pretreatment step, 3) the high pressure process driver, and 4) product water delivery. The efficiency of the electric motors and the pumps vary greatly depending upon the size of the plant, and more specifically for large plants, the size of the repeating train. Pretreatment/ Chemical Addition Membrane Bank Post Treatment/ Chemical Addition Raw Feedwater Cartridge Filter Energy Recovery Finished Water Concentrate Figure 2.8 General layout of a seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) treatment system. Since seawater must be desalted at pressures exceeding 800 psi, and sometimes as high as 1200 psi, the seawater RO process is still the most expensive of the membrane applications. For brackish water, the most recently developed membranes for low pressure are very effective and have reduced the overall cost of the process significantly. Some of these brackish water plants operate at 100 to 150 psi. For many years, seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) suffered from very high EC. However, development of more efficient energy recovery equipment, particularly during the past 10 years, has greatly reduced EC. Table 2.4 summarizes the energy-saving features that are commonly used in RO applications and Figure 2.9 illustrates how EC by SWRO processes have changed with time. In 1979, SWRO systems consumed more than 30 kWh/m3 water produced (114 kWh/kg). This high EC was partly due to the relatively small size of systems at that time. Today, SWRO systems consume on average only 3.5 kwh/m3 (13 kWh/kg). Of the devices listed in Table 2.4 the flow-work exchanger and pressure exchanger are the most recent developments. These devices have demonstrated the ability to reduce SWRO EC by roughly 2.0 kWh/m3 (7.6 kWh/kg). 18 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 2.4 Anticipated efficiencies of various energy recovery systems Equipment Efficiency (%) Reverse running pump 75 – 82 Pelton turbine (ERT) 80 – 86 Turbocharger 70 Flow-work exchanger 90 – 95 Pressure exchanger ~95 35 Energy Consumption, kwh/m3 30 25 Mubeen compiled Andrews (DWEER) 20 Childs (Vari-Ro) ERI @Pt. Hueneme 15 10 5 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year Figure 2.9 Energy required in SWRO to produce a unit volume of treated water. This trend illustrates how the energy requirements of SWRO have decreased with time. Optimizing Energy Efficiency One manner of optimizing energy use in RO is pressure reduction. A pilot-treatment process was used to investigate RO for desalination of Colorado River water (California Energy Commission 1999). Typically, this untreated water can contain 600 – 800 mg/L of total dissolved solids (TDS). In comparing two different pre-treatment processes, the RO unit was operated at two different pressure levels: 113 psi (in conjunction with ozone and biofiltered water) and 125 psi (in conjunction with conventional pre-treatment). The higher pressure operation used 1.66 kWh/kgal, while the lower pressure process used 1.37 kWh/kgal. However, membrane fouling increased significantly with lower operating pressure. 19 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Other important issues related to EC are: • Process design. EC can be minimized with good process design. As product water recovery increases, the total volume that must be pretreated decreases, as does the energy requirement. Several plants have been constructed using a two-pass, high pressure system. One company that installed such a system has developed a membrane that operates satisfactorily at up to 1,400 psi. • Equipment selection. For smaller plants, positive displacement pumps, which greatly reduce EC, can be used. For large plants multi-stage or split-case centrifugal pumps are the current pumps of choice. As described above, the selection of the proper energy recovery device is critical. Since most desalination plants must be operated with somewhat variable outputs, the use of VFDs has improved energy efficiency. • Feedwater temperature. One obvious technique is to use once through cooling water as it leaves the power plant for a co-located desalination plant. The increase in temperature for the RO feedwater reduces energy costs since the output for membranes increases approximately 2.5 percent for each oC of temperature increase. This was done at Tampa Bay and has been proposed for a few of the plants proposed in California. However, elevated influent temperature may also promote biological fouling in the RO membrane system. Appropriate anti-fouling measures should be considered for this approach. There are other optimization techniques for improving desalination EC, although some are limited by the water chemistry and desired water recovery. A particularly interesting possibility is to reduce the number of elements in a pressure vessel from the conventional six or seven, to just three. It is well known that the membranes beyond the third in series produce very little product and contribute additional pressure drop. With the imminent introduction of 16-inch diameter membrane elements, a short design begins to make much more sense. A 15.5-inch (nominal 16-inch) membrane system (Koch Membranes, MegaMagnum) was successfully pilot tested in Perth, Australia, and operated up to a feed pressure of 60 bar (980 psi). Sandia National Laboratories (Department of Energy, undated) investigated two RO technologies for its water purification systems: high efficiency reverse osmosis (HERO) and RO in conjunction with electrodeionization. HERO is a proprietary process developed for the microelectronics industry. HERO uses pre-treatment to reduce hardness and increase the water’s pH prior to RO. In the second process, water was treated with RO and then underwent electrodeionization. Table 2.5 compares operational statistics for both processes. The information in this table was developed to describe operation of 250 gpm systems. As Table 2.5 demonstrates, the HERO process uses 65 percent of the power required by the other process. The investigators note, however, that the power efficiency of the RO/electrodeionization process could be increased if the system is designed to have a larger membrane, reducing the power and membrane maintenance requirements. Table 2.5 Selected operational statistics for the HERO and RO/electrodeionization processes Annual Statistic Power Use (kWh) Feed water use (kgal) Wastewater production (kgal) HERO 1,849,760 160,421 44,781 Source: US Department of Energy, 2004 20 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED RO/electrodeionization 2,838,667 116,817 7,767 Green energy has often been examined to power RO. For example, photovoltaics coupled with wind energy have been used at a small plant in Israel. Wave energy is touted by a Nova Scotia company that has coupled their wave energy device directly to a small RO membrane. Solar devices generally require large surface areas. At this writing, none of these sources appear practical for desalination, particularly in large sized plants. Green power is available today, but at ~ 50 percent premium over grid prices. Although the reduction in actual consumption is important, the cost of energy is a significant factor. Most recently-proposed SWRO plants in California have assumed an energy cost of about $0.05/kWh. This is based on the ability to negotiate “inside the fence” pricing with a co-located power plant. If grid prices must be paid, SWRO may still be too expensive. MEMBRANE BIOREACTORS MBRs are specialized applications of low-pressure membranes modified for municipal wastewater treatment. With regards to EC, the principal difference is that MBRs require aeration during the filtration process to reduce the amount of fouling caused by the high concentration of suspended solids typical in municipal wastewaters. Energy Use EC by MBRs is largely determined by the pressure required to transport water across the membrane, which is typically done using vacuum pumps, and the aeration systems. Energy is also consumed by support processes, such as the backwashing and clean-in-place (CIP) systems. Zhang et al. (2003) estimated that the specific EC by MBRs is roughly 22 – 30 kWh/kgal of permeate. Notably, this is significantly higher than that consumed by traditional wastewater treatment processes (1.0 – 1.5 kWh/kgal of treated water). Optimizing Energy Efficiency Energy efficient MBRs have been configured and tested. However, this literature review did not find many numerical comparisons between the power consumption of traditionally configured MBRs versus more energy efficient types. In general, the literature indicates that submerged membranes reduce EC as well as vacuum pressure. The NYSERDA (2004) reported on an MBR system piloted for installation at a wastewater treatment plant that used a vacuum instead of positive pressure to reduce the energy associated with pumping permeate through the immersed membranes. The unit was operated at negative 1 to negative 10 psi. In this study, assuming average flow capacity of 0.3 mgd and a daily peak capacity of 0.6 mgd, investigators calculated EC at 327,500 kWh/yr (NYSERDA, 2004). While the authors indicated that this would be a more energy efficient operation than positive pressure MBRs, there was no comparison of power consumption between the different types of plants. Zhang et al. (2003) conducted a laboratory experiment using an MBR configuration that relied on transverse flow of water instead of the cross-flowing mode usually used to enhance filtration capacity and reduce fouling. Additionally, the MBR had a two-loop connection between the bioreactor and membrane module to allow for low recirculating flow between the membrane and the membrane and bioreactor. Additionally, this design required no cooling device. The investigators differentiated the energy consumed by the separate systems in the 21 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED MBR process as the pump, pipe system, aeration, membrane module, and return sludge velocity. On average, this design used 7.46 kWh/kgal of permeate produced, which compares to 9.10 kWh/kgal of permeate for submerged MBRs. The investigators found that the membrane module consumed the majority of the energy. ELECTRODIALYSIS REVERSAL EDR is a self-cleaning electrodialysis in which the polarity of the voltage is reversed several times per hour. DC voltage is applied across a pair of electrodes, causing positive ions to move toward the cathode and negatively charged ions to move to the anode. Membranes are placed between the electrodes, forming compartments. Water flows across the surface of the membranes instead of through the membranes. The ions travel through the membranes due to an applied voltage. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, 1986) indicates that while EDR has been used to treat ocean water, the upper, economical limit is 4,000 mg/L of TDS for potable water needs. Energy Use EC by EDR processes is proportional to the TDS content of the water being treated, as shown in Figure 2.10. Figure 2.10 Energy consumption for electrodialysis reversal and other processes as a function of the feed water total dissolved solids content (USACE 1986). 22 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Optimizing Energy Efficiency Stack configuration for EDR units can be optimized to allow for greater energy efficiency. Von Gotteberg (1998) found that configuration of the EDR system can be improved to promote more turbulent flow in an electrodialysis stack. The spacer configuration is such that each stack contains 38 percent more usable membrane area than a conventional electrodialysis stack. This results in a higher mineral concentration per stack and, thus, fewer stacks re required to treat a given volume of water. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The EC of ATTs to be investigated at 14 different water and wastewater treatment facilities located in the US and Canada was reviewed in the literature. The ATTs that were studied included : UV light disinfection, ozonation, RO, UF, MF, MBRs, and EDR. These treatment systems represented a wide range of raw water qualities and treatment strategies. The major components, typical power consumption, and common strategies for optimizing the energy efficiency of each of the targeted ATTs are summarized in Table 2.6. In general, the ATT with the greatest EC is membrane filtration. Greater power usage is typically associated with greater pressure requirements of specific membrane processes. Based on information currently available in the literature, MBRs consume the greatest amount of energy. Typical power uses of MBRs are reportedly in the range of 23-30 kWh/kgal whereas lowpressure membranes (MF and UF) typically consume energy in the range of 0.1-0.5 kWh/kgal. EC requirements for ozone disinfection (0.6 kWh/kgal) are considered comparable to EC requirements for low-pressure membrane systems. EC requirements for UV disinfection (0.050.15 kWh/kgal) were identified as the lowest of the ATTs included in this study. EC requirements for EDR reportedly range from 6 to 13 kWh/kgal, which is generally comparable to EC requirements for RO. In general, findings from this review of the literature indicate that energy efficiency can be optimized by evaluating the process design, equipment performance, and routine system operation and maintenance. For example, a process or component could potentially be optimized by ensuring that operations occur with optimal flow rates and/or water quality conditions. This review of the literature yielded general information regarding expected (or theoretical) power usage requirements for each ATT and typical strategies for optimizing energy efficiency. More data and information are needed regarding true energy costs associated with these ATTs. This research therefore was devoted to the evaluation of EC of existing ATTs and subsequent optimization practices that have been adopted by utilities to improve energy efficiency. The project approach, findings, conclusions, and recommendations for further research are discussed in the following chapters of this report. 23 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 2.6 Summary of ATTs, major components, typical power usage, and common strategies for optimizing energy efficiency ATT Process or Component Typical Power Use (kWh per 1000 gal) UV disinfection Lamps (lowpressure high intensity and medium pressure lamp systems Ozone disinfection Process includes feed-gas preparation, ozone generation, ozone contacting, and off-gas treatment. 0.05-0.15 (a) Typical power use is based on Cryptosporidium control. 0.6 (b) Equipment maintenance or change in operation Design change and system modifications Typical power based on ozone dose of 12 mg/L. Careful selection of pretreatment processes Minimize backwash frequency/duration Air-scour consumes large fraction of total energy consumed in MF/UF systems Pumps 0.1-0.5 (a) Reverse Osmosis Feed pumps 7.6-13 (c) Membrane bioreactors Pumps, blowers 23 – 30 (d) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Electrified membrane plates Comments Dose control (i.e., alter the number of lamps in use or the lamp power based on flow, water quality, or UV absorbance) Microfiltration/ Ultrafiltration Electro- dialysis Reversal Optimizing Energy Efficiency 6-13 (e) Process design Equipment selection Feedwater temperature Design including configuration and operating pressure Design such as stack configuration (f). Mackey et al. (2001) EPRI (1997) Ventresque et al. (2001) for high pressure pumps. van Dijk and Roweken (1997) USACE (1986) Von Gotteberg (1998) 24 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Power use depends on TDS. Upper limit reflects economic limit of 4,000 mg/L TDS. CHAPTER 3 PROJECT APPROACH The objective of this study was to quantify the actual and theoretical EC of selected water and wastewater advanced treatment unit operations for the purpose of evaluating factors that affect EC and to identify energy optimization opportunities while maintaining treatment performance. The Project Team was led by HDR Engineering, Inc. and consisted of engineering firms and manufacturers as summarized in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Project partners and roles Project Partner Engineering Firms HDR Engineering, Inc. Separation Consultants, Inc. Process Applications, Inc. Manufacturers ZENON Environmental Trojan Technologies Location Project Role Bellevue, WA Poway, CA Fort Collins, CO Project lead RO specialist Ozone specialist Oakville, ON London, ON Membrane technology UV technology The project approach consisted of the following activities, which are described in the sections to follow: • Select ATT’s for inclusion in this study and conduct a literature review to identify the most feasible energy optimization measures for each selected ATT. • Develop a standard framework for evaluating and presenting EC and efficiency data for selected ATT. • Conduct energy audits of selected ATT installations and compare to their theoretical EC rates. • Analyze data and identify energy optimization opportunities. IDENTIFICATION OF ATTS This research focused on evaluating EC of ATT that can be characterized as having high energy demand and a wide range of potential applications. Selected ATTs were determined to have the most significant impact on overall EC within the operations of a water and/or wastewater treatment plant. Eight ATTs were proposed by the Project Team for consideration by the Project Advisory Committee as summarized in Table 3.2. For each ATT, typical water/wastewater applications and its primary EC components are listed in Table 3.2. 25 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 3.2 Proposed advanced treatment technologies for energy evaluations ATT UV Irradiation – Water UV Irradiation – Wastewater Advanced Oxidation Process Ozone Low-Pressure Membranes High-Pressure Membranes Electro- dialysis Reversal Typical Applications for Water / Wastewater Treatment • Disinfection / inactivation of microorganisms • Disinfection / inactivation of microorganisms • Destruction of taste and odor compounds • Destruction of trace organic contaminants (NDMA, endocrine disruptors, etc.) • Destructive oxidation of organic matter • Oxidation of dissolved metals • Primary disinfection / inactivation of microorganisms • Microbial and particulates removal • • Desalination Removal of trace inorganic contaminants Desalination • • Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Secondary/tertiary treatment of wastewater including solids separation / clarification, BOD reduction, and sometimes nitrogen reduction Primary Energy Consumption Components • UV lamps and ballasts • UV lamps and ballasts • UV lamps and ballasts • • Ozone generator Air compressor (if air is oxygen source) • • • • • Feed and backwash pumps Air compressors Blowers and heaters Feed pumps Heaters • • • • • Electrodes Pumps Feed and backwash pumps Air compressors Blowers and heaters The final selection of ATTs and list of participating utilities were determined at a meeting of the Project Partners with the AwwaRF Project Manager and Project Advisory Committee at the West Basin Municipal Water District in El Segundo, California on December 7, 2005. The selected ATTs were determined to have the greatest impact on EC based on the following criteria. • The ATT has broad application potential for meeting water and/or wastewater treatment requirements. • The treatment performance of the ATT is proven, well understood, and welldocumented based on results from operating installations. • The ATT is commercially available from more than one manufacturer/supplier. • The ATT can have a significant energy demand. The name of location of participating utilities, a description of the facility type, and identification of the specific processes that were evaluated for this study are summarized in Table 3.3. 26 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 3.3 Utility Partners Utility Arizona American Water Company Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency Contra Costa Water District City of Kamloops, BC Location Anthem, AZ City of Pooler, GA Sarasota County Environmental Services City of Seward, NE Pooler, GA Venice, FL Southern Nevada Water Authority Water Replenishment District of So. CA West Basin Municipal Water District Rock Bluff, IL Contra Costa, CA Kamloops, BC Seward, NE Henderson, NV Torrance, CA El Segundo, CA Facility Type Drinking water (surface water) and wastewater Drinking water (surface water) Drinking water (surface water) Drinking water (surface water) Wastewater Drinking water (groundwater) Drinking water (groundwater) Drinking water (surface water) Drinking water (groundwater) Municipal and industrial water reuse Process Analyzed 3 mgd MBR and 8 mgd UF 50 mgd ozone and UV 80 mgd ozone plants 42 mgd UF 2.5 mgd MBR 12 mgd EDR 1.15 mgd RO for nitrate removal 600 mgd ozone plant 2.75 mgd brackish water RO 5.4 mgd MF, 4.6 mgd RO, and 12.5 mgd UV ENERGY AUDITS A standard framework was developed for analyzing, evaluating and comparing EC and efficiency data for the selected ATTs. Standard units of measurement were also established for quantifying energy data. The framework for this project consisted of the following activities: • Grouping of utilities • Data and information collection • Analysis of theoretical energy efficiency and correlation of EC with water quality • EC audit • Identification of optimization opportunities After identifying possible ATTs, participating utilities were divided into one of three groupings based on the following criteria: • Group 1 – These utilities have the largest installation of a specific ATT or have multiple ATTs. • Group 2 – These utilities have ATT installations that are already included at least once in Group 1 and/or are generally smaller in capacity. • Group 3 – Due to scheduling conflicts that could impact the project schedule, utilities in this group may potentially not be analyzed as part of this project. These utilities have ATTs that have already been included in Group 1 so omitting these utilities would not reduce the breadth of the project. For those utilities included in Group 1, data and information were collected (Step 1), theoretical energy efficiency was analyzed and EC was correlated with water quality (Step 2), EC audits were performed (Step 3), and optimization measures were identified (Step 4). For those utilities included in Group 2, Steps 1 and 2 were performed, with Step 3 conducted if 27 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED project schedule permitted. For Group 3, Steps 1 and 2 were performed to the extent possible based on available scheduling. The activities that were carried out for each Utility Group as part of this study are summarized in Table 3.4. Table 3.4 Activities for each utility group Step Description 1 Collect data and information 2 3 Analyze theoretical energy efficiency and correlate EC with water quality Conduct EC audit 4 Identify optimization measures 1 Utility Group 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Preliminary site visits were conducted at some participating utilities during October to November 2005 to assess the selected ATT systems and to identify challenges associated with conducting energy audits for this project at the selected facilities. Findings of the preliminary site visits were discussed with the AwwaRF Project Manager and Project Advisory Committee as summarized in Appendix A. The utilities and selected ATT systems assigned to each Grouping as a result of this evaluation are identified in Table 3.5. Table 3.5 Participating utilities and ATT by ATT group Utility Southern Nevada Water Authority, NV Utility Group 1 Water Replenishment District of Southern California, CA West Basin Municipal Water District, CA Sarasota County, FL City of Seward, NE 1 Arizona American Water Company, Anthem Water Campus City of Pooler, GA City of Kamloops, BC 2 2 2 Contra Costa Water District, CA 2 Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency, IL 3 1 1 2 Comment Utility partner with largest ozone installations. Two different ozone installations; one installation included in this study. Brackish water RO desalination facility Water reuse facility, multiple ATT at site (MF, RO, UV) Only utility partner with an EDR facility Groundwater RO facility that is smaller than Group 1 RO facilities Smaller than Group 1 MBR and low-pressure facility Smallest MBR facility One low-pressure membrane facility already in Group 1 Two ozone installations; one installation included in this study. UV facility. 28 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COLLECTION OF DATA AND INFORMATION Data and information pertaining to general operating conditions and water quality parameters were collected from the participating utilities. Requested information included a general description of the facility plus the following (Reardon, 1995b): • Plant flows (average and yearly total for one year); • One year of electric utility bills; • Pumping records and pump performance curves; • Hour per day the plant is attended and hour per day it is operated; • Design summary, drawings and specifications; • Normal operating time for intermittently operated processes such as filter backwash and solids handling; • Utility bill schedule and possible alternative schedules; • One year of water quality data either from standard monthly reports submitted to local regulatory agencies or from a data dump from the utility supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and laboratory information management system (LIMS). Data typically included flow, turbidity, pH and UV transmittance. DATA EVALUATION Data and information collected from participating utilities were evaluated by determining the theoretical EC of the selected ATT systems, measuring EC, and correlating EC with water quality. These activities were conducted for all participating utilities. In addition, an EC audit was conducted for Group 1 utilities. These data evaluation activities are described below. For this report, the energy data will be presented in the standardized units of kilowatthours per 1,000 gallons treated (kWh/kgal). Theoretical EC Theoretical EC rates were determined for each ATT based on data and information provided by the manufacturer such as rated sizes of components, nameplate data, and observed operational parameters such as equipment run times and set points. The theoretical EC information derived from this project represents the same type of EC estimates that are often prepared as part of engineering evaluations, design development, and O&M cost estimates. EC Measurements EC was measured by monitoring true power (in units of kWh) versus apparent power using existing EC monitoring equipment. Findings from the preliminary site visits indicated that most sites already had kWh displayed on electric panels, major blowers had their own Watt-hour meters on the equipment, and that monitoring of specific equipment would require installation of additional monitoring equipment. Some facilities, such as SNWA, Kamloops, and CLCJAWA, had the SCADA systems that were already configured to continuously monitor and record the EC of specific equipment. For facilities where either the SCADA system did not have EC monitoring and logging capabilities, either monthly utility bills were used or the plant staff manually collected EC data. The requested amount of data to be collected manually was set to 29 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED be four individual 1-week periods interspersed throughout the project duration in order to cover various seasonal impacts on water quality. The actual amount of data collected varied by utility. Water Quality Correlation Changes in water quality and observed impacts on EC were analyzed to identify potential energy saving opportunities. For example, correlations were developed for EC as a function of turbidity or TDS. Statistical parameters such as R2 were used to asses the quality of the correlations. EC AUDIT Data and information collected from selected ATT systems were summarized in an equipment energy inventory as part of the EC audit (Reardon and Culp, 1987a; 1987b). For each process or equipment unit, the inventory included available information regarding power, load factor, hours of operation and EC per year, and the estimated distribution of power expressed as a percentage of total plant power consumed by the specific process or equipment. Based on data and information collected from each selected ATT, the big picture parameter was determined expressed as energy consumed per thousand gallons of water treated. IDENTIFICATION OF OPTIMIZATION OPPORTUNITIES After analyzing the collected EC data and correlating EC with general plant operation and water quality parameters, the research team identified opportunities where the operation of an ATT could be adjusted to maximize the energy efficiency. When considering a particular ATT or system component, potential ECMs were evaluated by posing “what if” questions such as the following (EPRI, 1994; Reardon, 1995a; 1995b): • Does the equipment really need to run at all? • Will the process perform satisfactorily if the flow or capacity (thus energy) is reduced? • If the flow or loading is variable, will an adjustable-speed drive lower EC? • Can energy be reduced if the process/equipment can be controlled to match process loading (e.g., dissolved-oxygen control of activated sludge)? • Is more efficient equipment or technology available to do the same function? • Can equipment operation be shifted from on-peak hours to partial of off-peak hours to reduce energy costs? • Can another energy source be used to power the equipment (engine-driven prime movers versus electric motors)? • Is the equipment using a premium efficiency motor? Optimization opportunities were identified for all participating utilities as part of this study. The research team identified those options that were most promising for achieving favorable changes in energy efficiencies and could be more easily measured and documented. 30 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER 4 EC OF LOW-PRESSURE MEMBRANE SYSTEMS FOR DRINKING WATER AND REUSE WATER TREATMENT This chapter focuses on EC by utilities that use low-pressure membrane systems for drinking water and reuse water treatment applications. This chapter begins with an overview description of low-membrane processes and identification of major system components that typically consume the greatest fraction of energy. Two case studies are provided: the Kamloops, BC Centre for Water Quality and Arizona American Water Company Anthem Water Campus. For the purpose of this study, each of these utilities was designated as a member of Group 2 (Table 3-4) and the EC analysis therefore included a system description, analysis of EC and correlation of EC with water quality. Additional information was included as available with regard to EC audits and identification of potential optimization opportunities. A summary of the EC analysis for these two case studies is included at the end of this chapter. PROCESS DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW Low pressure membrane systems generally employ either MF or UF membranes. MF membranes have pore sizes in the range of 0.1 to 10 μm, while UF membranes have slightly smaller pores ranging from 0.002 to 0.1 μm. Pressure (5 to 35 psi) or vacuum (-3 to -12 psi) may be used as the driving force to transport water across the membrane. MF and UF membranes may be used in either a spiral wound, tubular, or hollow fiber element design, with the hollow fiber being the most prevalent for municipal applications. The permeate water flux for lowpressure membranes is typically greater than 0.4 gfd/psi (> 10 L/m2-hr/bar), with the actual value dependent on site specific water turbidity, pump sizing, and acceptable levels of trans-membrane pressure (TMP). The process schematic shown in Figure 4.1 is characteristics of most lowpressure membrane systems. Backwash Prescreen Membrane Bank Finished Water Recirculation Loop Air Scour Backwash To Waste Figure 4.1 General layout for low-pressure water treatment membrane systems. 31 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Raw water to the low-pressure membrane system is first passed through a pre-screen to remove large materials that may damage the membrane fibers or the pumps. Depending on the system configuration there is either a feed pump sends the water to the membrane bank and supplies the driving pressure through the membrane or there is a vacuum pump that draws the water through membranes that are submerged in a tank. For small systems, a single feed pump may be used for the entire membrane bank, while larger systems may have individual pumps dedicated to each one. The permeate is stored in a finished water storage tank, where it may be disinfected or go through pH adjustment. Alternatively, the permeate may be sent to additional treatment processes in water reuse applications. A portion of the permeate is retained for the periodic membrane backwash cleanings. Air scouring may also be employed during the backwash to further clean the membranes. Some systems operated in a cross-flow mode, in which the feed water that crosses over the membranes is recirculated to the beginning of the membrane system. MAJOR EC COMPONENTS Components of low-pressure membrane systems that consume the largest fraction of energy include the feed/vacuum pump(s), backwash pump, air scour blower, and the recirculation pump (if used). Heaters that are sometimes used in some applications for heating the chemical cleaning solution could also consume significant amount of energy in colder climate. Membrane permeability and the desired permeate flux will dictate the system pressure requirements. Membrane fouling is thus a significant determinant of the energy consumption in MF/UF processes as membrane permeability decreases with increased fouling. This reduction in membrane permeability increases the pressure that must be applied to the membrane to achieve a desired flux, thus increasing the energy consumption on behalf of the pumps. Energy consumption by the backwash and air scour system will depend on the frequency of backwash/air scouring and the volume of backwash water that is used. DESCRIPTIONS AND FINDINGS FROM CASE STUDIES Kamloops Centre for Water Quality System Description The Kamloops, British Columbia Centre for Water Quality (Centre) consists of a drinking water filtration plant operated by city staff and an associated onsite education and training facility led by Thompson Rivers University (Kamloops, B.C.), with support from the City and the membrane manufacturer. The Centre began operations in February 2005 and is operated and staffed continuously. Raw water is drawn from the South Thompson River, where turbidity has routinely exceeded 100 NTU during spring runoff, with historical maximum turbidities exceeding 500 NTU. The raw water quality for the Kamloops WTP is summarized in Table 4.1 and a schematic of the treatment facility is presented in Figure 4.2. 32 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 4.1 Raw water quality parameters for the Kamloops WTP from March 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005 Units pH Temperature Alkalinity Hardness Turbidity (24-hour avg.) Total suspended solids Total dissolved solids Conductivity Apparent color True color Total coliform E. Coli °C mg/L as CaCO3 mg/L as CaCO3 NTU mg/L mg/L µS/cm PCU PCU MPN/100 mL MPN/100 mL Average 7.81 13.5 37.8 37.8 2.36 4.75 27.5 52.7 22 4 110.1 8.5 Raw Water Minimum 6.96 4.0 32.0 32.0 1.04 <0.01 25.4 48.7 6 <1 <0.01 <0.1 Maximum 8.12 20.9 42.0 40.0 8.30 30.00 33.9 64.7 100 32 1,299.7 53.7 The river intakes have 3 mm screens to remove bulk materials. A low lift pump station sends water to six rapid-mix flocculation basins where aluminum chlorohydrate is added via chemical metering pumps. The aluminum chlorohydrate coagulant forms pinhead flocs in the flocculation basins and removes dissolved organics and color from the water. Each flocculation basin is operated continuously; the plant does not have the normal operational ability to shut down individual basins during low demand. A list of the mechanical process equipment in the Centre is listed in Appendix A. 33 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Figure 4.2 Kamloops Centre for Water Quality process schematic. The flocculated water gravity flows to the membrane system. The membrane system consists of primary and secondary UF membrane filters. The primary membrane filters consist of 12 parallel trains, with each train consisting of six membrane cassettes and additional space for two future cassettes. The current and ultimate capacity of the primary membrane filters is 160 ML/d and 200 ML/d (42 mgd and 52.5 mgd), respectively. Each membrane train is cyclically aerated at 10-second intervals and backpulsed for 30 seconds every 15 minutes to remove any solids which have accumulated on the membrane surface. Permeate water from the primary membrane filters is chlorinated prior to entering the distribution system. Backwash water from the primary membrane filters is sent to the secondary membrane filters. The purpose of the secondary membranes is to reduce the amount of water that must be withdrawn from the river and the amount of reject water that must be discharged to the sewer. This design reduces the raw water pumping requirements for the system. The secondary stage consists of six parallel membrane trains. Each train consists of three UF membrane cassettes identical to the primary stage cassettes. The total treatment capacity of the secondary stage is 12.5 ML/d (3.3 mgd). The secondary membranes are aerated and backpulsed on the same cycle as the primary membranes. Permeate from the secondary stage is recycled back to the raw water 34 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED channel prior to the flocculation basins. Backwash water from the secondary membrane filters is pumped to a holding tank containing a dissolved air flotation (DAF) system. The DAF system operates intermittently based on the level in the holding tank. The treated water is sent to a pond adjacent to the plant and is used for irrigation. The skimmed solids are currently sent to a tank for disposal. The Centre has a centrifuge to dewater the solids but the system is currently not in use. Power Supply Power is supplied to the Kamloops WTP by B.C. Hydro. The Centre’s billing schedule is based on a tiered rate energy schedule with no time-of-day charges. The Centre power is supplied by two fully redundant power feeds from the same local substation. The power feeds are monitored using two buses before being distributed among four master control centers (MCCs) in the plant. Due to the configuration of the Centre’s electrical system, power to the plant buses supplies only the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems. The river intake and distribution system pump stations are not supplied by these buses and are therefore not included in the energy analysis presented in this report. Power consumption data was obtained from daily readouts of the total energy of the two plant buses from April 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005. The power data measured apparent power in units of kilovolt-amps-hours (kVAh). The daily apparent power data was converted to true energy data (with units of megawatt-hours [MWh]) using an assumed constant power factor of 0.95. Energy Consumption The initial analysis of the data found that the membrane permeability changed approximately halfway through the study period. Membrane permeability for Primary Membrane Train 1 is reported in Figure 4.3. From April 1 to July 4, 2005, the membrane permeability varied between 2.2 – 2.3 Lmh/kPa (8.9 – 9.3 gfd/psi). The permeability rapidly decreased to 1.8 Lmh/kPa (7.3 gfd/psi) between July 5 to July 13, 2005, with a gradual decrease in permeability afterwards. The rapid degradation in permeability shown for Primary Membrane Train 1 also occurred for the other eleven primary membrane trains but not for any of the six secondary membrane trains. After investigation, it was found that the permeability change was a result of engineers from the membrane manufacturer recalibrating various on-line instruments and reprogramming some of the mathematical functions in the plant SCADA system. No conversion factor was provided to the Project Team to reconcile the data difference between the periods before and after the equipment recalibration. However, although the lack of this conversion factor affects the presentation of membrane permeability, the energy consumption information will not be affected. Kamloops and membrane manufacturer staff confirmed that the change in membrane permeability was not due to any membrane degradation or operational changes. However, for some of the subsequent results discussed in this section, there appears to be a difference in the results before and after the change. Data that were affected by the equipment recalibration are noted accordingly in the associated figures to follow. Nonetheless, Figure 4.3 shows that the permeability did not change much within the two distinctive sections (representing before and after programming changes). This result suggests that membrane fouling was well controlled during the monitoring period. 35 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2.50 Permeability (Lmh/kPa) 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 Apr-05 May-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Figure 4.3 Evolution of membrane permeability overtime for Train 1 at the Kamloops water treatment facility. The change in permeability was associated with the recalibration of membrane control and data logging equipment. Water Production Figure 4.4 shows both the daily permeate production and the average daily power consumption at the Kamloops facility. Daily permeate production varied between approximately 10 to 30 mgd; daily EC ranged from approximately 200,000 to 325,000 kWh. Permeate production and EC varied seasonally with both peaking in August. EC correlated linearly with permeate production (Figure 4.4b). Following recalibration of the control and data acquisition equipment the R2 value increased from 0.7 to 0.9. The reason that the data prior to the recalibration is to the left of the data after the recalibration is that the pre-recalibration period was in the spring and early summer when the raw water temperature is cooler than the late summer and early fall post-recalibration period. 36 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 400,000 60 Permeate 300,000 40 250,000 200,000 30 150,000 20 100,000 10 Energy Consumption (kWh/day) Permeate Production (mgd) 350,000 Energy 50 50,000 0 0 Apr-05 May-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Energy Consumption (MWh/day) 15 After Recalibration 2 R = 0.92 10 Before Recalibration R2 = 0.71 5 Before Recalibration After Recalibration 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Permeate Production (mgd) Figure 4.4 Average daily energy consumption by the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems as a function of a) and b) permeate production rate at the Kamloops water treatment facility. 37 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 35 The specific EC for the Kamloops water treatment facility is plotted as a function of the total permeate volume produced per day in Figure 4.5. This data principally reflects the energy use of the membrane pumps and blowers. The high-energy low and high service pumps are not included in this analysis. The data was fit using a power law function and showed a relatively strong correlation after the equipment was recalibrated (R2 = 0.96). The difference between the specific EC before and after the equipment recalibration was roughly 0.023 kWh/kgal (3 to 5 percent difference). One hypothesis to explain the difference is that the recalibration, which suddenly reduced the membrane permeability in a manner similar to sudden irreversible fouling, resulted in the vacuum pumps operating at higher speeds, thereby reducing the energy efficiency. As previously noted, Kamloops operates the flocculation basins and primary and secondary membrane trains on a continuous basis. Though many of the pumps have VFDs to improve energy efficiency, overall efficiency will increase as the pumps operate at higher flowrates. In comparison, there is a lower limit at which the VFDs can operate before efficiency significantly degrades. During the low demand periods, each of the membrane pumps operate at or below this lower limit and energy efficiency is reduced. Therefore, as permeate production increases the membrane system begins to operate at higher efficiencies and thus at lower specific EC values. 1.2 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) Before recalibration After recalibration R2 = 0.96 1.0 After recalibration 0.8 0.6 0.4 Before recalibration R2 = 0.91 0.2 0.0 0 10 20 30 Permeate Production (mgd) Figure 4.5 Specific energy consumption by the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems as a function of the daily permeate production rate at the Kamloops water treatment facility. The data are each fit with a power law function. 38 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 40 Water Temperature The relationship between EC at the entire plant and influent water temperature is illustrated in Figure 4.6. Specific EC by the membrane related equipment only is plotted as a function of the influent water temperature in Figure 4.7. As temperature increased EC at the plant also increased, both before and after recalibration of the equipment. The increase in EC is a result of increased water production during warmer summer months. Conversely, specific EC by the membrane equipment decreased in a linear fashion with increasing water temperature. Following recalibration of the equipment, the specific EC correlated rather linearly (R2 = 0.88) with water temperature. The trend observed in Figure 4.7 is due to two factors: changes in water viscosity with temperature and the higher permeate production rates, and associated increases in pumping efficiencies, which occur during warmer periods (Figure 4.4). This latter issue has been addressed previously. Water viscosity decreases as temperature increases. In membrane processes, as water viscosity decreases it is more easily transported across the membrane and in this case, the permeate pumps are able to work at lower absolute transmembrane pressure (TMPs) while achieving the desired permeate flux. The effect of water temperature on the required TMP is evidenced in Figure 4.8. The impact of changing water viscosity (μ) on the permeate flux (J) may be observed using the well-known Darcy equation: J = ΔP μRm (4.1) which is commonly used to describe membrane performance. Holding the membrane resistance and TMP constant, the theoretical permeate flux would increase by nearly 40 percent over the observed temperature range of 5 to 25°C. Operating at lower TMPs results in lower EC by the pumps. The impacts of higher production rates and changes in water viscosity on EC cannot be individually analyzed from this set of data as both factors tended to occur at the same time. Breaking down the data by water production, as shown in Figure 4.8, found that the correlation between energy use and temperature was due primarily to permeate production. However, for a specific flux rate, the energy efficiency increases (lower specific EC) at higher water temperature. The permeate pump was required to operate at higher vacuums (greater TMP values) to compensate for the lower water viscosity at the colder temperatures. This temperature effect is more profound at lower water production rates. In comparison, the data after the recalibration shows a strong inverse relationship between temperature and specific energy use. Breaking down the data by water production found that the correlation between energy use and temperature was due entirely to permeate production (see Figure 4.9). Nonetheless, the temperature effect is not as prominent as the production capacity to EC. In other words, the impact of temperature is only a secondary factor on specific energy use, with the main relationship as follows: increasing water temperature → higher water production → increased energy efficiency due to better pump efficiency and lower water viscosity. 39 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 14 Energy Consumption (MWh/day) 12 10 Before recalibration R2 = 0.19 8 After recalibration R2 = 0.73 6 4 Before recalibration 2 After recalibration 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 o Temperature ( C) Figure 4.6 Average daily energy consumption by the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems at the Kamloops WTP as a function of water temperature. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 1.2 After recalibration R2 = 0.88 1.0 Before recalibration After recalibration 0.8 0.6 Before recalibration R2 = 0.08 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 o Temperature ( C) Figure 4.7 Specific energy consumption by the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems as a function of the raw water temperature at the Kamloops water treatment facility. 40 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -30 Flux = 33 - 35 Lmh Transmembrane Pressure (kPa) Flux = 39 - 41 Lmh -25 R2 = 0.70 -20 R2 = 0.95 -15 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 o Temperature ( C) Figure 4.8 Correlation between transmembrane pressure and temperature for Membrane Train 1 prior to membrane system recalibration at two different flux rates (x-axis scale reversed to emphasis increasing vacuum). 0.30 Q = 30-44 ML/day Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kL) 0.28 Q = 45-59 ML/day 0.26 Q = 60-74 ML/day 0.24 Q = 75-89 ML/day 0.22 Q = 90-104 ML/day 0.20 Q = 105-120 ML/day 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 o Temperature ( C) Figure 4.9 Specific energy consumption and water temperature for the period after system recalibration. 41 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Turbidity Raw water turbidity and specific EC are reported as a function of time in Figure 4.10 for the Kamloops facility. Spikes in turbidity were observed during April and May 2005, which corresponded to the spring run-off period for that area. Raw water turbidity was less variable from June to November, during which time it averaged roughly 2 NTU. Spikes in raw water turbidity did not necessarily result in increased specific EC. Indeed, higher specific EC values were measured during periods of lower average turbidity (August – November). Instead, the specific EC increased during periods of lower permeate production (winter months) as was previously discussed. Specific EC would typically be expected to increase with raw water turbidity. The reasoning for this expected relationship is that more frequent backwashes would be required as the membranes should foul at faster rates during periods of higher turbidity. Since energy is consumed during the backwash process, and no product water is produced, the overall specific energy use is typically expected to increase as the membranes are backwashed more often. However, a number of factors may account for the lack of influence by turbidity on the specific EC. One factor is the two-stage design of the membrane system that is used at Kamloops. The secondary membrane filters continually treat backwash water from the primary membrane filters and permeate from the secondary membranes, having a turbidity less than 0.0 NTU, is blended with the raw water prior to the primary membranes. This design reduces the volume of water that must be disposed of or wasted and also reduces the influent turbidity to the primary membrane filters. By blending permeate from the secondary membrane filters with influent to the primary ones, the spikes and variability in the influent turbidity is reduced. A second factor is the cyclic backwash cycle that is employed at Kamloops. Because the backwash frequency is set (every 15 minutes for 30 seconds) and not initiated based on the TMP, then its frequency is not affected by varying fouling rates. Indeed, the TMP for the primary membrane filters was found to be relatively constant (-20 kPa) regardless of the influent turbidity (Figure 4.11). A third factor to be considered is that the higher turbidity values occurred during periods of increasing permeate production corresponding to increased pumping efficiencies as previously noted. This increase in efficiency would likely mitigate any impact of turbidity, over the turbidity range observed here, on the specific EC. It should also be noted that the turbidity of this membrane influent is relatively low. Most of the newer membranes, especially the submerged membranes, are designed to handle turbidity excursion exceeding 50 NTU or higher. Therefore the turbidity observed in this study period (< 10 NTU) would not post a significant challenge to the membrane system. 42 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1.0 Turbidity (NTU) 8 0.8 6 0.6 4 0.4 2 0.2 0 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 1.2 10 0.0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Turbidity Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Energy Figure 4.10 Raw water turbidity and specific energy consumption by the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems over time for the Kamloops WTP. 0 -5 TMP (kPa) -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Turbidity (NTU) Figure 4.11 Transmembrane pressure (TMP) for the primary membranes (Train 1) as a function of the influent raw water turbidity. More negative TMP values correspond to greater vacuum pressures. 43 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Potential Energy Conservation Improvements Analysis of the Kamloops facility did not differentiate between the energy consumed by the permeate pumps and the air scour blowers. Furthermore, energy data was only collected for these pieces of equipment and none other at the plant. Therefore, discussion of the specific EC by the membrane process relative to the entire treatment plant is limited. Nevertheless, there are two operational changes that could be implemented that may result in a significant reduction in EC. The first change is to reroute the secondary permeate from being recycled to the beginning of the headworks to the clearwell. The plant records indicate that secondary permeate has the same water quality as the primary permeate. However, the secondary permeate is recycled to the front of the plant while the primary permeate is sent to the clearwell. In essence, the secondary permeate is treated a second time though it does not need to be. Rerouting the secondary permeate to the clearwell will eliminate passing the same volume of water through the primary permeate pumps a second time, thereby reducing the EC of the primary trains. This change would also result in increasing the total capacity of the plant. An ancillary benefit is that chemical consumption will decrease since the secondary permeate would not be chemically treated again. Such a change would require coordination with provincial and local health agencies to address any potential risks that could occur when fibers in the secondary membrane trains break. The feed water to the secondary trains is the backwash from the primary trains. The primary trains concentrate all particulate and larger microbiological contaminants in the coagulated river water into the backwash water. As such, a fiber break in the secondary membranes has the potential of leaking more contaminants into the clearwell when compared a break in the primary membranes. The City would need to work with health agencies to address this potential risk. The second area that could potentially reduce the EC of the plant is to shut down primary and secondary membrane trains during low flow conditions. Kamloops staff indicated that all trains operate regardless of water demand. The pumps are inefficient when operating at lower flowrates which occur during periods of low demand (such as during the winter months) despite the fact that the primary and secondary permeate pumps have VFDs in order to maintain high energy efficiencies for a wide range of operating conditions. Shutting down one or more primary and secondary membrane trains, during periods of low demand would allow the remaining operational trains to operate closer to their optimal energy efficiency point on their respective pump curves. In order to periodically shut down some of the membrane trains would require reprogramming the membrane control system. It should be kept in mind that changing system operation protocol after the plant is commissioned may require membrane manufacturers’ consent so that the membrane warranty can be maintained. A minor improvement in energy efficiency may also be realized by shutting down some of the flocculant mixer trains at the same time as the primary and secondary membrane trains. The benefits of this operational change would be minor because the mixer motor is only 3-hp, compared to the 75-hp and 10-hp motors for the primary and secondary membrane trains, respectively. 44 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Anthem Water Campus, Anthem, Ariz. System Description The Anthem Water Campus (AWC) drinking water system uses UF membranes to treat surface water from the Central Arizona Project (CAP) Canal to meet base drinking water demand for the new community of Anthem, Arizona (Arizona American Water Company 2003). The plant is owned by the Arizona American Water Company and was constructed in 1999. Since start-up, the facility has since been expanded three times, the last expansion being in 2002. The plant is currently rated for 8.0 mgd. The AWC WTP uses groundwater wells and an intertie with the City of Phoenix, Arizona distribution system to meet Anthem’s peak day demands. The facility is operated 24-hours a day and is staffed eight hours a day. The source water for the AWC WTP is from the CAP Waddell Canal. Table 4.2 lists the canal water quality, which is a blend of water from the Colorado River and Lake Pleasant. TOC data were not available. The CAP transfers the canal water to two raw water reservoirs located on-site. It is from these two reservoirs that the AWC draws the CAP water. AWC has a raw water pump station at each reservoir, with each station consisting of one 50-hp pump and one 40hp pump. Figure 4.12 is a schematic of the water intake and treatment process. Table 4.2 Waddell Canal water quality parameters Raw Water Parameter Units s.u. Average 8.1 Minimum 7.2 Maximum 8.6 °C 17.4 8.5 28.5 Alkalinity mg/L as CaCO3 133 81 160 Hardness mg/L as CaCO3 311 157 382 Turbidity (24-hour avg.) NTU 3.3 0 149 Total dissolved solids mg/L 620 521 674 µmhos/cm 810 428 1166 Odor TON 4.3 1.2 8 Iron µg/L 66 0.1 780 Fluoride mg/L 0.62 0.27 0.85 Sulfate mg/L 262 160 300 Lead mg/L - 0.004 <0.1 Manganese µg/L 30 0.1 360 Copper mg/L 0.005 0.005 0.005 Calcium mg/L 66 52 72 Chloride mg/L 81 75 300 pH Temperature Conductivity Source: Damon S. Williams and Associates 2001. 45 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Prior to membrane treatment, the water is prefiltered through 2-mm strainers to remove large particulates and then dosed with powered activated carbon for taste and odor control. Potassium permanganate addition is also available though not typically used. After the pretreatment step, the water is pumped to a header pipe that supplies four parallel membrane trains. The AWC WTP uses a submerged UF membrane system. As noted earlier, the AWC has been expanded four times, during each of which a membrane train added. The same membrane vendor supplied the most current membrane at the time of each expansion. Because different membranes were installed during each expansion, each of the four trains has different membrane types and total membrane surface area (Table 4.3). The historical data that will be used later in this report represents a period with the different membranes. At the time of writing, the AWC is retrofitting the trains to standardize the entire membrane system around one particular membrane type. Figure 4.12 AWC WTP process flow schematic. Source: Arizona American Water Company 2003. 46 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 4.3 Summary of membrane trains at AWC WTP Parameter Installed membrane type Total membrane Area (ft2) Design flux (gfd) Treatment capacity (mgd) Train 1 Train 2 Train 3 Train 4 C 55,000 35.5 1.95 B 52,000 35.5 1.85 B and C 54,080 35.5 1.92 C 57,200 35.5 2.03 Note: Membrane type designation is based on manufacturer’s equipment code The membrane system SCADA system determines how many trains operate at any given particular water production requirement. One train is used at low flow rates while at peak capacity all four trains operate. The train operation is rotated so that each train runs for approximately the same number of hours in order to balance equipment wear. Filtrate is pumped from each operating membrane train under a vacuum of -2 to -9 psi, depending on level of fouling. There is one dedicated filtrate pump for Membrane Train 1 and another for Train 2. For Trains 3 and 4, there are three filtrate pumps (two duty and one standby) connected to a common header. Each train includes a separate pumping system to remove the solids accumulating in the membrane basins. Each basin has two submersible reject pumps (one duty, one standby). Depending on the system recovery setpoint, the reject pumps continuously extract a small portion of the water flow at the basin bottom to waste accumulated solids. The system design recovery setpoint is 85 percent to 95 percent, which means that 5 percent to 15 percent of the total raw influent flow will be removed by the reject pumps. The reject flow is discharged to the adjacent wastewater treatment plant. The membrane filtration system includes an air scour system, an air/water separation system, and a compressed air system. Air scour is used to agitate the membrane fibers in the membrane modules to limit the particulate matter accumulation and fouling on the membranes. The air scour also mixes the membrane basin contents to limit solids settling at the bottom of the basins. There are three air scour blowers (2 duty and 1 standby). The blowers normally operate in a cyclic operation. In this cyclic operation, two blowers operate continuously, one for Trains 1 and 2 and one for Trains 3 and 4. The full output of a blower is used to scour one basin for 30 seconds. Afterwards, the blower air is transferred (“cycled”) to the second basin for 30 seconds while the first basin receives no air scour. At the end of the next 30 seconds, the air scour is cycled back to the first basin while the second receives no air. The output from the blower is fixed by the manufacturer. An air/water separation system is provided for each unit to remove the air from the individual filtrate lines. As filtrate flows through the air/water separation system, any air that is pulled through the membranes is off gassed and is removed by vacuum pumps. The treatment system also includes backpulse and clean-in-place (CIP) systems. The backpulse system uses a dedicated pump to push flow back through the membrane system for removing particle accumulation on the membranes. The CIP system pumps and recirculates either sodium hypochlorite or citric acid into the basins to remove any accumulated material not removed by the regular backpulsing. The filtered water is disinfected using sodium hypochlorite and then discharged to a finished water reservoir and into the distribution system. 47 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Power Supply Power is supplied to the AWC by the Arizona Public Service power feed from a substation located onsite. The substation feed is split between four Service Entrance Sections (SES). SES 1 solely serves the drinking water plant. SES 2 primarily feeds the drinking water plant but also serves on-site irrigation pumps and the wastewater treatment plant headworks. SES 3 and SES 4 feed are dedicated for the wastewater plant. The plant SCADA system records a daily power measurement from each SES. These data are used in the analysis of EC at the plant. Since this report specifically deals with the drinking water system, the data for SES 1 and SES 2 were analyzed, with the SES 2 data corrected to remove the irrigation and wastewater system components. The specific equipment served by SES 1 and SES 2 are listed in Appendix A. The AWC has three on-site backup generators which can supply a total of 4.5 MW power to both the drinking water and wastewater treatment plants. Two smaller generators, with a total capacity of 2.5 MW, supply additional dedicated power to the drinking water treatment plant. These generators were not operating for any duration long enough to have a significant impact on the AWC’s EC during the period studied for this analysis. Energy Consumption The EC analysis for the Anthem WTP concentrated on comparing the overall EC of the WTP and determining what correlations exist between water quality, quantity, and energy use. Daily power consumption data was acquired from SES 1 and SES 2 from January 1, 2004 to July 31, 2006 and used for the analysis discussed in this report. These daily data values were compared with monthly EC noted in the facility’s monthly electricity bills. Figure 4.13 shows both the monthly EC of AWC WTP and the monthly water production. Energy use ranged between 169,000 and 382,000 kWh/month while water production varied between 47 MG/month to 138 MG/month. 48 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 500,000 150 Energy Use (kWh/month) 100 300,000 75 200,000 50 100,000 Water Production (MG/month) 125 400,000 25 Energy Water Production 0 Jan-04 0 Jun-04 Dec-04 Jun-05 Dec-05 Jun-06 Figure 4.13 AWC WTP energy consumption by all equipment at the water treatment plant and water production. EC at the AWC WTP was classified into six major categories. These categories are: 1. The CAP pumps used to transfer surface water from the Waddell Canal to the raw water storage reservoirs. 2. Raw water pumps used to pump the water from the reservoirs to the membrane basins. 3. The UF membrane filtrate pumps. 4. The dedicated air-scour blowers for the UF membrane system. 5. Other equipment for the UF membrane system, including air compressors, air dryers, vacuum pumps, reject pumps, backpulse pumps, and CIP equipment. 6. Finish water pumps used to transfer the treated water to the distribution system. Figure 4.14 shows the breakdown of the overall AWC WTP EC by these major categories. The EC for each category was estimated by dividing the daily recorded total EC by the estimated consumption of each specific equipment (i.e. individual pump or blower). The EC of each specific equipment was based on the size of the equipment motor and the estimated daily use. 49 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Monthly Energy Consumption (kWh/month) 500,000 CAP Pumps UF Filtrate Pumps Other UF Equipment 400,000 Raw Water Pumps UF Air Scour Blower Finished Water Pumps 300,000 200,000 100,000 Ja n -0 4 M ar -0 4 M ay -0 4 Ju l-0 4 Se p04 N ov -0 4 Ja n05 M ar -0 5 M ay -0 5 Ju l-0 5 Se p05 N ov -0 5 Ja n06 M ar -0 6 M ay -0 6 Ju l-0 6 0 Figure 4.14 Breakdown of AWC WTP energy consumption by major equipment. The highest EC at the AWC WTP that was observed during the two and a half year data period is attributed to the CAP pumps, raw water pumps, and finished water pumps. These two categories account for 81 percent to 86 percent of all EC at the WTP, depending on the month. The remaining 14 percent to 19 percent was associated with the membrane system. The range is due to the fixed or mostly constant speed equipment that is part of the membrane system, primarily the air systems (air scour blower, compressor, and vacuum pumps). Table 4.4 compares the EC of these equipment categories between March 2005, the month with the lowest EC, and July 2006, the month with the highest EC. In March, the constant speed blowers accounted for more than half of the energy used for the membrane system since the blower operations are fixed while the pumps are variable speed. However, during the peak EC month (July), the energy consumed by the blowers accounts for approximately 25 percent of the membrane system EC. This percentage decrease of EC occurs because the blowers are still in operation at a constant rate, while the variable speed pumps are operating more and using more energy to meet higher water production requirements. 50 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 4.4 Comparison of actual AWC WTP energy consumption, by equipment categories, between months with lowest and highest energy consumption Data for March 2005 Equipment Data for July 2006 Energy Used (kWh) % of Total Energy Used (kWh) % of Total CAP Pumps 43,393 26% 111,479 29% Raw Water Pumps 7,811 5% 20,066 5% Finished Water Pumps 86,038 51% 197,436 52% 137,242 81% 328,981 86% Filtrate Pumps 11,716 7% 30,099 8% Air Scour Blowers 16,722 10% 16,722 4% Other Membrane Equipment 3,700 2% 6,540 2% Membrane Subtotal 32,138 19% 53,361 14% Total 169,380 100% 382,342 100% Pumping Subtotal This report further analyzes how the EC of the membrane portion of the AWC WTP was impacted by various water quality parameters. Specifically, this analysis consisted of correlating the major parameters that could affect membranes with the energy use of the membranes. The parameters analyzed (water production, temperature, and turbidity) were obtained from AWC WTP monthly reports. Water Production The monthly water production fluctuates with demand through the year. Total EC follows the same fluctuation pattern. However, when compared directly to each other, as in Figure 4.15, the best-fit linear trend of increasing EC with increasing water production is confirmed with a strong correlation (as defined by a R2 value of 0.85). 51 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Membrane Energy Use (kWh/month) 60,000 50,000 40,000 R2 = 0.85 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Water Production (MG/month) Figure 4.15 Correlation between AWC WTP energy use by the membrane related equipment only (permeate pump, air scour, cleaning system) and water production. The specific EC is a value which normalizes the EC to account for the amount of water production per month, which is defined as energy usage per 1,000 gallon treated. This value is calculated by dividing the monthly energy use by the monthly water production. Figure 4.16 shows the specific EC over the two and a half years of operational data received. The figure shows a strong logarithmic correlation between specific EC and monthly water production. The trend observed from the graph shows the decreasing contribution of fixed energy users, such as the air scour blowers, as water production increases. Conversely, at low water production, the energy used for the fixed portions of the membrane system becomes incrementally larger fractions of the total energy used. 52 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 1.0 0.8 R2 = 0.87 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Water Production (MG/month) Figure 4.16 AWC WTP specific energy consumption by the membrane related equipment only (permeate pump, air scour, cleaning system). The data is fit using a logarithmic function. Water Temperature Water viscosity decreases as temperature increases. For membrane treatment facilities, decreased viscosity results in the filtrate pumps working at lower negative pressures (less vacuum) to draw a unit volume of water through the membrane pores. In turn, less vacuum results in reduced EC by the system. As a result, there exists a potential linkage in water temperature and EC. Figure 4.17 shows a comparison of the AWC WTP monthly water production and the average water temperature. Except for two outliers, the water temperature entering the AWC is between 15 and 25 °C. From August 2004 to March 2005 and August 2005 to March 2006, the raw water temperature corresponds to a general trend of water production. As the water temperature cooled, which also corresponds to cooler air temperatures, water production decreased due to reduced demand. Between April and July, raw water temperatures actually decrease though air temperatures in the region reach the hottest levels for the year. The cause of this summer-time cooling is due to CAP’s management of the two source waters, the Colorado River and Lake Pleasant, into the Waddell Canal. The correlation between specific energy and water temperature for the entire two and a half years of data is shown in Figure 4.18. This figure shows a weak correlation between the two variables. This weakness is due to two different behaviors of water temperature and water production, i.e. summer time water production is high while the water is cooler. However, an 53 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED analysis of just the August to March timeframes found no significantly stronger correlations for August 2004 to March 2005 (R2 = 0.35). For August 2005 to March 2006, the correlation was a stronger R2 = 0.68. This strong correlation was for a single six-month period in the entire two and a half years of data analyzed and not replicated during the prior period the year before. As a result, this correlation may be potentially anomalous. In summary, this investigation into the AWC WTP could not quantifiably state that water temperature had any measurable impact on the EC of the AWC WTP membrane system. Water Production (MG/month) 125 40 100 30 75 20 50 25 10 Water Production Temperature 0 Jan-04 0 Jun-04 Dec-04 Jun-05 Dec-05 Jun-06 Figure 4.17 AWC WTP monthly water production and monthly average raw water temperature. 54 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Average Monthly Raw Water Temperature (oC) 50 150 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 1.0 0.8 R2 = 0.22 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 o Average Monthly Raw Water Temperature ( C) Figure 4.18 Correlation between Anthem WTP specific energy consumption by the membrane related equipment only (permeate pump, air scour, cleaning system) and raw water temperature. Turbidity Specific EC is expected to increase as the raw water becomes more turbid. The reason is that the membrane trains will backpulse more frequently during higher turbidity episodes. Since energy is consumed during the backpulse process, though no water is being produced, the overall specific energy use is expected to increase as the membranes are backpulsed more often. Figure 4.19 shows the recorded raw water turbidity and specific EC at the AWC WTP. The raw water turbidity was relatively low (less than 5 NTU) and fairly constant for the majority of the time throughout the two and half years of operation, and thus has little to no correlation with the specific energy. The spike on turbidity during the winter of 2005-2006 did not show any discernable impact to the specific EC to the membrane system. Part of the issue with the lack of correlation is due to the lack of variability in the feed water turbidity. While the energy data, both raw and specific, was found to vary throughout the year, turbidity was generally between 1 and 2 NTU. There is no other data to compare the winter 2005-2006 increase in turbidity with EC. 55 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 40 1.0 35 Turbidity 30 0.8 25 20 0.5 15 0.3 10 5 0.0 Jan-04 Average Monthly Raw Water Turbidity (NTU) Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) Specific Energy 0 Jun-04 Dec-04 Jun-05 Dec-05 Jun-06 Figure 4.19 AWC WTP specific energy consumption by the membrane related equipment only (permeate pump, air scour, cleaning system) and average monthly raw water turbidity. In summary, the analysis of the AWC WTP found that the CAP, raw water, and finished water pumps are the most energy intensive equipment at the AWC WTP. These three pump systems account for 81 to 86 percent of the total energy used at the facility. The EC by the membrane system accounted for the remaining 14 to 19 percent. Of the membrane system equipment, the variable speed filtrate pumps and the constant speed air scour blowers are the largest energy users. At low flowrates, the constant speed blowers consume the most energy. At higher flowrates, the filtrate pumps are the most energy intensive equipment in the membrane system. Water production was determined to be the single largest factor in determining the specific EC of the membrane plant. No discernable relationship could be determined between EC and temperature or turbidity, which are normally important factors for the design and operation of membrane systems. Potential Energy Conservation Improvements The primary energy consuming equipment in the AWC membrane system are the permeate pumps and the air scour blowers. Here, the permeate pumps accounted for 7.5 percent of the total specific EC at the plant, while the air scour blower account for 6.6 percent of the total. Overall then, equipment directly linked to the membrane process accounted for roughly 15 percent of the total specific EC. The filtrate pumps are the correct types for the application and 56 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED already on VFDs to improve the motor efficiency. As a result, there is little required to further optimize the pumps. The blowers are constant speed rotary-lobe units. The speed is set by the equipment vendor for the specific basin and application. One potential opportunity for energy conservation that could be explored would be to change the amount of air scour required from a constant output to a variable output that is controlled by the feed water turbidity. In low turbidity waters, less cyclical air scour is required since the solids loading on the filters is reduced. When the feed water turbidimeter detects high turbidity, the output from the blowers would correspondingly increase to limit the fouling on the membranes. This potential opportunity would require collaboration with the equipment vendor to ensure that the conditions of the equipment warranty are not violated. In addition, a separate analysis should be conducted to determine the costs of additional SCADA programming and blower VFDs relative to the amount of energy saved. Another option would be to consider changing the operation of the air scour blowers from one blower for every two trains to one blower for four trains in periods of low turbidity. This option would save on the expense of purchasing and installing VFDs but at the expense of less operational flexibility. Finally, this analysis focused specifically on the membrane system. However, as noted earlier, the membrane system accounts for a small fraction of the energy costs of the WTP. More emphasis should be put into investigating and potentially optimizing the operation of the CAP pumps, raw water pumps and finished water pumps as these three pump systems are considerably larger than the membrane system and therefore can be potential areas of larger energy savings. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS FOR LOW-PRESSURE MEMBRANE SYSTEMS The principal factors expected to affect the EC of low-pressure membrane systems are production rates, water temperature, and turbidity. Considerations for EC optimization are generally associated with design and operational improvements. These issues are discussed below. Factors Affecting EC of Low-Pressure Membrane Systems Production Rates Results of the overall specific energy use as a function of daily permeate production are shown in Figure 4.20. Results are shown for both the Kamloops Centre and the AWC. Results generally indicate that the specific energy use is greatest at low permeate production rates and it declines with increased water production rates in a power law fashion. In other words, energy efficiency increases as the plants approach their respective design treatment capacities. It is worth noting that Arizona American reported production rates (2.5-6.5 mgd) lower than Kamloops (10–32 mgd) and correspondingly reported specific energy use that was up to 10 times greater than Kamloops. It is also worth noting that the average TDS was more than 20 times greater in the raw water supply of Arizona American (620 mg/L) compared to Kamloops (27.5 mg/L), though the waters had similar turbidities (≤ 5 NTU). With regard to pretreatment, the AWC adds powered activated carbon directly to the process flow stream (direct filtration) whereas Kamloops adds aluminum chlorohydrate and performs rapid mixing and flocculation 57 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED prior to UF treatment. It is not known to what extent these different pretreatment processes affected backwash operations and EC at each of the two sites. It is possible that the membranes may foul to a greater extent and at a faster rate during direct filtration, resulting in higher operating TMPs. The difference between theoretical and measured EC was not evaluated because measured EC consumption data were not available for the Anthem and Kamloops water treatment plants. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 5 Anthem 4 3 2 Kamloops 1 R2 = 0.9643 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Permeate Production (mgd) Figure 4.20 Specific energy consumption as a function of daily permeate production at the Kamloops and Anthem WTPs. All equipment is considered at the Anthem WTP while only the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems are considered at the Kamloops WTP. The data is fit using a power law function. Temperature Impacts of water temperature on overall EC were evaluated for Kamloops and Arizona American (Figure 4.21). Results generally indicate no clear correlation regarding temperature impacts on EC because of the overriding effects of production. At low temperatures, EC was expected to increase because water viscosity is greater and pumping requirements would thus be expected to be greater. However, greater EC at Kamloops also coincided with lower production rates (Figure 4.4). Energy efficiency was therefore determined to be driven primarily by production rates instead of water temperature. Similar results were observed for Arizona American. 58 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 5 Anthem 4 3 Kamloop 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Temperature (oC) Figure 4.21 Specific energy consumption as a function of water temperature at the Kamloops and Anthem WTPs. All equipment is considered at the Anthem WTP while only the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems are considered at the Kamloops WTP. Turbidity Data and information collected at Kamloops and the AWC indicate no clear correlation regarding the effects of turbidity (Figure 4.22). EC was expected to increase with increased water turbidity because backwashing occurs more frequently. However, no clear correlation between EC and turbidity was realized for either facility. 59 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 5 4 Anthem 3 2 Kamloops 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Turbidity (NTU) Figure 4.22 Specific energy consumption as a function of the raw water turbidity at the Kamloops and Anthem WTPs. All equipment is considered at the Anthem WTP while only the membrane, DAF, and ancillary chemical systems are considered at the Kamloops WTP. Considerations for EC Optimization of Low-Pressure Membrane Systems Potential design and operational improvements were identified for the Kamloops and Arizona American low-pressure membrane filtration systems. For Kamloops, the secondary permeate flow line could be rerouted directly to the clearwell and thus reduce the total volume of water passing through the primary permeate pumps. EC could also be reduced by shutting down one or more primary and secondary membrane trains during low flows and thus allows the remaining trains to operate near the optimal energy efficiency point. For Arizona American, several specific improvements were identified for the air scour blowers. These improvements include tying the operation of the air scour blowers to the influent water quality and increasing the number of membrane trains that are serviced by a single blower. 60 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER 5 EC OF REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS FOR DRINKING WATER AND REUSE WATER TREATMENT This chapter focuses on EC by utilities that use RO membrane systems for drinking water and reuse water treatment applications. An overview process description and identification of major EC components is provided followed by three case studies: the Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRD) Robert Goldsworthy Desalter; the City of Seward, Nebraska Corrosion Control Plant; and the West Basin Municipal Water District (California) Water Recycling Facility (WBWRF). Each of these case studies includes a description of the system and analysis of EC, and identification of potential optimization opportunities. Seward and WRD facilities are for groundwater application, and WBWRF is for water reclamation. In addition, two of these case studies (WRD and WBWRF) include the results of EC audits. Finally, a summary of the EC analysis for these three case studies is included at the end of the chapter. PROCESS DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW RO is a separation process that uses semi-permeable membranes to separate dissolved and colloidal materials from water. RO is considered a high-pressure membrane process as it typically requires feed pressures in the range of 200 to 1000 psi. RO systems almost universally consist of three major components: a pretreatment system to condition the water, a high-pressure pumping system, and a membrane module containing the membrane elements. Other RO system components that may be present include a chemical cleaning system [i.e., clean in place (CIP) system] and some form of post RO stabilization process. Because RO membranes remove nearly all of the minerals from the feedwater the permeate water is aggressive and may require conditioning prior to the distribution system. A general layout for an RO system is shown in Figure 5.1. Two process streams are produced in the RO process, a clean permeate water and a concentrated reject stream. To increase system recovery, reject or concentrate from an RO system (Stage 1) may serve as the feedwater for a second system (Stage 2) in a process known as staging. When staging is employed, a booster pump may be required to increase the feed pressure for the subsequent stage. Permeate is sent to a storage vessel where a portion of it may serve as the make-up solution for the CIP system. The CIP system chemically cleans the membranes once their efficiency drops to a specific target value. The CIP system is composed of a pump and a storage tank. A booster pump may be required for the permeate to provide sufficient pressure to move the permeate into storage or to the subsequent treatment process. 61 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CIP System Chemical Pretreatment Membrane Module Permeate Boost Pump Feed Pump Prefiltration Reject Figure 5.1 General layout for a RO membrane water treatment system. Membrane elements and trains of elements are designed to have minimum and maximum ranges of operational variables such as feed and permeate flowrates, recoveries, and pressures. In order to fall within the specified ranges, which vary depending on the membrane used, membrane systems are typically operated in an on/off basis. During on/off operation, the membrane system is operated for a specified time period and the product water (permeate) is stored. In most cases, the membrane system is designed to meet the maximum daily flowrate that is required by the system (max daily flow). Once the designated storage volume is reached, the membrane system is turned off until additional product water is required. Systems are designed to operate to minimize the length of these idle periods in order to prevent fouling/scaling of the membranes in the absence of crossflow. MAJOR EC COMPONENTS The high-pressure feed pump is the largest energy consumer in RO membrane processes. Secondary sources of EC include the concentrate and permeate booster pumps (if required). Peak periods of EC occur during events such as cleaning, flushing, and maintenance events. RO energy consumption is directly related to the TDS concentration in the feed water. Salts impart an osmotic back-pressure that must be overcome in order to transport water across the membrane. Thus, greater feed pressures, and in turn pumping requirements, are needed for higher salinity waters. Other important factors include the membrane permeability/resistance and the development of membrane fouling. Fouling reduces the membrane permeability and necessitates higher feed pressures in order to maintain a desired permeate flux. The importance of fouling points to the significance of implementing an effective pretreatment scheme in order to minimize energy costs. Membrane age and feed solution chemistry also affect the energy required by the pumps to achieve a desired flux, though to a less substantial degree than the aforementioned factors. Over time, polymeric membranes become compacted (i.e., less permeable) as a result of the high operating pressure. As a result, older, less permeable membranes require higher operating feed pressures to produce the same volume of permeate as less used membranes. Other operational parameters of importance include the 62 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED system recovery ratio (permeate flowrate/feed flowrate), system feed pressure, raw water temperature, and feed flowrate. DESCRIPTIONS AND FINDINGS FROM CASE STUDIES Water Replenishment District of Southern California Robert W. Goldsworthy Desalter System Description In the Los Angeles area, seawater intrusion into the groundwater aquifers has occurred over time as a result of over pumping in the West Coast Basin. A groundwater injection system was constructed to form a barrier to prevent further intrusion, and protect the remaining uncontaminated groundwater supplies. In 2001, the WRD began operation of the Robert W. Goldsworthy Desalter, located in Torrance, California, to withdraw a plume of saline water that was trapped in the aquifer as a result of the intrusion barrier. The treated effluent from WRD is sold to the City of Torrance for use as drinking water. The Desalter consists of a groundwater well pump and an RO membrane plant that is contract operated and maintained by Eco Resources, Inc. The facility has operated nearly continuously since it was constructed in 2001. The raw water source for the Goldsworthy Desalter is a brackish groundwater plume that has been impacted by seawater intrusion into the aquifer and was subsequently trapped behind the WRD’s intrusion barrier. The well is 450 ft deep, and is cased to a depth of 445 ft. Water quality parameters for the raw well water are summarized in Table 5.1. The groundwater has a TDS of 2,580 mg/L and a pH of 7.7. The groundwater permit for the Desalter plant requires that the water quality equals or exceeds 1,000 mg/L chloride so as to minimize withdraw of fresh groundwater and prevent further seawater intrusion. The well pump is operated by a variable speed motor so that the groundwater withdraw rate is more easily controlled. Aquifer testing suggested a withdraw rate of 2,200 gpm (3.2 mgd). The WRD initially anticipated that upon continuous pumping, well operation would cause migration of more saline water from the basin to the extraction zone. However, continuous operation of the Goldsworthy Desalter plant from 2005 to 2006 has been at 2.06 mgd to maintain the chloride levels above 1,000 mg/L. Higher pumping rates resulted in lower chloride levels in the raw water, indicating that some fresher groundwater was being incorporated into the brackish water plume. 63 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 5.1 Water characteristics for the raw water feed to the Goldsworthy Desalter treatment plant Parameter Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Carbonate Bicarbonate Sulfate Chloride Nitrate Silica Fluoride Total Dissolved Solids pH 1 Unit January 20051 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L as HCO3 mg/L mg/L mg/L as NO3 mg/L as SiO2 mg/L mg/L units 320 94 340 15 0.6 211 334 1,050 0 29 0.17 2,580 7.7 Analyzed by MWH Laboratories A schematic of the Goldsworthy Desalter treatment system is shown in Figure 5.2. The Goldsworthy Desalter pretreatment process includes acidification, using sulfuric acid, antiscalant addition, and prefiltration through 20-μm cartridge filters. The RO treatment system is comprised of 462, 8-in diameter spiral wound ESPA2 membrane elements (Hydranautics, Oceanside, California). The membranes are housed in 66 pressure vessels, each containing seven membrane elements in series. It is a two-stage system with 42 pressure vessels in the first stage and 24 pressure vessels in the second stage. A single vertical turbine pump with variable frequency drive feeds water to the RO system. Product water leaving the RO system is passed through a decarbonator to remove any dissolved carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide removal is required to raise the pH and to stabilize the water with respect to the Langelier Saturation Index (corrosion control). Afterwards, sodium hydroxide is added for additional pH adjustment, followed by sodium hypochlorite and ammonia to provide a chloramine residual. A portion of the untreated groundwater water bypasses the RO and decarbonation steps and is blended with the RO product water prior to chemical addition. The ability to by pass a portion of the feedwater around the RO system reduces pumping requirements and increases the overall water recovery at the treatment plant. The CIP system is used to chemically clean the membranes once they have become sufficiently fouled. For groundwater fed systems, chemical cleans are typically required once or twice a year. The Goldsworthy Desalter CIP system is capable of cleaning either of the membrane stages by physically connecting to the respective plumbing. 64 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Acid & Antiscalant Pumps NaOH/NaOCl/ Ammonia Pumps High-Pressure 2 Stage RO Pump Decarbonator Well Pump Return Immersion Heater Product Forwarding Pump NaOH Pump CIP Recirculation Pump Figure 5.2 Process flow diagram for the Goldsworthy Desalter treatment plant. Power Supply The Southern California Edison Company (SCE) supplies power to the Goldsworthy Desalter treatment plant using one power feed. SCE monitors power consumption through a single watt-hour meter on the power feed and bills WRD on a monthly basis. The plant’s SCADA system has the ability to monitor, but not log, instantaneous EC by the large pumps, but not for the smaller equipment. EC is primarily tracked by Eco Resources using the monthly SCE electricity bills. Energy Consumption The pieces of equipment associated with the treatment system which consume significant quantities of electricity on a daily basis include the raw water well pump, chemical injection pumps, RO booster pump, decarbonator blower, and product forwarding pump. Power consuming equipment associated with the CIP system are the immersion heater and the cleaning solution recirculation pump. Because the CIP system is used infrequently (once or twice a year) it does not contribute significantly to the daily power consumption at the plant. Each piece of equipment is shown in the process flow diagram in Figure 5.2. Other power consuming equipment not directly linked to the treatment system includes equipment instrumentation and controls and HVAC. The principle consumers of electricity are the high-pressure pump, followed by the well pump and the product forwarding pump. The high-pressure pump is driven by a variable frequency motor, allowing the pump to deliver the desired volume while minimizing EC. The well pump is operated by a constant speed motor. There are two product forwarding pumps (one active and one stand-by), both of which have variable frequency motors. The decarbonator blower is driven by a 7.5-hp motor. 65 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED From June 7 to July 7, 2005, the entire treatment facility consumed 241,718 kWh of electricity while producing 61,821,000 gallons of treated water. This corresponds to a specific EC of 3.91 kWh/kgal, which is comparable to that for other RO treatment systems using low salinity brackish waters as a raw water source. These values represent typical monthly performance values for the Goldsworthy Desalter treatment plant. A breakdown of the specific EC by the different process equipment at the plant is given in Table 5.2. The high pressure RO pumps accounted for approximately half of the specific EC, followed by the product forwarding pump (25 percent) and then the raw water well pumps (15 percent). The EC of the decarbonator blower was accounted for a considerably lower fraction of the specific EC compared to the pumps. The unaccounted energy is attributed to the HVAC and other support systems. The energy consumed by these systems was however, substantial and considered to be higher than normal when compared to other similar treatment systems. The total process EC of 3.36 kWh/kgal represents approximately 91 percent of the actual measured energy at the plant, with the remainder attributed to support equipment and HVAC. Table 5.2 Breakdown of the specific energy consumption at the Goldsworthy Desalter Treatment Equipment Well pump High pressure RO pump Product forwarding pump Decarbonator blower Major Equipment Total Unaccounted Energy Total Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 0.55 1.83 0.92 0.06 3.36 0.32 3.68 Percent of Total 14.9 49.7 25.0 1.6 91.3 8.7 100.0 The total specific EC measured at the Goldsworthy Desalter plant is compared to theoretical values in Figure 5.3. The specific EC as a function of influent TDS for a typical brackish water RO application is also plotted for comparison. The theoretical specific EC for the Goldsworthy Desalter plant is similar to that expected for typical brackish water RO systems. At an influent TDS of 1000 mg/L the specific EC is estimated to be 1.6 kWh/kgal and increase linearly with TDS. At a TDS concentration of 2400 mg/L the specific EC for the plant is predicted to be approximately 2.2 kWh/kgal. The specific EC by the RO system fell below the estimated value, and was equal to 1.63 kWh/kgal at an influent TDS of 2400 mg/L. The specific EC for the entire plant was higher and equal to 3.7 kWh/kgal. Specific EC was calculated based on average flows as reported in the annual report for the plant. During design it was assumed that the membranes would experience a 7 percent flux decline on an annual basis, and up to an annual 10 percent reduction in salt rejection. However, the membranes are performing better than predicted values. The manufacturer’s modeling software predicted a specific EC of 2.2 kWh/kgal, compared to the actual specific energy value of 1.6 kWh/kgal. This better than expected actual specific energy value is an indication that the well water at this location does not foul the membrane at the 7 percent per year assumed at design, but is actually performing with a fouling factor of less than 2 percent per year. Differences in theoretical expectations and actual measured values may be attributed to a number of factors. One possibility is the impact of water temperature on membrane performance. Unfortunately, as data could only be collected under one set of water quality 66 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED conditions membrane performance could not be evaluated as a function of TDS and temperature, which are known to affect RO performance. Of note however, is the fact that design performance values were based on a water temperature of approximately 23°C. Indeed, actual water temperature on those days that EC was measured was 21.7°C. Thus, temperature does not appear to be the differentiating factor here, with respect to the design and actual performance values. The original system design was for an influent TDS that was approximately 4,800 mg/L, which is approximately double the current operating value. The original design also assumed larger flowrates than are currently being realized. However, the membrane system is operating at better than expected EC. The pumps are operating at less than peak efficiencies due to lower pressure and flowrate requirements. Finally, the current average membrane flux is below that of the original design values indicating that the better than expected specific EC is occurring despite less than optimal membrane characteristics. 4 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) Calculated typical RO system Total Goldsworthy Facility Calculated Goldsworthy RO 3 Actual Goldsworthy RO 2 1 0 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 Influent TDS (mg/L) Figure 5.3 Comparison of Goldsworthy energy consumption (influent TDS = 2,393 mg/L). Potential Energy Conservation Improvements There are several areas in which the energy efficiency could be improved at the Goldsworthy Desalter facility. The RO, product forwarding, and well pumps account for roughly 90 percent of the total specific EC at the plant. Therefore, efforts to improve plant energy efficiency should focus on these three key areas. For the RO feed pumps, energy savings may be realized by optimizing the raw and product water blending ratio. While blending improves water recovery and reduces the volume of concentrate that must be disposed of, it also results in the RO feed pumps operating farther down on their respective pump curves making them less efficient. Therefore, increasing the blending ratio may have unexpected consequences. 67 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Determination of the optimal blending ratio, with regards to chemical consumption, concentrate disposal and RO pump efficiency, may result in improved specific EC. The energy efficiency for each of the pumps (well, RO, and product forwarding) could be improved through continuous operation at their optimal point on their respective pump curves. Currently, the system is required to operate at variable flowrates (the plant can only pump water with a TDS > 1,000 mg/L) so it is not possible to always operate at the maximum pump efficiency. Alleviating this constraint through RO product storage or some other design change may improve the efficiency of all three pump systems. Operation at lower feed pressures could also improve energy efficiency. Lower pressure operation may be realized through replacement of the older membrane elements with newer high rejection, low-pressure RO membranes. This alternative would require that a cost benefit analysis be done that accounts for the costs associated with membrane replacement versus the potential energy savings costs. Figure 5.4 shows the expected specific EC for several newer RO membranes treating water that approximates that of the Goldsworthy raw feedwater. From these projections none of the selected new membranes will improve on the current specific EC. Only the NF90 (a NF membrane) could provide a lower specific EC based on the modeling software. However, it must be noted that actual performance testing would be needed to determine the performance of each membrane when treating the Goldsworthy raw feedwater. This is illustrated by the fact that the current membranes were expected to have a specific EC that was greater than its actual value (see Figure 5.3). Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 10 8 6 4 2 Current Specific Energy Consumption Typical BW30 ESPA3 Marco Is. CPA3 BW30wER NF90 Series8 0 0 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 Influent Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L) Figure 5.4 Theoretical specific energy consumption for several new RO and NF membranes as a function of raw water TDS. The actual specific energy consumption value for the RO process at the Goldsworthy Desalter treatment plant is also shown for comparison. 68 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Seward, Nebraska Corrosion Control Plant System Description The Seward, Nebraska Corrosion Control Plant is a 3.2 mgd groundwater treatment plant that was commissioned in June 2004. A process flow diagram of the Seward facility is given in Figure 5.5, and water quality characteristics for the raw and finished water are summarized in Table 5.3. The primary treatment processes at the plant are a two-stage RO process for nitrate removal, and a degasification step for pH adjustment and carbon dioxide removal. The plant is remotely operated and is inspected on a daily basis. The groundwater has a relatively low conductivity of around 800 μS/cm (~512 mg/L TDS) but contains elevated levels of nitrate. Table 5.3 Water quality properties of the raw feedwater and RO product water at the Seward WTP pH Hardness (mg/L as CaCO3) Nitrate (mg/L) Temperature (°C) Conductivity (μS/cm) Raw Water 6.7 410 13 9 – 13 800 RO Permeate 5.5 0 3 Not available 50 Blended Water 7.67 – 7.76 137 – 205 5.9 – 8.6 11 - The feed water to the treatment plant comes from nine groundwater wells, which are located in three different wellfields (South Nos. 1, 2, and 3; Southwest Nos. 1 and 2; and West Nos. 7, 8, 9, and 10). A minimum of two wells are required to provide sufficient influent flowrate to the plant. At least three wells are in operation during the winter, and more are used during the summer months, as demand increases. The wellfields are located at different distances from the plant and have different yields, water qualities, and allocated water rights. The Southwest wellfield is located approximately 6 miles from the plant, while the South and West wellfields are located 4 and 2.5 miles away, respectively. Figure 5.5 Process flow diagram for the Seward, Nebraska Corrosion Control Plant. 69 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Raw water is passed through cartridge filters with a pore size of 5-μm prior to the twostage RO units. The well pumps provide sufficient pressure to pass the water through the cartridge filters. Following cartridge filtration, 50 percent of the influent water bypasses the RO units and is blended with the RO product water. Each RO unit consists of one booster pump and a two-stage RO array. The first stage consists of 24 pressure vessels, with each pressure vessel containing two Hydranautics ESP-2 elements and four ESP-4 elements. The second stage is made up of 12 pressure vessels with each containing 6 ESP-4 elements. The membrane elements have not been replaced or cleaned since plant start up in 2004. After RO treatment, the permeate water and the bypass water are blended together and passed through a degasifier for CO2 removal and pH adjustment. The pH of the finished water is 7.7. The degasifier blower is driven by a constant speed motor, whose operation is linked to that of the RO units. Liquid caustic soda injection is also available for supplemental pH adjustment if needed. The finished water is piped to the clearwell following degasification. Three high service pumps, each with a constant-speed motor, deliver the finished water from the clearwell to the distribution system. One high service pump is half the size of the other two and is used for base load demands. The two larger pumps are for peak demand and fire flow. High-service pump operation is based on the water level in the clearwell. The RO trains, designated as A and B, operate in a lead/lag configuration, with the RO train in the lead position switched once daily. Operation of the RO units is based on the water level in the plant clearwell. During low demand periods such as in the colder winter months, the lead unit tends to operate for short durations, while the lag unit sits idle for most of the time. The lead unit runs nearly continuously during high demand periods (i.e., during the summer), with the lag unit running for several hours per day. Performance data for the RO trains is summarized in Figures 5.6 through 5.8. The RO system was designed to operate at a recovery rate of 85 percent. However, except for a 10-day period in August, 2005 each RO train has operated at a 75 percent recovery rate (Figure 5.6). This translates to a permeate production rate of roughly 570 gpm (0.8 mgd). The plant operated at a lower recovery rate than its design value due to a performance issue related to inadequate nitrate removal. The RO concentrate is disposed of through a NPDES-permitted discharge to the adjacent Blue River. The facility may also discharge to the sanitary sewer if necessary. The feed pressure for Trains A and B are reported as a function of permeate flowrate in Figure 5.7. From the data presented here, the feed pressure required to reach the desired permeate flowrate of roughly 570 gpm increased during the first year of operation. For instance, in November 2004, the average feed pressure was 116 psig to achieve the desired permeate flowrate (~570 gpm). By November 2005, the feed pressure had increased to 126 psig to achieve the same production rate; this is an increase of 8.8 percent (Figure 5.7). This increase is attributed to membrane fouling. As the membranes become fouled, the resistance to mass transport across the membrane increases, resulting in the observed increased pressure requirements to reach the target production rate. The feedwater and permeate conductivities are shown in Figure 5.8 as a function of time. The raw water conductivity varied between 700 to 900 μS/cm, with a brief drop to 200 μS/cm in October 2005. The relatively low variability in the raw water TDS (as indicated by the conductivity values) suggests that the osmotic back-pressure, and thus the necessary driving pressure, will not vary substantially for the RO system, outside of fouling effects. The permeate conductivity was generally constant and varied between 40 to 50 μS/cm, owing to the relatively constant rejection properties that are characteristic of RO membranes. 70 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 900 100% 800 75% 700 50% 600 25% 500 Nov-04 Recovery Ratio Flow (gpm) Feed flow Permeate flow Recovery rate 0% Feb-05 May-05 Aug-05 Nov-05 Figure 5.6 Feed and permeate flowrates as well as the corresponding recovery rate for Seward Corrosion Control Plant RO Train A measured over the study period. 590 Permeate Flowrate (gpm) 580 570 560 550 RO-A Nov-04 540 RO-A Nov-05 RO-B Nov-04 530 RO-B Nov-05 520 100 110 120 130 140 Feed Pressure (psig) Figure 5.7 Permeate flowrate as a function of feed pressure for Seward Corrosion Control RO Trains A and B taken at two different time periods. 71 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1,000 Conductivity (mS/cm) Feedwater 100 Permeate 10 Nov-04 Feb-05 May-05 Aug-05 Nov-05 Figure 5.8 Seward Corrosion Control Plant feed water and permeate conductivity as a function of time. Energy Supply Electricity is supplied to the Seward facility by the City of Seward. Each of the three wellfields has electrical meters that monitor their respective EC. There is an electrical meter at the treatment plant that records the total EC for the RO trains, degasifier, high service pumps, and the ancillary treatment and building equipment. The City tracks the EC of the wellfields and treatment plant based on monthly energy bills. There is no data available for individual treatment processes, such as the RO process or the high service pumping. Power is supplied by one power feed, with standby power supplied by an on-site 500 kW diesel generator. The standby generator is exercised weekly without a load, and once a month with a load. There was no correction to the energy data to account for the use of the standby generator in the subsequent data analysis. A summary of all the major electrical equipment in the plant is listed in Appendix A. Analysis of the Seward treatment plant EC consisted of two phases. The first was to identify the major areas of EC. The second was to determine how the system EC could be correlated to water production. The initial evaluation concentrated on comparing the overall EC of the plant and determining what correlations exist between water quality and quantity versus energy use. Power consumption was obtained from monthly electrical bills, from November 2004 to November 2005. The power data was recorded as true energy, in units of kWh. Although EC by individual processes could not be directly measured, it was possible to calculate these values according to the procedures outlined in the following paragraphs. 72 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The three groundwater wellfields are metered in different ways. The three South Wells draw power through a single meter, while the two Southwest Wells each have their own electrical meter. The West Wellfield has four electrical meters, one for the well pumps and three for ancillary equipment and a building associated with the wells. To account for this metering variability, the energy analysis was based on the average EC for all of the wellfields, with the meter readings of the two Southwest Wells and the four readings for the West Wellfield merged into one value for each respective wellfield. The monthly RO booster pump EC was calculated based on records for pump operation and using Equation 5.1: EC = QDP ×T × C 3960 E P E M (5.1) where EC is the EC in kilowatt-hours, Q is the pump flow rate in gpm, DP is the pump discharge pressure in feet of water, EP is the pump efficiency, EM is the motor efficiency, T is the estimated monthly operating time in hours, and C is a conversion factor for converting horsepower to kilowatt-hours. The calculation was based on the daily recorded pump flow rate, elapsed time, and discharge pressure for the RO booster pumps. Pump efficiency was based on a review of the manufacturer’s pump curve. The monthly water production was divided by the average pumping rate for the particular month to determine the number of hours the RO booster pumps were operated (Figure 5.9). With this methodology, the number of RO trains operating at any given time is not required. Estimated Total Booster Pump Run Time (hrs/month) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Nov-04 Feb-05 May-05 Aug-05 Nov-05 Figure 5.9 Estimated total monthly run time for the booster pumps for RO Trains A and B. 73 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EC by the degasifier blower was calculated in a similar method to the RO booster pumps. Here, the operating horsepower of the fan motor is multiplied by the operating time. Since the blower operates at a constant speed, and there were no daily recorded values for blower output, the operating horsepower was assumed to be the rated motor horsepower. The blower’s operational time was calculated differently from that for the operational RO booster pumps since it operates when either one or both RO trains are operating. Since the blower operates whenever water is pumped to the treatment plant, the operational time was assumed to be equal to the longest time that any one well was operating on a given day. Well run times are shown in Figure 5.10. Discussions with plant operators indicated that well operations are not staged (i.e., one well turns on after another is turned off) so the assumption on longest run time seems valid. Daily Maximum Well Run Time (hrs) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Nov-04 Feb-05 May-05 Aug-05 Nov-05 Figure 5.10 Daily maximum run times for the Seward groundwater wells. The energy consumed by the high service pumps, and the ancillary treatment and building equipment was calculated by subtracting the calculated energy use of the RO booster pumps and the degasifier blower from the monthly EC for the entire treatment plant. For the subsequent analysis, the amount of energy consumed by the ancillary equipment was considered to be negligible when compared to the high-service pumps. This assumption was made since the ancillary equipment’s power demand is considerably smaller than that of the high service pumps, and/or it is used less than the high service pumps. Energy Consumption EC at the Seward facility was divided into five major equipment categories: the groundwater well pumps, RO booster pumps, degasifier blower, high service pumps, and the 74 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ancillary equipment for the water treatment process (such as the chemical feed pumps, on-site hypochlorite generator, process instrumentation, and valves) and the building functions (HVAC, bridge crane, computers, lighting). A breakdown of the average monthly specific EC by each of these different systems is reported in Table 5.4. Table 5.4 Average monthly specific energy consumption at the Seward Corrosion Control Plant Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 4.71 0.57 0.14 1.47 6.89 Treatment Equipment Well pumps High pressure RO pump Degasifier High Service Pumps* Total Percent of Total 68.3 8.3 2.0 21.4 100.0 *energy consumption by the ancillary equipment is included with the high service pumps Figure 5.11 shows the cumulative EC for the major process equipment over the study period. The corresponding water production rates are also included in Figure 5.11 for reference. The same data is shown in a non-cumulative manner in Figure 5.12. Pumping the groundwater to the treatment plant and pumping the finished water from the plant to the distribution system were found to be the most energy-intensive portions of the entire Seward drinking water system. This pumping accounted for 65 to 85 percent of the total system EC. The degasifier was the least energy-intensive step, accounting for approximately 4 percent of the total system EC, due to the relatively small motor size needed in comparison to the various water pumps. The remainder of the EC was attributed to the RO booster pumps. 200,000 100 High Service Pumping & Ancillary Equip. Degassifier Energy Use (kWh/Month) 75 Wellfield Water Production 100,000 50 50,000 25 0 Nov-04 Water Production (MG/Month) Reverse Osmosis 150,000 0 Feb-05 May-05 Aug-05 Nov-05 Figure 5.11 Seward energy consumption by different process equipment as a function of the water production rate. 75 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Monthly Energy Consumption (kWh) 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Nov-04 Feb-05 May-05 Aug-05 Nov-05 High Service Pumping and Ancillary Equipment Degassifier Reverse Osmosis Figure 5.12 Seward energy consumption by different process equipment as a function of time. The average monthly water production rate for each of the wellfields is plotted as a function of EC in Figure 5.13. EC increased at each of the wellfields with increasing water production (i.e., as more water is pumped to the treatment plant). EC at the South and West wellfields are relatively equal over the different water production rates seen in Figure 5.13. However, for the Southwest wellfield the EC tends to be lower that that for the other two wellfields, particularly when the production rate exceeds 10 MG/month. Recalling that the Southwest wellfield is located the farthest distance from the plant and must therefore pump the water over the greatest distance, this result is somewhat surprising. This observation is further highlighted through inspection of the specific EC as a function of water production for the three well-field areas (Figure 5.14). 76 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Energy Consumption (kWh/month) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 South Wellfield 5,000 Southwest Wellfield West Wellfield 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Water Production (MG/month) Figure 5.13 Seward well production and energy consumption by the corresponding well pumping systems. Figure 5.14 shows that for the full period studied, each of the wellfields was found to be more efficient as more water was pumped out of the ground to the treatment plant. Furthermore, the calculated specific EC trend lines of the South and Southwest Wellfields were found to be nearly the same where the respective ranges of water production overlap, with the West Wellfield having a higher specific EC at approximately 8 MG/month. However, this analysis was found to be sensitive to the single outlier data point (November 2005) for the Southwest Wellfield. The overall results changed significantly when the November 2005 data was removed from all three wellfields. While the South and West Wellfield changed very little, removing the data outlier for the Southwest Wellfield resulted in a calculated specific EC trend line that is lower than the other two wellfields. The difference between the Southwest and South Wellfields was approximately 0.04 kWh/kgal, indicating that the Southwest Wellfield was the most energyefficient one in the Seward system. 77 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 5 South Wellfield Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) Outlier Data Point Southwest Wellfield 4 West Wellfield 3 South Wellfield R2 = 0.72 West Wellfield R2 = 0.60 Southwest Wellfield R2 = 0.86 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Water Production (MG/month) Figure 5.14 Seward wellfield specific energy consumption for November 2004 through November 2005. Since the RO booster pumps operated at constant feed and permeate flowrates and recovery rate for the time period studied, no correlation could be made between water production and EC. The specific EC for the RO process, which accounts for 50 percent of the total water produced at the plant (50 percent is bypassed around the RO system), ranged from 0.55 to 0.60 kWh/kgal. Specific EC increased from November 2004 to November 2005 as the feed pressure required to meet the desired permeate production rate increased. This increased pressure requirement was again due to membrane fouling (Figure 5.7). As with the RO booster pumps, the degasifier operated at a constant speed and output. Since the degasifier EC was constant regardless of the water delivered to the treatment plant, the specific EC of the degasifier decreased as more water was treated. The calculated specific EC was 0.15 kWh/kgal, and decreased to 0.12 kWh/kgal when treating water at higher flows (> 50 MG/month). The estimated portion of the plant specific EC for the degasifier was roughly 2 percent of the total plant’s value (Table 5.4). The specific EC as a function of the monthly water production rate is reported for each of the major processes in Figure 5.15. Note that these values do not include the specific energy consumed by the well pumps. The high service pumps consumed the largest portion of the plant’s (not including the well pumps) specific EC for nearly the entire range of water production rates. Only as water production increases above 48 MG/month does the RO process become the largest fraction of the plant’s total specific EC and over 50 percent of the total consumption at over 52 MG/month. Specific EC by all of the processes in the plant decreased in a logarithmic fashion with increasing water production. Its value is largely controlled by the energy consumed by the high service pumps, which constitute the largest fraction of the specific EC outside of the 78 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED well pumps. However, as the monthly production volume increased the specific energy consumed by the high service pumps decreased and began to approximate that of the RO booster pumps once a water production rate of roughly 50 MG/month was reached. 4 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) Plant RO Plant Total Degassifier 3 High Service Pumps High Service Pumps 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Water Production (MG/month) Figure 5.15 Specific energy consumption for different process equipment at the Seward Corrosion Control Plant. The average monthly specific EC for the RO system is reported as a function of feedwater conductivity and temperature in Figures 5.16 and 5.17, respectively. From Figure 5.16, as the conductivity increases, which is a surrogate for TDS increases, there appears to be little to no corresponding correlation in the specific EC. The reason for lack of correlation is because the data range is small. The Seward RO system is removing nitrate from a relatively clean groundwater source. Assuming a conversion factor of TDS (mg/L) = 0.67*Conductivity (μS/cm), the Seward groundwater contains approximately only 450-600 mg/L TDS. In comparison, Figure 5.4 shows a comparison between TDS and specific EC that spans 15,000 mg/L TDS. This data suggests that in cases where the overall range of conductivities was narrow, the RO specific EC is more greatly affected by the water production rate. From Figure 5.17 the specific EC is fairly insensitive to the minor fluctuations in the groundwater temperature. As a result, no correlation between specific EC and temperature could be determined at Seward. 79 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Feedwater Conductivity (μS/cm) Figure 5.16 Average monthly specific energy consumption for the RO booster pumps only as a function of the feedwater conductivity. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Feedwater Temperature (oC) Figure 5.17 Average monthly specific energy consumption for the RO booster pumps only as a function of the feedwater temperature. 80 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Potential Energy Conservation Improvements The Seward Corrosion Control Plant is billed under the City’s Municipal Uses rate schedule, where users are billed at a single unit energy cost (1¢/kWh). It is not billed for peak demands or power factors. However, the City does pay the regional electricity provider, Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD), for peak power demands. The power demand charges are paid through increased unit energy rates. There are no available alternate billing rate schedules to the Corrosion Control Plant that allows the plant to be billed directly for peak power demands. The City’s Electric Department manages the power demand on a citywide basis but does not use the Corrosion Control Plant’s standby generator to shed loads during peak conditions. Each of the major equipment categories were analyzed for potential improvements in EC and efficiency. Cost savings estimates are based on the November 2005 unit energy cost of 7.1¢/kWh. In addition to category-specific recommendations, a general energy optimization recommendation for the City would be to install energy monitoring equipment at the wellfields and at the other large pumps in the Seward WTP. The signals from the equipment would be routed back to the plant SCADA system for storage and trending analysis. Currently, the only readily available tool for City staff to track overall energy data from specific facilities is through the monthly electric bills. Installing energy monitoring equipment would provide both a more refined timescale for analysis as well as the opportunity to track individual equipment. With this data, the City staff will have the tools to identify energy (and cost) saving measures and operate the overall system in the most efficient manner possible. Groundwater Wellfields The Southwest Wellfield was found to have the lowest specific EC. Figure 5.18 shows the breakdown of groundwater pumping by wellfield. With the exception of November 2005, the South, Southwest, and West Wellfields contributed 25 percent, 40 percent, and 35 percent, respectively, of the total water production. Increasing use of the Southwest Wellfield, and reducing the use of the West Wellfield could result in significant energy savings. Assuming a calculated specific EC differential of 0.4 kWh/kgal, increasing the use of the Southwest Wellfield could result in a cost savings of 2.8 ¢/kgal pumped ($28.40/MG pumped). However, this cost estimate does not include any potential hindrances to increasing the Southwest Wellfield use, such as adverse impacts on water quality, water right limitations, or declining yields associated with increased pumping. An alternative suggestion is to further investigate the differences as to why the South and West Wellfields are not as efficient as the Southwest Wellfield. It is possible that the well pumps and motors at the other wellfields are being operated in a less efficient manner compared to those at the Southwest Wellfield. The less efficient well operations could have offset any potential energy savings by these two wellfields being closer to the treatment plant. 81 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 60 South Wellfield Water Production (MG/month) 50 Southwest Wellfield West Wellfield 40 30 20 10 0 Nov-04 Feb-05 May-05 Aug-05 Nov-05 Figure 5.18 Monthly water production for the three different well-field areas in the Seward system. Reverse Osmosis Beyond water production rate, membrane fouling was determined to have the greatest impact on the RO specific EC. Cleaning the membranes would improve the energy efficiency by lowering the process operating pressure. Assuming that the cleaning process removes 85 percent of the materials accumulated on the surface and pores of the membranes (and thus lowers the resistance to mass transport across the membranes), the energy needed to treat the water would be reduced by 0.1 kWh/kgal, an 8 percent reduction from the November 2005 specific EC. Since only half the water is treated by the RO process, the cost savings would be 0.4¢/kgal ($3.55/MG). Continuing to operate the system without cleaning would likely result in increased feed pressures and higher specific EC values. Increasing the ratio of bypassed water to RO-treated water would easily increase both the energy and cost efficiencies of the treatment plant. However, such a change would most likely result in a failure to meet drinking water standards for nitrate. For that reason, this report does not recommend this action be considered without more extensive testing. As noted previously, the RO system is designed for 85 percent recovery while currently being operated at 75 percent due to issues related to inadequate nitrate removal. Though a higher recovery requires that the RO booster pumps operate at higher pressures, and therefore require more power, less groundwater is required to be pumped to produce a given volume of drinking water. Since groundwater pumping has significantly higher specific EC than RO pumping, any reduction in groundwater pumping energy would more than offset the increased RO EC. As a 82 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED result, there will be a net energy savings to the overall system by operating the RO system at higher recoveries. No information is currently available on what the required RO booster pressure would be to obtain 85 percent recovery. However, the overall EC by the plant would increase by an estimated 0.05 kWh/kgal (or $0.04/kgal assuming $0.071 per kWh) for every 10 psi increase by the RO booster pumps. In comparison, 0.60 – 2.4 kWh ($0.042 – $0.168) can be saved for every 1,000 gallons of groundwater that is not pumped. Typical capital improvement measures that can be implemented to improve the energy efficiency of RO systems are to heat the feed water and to install energy-recovery devices. Theoretically increasing the feed water temperature should decrease the required RO feed pressure. Only a small number of drinking water RO treatment plants heat the water due to the cost of installing, maintaining, and powering the necessary heaters needed; the few that do are often located next to a steam or power plant to take advantage of excess heat from the adjacent facility. Due to the high costs, this improvement is not recommended for the Seward plant. Degasifier There are no recommendations for increasing the energy efficiency of the degasifier system. The most common option is to install a VFD to vary the speed of the motor so as to reduce over-aeration. This is a common alternative for wastewater applications due to daily and seasonal variations in aeration demands. Such installations for drinking water systems are rare because the aeration demands do not vary substantially. In the case of Seward, the variation in groundwater pH is relatively small, and there is very little variability in the RO-treated water quality. Therefore, there is little need to have a blower with a varying output. Any potential energy and cost savings from using a VFD would either be completely offset by the need to install the equipment or result in long payback periods. High Service Pumping Based on the data available, adding VFDs to the 100 and 200-hp pumps would reduce the plant power demand. Though the treatment plant is not directly billed for peak power demand, the City does pay for peak power demand through increased unit energy rates. Adding the VFDs would allow for ramping-up and ramping-down, which would subsequently reduce energy demand associated with starting the large high service pumps. In addition, adding the VFDs would provide the following benefits that are outside the scope of this report: • Increased mechanical life. The ability to ramp-up and ramp-down would lessen the high mechanical torque and stress associated with starting the pumps. With reduced stress the pumps would last longer and maintenance requirements would be reduced. • Improved distribution system conditions. The VFDs could improve operational conditions in the downstream distribution system, such as pressure and water age, by providing greater control of the high service pumps flow and discharge. 83 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED West Basin Municipal Water District (California) Water Recycling Facility System Description The West Basin Municipal Water District (“West Basin”) serves 17 cities and 9 unincorporated areas in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. West Basin serves a population of approximately 900,000 over an area of 185 square miles. Prior to 1992, West Basin supplied its municipal and industrial customers with a combination of local groundwater wells and surface water purchased from the regional wholesaler, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. To improve their water supply portfolio, West Basin began the development of a water reuse program. Federal funding was received in 1992 to construct a water recycling plant at a site adjacent to the City of Los Angeles Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant. The West Basin Water Recycling Facility (WBWRF) is currently one of the largest water reuse treatment facilities in the United States. The facility is owned by West Basin and is contract operated and maintained by United Water. The WBWRF processes secondary wastewater effluent from the Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant using differing combinations of conventional coagulation/filtration, MF, RO, and UV disinfection to produce six different water qualities tailor-made to meet varying requirements for non-potable municipal, commercial and industrial applications. The six different product waters are: 1. Disinfected Tertiary Water (Title 22 water): The secondary treated effluent is treated using conventional sand filtration and chlorine disinfection to produce water meeting California Title 22 requirements. The Title 22 water is used for a variety of industrial and irrigation applications. 2. Amended Tertiary Water: The Title 22 water is further chemically conditioned to produce a water specifically for sports turf irrigation. 3. Nitrified Water: A portion of the Title 22 water is nitrified to remove ammonia, and is provided to nearby industries as cooling tower supply. 4. Softened RO Water: Secondary treated wastewater is treated with MF. The water is then pumped to an RO system for further improve the water quality. RO permeate is disinfected with a new combination of UV and peroxide for NDMA destruction. The highly treated water is then injected into the West Basin aquifer as groundwater recharge. 5. Low-Pressure Boiler Feed (LPBF) Water: Secondary treated wastewater is treated with a MF system and then a single-pass of RO membranes for use as LPBF water a nearby ChevronTexaco facility. 6. High Pressure Boiler Feed Water: This water is produced by passing the LPBF water through a second RO stage. Since the WBWRF became fully operational in 1992, the plant has been expanded twice (Phases II and III) to increase the production capacities for each of the waters described above. At the time of this analysis, Phase IV is currently underway to further expand the MF and RO capacities of plant and to add a new UV/peroxide system to begin NDMA destruction. The emphasis of this report on advanced treatment processes will be on the Phase III MF and RO systems used to produce the West Basin-designated “Pure RO Water” for low-pressure boiler feed water. The MF/RO systems used to produce Pure RO Water was selected for this analysis 84 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED since it is the one process train that would be most comparable to trains that would normally be installed for the municipal water industry. The newest MF and RO system installed as part of the current Phase IV expansion would also be used to produce the Pure RO Water but was not included in this analysis because these systems had not been fully commissioned at the time of this analysis. However, the Phase IV UV/peroxide advanced oxidation system will be examined even though this system was also not fully commissioned at the time of analysis. The UV/peroxide advanced oxidation system was included in this analysis because this technology is new and the installation at the WBWRF is one of first for the municipal water industry (drinking water, wastewater, and reuse water). The raw water for the plant is secondary effluent from the City of Los Angeles Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is pumped directly to the WBWRF. Water quality parameters used for the design of the Phase III expansion, as well as values measured for a sample collected during this study, are reported in Table 5.5. The raw water varied from 5 to 13 NTU from January to March 2006. During this same period, the effluent turbidity from the MF system ranged from 0.03 to 0.21 NTU. The two orders-of-magnitude reduction in turbidity by the MF system indicates that the MF process functioned adequately as pretreatment for the RO system. As will be discussed later in this report, this performance was despite the individual membrane elements in the MF system approaching the end of their service life. Although the concentration of the TDS of the secondary effluent continually varies, the concentration in the March 24, 2006 sample was nearly the same as the projected effluent quality. There was a slight difference in the ion composition. The March analysis found sulfate concentrations to be higher than the design quality (228 mg/L versus 149 mg/L) and lower in chlorides (114 mg/L versus 146 mg/L). MF systems alone have little to no impacts on these water quality parameters so removal would be with the RO system. Since RO membranes reject divalent ions more readily than monovalent ions, the water quality of the MF filtrate going to the RO system can be considered better than the design values. This analysis considers two treatment processes. The first is the Phase III MF and RO treatment systems to produce water for use in low-pressure boilers at a nearby Chevron petrochemical refinery. This process is most comparable to typical MF/RO installations for the municipal water industry. The second treatment process is the Phase IV UV/peroxide advanced oxidation system used to treat Phase IV RO permeate prior to aquifer recharge injection. There are no normal interconnections between the Phase III MF/RO and Phase IV UV/peroxide systems, so this analysis will consider each separately. The Phase IV UV/peroxide system is discussed in Chapter 7 with the other UV systems. 85 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 5.5 Secondary effluent quality to West Basin Water Recycling Facility Value: Parameter Temperature pH Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids Bicarbonate Chloride Sulfate Boron Sodium Calcium Magnesium Potassium Iron Manganese Fluoride Residual Chlorine Silica Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite Suspended Solids Biological Oxygen Demand Total Organic Carbon Langelier Index Turbidity Units °F specific units μS/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L as N mg/L as N mg/L as N mg/L mg/L mg/L specific units NTU Design Quality1 77 7.1 1,145 733 293 146 149 0.65 153 48 20 16 0.1 0.04 0.8 0 26.5 24.4 1.8 2.3 11 28 11 -0.27 23 March 24, 20062 75 6.2 1,240 736 160 114 228 Not analyzed 113 37.3 16.7 15 Not analyzed Not analyzed Not analyzed Not analyzed 22 30 Not analyzed Not analyzed Not analyzed Not analyzed 13 Not analyzed See text Sources: 1. CDM, Inc., July 2003. 2. West Basin Municipal Water District Water Quality Laboratory. Figure 5.19 is a schematic of the Phase III MF/RO treatment process used to produce low-pressure boiler feed (abbreviated LPBF in the figure). Secondary effluent is first being pumped by the MF feed pumps through 500-μm automatic strainers to remove large particles and then through the MF system. The MF system is based on the USFilter/Memcor pressurized CMF membrane module. Each module consists of bundles of hundreds of hollow polypropylene hollow fibers with nominal 0.2-μm pore sizes. The Phase III MF system consists of ten parallel membrane trains, each 90 membrane modules installed. 86 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 87 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Figure 5.19 Phase III Low-Pressure Boiler Feed Water (LPBF) Production Train Schematic (Source: West Basin Municipal Water District, 2001). Nine units are operating at one time with one unit in standby. Each CMF unit contains 90 membrane modules with fibers in a vertical position. Each membrane module is rated at 440 gpm. In normal operation, the backwash cycle interval is 20 minutes, with each backwash cycle lasting 2.5 minutes. The system operates at minimum 86.8 percent recovery. A compressed air system is installed as part of the MF system to periodically scour and backwash the membranes. The installed membranes are five years old and approaching the end of their usable service life, with United Water estimating that each module had approximately 20 fiber breaks. (The membranes were replaced shortly after the data reported here was obtained.) As a result, the membranes can no longer sustain pressure during a routine pressure decay test. Each unit is backwashed with air and water every 20 minutes for 2.5 minutes. The backwashing is no longer as efficient as when the membranes were first installed due to the numerous fiber breaks. The system is cleaned in place (CIP) with chemicals on a frequency of 150 to 200 hours. The CIP frequency is relatively short due to inefficient backwashing. Despite the number of broken fibers, the Phase III MF system was still produced filtrate with a silt density index (SDI) consistently about 0.1, which is within the acceptable water quality limits for the downstream RO units. Filtrate from the Phase II MF system and the Phase III MF system flow to the MF filtrate clearwell, located underneath the MF facilities. The combined filtrate is pumped to the RO system after additional filtration with 20 μm cartridge filters. These final filters provide a precautionary measure to ensure that particulates do not enter the RO membrane system. Permeate from Stages One and Two are combined and delivered to the decarbonator. The product is then sent to Chevron for low pressure boiler feed and to Phase IV RO system for production of high purity water for high pressure boiler feed. The first pass RO system is comprised of two trains, labeled Train 4 and 5. Each is a two stage unit where the first stage concentrate is fed to the second stage for further water removal. There are 48 pressure vessels in the 1st stage and 24 in the second stage. Each pressure vessel contains seven 8-in x 40-in Hydranautics ESPA2 RO membranes. Each train was originally designed to produce 2.3 mgd, for a total of 4.6 mgd from Phase III. Permeate from the first pass is partially delivered to Chevron for low-pressure boiler feed and the balance to the second pass for further purification. This represents the flow scheme that would be used in most wastewater recycling plants. Further treatment at West Basin is not considered in this analysis. Power Supply The Southern California Edison Company (SCE) supplies power to the WBWRF using a single 66kV power feed through an 11.2/14MVA, 66kV-16kV transformer substation. The WBWRF then runs a 16kV loop system inside the plant. For this analysis, the individual electrical equipment draws 120V or 480V power off of the loop through several transformers located around the facility. SCE charges West Basin electricity costs for the WBWRF based on a single watt-hour meter at the substation. The SCE bill is sent directly to West Basin; the United Water staff does not routinely receive a copy of the bill. The United Water operating and maintenance contract has requirements for water production and quality but not for EC or conservation. Power draw and EC for 480V equipment is monitored on individual control panels but there is no output signal to the facility SCADA system to track power or energy. United Water 88 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED staff routinely monitors the individual control panels only during maintenance or repair activities. As a result, there are no electrical records for individual equipment. However, the EC for major pumps can be manually estimated based on pressure and flow measurements, which are continually monitored and logged by the SCADA. Energy Consumption The EC of the Phase III MF/RO system is covered in this section. This analysis included a comparison of the theoretical EC for the total system and RO system only with measured values. EC for the various pieces of equipment was calculated from the measured total value using pressure and flowrate measurements. Data was only available for one set of water quality and operating conditions. Therefore, an analysis of the impact of different variables (e.g., TDS, temperature, flowrates, etc.) could not be performed for this case study. The energy consuming equipment included in this analysis of the Phase III MF/RO systems are listed in Appendix A. The analysis of the Phase III MF and RO systems were complicated due to the interconnections with the Phase II systems. Filtrate from the Phase II MF membranes is sent to the same clearwell as the Phase III filtrate and the combined flow is then delivered to the Phase III RO system. As a result, this analysis, which is limited to Phase III of the WBWRF, does not include MF energy for the Phase II filtrate. Part of the Phase III product water is delivered to Chevron and the balance to a second pass RO to produce high purity water for high pressure boiler feed. The RO system has consistently produced a high quality permeate. The pressure is much higher than would be expected for the ESPA2 membrane used in both trains. The manufacture’s modeling program estimated that the ESPA2 membrane would operate at a feed pressure of less than 100 psi at startup (Table 5.6). However, the membranes undergo a non-recoverable permeability loss with the Phase III MF effluent. The initial permeability loss resulted in increased RO operating pressures of 150-180 psi by about the eighth month after startup, after which performance stabilized. Fouling of the RO membranes was evidenced by decreasing RO membrane permeability over the past 5 years of operation. The source of the RO fouling was not established as the SDI and turbidity levels in the RO feedwater were in the acceptable ranges for these parameters. The plant staff hypothesize that the fouling resulted from scale formation on the RO membranes, and/or through the accumulation of materials that are not rejected by the MF membranes. Despite the fouling, plant staff indicated that the RO system performance was stable for the past three years. By February 2006, the feed pressure was 237 psi for Train 4 and 255 psi for Train 5. The high feed pressures indicated that the Phase III RO system would soon require that a chemical cleaning be initiated. Except for the feed pressure, all other operating and performance values for the ESPA2 membranes were comparable to the design values. 89 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 5.6 Performance results for the Phase III RO System Parameter Feed conductivity Temperature Concentrate flow Permeate flow Feed flow Recovery Feed pressure Pressure drop Permeate conductivity Unit μS/cm °C gpm gpm gpm % psi psi μS/cm Design Value 1,200 25 281 1,597 1,878 85 99 40 None February 2006 Values Train #4 Train #5 1,375 1,375 24.1 24.1 225 223 1,302 1,240 1,527 1,463 85.2 84.8 237 255 37.3 35 40.6 44 Figure 5.20 shows a comparison between the theoretical and measured EC of the Phase III MF and RO systems. Here, the MF system is composed of the MF feed pumps and the MF air compressor. The RO system is composed of the RO transfer pump, RO feed pumps, decarbonator blower, and the product forwarding pumps. The measured total EC of all process components is within 5 percent of the calculated theoretical value. Note that the figure shows the expected EC by the RO feed pumps at startup, which did not reflect the one time nonrecoverable flux decline which caused a near doubling of the EC by the RO feed pumps. The projected EC by the feed pumps at various TDS values was estimated with the membrane manufacturer’s modeling program and assuming a fouling factor of 20 percent per year. The 20 percent fouling factor is a common value used by design engineers for RO membrane treatment of secondary effluent and does reflect the current operating conditions of the Phase III RO system. Nevertheless, the projected EC by the RO feed pumps was relatively equal to the measured value at a TDS of 736 mg/L. Table 5.7 is a breakdown of the energy consumed by the different components of the Phase III MF/RO system. The specific EC for the total system is 6.31 kWh/kgal. The MF portion of the Phase III system used 0.70 kwh/kgal, or 11.1 percent of the total, while the RO feed pumps and decarbonator blowers used 4.35 kWh/kgal or 68.9 percent of the total. The remaining 1.26 kWh/kgal (20.0 percent) is used for the transfer pumps between the MF system to the RO system and the product forward pumps sending the decarbonated RO permeate to the Chevron facility. 90 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 7 6 5 4 Initial Design: RO feed pumps 3 Projected RO, 20% FF Actual: RO feed pumps 2 Calculated: MF+RO Measured: MF+RO 1 Measured RO System 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 TDS (mg/L) Figure 5.20 Comparison of WBWRF Phase III MF/RO energy consumption. The projected specific energy consumption for the RO system only (gray square) was calculated assuming a fouling factor of 20 percent over a 5-year operating period. Table 5.7 WBWRF Phase III MF/RO energy consumption breakdown Treatment Equipment MF feed pumps MF air compressors RO transfer pump Train #4 RO feed pump Train #5 RO feed pump RO decarbonator blowers Product forwarding pump Total Calculated Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 0.50 0.20 0.90 2.07 2.23 0.05 0.36 6.31 Percent of Total 7.9 3.2 14.3 32.8 35.3 0.8 5.7 100.0 Note: Phase II MF filtrate also goes to the Phase III RO system. Phase II MF system was not included as part of this analysis. There were slight differences in the operating conditions for membrane Trains 4 and 5 (Table 5.6). Train 5 operated at a higher feed pressure but at a lower feedwater flowrate compared to Train 4. The specific EC was higher for the feed pumps for Train 5 (2.23 kWh/kgal) compared to that for Train 4 (2.07 kWh/kgal). The improved specific EC for Train 4 is likely due to the higher feedwater flowrate and higher water recovery of Train 4. 91 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Potential Energy Conservation Improvements In the Phase III MF/RO treatment system the RO feed pumps accounted for roughly onethird of the total EC. Therefore, energy conservation efforts should focus on optimizing the performance of the feed pumps. One avenue for reducing the EC of the RO feed pumps is to reduce the system operating pressure. Currently, the operating pressure is greater than that expected during design as a result of membrane fouling. Identification and minimization of this fouling should allow for the system to operate at a lower pressure, thus reducing the EC by the RO feed pumps. Recalling that the EC by the various process equipment which make up the Phase III system was projected based on the measured total system EC, it is recommended that a monthly energy audit be performed in order to develop improved baseline EC values for the different process equipment. This would require that monitoring equipment be installed on the selected process equipment to determine monthly EC. This would allow for a more complete picture to be developed for pinpointing system energy inefficiencies. Following the energy audit, areas may be identified for reducing EC and improving plant efficiency. As noted in this analysis, the current equipment control panels display the instantaneous power and energy usage but the information is not monitored or logged on a regular basis. While modifying the current SCADA system to include continuous power and energy monitoring and logging would be quite expensive, performing a monthly audit of the major equipment would provide adequate data to begin an energy analysis of the entire plant. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS FOR REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS As discussed previously, RO systems typically are operated on an on/off basis at the required flow rate. Accordingly, the principal factors affecting the EC by RO systems are the feed pressure that is needed to achieve a set permeate flux and the water quality conditions that affect the membrane permeability. Considerations for EC optimization are generally associated with design and operational improvements. These issues are summarized below. Factors Affecting EC of Reverse Osmosis Systems Two of the three RO plants only reported data under a single set of water quality conditions, which provides little data to develop good statistical correlations between the specific EC of the RO equipment and different water quality parameters. Nevertheless, some general conclusions may be drawn based on the data that is available for the systems studied here. Of all the parameters studied, specific EC was only found to correlate strongly with feed pressure (Figure 5.21). Specific EC was found to increase rather linearly with increasing feed pressure. This relationship is in agreement with expectations from the pump energy equation (Figure 5.22). As evidenced in Figure 5.22, pump EC increases in a linear fashion with increasing feed pressure and with increasing flowrate. Both temperature and TDS are known to be significant parameters for determining the feed pressure required to achieve a set permeate flux. Increasing temperature results in a lowering of water viscosity allowing it to more easily pass through the membrane. The TDS determines the osmotic back pressure which must be overcome by the feed pumps. However, with RO membrane systems, the resistance imposed by the membrane and the impact of membrane fouling must also be accounted. Therefore, the relationship between water quality 92 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED parameters and specific EC by the feed pump may not in fact be a straightforward relationship. For instance, while the Goldsworthy Desalter had the highest influent TDS, it operated at a feed pressure that was roughly half that of the WBWRF (Table 5.8). Consequently, the specific EC was almost four times greater at the West Basin plant compared to that at the Water Replenishment District. The difference in feed pressure may be attributed to a variety of operating guidelines, but fouling of the WBWRF RO membranes was cited as the source for decreases in the membrane permeability and thus required higher feed pressures in order to achieve the desired permeate flux. These higher than expected EC observations were attributed primarily to the failing integrity of the MF system, thus degrading the quality of influent water delivered to the RO system and consequently reducing the Phase III MF/RO performance efficiency. Thus, because feed pressure is influenced by many factors (e.g., membrane permeability, TDS, temperature, etc.) it must be carefully scrutinized to determine what factors are ultimately affecting specific EC. Regardless, this data suggests that feed pressure is the principle factor affecting the energy efficiency of RO membrane systems. 5.0 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) R2 = 0.9969 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Feed Pressure (psi) Figure 5.21 Specific energy consumption by the RO systems as a function of the operating feed pressure at West Basin, Goldsworthy, and Seward WTPs. The data is fit using linear regression analysis. 93 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 25 Energy Consumption (kWh/gal) Q = 20 gpm Q = 50 gpm 20 Q = 100 gpm 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Feed Pressure (psi) Figure 5.22 Theoretical energy consumption by a pump operating at different flow rates and feed pressures. The pump efficiency is assumed to be 80 percent and the motor efficiency is assumed to be 95 percent. Table 5.8 Summary of selected average water quality parameters and RO system specific energy consumption from the three RO WTPs Facility WBWRF Goldsworthy Desalter Seward Corrosion Control Plant Feed Water TDS (mg/L) 736 Feed Pressure (psi) Temperature (°C) Qavg (MG/month) Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 246 24.1 102.5 4.70 2393 165 21.7 53.2 1.63 529 121 12.0 29.8 0.57 CONSIDERATIONS FOR EC OPTIMIZATION OF RO SYSTEMS Potential design and operational improvements were identified for the three participating RO systems. For the WRD Goldsworthy Desalter, EC potentially could be reduced by considering additional blending of product water, improvements in pumping efficiencies, lower operating pressure using new membrane materials, and installation of energy recovery systems (see Chapter 2). For the Seward Corrosion Control Plant, EC potentially could be reduced by cleaning the membranes, adding VFD to the high service pumps, and possibly re-allocating 94 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED production from specific wellfields. The WBWRF EC could potentially be reduced by considering replacement of the Phase III MF membranes to improve MF filtrate quality, replacement of the RO membranes for reduced operating pressure, and implementation of monthly energy audits. Energy-recovery devices for RO systems transfer excess pressure from the RO effluent to the feed water and thereby reduce the booster pumping pressure. These devices are commonly installed for high-pressure RO seawater desalination operations. Typical efficiencies of several different types of energy recovery devices are listed in Table 5.9. However, because the capital costs associated with these devices is often quite large, a cost benefit analysis would be required to determine their economic feasibility. Of the currently available energy recovery systems, the Pelton turbine and turbocharger are most widely used. The flow-work exchanger (Direct Work Exchange Energy Recovery – DWEER) system was recently installed on two of the largest RO seawater systems (Ashkelon, Israel and Tuas, Singapore). It is possible that more widespread use will lead to development of economic models for brackish water. The Energy Recovery Incorporated pressure exchanger (ERI) has recently been tested for seawater service at Dhekelia, Cyprus and the Affordable Desalination Cooperative. An acceptable energy recovery device for brackish water could potentially reduce consumption by 10 percent for a facility treating a feed water with 5,000 mg/L TDS to up to 30 percent for 10,000 mg/L TDS feed water. Table 5.9 Typical energy recovery efficiencies for different energy recovery devices System Typical Energy Recovery Efficiency (%) Reverse running pump 75 – 82 Pelton turbine (ERT) 80 – 86 Turbocharger 70 Flow-work exchanger 90 – 95 Pressure exchanger ~95 95 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 96 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER 6 EC OF OZONE SYSTEMS FOR DRINKING WATER TREATMENT This chapter discusses EC of utilities that use ozone systems for drinking water treatment. The chapter includes an overview of the process and description of major components that typically require the greatest energy usage. Three case studies (Southern Nevada Water Authority; Contra Costa Water District, California; and Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency, Illinois) are described. Each case study includes a system description, analysis of EC, and identification of potential optimization opportunities. A summary of the EC analysis based on these three case studies is included at the end of the chapter. PROCESS DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW Principle components of ozonation systems include the feed gas (air or high-purity oxygen), ozone generator, ozone contact basin, and the ozone destruction unit. A general schematic for an ozonation system is shown in Figure 6.1. All feed gas supplies have minimum moisture content. This is often achieved by passing the feed gas through a dessicator to reduce the gas water content and into the ozone generator. Ozone is produced by applying a high voltage alternating current (6 to 20 kVAC) across a dielectric discharge gap that contains the feed gas. On-site generation is required because the ozone is highly unstable. The gas stream now contains approximately 0.5 to 3 percent weight ozone. Air feed-gas systems are designed to operate at ozone concentrations between 1.0 to 2.5 percent weight ozone, conversely, high-purity oxygen feed-gas systems are designed to operate at ozone concentrations between 8 to 12 percent weight ozone. The ozone gas stream is diffused into the feedwater using a down flow contact basin. The contact basin may take a variety of designs, including a diffused bubbler, mechanical agitation, packed tower, or venture mixer. Off-gas in the contactor is collected and sent to a heat catalyst unit which reduces the ozone to oxygen and discharges it to the atmosphere. Ozone Destruction Off-Gas Feed Gas Preparation • O2 Production • O2 Storage • Air/O2 Treatment Ozone Generator Ozone Contact Basin Feed Water Figure 6.1 Typical process layout for an ozonation water treatment system. 97 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED MAJOR EC COMPONENTS Ozonation systems are typically comprised of four energy consuming devices: • Feed-gas treatment. • Ozone generator. • Cooling water pumps for the ozone generator. • Ozone destruction unit. The ozone generator represents the primary energy consumer for the ozonation system. Auxiliary systems include the feed-gas treatment, ozone diffuser in the contact basin, generator cooling water pumps, and the ozone destruction unit. The ozone generator consumes energy via two routes including production of the voltage across the dielectric and pumping of the cooling water through the generator. The ozone diffuser requires energy for pumping the ozone rich gas into the contact basin. EC associated with the ozone generator tends to increase with increasing ozone generation rate. However, the energy required for the auxiliary systems remains relatively fixed regardless of the ozone generation rate. Process efficiency is therefore lowest at low ozone production rates. DESCRIPTIONS AND FINDINGS FROM CASE STUDIES This section includes case studies for three utilities that operate ozone systems. Each system uses a different oxygen feed system, which appears to impact EC and process efficiency. Southern Nevada Water Authority uses the vacuum/pressure-swing adsorption equipment, Contra Costa Water District uses the vaporized liquid oxygen system, and Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency uses an ambient air feed system. These three utilities are described as case studies for ozone systems in the sections below. Southern Nevada Water Authority Alfred Merritt Smith Water Treatment Plant System Description The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) operates two drinking water treatment plants in the Las Vegas valley. One of these is the Alfred Merritt Smith (AMS) WTP which was originally constructed in 1971 and has a maximum production capacity of 600 mgd. The AMS WTP is located on the shores of Lake Mead, and is approximately 30 miles away from the Las Vegas valley. The treatment system is composed of conventional coagulation followed by direct filtration through dual media filters. Chlorine gas is used as the primary disinfectant and fluoride and zinc orthophosphate are added during post-treatment. Preozonation, coming before the coagulation step, is practiced here primarily for achieving a minimum 1-log Giardia disinfection credit and may also be used for Cryptosporidium inactivation and taste and odor control if needed in the future. The plant has three major energy consuming components, including low-lift pumping from the lake (installed power demand of 14.9 MW), oxygen and ozone generation equipment (installed power demand of 4.8 MW), and high-lift pumping from the plant to the Las Vegas valley (installed power demand of 132 MW). The total installed power demand for pumping and oxygen/ozone production is 151.7 MW. Oxygen/ozone production installed power demand is 98 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED small, at only 3.2 percent of the total. Each of the twenty 1000 hp low-lift pumps delivers between 20 to 34 mgd of water flow, depending on the lake elevation, which varies from 1100 ft MSL to 1150 ft MSL. Each of the five 600 kW ozone generators delivers 4,000 lb/day of ozone at a concentration of 8 percent weight. Each of the two 900 kW VPSA units delivers 50 tons/day of high purity oxygen (92 percent by volume O2) to the ozone generators. The 65 high-lift pumps (14 at 2500 hp, 29 at 3000 hp and 22 at 4000 hp) each deliver between 32 and 37 mgd of treated water up and over the 1,200 ft high River Mountains through about 30 miles of pipe from Lake Mead to the Las Vegas valley. Equipment and process components of the AMS oxygen/ozone system are shown schematically in Figure 6.2. The oxygen feed-gas supply is high purity oxygen that is derived from VPSA oxygen generation equipment that is located on site. LOX serves as a backup in case of operating problems with the VPSA units. On-site VPSA oxygen production facilities were installed mostly because of the plant’s remote location and long distance (200 miles) from commercial LOX suppliers that are located in southern California. In addition, ozone generation cost savings occur, but these savings are somewhat mitigated by the increased maintenance that is required of the VPSA equipment (i.e., mostly valve and valve actuator maintenance activities). There are eight ozone contactors each having a hydraulic detention time of 24 minutes. Residual ozone is quenched at the end of the contactors. The off-gas ozone destruction is carried out using a vacuumed heater at 30oC with a MnO2 catalyst. The AMS facility has watt-hour meters installed on MCCs that serve different parts of the ozone facility. The “ozone” system has watt-hour meters installed on MCCs at selected locations. Cumulative watt-hour meter readings are collected on SCADA. SCADA readings for energy usage were automatically input into an Excel spreadsheet for further evaluation. The primary (90 percent) energy-consuming components of the oxygen/ozone system are the VPSA unit and the ozone generators. The remaining 10 percent process-related energy-consuming components include off-gas ozone destruct equipment and closed-loop cooling water pumps. The building’s HVAC system is considered non-process related energy-consuming equipment. As indicated above, pumping is the significant energy cost for the SNWA. Because of this cost, the SNWA negotiates energy-pricing contracts that yield significant cost savings when EC is minimized during on-peak hours of the day. As such, at times, the AMS plant might operate at a design flow of 600 mgd during off-peak hours and 126 mgd during on-peak hours. The ozone system control strategy was designed and operated to maintain disinfection performance during these fluctuations in plant flow. The result is optimized (i.e., minimized) energy cost for plant and pumping operation as a whole, but somewhat non-optimized energy usage for the ozone system alone. Figure 6.3 shows the process schematic for each of the two 100,000-lb/day (50-ton/day or 775 scfm0C) VPSA systems. The total gas capacity delivered from two units is 200,000-lb/day, or 1,550 scfm0C. At the design ozone concentration of 8 percent weight, the design ozone production capacity is 16,000 lb/day (i.e., 4 of 5 generators operating at 4,000 lb/day each, with one standby unit). 99 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Vaporizer Vaporizer LOX Storage Tank To Flash Mix Preheater/ O3 Destruction LOX Fill Station Vaporizer LOX Storage Tank Vent Gas Blower Vaporizer Preheater/ O3 Destruction To Flash Mix 100 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED To Flash Mix Process Vent Recovery Tank Product Tank Inline Silencer To Flash Mix Vent Gas Blower Preheater/ O3 Destruction Vent Gas Blower Absorbent Vessel Baseload Oxygen Compressor To Flash Mix Air Unload/ Waste Vent Air Inlet Filter Preheater/ O3 Destruction Vent Gas Blower North VPSA Room To Flash Mix Product Tank Recovery Tank Preheater/ O3 Destruction North Generator Room Vent Gas Blower Absorbent Vessel Baseload Oxygen Compressor To Flash Mix Air Unload/ Waste Vent Air Inlet Filter Rotary Blower Discharge Silencer To Flash Mix Figure 6.2 Schematic of the Alfred Merritt Smith WTP oxygen/ozone generators (Source: SNWA 2003). Ozone Destruct Room Figure 6.3 Detailed schematic of the VPSA system used at the AMS WTP (Source: SNWA 2003). Each VPSA unit has one 1,000 hp air compressor and one 200 hp oxygen-pressurebooster compressor (called a Base Load Oxygen Compressor, or BLOC). Figure 6.4 shows the specific energy value, with respect to oxygen production, at variable oxygen production rates. These data were collected during the on-site installation performance tests that were conducted in November 2003. As shown, the specific energy value is higher at turndown operating conditions. In other words, at 50 percent turndown in production there is only a 20 percent 101 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Atmospheric Air Atmospheric Air Air Inlet Feed Air Feed & Vacuum Blower System Rotary Blower 1 Discharge Silencer 1 Waste Vent Absorbent Vessel 1 Inline Silencer No. 1 Discharge Silencer 2 Waste Vent Absorbent Vessel 2 Inline Silencer No. 2 Rotary Blower 2 Air Separation System Recovery Tank 1 Air Inlet Feed Air Feed & Vacuum Blower System Air Separation System Recovery Tank 2 Waste Vent Product Tank 1 Waste Vent Product Tank 2 Oxygen Monitoring System Oxygen Analyzer Instrument Air Supply System Baseload Oxygen Compressor Oxygen Compression System Oxygen Monitoring System Oxygen Analyzer Instrument Air Supply System Baseload Oxygen Compressor Oxygen Compression System Oxygen Vent Oxygen Vent To Ozone Generators Backup Oxygen Source from LOX System Analyzer turndown in power. The air compressor has limited turndown capability, and the BLOC always operates with the same power demand. 0.25 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb O2) R2 = 0.98 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 VPSA Oxygen Flow (lb/day) Figure 6.4 VPSA specific energy consumption with respect to oxygen production rate. Each VPSA unit provides oxygen feed-gas for 8,000 lb/day of ozone production capacity when the ozone generators operate at their design ozone concentration of 8 percent weight. Figure 6.5 shows the specific EC by the VPSA system relative to the ozone production rate (i.e., at 8 percent weight ozone). Table 6.1 displays the data that was used to develop the charts. Later, these values are coupled with the ozone generator’s specific EC to determine total specific energy value for generator plus VPSA unit operation. Specific EC of each ozone generator depends upon the operating ozone concentration, as shown in Figure 6.6. Specific energy value increases as ozone concentration increases. The design ozone concentration used at AMS is 8 percent weight. Using the best-fit equations from Figures 6.4 and 6.5, the combined generator plus VPSA specific energy values were developed for variable ozone production rates, as shown in Figure 6.7. Measured data from the performance test conducted in November 2003 are also shown in Figure 6.7. The performance data shows that total system (i.e., VPSA plus ozone generator) specific energy is between 5.0 and 5.5 kWh/lbO3 when production exceeds 7,000 lb/day. 102 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 3.0 R2 = 0.98 Specific Energy (kWh/lb O3) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 Ozone Production (lb/day) Figure 6.5 VPSA specific energy consumption with respect to ozone production rate at 8 percent (by weight) ozone concentration. Table 6.1 VPSA unit oxygen production and specific energy consumption Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. VPSA O2 Flowrate (lb/day) 48,425 62,042 62,605 96,054 96,063 96,756 97,332 97,536 Unit Mass Energy (kWh/lb O2) 0.211 0.181 0.167 0.139 0.137 0.133 0.134 0.133 Ozone Flowrate1 % Ozone Flow (lb/day) 3,874 4,963 5,008 7,684 7,685 7,741 7,787 7,803 Based on an ozone concentration of 8 percent weight. 103 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 50 64 64 98 98 99 100 100 Unit Mass Energy (kWh/lb O3) 2.639 2.257 2.089 1.733 1.709 1.659 1.674 1.661 6 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb O3) Generator 1 Generator 2 5 Generator 3 R2 = 0.94 Generator 4 4 Generator 5 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 O3 Concentration (% wt) Figure 6.6 Ozone generator specific energy consumption as a function of ozone concentration (by weight). 9 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 VPSA + Generator From Curves @ 8% wt 1 Performance Test Measurements 0 0 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 Ozone Production (lb/day) Figure 6.7 Combined specific energy consumption for the VPSA and ozone generators. 104 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Energy Consumption The AMS plant uses power monitoring equipment that continuously monitors and logs power demand and energy watt-hour usage data. These data are available on SCADA, along with other ozone system operating data such as gas flow, ozone concentration, water flow, ozone residual, etc. An Excel spreadsheet was developed and used to evaluate ozone system operating information. Data was input into the spreadsheet from the server that “housed” the SCADA database. The spreadsheet was set up to automatically (i.e., Excel macro command) bring in data for the day that was being evaluated. Upon activation by press of a macro button, the spreadsheet input table would display the data that was received from SCADA for each hour on the hour. The data was the discrete value that occurred at that instant; it was not an hourly average. Energy assessment information collected for this project included ozone production from the ozone generators; oxygen production from the VPSA units; and energy consumed by both the ozone generators and VPSA units. EC was measured by subtraction of totalized watt-hour readings for selected periods (e.g., month). Ozone and oxygen production information was obtained by averaging the hourly-reported gas flow and ozone concentration values over the selected period (e.g., average of values for the month). Averaged data for each month from November 2005 through September 2006 is shown in Appendix A. At the AMS plant, enhanced disinfection by ozone is practiced. The monthly average CT value ranged between 3.5 and 5.7 mg-min/L. These values are more than ten-times greater than CT-required by regulation to meet the minimum 1-log Giardia inactivation at the AMS direct-filtration facility. Voluntarily, the AMS plant-operating disinfection target approaches 1 log inactivation of Cryptosporidium. The applied ozone dose is between 1.0 and 1.2 mg/L, with monthly average water flow rates ranging between 225 and 390 mgd. The ozone system operating strategy is to keep the oxygen gas flow steady and vary ozone production by varying generator power, which changes the operating ozone concentration. This control philosophy was selected in lieu of “constant-concentration” control, which would involve change in gas flow in response to change in required ozone production. With constantconcentration control the gas flow adjustment response was too slow, which caused variation in ozone dose. Alternatively, generator power adjustments can be quickly implemented in direct response to water flow, thus maintaining ozone dose during water flow adjustments. Keeping oxygen feed-gas flow steady maintains performance during water flow changes, but creates slightly non-optimized energy usage during portions of the day. More information is discussed later in this report concerning operation with significant water flow fluctuation. Monthly average specific energy values are shown for the generator and VPSA unit in Figure 6.8, along with operating ozone concentration. The ozone concentration varied between 3 percent weight and 5 percent weight, depending on required ozone production. The combined generator and VPSA unit specific energy value was indirectly proportional to ozone concentration, and was about 8 kWh/lbO3 at 3 percent weight concentration and 6 kWh/lbO3 at 5 percent weight concentration. The ozone generator specific energy was fairly steady at 3.3 kWh/lbO3. The VPSA specific energy value varied between 2.7 and 4.7 kWh/lbO3. However, VPSA specific energy was steady with respect to oxygen production, at 0.13 to 0.14 kWh/lbO2. 105 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 9 6 5 7 6 4 5 4 3 3 2 Generator O3 Concentration (%wt) Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb O3) 8 2 VPSA 1 Generator + VPSA O3 Concentration 0 1 N 5 -0 ov D e 05 c- J 6 -0 an Fe 06 b- M a 6 r-0 p A 6 r-0 a M 06 y- 06 nu J lJu 06 A 6 -0 ug Se 06 p- Figure 6.8 Monthly average specific energy consumption for the ozone generator, VPSA system and the combined specific energy consumption for both. The corresponding ozone concentration is plotted on the secondary y-axis. Figure 6.9 shows measured generator plus VPSA unit-flow EC as a function of the monthly average water flow rate. The relationship is predictable, since minimal variation occurred in ozone dose (i.e., ozone dose ranged between 1.0 and 1.2 mg/L). EC for ozone generation was 0.08 kWh/kgal at a monthly average flow rate of 225 mgd and 0.06 kWh/kgal at a monthly average flow rate above 350 mgd. It appears that EC levels off at 0.06 kWh/kgal for the operating applied ozone dose of 1.0 to 1.2 mg/L. 106 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 0.09 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 0.08 0.07 R2 = 0.91 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 Average Monthly Flowrate (mgd) Figure 6.9 Specific energy consumption for the ozone generator and the VPSA system as a function of the average daily flowrate per month to the SNWA treatment plant. The data is fit with a power law function. The installed power demand of the ozone generators and VPSA units is 4.8 MW, or 3.2 percent of the total installed power demand for low-lift pumping, oxygen/ozone production and high-lift pumping. Energy price at the AMS plant is a function time of day usage, with higher price during the day and lower price during the nighttime hours. The AMS plant staff minimizes overall pumping plus plant-operating energy cost by maximizing water pumping and treatment during the nighttime (off-peak power cost) hours and minimizing the daytime operations. The AMS pumps are equipped with VFDs to accommodate the large daily variations in flowrates while maintaining high-energy efficiencies. The degree of water-flow fluctuation is different during winter and summer. Figure 6.10 shows the operating data for representative one-week periods in January and June/July 2006. The winter flowrate was generally between 160 mgd and 250 mgd, but reached 320 mgdD for one of the days. In comparison, the minimum summer flowrate was also about 160 mgd, but high flow was 550 mgd, which just below the facility’s rated capacity of 600 mgd. Again, the daily lows correspond to periods of high power and energy pricing for the AMS plant while the daily water production peak is during the lower off-peak power and energy prices. The target ozone dosages were nearly the same between the two periods, 1.25 mg/L in the winter versus 1.10 mg/L in the summer, and the gas flow was a constant 650 scfm0C (Figures 6.11 and 6.12). However, since water production differed greatly between the two seasons, the ozone production was also correspondingly different. The winter low production was about 2,000 lb/day and high production was usually 3,000 lb/day, but reached 3,600 lb/day for one of the days. In comparison, the range of summer ozone production was between 1,500 lb/day and 5,500 lb/day. 107 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 600 Hourly Water Flowrate (mgd) 500 400 300 200 100 January 8 to 15, 2006 June 25 to July 2, 2006 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Study Period Days Figure 6.10 Hourly raw water flowrate measurements for one week period in January 2006 (winter demand period) and June-July 2006 (summer demand period). 108 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 7 6,000 3.00 Ozone Production Ozone Dosage 2.50 4,000 2.00 3,000 1.50 2,000 1.00 1,000 Ozone Dosage (mg/L) Ozone Production (lb/day) 5,000 0.50 Hourly total gas flowrate was a constant 650 scfm during this period. 0 0.00 8-Jan 9-Jan 10-Jan 11-Jan 12-Jan 13-Jan 14-Jan 15-Jan 6,000 3.0 5,000 2.5 4,000 2.0 3,000 1.5 2,000 1.0 1,000 Ozone Dosage (mg/L) Ozone Production (lb/day) Figure 6.11 Hourly ozone production and dosage for January 2006 (winter demand period). 0.5 Ozone Production Ozone Dosage Hourly total gas flowrate was a constant 650 scfm during this period. 0 25-Jun 0.0 26-Jun 27-Jun 28-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun 1-Jul 2-Jul Figure 6.12 Hourly ozone production and dosage for June/July 2006 (summer demand period). 109 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1,200 6,000 1,000 5,000 800 4,000 600 3,000 400 2,000 Total Ozone Generator 200 Total VPSA Ozone Production (lb/day) Power Demand (kW) Figures 6.13 and 6.14 show the measured power demand of the ozone facilities during January and June 2006, respectively. Since the AMS was using a constant 650 scfm (15,600 scfm) of oxygen, the VPSA power demand was essentially constant at 420 kW, and all the variability in the total system power demand was associated with the ozone generators. The range of ozone generator power demand was approximately 250 to 450 kW during the winter and 200 to 750 kW during summer. The daily maximum total demand during the summer was approximately 1.15 MW (1,150 kW), which is 23 percent of the maximum installed demand of 4.8 MW. The principal reason for the lower-than-design operating power demand is that the AMS was treating the water with 1.1 mg/L O3, which approximately one-third of the design dose of 3.0 mg/L. 1,000 Ozone Production 15 -J an 14 -J an 13 -J an 12 -J an 11 -J an 10 -J an 0 9Ja n 8Ja n 0 Figure 6.13 Power demand for the ozone generator and the VPSA system during January 2006 (winter) at the SNWA. The corresponding ozone production rate is shown on the secondary y-axis. 110 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 6,000 1,000 5,000 800 4,000 600 3,000 400 2,000 200 1,000 Total Ozone Generator Total VPSA Ozone Production l 2Ju l 1Ju 30 -J un 29 -J un 28 -J un 27 -J un 0 26 -J un 0 25 -J un Ozone Production (lb/day) Power Demand (kW) 1,200 Figure 6.14 Power demand for the ozone generator and the VPSA system during June 2006 (summer) at the SNWA. The corresponding ozone production rate is shown on the secondary y-axis. The high variability in ozone concentration, due to the great hourly changes in generator power at a constant gas flow, resulted in variations in the process specific EC. Figure 6.15 shows the calculated specific EC of the AMS ozone system as a function of the hourly ozone concentration for both one-week winter and summer periods analyzed. The winter specific EC was between 6 kWh/lb O3 produced and 9 kWh/lbO3 produced while the summer specific EC was between 5 kWh/lbO3 produced and 15 kWh/lbO3 produced; the larger summer range corresponds to the wider range of summer water treatment. At ozone concentrations between 5 percent and 7 percent weight, the specific EC was lowest at about 5 kWh/lbO3. When operating at ozone concentrations less than 5 percent weight, the specific energy was higher. As an example, the specific energy doubled to 10 kWh/lbO3 when AMS was operating at an ozone concentration of 2 percent weight. 111 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 15 Summer Winter Specific Energy (kWh/lb O3) 12 9 6 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Ozone Concentration (%wt) 6 7 8 Figure 6.15 Calculated AMS ozone system specific energy consumption as a function of operating ozone concentration. Figure 6.16 shows the specific EC for both weeks in winter and summer plotted against ozone production rate. Also shown are the monthly average values for said parameters and projected values if the system operated at the design 8 percent weight ozone concentration. At an ozone production rate below 3,500 lb/day, the operating specific EC was higher than indicated by the design-based condition. This inefficiency is the result of maintaining a constant gas flow rate of 650 scfm0C despite varying ozone demand. As will be noted later, the AMS plant staff maintained the constant gas flow because of other operational issues. When the AMS plant operated at above 3,500 lb/day of ozone production, the specific EC was slightly less than the design-based condition. The more efficient operation was because the operating ozone concentrations were below the 8 percent weight design condition, which in turn means that less energy was required. When analyzed on a monthly average basis, the AMS ozone system EC was higher than the design conditions, with the additional inefficiency being smallest at ozone production rates greater than 3,500 lbs/day. 112 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 15 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb O3) Constant Gas Flow & Variable O3 Conc 12 Monthly Average R2 = 0.97 9 6 3 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Ozone Production (lb/day) 5,000 6,000 Figure 6.16 Calculated AMS ozone system specific energy consumption as a function of operating ozone production rate. The data is fit using a power function. The specific EC for the ozonation system is reported for both January and June 2006 (winter and summer conditions) as a function of the daily water production in Figure 6.17. The data follows the same trend for both time periods in which the specific EC decreases with increasing water flow. In both cases the relationship between specific EC and water production is best described by a power function (R2 = 0.95), which is similar to the relation observed between specific EC and ozone concentration (Figure 6.16). 113 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 0.15 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) Summer Winter 0.12 0.09 R2 = 0.9481 0.06 0.03 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Water Production (mgd) Figure 6.17 Calculated AMS ozone system specific energy consumption as a function of water production. For the data reported here the feed gas flowrate was held constant at 650 scfm. Potential System Improvements The preceding discussion indicates that EC potentially can be reduced by operating the AMS plant consistently at the design ozone concentration of 8 percent weight. Potential energy and cost savings resulting from operating the AMS ozonation facilities at the design ozone concentration of 8 percent weight are detailed in Table 6-1. This analysis was done for both the winter and summer operating periods during which the average water flowrates were 226 and 379 mgd, respectively. The average operating ozone concentration in winter and summer was 3.08 and 4.44 percent weight, respectively, which are below the design operating value. 114 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 6.2 Potential energy and cost savings analysis for optimization of ozone concentration during the winter and summer operating periods at the AMS WTP Parameter Water Flow Rate Units mgd Operating Results kW kW kW %wt Generator Power Demand VPSA Unit Power Demand Generator + VPSA Unit Power Demand Operating Ozone Concentration Design-based Conditions Generator + VPSA Unit Power Demand kW Ozone Concentration %wt Energy Optimization Assessment Operating Results Unit-flow Energy Consumption kW/kgal Daily average energy cost @$0.07/kWh $/day Unit-flow Energy Cost $/kgal Design-based Assessment Unit-flow Energy Consumption kW/kgal Daily average energy cost @$0.07/kWh $/day Unit-flow Energy Cost $/kgal Potential Savings with Optimization Unit-flow Energy Consumption kW/kgal Daily average energy cost @$0.07/kWh $/day Unit-flow Energy Cost $/kgal Percent savings % Winter Operation 226 Summer Operation 379 345 422 767 3.08 485 429 914 4.44 709 8.00 900 8.00 0.081 1,289 0.0057 0.058 1,536 0.0041 0.075 1,192 0.0053 0.057 1,513 0.0040 0.006 97 0.0004 7.5% 0.001 23 0.0001 1.5% From Table 6.2, the potential energy and cost savings during the summer was 1.5 percent, while that in the winter was 7.5 percent over what is now incurred under the current operating values. At the time of this study the average energy price is $0.07/kWh at the AMS plant. Therefore, operating the ozone system at the design concentration of 8 percent weight would result in potential cost savings of about $97/day in the winter and $23/day in the summer. These savings could be achieved by gas flow adjustment, provided disinfection performance is maintained by consistency in ozone dosage during changes in plant water flow rate. The AMS plant has eight ozone contactors (shown in Figure 6.2), each with a gas flow control valve and valve actuator. The plant also has a gas flow control valve on the main header to all ozone contactors. In automatic operation, the valve on the main header is adjusted automatically to control total gas flow to the system. The plant operators manually adjust the individual contactor control valves to equalize disinfection performance from parallel contactors. The primary reason that gas flow is unchanged is reduced operator involvement for manual valve adjustment. Automatic gas flow control at the contactors was attempted, but was unsuccessful due to mechanical limitations with the installed valve actuators. Plant staff has identified that the installed valve actuators on the individual contactors lack adequate sensitivity for good gas flow control. The installed actuators are alternating current-control devices. Staff has replaced one analog unit with a direct current actuator, and gas 115 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED flow control improved. The staff is considering replacing all the remaining analog actuators with digital actuators. The primary purpose of this improvement is to reduce the time required by operators in making manual valve adjustments to balance disinfection performance among the parallel contactors. This replacement might also provide an opportunity to relocate the gas flow control point from the main header to each ozone contactor. This control approach would maximize automatic control (i.e., eliminate the need for manual valve adjustments) and potentially, provide an opportunity to optimize gas flow rate and lower EC. Contra Costa Water District (California) Ralph D. Bollman Water Treatment Plant System Description The 80 mgd Ralph D. Bollman WTP is operated by the Contra Costa Water District in Concord, California and has a service population of roughly 230,000. The plant was originally constructed in 1968 and has undergone two major upgrades. A process flow diagram for the Bollman WTP is given in Figure 6.18. Raw water is drawn from the Mallard Reservoir and pumped to the WTP. Following coagulant addition the water undergoes flocculation and sedimentation. The clarified water enters the ozone contact basins prior to filtration. Any residual ozone is collected and destroyed in the ozone destruction unit. The filters are composed of granular activated carbon (GAC) and sand. Prior to entering the distribution system the treated water undergoes pH adjustment and is chloraminated to provide residual disinfection. Flocculation/ Sedimentation Ozone Contact Basin Filtration Chemical Addition Clearwell Storage Chemical Addition LOX Ozone Generators Figure 6.18 Process flow diagram for the Ralph D. Bollman drinking water treatment plant. The addition of ozonation facilities in 1999 as a disinfection process was the most recent of the two major upgrades at the WTP. Equipment and process components of the Bollman ozonation system, including the oxygen feed gas system, are shown schematically in Figure 6.19. The ozone system feed-gas is vaporized LOX. The ozone generator feed-gas supply also contains a small amount (1 to 2 percent) of nitrogen, which is obtained from the dried air. There are two 11,000-gal LOX storage tanks that supply LOX to the vaporizers. The LOX enters the ozone generator, where it passes through a dielectric and electrical charge to produce ozone. Vaporized LOX is under sufficient pressure so that the ozone does not need to be pressurized 116 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED prior to the ozone diffusers. In fact, the ozone line pressure is lowered via a pressure-reducing valve to control the bubbling rate through the diffusers. EC by the LOX vaporizer and the delivery system is minimal. Residual ozone is off-gassed from the ozone contactor and directed into the ozone destruction unit, where it is converted back into oxygen by catalytic reaction. Electrical components of the ozone destruction system include a heating element and vent-gas blower. Figure 6.19 Schematic layout of the ozonation system at the Bollman WTP. There are three ozone generators at the Bollman plant, each having a design ozone production capacity of 1,020-lb/day at a concentration of 10 percent weight ozone. This yields a firm design capacity of 2,040-lb/day with one generator serving as a standby unit. The power supply unit (PSU) for each generator is rated at 210 kW. Monthly average ozone production and water flow rate is shown in Figure 6.20. The actual operating ozone production rate is significantly below the design value, due primarily to the lower ozone dosages used at this plant. Average ozone production was 270-lb/day, and ranged between 110 and 565 lb/day. The ozone production rate varied as a function of the raw water flowrate. Higher flowrates required increased ozone production rates in order to maintain the desired ozone residual in the treated water. Because the actual ozone demand is significantly less than the design demand, the Bollman WTP operates only one generator most of the time, with the other two in standby. 117 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2500 80 Ozone Production 70 Water Flow 60 50 1500 40 1000 30 Water Flowrate (mgd) Ozone Production Rate (lb/day) 2000 20 500 10 0 Jan04 0 Apr- Jul-04 Oct-04 Jan04 05 Apr- Jul-05 Oct-05 Jan05 06 Apr- Jul-06 Sep06 06 Dec06 Figure 6.20 Average monthly finished water flowrate and ozone production rate at the Bollman WTP. The design ozone production capacity is 2,040 lb O3/day. The monthly ozone generator gas flowrate and the resulting ozone concentration at the treatment plant are reported in Figure 6.21. Ozone gas is delivered to one or two bubble-diffuser ozone contactors. Both contactors are in service most of the time. At low ozone production rates, the operating ozone gas flowrate is less than the design value (85 scfm) though it exceeds the minimum required gas flowrate (15 scfm) for the ozone generator and/ ozone contactor diffusers. The average gas flowrate was 34-scfm, and ranged between 23 and 57 scfm. The average ozone concentration was 6.5 percent weight, and ranged between 4.2 and 9.3 percent weight. From Figure 6.21, the gas flowrate increases with increasing ozone concentration. However, there appears to be a maximum achievable ozone concentration of around 9 percent weight. Here, further increases in the gas flowrate to the ozone generator do not result in increased ozone concentration. This would suggest that it is unnecessary and perhaps inefficient to operate at gas flowrates greater than around 35 scfm as it does not result in an increased ozone concentration. This conclusion is based however, on the assumption that the elevated flowrates were not initiated to overcome other inefficiencies in the ozone generator during July 2005 and June through August 2006. If the latter scenario is true then it would be worthwhile to identify the sources of these inefficiencies and minimize them. The ozone contactors themselves consume a minimal amount of energy. 118 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 10 70 9 60 50 7 6 40 5 30 4 3 20 10 Ozone Concentration (%wt) Ozone Generator Gas Flow (scfm) 8 2 Flowrate 1 Concentration 0 0 Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Sep-06 Dec-06 Figure 6.21 Monthly ozone generator gas flowrate and resulting ozone concentration over the course of the study period at the Bollman WTP. The primary purpose of ozonation is to achieve a minimum 2-log inactivation of viruses (Figure 6.22). These disinfection credits may be combined with the 2-log removal credit from the sedimentation/filtration processes to meet the plant’s required overall 4-log regulation. In meeting the 2-log virus inactivation regulation via ozonation, the 0.5-log Giardia inactivation regulation is also met. Secondary objectives of the ozonation process include reduced formation of disinfection by-products such as THM and HAA5, elimination of taste and odor complaints, improved particle removal via micro flocculation and color removal. Here, the virus inactivation ranged between 15-log and 20-log, which is considerably higher than the requirements. From December 2004 to January 2005 the measured virus inactivation dropped to roughly 12-log. This time period corresponds to when the ozone dosage at the WTP was lowest (0.6 mg/L) relative to the average ozone dosage (1 mg/L). 119 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 30 Virus Inactivation (log) 25 20 15 10 5 2-log required inactivation 0 Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Sep-06 Dec-06 Figure 6.22 Monthly average virus inactivation achieved through ozonation at the Bollman WTP. The removal of taste and odor compounds such as Geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) through ozonation at the Bollman WTP is shown in Figures 6.23a and b, respectively. No data is reported for either Geosmin or MIB during the fall and winter months, where it is expected to be minimal. The Geosmin concentrations in the raw water varied considerably over the study period. Significant spikes in the Geosmin concentration were recorded in April 2005, June 2005, and June – August 2006; without these concentration spikes the average influent Geosmin concentration was roughly 10 ng/L. Overall, Geosmin was present in the feedwater at higher concentrations than the MIB. The influent MIB concentration was less variable than that observed for the Geosmin and averaged around 3 ng/L over the study period. However, the concentrations of both compounds were reduced in the effluent as a result of ozonation. Indeed, nearly 100 percent of the MIB was removed during the year 2006. Based on these results ozonation provides an effective process for inactivating viruses and removing (through oxidation) taste and odor compounds. 120 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1,000,000 a 100,000 Influent Effluent Concentration (ng/L) 10,000 1,000 100 10 D ec -0 6 N ov -0 6 p06 Se 6 l-0 Ju 06 M ay - 6 M ar -0 Ja n06 N ov -0 5 Se p05 5 Ju l-0 M ay - M ar -0 5 05 1 100 b Concentration (ng/L) Influent Effluent 10 D ec -0 6 6 O ct -0 A ug -0 6 n06 Ju A pr -0 6 Fe b06 D ec -0 5 5 O ct -0 A ug -0 5 n05 Ju M ay -0 5 M ar -0 5 Ja n- 05 1 Figure 6.23 Influent and effluent concentrations of a) Geosmin and b) MIB following ozonation. 121 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The operating ozone dose ranged between 0.7 and 1.3 mg/L, as shown in Figure 6.24, with an average dose of 0.94 mg/L. The highest ozone dose occurred during the May/June 2005 time period when Geosmin and MIB concentrations were highest. In the event that taste and odor problems become severe, the maximum design ozone dosage is 3 mg/L. Periods of lower than average ozone dosages (December 2004 – January 2005) were found to correspond to reduced levels of virus inactivation (Figure 6.22) signifying the important relationship between these two parameters. 2.0 Ozone Dose (mg/L) 1.5 Avg. Ozone Dose 1.0 0.5 A pr -0 6 Ju l-0 6 Se p06 N ov -0 6 Fe b06 Se p05 N ov -0 5 A pr -0 5 Ju n05 05 nJa Ja n- 04 M ar -0 4 Ju n04 A ug -0 4 N ov -0 4 0.0 Figure 6.24 Monthly average ozone dose used at the Bollman WTP. Energy Consumption Operating data for the ozone system was recorded by the plant operators six times per day. The annual average ozone performance statistics are reported in Table 6.3 for 2004 to 2006. Statistics are provided for the two principle pieces of equipment in the ozonation system, the ozone generator and the ozone destruction unit. The average monthly specific EC for the ozonation system is plotted as a function of time in Figure 6.25. Power demand by the ozone generators averaged 46 kW, and ranged between 18 and 87 kW. Power demand by the ozone destruct unit averaged 1.2 kW, and ranged between 0.9 and 1.8 kW. The average ozone production rate for each month was roughly 272 lb O3/day. The specific EC for producing a unit weight of ozone was substantially higher for the ozone generator compared to the ozone destruction unit. Overall, it took approximately 4.2 kWh to produce 1 lb of ozone. Furthermore, 0.03 kWh were consumed when producing 1,000 gal of ozonated water. The specific EC is highest during high demand periods (summer months) and decreases during low-demand periods (winter months). 122 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 6.3 Annual average ozone production rate and specific energy consumption data for the ozone generator and destruction unit O3 Production Rate Process O3 Generator (lb/day) 271.8 O3 Destruction Unit Total 271.8 Specific Energy Consumption Fraction of Total (kWh/kgal) 0.031 (kWh/lb O3) 4.063 (%) 99 0.001 0.105 1 0.032 4.168 100 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 Jun-03 Jan-04 Aug-04 Feb-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Oct-06 Apr-07 Figure 6.25 Average monthly specific energy consumption by the ozonation system (ozone generator and destruction unit) measured from 2004 to 2006. The specific EC for the ozonation system is reported in Figure 6.26 as a function of the average monthly finished water flowrate. While the correlation between the two parameters is poor (R2 < 0.5) the specific EC (kWh/kgal) shows an overall trend of increasing with increasing finished water flowrate. In other words, the ozonation system does not become more energy efficient with increasing liquid flowrates. This is in contrast to what is observed for systems that contain pumps, which do become more efficient as they operate farther up on their respective pump curves. Because the ozonation system does not contain any pumps the energy efficiency decreases as it is simply using more energy to produce more ozone. This point is further illustrated through inspection of Figure 6.27. 123 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 0.05 0.04 R2 = 0.162 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 Finished Water Flowrate (MG/month) Figure 6.26 Average monthly specific energy consumption by the ozonation system (ozone generator and destruction unit) as a function of the finished water flowrate. As was observed for the finished water flowrate, the correlation between specific EC (kWh/lb O3) and ozone production rate is poor (Figure 6.27). As the ozone production rate increases the specific EC by the ozonation system also increases, signifying a decrease in energy efficiency. This observation is supported by the data presented in Figure 6.28. Here the specific EC for the ozonation system is plotted as a function of the resulting ozone concentration (percent weight) in the gas stream. The correlation between these two parameters is relatively good with a correlation coefficient of 0.68. As was seen for the other performance parameters the ozonation energy efficiency degrades with increasing ozone production, measured here as ozone concentration. 124 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb O3) 5 4 R2 = 0.3423 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Ozone Production Rate (lb/day) Figure 6.27 Average monthly specific energy consumption by the ozonation system (ozone generator and destruction unit) as a function of the ozone production rate. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb O3) 5.0 4.0 R2 = 0.6798 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ozone Concentration (%wt) Figure 6.28 Average monthly specific energy consumption by the ozonation system (ozone generator and destruction unit) as a function of the ozone concentration in the gas stream. 125 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED For LOX-fed ozone systems, the total energy cost is determined from both the energy required to produce the ozone and that required by the LOX system itself. While relevant to determining the EC of an LOX fed ozone system, the EC of LOX production was outside the scope of this project. From 2004 to 2006 the average unit-volume EC for producing ozone was 0.031 kWh/kgal, and ranged between 0.021 and 0.047 kWh/kgal. The associated average unitmass cost for energy was $0.21/lb O3, and ranged between $0.18/lb O3 and $0.24/lb O3. However, the combined LOX material costs plus energy costs associated with operation of the ozone generator was three times higher, at an average value of $0.67/lbO3, and ranged between $0.53/lbO3 and $0.86/lbO3. The unit costs associated with producing ozone are plotted as a function of ozone concentration in Figure 6.29. As the ozone concentration increases the associated unit cost for the LOX decreases. Conversely, the unit mass energy costs increase slightly with increasing ozone concentration. This increase in the energy costs likely results from the increased voltage requirements on behalf of the ozone generator to convert more oxygen to ozone. Taking into account both the costs for the LOX and the energy costs, the total unit mass costs for the ozonation system decrease (in a logarithmic fashion) with increasing ozone concentration, eventually reaching a rather stable value of $0.55/lb O3 at a ozone concentration between 9 and 10 percent weight. At ozone concentrations greater than 10 percent weight, the unit mass costs begin to increase and the savings are lost. The optimum ozone concentration will ultimately be determined by site specific conditions and may in fact be higher than the 9 percent weight value found for the Bollman WTP. In summary, the unit mass cost savings associated with the LOX system when operating it at higher ozone concentrations outweigh the marginal increase in the energy costs. This suggests that operation of the ozonation system is most efficient when targeting an ozone concentration of roughly 9 percent weight. Furthermore, these findings illustrate the importance of considering both the ozone generator and the feed gas system when assessing the unit costs for operating an ozonation system. 126 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1.0 Energy Unit-mass Cost ($/lb O3) 0.8 LOX material Energy plus LOX 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ozone Concentration (%wt) Figure 6.29 Unit-mass costs in terms of energy required by the ozone generator and LOX material costs for producing a pound of ozone at the Bollman WTP. Potential Energy Conservation Improvements The monthly average ozone production rate and monthly average cost of ozone, including energy and LOX are shown in Table 6.4. At an average operating ozone concentration of 6.5 percent weight the average energy costs per month plus the costs associated with the LOX system is $5,188. If the Bollman plant were able to operate at an average ozone concentration of roughly 9 percent weight, the unit-mass cost of ozone would be about $0.53 /lbO3 and the average monthly cost for energy plus LOX would be $4,400. This represents savings in operating cost of about 18 percent. However, it must be emphasized that the Bollman plant might be unable to operate at the gas flowrates necessary to maintain this optimum operating ozone concentration (9 percent weight). If the gas flow rate falls below this minimum value, then gas distribution to the generator dielectrics (i.e., uneven cooling) or gas distribution to the diffusers (i.e., uneven ozone contact with water) might be negatively affected. Nevertheless, any possible reduction gas flow that could occur to maintain the ozone concentration near 9 percent weight would minimize the total unit cost for producing ozone. 127 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 6.4 Energy consumption and ozone production for the Bollman WTP Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Total Ozone Conc. %wt 4.34 4.74 5.42 6.53 8.54 8.96 9.26 9.02 9.02 7.74 4.43 4.22 4.17 4.27 5.09 6.37 7.93 7.36 8.57 8.69 7.97 6.67 5.50 5.36 4.54 5.11 4.71 4.93 7.24 8.30 8.19 8.76 7.15 5.60 4.81 4.24 Monthly Ozone Production lbO3/month 4,464 4,439 7,226 7,588 9,487 10,554 12,669 11,719 11,674 7,641 4,135 3,543 3,723 4,317 6,457 8,345 10,650 9,957 14,594 12,683 9,732 7,556 5,814 5,641 5,342 5,343 5,457 5,558 10,621 13,853 17,211 13,727 10,211 7,325 4,855 4,270 Monthly Ozone Cost $/month 3,772 3,523 5,122 4,822 5,277 5,765 6,839 6,376 6,349 4,438 3,449 3,044 3,206 3,674 4,839 5,375 6,096 5,906 8,084 6,998 5,571 4,755 4,118 4,078 4,253 3,917 4,273 4,202 6,314 7,354 9,288 7,331 5,960 5,066 3,726 3,598 Minimum Monthly Cost $/month 2,370 2,357 3,836 4,028 5,037 5,603 6,726 6,222 6,198 4,056 2,195 1,881 1,977 2,292 3,428 4,430 5,654 5,286 7,748 6,733 5,167 4,012 3,087 2,995 2,836 2,836 2,897 2,951 5,639 7,354 9,137 7,288 5,421 3,889 2,577 2,267 Savings $/month 1,402 1,166 1,286 793 240 162 113 154 151 382 1,254 1,164 1,229 1,382 1,411 944 442 620 336 265 404 743 1,031 1,083 1,416 1,081 1,376 1,251 676 0 151 43 539 1,178 1,148 1,331 Minimum Average Maximum 4.17 6.49 9.26 3,543 8,288 17,211 3,044 5,188 9,288 1,881 4,400 9,137 0 788 1,416 Month-Year 128 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency Paul M. Neal Water Treatment Plant System Description The Paul M. Neal WTP was placed into operation in 1992. The plant is owned and operated by the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA), which is composed of nine members representing 12 communities in Lake County, IL. Source water is obtained from Lake Michigan, which is locally turbid in the winter due to cold north/northeast winds. Summer supply is least turbid due to the formation of an insular epilimnion and less intense, warm south/southeastern winds, but has potential for taste and odor issues due to 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and Geosmin. Ozonation has mitigated the occurrence of taste and odor complaints (Nerenberg et al, 2000) at the same time as other area Lake Michigan water treatment facilities have reported customer complaints about earthy/musty tastes and odors. Plant unit processes are shown in Figure 6.30, and include raw water pumping (off-site), pre-ozonation, rapid mix (chemical addition), three-stage flocculation, inclined-plate sedimentation, BAC filtration, UV-disinfection, chlorination, clearwell storage, and high-service pumping. Water is drawn from Lake Michigan into a raw water pumping station through a 54-inch steel intake pipe. The raw water is chemically treated with potassium permanganate and screened for algae and debris. Four 500 hp raw water pumps, with a maximum capacity of 13 mgd, pump the raw water 2 miles to the Paul M. Neal WTP. The WTP has four treatment trains, each consisting of an ozone contactor, coagulation and sedimentation basin, and three filters that together are capable of treating 12.5 mgd of raw water. From Figure 6.30 the first treatment process that the water undergoes is ozonation. Ozone is produced on site and is diffused into the raw water in vacuum-sealed chambers, where it disinfects and oxidizes compounds in the water. The ozonation process is powered by three ozone generators, each with a 500 lb/day capacity. The ozone contact basins were designed to ensure a minimum contact time of 8 minutes. The ozone system has a production capacity of 1,000 lb/day, which provides a maximum dosage of 4.0 mg/L at the design flow rate of 30 mgd. Following ozonation, the water enters a two-stage rapid mix process, where polyaluminum chloride is added to promote coagulation of suspended solids. The rapid mix system was designed to have a minimum mixing time of 26 seconds. Following rapid mix, the water is gently stirred in a three-stage flocculation process to facilitate floc formation. The flocculation basins are equipped with pitched blade turbine mixers and the basins are designed to have a minimum detention time of 27 minutes. After flocculation, the water is directed to the inclined plate sedimentation basins. Then, the water is sent to BAC filters, where the remaining solids are trapped and dissolved organic compounds are removed. Each treatment train is equipped with three filters that are designed to filter at a rate of 5 gpm/ft2. To maintain filtering efficiency the system has two 200 hp filter pumps that periodically backwash the filter beds. After filtration, the water is through UV reactors to destroy any remaining pathogens. Finally, chlorine, fluoride and phosphoric acid are added to the filtered water, which is stored in two 2.5-MG clearwells. Six 500 hp finished water pumps draw the water from the clearwell to service the CLCJAWA communities. 129 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED O3 Contactor Rapid Mix 1 A 2 A 1 B 2 B 3 A 3 B 4 A Flocculation/ Sedimentation Basin Filters 4 B Lake Michigan Train #1 Pump Station Train #2 Train #3 Train #4 High-Service Pumps UV Disinfection Treated Water to Distribution System Clearwell Figure 6.30 Simplified schematic diagram of the unit processes at the Paul M. Neal WTP. A schematic of the ozone generator and off-gas treatment systems are shown in Figures 6.31 and 6.32, respectively. Four liquid-ring air compressors (one standby) supply air, which serves as the feed gas to the ozone system. The ambient air, which has a water content ≥10,000 ppm, must be dried to <6 ppm water content (i.e., dew point temperature <–60oC) before delivery to the ozone generators. The ambient air is dried in three steps: by pressurization (operating pressure is 20 psig) in the four air compressors (one standby), by cooling in three refrigerant dryers (one standby) and by adsorption within three desiccant dryers (one standby). Dried air is directed to three medium frequency ozone generators (one standby). The design ozone concentration is 1.5 percent weight. Ozone demand was very low during 2006, and only one air compressor, one refrigerant dryer, one desiccant dryer, and one ozone generator were in operation at any given time during this period. Three pumps (one standby) provide filtered water for cooling the ozone generators’ shells and two power supply cooling water pumps (one standby) recirculate demineralized water through a heat exchanger and the power supply unit (PSU). 130 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Desiccant Dryers Refrigerant Dryers Filters Filters Air Compressors Ozone Generators To Four Ozone Contact Basins Figure 6.31 Simplified schematic diagram of ozone feed gas and generator unit processes Off-gas from each contact basin Heat catalyst destruct units Vacuum blowers Figure 6.32 Simplified schematic diagram of ozone destruct units. Four parallel 8-chamber over/under baffled contact basins are used for ozone dissolution (chamber 1 only) and reaction (chambers 2 through 8) in the raw water. Ozone gas is introduced into the water via dome-shaped fine bubble diffusers. An ozone residual sample can be obtained from the effluent of each chamber using a gravity-fed piping system. Ozone residual monitors are installed to monitor disinfection performance and control ozone dose. The ozone dose is 131 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED adjusted to achieve a residual value of 0.04 mg/L at the end of the ozone contactor. This control strategy was established to provide a controlled amount of ozone exposure to the raw water for inactivation of bacteria and oxidation of potential taste and odor compounds. An off-gas destruct system maintains each contact basin under vacuum conditions and converts the remaining ozone in the off-gas to oxygen before being vented to the atmosphere. The operating ozone production rate is significantly below the design dose, mostly due to lower ozone dose requirements for controlling taste and odor, rather than for Giardia inactivation as anticipated during plant design in the late 1980’s. Monthly average ozone production rates are shown in Figure 6.33. Average ozone production was 145-lb/day, and ranged between 90 and 250 lb/day. During the study period one generator was in operation most of the time, with two generators in standby. Ozone production was highest during the summer months (June – September) compared to the colder months. The increased ozone production corresponds to the increased raw water flowrates and the associated demand that occurs during this time period. 500 Ozone Production (lb/day) 400 300 Average Ozone Production 200 100 0 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Figure 6.33 Monthly ozone production rate at the Paul M. Neal WTP for the operating year 2006. The average ozone production rate is shown as a solid line. Energy Consumption Averaged data for selected water quality parameters for 2006 and ozone generation parameters are given in Table 6.5. For 2006 the average ozone dose was 0.81 mg/L and the average water flow rate was 21.4 mgd. 132 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 6.5 Summary of selected data for the Paul M. Neal WTP Raw Water Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Average Flowrate mgd 19.3 19.3 19.1 20.3 21.6 24.7 27.8 26.4 20.8 19.2 18.7 19.0 21.4 Turbidity Temperature NTU °C 12.3 2.3 18.3 1.3 18.11 2.8 12.11 7.8 3.3 10.2 2.54 15.7 1.53 17.6 3.03 20.3 6.16 19.6 3.88 12.1 12.6 7.7 6.71 3.5 8.38 10.1 Ozone pH 8.27 8.30 8.25 8.25 8.18 8.29 8.34 8.28 8.19 8.17 8.17 8.22 TOC mg/L 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.8 1.9 2.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.1 Dose mg/L 0.56 0.70 0.66 0.76 0.69 0.85 0.99 1.14 1.33 0.78 0.75 0.56 Production lb/day 90 113 105 129 124 175 230 251 231 125 117 89 8.24 2.1 0.81 148 Power consuming devices for the ozone system consists of the ozone generator and the support equipment, which includes the air compressor, refrigerant dryer, desiccant dryer, off-gas destruct heater, off-gas destruct blower, PSU cooling water pump and ozone generator cooling water pump. The power demand for each piece of equipment component is summarized in Table 6.6. The data reported in Table 6.6 was obtained during a jointly sponsored ozone research study by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Awwa Research Foundation (AwwaRF) (Rakness and Hunter, 2000). The power demand for the various support equipment remains constant over the course of the year. The sub-total power demand is 59.6 kW for the ozone support equipment. The air compressor consumes the largest fraction (51 percent) of energy dedicated to the support equipment followed by the cooling water pump for the generator (21 percent). Table 6.6 Summary of “other” ozone power at the Paul M. Neal WTP Air Refrigerant Desiccant Compressor Dryer Dryer kW kW kW 30.3 5.7 4.8 Off-gas Destruct Heater kW 1.1 Off-gas Destruct Blower kW 2.3 PSU Cooling Water Pump kW 2.9 Generator Cooling Water Pump kW 12.5 Sub-total Other Power kW 59.6 EC by the ozone generators is monitored continuously by watt-hour meters installed on each generator. Ozone generator EC and power demand is summarized on a daily basis, and the monthly averages are shown in Table 6.7. During 2006, the average unit-volume EC value was 0.124 kWh/kgal and ranged between 0.114 and 0.163 kWh/kgal. Unlike the power demand by 133 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED the support equipment, that for the ozone generator varied throughout the year. Power consumption is greatest during the summer months (June – September), when water demand is typically highest. Thus, as the amount of water being treated increases, power consumption by the ozone generators also increases. This same relationship was observed for the Bollman WTP discussed in Section 6.3.2. Table 6.7 Summary of ozone-related data for the Paul M. Neal WTP Generator Power Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 kW 30.5 35.2 36.1 41.7 41.5 58.1 73.9 84.0 78.8 39.4 37.5 29.5 Average 48.8 Subtotal Total Power Gas Flow Other Power Demand kW kW scfm 59.6 90.1 191 59.6 94.7 184 59.6 95.6 187 59.6 101.2 184 59.6 101.1 187 59.6 117.6 178 59.6 133.5 184 59.6 143.5 181 59.6 138.4 172 59.6 99.0 194 59.6 97.1 185 59.6 89.1 186 59.6 108.4 184.4 Ozone Dose mg/L 0.56 0.70 0.66 0.76 0.69 0.85 0.99 1.14 1.33 0.78 0.75 0.56 0.81 Influent Ozone Energy Water Production Usage Flow mgd lb/day kWh/kgal 19.3 90 0.112 19.3 113 0.118 19.1 105 0.120 20.3 129 0.120 21.6 124 0.112 24.7 175 0.114 27.8 230 0.115 26.4 251 0.130 20.8 231 0.160 19.2 125 0.124 18.7 117 0.125 19 89 0.113 21.4 148 0.122 Table 6.8 summarizes the specific energy (kWh/lbO3) data for the ozone generator only, support equipment only and total of ozone generator and support equipment. This data is also displayed graphically in Figure 6.34. Specific energy changes as a function of the operating ozone concentration. The specific EC by the ozone generator remains relatively stable regardless of the ozone concentration needed, with a value of about 8 kWh/lbO3. The specific energy required by the support equipment however, was highly variable, and ranged from 6 to 16 kWh/lbO3 for ozone concentrations ranging from 0.4 to >1.1 percent weight. The specific energy consumed by the support equipment decreased with, and seemed to reach a stead value, at an ozone concentration of around 1 percent weight. Notably, this is a far lower ozone concentration than was observed for steady-state conditions at the LOX fed system (i.e., the Bollman WTP). This variability of specific energy for the support equipment translates into variability in the specific energy consumed by the total ozone system, which ranged from 14 to 24 kWh/lbO3. The gas flow rate is constant from the constant-speed air compressor. As such, ozone concentration varies in response to ozone production changes. The generator power is adjusted to change the ozone concentration, and, in addition, change the ozone production rate. 134 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 6.8 Summary of ozone concentration and specific energy data Ozone Concentration Ozone Generator Specific Energy %wt 0.44 0.57 0.52 0.65 0.61 0.91 1.15 1.28 1.24 0.59 0.58 0.44 0.75 kWh/lb O3 8.1 7.5 8.2 7.8 8.0 8.0 7.7 8.0 8.2 7.6 7.7 8.0 7.9 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Average Other Equipment Specific Energy kWh/lb O3 15.9 12.7 13.6 11.1 11.5 8.2 6.2 5.7 6.2 11.4 12.2 16.1 10.9 Total Specific Energy kWh/lb O3 24.0 20.2 21.8 18.9 19.5 16.1 14.0 13.7 14.4 19.0 19.9 24.1 18.8 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb O3) 30 Total System 25 Ozone Generator Support Equipment 20 15 10 5 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Ozone Concentration (%wt) Figure 6.34 Specific energy required for producing a unit mass of ozone as a function of ozone concentration. The variability in specific EC is consistent with design expectations, as indicated in Figure 6.35. Here, the specific EC data from the 2006 operating year is plotted along with that 135 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED expected based on the initial installation performance test data. Finally, the specific EC expected based on pump upgrades is also shown. At low ozone production rates, the specific energy value is expected to be much higher than at elevated ozone production rates. The monthly average data points for 2006 are shown for ozone production rates ranging between 87 and 250 lb/day. The total system specific energy value ranged from 24 to 14 kWh/lb at ozone production rates of 90 and 250 lb/day. When the ozone production rate exceeds 300 lb/day, then the specific energy value is expected to be fairly consistent at about 11 to 12 kWh/lb. It is evident that the measured specific EC for 2006 closely followed the trend expected based on the pump improvements. The upgrade involved modifications and additions to the cooling water pumping system to utilize non-chlorinated filtered water for cooling instead of chlorinated water. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb O3) 30 From 2006 Energy Data 25 Installation Performance Test 20 Performance Test + 'New' Pumping 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Ozone Production (lb/day) Figure 6.35 Specific energy consumption (kWh/lb O3) for the ozonation system as a function of the corresponding ozone production rate for the operating year 2006. Data is also reported for the installation performance test before and after new pumping was installed. Specific energy consumption by the ozonation system is plotted as a function of ozone dose in Figure 6.36. Over this time period the ozone dose varied from 0.6 to 1.1 mg/L. Despite changes in the ozone dose there was relatively no change in specific energy consumption. This finding supports the observation from Figure 6.34 where the specific energy required by the ozone generator did not vary as a function of the ozone concentration (percent weight) that was produced, for reasons noted previously. Again, however, as the ozone dose increased the specific energy consumed by the supporting equipment decreases indicating an increase in the ozonation system efficiency. 136 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 3.0 2.5 R2 = 0.01 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 O3 Dose (mg/L) Figure 6.36 Specific energy consumption by the total water treatment plant as a function of ozone dose. At CLCJAWA, ozone dose is driven by the residual measured in the final cell of the ozone contactor. This scheme requires that the ozone dose is adjusted to changes in water quality (i.e., if ozone demand increases, ozone dose is increased). It also requires that ozone dose is adjusted with changes in flow (i.e., as flow increases through the reactor the contact time decreases and thus causes an apparent increase in the ozone residual). Ozone dose would thus be decreased in this scenario. Because ozone dose is adjusted as a result of flow and water quality changes, factors directly correlated with ozone demand are difficult to ascertain. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile here to explore the possible impact of several key water quality parameters and flow on ozone dose and EC. Ozone dose and in turn specific EC may be impacted by water quality parameters such as TOC, turbidity and temperature. TOC data are shown in Table 6.5. The 2006 annual average TOC concentration was 2.1 mg/L, with a standard deviation of 0.2 mg/L. Therefore, in the absence of specific upsets in the feedwater quality, ozone dose should not be greatly affected (through changes in oxidant demand) by TOC in this case. Additionally, pH was also consistent with a 2006 annual average raw water pH of 8.24 with a standard deviation of 0.11. Examination of Figure 6.37 finds that the ozone dose decreased overall with increasing raw water turbidity. However, this decrease in ozone dose did not correspond to a change in specific EC. Because ozonation occurs at the beginning of the treatment head works it would “see” the raw water turbidity and potentially be affected by it. This is because the presence of organics and metals like iron and manganese, which would likely make up a sizable fraction of the turbidity measured here, affect the transfer efficiency of ozone into the water. Nevertheless, no 137 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED correlation between raw water turbidity and specific EC was observed here, which is attributed to the lack of dependence here of specific energy on the ozone dose. 1.2 1.0 2.0 0.8 1.5 0.6 1.0 0.4 Specific Energy 0.5 Ozone Dose (mg/L) Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 2.5 0.2 Ozone Dose 0.0 0.0 0 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 Raw Water Turbidity (NTU) Figure 6.37 Specific energy consumption by the total water treatment plant as a function of the raw water turbidity. Water temperature may also affect the ozone transfer efficiency and degradation rate. Temperature may therefore be expected to affect the system’s energy efficiency. Here, the temperature of concern is that of the raw water. Both the specific EC and the corresponding ozone dose are plotted as a function of the average monthly temperature in Figure 6.38. Temperature varied from 1 to 21°C over this time period (Table 6.5). The relationship between ozone dose and water temperature is relatively strong (R2 = 0.69), warmer water requiring more ozone to maintain the target ozone residual concentration. Correspondingly the specific EC decreased slightly (3 percent). This suggests that seasonal variations in water temperature do not significantly affect the energy efficiency of the ozone system. This may also be attributed to the fact that water demand, required ozone dose and thus ozone production rate is seasonally affected. Each of these factors do impact the EC of the ozone system (see Figure 6.35). 138 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1.4 2.5 1.2 1.0 2.3 0.8 R2 = 0.21 2.1 O3 Dose (mg/L) Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) R2 = 0.69 0.6 Specific Energy Dose )Linear (Dose )Linear (Specific Energy 0.4 0.2 1.9 0 5 10 15 20 25 Temperature (oC) Figure 6.38 Specific energy consumption by the total water treatment plant as a function of the average monthly temperature. The corresponding ozone dose is plotted on the secondary y-axis. Both EC and finished water demand are higher during warmer months (Figure 6.39). From Figure 6.39, as the water demand increases the specific EC decreases in a somewhat linear fashion (R2 = 0.67). Taking an average of the specific energy consumed from October through March (colder months) and then again from June through September (warmer months) there is 3 percent higher specific EC during the cooler months. Therefore, while demand and equipment stress increase during high demand periods the operating specific EC decreases. 139 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2.30 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) October - March 2.25 R2 = 0.66 2.20 June - August 2.15 2.10 2.05 2.00 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Finished Water Flowrate (MG/month) Figure 6.39 Specific energy consumption by the total water treatment plant as a function of the finished water flowrate. Potential Energy Conservation Improvements There are several changes, that if implemented could result in some improvement in the specific EC by the ozonation system. The first operational change is to operate at a higher average ozone concentration of approximately 1.2 percent. As the operating ozone concentration approaches that of the design value (1.5 percent weight ozone) the specific EC (kWh/lb O3) by the total ozonation system is lowered and will then result in cost savings. For example, the specific EC (kWh/lb O3) for the total ozonation system was roughly 43 percent greater when it was operating at the lowest ozone concentration compared to that measured at the highest ozone concentration. These savings result from improvements in the efficiency of the ozone generator support equipment such as the air compressor, refrigerant dryer, desiccant dryer, cooling water pumps, and ozone destruction unit. The support equipment consumes the largest fraction of energy dedicated to the total ozonation system. Of the support equipment the air compressor and the cooling water pump consume nearly 72 percent of the total energy consumed by the support systems. Thus, the greatest potential energy savings may be realized from improvements in these two pieces of equipment. Such improvements can include replacing the existing equipment with units that are either more energy efficient and/or whose peak output more closely corresponds to the current operating demands. If it is found to be cost efficient, it may be beneficial to consider switching from an ambient air fed system, requiring the air compressor and desiccator support systems, to an alternative system such as LOX. 140 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CONSIDERATIONS FOR EC OPTIMIZATION OF OZONE SYSTEMS The ozone generator represents the primary energy consumer for ozonation systems that use LOX feed systems. In cases where oxygen is produced on-site (i.e., the VPSA unit) or ambient air is used as the feed gas, then the ozone generator EC is secondary. For the ambient air and VSPA feed gas systems considered, process efficiency is typically lowest at low ozone production rates and increases with higher production. For the LOX fed system, energy efficiency actually decreased with increasing ozone concentration, however the loss in energy efficiency was more than offset by increases in material (i.e., LOX) savings with increases in the operating ozone concentration. EC optimization of ozone systems generally is associated with operational improvements aimed at producing ozone at the design concentration of approximately 8 to 9 percent weight. These issues are summarized below. Factors Affecting EC of Ozonation Systems Considering data from all three ozonation facilities, each unique in terms of their design and operation, the specific EC commonly correlated only with the operating ozone concentration (Figure 6.40). The correlation coefficient was reasonably strong (R2 = 0.87) when the dataset was fit with a logarithmic function. As the operating ozone concentration increased, the energy required to produce a unit weight of ozone decreased. Savings in specific EC with increasing ozone concentration are attributed to increases in efficiency of the support equipment (feed gas system) and less to that of the ozone generator itself. The data shown in Figure 6.40 suggests that based solely on ozone concentration by weight, an ambient air fed system is the more efficient system at ozone concentrations somewhere lower than 3 percent, VPSA is better between 3 percent and 4 percent, and LOX is the most appropriate for above 4 percent. The results also generally indicate that the site-specific optimal energy efficiency is achieved when systems are operated at conditions that generate ozone near design concentrations. For the SNWA AMS and Contra Costa Bollman systems, optimal ozone concentration is 8 to 9 percent weight. For the CLCJAWA system, optimal ozone concentration is approximately 1.2 percent weight. However, this analysis is assumes that all other conditions are equal. In the case studies shown here, the SNWA unique diurnal swings to optimize on pumping energy costs, which has been shown repeatedly in this study to be a substantially larger power demand than treatment, results in some inefficiency for the ozone system. 141 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb O3) 30 R2 = 0.87 25 Central Lake: Ambient Air Fed 20 15 SNWA: VPSA Fed 10 Contra Costa: LOX Fed 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ozone Concentration (%wt) Figure 6.40 Specific EC for the total ozonation system as a function of ozone concentration for the Contra Costa, SNWA, and Central Lake County WTPs. The dataset was fit using a logarithmic function. Operation at higher ozone concentrations is also desirable as a result of cost savings (i.e., lower material costs) associated with the feed gas system with increasing ozone concentration (Figure 6.29). This result is particularly significant for those systems (i.e., LOX fed systems) in which the feed gas represents a substantially greater part of the total operating costs than the EC by the ozone generator. Figure 6.40 also demonstrates that the specific type of oxygen feed-gas supply influences the level of EC per lb of ozone generated. For example, the SNWA ozone system uses the VPSA equipment located on site, which consumes the greatest amount of energy at approximately 9 kWh/lb O3 generated with a concentration of 5 percent by weight. In comparison, the Contra Costa system uses LOX for ozone generation and consumes approximately 4 kWh/lb O3 with a concentration of 5 percent by weight. For the CLCJAWA system that uses ambient air for ozone generation, the EC is substantially higher while operating at much lower ozone concentrations. Contrary to what has been observed for pump intensive systems (e.g., membrane systems) ozonation system specific EC did not commonly correlate with water production rate (Figure 6.41). In other words, specific EC did not decrease with increasing flowrates. One exception to this trend is the Southern Nevada Water Authority facility where the specific EC by the ozonation system showed a decreasing trend with increasing flowrate. This trend is realized for the SNWA facility as a result of energy savings associated with the VPSA oxygen production unit. Specific EC decreases with increasing oxygen, and thus ozone production rate resulting in the observed energy savings with increasing water flows. The relationship between specific EC and flowrate is related to the specific EC and the ozone production rate (Figure 6.42). The same 142 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED trends are observed for ozone production rate and liquid flowrate (i.e., more ozone must be produced in order to treat more water). It is possible that if the Bollman and CLCJAWA plants were larger, that a stronger relationship between the specific EC and this parameter may become evident. If this were to occur it may in fact illustrate that for ozonation systems the relationship between specific EC and flowrate exists only when a critical minimum finished water flowrate value is reached. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 0.18 0.16 Central Lake: Ambient Air Fed 0.14 0.12 0.10 SNWA: VPSA Fed 0.08 Contra Costa: LOX Fed 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Average Daily Flowrate (mgd) Figure 6.41 Specific energy consumption for the total ozonation system as a function of the average daily flowrate at the Contra Costa, SNWA, and Central Lake County WTPs. 143 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/lb O3) 30 25 Central Lake: Ambient Air Fed 20 SNWA: VPSA Fed 15 10 Contra Costa: LOX Fed 5 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Ozone Production (lb/day) Figure 6.42 Ozonation system specific energy consumption as a function of ozone production rate for the Contra Costa, SNWA, and Central Lake County WTPs. Considerations for EC Optimization of Ozonation Systems EC optimization of ozone systems generally is associated with operational improvements aimed at producing ozone at or near the design concentration. For SNWA, EC potentially could be reduced by operating the AMS plant consistently at the design ozone concentration of 8 percent weight. For the Contra Costa Water District, EC potentially could be reduced by increasing the average ozone concentration generated at the Bollman plant from 6.5 percent weight to the design concentration of approximately 9 percent weight. For CLCLJAWA, which uses ambient air for ozone generation, EC improvements may result from using an ozone concentration that approximates the design value of 1.5 percent weight. From the analysis performed in this study, further improvements in energy efficiency may also be realized (pending further study) if the operating ozone concentration is increased beyond the design operating ozone concentration of 1.5 percent weight. However, operating beyond the design ozone concentration would have to carefully consider other costs, such as maintenance issues. 144 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER 7 EC OF UV SYSTEMS FOR DRINKING WATER AND REUSE WATER TREATMENT Chapter 7 focuses on EC by utilities that use UV systems for drinking water and reuse water treatment. This chapter includes an overview of the process and description of major components that typically require the greatest energy usage. Two case studies (West Basin Municipal Water District, California and Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency, Illinois) are included in this chapter. Each case study includes a system description, analysis of EC, and identification of potential optimization opportunities. A summary of the EC analysis based on these two case studies is included at the end of the chapter. PROCESS DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW UV light disinfection systems disinfect water by altering the genetic material of target organisms through exposure to UV radiation. UV disinfection systems are relatively simple in design and are comprised of a flow-through reactor, mercury arc lamps, and a control box or ballast. The general process layout for a UV disinfection system for water treatment applications is shown in Figure 7.1. The reactor is designed to allow for sufficient contact time between the UV radiation and the feed stream. Contact time will vary according to the feed stream characteristics, lamp strength and number, and the organisms being targeted. The UV dosage is generally measured as millijoule per square centimeter (mJ/cm2). UV light is generated by passing an electrical current through mercury vapor (mercury arc lamp). The mercury arc lamps UV systems use low to medium pressure mercury lamps to generate the short-wave (λ = 250 to 270 nm) UV radiation. UV-lamps are available in two different sizes: low-pressure and medium pressure. Low-pressure lamps are commonly used in small systems, while medium pressure lamps are used in larger systems. Medium pressure lamps operate at higher temperatures and consume more energy than their low-pressure counterparts. The UV-lamps may be housed in a protective sleeve, typically quartz, for protection. The ballast provides the starting voltage for the UV-lamps and maintains a constant current for the system. UV-lamp Effluent Feed Water Reactor Control Box Figure 7.1 General layout of a UV disinfection system. 145 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED MAJOR EC COMPONENTS EC in UV-disinfection systems is dictated by the energy required by the mercury arc lamps. EC increases with increasing voltage applied to the lamps and is determined by the required UV dosage. The UV lamps require a high voltage of roughly 440 V. The required UV intensity, and thus the EC by the UV system, is affected by the following parameters: • Feed water transmittance • Dosage requirements • Lamp fouling • Lamp configuration and placement in the reactor The feed water transmittance is determined by the water’s turbidity and the presence of natural organic matter (NOM) and dissolved metals which may adsorb the UV light at the given wavelength. Turbidity is determined by the presence of colloidal and suspended solids in the water. Transmittance then is largely controlled by implementing effective pretreatment strategies (i.e., filtration). DESCRIPTIONS AND FINDINGS FROM CASE STUDIES West Basin Municipal Water District (California) Water Recycling Facility System Description The WBWRF facility has been expanded twice (Phases II and III) to increase production capacity since it became fully operational in 1992. At the time of this analysis, Phase IV development was underway to further expand the MF and RO capacities and to add a new UV/peroxide system to begin NDMA destruction. The Phase III MF and RO systems were discussed previously in section 5.3.3 of this report. This section focuses on the new UV/peroxide system. The Phase IV UV/peroxide advanced oxidation system treats water that is separate from the Phase III MF and RO systems. Up to 12.5 mgd of permeate from the new Phase IV RO Train 9 is dosed with up to 3 mg/L hydrogen peroxide and pumped directly to three Phase IV UV trains for disinfection and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) destruction prior to aquifer recharge injection. The Phase IV RO Train 9 feed pumps provide all the pressure required to pass the water through both the RO array and UV trains before discharging to the Phase IV decarbonators. The EC of the Phase IV RO Train 9 feed pumps is outside the scope of this analysis. There are site provisions for the installation of a fourth UV train. Each train consists of four Trojan Technologies UV reactors in parallel; each reactor is filled with 72 high-intensity, low-pressure amalgam UV lamps. Each reactor is designed to continuously maintain a minimum UV intensity of 50 mJ/cm2 at a wavelength of 254 nm. The system requirements are listed in Table 7.1. 146 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 7.1 Phase IV UV/peroxide advanced oxidation system design requirements Design Parameter Minimum system flow rate Maximum system flow rate Maximum flow rate through train Maximum NDMA influent concentration Minimum NDMA removal with all trains in service Minimum NDMA removal with one train in service Maximum NDMA effluent concentration Minimum MS2 bacteriophage or poliovirus inactivation Maximum 7-day mean total coliform Units mgd mgd mgd ng/L log10 log10 ng/L log10 MPN/100 mL Required Value 2.3 12.5 4.16 100 1.3 1.0 5 3 2.2 Source: West Basin, 2003 One UV/peroxide train is operating all the time. A second train is started when flow rates to the UV/peroxide system reaches 4.2 mgd. The third train starts at 8.3 mgd. The water is divided equally between the trains when multiple trains are operating. Energy Consumption The EC of the Phase IV UV/peroxide advanced oxidation system is included in this section. The analysis is based on manufacturer’s data since the system has not been commissioned yet at the time of this report. The UV/peroxide has three types of equipment that use electricity: the low-pressure lamps in each reactor, three 0.75-hp peroxide feed pumps, and three 104 W heat exchangers for each train electrical cabinet to cool the lamp ballasts. Of the three equipment types, the lamps are estimated to account for 74 to 82 percent of the total EC. The peroxide pumps are estimated to account for 15 to 22 percent, with the remainder to be consumed by the heat exchangers. Each of the reactors draws 18.5 kW at 100 percent power draw. For a train, which consists of four reactors in series, the maximum lamp power draw is 74.0 kW. The lamps can be turned down as low as 60 percent of maximum power, which would mean that the lowest power draw for each train is 44.4 kW. A 60 percent turndown is the limit before the lamps have difficulty staying lit. For less than maximum power, all the lamps in the train are uniformly turned down. Individual reactors in a train are not normally shutdown nor are individual lamps in a reactor turned off. Figure 7.2 shows the estimated range of electrical loads for the UV/peroxide system over the range of treatment flowrates. The minimum estimated electrical load would be for new lamps treating RO permeate with high UV transmittance. The maximum estimated electrical load would occur when the lamps are near the end of the service life and/or there is a system upset in the upstream RO system that results in water with lower UV transmittance. The lamps are rated for 12,000 hours each and the UV light output is projected to decrease 20 percent for the same energy input over the course of the service life. The specific EC of the UV/peroxide system is shown in Figure 7.3. In general, at all flowrates above the design minimum of 2.3 mgd, the specific EC of the UV/peroxide system is 0.3 to 1 kWh/kgal. The difference between the Phase IV UV/peroxide system and the substantially higher consumption for the Phase III MF/RO is the lack of pumps for the UV 147 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED system to move water. The Phase IV RO permeate has adequate pressure to push water through the Phase IV UV/peroxide system without additional pumping. 300 1 UV/peroxide train operating Electrical Load (kW) 250 2 UV/peroxide trains operating 3 UV/peroxide trains operating 200 2.3 mgd minimum design flowrate 150 100 Maximum estimated electrical load 50 Minimum estimated electrical load 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Flow Rate (mgd) 8 9 10 11 12 Figure 7.2 Estimated range of Phase IV UV/peroxide system electrical load. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 5.0 1 UV/peroxide train operating 4.0 3 UV/peroxide trains operating 2 UV/peroxide trains operating 3.0 2.3 mgd minimum design flowrate 2.0 Maximum estimated energy consumption Minimum estimated energy consumption 1.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Flow Rate (mgd) Figure 7.3 Estimated range of specific energy consumption of Phase IV UV/peroxide system. 148 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Potential Energy Conservation Improvements Because the Phase IV UV/peroxide system has not been fully commissioned at the time of this report, no design recommendations can be made at this time. The one operating recommendation is to ensure that the system flowrate is maintained above the 2.3 mgd design minimum. As noted in Figure 7.3, the specific EC of the system increases at an exponential rate as flowrates decrease. Below 2.3 mgd, the specific EC increases to above 1.0 kWh/kgal. Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency System Description Details on the Paul M. Neal WTP were previously provided in Chapter 6 of this report. Therefore, the system will only be briefly described here, with attention being primarily focused on the design and operation of the UV disinfection system. The Paul M. Neil WTP is a 50 mgd facility that is owned and operated by the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency, Lake County, Illinois. Raw water is obtained from Lake Michigan. The plant is composed of four parallel 12.5 mgd processing trains. A schematic of the plant unit processes is given in Figure 6.30. The treatment scheme is composed of raw water pumping (off-site), pre-ozonation, rapid mix (chemical addition), three-stage flocculation, inclined-plate sedimentation, GAC filtration, UV-disinfection, chlorination, clearwell storage, and high-service pumping. The UV-disinfection system consists of three medium-pressure in-line UV reactors (Model #4L30, Trojan Technologies, Ontario, Canada) in parallel, each rated to provide a UV dose of 40 mJ/cm2 at a peak hydraulic capacity of 25 mgd/reactor. Each reactor contains four medium pressure UV lamps. During normal operation one or two of the reactors are on-line, depending on the flow rate, with the third reactor serving as a back-up. Energy Consumption The EC analysis for the UV system at the Paul M. Neal WTP consisted of examining the daily recorded energy and production values for the UV system from Jan. 1, 2006 to Dec. 31, 2006. During this period, the operations staff had set up the UV system to continuously operate at 60 percent output, which is the lowest turndown available while still keeping the UV lamps lit. Each reactor has a calculated power draw of 22.6 kW at this operational setting. The daily flowrate and maximum number of operating reactors for this study period is shown in Figure 7.4. In general, the UV system was operated based on hydraulic requirements. For water flowrates of less than 22.5 mgd, one reactor operated. Above this value, which is 90 percent of the maximum hydraulic capacity of the individual reactors, a second reactor was turned on and the water flowed through each reactor equally. The plant SCADA system recorded which reactor was operating on a given day. The duration that each reactor operated on any given day was not provided, though in general, each operating reactor was continuously online for several days in a row. All three reactors operated on four separate occasions spanning a total of five days during the 2006 calendar year. Each occasion corresponded to when the reactor quartz sleeve cleaning mechanisms were activated; the reactor has to be on-line with water moving past the bulb sleeves 149 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED during cleaning events. In this case, the SCADA system records the use of all three reactors, though the actual duration of all three is on the order of minutes instead of days. The specific EC of the UV system is shown in Figure 7.5 as function of flowrate. Since each reactor has a constant power demand, the specific energy use of the UV system at the Paul M. Neal WTP is a function of flowrate and the number of reactors that are operating at that time. When a single reactor was operating, the specific EC varied between 0.02 kWh/kgal to 0.04 kWh/ kgal. When two reactors were operating, the specific EC varied between 0.03 kWh/ kgal and 0.06 kWh/kgal. Therefore, as the number of reactors in operation increased, the specific EC by the UV system also increased. When two reactors were in operation and at flowrates less than 22.5 mgd, the specific EC was roughly twice that of a single operating reactor. This result is due to the fact that each reactor is using the same amount of power (22.6 kWh) while the flowrate is halved between the two reactors. 50 4 Daily Average Q Average Daily Flowrate (mgd) 3 30 2 20 1 10 0 Jan-2006 Daily Max. Number of UV Units in Use Number of Reactors in Use 40 0 Apr-2006 Jul-2006 Oct-2006 Jan-2007 Figure 7.4 Average daily flowrate and corresponding number of UV reactors in operation at the Paul M. Neal WTP over the course of this study period. 150 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal.) 0.10 Three reactors operating (theoretical) 0.08 Two reactors operating 0.06 One reactor operating 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Daily Flowrate (mgd) Figure 7.5 Specific energy consumption by the UV system at the Paul M. Neal WTP as function of flowrate. Above 22.5 mgd two reactors must be used due to the hydraulic limit of individual reactors is exceeded. However, the specific EC is still higher than that of a single reactor. The specific EC for two reactors begins matching the range of a single reactor when treated flowrates exceed 30 mgd. For the available 2006 data, the best EC was 0.03 kWh/kgal at 39 mgd. Extrapolating the dataset forward (not shown in figure) would indicate that 0.02 kWh/kgal specific EC could be achieved by operating near 50 mgd, which is the rated capacity of the treatment plant. The data for operating all three reactors for a full day was also plotted in Figure 7.5. The UV system is highly energy inefficient at the flowrates used since the EC has increased again while the treated water is now divided between three reactors instead of two. These calculated values are for theoretical comparison as all three reactors would only operate for substantially less than a full day during the automatic cleanings. Potential Energy Conservation Improvements EC by the UV system studied here is determined by the number of lamps that are on and the flowrate that must be divided between separate UV reactors. For this reason, it is critical that the system not be over designed such that when divided, the flowrate is not so low in the reactors as to dramatically increase the specific EC. This may be achieved through accurate flow forecasting to determine the critical times at which two or three reactors must come on line. Due to the age (approximately 1 year old) of this system there is little data to support other areas for improvement in the EC. Furthermore, as the lamps are currently operating at their lowest 151 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED intensity (60 percent) energy efficiency cannot likely be improved through reductions in the lamp intensity. CONSIDERATIONS FOR EC OPTIMIZATION OF UV SYSTEMS Factors Affecting EC of the UV Systems Based on the analyses presented here, EC of UV systems is directly proportional to the number of lamps that are in operation. Energy efficiency, measured in terms of the specific EC, is determined by the number of lamps that are on and the corresponding flowrate through the UV reactor. Considerations for EC Optimization of UV Systems Optimizing the energy efficiency of UV systems is based on operating the UV reactors as close to their maximum flow capacity as possible when they are in operation. This is best achieved during the design process during which time it is critical that the system not be over designed. The critical parameter here is the maximum daily flowrate and its duration. Minimizing the time at which the reactors must operate at less than maximum capacity should result in the greatest improvements in specific EC (i.e., energy efficiency). 152 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER 8 EC OF MEMBRANE BIO-REACTORS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT Chapter 8 focuses on EC by utilities that use MBRs for wastewater treatment. This chapter includes an overview of the process and description of major components that typically require the greatest energy usage. Two case studies (City of Pooler, Georgia and Arizona American Water Company) are included in this chapter. Each case study includes a system description, analysis of EC, and identification of potential optimization opportunities. A summary of the EC analysis based on these two case studies is included at the end of the chapter. PROCESS DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW MBRs are a membrane process that may be used in conjunction with biological processes to treat municipal wastewater. MBR systems combine the conventional treatment processes of clarification, aeration, and filtration steps (activated sludge) into a single treatment step. MBRs most commonly use hollow fiber UF membranes (pore size 0.04 to 0.4 μm). Typical system configurations submerge the membranes into the biological reactor, however, a pressurized side stream configuration may also be used. Submerged systems are preferred as their energy demand is roughly two orders of magnitude less than that required by pressurized side-stream designs. For submerged systems, a vacuum is applied to the UF membranes operating in an outside-in (i.e., wastewater going from the outside of the fiber to the inside cavity) setup. A typical MBR process layout is shown in Figure 8.1. Influent wastewater is first passed through a screening device that separates out coarse materials. The wastewater then enters the biological treatment step, which may be comprised of aerobic, anaerobic, and/or anoxic zones depending on the treatment configuration. Following biological treatment the water, now containing a high concentration of bio-solids, enters the membrane basin. The water is then filtered through the UF membranes and discharged from the treatment system. In the aerobic zone air/oxygen is supplied to maintain a specified dissolved oxygen concentration. Aeration also serves to suspend the solids in the mixing basin. Air scouring is used to minimize fouling of the UF membranes. Aeration Air Scour Prescree Effluent Sludge Recycle Waste Figure 8.1 General system layout for a membrane biological reactor (MBR) wastewater treatment system. 153 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED MAJOR EC COMPONENTS The principle components of an MBR system that exert a sizable energy demand include the process air blowers, mixers, recirculation pumps, air scour blowers, and process pumps. The process air blowers and air scour blowers consume the largest fraction of the total MBR energy requirement. The process pumps are comprised of the vacuum pumps, backflushing pumps, and the foam pumping system (if required). The aeration sequence used may dramatically impact the MBR energy usage. For continuous aeration systems, aeration may make up to 50 percent of the MBRs total energy demand. Conversely, cyclic aeration may reduce the aeration power requirement by up to 75 percent. Membrane fouling is an issue with MBRs and may increase power consumption by increasing the membrane hydraulic resistance. Fouling is determined by the feed water characteristics (MLSS concentration, etc.) and system operation variables (air scouring, aeration rate). DESCRIPTIONS AND FINDINGS FROM CASE STUDIES City of Pooler, Georgia Wastewater Treatment Plant System Description The Pooler WWTP was commissioned in December 2004 to replace an aging aerated lagoon that is adjacent to the site. The facility treats flows from the Cities of Pooler and Bloomingdale and discharges to Hardin Canal, a tributary of the Ogeechee River. The new plant is based on a submerged ultrafiltration MBR system. It is rated to treat 2.5 mgd maximum daily flow (MDF) with an instantaneous peak flow of 4.0 mgd, with an ultimate capacity of 6.0 mgd MDF. During this study period (from Jan 01, 2005 to June 30, 2006) the WWTP was treating between 0.394 mgd and 2.41 mgd, with an average of 1.08 mgd, from a separated collection system. Discussions with operators indicate the collection system experiences high storm-related inflow and infiltration, though no data was provided. Flows exceeding the peak capacity are diverted into lagoons for emergency storage. The stored wastewater is pumped back to the plant after peak flows subside. The plant is staffed 8 hours a day with a crew of three during weekdays, excluding public holidays. For the remainder of the time, the plant is controlled by the plant SCADA system. Figure 8.2 is a simplified process flow schematic for the Pooler WWTP. An influent pump station first conveys wastewater into a one million gallon equalization tank at the front of the plant. The equalization tank is typically half full during normal operating condition. Afterwards, the wastewater passes through the course and fine screens (0.02-inch slot size) before entering a splitter box that directs wastewater into two parallel biological treatment trains. Each train consists of two sequential anoxic zones (34.5 feet wide x 36 feet long x 21 feet deep per basin per train) followed by two sequential aerobic zones (34.5 feet wide x 51.5 feet long x 21 feet deep per basin per train). Denitrification, carbonaceous BOD removal and nitrification take place in these basins. The anoxic basins are mixed continuously by means of mixers to keep solids in suspension (4 hp mixers in each anoxic zone). The aeration basins include fine bubble diffusers that provide aeration to the biomass through 3 blowers (100 hp each), the air flow rate depending on actual loading to the bioreactors and on the bioreactor temperature. There are 341 154 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 9-inch fine bubble diffuser elements per tank. Blowers are equipped with VFDs to adjust the blower output based on dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the aeration zones. Following the biological treatment trains, wastewater is combined and gravity fed to a second splitter box (called a membrane flow distribution channel) that directs it to two MBR subtrains. Each subtrain consists of two basins (10 feet wide x 37 feet long x 11 feet deep per tank), each containing three cassettes of submerged UF membranes. Each cassette has 48 modules with 340 ft2 of membrane surface area per module. The membrane tanks have the ability to fit an additional two cassettes per tank. Five (four duty and one standby) 60 hp aeration blowers provides coarse air scour to the membrane units. While the air scour provides some dissolved oxygen (DO) to the wastewater, the main purpose is to prevent solids deposition and accumulation on the membrane surface area and within each membrane cassette. The air flow is either cyclic or continuous. Normally, cyclic aeration is used. The valves cycle the air within a train in 10 second interval. When the system is shutdown, the blowers must be manually cycled for 30 minutes every 24 hours according to the system Operation and Maintenance Manual. Filtrate is drawn from each membrane unit through a dedicated 30 hp vacuum pump, which transfers the filtrate into an inline CIP/backpulse holding tank. Filtrate overflows from the CIP/backpulse tank and goes into a UV disinfection chamber and through a turbidimeter prior to creek discharge. Filtrate from the membrane subtrains can also be discharged to a nearby drain or fed into a secondary membrane unit, (known as ‘Staging Tank’) for further treatment and re-circulate it to the membrane flow distribution channel for further treatment through membranes. The filtrate pump speed is controlled by the programmable logic controller (PLC) which calculates a plant flow demand based on the raw water feed flow and the aerobic tank levels. This demand is divided among the trains in operation. The supervisor can elect to manually enter a production flow rate which overrides the PLC calculated value. The system maintains the entered production flowrate or PLC calculated production flow rate up to a maximum transmembrane pressure (TMP) or a minimum tank level. As the speed of the pump increases, TMP increases. To protect the integrity of the membrane, there is a limit beyond which the TMP is not allowed to increase. At this point, the speed of the pump is controlled to maintain this value for TMP, rather than to maintain a permeate flow rate. Mixed liquor from each of the membrane subtrains is recirculated to the beginning of the biological treatment train in the influent splitter box. A portion of the recirculated mixed liquor is wasted to the sludge digesters. The recirculation pumps prevent solids accumulation in the membrane tanks. This recirculation also aids denitrification in the anoxic tanks. These pumps operate at a constant rate during production, relaxation, backpulse and standby mode. The ancillary equipment at the Pooler WWTP includes sodium hypochlorite, citric acid systems, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) for membrane maintenance and recovery cleanings, and a sodium bisulfite system for dechlorination. One additional piece of equipment used to operate the MBR plant are air compressors. Compressed air is used to operate the pneumatic valves for the membrane system and the air diaphragm chemical metering pumps. 155 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Influent Split Box Raw Influent Wastewater from EQ tank via Fine Screens Membranes Anoxic Anoxic Anoxic Aeration Aeration Aeration Aeration Membrane Distribution Channel Anoxic Membranes UV Membranes Membranes Figure 8.2 Process schematic for the Pooler WWTP. Membrane fouling slowly occurred over the course of the year and the control valve was adjusted to maintain a specific permeate production rate. Different cleaning methods are consequently implemented, which influence the operation of the permeate pumps, air scour blowers and recirculation pumps, and hence affect the energy usage at the plant. • Relaxation: Here the operator can select to either automatically relax or backpulse the membranes. The system typically operates in relaxation mode. During relaxation, pressure is removed from the membranes for a specified duration before resuming production. During this time the air scour removes solids that have accumulated on the membranes • Backpulse: Here the permeate flow is reversed through the membranes. Backpulsing slightly expands the membrane pores and dislodges any particles that may be trapped or that have adhered to the membrane surface. It occurs automatically at an operator selected interval (every 12 minutes) and duration (30 seconds). The relaxation duration is equal to the backpulse duration. • Maintenance clean: This is automatically initiated by the operator. The cleaning solution is either citric acid or sodium hypochlorite. The membrane tank can either be full or empty during the maintenance clean. The chemicals are backpulsed through the membranes via the permeate pumps and then the membrane is relaxed. The membranes are not aerated during the backpulse and relax steps. • Recovery clean: It is required when the TMP control limit is reached. The TMP control limit has priority over the flow control. Once the TMP reaches the limiting value, the control valve will maintain the pressure, even if the flow setpoint has not been achieved. There are two types of recovery clean regiments: chlorine clean and acid clean. A chlorine recovery clean removes organic materials, while an acid recovery clean removes inorganic materials. Both are semi automatic and operator driven procedures. During a recovery clean, the permeate pumps backpulse and relax 156 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED the cassettes with chemicals. At the end of the backpulse/relax cycles the membrane tank is refilled. Then the membranes are soaked in the chemicals for 5 hours, after which the cleaning solution is pumped out by the recirculation pump. During draining, the membranes are backpulsed with clean permeate water to remove any residual cleaning chemicals. The spent cleaning solution is manually neutralized with either sodium hydroxide for acid cleans or sodium bisulfite for chlorine cleans. The facility has the ability to re-pump the high-quality filtrate from the plant to adjacent properties as reclaimed water. However, an analysis of the water reuse system is outside the scope of this project. At the Pooler WWTP, each membrane sub-train has two aeration headers with cyclic valves that allow the air flow to be cycled between the two air headers. In this configuration, air alternates between the two headers within one train, and between two trains. Each cassette has 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off aeration pattern, with the location of the air injection alternating between the cassettes. The pattern alternates within each membrane cassette so that at any given moment, only half of the modules are being aerated. This can reduce the energy cost by half compared to constantly aerating the membranes. During low flow or average flow condition, the amount of time that a membrane module operates without air can be extended from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. While maintaining membrane performance, this can reduce the energy usage by air scour blowers. Membrane aeration requirements are increased to 10/10 sequential during peak flow periods to reduce membrane fouling. The aerators within a given membrane train operate on an interval of 10 seconds on and 30 seconds off during average daily flows when the membranes require less air. The plant control system can monitor membrane performance and automatically determine the modes of operation. In this configuration, a single blower sized to aerate one train is used to aerate two trains, resulting in 50 percent reduction in air required. According to vendor literature, such an operation could result in substantial energy and cost savings due to reduced usage of large equipment. This study could not substantiate this claim since the study group contained only one other similarly configured MBR system (the Arizona-American AWC) and no different MBR systems. Water Quality and Treatment Performance. The Pooler WWTP discharge requirements for the treated effluent are listed in Table 8.1. 157 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 8.1 Effluent standards for the Pooler WWTP when discharging to a creek Parameter Units BOD5 mg/L Dissolved oxygen pH Total suspended solids mg/L s.u. mg/L Nitrate-N mg/L Fecal coliform CFU/100 mL Value(s) Comment 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 – 9.0 10 15 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.4 200 400 Max. monthly average limit Max. weekly average limit Instantaneous minimum Permitted instantaneous range Max. monthly average limit Max. weekly average limit Max. monthly average limit (May to October) Max. weekly average limit (May to October) Max. monthly average limit (Nov. to April) Max. weekly average limit (Nov. to April) Max. monthly geometric mean average Max. weekly geometric mean average The influent BOD5 ranged between 103 to 396 mg/L for the duration of this study, while the effluent BOD5 concentration typically ranges between 1 to 4 mg/L, with an average of 2 mg/L (Figure 8.3). Influent TSS concentrations were between 130 to 390 mg/L while effluent TSS concentrations were around 1.0 mg/L (Figure 8.4). All other discharge parameters were well within the discharge limits for the period studied. 1,000 BOD5 (mg/L) 100 10 1 Influent Effluent Figure 8.3 Influent and effluent BOD5 concentrations to the Pooler WWTP. 158 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ec -0 5 19 -D ov -0 5 9N ep -0 5 30 -S ug -0 5 21 -A 12 -J ul -0 5 -0 5 2Ju n pr -0 5 23 -A 5 ar -0 5 14 -M 2Fe b0 24 -D ec -0 4 0 1,000 TSS (mg/L) 100 10 1 Influent Effluent ec -0 5 19 -D ov -0 5 9N ep -0 5 30 -S ug -0 5 21 -A 12 -J ul -0 5 -0 5 2Ju n pr -0 5 23 -A ar -0 5 5 14 -M 2Fe b0 24 -D ec -0 4 0 Figure 8.4 Influent and effluent TSS concentrations to the Pooler WWTP. Power Supply The power supply to the plant is from a single supply line from Georgia Southern Energy (GSE), with backup power supplied by an on-site generator. Plant staff manually records the electrical data such as voltage, current, and power reading from the different panels in the electrical room once a day since plant start-up. The plant also tracks EC based on monthly energy bills. There is no other data available for individual treatment process power consumption. The influent pump station has a GSE account separate from the rest of the WWTP. Since this analysis deals only with the treatment processes, the EC for the pump station has been excluded from the subsequent analysis. Energy Consumption At the Pooler WWTP EC is tracked based on the monthly electric bills obtained for January 2005 to May 2006. The volume of treated effluent produced by the plant per month since the operation began in January 2005 is shown in Figure 8.5, along with the corresponding monthly EC plotted on the secondary y-axis. Over the study period the effluent volume ranged from 28 to 36 MG/month, with generally larger flows being experienced during summer months. Monthly EC ranged from 181,500 to 246,300 kWh/month. No clear trend could be found between EC and the volume of water that was treated based on the data shown in Figure 8.6. Indeed, during the second year of operation (Dec 2006-May 2006), it could be noted that although the amount of treated wastewater increased, the energy requirements showed a decrease during corresponding months (Figure 8.5). 159 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 300,000 Energy Consumption Effluent Flowrate 250,000 40 200,000 30 150,000 20 100,000 10 50,000 06 M ay - M ar -0 6 Ja n06 05 N ov - Se p05 Ju l-0 5 05 M ay - M ar -0 5 0 Ja n05 0 Monthly Energy Consumption (kWh/month) Average Effluent Flowrate (MG/month) 50 Figure 8.5 Average monthly energy consumption and corresponding effluent flowrates at the Pooler WWTP. Energy Consumption (kWh/month) 300,000 250,000 R2 = 0.02 200,000 150,000 Outlier Data Point 100,000 50,000 0 0 10 20 30 40 Effluent Flowrate (MG/month) Figure 8.6 Monthly energy consumption as a function of the effluent flowrate at the Pooler WWTP. 160 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The specific EC for the entire WWTP is shown in Figure 8.7 for the fifteen months of operation. A decrease in specific energy is observed in the second year of operation, indicating the process is being optimized to minimize EC. The plant has implemented energy optimization strategy through intermittent operation of air scour blower to the membranes to minimize the EC by the membrane units. According to the plant operators, two of the four trains of membrane modules implemented such optimization in July 2005, while the remaining two trains were optimized in March 2006. The average monthly specific ECs during these three periods are compared to study the effect on the total EC and data are shown in Table 8.2. The total EC shows a gradual decrease correlating the periods of implementing energy optimization of the air scour blower, as evident in Table 8.2. It is also worth noting that the air scour blowers contribute 20-35 percent of the total EC in the plant. The details of air blower energy optimization mechanism and contribution of specific equipment in the plant are further discussed later in this report. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 10 8 6 4 2 Ja n05 Fe b05 M ar -0 5 A pr -0 5 M ay -0 5 Ju n05 Ju l-0 5 A ug -0 5 Se p05 O ct -0 5 N ov -0 5 D ec -0 5 Ja n06 Fe b06 M ar -0 6 A pr -0 6 0 Figure 8.7 Specific energy consumption for the total wastewater treatment system at the Pooler WWTP. Table 8.2 Average specific energy consumption for specific operational periods Period Duration Jan 2005- Jun 2005 Jul 2005- Feb 2006 Mar 2006 – May 2006 6 months 8 months 3 months Average Specific Energy (KWh/kgal) 7.01 6.14 5.62 Range of Average Specific Energy Consumption During Respective Periods 6.4 to 7.27 5.10 to 7.48 5.5 to 5.9 161 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The specific EC during these fifteen months of operation is also plotted against treated wastewater per month and is shown in Figure 8.8. The specific EC decreases from roughly 7 kWh/k gal at a flowrate of 28 MG/month to around 5 kWh/kgal at a flowrate of 38 MG/month. Overall then, the specific EC decreases with increasing monthly effluent volume. The decrease would mean that as flows increase, some equipment is operating further along their respective pump curves with increasing mechanical efficiencies. It also indicates that the membranes are operating at their design flow. The decrease in specific EC occurs despite the fact that the largest set of process equipment, the air scour blowers, operates at a constant output regardless of the flow through the plant. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/ kgal) 10 R2 = 0.52 8 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Effluent Flowrate (MG/month) Figure 8.8 Specific energy plotted as a function of the average monthly effluent flowrate at the Pooler WWTP. Intuitively, the energy usage is thought to depend on influent BOD5 concentrations, since higher BOD5 levels would exert a higher oxygen demand on the aeration blowers. Figure 8.9 shows specific EC against the average influent BOD5 concentration for the months of operation since January 2005. The average influent BOD5 concentration ranged from 190 mg/L to 285 mg/L over the study period. The corresponding specific EC for the entire facility showed a decreasing trend of EC. This may be due to the decrease of monthly specific EC in the second year of operation, as the biological treatment process may be optimized to minimize aeration needs. The decrease in specific EC at the higher BOD5 concentrations is attributed to the reduced specific EC which occurred as a result of the previously noted steps that were taken to optimize the efficiency of the aeration process. If the data from 2005 and 2006 are considered separately then there is a negligible change in specific EC with changing influent BOD5 concentrations. 162 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 10 8 R2 = 0.16 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 Monthly Average Influent BOD5 (mg/L) 250 300 Figure 8.9 Monthly specific energy consumption plotted as a function of the average monthly influent BOD5 concentration to the Pooler WWTP MBR system. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 10 8 R2 = 0.06 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Influent TSS (mg/L) Figure 8.10 Monthly specific energy consumption plotted as a function of the average monthly influent TSS concentration to the Pooler WWTP MBR system. 163 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 300 Figure 8.10 shows specific EC as a function of the average influent TSS concentration for the months of operation since January 2005. As TSS increases, the membranes would foul faster, which in turn requires greater vacuum draw from the permeate pumps for a given volume of permeate. As the average influent TSS concentration ranged from 125 to 252 mg/L over the study period, the specific EC shows a marginal increase in specific energy with increasing influent TSS concentrations. However, the correlation is too poor (R2 < 0.5) to draw any definitive conclusions with respect to the impact of TSS concentrations on the specific EC by the MBR. The EC at the treatment plant is primarily associated with the following major equipment categories: 1. The aeration blowers used to deliver the fine bubble air in the aeration basins for biological treatment. 2. The aeration blowers used to provide air scour to the membrane units. 3. The process pumps used to pump out permeate from the membrane units. 4. The recirculation pumps used to recycle return activated sludge (RAS) to the front of the biological treatment train and waste activated sludge (WAS) sludge digesters. 5. The power required for UV disinfection. 6. The power required for sludge digesters. 7. The ancillary equipment for the wastewater treatment process (such as the chemical feed pumps, metering facilities and process instrumentation and valves, compressors and screens). 8. The building functions (HVAC, bridge crane, computers, and lighting). The direct EC by the membrane bioreactor is associated with the process/permeate pumps and aeration blowers to provide air scour for the membranes. Figure 8.11 shows the EC at the plant during this study period from January 2005 to May 2006. EC by specific equipment, such as air scour blowers, permeate pumps, RAS pumps and supplemental aeration blowers are also shown in this graph. Equipment specific EC data are estimated based on their operational data such as amperage, voltage, operating hours etc. that were logged for those months. 164 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 300,000 Only Total Energy Data Available Energy Usage (kWh/month) 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Jan-05 Mar-05 May-05 Air Scour Jul-05 Sep-05 Permeate Pumps Nov-05 RAS Pumps Jan-06 Mar-06 Aeration Blowers May-06 Others Figure 8.11 Energy consumption by membrane bioreactor relative to the total energy consumption at the treatment plant. 8 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Oct-05 Air Scour Nov-05 Dec-05 Permeate Pumps Jan-06 RAS Pumps Feb-06 Mar-06 Aeration Blowers Apr-06 May-06 Others Figure 8.12 Specific energy consumption by the different MBR related equipment during different months of the study-period. The specific energy consumption is shown as a fraction of the total value for the WWTP. 165 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Figure 8.12 shows a comparison of specific EC by the various process equipment in the plant. As shown in Figures 8.11 and 8.12, membrane air scour blowers account for 20 percent to 35 percent of the total EC at the plant. Permeate pumps only account for 1-2 percent of the entire EC. Therefore, for MBRs, the main EC is by the air scour blowers. Often the membrane modules are designed such that it minimizes the energy requirement to provide the air scour to the membrane units. The Pooler WWTP implemented 10/10 sequential aeration and 10/30 ‘ecoaeration’ strategy, as described in earlier sections, to minimize the EC by the membrane units. Recirculation pumps, which recycle mixed liquor RAS from the membrane tanks to the beginning of the biological treatment train in the influent splitter box, is shown to account for 23 percent to 42 percent of the total EC at the plant. RAS pumps account for the highest amount of EC in this plant, followed by membrane air scour blowers. These pumps operate at a constant rate during production, relaxation, backpulse and standby mode. Among other major equipment, supplemental aeration blowers account for 7 percent to 13 percent of the total EC, as found from the data obtained for this study. Potential Energy Conservation Improvements For most wastewater treatment plants, aeration has the second-highest EC (the highest being pumping). Aeration tends to be the highest area of EC at the Pooler WWTP due to the use of blowers for the aeration tanks for DO addition and air scour blowers for the MBR tanks. The air scour blowers have especially high consumption since they usually operate on a continuous basis or in cyclic mode at a fixed capacity. The ZeeWeed system installed at the Pooler WWTP was programmed with a relatively new aeration control strategy to reduce the energy usage. Considering each system on an individual basis, the RAS pumps accounted for the largest fraction (33 percent on average) of the specific EC, followed by the air scour blowers (27 percent). The permeate pumps and aeration blowers accounted for much smaller fractions at 1 and 9 percent, respectively. If the air scour and permeate pumps are considered to be the only equipment that consume energy in the MBR system, then the MBR technology only accounts for about one third of the total EC at the Pooler WWTP. Energy optimization efforts should focus on the RAS pumps and the air scour system. Less significant benefits will be realized through optimization of the permeate pumps. Options for energy optimization may include changing the RAS pump motor to a VFD to optimize its operation at different flowrates. Because the permeate pumps represent a relatively small fraction of the total amount of energy consumed by the MBR system it may be beneficial to reduce the air scour frequency. This would increase the demand on the permeate pumps while at the same time reducing the energy demand by the air scour system. A field study would be required to determine the feasibility of this potential operational change. If the membrane fouling rate could be reduced, perhaps through the use of better fouling resistant membranes, then the air scour frequency could be further reduced. Strategies to minimize operation of membrane air scour blowers have been implemented to reduce EC; however, the degree of effectiveness could not be substantiated in this study. Finally, operating only the number of membrane tanks that are needed based on the influent flowrate may result in savings from the permeate pumps and air scour system. This would require some sort of automated system that can switch the membranes tanks on and off as a result of measured flows. This option would need to consider the wear and tear of on and off operation on the associated equipment. 166 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Arizona American Water Company Anthem Water Campus System Description The AWC Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a tertiary wastewater treatment plant that currently uses an advanced activated sludge system. The activated sludge system at the WWTP incorporates a membrane bioreactor (MBR) to remove organic and suspended material from the waste stream to meet ADEQ (Arizona Department of Environmental Quality) requirements for unrestricted reuse. The wastewater plant has an average daily flowrate of 3.0 mgd and a peak hour flowrate of 8 mgd. Half of the influent is municipal wastewater, while the other half is the concentrate waste stream from the membrane processes at the drinking water portion of the AWC. A process layout schematic for the AWC WWTP is shown in Figure 8.13. Raw wastewater flows from the collection system to the influent pump station, where it is pumped into the plant. There are four influent pumps capable of pumping up to 8.0 mgd into the plant. The flow from the influent pumps is redistributed to two screening channels. A mechanicallycleaned auger screen removes debris greater than 2 mm in diameter from the process stream. The flow is gravity fed into the vortex grit-removal tank, which primarily removes inorganic materials larger than roughly 0.2 mm. Effluent from the grit-removal tank flows to two 250,000 gal equalization tanks before being treated in the MBR. The bioreactor is divided into anoxic and aerobic zones as shown in Figure 8.14. The wastewater first enters the anoxic zone where it is mixed with recycled mixed liquor (mixed liquor suspended solids or MLSS) retuned from the downstream MBR. The MLSS then enters the aerobic zone where it is aerated by submerged air diffusers. Organics in the wastewater are biologically degraded to reduce the BOD5 and dissolved organics content of the wastewater. Table 8.3 AWC WWTP membrane bioreactor characteristics 1 Train Membrane Type1 1 2 A C Membrane Surface Area (ft2) 500 250 – designation by the membrane vendor Effluent from the aerobic zone then enters the membrane basin, which consists of two submerged UF membrane trains (see Table 8.3). The UF membranes have a mean pore size of 0.035 μm through which water is drawn and the solids are removed and remain in the membrane tank. Water is transported through the membranes by applying a vacuum, essentially sucking the water through the membrane. The thickened slurry is pumped back to the bioreactor by the 75 hp mixed liquor return (MLR) pumps. A portion of the MLR flow is pumped by a 3 hp WAS pump to the sludge storage tank. The treated water has a low BOD5 and low suspended solids content. The membranes allow the activated sludge process to operate at higher loading rates as it is no longer constrained by the sludge settleability and associated clarification requirements. 167 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 168 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Figure 8.13 Process schematic for the AWC wastewater treatment plant. AERATION DIFFUSERS OXIC ANOXIC Figure 8.14 Schematic drawings of the bioreactors used at the AWC WWTP. Normal MBR operation will result in an accumulation of solid organic and inorganic materials on the feed side of the hollow fiber UF membranes, a process commonly known as membrane fouling. Fouling results in a reduction of membrane permeability (the membrane pores becomes clogged) and thus reduced specific permeate flux (flux/trans-membrane pressure). To compensate for this decrease in permeability, the TMP must be increased to maintain a specified flux, before the system is eventually shut-down for cleaning. Air scouring is a process in which air is vigorously bubbled over the membrane surface, and is typically used to minimize 169 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED membrane fouling in MBR systems. The air scour system has an operating discharge pressure of 5 to 7 psig and has a cyclic delivery schedule (i.e., 10 seconds on then 10 seconds off). The air scour blowers are driven by 250 hp motors and a blower speed of 3550 rpm. The instantaneous air flowrate per membrane module is 30 scfm. The net air scour flowrates for membrane Trains 1 and 2, and Trains 3 and 4 are 1800 and 2625 scfm, respectively. Air scouring cannot prevent fouling from occurring and therefore cannot wholly replace more intensive cleaning processes. A CIP system removes foulants from the membrane surface by utilizing a number of different cleaning techniques. These different techniques are described in detail in the following sections: • Relaxation: Some solids accumulate on, but are not adsorbed to, the membrane surfaces as a result of permeate drag or fluid flow through the membrane pores. These materials may be removed by stopping the permeate pumps for a short time, while maintaining the air scour. This allows the solids to be dislodged or simply allowed to diffuse back into the bulk water. This cleaning process is termed relaxation, as the permeate pressure, and hence attachment mechanism, is relaxed or removed. • Backpulsing/Backflushing: Backpulsing or backflushing is generally operated on a set time interval (operator adjustable) where the permeate flow is reversed for a short period of time. This process removes materials that have become lodged in the membrane pores and cannot be removed through air scouring alone. A backpulse interval is 30 seconds of backpulse every 15 minutes of operation. Backpulsing is conducted with the air scour in operation, to assist in the agitation and removal of solids from the membrane surface. Backpulsing is done by altering the path through the permeate pumps using pneumatic valve actuators to pull from a Backpulse CIP Tank (permeate storage tank). • Maintenance Clean: Maintenance cleaning is performed daily on each membrane train and uses a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite or citric acid. The system is backflushed for approximately 15 minutes with the cleaning solution. • Chemical Clean: Once the membranes become so fouled as to reach an alarm point or point to which only a small portion of the original membrane flux is recovered following the aforementioned cleaning methods, a chemical clean is performed. Influent water is first diverted to the other membrane basins, while the unit to be cleaned is stopped, drained, flushed and filled with clean permeate water. Cleaning chemicals are then added to the membrane basin and recirculated. The membranes soak in this solution for 10 to 12 hours, before the cleaning solution is neutralized and drained. The unit is then filled with mixed liquor, and a normal maintenance clean is performed prior to normal operation. The AWC WWTP discharge requirements are summarized in Table 8.4. For each parameter the 7-day median, 30-day average, and single sample maximum values are listed. 170 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 8.4 Effluent standards for the Anthem AWC WWTP when discharging to a stream Parameter BOD5, mg/L CBOD5, mg/L TSS, mg/L Turbidity, NTU Fecal Coliform Organisms, CFU/100 mL 7-day Median 45 40 45 -- 30-day Average < 30 < 25 < 30 2 Single-sample Maximum Non Detect -- 23 5 Discharge Limit Sampling Frequency 1.5 Daily 1 Quarterly 10 Quarterly Nitrate + Nitrite, mg/L as N 10 Monthly Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/L as N 10 Monthly Total Nitrogen, mg/L as N 10 Monthly (5-month geometric mean) 4 Quarterly 6-9 Non-Detect Non-Detect Non-Detect Daily Monthly Semi-Annually Semi-Annually Parameter Average Monthly Flow, mgd Nitrite, mg/L as N (as measured in groundwater) Nitrate, mg/L as N (as measured in groundwater) Fluoride, mg/L (as measured in groundwater) pH Enteric Viruses Ascaris lumbricoides Giardia lamblia 171 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1,000 Influent Effluent BOD5 (mg/L) 100 10 6 -0 6 A ug n0 Ju ar -0 6 M Ja n06 -0 5 ct O l-0 5 Ju 5 M ay -0 Fe b05 4 N ov -0 p04 Se Ju n0 4 4 A pr -0 Ja n04 1 Figure 8.15 Influent and effluent BOD5 concentrations to the MBR system at the AWC WWTP. Figure 8.15 shows the influent and effluent BOD5 for the AWC WWTP over the two and a half year study period. The influent BOD5 ranged from 44 to 700 mg/L over the duration of this study. Conversely, the effluent BOD5 concentration ranged from 1 to 323 mg/L, with a 95-percentile value of 42 mg/L over this time period. Thus, for more than 95 percent of the time the plant effluent BOD5 was below the 7-day median discharge limit of 45 mg/L. Figure 8.16 shows the influent and effluent TSS concentration for the same study period. The influent TSS concentrations are observed to range from 22 mg/L to 832 mg/L. The effluent TSS concentration ranged between 1 to 20 mg/L with a 95-percentile value of 8 mg/L, as compared to the 7-day median limit of 45 mg/L. 172 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1,000 Influent Effluent TSS (mg/L) 100 10 A ug -0 6 Ju n06 -0 6 M ar -0 6 Ja n ct -0 5 O 5 Ju l-0 Fe b05 M ay -0 5 04 N ov - p04 Se Ju n04 A pr -0 4 Ja n -0 4 1 Figure 8.16 Influent and effluent TSS concentrations to the MBR system at the AWC WWTP. Power Supply Electricity is provided to the AWC WWTP from the Arizona Public Service system via an on-site substation. The substation feed is split between four different SES. SES 1 is dedicated entirely to the drinking water plant. SES 2 is primarily dedicated to the drinking water plant, but also serves the irrigation pumps, wastewater headworks, and drinking water reject water pump. SES 3 and SES 4 are dedicated solely to the wastewater treatment plant. A list of the load centers SES-2, SES-3, SES-4 with the power source for each equipment component is provided in Appendix A. The main power loads in the plant and their respective power sources are detailed in Table 8.5. 173 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 8.5 Power loads and associated supplies for the AWC WWTP MCC/Power Panel MCC-2-1 Loads Served Location Blower Building MF Process Equipment Building MCC-2-4 WAS Pump, Permeate Pump, Air Scour Blower Air Compressor MCC-4 Aeration Blowers, MF Filtrate Pump Panel G Generator Appurtenances Panel SHF Belt Filter Press, Washwater Pumps, BFP Feed Pumps Solids Handling Facility PP3 Influent Pumps Influent Pump Station MCC-2-3 PP4 PP6 Screening Equipment, Conveyors, Odor Control Scrubbers Equalization Basin Pump, Anoxic Mixer, MLR Pumps MF Process Equipment Building Generator Headworks Building PP7 Equalization Pumps, Anoxic Mixers at Bioreactors, Mixed Liquor Return Pumps, Drain Pump Bioreactor #2 PP8 UV Disinfection Units Headworks Building Energy Consumption EC at the AWC WWTP is primarily associated with the following equipment categories: 1. Influent feed pumps transport the water from the intake to the beginning of the treatment works. 2. Aeration blowers used to aerate the biological reactors, facilitating bacteria growth and solids mixing within the biological reactor. 3. Permeate pumps provide the vacuum to draw water through the membranes to filter out suspended solids from the effluent. 4. Air scour blowers bubble air across the membranes to minimize membrane fouling and dislodge accumulated solids. 5. MLR pumps continuously withdraw mixed liquor from the membrane basins and return it to the anoxic and aerobic zones in the bioreactor. 6. Reclaimed water pumps transport reuse water (a portion of the treated effluent) from the AWC WWTP to the Anthem community. 7. Ancillary equipment for the wastewater treatment processes includes chemical feed pumps, metering facilities and process instrumentation and valves, air compressors and screening equipment. 8. The building functions (heating/ventilation/air conditioning [HVAC], bridge crane, computers and lighting). 174 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EC by the membrane bioreactor system is attributed to the permeate pumps, MLR pumps, and air scour blowers. Figure 8.17 shows the total EC at the AWC WWTP from January 2004 to July 2006. The total EC is subdivided according to the energy consumed by specific equipment, such as the air scour blowers, permeate pumps, MLR pumps and supplemental aeration blowers. Process support equipment such as mixers, headworks equipment, grit pumps, WAS pumps, air compressors, and CIP pumps are included in the category labeled as ‘Other’ in Figure 8.1. The EC data reported in Figure 8.17 were obtained from daily records for the SES load centers. Equipment specific EC data was estimated using a power factor. The power factor is calculated as the power required by each piece of equipment over the total power contributed to each SES load center. From the data presented in Figure 8.17 it appears that the total EC increased from January 2004 to July 2006, going from approximately 125,000 kWh to around 160,000 kWh over this time period. As noted previously in this report, the total volume of wastewater being treated at the WWTP steadily increased over this time period. Therefore, the increase in the total EC is attributed to the increase in the volume of wastewater being treated at the plant. The largest total energy consumer are the air scour blowers, followed by the reclaimed water pumps. EC was most variable for the aeration system. There were some EC variability for the other systems but the overall impact is limited because either the variability was small for a large piece for equipment or the variability was large but the equipment used relatively little energy. Energy Consumption (kWh/month) 175,000 150,000 125,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 MLR Pumps Permeate Pumps Air Scour Influent Pumps Reclaimed Water Other Figure 8.17 Monthly energy consumption at the AWC WWTP. 175 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Ju l-0 6 -0 6 A pr 06 Ja n- ct -0 5 O Ju l-0 5 -0 5 A pr 05 Ja n- ct -0 4 O Ju l-0 4 -0 4 A pr Ja n- 04 0 Aeration Air Blowers Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 5 4 3 2 1 MLR Pumps Influent Pump Station Permeate Pumps Reclaimed Water Air Scour Other Ju l-0 6 -0 6 A pr 6 Ja n0 5 ct -0 O Ju l -0 5 5 A pr -0 5 Ja n0 4 O ct -0 Ju l-0 4 -0 4 A pr Ja n0 4 0 Aeration Air Blowers Figure 8.18 Monthly specific energy consumption at the AWC WWTP. The specific EC, broken down according to equipment type, over the study period is shown in Figure 8.18. Conversely to the data presented in Figure 8.17, the trend evidenced in Figure 8.18 shows a general decrease in specific EC over the study period. These results suggest that while the volume of wastewater being treated by the plant increased the associated processes operated more efficiently. This in turn, resulted in a reduction in the energy required to produce a unit volume of treated water. These findings support the notion that pumps operate more efficiently as they approach their full capacity. From Figure 8.18, the air scour blowers account for 30 to 47 percent of the total specific EC, while the permeate pumps account for only 3 to 4 percent of the total specific EC. The MLR pumps account for 7 to 9 percent of the total specific EC. The reclaimed water pumps that discharge non-potable reuse water from the treatment plant out to the Anthem community account for 23 to 42 percent of the total specific EC. As with the total EC data, the air scour blowers used the greatest amount of energy for producing a unit volume of treated water and exhibited the greatest variability. Variability in the specific EC for the remaining equipment was similar. In the following discussion the monthly EC and the specific EC data are reported for the total treatment system. Here, the treatment system refers to the following equipment: influent pump station, MLR pumps, membrane permeate pumps, air scour pumps/blowers, aeration pumps/blowers, and the reclaimed water pumps. Power consumption by smaller support systems such as mechanical mixers, headworks equipment, grit pumps, WAS pumps, air compressors, and the CIP pumps are also accounted for here. The volume of treated effluent per month and the monthly average EC at the AWC WWTP are reported in Figure 8.19. These two variables are also plotted as a function of one another in Figure 8.20. From Figures 8.19 and 8.20 it appears that EC is generally correlated 176 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED with the volume of wastewater treated per month. In other words, as the volume of wastewater being treated increases so does EC. However, there are instances (see August 2004) where there is a substantial spike in EC which does not correspond to spikes in the effluent volume at the WWTP. This anomaly hints at the probable importance of non-process related equipment in determining the WWTP power consumption. Additionally, the slope characterizing the rise in effluent volume is higher compared to that for the corresponding rise in EC. This suggests that plant is operating at a higher efficiency as the volume of wastewater being treated increases. 180,000 60 Energy Consumption Effluent Volume Effluent Volume (MG/month) 140,000 120,000 40 100,000 30 80,000 60,000 20 40,000 10 Energy Consumption (kWh/month) 160,000 50 20,000 0 Ja n0 M 4 ar -0 M 4 ay -0 4 Ju l-0 4 Se p0 N 4 ov -0 4 Ja n0 M 5 ar -0 M 5 ay -0 5 Ju l-0 5 Se p0 N 5 ov -0 5 Ja n0 M 6 ar -0 M 6 ay -0 6 Ju l-0 6 0 Figure 8.19 Monthly effluent flowrate and total treatment system energy consumption for the AWC WWTP. 177 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 200,000 Energy Consumption (kWh/month) 180,000 160,000 140,000 R2 = 0.43 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Average Effluent Volume (MG/month) Figure 8.20 Energy consumption by the treatment system as a function of the volume of treated effluent at the AWC WWTP. Specific EC is plotted as a function of the average monthly flowrate to the plant in Figure 8.21. The R2 correlation in Figure 8.21 is only 0.59 because the largest set of process equipment operates at a constant output regardless of the flow through the plant. In other words, as the total volume of treated wastewater increased the specific EC decreased. This trend indicates that as flow rate increases, some components are operating further along their respective pump curves with increasing mechanical efficiencies. 178 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 6.0 5.0 R2 = 0.59 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Effluent Volume (MG/month) Figure 8.21 Specific energy consumption for the treatment system as a function of the total volume of wastewater treated per month. A summary analysis of the relationship between the specific energy consumed by the principal equipment systems and the volume of wastewater treated per month is given in Table 8.6. For each system the specific energy decreased (as indicated by a negative slope) with increasing volumetric flowrate. One exception to this trend was the air scour system, which had a slightly positive slope. However, the magnitude of the slope in this case, and the lack of a good correlation (R2 < 0.5) suggests that the specific energy consumed by the air scour system is independent of the volumetric flowrate. The greatest increase in efficiency (i.e., decrease in specific EC) was observed for the reuse water pumps, suggesting that they were operating the farthest below their optimal capacity. The strongest correlation between specific EC and volumetric flowrate was for the influent and reuse water pumps (R2 = 0.66). For all other systems the correlation was weak to non-existent (e.g., as that measured for the air scour system). The lack of a correlation for the air scour system is likely due to the fact that operation of this system is not dictated by the system flowrate as is the case for the influent and reuse water pumps. Therefore, operating these two pumping systems at higher flowrates (the influent and reuse water pumps) should result in increased system energy efficiency. 179 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 8.6 Summary of the relationship between the specific energy required for various process equipment and the total system monthly effluent volume Process Influent Pump(s) Permeate Pump(s) Aeration Air Scour MLR Pump(s) Reuse Pump(s) Slope* (kWh/kgal)/(MG/month) -0.005 -0.002 -0.006 0.001 -0.001 -0.040 R2 0.66 0.33 0.31 0.001 0.03 0.66 *A negative slope indicates that the specific energy is decreasing with increasing effluent volume. The R2 value is an indicator of the linearity of the correlation between the two variables (R2 = 1.0 is indicative of a perfectly linear relationship Impact of BOD5 – Figure 8.22 shows the specific EC by the treatment system as a function of the average influent BOD5 concentration for the months of operation following January 2004. Additionally, the average monthly power consumption by the aeration blowers is reported on the secondary y-axis. The average influent BOD5 concentration ranged from 186 mg/L to 484 mg/L over the 31-month study period. Intuitively, the EC by the aeration system specifically should be a function of the influent BOD5 concentration, since higher BOD5 concentrations should require greater aeration rates by the blowers. However, the data presented for the AWC WWTP show that there is no such correlation. The lack of correlation may the result of the time scale analyzed used, i.e., monthly BOD5 averages and energy summations are hiding correlations on a daily basis. No correlation could be found between BOD5 concentration and the energy consumed by other process equipment (air scour, permeate pumps, and MLR pump). This suggests that over the BOD5 concentration range observed, it does not significantly affect the overall energy efficiency of the WWTP. Impact of Total Suspended Solids – Generally, as TSS concentration increases, membranes are fouled at a faster rate, which in turn requires greater vacuum filtration for a given volume of permeate. However, such a relationship would not be appropriate for MBR systems since solids concentrations are deliberately maintained at a high concentration using a controlled MLR flowrate. As a result, TSS variability in the influent would have little to no impact with specific EC. Figure 8.23 confirms that the specific EC for the treatment system has no correlation with the average monthly influent TSS concentration. 180 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8,000 6 R2 = 0.15 6,000 4 R2 = 0.11 3 4,000 2 2,000 1 Aerator Energy Consumption (kWh/month) Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 5 Specific Energy Aerator Energy 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 550 Average Influent BOD5 (mg/L) Figure 8.22 Specific energy consumption plotted as a function of the average monthly raw water influent BOD5 concentration. Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 6 5 4 R2 = 0.02 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Influent TSS (mg/L) Figure 8.23 Specific energy consumption by the treatment system as a function of the monthly average influent TSS concentration. 181 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Potential Energy Conservation Improvements There are several changes that can be implemented that may result in reduced EC at the AWC WWTP. The air scour blowers are the most energy intensive equipment at the Anthem WWTP with an average specific energy requirement of 1.46 kWh/kgal. The reclaimed water pumps are the second most energy intensive, with an average specific energy requirement of 1.22 kWh/kgal. Combining the aeration systems (aeration and air scour) into one single system may result in increased energy efficiency and reduce costs associated with redundant equipment (air compressors, etc). However, this will also increases costs associated with drying the air stream (dessicator regeneration). The strongest correlation between specific EC and influent volumetric flowrate was for the water reuse pump and the influent pump station (R2 = 0.66). The efficiency of the water reuse pumps increased more substantially with increasing flowrate than for any other system. Operating these two pump systems at or near their respective capacities will result in the greatest improvement in the energy efficiency of the overall system. The membrane permeate pumps require the least amount of energy (3 to 4 percent of the total) and have a specific energy requirement of 0.14 kWh/kgal, which is just below that for the influent pump station (0.15 kWh/kgal). Considering the air scour and permeate pumps then the MBR system accounts for about one half of the total EC at the AWC WWTP. The greatest portion (> 90 percent) of the MBR EC was dedicated to cleaning purposes only (i.e., air scour). Reducing scouring rate and/or frequency would therefore reduce the energy requirements of the MBR system. To optimize system efficiency it would be beneficial to determine the optimal balance between the permeate draw (related to membrane fouling and thus the air scour) and the scouring rate/frequency. CONSIDERATIONS FOR EC OPTIMIZATION OF MBR SYSTEMS Factors Affecting EC of MBR Systems On average, air scour blowers account for roughly 40 percent of the total specific EC at MBR treatment plants. The permeate pumps and aeration blowers account for substantially less EC, at about 3 and 5 percent, respectively of the total specific EC. Operation and design of the air scour system is most likely to affect the overall EC by the MBR system outside of operating associated pumping systems at their most efficient point on their respective pump curves. Overall, specific EC by the total MBR plant decreased with increasing water production rate in a somewhat linear fashion (R2 = 0.57) (Figure 8.24). This improvement in specific EC with increasing effluent flowrate is attributed to more efficient operation of pumping systems, such as raw water pumps and reclaimed water pumps (at Anthem). The specific energy consumed by the permeate pumps does not change substantially with increasing production rates. 182 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 8 7 R2 = 0.57 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Effluent Flowrate (MG/Month) Figure 8.24 Specific energy consumption for the total MBR systems at the Anthem and Pooler WWTPs as a function of the effluent flowrate. The data is fit using a linear function. Specific EC by the permeate pumps was found to be dependent on membrane pore size (Figure 8.25). For example, specific EC by the permeate pumps was approximately one order of magnitude higher at the AWC WWTP compared to that measured for the Pooler plant, which used membranes having a smaller mean pore size (0.035 μm compared to 0.1 μm). The differences in specific EC cannot be attributed to more efficient pump operation with increased flowrates as the two parameters were found to be independent of each other. While membrane selection, and the pore size thereof, is based on a number of design requirements consideration of its impact on the EC and efficiency of the MBR system is obvious. However, EC by the permeate pumps accounts for a small fraction (~3 percent) of the total energy required by the MBR system. Thus, the costs and benefits of membrane replacement must be carefully weighed. 183 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Permeate Pump Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 0.20 Membrane Pore Size 0.035 μm 0.15 0.10 Membrane Pore Size 0.1 μm 0.05 0.00 Avg Anthem Avg Pooler Figure 8.25 Average specific energy consumption by the permeate pumps at the Anthem and Pooler WWTPs. The error bars represent the standard deviation of the reported averages. The mean pore size of the UF membranes used at the respective facilities is reported in the plots for reference. Considering data from the two WWTPs studied here (Figure 8.26a and b), the MBR specific EC was relatively independent of the raw water quality (TSS and BOD5) owing to the relative independence of the air scour and aeration EC from these two parameters. In other words, the air scour did not consume more energy despite increases in fouling conditions (i.e., higher TSS concentrations). The independence of the air scour system from the influent TSS concentration is attributed to the fact that the air scour is set by the TSS concentration in the reactor itself, which remains relatively stable during MBR operation. Similarly, EC by the aeration system did not increase despite increased influent BOD5 levels. As with TSS, this is attributed to the fact that the aeration requirements are rather stable as the BOD5 within the reactor changes very little during operation. While these relationships are not suggested to be without limit it may be possible at either of these facilities to optimize either of the air scour and/or aeration system while maintaining current performance standards. 184 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Influent TSS (mg/L) Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Influent BOD5 (mg/L) Figure 8.26 Specific energy consumption for the MBR systems at the Anthem and Pooler WWTPs as a function of the influent a) TSS concentration and b) the BOD5 levels. 185 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Considerations for EC Optimization of MBR Systems The energy efficiency of MBR systems may be optimized primarily through efforts focusing on the air scour system and secondarily on the feed pressure. The air scour system is the most energy intensive part of the MBR. Therefore, optimization of its application should result in the most dramatic energy savings. Efforts should focus on minimizing the frequency of the air scour and also possibly combing certain operating systems with the aeration units. Minimizing air scour frequency may be realized through the application of more fouling resistant membranes, allowing the MBR to work at slightly higher operating pressures (as permeate pumps consume less energy), implement cyclic air scour, and allowing single air scour blowers to treat multiple membrane trains. Utilizing membranes with larger pore sizes, and thus lower feed pressure requirements, should result in lower specific energy requirements by the vacuum pump. The larger pore size will allow the membrane to operate at lower feed pressures while obtaining higher permeate fluxes and thus the lower specific energy requirements. 186 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER 9 ELECTRODIALYSIS REVERSAL Chapter 9 focuses on the EC of an EDR treatment system used for producing drinking water treatment. This chapter includes an overview of the process and description of major components that typically require the greatest energy usage. The Sarasota County (Florida) T. Marbury Carlton, Jr. WTP is analyzed as the case study for analyzing the EC of this ATT. This case study includes a description of the EDR system, analysis of EC, and identification of potential optimization opportunities. A summary of the EC analysis based on this case study is included at the end of the chapter. PROCESS DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW EDR is an alternative ATT to RO for treating high TDS source waters (up to 5,000 mg/L). The fundamental difference between the ATTs, is that RO uses high feed water pressures as the force to desalinate water while EDR uses electricity. The fundamental unit of an EDR system is the membrane stack, which is analogous to an RO membrane element. The membrane stack is a vertical multi-compartment tank filled with alternating plates of cationic and anionic membranes. Water flows between the membrane plates. The electrodes located at each end of the membrane stack supply a DC voltage across each electrical stage of the stack. When electrified, cations (i.e. sodium and calcium) in the water move towards the cathode and anions (i.e. chloride, sulfate, nitrate) move towards the anode. The cationic membranes allow the positively charged ions to pass through to the anode and the concentrate stream and reject the negatively charged ions; the opposite scenario holds true for the anionic membranes (Figure 9.1). C = Cation Permeable Membrane A = Anion Permeable Membrane Feed Water In A C To Negative Pole of Electrical Supply A C A C Na+ Na+ Na+ Cl- Cl- Cl- To Positive Pole of Electrical Supply Anode Cathode Na+ Na+ Cl- Cl- Concentrated Brine Water Fresh Product Water Figure 9.1 General layout of an EDR membrane stack. 187 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED With each plate, a fraction of all the ions are removed from the feed water, creating a demineralized product water and a concentrated wastewater stream. Approximately 50 percent of the feed TDS is removed in a stack. EDR systems stage several stacks in series, in order to achieve higher TDS removals. Generally, a single feed pump provides all the pressure to push the water through a single series of stacks. Concentrate is removed from each stack through an adjustable waste valve, similar to the reject flow control valve on RO systems. As with RO systems, scale formation is controlled on the membranes with the addition of antiscalant to the feed water. Additionally, for EDR systems antiscalant is commonly added to the concentrate stream as it must be recycled through the membrane stacks. The DC voltage polarity is reversed two to four times per hour to further minimize mineral scaling on the membranes. The other similarity to RO systems is that the EDR permeate is sent through a degasifier as a final treatment step. Unlike RO degasifiers, which strip dissolved carbon dioxide from permeate, an EDR degasifier is used to remove the gasses formed by the water contacting the electrified membranes, such as oxygen and hydrogen (from water disassociation), and chlorine (formed by oxidizing chloride anions). MAJOR EC COMPONENTS The primary power demand in EDR systems are the rectifiers used to electrify the electrodes within the membrane stacks and the feed pumps required to circulate the feed water, concentrate stream, and product water through the membrane stacks. The amount of salt removed by an EDR system corresponds to the extent of polarization in the stacks. As a result, the EC by the EDR system is directly proportional to the desired TDS reduction sought by the system. Secondary power demands are chemical pumps used to adjust water pH prior to or after the EDR system, antiscalants chemical feed pumps used to control membrane fouling, and the degasifier used to remove formed catalytic gasses from the permeate. DESCRIPTIONS AND FINDINGS FROM CASE STUDIES Sarasota County, Florida T. Marbury Carlton, Jr. WTP System Description The Carlton WTP was constructed in 1994 to treat brackish groundwater from an aquifer 400 to 700 feet below the ground. The EDR system is used to desalinate the water for drinking water purposes. The plant has a rated capacity of 12 mgd, making it the world’s largest EDR facility, with a peak capacity of 14 mgd. A process schematic of the Carlton WTP is provided in Figure 9.2. The plant draws groundwater from 16 production wells. A degasifier is used to remove dissolved hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide from the groundwater as it enters the plant. Afterwards, the water goes to a sedimentation basin for sand and grit removal prior to the dual media pressure filters. Further filtration is carried out using 10-μm cartridge prefilters prior to the EDR system. 188 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Wellfield HCl 5 MG Storage Tank Degasifier Distribution System NaOH Chlorine Contact Wash Water Tank HCl Settling Basin Chlorine EDR Stacks Deep Well Storage Tank AntiScalant High Service Pumps Prefilter Dual-Media Filters Basin Figure 9.2 Sarasota County, Florida Carlton WTP process schematic. The EDR process at the Carlton WTP consists for 10 separate parallel units (Figure 9.3). Each unit has eight parallel lines, each composed of four membrane stacks. Therefore, each EDR unit has a total of 32 membrane stacks (8 lines × 4 stacks/line). With 10 EDR units running in parallel, there are a total of 320 membrane stacks in operation. The designed overall water recovery for the EDR system is 85 percent. 189 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Line 1 Line 2 UNIT 1 Line 3 Line 4 Qin Line 7 Line 8 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 10 Figure 9.3 Schematic of the EDR stack configuration at the Carlton WTP. A chemical enhanced backwash is regularly used to clean the EDR electrodes. In addition, a centralized CIP system is used to remove mineral scale and other foulants that accumulate within the EDR stacks and on the membranes. The CIP system is semi-automated and is performed on one unit at a time. The unit to be cleaned is taken off line, while the other EDR units continue with normal operation. A centralized antiscalant system is also used to retard scale accumulation on the membranes using hydrochloric acid. The product water is chlorinated and is pH adjusted for distribution system corrosion control. The finished water is pumped into the distribution system using two high service pumps, one 2 mgd and one 9 mgd. The EDR reject water is disposed of via deep well injection. To maximize water efficiency, a portion of the reject stream is re-circulated to the front of the EDR system for retreatment. Historical data for the raw and finished water TDS and turbidity is shown in Figure 9.4a and b, respectively. The raw water TDS is approximately 1,900 mg/L, while the EDR permeate TDS is approximately 800 mg/L. The finished water turbidity was generally <0.5 NTU. 190 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2500 Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L) 2000 1500 1000 500 Raw Water Product Water 0 24-Jun-06 8-Jul-06 22-Jul-06 5-Aug-06 19-Aug-06 2.5 Raw Water Product Water Turbidity (NTU) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 24-Jun-06 08-Jul-06 22-Jul-06 05-Aug-06 19-Aug-06 Figure 9.4 Historical raw and finished water a) TDS and b) turbidity for the Carlton WTP. 191 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Power Supply Florida Power & Light (FP&L) provides the power to the Carlton WTP through a single watt-hour meter. Power within the plant is distributed through three motor control centers (MCCs). Power to the EDR system is routed from one of the MCCs to one of 20 rectifiers. There are two rectifiers for each EDR unit, each powering four of the eight lines of the membrane stacks for an EDR unit. One of the rectifiers for each EDR unit is equipped with an output monitor. The power demand and energy consumption for the EDR unit are displayed on the output monitor, but the data is not recorded by the plant SCADA system or by the plant staff. The plant SCADA system is not configured to record any power or energy data for the treatment plant equipment. Energy Consumption Given the plant SCADA configuration, plant energy data used for this analysis was taken from FP&L energy bills for the Carlton WTP for the period from May 2005 to April 2007. However, finished water production data was only available for January through March 2007. Figure 9.5 shows that the monthly average daily EC ranged from a maximum of 36,980 kWh/day in May 2006 to a minimum of 22,675 kWh/day in September 2005. The average EC over this time period was 28,249 kWh/day. Daily EC tended to be highest during winter and spring months, and lower during summer months. Energy Consumption (kWh/day) 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Feb-05 May-05 Sep-05 Dec-05 Mar-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 Jan-07 Apr-07 Aug-07 Figure 9.5 Monthly average daily energy consumption for the Carlton WTP. The energy consumption is for the entire treatment plant and all associated processes. 192 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Energy and water quality data during three months of plant operation is summarized in Table 9.1. The average finished water flowrate was 6.83 mgd from January to March 2007. The feed water recovery was between 75 and 78 percent for this period, which is below the design recovery of 85 percent. TDS removal was approximately 55 percent for each of the three months. Specific EC did not follow a clear trend with either finished water flowrate or influent TDS concentration. The data suggests that there may be an inverse correlation between specific EC with the finished water flowrate. Based on the results shown for the previous ATTs in the report, higher production rates corresponded to lower ECs for two reasons: 1. Pumps were operating closer to their design optimum efficiency points on their respective pump curves, and 2. The fraction of fixed energy consumption, such as building HVAC, constant speed mixers, air compressors, becomes smaller to the overall facility specific EC. Additional analysis is warranted to bring more definition to this potential correlation. Interestingly, there was no large change in specific EC between the first two months when the feed water TDS was approximately 1,700 mg/L and in March when TDS concentrations decreased by 35 percent, though the water recovery rate was relatively constant. Again, further analysis is suggested to determine if the March data is anomalous or if there is little to no correlation between specific EC and TDS. Table 9.1 Summary of water treatment system performance and specific energy consumption for all equipment at the Carlton WTP Month Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Average Feed Water Q (mgd) 8.8 8.6 9.4 8.9 Finished Water Q (mgd) 6.57 6.55 7.36 6.83 Feed Water TDS (mg/L) 1,732 1,759 1,128 1,540 Monthly Average Daily EC (kWh/month) 895,600 836,400 980,800 904,267 Specific Energy Consumption (kWh/kgal) 4.26 4.41 4.20 4.29 Potential Energy Conservation Improvements Given the data used in this analysis, there is little opportunity to identify energy conservation areas specific to the EDR system. However, an associated area of improvement for the entire facility would be to further analyze the potential to increase the current operating water recovery of 75 – 78 percent to the 85 percent design recovery. This increase should result in requiring less groundwater to be pumped through the plant to provide the same given volume of finished water. As shown in Table 9.2, increasing the recovery to 85 percent to meet a hypothetical demand of 7.5 mgd would result in the need to pump 1.2 mgd less groundwater to the plant and 1.2 mgd reject brine from the plant into the deep well for disposal. To phrase it differently, the cost of operating at a lower water recovery is to pump untreated groundwater out of the ground, through the treatment plant, and back into the ground as brine. An additional analysis would be required to determine the precise balance between increased EDR EC due to the higher recovery versus the decreased pumping EC for groundwater and reject brine. 193 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 9.2 Potential Reduction in Pumping Associated with Increased Water Recovery Water Recovery 75% 85% Difference Finished Water Q (mgd) 7.5 7.5 0 Required Groundwater Q (mgd) 10.0 8.8 1.2 Reject Brine Q (mgd) 2.5 1.3 1.2 Another area that could be potentially studied is to have the operating water recovery vary as a function of the feed water TDS. In the case of the Carlton WTP, the water recovery could potentially exceed 85 percent during the periods when the feed water TDS decreases, as it did in March 2007. CONSIDERATIONS FOR EC OPTIMIZATION OF EDR SYSTEMS Factors Affecting EC of EDR Systems Specific EC at the Carlton WTP did not correlate with any operational parameters for the duration provided. The data suggests that energy efficiency may improve somewhat with increasing influent flowrate. Additional analysis would be required to establish better comparisons between EC with operational or water chemistry parameters. Considerations for EC Optimization of EDR Systems Operating the EDR system at or as close to the design water recovery has the potential to significantly reduce the overall facility EC since less water needs to be pumped to and from the facility. Aside from this one consideration, additional analysis of the Carlton WTP and other EDR systems would be required to identify more areas where EC could be optimized. 194 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER 10 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR EC ANALYSES AND OPTIMIZATION Optimizing the EC of a water or wastewater treatment plant is one the easiest ways to reduce the operating costs of such facilities. This section outlines some general guidelines for performing such optimization studies. The steps and procedures discussed here are based on work performed previously by Reardon (1994). A flowchart showing the general process for conducting and implementing the results from an energy analysis at a water or wastewater treatment system is given in Figure 10.1. Obtain Detailed Knowledge of System Conduct Inventory, Determine Distribution of Power Benchmark to Similar Facilities if Possible Electric Utility Info Determine Pump/Equipment Efficiencies (% or kWh/mg) Quantify Promising ECMs Detailed Process Analysis Develop Implementation Program Create ECMs Implement Figure 10.1 General procedure for planning and performing an EC analysis at water and wastewater treatment plants. Each of the steps shown in the Figure 10.1 are discussed in the following sections. Step 1: Obtain detailed knowledge of the treatment system - Information needs to be collected on the types of processes and equipment being used at the treatment plant. In addition, the power demand and energy consumption data for the large (greater than 5 HP) equipment that is used often will need to collected. To compare the energy analysis with treatment plant performance, relevant water quality and quantity data from the same period as the power/energy data should also be collected. The type of data to be collected will generally vary according to the types of processes being employed (e.g., RO versus ozonation). The general information that should be collected during this step are listed in Table 10.1. Table 10.2 is the data that should be collected for specific ATTs. 195 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 10.1 General list of data required for EC optimization Operational Data Water Quality Data • • • Historical EC monitoring data for the process equipment (one year minimum, preferably daily, monthly power bill acceptable) Daily/hourly/weekly/ monthly hours of operation • Historical raw and finished water quality/quantity data for the process equipment (one year minimum, preferably daily) • • • • Other Manufacturer’s pump curves and motor efficiencies. SCADA energy/power data logging capabilities Treatment plant electrical utility rate schedule Plant process flow diagram Plant equipment design and operating criteria Table 10.2 List of data required for EC optimization for specific ATTs Technology Ozone Operational Data Daily oxygen consumption (lb/day) Daily production rates (lb/day) UV Average lamp age Microfiltration/ ultra-filtration Average membrane age and condition Flowrate and pressure for feed (if pressure-driven) or permeate (if vacuumdriven). Transmembrane pressure Blower use and discharge flowrate and pressure Backwash schedule and setpoints CIP frequency Time since last CIP Feed chemical type and dosage (if any) Average membrane age and condition Flowrate and pressure for permeate Transmembrane pressure Blower use and discharge flowrate and pressure Backwash schedule and setpoints CIP frequency Time since last CIP Membrane Bioreactor Water Quality Data Total organic carbon MIB/geosmin feed and treated concentrations (if used for T&O control) Virus, Giardia inactivation rates Output dosage (mJ/cm2) Water transmissivity Feed and permeate turbidity Feed temperature Feed and permeate turbidity Feed temperature Feed TSS Feed and permeate BOD5 (Continued) 196 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 10.2 (Continued) Technology Reverse Osmosis Electrodialysis removal Operational Data Average membrane age Bypass rate (if any) Flowrate and pressure for feed, permeate, and concentrate streams. Antiscalant use (type and dosage) (if used) CIP frequency Time since last CIP Average membrane age Bypass rate (if any) Flowrate and pressure for feed, permeate, and concentrate streams. Antiscalant use (type and dosage) (if used) Cell voltage, amperage Polarity reversal frequency CIP frequency Time since last CIP Water Quality Data Feed, permeate, and concentrate TDS. Blended water TDS if bypass is used. Feed pH Feed temperature Feed, permeate, and concentrate TDS. Blended water TDS if bypass is used. Feed pH Feed temperature Step 2: Conduct an inventory of the energy consuming equipment and power distribution - It is necessary to log what equipment and processes consume energy and if it is possible to determine how much energy is being consumed by each. This step may entail installing new meters or performing calculations based on known operating variables and manufacture’s data. An example electrical equipment inventory sheet is provided in Table 10.3 (Reardon and Culp, 1987a). Table 10.3 Example electrical equipment inventory sheet (Source Reardon and Culp, 1987a). Example values are shown in the table for illustrative purposes only Process Equipment HP Motor Nameplate Data Full Speed Volts Load Phases rpm Amps CAP Pump Station CAP Water 300 460 Pump Raw Water Pump Station Raw Water 50 230 Pump 1 Membrane System Permeate 60 230 Pump 3 200 Reject Pump Field Measurements1 Amps Volts kW Power Factor hrs /yr kW /yr 480 1800 3 385 400 58 0.95 7.8 452 75 800 3 63 200 77 0.87 8.0 616 85 800 3 78 200 35 0.86 8.0 280 10 250 3 6 180 42 0.80 8.0 336 1 – The values for hrs/yr and kW/yr are in thousands (value = x 1,000) 197 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Equipment that has been determined to consume measurable quantities of energy at all water and wastewater treatment plants include the raw water pumps, finished water pumps, and aeration equipment. These three equipment categories should therefore be inventoried at all treatment plants. Conversely, some equipment is specific to the types of treatment processes that are being used at a given facility and must therefore not always be inventoried. Examples of equipment that is specific to several varieties of treatment processes are listed in Table 10.4. Table 10.4 Examples of equipment that should be inventoried for specific treatment processes Treatment System Equipment to be Inventoried Feed or permeate pumps Microfiltration/ultrafiltration Backwash blower Permeate pumps Membrane bioreactors Air scour blowers Recycle pumps Rectifier Electrodialysis reversal Feed pump Degasifier blower Booster pump Reverse osmosis Degasifier blower (if present) Support equipment (dessicator, cooling water pump, etc) Feed gas system (LOX, ambient air, VSPA) Ozonation UV disinfection Ballast Step 3: Benchmark results to similar facilities - Benchmarking provides for a baseline comparison between two utilities that employ similar treatment systems and operate under comparable water quality conditions. Through benchmarking, it is possible to determine the energy efficiency of the treatment plant relative to other systems. The principle benchmark for comparison purposes is specific energy consumption, due to the overriding importance of finished water production rate in determining energy consumption at water and wastewater treatment plants. For ease of comparison, specific energy should be calculated in terms of kilowatt hours per thousand gallons of water treated (kWh/kgal). This will aid in comparing to both historical and future EC studies. It is important to ensure that the analogous systems are using similar treatment processes and are operating under similar influent and effluent water quality parameters. Water quality and operational benchmarks that are used to specifically compare two treatment systems that are employing the same type of primary treatment processes are outlined in Table 10.5. Examples of general benchmarks, which may be used to compare treatment systems of any type include: 198 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • • • Finished water production rate Specific energy consumption Raw and finished water qualities Table 10.5 Performance benchmarks specific to various treatment systems Treatment System Microfiltration/ ultrafiltration Water Quality Benchmark Turbidity Temperature Membrane bioreactor Total suspended solids Temperature Turbidity Reverse osmosis Feed, permeate TDS Electrodialysis reversal Feed, permeate TDS Ozonation Total organic carbon Temperature Giardia, virus inactivation MIB/geosmin (if used for taste and odor removal) UV dosage Transmissivity UV disinfection Operational Benchmark System configuration CIP frequency Specific EC Flowrate Membrane age System configuration CIP frequency Specific EC Flowrate Membrane age System configuration Specific EC Feed pressure Bypass rate Membrane age System configuration Specific EC Feed pressure Bypass rate Membrane age System configuration Ozone dose Specific EC System configuration Specific EC Step 4: Determine the energy efficiencies of pumps, blowers, and other process related equipment - The efficiencies of all pumps and blowers that are determined to be substantial consumers of energy should be determined based on their respective pump curves. The operating efficiency will be based on the pump and blower operating data (flowrate and pressure) collected in Step 1. Pump and blower efficiencies are generally determined using the pump or blower curve for that equipment and the measured pump performance. Pump curves are supplied by the manufacturer. Alternatively, the overall wire-to-water efficiency may be determined using Equation 10. 1. 199 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED η pump = QH 3960hp (10.1) where ηpump = pump efficiency, % Q = fluid flowrate, gpm H = differential head across the pump, ft hp = horsepower The efficiency of process related equipment should focus on how the equipment is operating respective to its design parameters, such as volume of water treated, dosing rates (e.g., ozone), and product production (e.g., ozone, oxygen). This is important as over design is commonly cited as a principle reason for inefficient equipment operation. For equipment other than pumps, such as EDR rectifiers and UV ballasts, the energy efficiency would be determined by dividing the energy consumption data shown on the local PLC or recorded in the SCADA with the measured treated water flowrate. As mention earlier in this section, the final value should be in a standardized unit, such as kWh/kgal treated, for easy comparison with other data. Step 5: Prepare a detailed process analysis - A detailed analysis examining the water quality, operating parameters, and EC is prepared. This analysis should consider all parameters that are thought to be significant determinants of the EC by the relevant treatment processes. This analysis should consider the effects of external factors on EC, such as water demand, seasonal variations, water quality effects, process requirements, and any other factor thought to be relevant. EC should be determined through inspection of all available monitoring data and through energy bill statements from the respective utility. Emphasis in the process analysis will vary according to the types of treatment systems being analyzed. Example areas of emphasis in the process analysis are outlined in Table 10.6 for different types of treatment processes. Table 10.6 Areas of emphasis to be considered for the evaluation of specific treatment processes Treatment System Emphasis Area for Process Analysis Membrane processes Booster/vacuum pump operation Membrane cleaning requirements Membrane characteristics Ozonation Comparison to design ozone dose Support system analysis UV Variation of lamp intensity 200 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Step 6: Create energy conservation measures (ECMs) - ECMs should be developed based on the analysis prepared in Step 5. ECMs are cost-effective steps or measures that may be taken in order to reduce the EC at a given treatment plant. ECMs may encompass both changes in operational strategies and process equipment. Examples of ECMs may include the following: • Installing premium efficiency motors. • Operating at or near design capacities for existing pumps. • Minimizing over design for the process related equipment. • Performing routine maintenance on pumps to ensure efficient pump operation. • Installing VFDs on pumps that experience variable flow demands. • Utilizing off-peak demand energy consumption. • Reducing or eliminating non-essential building lighting. ECMs may be developed for the plant as a whole or in the more likely scenario for an individual piece of equipment. For individual process equipment ECMs may be developed by performing a “what if scenario” by asking the following questions: • Is the process equipment needed to achieve the desired treatment result? • Can the process equipment achieve the same results at lower flow or capacity? • Can the running time be reduced for the process equipment? • Can the operation shift from on-peak to off-peak hours? • Is the process efficient at the existing loading conditions or does it need to be modified or replaced? Step 7: Quantify the potential benefits of ECMs - The potential benefits of implementing the ECMs should be considered with regards to costs associated with improvements in energy efficiency, changes in operation strategies, and those associated with purchasing and installing new equipment. Step 8: Develop an implementation program - A strategy and plan for implementing the ECMs that are deemed economically feasible. Step 9: Implement ECMs - Implementation of the ECMs deemed most feasible must be based on several factors including costs associated with the measure and training requirements. It is critical that follow-up studies be done to determine the energy savings that are realized from the ECMs that are implemented at the treatment plant. Follow-up studies will also aid in identifying future ECMs that may be needed as the conditions at the treatment plant change and as newer technologies become available. 201 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 202 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHAPTER 11 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS Table 11.1 provides a summary of the specific EC for the targeted ATTs based on case studies described in this report. Also shown for comparison are typical EC values that have been reported in the literature, as discussed previously in Chapter 2. As a general conclusion, treatment plants using ATTs are characterized by a relatively wide range of energy consumption 0.4 to 6.89 kWh/kgal. This range is similar to that reported for conventional water treatment plants which may range from 0.338 to 4.5 kWh/kgal as referenced in Arora (1998). This wide range attests to many variables that have been identified throughout this study which determine the energy consumption for the overall system. As with conventional systems, energy consumption by ATTs is not inherently high and is in fact a function of many design and operating parameters. Considering the EC specifically by those ATTs (i.e., EC by ATT related equipment only) examined in this study and comparing it to the literature values reported in Table 11.1 some similarities and discrepancies emerge. For UV disinfection and UF systems, findings from the case studies revealed EC values that were near and within the range of typical values reported in the literature. For the other targeted ATTs (ozone disinfection, RO, MBRs, and EDR), the findings from the case studies were lower than those values reported in the literature. These differences may be explained by considering two issues: (1) technological advancements in ATTs that were applied at the case studies but not incorporated in literature reports or (2) the dependence of RO performance on influent water quality. Taking for example the literature value for the EC for RO, the rather large difference is due to the fact that the case studies discussed in this report were treating brackish water. The literature value reflects the EC of RO treating seawater, for which RO is most commonly applied. The lower EC for the case studies results from the lower operating pressures required to treat brackish water, which is characterized by lower TDS compared to seawater. For the MBR case studies, the typical EC cited in the literature is for MBRs that employ tubular membranes operated in a cross-flow configuration, which is now considered to be the least efficient MBR configuration. Conversely, those MBRs studied here used submerged hollow fiber membranes and vacuum filtration. These results demonstrate how the EC of MBRs may be improved through improvements in module configuration and operation. More specific conclusions based on the case studies presented in this report are summarized as follows: • Of those ATTs studied here, UV systems have the lowest specific energy consumption on average. RO systems have the highest specific energy consumption on average out of those ATTs studied here. • The energy consumption by RO systems is directly correlated with the feed pressure requirements. Therefore, EC for RO systems will most greatly be reduced through lowering of the pressure requirements. This EC reduction can realistically be achieved through improvements in membrane characteristics (i.e., permeability). • Energy consumption by the feed pumps for RO systems can vary considerably depending on the quality (i.e., TDS) of the RO feedwater. 203 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • • • Energy consumption by UF membrane processes is largely a function of the air scour and backwash design and operation (frequency, duration). For this reason, water quality and pretreatment process selection will impact the energy consumption by UF systems. Energy consumption by ozonation systems is dictated by the EC of the feed gas systems. Ambient air-fed systems consume the most amount of energy, while LOX fed systems consume the least. However, LOX systems are more cost efficient when operated at higher ozone concentration as material costs (i.e., the cost for the LOX) decrease with increasing ozone concentration. Membrane cleaning and maintenance, in the form of air scour, consumes the largest fraction of the EC for MBR systems. Permeate pumping actually consumes the least amount of energy. Therefore, from a design and operation stand-point, EC for MBR systems will be most greatly improved through changes in membrane module design, which affects air scour efficiency, and air scour duration and frequency. Table 11.1 Comparison of case studies results and literature values for EC and strategies for optimizing energy efficiency ATT Process or Component Case Studies7 Specific Energy Consumption Comments (kWh per 1000 gal) Literature Review1 Optimizing Energy Efficiency Typical Power Use (kWh per 1000 gal) UV disinfection Mediumpressure lamp system 0.02-0.092 Specific EC is a function of flow rate (15-40 mgd) and total number of operating reactors (1-3). Operate at or near flow capacity. 0.05-0.15 Ozone disinfection LOX feed 0.02-0.053,6 0.06-0.084 Ambient air feed 0.11-0.165,6 Operate at or near design ozone concentration. 0.6 VPSA feed EC is dictated by feed gas system. 0.5-1.08 Add coag and floc prior to UF. 0.5 0.4-0.79 High TDS and add PAC prior to UF. Reconfigure re-circulating lines and other operational improvements Ultrafiltration Pumps, air scour, cleaning systems Optimizing Energy Efficiency Dose control (i.e., alter the number of lamps in use or the lamp power based on flow, water quality, or UV absorbance) • Equipment maintenance or change in operation; • Design change and system modifications • Operations (e.g., backwash frequency) • Water quality (Continued) 204 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Table 11.1 (Continued) ATT Reverse osmosis Membrane bioreactors Process or Component Feed pumps Pumps, blowers Case Studies7 Specific Energy Consumption Comments (kWh per 1000 gal) 0.5-4.810 Specific EC increases linearly with feed pressure 3.0-7.511 Literature Review1 Optimizing Energy Efficiency Pre-blending, improved pump operating efficiency, new membrane materials, and energy recovery systems. Minimize the frequency of air scour. Typical Power Use (kWh per 1000 gal) 7.6-13 Air scour 23 – 30 blowers represent approximately 40 percent of total specific EC whereas permeate pumps and aeration blowers account for 3 to 5 percent. Specific EC for permeate pumps depend on membrane pore size. ElectroElectrified 4.312 Fixed energy Although 6-13 dialysis membrane consumption insufficient Reversal plates (e.g., building data available, HVAC, mixers, improved etc.) is efficiency considered small potentially relative to EDR. could be More data achieved by would be needed operating near to determine design effects of TDS recovery. or other parameters. 1. Based on values reported in the literature review in Chapter 2 and summarized in Table 2.6. 2. Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency 3. Contra Costa Water District, California 4. Southern Nevada Water Authority 5. Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency 6. Represents EC for ATT only. 7. Based on values collected per utility case studies as described in Chapters 4 through 9. 8. Kamloops Centre for Water Quality 9. Anthem Water Campus, Arizona 10. Based on operating feed pressures at West Basin, Goldsworthy, and Seward WTPs. 11. Based on total MBR systems at the Anthem and Pooler WWTPs. 12. Average based on 3 months of production data at Sarasota County, Florida. 205 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Optimizing Energy Efficiency • • • Process design Equipment selection Feedwater temperature Design including configuration and operating pressure Design such as stack configuration. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH Based on the experience and insight gained from this endeavor the following topics are suggested for further research and study with the goal of optimizing the energy efficiency of water treatment systems: • When evaluating the EC of MBR systems it was found that the pressure requirements were lower for the system employing UF membranes having a smaller mean pore size, compared to the utility using membranes with a larger mean pore size. This finding contradicts conventional wisdom where pressure requirements should increase with decreasing pore size for MF and UF membranes. Therefore, it would be valuable to assess the roles played by other membrane characteristics, such as thickness and hydrophobicity in determining their pressure and subsequently their pumping requirements. Optimization of these parameters may result in lower energy consumption by MF and UF permeate pumps. • Air scour accounted for roughly 40 percent of the total specific energy consumption at MBR treatment plants. Significant energy savings could be realized through improvements in the design and operation of air scour systems. Research is needed to determine which factors (e.g., membrane properties and configuration) could be improved to decrease the air scour frequency and duration. Furthermore, improvements in the design of air scour systems which minimize the number of blowers needed per membrane train and maximize the effectiveness of the scour in removing accumulated solids are also needed and may be realized through further research. • Membrane biofouling is determined by both the properties of the membrane and that of the biological composition in the bioreactors that precede the MBR. Understanding how or if biofouling varies according to the characteristics of the microorganisms and their biological debris may aid in optimizing the energy consumption of air scour systems used in MBR systems. • Theory states that temperature should play a more substantial role in determining the pressure requirements for RO systems. However, it was found to play only a minor, or no role at all in the systems studied here. Instead, TDS was identified as the major water quality factor affecting EC by RO systems. Research is therefore needed to assess what ranges of temperature increases are required to significantly improve membrane flux under actual operating conditions. Once these ranges are established then an economical and energy evaluation may be instituted that examines the cost effectiveness of incorporating heating systems (e.g., solar ponds, heating elements, waste heat sources, etc) into RO systems. • Advancements are continuing in the design of membrane configurations (spiral wound versus hollow fiber) and element design. It would be valuable to determine how these design changes affect the energy efficiency of a given membrane system. An example would be investigating whether spiral wound membranes have a lower overall specific energy consumption when compared to spiral wound membrane elements. 206 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED APPENDIX A 207 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Alfred Merritt Smith Water Treatment Facility Ozone Monthly Report OZONE GENERATION SYSTEM ENERGY CONSUMPTION Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Year 2005 2005 2006 2006 Units November December January February days 30 31 31 28 lb 76,296 67,665 76,059 65,056 lb/day 2,543 2,183 2,454 2,323 MG 8,890 6,966 7,452 6,453 MGD 296 225 240 230 mg/L 1.03 1.16 1.22 1.21 mg-min-L 4.11 4.04 4.74 5.26 C 15.53 15.69 14.60 13.83 Ozone Generator Energy Consumption Generator 1 Total kWh 44,820 58,206 47,642 Generator 2 Total kWh 86,122 53,428 45,729 58,606 Generator 3 Total kWh 57,092 46,731 32,212 Generator 4 Total kWh 40,257 39,891 40,723 58,094 Generator 5 Total kWh 69,478 52,504 84,083 59,614 Total Generator Total kWh 252,949 237,373 260,955 223,957 Operating Ozone Concentration %wt 3.34 2.88 3.26 3.25 Generator kWh/lb 3.32 3.51 3.43 3.44 VPSA VPSA 1 Total kWh 200,402 98,650 205,921 84,981 VPSA 2 Total kWh 102,354 219,539 108,561 192,583 Total VPSA Total kWh 302,756 318,189 314,483 277,564 VPSA kWh/kg 3.97 4.70 4.13 4.27 Total System Energy Consumption by Two Totalizer Switchgear Measurements Switchgear 1 Total kWh 466,983 425,058 514,192 344,117 Switchgear 2 Total kWh 427,567 552,133 474,592 502,492 Total System - Switchgear kWh 894,550 977,192 988,783 846,608 Total System Energy Consumption by Components Total Generator Total kWh 252,949 237,373 260,955 223,957 Total VPSA Total kWh 302,756 318,189 314,483 277,564 Switchboard 1 MA Total kWh 39,074 61,529 37,976 54,621 Switchboard 1 MB Total kWh 178,053 172,903 197,063 149,164 Switchboard 2 MA Total kWh 51,226 113,543 105,103 76,338 Switchboard 2 MB Total kWh 49,821 54,864 55,713 47,143 Sum of Component Values kWh 873,879 958,401 971,293 828,787 Delta from Totalizer Switchgear kWh 20,671 18,791 17,490 17,821 Discrepancy % 2.3% 1.9% 1.8% 2.1% Generator Plus VPSA Generator Total kWh 252,949 237,373 260,955 223,957 VPSA Total kWh 302,756 318,189 314,483 277,564 Generator Plus VPSA Total kWh 555,706 555,562 575,437 501,521 Total System Energy Consumption Total kWh 894,550 977,192 988,783 846,608 Percent Generator +VPSA % total 62% 57% 58% 59% Generator +VPSA kWh/lb 7.28 8.21 7.57 7.71 Ozone System Unit Energy Consumption Total System Energy - Switchgear kWh 894,550 977,192 988,783 846,608 Total Ozone Production lb 76,296 67,665 76,059 65,056 Total System Specific Energy kWh/lb 11.72 14.44 13.00 13.01 Average Daily Ozone Production lb/day 2,543 2,183 2,454 2,323 Average Daily Water Flow Rate MGD 296 225 240 230 Average Daily Energy Consumption kWh/day 29,818 31,522 31,896 30,236 Unit-flow Energy Consumption kWh/MG 101 140 133 131 Parameter Days in the Month Total Ozone Production Daily Average Ozone Production Total Raw Water Flow Daily Average Water Flow Average Ozone Dose Disinfectin CT value Water Temperatue 208 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2006 March 7 15,456 2,208 1,613 230 1.15 5.65 13.91 24,090 8,214 620 2,077 17,697 52,698 3.41 3.41 64,726 64,726 4.19 102,242 91,525 193,767 52,698 64,726 2,914 45,160 12,538 11,680 189,714 4,052 2.1% 52,698 64,726 117,423 193,767 61% 7.60 193,767 15,456 12.54 2,208 230 27,681 120 ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND OZONE PRODUCTION AT THE BOLLMAN WTP MonthYear Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Wate Ozone Total System r Flow Gas Ozone Gener Destruct Ozone System Energy Total Flow Prod. Power Power Conc. SE Consu mption MG scfm lb/day kW kW %wt kWh/lb kWh/k D gal 22.4 27.8 144 33 1.0 4.34 5.71 0.037 20.9 28.1 159 25 1.0 4.74 3.94 0.030 28.2 35.3 233 38 1.2 5.42 3.99 0.033 34.4 32.4 253 42 1.1 6.53 4.09 0.030 42.7 29.9 306 57 1.1 8.54 4.52 0.032 46.7 32.8 352 66 1.2 8.96 4.61 0.035 54.2 36.8 409 79 1.3 9.26 4.71 0.035 52.1 35.0 378 72 1.2 9.02 4.63 0.034 47.8 36.0 389 74 1.2 9.02 4.63 0.038 33.0 26.3 246 44 1.0 7.74 4.42 0.033 21.0 26.2 138 22 1.0 4.43 3.92 0.026 21.7 22.6 114 18 0.9 4.22 3.92 0.021 20.7 23.8 120 19 0.9 4.17 3.93 0.023 21.6 30.1 154 24 1.1 4.27 3.91 0.028 23.7 34.2 208 33 1.2 5.09 3.94 0.035 27.6 36.3 278 46 1.3 6.37 4.10 0.041 32.1 36.1 344 61 1.3 7.93 4.35 0.047 44.6 37.4 332 58 1.3 7.36 4.26 0.032 53.8 45.7 471 87 1.5 8.57 4.52 0.040 56.2 39.2 409 76 1.3 8.69 4.55 0.033 46.7 33.9 324 58 1.2 7.97 4.38 0.030 40.2 30.6 244 41 1.1 6.67 4.13 0.025 31.5 29.3 194 31 1.1 5.50 3.98 0.024 23.1 28.4 182 29 1.0 5.36 3.97 0.031 23.1 31.6 172 25 1.1 4.54 3.59 0.027 23.3 31.1 191 28 1.1 5.11 3.70 0.030 22.0 31.2 176 26 1.1 4.71 3.74 0.030 22.9 31.4 185 28 1.1 4.93 3.75 0.030 43.3 39.6 343 57 1.3 7.24 4.10 0.032 52.6 46.2 462 73 1.5 8.30 3.88 0.034 59.8 57.3 555 87 1.8 8.19 3.83 0.036 63.3 42.1 443 77 1.4 8.76 4.25 0.030 49.4 39.4 340 53 1.3 7.15 3.87 0.027 36.8 35.3 236 36 1.2 5.60 3.78 0.024 23.7 28.0 162 24 1.0 4.81 3.73 0.025 22.0 27.0 138 20 1.0 4.24 3.68 0.023 Minimum 21 Average 36 Maximum 63 23 34 57 114 272 555 18 46 87 0.9 1.2 1.8 4.17 6.49 9.26 3.59 4.09 4.71 Energy Energy LOX Price Cost Price LOX Cost Unit Unit Mass Cost Volume Cost $/kWh $/lb $/Cft3 $/lb $/lb $/MG 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.0508 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.65 0.59 0.51 0.43 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.36 0.63 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.55 0.44 0.35 0.38 0.32 0.32 0.35 0.42 0.51 0.52 0.61 0.55 0.59 0.57 0.39 0.33 0.35 0.32 0.39 0.50 0.58 0.66 0.94 0.79 0.71 0.64 0.56 0.55 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.58 0.83 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.75 0.64 0.57 0.59 0.55 0.55 0.57 0.63 0.71 0.72 0.80 0.73 0.78 0.76 0.59 0.53 0.54 0.53 0.58 0.69 0.77 0.84 6.01 6.03 5.86 4.67 3.99 4.12 4.07 3.95 4.42 4.33 5.48 4.52 5.00 6.07 6.59 6.49 6.13 4.41 4.85 4.01 3.98 3.82 4.36 5.69 5.93 6.01 6.26 6.13 4.70 4.66 5.01 3.73 4.02 4.44 5.24 5.27 0.30 0.46 0.66 0.53 0.67 0.86 3.73 4.99 6.59 0.021 0.031 0.047 209 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 0.29 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.21 0.24 Kamloops, BC Centre For Water Quality List Of Major Electrical Equipment Treatment Equipment Raw Water Pumping Pump ID VFD? Motor Size (hp) Comment Outside of plant, not included in analysis Low Lift Pumps Chemical Feed/Flocculation Side Stream Pump P56A 25 Side Stream Pump P56B 25 Side Stream Pump P56C 25 ACH Dosing System Flocculant Mixer Flocculant Mixer Flocculant Mixer Flocculant Mixer Flocculant Mixer Flocculant Mixer Primary Membrane System Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Primary Permeate Pump Temporary Peristaltic Pump MX7005-1 MX7005-2 MX7005-3 MX7005-4 MX7005-5 MX7005-6 P35-1 P35-2 P35-3 P35-4 P35-5 P35-6 P35-7 P35-8 P35-9 P35-10 P35-11 P35-12 2 duty + 1 standby. Pump curves required to estimated energy consumption. Too small for analysis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 3 3 3 3 3 All duty, no provision to shut down individual trains during low flows. Energy consumption will be estimated without pump curves. 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 All duty, no provision to shut down individual trains during low flows. Pump curves required to estimated energy consumption. Primary Blower B85C 200 Primary Blower B85D 200 Primary Backpulse Pump P88A Yes 150 Primary Backpulse Pump P88B Yes 150 Secondary Membrane System Secondary Permeate Pump P37-1 Yes 10 Secondary Permeate Pump P37-2 Yes 10 Secondary Permeate Pump P37-3 Yes 10 Secondary Permeate Pump P37-4 Yes 10 Secondary Permeate Pump P37-5 Yes 10 Secondary Permeate Pump P37-6 Yes 10 210 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1 duty + 1 standby. Blower curves required to estimated energy consumption. Blower use fixed by warranty requirements. 1 duty + 1 standby. Pump curves required to estimated energy consumption. All duty, no provision to shut down individual trains during low flows... Pump curves required to estimated energy consumption. (Continued) Kamloops (Continued) Treatment Equipment Secondary Blower Pump ID VFD? Motor Size (hp) B84A 125 Secondary Blower B84B 125 Secondary Blower B84C 125 Secondary Backpulse Pump P89A Yes 25 Secondary Backpulse Pump P89B Yes 25 Comment 2 duty + 1 standby. Blower curves required to estimated energy consumption. Blower use fixed by warranty requirements. 1 duty + 1 standby. Blower curves required to estimated energy consumption. Ancillary Membrane Equipment Vacuum Pump P-92A 20 Vacuum Pump P-92B 20 Vacuum Pump P-92C 20 CIP Backwash Pump P-81A 7.5 CIP Backwash Pump P-81B 7.5 CIP Transfer/Drain Pump P97A 20 CIP Transfer/Drain Pump P97B 20 CIP Tank Heater H81 35kW Air Compressor AC-91A 30 Air Compressor AC-91B 30 Air Compressor AC-95 75 Air Compressor AC-95A 7.5 Air Compressor AC-95B 7.5 Chlorination System Chlorine System Rectifier TR59A 80 kVA Chlorine System Rectifier TR59B 160 kVA DAF System DAF Feed Pump DAF Feed Pump DAF Recycle Pump DAF Recycle Pump DAF Recycle Pump DAF Flocculator DAF Flocculator DAF Scraper DAF Scraper P-20A P-20B P22A P22B P22C FLC20A FLC20B SCR20A SCR20B Yes Yes 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 211 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2 duty + 1 standby. Intermittent use, estimate energy use based on 4 hours of operation per day. 1 duty + 1 standby. Use too infrequent to include in analysis. 1 duty + 1 standby. Use too infrequent to include in analysis. Use too infrequent to include in analysis. 1 duty + 1 standby. Use too infrequent to include in analysis. Use too infrequent to include in analysis. Intermittent use, estimate energy use based on 4 hours of operation per day. Intermittent use, estimate energy use based on 4 hours of operation per day. 1 duty + 1 standby. Estimate each rectifier used 2 hours per day. Intermittent use, estimate energy use based on 4 hours of operation per day. (Continued) Kamloops (Continued) Treatment Equipment DAF Bleed Tank Mixer Centrifuge Centrifuge Balance Tank Mixer Centrifuge Feed Pump Centrifuge Feed Pump Centrifuge Miscellaneous Pumps Pump ID MX-20 VFD? Yes MX-21 P21A P21B CF21 Motor Size (hp) 2 3 2 2 Sewage/Sump Pump 10 Sewage/Sump Pump 10 Irrigation Pump #1 Irrigation Pump #2 P23A P23B Yes Yes 100 100 212 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Comment The centrifuge system has not been used yet. 1 duty + 1 standby. Intermittent use, estimate energy use based on 4 hours of operation per day during the summer and 12 hours of use during winter. The irrigation system has not been used yet West Basin Plant List of Major Electrical Equipment ID1 Treatment Equipment 1 MF Feed 2 3 4 5 6 Sodium hypochlorite pump MF CIP cleaning pump3 MF CIP immersion heater3 Compressed air system5 RO transfer pump Pump Type Capacity (gpm) TDH (psi) Motor Size (hp) Split case 3,529 28 200 Hydraulic diaphragm 0.18 60 0.5 Centrifugal 1,600 26 40 n.a.4 n.a. n.a. 52 kW 233 cfm 150 60 1,870 52 75 Rotary screw compressor Vertical turbine Drive System Variable speed SCR2 w/ tach feedback Constant Speed Constant speed Constant speed Constant speed SCR w/ tach feedback SCR w/ tach feedback Variable speed Comment Two duty, one standby One duty, one standby One duty One installed Two duty, one standby Three duty, one standby 7 Acid addition pump Hydraulic diaphragm 0.12 40 0.5 8 Threshold inhibitor pump Hydraulic diaphragm 0.18 45 0.5 9 Sodium bisulfite pump 0.18 45 0.5 10 High pressure RO feed pump Hydraulic diaphragm 5-stage vertical turbine 1,800 301 75 Variable speed Two duty Centrifugal 1,700 100 150 Constant speed One duty Forced draft 5,205 scfm n.a. 5 Vertical turbine 600 50 25 11 12 13 RO CIP cleaning pumps6 Decarbonator blower Product transfer pump Notes: 1. ID refers to equipment label on Error! Reference source not found.. 2. SCR = Silicon controlled rectifier 3. Used every 150 to 200 hours. 4. n.a. = not applicable. 5. Used at 20 minute intervals for each membrane backwash cycle. 6. Used every three to six months or when RO flux declines by 15%. 213 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Constant speed Variable speed One duty, one standby One duty, one standby One duty, one standby Two duty Two duty, one standby Energy Consuming Equipment for Goldsworthy Desalter Capacity (gpm) TDH (psi) Motor Size (hp) 2,200 100 200 ID1 Treatment Equipment 1 Well pump Pump Type Vertical turbine 2 Sulfuric acid pump Hydraulic diaphragm 0.18 60 0.5 SCR2 w/ tach feedback 3 Threshold inhibitor pump Hydraulic diaphragm 0.05 60 0.5 SCR w/ tach feedback High pressure RO feed pump Decarbonator motor Sodium hydroxide pump Sodium hypochlorite pump Vertical turbine 1,970 275 450 n.a.3 3,120 n.a. 7.5 Hydraulic diaphragm 0.12 40 0.5 SCR w/ tach feedback Hydraulic diaphragm 0.18 45 0.5 SCR w/ tach feedback Ammonia feed pump Hydraulic diaphragm 0.05 45 0.5 SCR w/ tach feedback Vertical turbine 1,700 101 150 Variable speed Horizontal centrifugal 1,680 60 100 Constant speed One duty n.a. n.a. n.a. 175 kW n.a. Two duty Diaphragm 0.33 60 0.5 Constant speed One duty 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Product forwarding pumps CIP recirculating pump4 Immersion heater4 Caustic dose pump Notes: 1. ID refers to equipment label on Error! Reference source not found.. 2. SCR = Silicon controlled rectifier 3. n.a. = not applicable 4. Equipment used only during membrane CIP. 214 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Drive System Constant speed Variable speed Constant speed Comment One duty One duty, one standby One duty, one standby One duty One duty One duty, one standby One duty, one standby One duty, one standby One duty, one standby Seward, Nebraska Corrosion Control Plant List Of Major Electrical Equipment Treatment Equipment Groundwater Wells Groundwater Pump Groundwater Pump Groundwater Pump Groundwater Pump Groundwater Pump Groundwater Pump Groundwater Pump Groundwater Pump Groundwater Pump Reverse Osmosis System Feed Pump for RO Train A Feed Pump for RO Train B Degasifier Degasifier Fan Ancillary Reverse Osmosis Systems Cleaning Pump Cleaning Pump Cleaning Tank Heater Chemical Feed Systems Scale Inhibitor Drum Transfer Pump Scale Inhibitor Metering Pump 1 Scale Inhibitor Metering Pump 2 Onsite Hypochlorite Generator Caustic Soda Metering Pump 1 Caustic Soda Metering Pump 2 Hypochlorite Metering Pump 1 Hypochlorite Metering Pump 2 High Service Pumping Base Demand High Service Pump High Demand High Service Pump High Demand High Service Pump Pump ID VFD? S-01 S-02 S-03 SW-01 SW-02 W-07 W-09 W-11 W-10 Motor Size (hp) Comment 40 40 30 50 50 40 40 40 40 10FP-1 10FP-2 VFD VFD 50 50 15DG-1 15 20CP-1 20CP-2 20T-1 30 30 15 kW Infrequently used. 25DTP-1 25MP-1 25MP-2 <5 <5 <5 Motor too small for analysis. 35MP-1 35MP-2 45MP-1 45MP-2 <5 <5 <5 <5 PP-1 PP-2 PP-3 100 200 200 215 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No data available. Motor too small for analysis. Motor too small for analysis. City of Pooler, Georgia Wastewater treatment plant List of Major Electrical Equipment Treatment Equipment Raw Water Pumping Pump ID VFD Motor Size (hp) Comment Outside of plant, not included in analysis Low Lift Pumps Biological Treatment Anoxic Mixer 1 MX-74A-1 4 Anoxic Mixer 2 MX-74A-2 4 Anoxic Mixer 3 MX-74B-1 4 Anoxic Mixer 4 MX-74B-2 4 Supplement Aeration Blowers 1 B-87A Yes 100 Supplement Aeration Blowers 2 B-87B Yes 100 Supplement Aeration Blowers 3 B-87C Yes 100 Primary Membrane System Membrane Air Scour Blower 1 Membrane Air Scour Blower 2 Membrane Air Scour Blower 3 Membrane Air Scour Blower 4 Membrane Air Scour Blower 5 Primary Permeate Pump 1 Primary Permeate Pump 2 Primary Permeate Pump 3 Primary Permeate Pump 4 Recirculation Pump 1 Recirculation Pump 2 Recirculation Pump 3 Recirculation Pump 4 Air Compressor 1 Air Compressor 2 B-85A B-85B B-85C B-85D B-85A P-35-1 P-35-2 P-35-3 P-35-4 P-34-1 P-34-2 P-34-3 P-34-4 AC-91A AC-91B 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 7.5 7.5 Staging Tank Recirculation Pump P-81 3 216 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Two mixer per biological train. 2 duty + 1 standby, All piped to provide aeration to both biological trains. Typically one operational. 3 duty + 2 standby, All piped to provide aeration to both membrane subtrains. All duty, one pump with each membrane tank All duty, one pump with each membrane tank. 1 duty + 1 standby Not operational during the study period. VPSA Unit Oxygen Production and Specific Energy Values Nov 2005 Parameter Units Days in the days 30 Evaluation Total Ozone lb 75,801 Production Average Ozone Lb/day 2,527 Production Average Oxygen lb/day 75,580 Production Total Raw Water MG 9,133 Flow Average Water MGD 304 Flow Average Ozone mg/L 1.03 Dose Disinfection CT mg-min/L 4.21 value Water C 15.5 Temperature Generator 1 Generator 2 Generator 3 Generator 4 Generator 5 Total Generator Ozone Concentration Generator Specific Energy VPSA 1 VPSA 2 Total VPSA VPSA Specific Energy VPSA Specific Energy Generator Plus VPSA Generator + VPSA Specific Energy Total kWh Total kWh Total kWh Total kWh Total kWh Total kWh %wt kWh/lbO3 Dec 2005 31 Jan 2006 31 Feb 2006 28 Mar 2006 31 Apr 2006 30 May 2006 31 Jun 2006 30 Jul 2006 31 Aug 2006 31 Sep 2006 24 67,756 76,781 69,221 82,412 91,597 115,410 106,900 98,896 92,819 78,872 2,186 2,477 2,472 2,658 75,900 75,874 75,977 72,417 78,831 76,239 76,141 74,260 77,081 85,216 6,975 7,523 6,891 8,129 9,147 225 243 246 262 305 388 375 350 345 375 1.16 1.22 1.21 1.22 1.20 1.15 1.14 1.10 1.07 1.05 4.02 4.71 5.21 5.67 4.44 4.03 4.05 3.77 3.63 3.46 15.7 14.6 13.8 13.6 13.1 13.2 13.5 13.9 14.0 14.1 3,053 3,723 3,563 3,190 2,994 12,027 11,251 10,858 10,696 3,286 8,999 Ozone Generator Energy Consumption Not 44,820 58,206 47,642 69,652 71,054 83,050 126,988 69,706 94,015 32,635 available 86,122 53,428 45,729 58,606 50,642 58,807 22,165 90,155 145,402 46,957 32,291 57,092 46,731 32,212 40,257 Not 51,974 68,888 44,877 46,107 88,860 57,905 55,503 available 39,891 40,723 58,094 60,099 46,483 97,375 25,473 12,504 32,012 96,057 69,478 52,504 84,083 59,614 41,546 64,367 137,671 68,976 14,084 81,524 47,807 252,949 237,373 260,955 223,957 273,912 309,599 385,139 357,699 330,555 312,413 264,293 3.34 2.88 3.26 3.25 3.67 3.87 4.88 4.68 4.30 3.88 3.86 3.34 3.50 3.40 3.24 3.32 3.38 3.34 3.35 3.34 3.37 3.35 VPSA Total 200,402 98,650 205,921 84,981 252,921 113,310 93,015 253,693 178,752 132,791 172,776 kWh Total 102,354 219,539 108,561 192,583 50,293 198,646 221,064 59,638 140,857 184,931 105,957 kWh Total 302,756 318,189 314,483 277,564 303,214 311,956 314,079 313,331 319,609 317,722 278,733 kWh kWh/lbO3 3.99 4.70 4.10 4.01 3.68 3.41 2.72 2.93 3.23 3.42 3.53 kWh/lbO2 0.134 0.135 0.134 0.130 0.135 0.132 0.133 0.137 0.139 0.133 0.136 Generator Plus VPSA Total 555,706 555,562 575,437 501,521 577,127 621,555 699,218 671,030 650,165 630,135 543,026 kWh kWh/lbO3 7.33 8.20 7.49 7.25 7.00 6.79 6.06 6.28 6.57 6.79 6.88 (Continued) 217 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED VPSA (Continued) Parameter Total Ozone Production Average Ozone Production Average Water Flow Rate Average Gen & VPSA Energy Units Nov 2005 lb 75,801 Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Ozone System Unit Energy Consumption 67,756 76,781 69,221 82,412 91,597 115,410 106,900 98,896 92,819 78,872 lb/day 2,527 2,186 2,477 2,472 2,658 3,053 3,723 3,563 3,190 2,994 3,286 MGD 304 225 243 246 262 305 388 375 350 345 375 kWh/day 18,524 17,921 18,562 17,911 18,617 20,719 22,555 22,368 20,973 20,327 22,626 218 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Arizona-American Water Company Anthem Water Campus (WTP) List of Major Electrical Equipment Equipment CAP Pump Station CAP Water Pump CAP Water Pump CAP Water Pump CAP Water Pump Air Compressor Raw Water Pump Station Raw Water Pump 1 Raw Water Pump 2 Raw Water Pump 3 Raw Water Pump 4 Membrane System Permeate Pump Permeate Pump Permeate Pump Permeate Pump Permeate Pump (Spare) Reject Pump Reject Pump Reject Pump Reject Pump Reject Pump Reject Pump Reject Pump Reject Pump Scour Air Blower Scour Air Blower Scour Air Blower Air Compressor Air Compressor Air Dryer Air Dryer Vacuum Pumps Vacuum Pumps Vacuum Pumps Vacuum Pumps Backpulse Pump Backpulse Pump CIP Pump CIP Pump Finished Water Pump Station 1 Zone 1 Pump Zone 2 Pump Zone 2 Pump (spare) VFD? I.D hp Yes Yes Yes Yes CAP1 CAP2 CAP3 CAP4 300 300 200 200 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes P-1010 P-1020 P-1030 P-1040 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes P-35-1 P-35-2 P-35-3 P-35-4 P-35-5 P-38-1A P-38-1B P-38-2A P-38-2B P-38-3A P-38-3B P-38-4A P-38-4B BWR-85-1 BWR-85-2 BWR-85-3 M-95-1 M-95-2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Power Source Load Center 50 50 40 40 MCC-1 MCC-1 SWBD-1 SWBD-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 P-92-1 P-92-2 P-92-3 P-92-4 P-88-1 P-88-2 P-35-1 P-35-2 60 60 50 50 50 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 50 50 50 15 15 15 15 3 3 3 3 30 30 15 15 MCC1-2 MCC1-2 MCC1-3 MCC1-3 MCC1-3 MCC1-1 MCC1-1 MCC1-2 MCC1-2 MCC1-3 MCC1-3 MCC1-3 MCC1-3 MCC1-2 MCC1-2 MCC1-3 MCC1-2 MCC1-2 MCC1-2 MCC1-2 MCC1-2 MCC1-2 MCC1-3 MCC1-3 SWBD-1 SWBD-1 MCC1-2 MCC1-2 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 P-1910 P-1920 P-1930 150 450 450 SWBD-1 SWBD-1 SWBD-1 SES-1 SES-1 SES-1 (Continued) 219 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Arizona American (Continued) Pump Station 2 Zone 1 Pump Zone 1 Pump Zone 2 Pump Zone 2 Pump Yes Yes Yes Yes P-1940 P-1950 P-1960 P-1970 150 150 350 350 220 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SWBD-1 SWBD-2 SWBD-1 SWBD-2 SES-1 SES-2 SES-1 SES-2 REFERENCES Arizona American Water Company. 2003. Anthem Water Campus O&M Manuals. ArizonaAmerican Water Company Internal Report. Arora, H.; M.W. LeChevallier. 1998. Energy management opportunities Journal of the American Water Works Association; Vol. 90; Issue: 2; PBD: Feb 1998. California Energy Commission. 1999. Water and wastewater technology demonstration projects. California Energy Commission. CDM, Inc. 2003. West Basin Water Recycling Facility Phase III Preliminary Design Report. West Basin Municipal Water District Internal Report. Crozes, G.; D. Hugaboom, V. Roquebert, S. Sethi. Selecting the right membrane for the right application by taking advantage of recent trends in the industry. 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Sewage treatment by a low energy membrane bioreactor Bioresource Technology Vol 90, Issue 2, November 2003, pp. 185-192 223 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 224 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS bhp °C $ kW kPa kWh/MG kWh/kgal kWh/day kWh/m3 kWh/lb O3 kWh/lb O2 ft ft3/hr gpm hp mgd mg/L mg-min/L mm μm mJ/cm2 mW-s/cm2 nm ppm psi psig scfm scfm/day scfm/hour %wt Brake horsepower Degrees Celsius US dollar Kilowatts Kilopascals Kilowatt hours per million gallons Kilowatt hours per thousand gallons Kilowatt hours per day Kilowatt hours per cubic meter Kilowatt hours per pound of ozone produced Kilowatt hours per pound of oxygen produced Feet Cubic feet per hour Gallons per minute Horsepower Million gallons per day Milligrams per liter Milligram-minute per liter Millimeter Micron Millijoules per square centimeter Milliwatts-seconds per square centimeter Nanometer Parts per million Pounds per square inch Pounds per square inch gauge Standard cubic feet per minute Standard cubic feet per minute per day Standard cubic feet per minute per hour Percent weight ADEQ AMS AOP APS ATTs AWC AwwaRF BAC BLOC BOD5 Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Alfred Merritt Smith Advanced Oxidation Process Arizona Public Services Advanced treatment technologies Anthem Water Campus Awwa Research Foundation Biologically Active Carbon Base Load Oxygen Compressor Biological oxygen demand after five days 225 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CAP CIP CLCJAWA CT DAF DBPs DC DNA DO DWEER EC ECMs EDR EPRI ERI EWQMS FEMP GAC GSE HERO LOX LPBF MBRs MCCs MDF MF MIB MLR MLSS MPN MSL NDMA NEMA NOM NPDES NPPD NYSERDA PIER PLC PSA PSU RAS RO SCADA SCE SDI Central Arizona Project Clean-in-place Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency Contact time Dissolved air flotation Disinfection by-products Direct current Deoxyribonucleic acid Dissolved oxygen Direct Work Exchange Energy Recovery Energy consumption Energy conservation measures Electrodialysis reversal Energy Power Research Institute Energy Recovery Incorporated Energy and Water Quality Management Systems Federal Energy Management Program Granular activated carbon Georgia Southern Energy High efficiency reverse osmosis Liquid oxygen Low-Pressure Boiler Feed Membrane bioreactors Master control centers Maximum daily flowrate Microfiltration 2-methylisoborneol Mixed liquor return Mixed liquor suspended solids Most Probable Number Mean sea level N-nitrodoimethylamine National Electric Manufacturers Association Natural organic matter National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System Nebraska Public Power District New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Public Interest Energy Research Programmable logic controller Pressure swing adsorption Power supply unit Return activated sludge Reverse osmosis Supervisory control and data acquisition Southern California Edison Company Silt dense index 226 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SES SES SNWA SWRO TDS TMP TSS UF US USEPA UV VFDs VPSA WAS WBWRF WRD WTP WWTP Service entrance sections Service entrance sections Southern Nevada Water Authority Seawater reverse osmosis Total dissolved solids Trans-membrane pressure Total suspended solids Ultrafiltration United States United States Environmental Protection Agency Ultraviolet Variable frequency drives Vacuum/pressure swing adsorption Waste activated sludge West Basin Water Recycling Facility Water replenishment district Water treatment plant Wastewater treatment plant 227 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 228 ©2008 AwwaRF. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 6666 West Quincy Avenue Denver, CO 80235-3098 USA P 303.347.6100 www.awwarf.org email: [email protected] Sponsors Research Develops Knowledge Promotes Collaboration 1P-2.75C-91231-12/08-NH
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