
A toothache refers to pain that occurs in the area of the teeth, jaws and gums. Toothaches may
be caused by a variety of problems such as dental cavities, exposed tooth rot, a cracked tooth,
gum diseases, and so on. Pain from a toothache can vary from mild to severe and from sharp
and sporadic pain to dull and persistent.
Toothache pain can very often be painful and this may be further aggravated by exposure to
cold or hot foods. Toothache remedies are highly sought after because they can offer significant
toothache pain relief and are particularly useful for those who cannot turn to pharmaceutical
products, as would be the case of some suffering a toothache during pregnancy
Toothache home remedies:
Are commonly sought after information because tooth aches are a very common problem and
can occur without warning. Teeth are an amazing balance of form and function, aesthetic
beauty and engineering. Good teeth are an important part of one's health and appearance.
Toothache remedies at home can be particularly useful for pregnant women because while
pregnant, most pharmaceutical and over the counter pain medications are off limits. The
appearance of wisdom teeth is quite commonly a cause for toothaches and tooth pain in adults
and toothache medications and over the counter toothache remedies may offer some relief.
Unfortunately most toothache home remedies for wisdom teeth that are available over the
counter will only offer temporary relief. In most situations in fact you would need to visit a
dentist and in some cases tooth extraction may be necessary as many individuals suffer great
pain on account of the appearance of more teeth than there is space for.
Gum ache remedies or sore gum remedies and toothache remedies for kids or children can be
quite useful for some quick relief as it isn’t always possible to rush to a dentist immediately.
Keep in mind that home remedies for toothaches in children are not an alternative to dental
Most of us hate having to make dentistry appointments because of the high costs of dental care
and the discomfort of most dental treatments. This is unfortunately unavoidable and delaying
treatment with ineffective remedies or simply neglecting it can only cause the problem to
increase drastically making the necessary dental treatments even more expensive and invasive.
Neglecting dental care poses a lot more serious problems as at t times dental plaque can also
enter the bloodstream causing heart blockages, increasing your risk of a heart attack.
Causes of Toothache
Consumption of Soft Drinks, Refined Carbohydrates and Sugar
The main cause of toothache is tooth decay, which results from a faulty diet. Perhaps the
greatest cause of tooth decay is the consumption of:
soft drinks
refined carbohydrates
Bacteria in the mouth break sugar down into acids, which combine with the calcium in the
enamel to cause decay or erosion.
What to do when u had toothed ached:
Visit to the dentist would be necessary. An oral examination will help pinpoint and verify the
source of the toothache and could include the use of dental X-rays. At times a toothache may
actually have a cause that does not originate from the teeth or jaws.
At times a toothache and pain around the jaws may actually be indicative of heart diseases like
angina or even a heart attack. Inner or external ear infections and sinus problems can also be
responsible for such toothaches.
Under normal circumstances where the toothache causes actually stem from dental problems
the main source of the pain is actually from inflammation of the tooth pulp, which is basically
the central portion of the tooth. This region contains nerve endings, which is why there is a
greater sensitivity to pain. This painful condition may be brought on by the presence of a gum
or tooth infection, dental cavities, dental abscesses, tooth rot, cracked tooth syndrome or from
Treatment for any tooth pain will quite naturally depend on the cause of the pain and could
involve a root canal, tooth extraction, the fitting of braces or dentures or filing or capping of
teeth. Toothaches may at times be caused due to dental procedures themselves, such as a
toothache after filling, and will usually pass but should always be reported to the dentist.
Home Antidotes for Toothache
Consumes one raw onion every day by
thorough mastication, it will be protected from
a host of tooth disorders. Chewing raw onion
for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the
germs in the mouth. Toothache is often
allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the
bad tooth or gum.
Onions are popular as traditional toothache
relief treatment and you can simply place a
slice over the affected area. Onions are high in
sodium, rich in vitamins E and B12, and are
low in fat or calories. Including onions in your
daily diet and simply chewing on a few slices
can help prevent and control toothaches.
Lime, as a rich source of vitamin C, is useful in
maintaining the health of the teeth and other
bones of the body. It prevents decay and
loosening of the teeth, dental caries,
toothache, and bleeding of the gums.
Eating a raw lime, along with the peel, can
offer some much needed toothache relief. The
effectiveness of lime for toothaches can
probably be best explained by its rich
composition of vitamin C and the lower levels
of acidity as compared to lemons.
A clove of garlic with a little rock salt should be
placed on the affected tooth. It will relieve the
pain and, sometimes, may even cure it. A clove
should also be chewed daily in the morning. It
will cure the teeth making them strong and
Garlic does in fact hold a prominent place in
traditional medicine and was even
recommended by the great Hippocrates. It is
included in most toothache home remedies
and is very valuable because of it is
inexpensive, easily accessible and offers
effective toothache pain relief. Almost all
traditional methods of toothache treatment
with garlic involve crushing it, and applying or
placing it against the affected tooth. Garlic
may also very often be used with some other
popular ingredients for toothache remedies
like cloves or clove oil.
A mixture of a pinch of pepper powder and a
quarter teaspoon of common salt is an
excellent dentrifice. Its daily use prevents
dental cavities, foul breath, bleeding from the
gums, painful gums, and toothaches. It cures
the increased sensitiveness of the teeth. A
pinch of pepper powder mixed with clove oil
can be put on the cavities to alleviate the
Wheat Grass
The juice of wheat grass acts as an excellent
mouthwash for tooth decay and cures
toothaches. Wheat grass can be chewed with
beneficial results. It draws out toxins from the
gums and thus checks bacterial growth.
Bay Berry
Wheatgrass does contain properties of a
natural antibiotic, which can help offer some
protection against bacterial infections of the
gums and teeth.
It should be pest led in lemon Juice and
slightly heated. A cotton swab should be
soaked in this lotion and placed in the cavity of
the tooth. It will relieve pain quickly.
Asafoetida has been widely used in traditional
medicine since ancient times, particularly in
the Indian sub-continent. You can fry some
asafetida lightly in clarified butter to prepare it
as a solution.
A paste of the bark of bay berry should be
made with vinegar. This paste, applied on the
affected tooth, will relieve the toothache. It
can also be applied beneficially on the gums
for strengthening them.
Another home remedy for toothache is in the
use of clove, which reduces pain. It also helps
decrease infection due to its antiseptic
properties. Clove oil, applied to a cavity in a
decayed tooth, also relieves toothache.
Remedy for Toothache
Home remedies for severe toothaches work just like any other toothache medication or over
the counter toothache medicines. Toothache remedies with salt water are quite a popular as
home treatment for toothaches during pregnancy. Home remedies for toothache infections
with oregano oil, garlic, clove oil, tea bags, and olive oil are also quite popular while pregnant.
Relief Diet for Tooth Ache
Proper diet leads to hard and healthier jaw and bones as the years go by. Below are some of
the foods you should not intake while you having tooth ache or to prevent you from having
tooth ache.
 Restrict Sugar Intake, Include Raw Vegetables in Diet
Restricting the intake of sugar is important because it ensure that the diet includes plenty raw
vegetables and whole wheat bread. Whole foods are ideal for the teeth. Fibreless refined foods
allow particles to accumulate on the teeth in a sticky mass where they can do great harm. The
gums need friction to keep them firm and whole foods also help remove plaque. They are
therefore called 'detergent foods' by some dentists.
Increasing your intake of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables is important not just for the
increased fiber content. These foods are rich sources of vitamin C, and can therefore help
strengthen and make your teeth and gums less susceptible to dental decay and erosion.
Calcium is probably the most important mineral in this regard and can be obtained from dairy
products and also from canned fish like mackerels and sardines.
Avoid Frequent Small Snacks and Sugar Intake
Frequent consuming of snacks is very harmful to teeth, as they produce an acid medium in
which the bacteria thrive. The number of times one eats sugar is one of the most important
factors in determining the rate of decay. For this reason, it is better to eat sweets at the end of
a meal rather than between meals.
Other Toothache cure
Proper cleaning of the teeth is very essential to prevent tooth decay and consequent
toothache. There are many theories on how best to clean the teeth. The consensus of
dental opinion however seems to back using a circular motion with the brush, so as to
ensure that all dental surfaces are cleaned. One should not be afraid to touch the gums
with the brush, as this gentle stimulation improves the blood circulation in the gums.