peer critique Thank you for your willingness to help your friend with this assignment. Your feedback will help your friend become a more effective aviation instructor. Please be open and honest in your evaluation, as this will the most beneficial for your friend in helping him or her learn. To complete his or her assignment, your friend will give you a lesson related to principles of flight.The specific topic of the lesson may vary; your friend should help you clearly understand the objective of the lesson. To assist your friend, please complete the form below immediately following the lesson. Assign your friend a score of 0 to 5 for each aspect of the lesson. Use the descriptions under each column to help guide your scoring. Write the score in the space provided for each aspect. For example, if your friend was engaging and kept your attention through the whole lesson, place a score of 5 on the line below “Engagement/Attention.” Some aspects, such as “Content Knowledge” or “Explanation” may be difficult to assign a score if you are unfamiliar with aviation concepts. Use your best judgment of your friend’s performance. For example, did your friend appear to have a comprehensive knowledge? Or, did your friend have ready several explanations to help you understand even though you may not have been able to fully understand the material? In other words, don’t penalize your friend if you are not an expert by the end of the lesson. Aspect Planning/Preparation Score_____/5 Engagement/Attention Score_____/5 Motivation Score_____/5 1 Score 3 The lesson lacked planning. The instructor seemed disorganized and materials were not ready to participate in the lesson. I had a hard time paying attention throughout the lesson. The instructor made no effort to help retain my attention. The instructor planned the lesson; however, the plan was executed poorly. Materials may not have been readily available for the lesson. Instructor kept my attention at various parts of the lesson, but was not engaging throughout the entirety of the lesson. Instructor did not motivate me to learn the material. Instructor motivated me at various parts of the lesson but not throughout the whole lesson. 5 Lesson was clearly wellplanned. Materials were appropriate and readily available for the lesson. Instructor commanded my full attention throughout the lesson. Instructor’s lesson was engaging and required my participation. Instructor helped me become motivated to learn the material. Instructor continued to help me stay motivated throughout the lesson. Aspect 1 Lesson Objective I didn’t understand why I was be given the lesson. The instructor made no attempt to provide a lesson objective. Score_____/5 Content Knowledge Score_____/5 Explanation Score_____/5 Examples/Illustrations Score_____/5 Activities Score_____/5 Assessment Score_____/5 Questions Score_____/5 Score 3 5 The instructor provided a clear lesson objective; however, the lesson content was inconsistent with the objective. The purpose of the lesson was clear. Instructor helped me understand exactly what I should be able to do after completing the lesson. Instructor appeared to Instructor appeared to have a struggle with the material. Instructor appeared to have a basic knowledge of the subject Instructor significantly relied comprehensive knowledge of matter but struggled with the on books and other reference the subject matter. details or difficult concepts. materials to deliver the lesson. Instructor offered multiple Instructor’s explanations Instructor offered no explanations but they were were clear and easy to follow. additional explanations to help hard to follow or did not seem Explanations were appropriate me understand the material. to relate to the content. for the subject matter. Instructor provided ample examples to help me Instructor provided examples, Instructor failed to provide understand difficult concepts. but the examples were unclear examples of principles or Examples were familiar and or inappropriate for the difficult concepts. easy to follow. Examples were subject matter. appropriate for the subject matter I was not asked to participate in any type of activities to help me learn the material. The instructor planned activities, but they did not seem to help me achieve the lesson objective. Instructor made no attempt to assess whether or not I have accomplished the lesson objective or understand the material. Instructor attempted to assess my understanding, but the assessment did not clearly relate to the lesson objective. Instructor did not allow me to Instructor invited me to ask answer questions or ignored questions but struggled to find the questions I asked. the answers. Activities were well-planned and helped me achieve the lesson objective. Instructor appropriately assessed my understanding of the material. Instructor assessed whether or not I completed the lesson objective. Instructor encouraged me to ask questions and provided appropriate answers. Instructor sought to find the answers to questions for which an answer was not readily available. #2 Aspect Professionalism Score_____/5 Relationship Score_____/5 1 Score 3 5 Instructor was sincere, Instructor tried to remain used professional language, Instructor was unprofessional. professional but was unrefined. remained calm, sought to Instructor was disrespectful, Delivery of the lesson seemed understand the student, rude, or apathetic throughout too casual. Language or and provided constructive the lesson. behavior could have been criticism. Instructor exhibited improved. professionalism in the delivery of the lesson. Instructor developed an Instructor did not create a Instructor tried to help appopriate relationship with comfortable environment me feel comfortable in the the student to help them to help me understand the learning environment but was understand the material. I felt material. unsuccessful in these attempts. comfortable working with my instructor. Please provide any additional feedback for your friend. What did your friend do well? In what areas could he or she do better? Name_____________________________________________ Date of Lesson_________________ #3
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