My Intentional Success SUMMER CAMP APPLICATION AND ENROLLMENT FORM Date Received by MIS ____________ Student Information Full Name: Date of Birth: Name preferred to be called: Grade: School: This section to be completed by potential MIS student: Circle any and all items that interest you: Technical work of radio show On air work of radio show Graphic design Website design Writing for magazine Photography for magazine Community service Leadership skills Sales Marketing Investing Gold and Silver Real Estate Improved Learning Skills Money management Career preparation College savings College preparation Business Development Entrepreneurship Which weeks do you wish to attend camp (please circle all that apply): June 1st-5th Start-Up Week June 8th-12th Marketing June 15th-19th Sales June 22nd– 26th Investing Medical Information Are there any allergies or medical conditions that we need to accommodate? If yes, please describe: Yes No Parent/Guardian Information Enrolling Parent’s Full Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Percentage of time that student resides at this address: Home phone: Work phone: Cell phone: Email address: Other children from the household are also in or applying for the program: Second Parent/Guardian Information (required for separated or divorced parents with shared parenting time that coincides with Program hours) Second Parent’s Full Name: Address: City: Percentage of time that student resides at this address: Home phone: Work phone: Cell phone: Email address: State: Zip: Emergency Contact If there is an emergency and we cannot contact Parent or Second Parent, who should we contact? Name: Phone number: Relationship to the student: Permission for Others to Pick Up Student The following people are allowed to pick up the student in my absence: Name: Relationship to student: Name: Relationship to student: Name: Relationship to student: Payment Information Each week of camp is $199 If you choose to do multiple weeks there are breaks in the price. 2 weeks for $383 (save $15) 3 weeks for $567 (save $30) All 4 weeks for $699 (save $97) This section is not mandatory to complete if paying by check. This form shall serve as written authorization for My Intentional Success to utilize the credit card account listed below for payment. Please run my credit card for the amount indicated below, and I agree to make payment, based on the terms of the issuing bank(s). Name of Cardholder: Billing Address: _______ _______ I hereby authorize My Intentional Success to Charge $99 on the below credit card on a One-Time Basis for my child’s enrollment and materials fee for one semester. Cardholder Signature Date Card Number: CVV Code: Expiration: Amount to charge: $199 for 1-week of entrepreneur camp $383 for 2-weeks of entrepreneur camp $567 for 3-weeks of entrepreneur camp $699 for 4-weeks of entrepreneur camp Application Process Students apply for the My Intentional Success program with the support and consent from their parent(s). The director of the My Intentional Success facility where the student would participate in the program reviews the applications and selects students to participate in classes of up to sixteen students, based on relative age and experience, interests, and schedule availability. My Intentional Success will notify the student and parent(s) when the student is selected for MIS Entrepreneur Camp(s). Parent(s) will have five business days to sign the Program Agreement and make a payment of $100 to secure the student’s spot in that camp. The remaining balance must be paid by June 1st, 2015. Once the student’s enrollment has been confirmed into one or more weeks of camp, My Intentional Success will send student and parent(s) further details regarding that specific class session information. Selection Criteria Students are selected based on their attitude, motivation, willingness, and drive. If a student is not selected for inclusion in the program, My Intentional Success encourages the student to reapply next year/semester. No Discrimination My Intentional Success does not select students on the basis of gender, race, religion, national origin, or any other categorical criteria. Student: I have read the Values of the Program and the Honor Code in the Program Agreement, and if accepted into the program, I agree to be bound by them. This can be found at or you may request a copy. I understand the commitment required of this program and if accepted into the program, I will honor that commitment. Student Signature Date Parent(s)/Guardians(s): I have read the My Intentional Success Summer Camp Agreement and if student is accepted into the program, I(we) agree to execute the Agreement and be bound by it. If accepted into the My Intentional Success program, I(we) give permission for Student to participate in offsite events and activities. If accepted into the My Intentional Success program, I(we) agree to support and facilitate student’s participation in the program and to provide transportation when needed so that student can fulfill their commitment to this program. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Second Parent/Guardian Signature Date You may sign and date, scan and email to [email protected] Or fax to 806-687-7474 Or drop off at My Intentional Success 13413 Frankford Ave, unit 4 Lubbock, TX 79424 If you have any questions, please call 806-577-7217 or email us at [email protected]
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