j. Soc.Cosmet. Chem.,40, 321-333 (November/December 1989) Comedogenicity andirritancyof commonly usedingredients in skincare products JAMESE. FULTON, JR., AcneResearch Institute,1236 Somerset, NewportBeach,CA 92660. Received September 3, 1989. Presented at theSouthern CaliforniaSection, CaliforniaChapter,Society ofCosmetic Chemists, Spring1989. Synopsis A survey,usingthe rabbitear, of the comedogenicity and irritancyof severalgroupsof skin careproducts indicates that manycontainfollicularand surfaceepithelialirritatingingredients. Theseingredients fall into severalchemicalclasses. Certaingeneralizations can be deducedby examiningthe results:(1) medium-chain-length fattyacidsaremorepotentthanshort-or long-chain fattyacidsin producingfollicular keratosis, (2) the comedogenicity and irritancyof an organicmaterialcanbe reducedby combiningthe moleculewith a polarsugaror a heavymetal, (3) increasing the degreeof ethoxylationin a moleculetends to reducethe comedogenicity and irritancyof the chemical,and (4) the longerchainlipids, i.e., waxes, appeartoolargeto producea reaction.By followingthe guidelinesdeveloped in thisstudy,it is possible to formulatenonirritating,noncomedogenic moisturizers,sunscreens, hair pomades,cosmetics,and conditioners. INTRODUCTION The possibilityof comedogenicity and irritancyof facialskin careproductshasbeen well documented (1- 3). Because of thiswork andan increasing publicawareness, facial productsthat are lesscomedogenic are now becomingavailable(4). However, other skin careproductssuchas hair conditioners, hair pomades,moisturizers,sunscreens, and evenacnetreatmentproductsmay be a sourceof cosmeticacne.By taking these products apart,testingtheir ingredients, andputtingthembacktogetherandretesting them, an extensiveingredientlisting hasbeencreated.By studyingthis list, the cosmetic chemistcan beginto be selectivein developingformulasfor lessirritating and lesscomedogenic products. The rabbit ear assayhasbeenusedsincethe mid-1950sas a methodof measuring follicularkeratinizationby externallyappliedcompounds (5). The advantage of this rapidscreening tool is that it takesonlytwo weeksto developfollicularimpactions in the rabbitear, whileit maytakesixmonthsto develop similarreactions on humanskin. The disadvantage of the modelis its extremesensitivity.The fragile,protectedepithelium of the inner ear is extremelysensitive.Not everythingthat irritatesthis model will alsoirritate humanskin. However,this extensivescreening of cosmeticformula321 322 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS tionsand their ingredientswould not havebeenpossiblewithout the useof this animal model.We havenowextendedthemodelto includean indexof surface skinirritancyas well asof follicularhyperkeratosis. METHODS Ingredientsare mixed in propyleneglycolat a 9 to 1 dilution for testingunlessotherwise indicated(10% concentration). A colonyof New Zealandalbinorabbitsthat has geneticallygoodearsand is freefrom mitesis used.Threerabbits,weighingtwo to threekilograms,areusedfor eachassay.Animalsarehousedsinglyin suspended cages and fed Purina Rabbit Chow and water ad libitum. Animals are maintained on a 12-hour light and 12-hourdarkcycle.A doseof 1 ml of the testmaterialis appliedandspread oncedaily to the entireinnersurfaceof oneearfive daysper weekfor two weeks.The oppositeuntreatedearof eachanimalservesasan untreatedcontrol.Follicularkeratosis is judged both macroscopically (visually)and microscopically with a micrometerto measurethe width of the follicularkeratosis.The macroscopic response is determined by averagingthe measurements of the width of six folliclesusinga Mitutoyo Dial Micrometer(#536-724). A similarmicroscopic micrometermeasurement is obtained by averagingthe width of six folliclesundera magnificationof 430 x aftera 6-ram biopsyspecimenis fixedin formalin,sectioned at six microns,and stainedwith hematoxylin-eosin.The resultsare then combinedon a scaleof oneto five: Micrometerreading Grade 0.009 in or less 0 0.010 in-.014 in 1 0.015 in-.019 0.020 in-.025 in in 2 3 A moderate increase in follicular keratosis 0.025 in-.029 in 4 An extensive increasein follicular keratosis 0.030 in or more No significantincreasein follicularkeratosis 5 Grade5 is the presence of largecomedones throughoutthe ear, similarto thoseinduced by the applicationof our standard"positive"testingagent, isopropylmyristate.As reportedin our previousstudies,a minimal gradeof 0 to 1 is not considered significant. Grade2 to 3 is borderline.However,a gradeof 4 to 5 is uniformallyreproduceable and considered positive. The irritancyproducedby the repeated applicationof a chemicalor skincareproducton the surfaceepidermisin the rabbit earis alsoevaluatedon a similarscaleof 0 to 5. The gradesare summarizedasfollows: 0 No irritation 1 Few scales,no erythema 2 3 4 5 Diffusescaling,no erythema Generalizedscalingwith erythema Scaling,erythema,andedema Epidermalnecrosisand slough To studythe effectsof differentvehicleson comedogenicity and irritancy,severalfatty acidsand the D&C red pigment#36 are reexamined in differentsolvents.The fatty COMEDOGENICITY 323 acids are dissolvedin either a volatile solvent or sunflower oil. The D&C red #36 pigmentis testedin mineraloil, propylene glycol,polyethylene glycol400, andpentaerythritaltetra capra/caprylate. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Cosmeticacnewasfirst reportedby Frenchdermatologists in the mid-forties.They reportedon brilliantinesandhairpomades causingflareupson the templeandforehead facialregions.They attributedthe problemsto impuritiesin the brilliantines(6). In 1970, Kligman requestedthat Gerd Piewig and I examineover 700 men to find some with normal facial skin. Much to our chagrin, the majority had cosmeticacne(7). About 70% showedsomeevidenceof follicularkeratoses on the foreheadand temples. Occasionallythe eruptionswere noted on the cheeksdown to the jawline area. The lesionswereusuallynoninflammatory, closedcomedones. A few lesionsdevelopedinto small inflammatorypapules.However,therewereno casesof severe,cysticinflammatory acne. Histologically, the comedones from pomadeacne caseswere identical to biopsies takenfrom comedones of classicacnevulgarispatients.In surveyingthe hair carepreparations,we felt that the actualingredientsand not tracecontaminants were offenders. Interestingly,veryfew of the subjects attributedtheir folliculareruptionsto their daily useof a hair pomade.This studystimulatedus to examineotherskin care productsand ingredients. In 1972 Kligman and Mills reportedon acnecosmetica in their surveyat the AcneClinic at the Universityof Pennsylvania (1). Approximatelyonethird of the adult womenhad a low-grade,persistentacnein the cheekarea, consistingof closedcomedones quite similarto thosefoundin pomadeacne.This appearedmorefrequentlyin womenafter agetwentyand may explainoneof the reasons for epidemicadult acnein womenin the 1970sand 1980s.In 1976 and 1984, Fultonpublishedresultson actualcosmetic lines andon ingredients,andproposed the development of noncomedogenic cosmetics using ingredients that werenonoffenders in the rabbitearassay(2,3). Severalmajorcosmetic manufacturers have now producedthesetypesof products.However, our screening indicatesthat work is still neededon manyskin careformulations. It becameapparentduringour research into potentialnoncomedogenic ingredientsthat several hypotheses couldbedeveloped: (1) In orderforan ingredientto becomedogenic, it must penetrateinto the follicle, and (2) once in the follicle, the chemicalmust producethe follicularreactionof "retentionhyperkeratosis" (8). In addition, the overall penetratibilityof the moleculemayberelatedto (1) the water/oilpartitioncoefficient of the compound(HLB balance)and (2) the relativemolecularweight of the ingredient. The ingredientappearsto havethe mostpotentialif it is fairly solublein bothwaterand oil (HLB around10 to 12) and hasa rangeof molecularweight between200 and 300. The comedogenicity of an ingredientmay be reducedby addinga large constituent (i.e., polymersof PEGs), by addinga chargedmolecule(i.e., sugars),or by addinga heavymetal (i.e., zinc or lithium). This often relatesto raisingthe HLB balanceto above 12. Examplesof this conceptof water/lipidsolubilityandmolecularweightsareapparentin eachclassof chemicals examined(TableI). Amongthe lanolins,the classicanhydrous lanolinsare not as comedogenic as the moderatelyethoxylatedderivatives(laneth 10). 324 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETYOF COSMETICCHEMISTS Table I IngredientsandTheir Comedogenicity and Irritancy Grade (0- 5) Grade (0- 5) Ingredient Comedo. ? Irrit. ½ Ingredient Comedo.? Irrit.½ Myristylalcohol 2 Acetylatedlanolin Acetylatedlanolinalcohol Anhydrouslanolin 0 4 0-1' 0 2 0 Cetyl alcohol 2 2 Isocetylalcohol 4 4 Cetearylalcohol 2 1 Lanolin alcohol 0-2* 0 Oleylalcohol 4 2 Stearylalcohol Cetearylalcoholq- 2 2 I. Lanolins and derivatives Lanolin 0-1' 0 PEG 16 lanolin (Solulan 16) oil 4 3 ceteareth 20 4 4 PEG 75 lanolin 0 0 Laneth- 10 2 1 Ceteareth-20 2 3 PPG 12 PEG 65 lanolin oil 2 0 Propyleneglycol Butyleneglycol Hexyleneglycol PG caprylate/caprate PG dicaprylate/caprate PG dipelargonate 0 1 0-2* 2 1 2 0 0 02 0 2 PG laurate 0 PG monostearate 0- 3 3 0- II. Fattyacidsandtheir derivatives Caprylicacid 1 Capricacid 2 Lauric acid 3 2 4 Myristic acid 3 0 Palmitic 2 0 Stearic acid Eicosanoic acid Behenic acid 2 - 3' 2 0 0 0 0 Ascorbylpalmitate Behenylerucate Butyl stearate Cetyl acetate Cetyl esterNF Cetyl palmitate Decyl oleate Di (2 ethylhexyl)succinate Dioctyl malate Dioctyl succinate Diisopropyladipate Diisopropyldimerate 2 0 3 4 1 0 3 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 Ethylhexylpalmitate 4 0 Ethylhexylpelargonate Isodecyloleate Isopropylisostearate Isopropyllinolate Isopropyl myristate Isopropylpalmitate Isostearylneopentanoate Isostearylisostearate Myristyl lactate Myristyl myristate Octyldodecylstearate Octyldodecylstearoyl 2 2- 3' 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 5 0 3 1- 2 0 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 acid stearate Stearylheptanoate Tridectyl neopentanoate Ethyleneglycol 0 0 Glucoseglutamate monostearate 0 0 Sorbitol 0 0 Sorbitan laurate 1- 2' !- 2 Sorbitansesquinoleate 0- !* 0 Sorbitan oleate Sorbitan stearate 3 0 PEG 40 sorbitan laurate 0 1-2' 0 0 Polysorbate20 Polysorbate80 Glycerin 0 0 0 0 0 0 Glycereth-26 Glyceryl-3-diisostearate GlycerylstearateNSE GlycerylstearateSE Glyceryltricapylo/caprate Behenyltriglyceride 0 4 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 Pentaerythrital tetracapra/ caprylate 0 Wheat germglyceride 3 Polyglyceryl3-diisostearate 4 Polyethylene glycol(PEG 0 2 0 Sorbitan isostearate Pentaerythritaltetra isostearate 400) Sucrose distearate Sucrose stearate ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 PEG 120 methyl glucose dioleate PEG 8 stearate III. Alcohols•sugarsand their derivatives 0 3 SD alcohol 40 0 0 PEG 20 stearate ! 0 Isopropylalcohol 0 0 PEG 100 stearate 0 0 COMEDOGENICITY 325 Table I (continued) Grade (0-5) Ingredient Comedo.•- Grade (0 - 5) Irrit. :• Ingredient Comedo.•- Irrit.:• PEG 100 distearate 2 0 Sesame oil 3(1)** PEG 150 distearate 2 0 Corn oil 3 0 PEG 200 dilaurate Laureth-4 Laureth-23 3 5 3 2 4 0 Avocado oil 3(2) 0 Eveningprimroseoil 3 2 Mink 3(2) Steareth-2 2 2 Soybeanoil Steareth- 10 4 3 Shark liver oil Cotton seed oil oil 0 3 3 3 0 2 2 0 Steareth-20 2 1 Steareth- 100 0 0 Peanut oil 2 Oleth-3 Oleth-5 5 3 2 2 Olive oil 2(1) 0 Sandalwood seed oil 2 0 Oleth- 10 2 1 Almond Oleth-20 1 0 Apricot kernel oil Hydrogenated polyisobutane 2(I) 2(1) 0 0 1 2 Oleth-3 phosphate 2 2 Triacetin 0 0 PPG 5 Ceteth 10 phosphate PPG 2 myristyl propionate PPG 10 cetyl ether PPG 30 cetyl ester PPG 50 cetyl ester PEG 78 glyceryl 4 3 3 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 oil Castor oil 1 0 Hydrogenatedcastoroil Chaulmoograoil 1 0 1 0 Babassu oil 1 0 Squalane Maleatedsoybeanoil 1 0 0 0 monococoate 0 1 Safflower oil 0 0 PEG 8 castor oil 1 1 Sunflower oil 0 0 PEG 40 castor oil 0 0 Mineral 0-2 0 0 0 VII. Pigments Polypentaerythrital tetralaurate IV. Waxes Candelilla wax 1 0 Carnuba wax Ceresin wax Beeswax Lanolin wax 1 0 0- 2 * 1 0 0 0 0 Jojobaoil Sulfatedjojobaoil Emulsifyingwax NF 0-2* 3 0 0 2 0- 2' 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 V. Thickeners Carboxymethylcellulose Carboxypropylcellulose Hydroxypropylcellulose Magnesiumaluminum silicate oil D & C red #3 D & C red #4 D & C red #6 D & C red #7 D & C red #9 D & C red # 17 D & C red # 19 D & C red #21 D & C red #27 D & C red #30 D & C red #33 D & C red #36 D & C red #40 Ultamarine violet Iron oxides Carmine Titanium dioxide Carbomer 940 1 0 Bentonite 0 0 VIII. Kaolin Talc 0 1 0 0 Dimethicone PVP 0 0 Cyclomethicone Cocoa butter Coconut butter 4 4 0 0 Hydrogenatedvegetableoil 3 0 VI. Oils* Silicones Simethicone IX. SteroIs Cholesterol 0 Soyasterol Peg 5 soyasterol 0 0 (continued) 326 JOURNALOF THE SOCIETYOF COSMETICCHEMISTS Table I (continued) Grade (0 - 5) Grade (0-5) Ingredient Comedo. ? Irrit.$ Ingredient Comedo.? Irrit. Peg 10 soyasterol 0 1 XlI. Miscellaneous Choleth24 Sterolesters 0 0 0 0 Octyl dimethylPABA Oxybenzone 0 0 0 0 Octylmethoxycinnamate 0 0 Octyl salicylate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phytantriol X. Vitamins andherbs 2 2 A & D additive 2 0 Tocopherol* Tocopheryl acetate Black walnut extract Papain Chamomile extract Vitamin Apalmitate 0-3' 0 0 0 0 1-3' 0-3' 0 0 0 0 1-3' Panthenol 0 0 Acetone Ethyl ether Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (EGME) Xylene Lithium stearate 4 3 1 0 Magnesium stearate 1 0 Methylparaben Propylparaben Phenoxyethyl paraben 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zinc oxide Zinc stearate Triethanolamine 1 0 0 0 2 0 Allantoin 0 0 Stearic acid: TEA 3 2 Hydantoin Sodium hyaluronate 0 0 Amoniomethylpropinate Sodium PCA 0 0 0 0 Chondroitinsulfate Precipitatedsulfur 0 0 0 0 Hydrolyzedanimalprotein 0 0 Water-soluble sulfur 3 0 XI. Preservativesand additives ? Comedogenicity or abilityof testsubstance to produce follicular hyperkeratosis. $ Irritancyor abilityof testsubstance to produce surface epithelial irritation. * Resultsdependon sourceof raw material. ** Parentheses indicateresultsusing"reftned"oil. The higherethoxylated derivatives with HLBsabove12 aremorewater-soluble and noncomedogenic andnonirritating (PEG 75 lanolin).Two of the lanolinderivatives studiedrequirespecial comments: (1) Theacetylated lanolinalcohols arebothcomedogenicandirritating,not because of the acetylated lanolinbut because of the cetyl acetateadditive(Figure1), and(2) PEG 16 lanolin(Solulan16) is quitecomedogenic andirritating,perhaps secondary to thecombination ofnonlanolin additives: ceteth-16, oleth-16, and steareth-16. Amongthefattyacidsandesters a similaranalogy isfound.Themid-chain-length fatty acids,suchaslauricacidandmyristicacidanditsanalogs cause folliclehyperkeratosis. Asthemolecular weightof thefattyacidbecomes largerandtheeffective charge of the overallmoleculeis reduced,lessfollicularreactionis produced.When the fatty acidis esterifiedwith a small- to mid-sizealcohol,the combinationbecomesmorepotent than the fatty aciditself.The cousins of isopropyl myristate,suchasmyristylmyristate, isopropyl isostearate, isostearyl neopentanoate, butylstearate, anddecyloleate,areall comedogenic (Figure2). Also,whenbranched-chain fattyacidsareused,thederivatives maybemorecomedogenic. Largemolecular weightesters, suchasbehenyl erucate and cetylpalmitate,arenot a problem. COMEDOGENICITY 327 Figure 1. The key ingredientis acetylated lanolinalcohol -- cetylacetate--is not onlycomedogenic, but it is also an irritant. Similar analogiesare apparentwith the alcohols,ethers,glycols,and sugars.Shortchainalcoholsdo not causea reaction.The mid-chain-lengthalcoholsare comedogenic and moreirritating than their fatty acidanalogs(Figure3). In the glycolseries,as the hydrocarbon component becomes moredominant,the compoundis moreeffectiveat producingcomedones. The puresugarsarenoncomedogenic. However,if theyarecombinedwith penetratingfatty acids,they may becomefollicularirritants.Also, if they are combinedwith anotherirritant, as in glycerylstearate(SE), which containsadded sodiumor potassiumstearate,the combinationbecomes morecomedogenic. The increasing additionof polyethylene glycolsto the fatty acidsincreases the HLB balance, reducesthe follicularirritancy,and appearsto preventhyperkeratosis. An exampleis the oleth3, 5, 10, 20 series(Figure4). Among the waxes,the hydrocarbon chainsappeartoo long to penetrateunlessthe wax is modified,suchasin sulfatedjojobaoil. In the caseof beeswaxes and jojobaoils, some commercialpreparations are more comedogenic than others.This suggests more contaminantsor irritants in someof the preparations.Emulsifyingwax NF may be irritating, dependingon the concentration of longer-chainalcoholssuchas cetearylalcohol. Chemicalssuchas cellulosicpolymers,the silicates,and the carbomersusedin the pharmaceutical and cosmeticindustryto thickenlotionsand creamsare not usuallya problem.The clays,bentonite,and kaolinarealsonot a problem.Neither is talc. Clinically,naturaloilssuchascocoabutterandcoconutbutterhavelongbeenknownto causeproblemswith pomadeacne.This is confirmedin the rabbit ear assay.Also, 328 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS - OCTYLDODECYL ISOPROPYLMYRISTATE STEAROYL STEARATE Figure 2. Ingredienttesting in the rabbit ear assay--the macroscopic view of the resultsfrom testing isopropylmyristate.Microscopic examination confirmedthe comedogenicity seenvisually.Note that the ingredientis alsoan irritant compared to a potentialsubstitute,octyldodecylstearoylstearate. hydrogenated vegetableoil (Crisco ©) appearsto containresidualirritating lipids. Among the naturaloils suchas sesameoil, avocadooil, and mink oil, the resultsare improvedwhena morerefinedoil is used.However,it seemseasierto usesaffloweroil and sunfloweroils, which are naturallylesscomedogenic. Mineral oil presentsa complex problem:somesources are acceptable; othersare not. D&C red colorsrepresenta perplexingmixture of differenttypesof red dyesand pigments. Someare mildly comedogenic; othersare not. The commonpigmentsusedin powderblushers (D&C red #6, bariumlake;D&C red #7, calciumlake;andD&C red #9, bariumlake)arerelativelynoncomedogenic. However,the vehicleis alsoparticularly importantfor the D&C red colors.A dry compressed powderor powdersuspended in an evaporatingvehiclesuchaspropyleneglycolmay be noncomedogenic. The same dyeincorporated intoa nonevaporating oil canbecomedogenic (TableII, Figure5). Carmine,whichis a red dye obtainedfrom insectwings,is noncomedogenic andmay be usedasa substitute.The iron oxides,chromiumhydroxide,andtitaniumdioxideare not a problem. The silicones andsteroIsdo not appearto be a problem.Amongthe vitamins,tocopherol is a follicularirritant. Tocopherolhasbeenadvocated by the laymanfor yearsto increase woundhealingand reducescarformation.However,it shouldnot be usedon acne-prone skin because of its potentialto producefollicularhyperkeratosis. The derivative, tocopherylacetate,is noncomedogenic, andresearch needsto bedoneto seeif it is an acceptablesubstitute. COMEDOGENICITY 329 .,. ! &t, Cosoz ISOCETYL ALCOHOL .. ., ;, _ .'-". , r•tl'.,.,'/' Figure 3. The brsnched-½h•in •l½oholis more½ornedo•eni½ •nd moreirrit•tin• th•n the •l½ohol. As for the miscellaneous items,the usualsunscreen activeingredients arenoncomedogenic. Amongchemicalsolvents,acetone,ether, and EGME are not problems,but xyleneis comedogenic andan irritant.Whenmetallicbases,suchaslithium, magnesium,andzincstearate, areaddedto the fattyacids,the metalappears to preventthe comedogenic reaction.Amongbases,triethanolamine is morecomedogenic thanaminomethylpropylamine.The classicformulation of a cold cream often involvesa salt bridgebetweenstearicacidandtriethanolamine. In testingdifferentratios[4:1, 1:1, 1:4] of stearicacidto triethanolamine (stearicacid:TEA)in a coldcreambase,all combinationswerefoundto be comedogenic. The influence of thevehicleor solvent onthecomedogenicity andirritancyof a chemicalappears quitesignificant.Forexample,theuseof rapidlyevaporating vehicles such asacetoneor etherreducesthe comedogenicity of fatty acidswhencompared to the resultsobtainedwith sunfloweroil, a nonvolatilevehicle(Table III). The effectson irritancy are reversed.Fatty acidsare lessirritating when deliveredin a nonvolatile vehicle.As with the fatty acids,the vehicleor carrierfor the D&C red pigmentis extremelyimportant.Whereasthe D&C red colormay be noncomedogenic in volatile propyleneglycol,it may be morecomedogenic in mineraloil. Possible alternatives for mineraloil, suchaspentaerythrital tetracapra/caprylate andpolyethylene glycol400, alsoreducethe comedogenicity of the redcolor(TableII). We havechosen propylene glycolasthe routinediluentfor thesestudies,asit graduallyevaporates and leavesa concentrate of the rawmaterialto be tested.Also,lot afterlot of propylene glycolhas provento be nonirritatingand noncomedogenic. 330 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETYOF COSMETICCHEMISTS OLETH-iO OLETH. 2 Figure4. Oleth-3compared to oleicacid.Theinitialadditions of ethylene glycols to potentially comedogenicandirritatingingredients appearto increase thispropensity. Furtheradditions of ethylene glycols, such as oleth-10 and oleth-20, tend to reduce reactions. Someingredientcombinations--forexample,the combination of glycerylstearate with potassium stearate (available commercially asglycerylstearate S.E.) andalsothe combination of D&C red #36 and mineral oil--appear more comedogenic than the individual compounds themselves. Thesesynergistic reactionsneedto be studiedfurther. COMEDOGENICITY Table 331 II Comedogenicity of D&C Red #36 Dye in DifferentVehicles Grade (0- 5) Comedo. lrrit. D&C red #36 in mineral oil 3 0 D&C red #35 in pentaerythrital tetracaprdcaprylate D&C #36 in propylene glycol 2 0 1 0 D&C red #36 in PEG 400 0 0 The oppositeis alsopossible.For example,the combinationproducedby the ingredient D&C red #36 and the vehiclepolyethylene glycolis lesscomedogenic than D&C red #36 whenincorporated into othervehicles.The cosmeticchemistmay be ableto take advantageof thesefindingsin the future to customdesignnoncomedogenic products. SUMMARY Thesestudiesindicatethat skin carepreparations that are nonirritatingand noncomedogeniccan be made.Nonreactiveingredientscanbe usedto makeelegantproducts, and borderlineingredientscanbe combinedwith otheringredientsto reducethe reactionsto acceptable levels.In spiteof theseguidelines,newformulations mustalwaysbe examinedwith the rabbit earassaybeforethe cosmeticchemistcanbe assuredthat his ideas work. Figure 5. The comedogenicity of D&C red #36 whenincorporated into two differentvehicles.The vehiclemayincrease or decrease an ingredient's ability to producefollicularhyperkeratosis. 332 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Table III Effectsof the Solventon Comedogenicity and/orIrritancyof FattyAcids Organicsolvent* Sunfloweroil Grade (0- 5) Grade (0- 5) Fattyacids Comedo. Irrit. Comedo. Irrit. Caproicacid Caprylicacid Capricacid 0 1 2 4 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 Lauric acid 3 1 4 1 Myristicacid 1 0 3 0 Palrnitic 0 0 1 2 Stearic acid acid 0 1 2 0 Archidic acid 1 1 2 0 Behenic acid 1 0 1 0 * Ethyl etheror acetone. The rabbitearassayremainsimportantto the rapidevaluationof newingredients and the cosmeticchemist'sformulations.Both the visualand microscopicevaluationsof the rabbitearneedto be donesimultaneously (9). Materialsfoundto be noncomedogenic in the rabbit assayappearto be noncomedogenic in the human model (10). Whether highly comedogenic ingredientsin the rabbit ear assayare alwayscomedogenic in humansstill remainsuncertain.Currently,it is moreprudentto avoidtheseoffenders. The majoroffenders, suchasisopropylmyristate,acetylated lanolinalcohol,andlauric acid derivativessuchas laureth-4, shouldbe usedwith cautionin skin careproducts. We are not convincedof the statementthat lower concentrations of thesecompounds canbe safelyusedwith no comedogenic consequences (11). Humanskinstudieshave beenusedto give that statementcredence, but the backskin of humanvolunteers is relativelyinsensitive (7). However,whentherabbitearassay is positivebut thehuman back skin resultsare negativeafter only eight weeks'exposure,the resultsfrom the rabbitearassay shouldnot be dismissed. The reaction maytakelongeror thebackskin may not be the idealtestingsurface. An additional"bonus"of the rabbit ear assayis detectionof the potentialof an ingredient or finishedproductto producean epithelialirritant reaction.It is easyto keep trackof the surface irritancywhiledoingthe follicularstudies.The stratumcorneumof the rabbitearis verythin andundeveloped. This resultsin an extremesensitivity of the skinto exposure to irritants.If thistestfindingis confirmed by others,we mayfind it unnecessary to usethe Draizerabbitdermalirritancytest. This paperis meantto be a surveyof the ingredients usedin skin careand hair care products.The surveyis not at all definitivebut simplydesignedto stimulateresearch, sothat new noncomedogenic productswill becomeavailablefor thoseof uswith acnepronecomplexions. Thissubject hasrecentlyreceived anexcellent reviewby theAmericanAcademyof DermatologyInvitationalSymposium on Comedogenicity (12). REFERENCES (1) A. M. KligmanandO. H. Mills:Acnecosmetica, Arch.Dermatol., 106, 843-850 (1972). (2) J. E. Fulton,S. Bradley,et al, Noncomedogenic cosmetics, Cutis,17, 344-351 (1976). COMEDOGENICITY 333 (3) J. E. Fulton,Jr., S. R. Pay,andJE FultonIII, Comedogenicity of currenttherapeutic products, cosmetics, and ingredientsin the rabbitear,J. Am. Acad.Dermatol.,10, 96-105 (1984). (4) W. R. Markland,Acneandcosmetic comedogenicity, NordaBriefi,481, 1-6 (1977). (5) G. W. Hambrick andH. Blank,A microanatomical studyoftheresponse ofthepilosebaceous apparatusof the rabbits'earcanal.J. Invest.Dermatol.,26, 185-200 (1956). (6) H. Gougerot, A. Carteaud, andE. Grupper,Epidermie decoedons parlesbrillantines, crSmes etc.de gerer, Bull. Soc.Franc.Derm.Syph.,52, 124-125 (1945). (7) G. Piewig,J. E. Fulton,andA.M. Kligman,Pomade acne.Arch.Dermatol.,101, 580-584 (1970). (8) G. Piewig,J. E. Fulton,andA.M. Kligman,Dynamics of comedo formation in acnevulgaris, Arch. Derm. Forsch.242, 12-29 (1971). (9) A. ZatuloneandN. A. Konnerth,Comedogenicity testingof cosmetics, Cutis,39, 521 (1987). (10) O. H. Mills and A.M. 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