Centreforce Black Salve User Instructions Although The TGA have prevented us from supplying Cansema Black Salve for Human Therapeutic use, the ingredients are the same in Centreforce Black Salve, therefore these instructions prevail for all other Animals. Additionally, We have decided to make a name change and delete a more recent name of the Black Salve in history"Cansema" from our products, remedies with a history of over 100 years of proven use "Please read carefully before using!" ------------------------------------------WARNING: Please read the following instructions through carefully before applying Black Salve. Do not, in any way, deviate from the following. Remember, Black Salve will provide results only if you have skin cancer, as opposed to a benign growth. This includes basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas and melanomas of the skin. For information on an alternative to benign moles and warts, see Bloodroot Paste. --- (1) PREPARATION --Many people, on the observation that they have a "mole" or similar skin marking that is growing and getting darker, have elected to use Black Salve anyway. After all, Black Salve is selective in its action and will only "go after" neoplastic (cancerous) tissue. Healthy tissue will only redden and become mildly irritated when Black Salve is applied. This decision is entirely at the discretion of the user; there is no danger, toxic or otherwise, of applying Black Salve to healthy tissue, although doing so is simply a waste of the product. In addition, if you are targeting more than one growth, do one at a time. --- (2) APPLICATION --Centreforce Black Salve comes in .8 oz. and 1.6 oz containers. The product has the consistency of a thick, moist paste. It can easily be self-applied with the fingers and should be spread over the lesion or cancerous tissue in a thin covering, almost lightly "caked." Wash hands thoroughly before and after applying Black Salve. The applied area will start to tingle shortly afterwards -- anywhere between 5 minutes to 6 hours after the initial application. (In fact, if you feel "nothing" after three to six hours, it is most likely that nothing more will happen: Black Salve has failed to come into direct contact with the cancer. After 24 hours, you will want to remove the Black Salve and reapply, repeating this process, until the Black Salve can reach and "grab" the underlying aberrant growth.) In some cases, there is a burning sensation with larger lesions, so it is important to have a non-prescription pain killer, available during the process. Areas larger than a square centimeter may require even stronger analgesics, which, being prescription, will require the services of a cooperative physician. Otherwise, observing good "pain management" It may require that the cancer be "taken out in stages." This involves applying a small amount to the edge of the growth, waiting for the sensations to die down as the eschar process begins, and then repeating this process on an adjacent area of skin until the entire area has been covered. Observe this same procedure if you are targeting more than one growth. Do one at a time. In this fashion, any discomfort is minimized because the entire process, which can at that point last several days, has been spread out over time. This bears repeating: never apply Black Salve to a large area, unless you are under a physician's care and advice. It is also a good idea to place a bandage over the area, particularly if the forming eschar is on a place on the body that might be subject to being bumped or bruised in the course of daily activity. Another thing to consider is that Black Salve can stain clothing, so for practical, aesthetic, and cleanliness issues, covering the site is a good idea. " . . . I applied Black Salve and no eschar appeared! . . . What do I do now?" Black Salve has to come into contact with the target cancer area in order to work. It has transdermal properties (i.e. skin penetrating ability) - a characteristic that is enhanced with the Black Salve - Deep Tissue, as well as our veterinary versions. However, a couple of simple tricks can also speed up the process and/or reduce the number of applications required to "reach" a skin cancer that is well below the epidermis. Most people don't need these techniques if the skin cancer is close to the skin surface. We recommend that these "tricks of the trade" only be used if an initial application does not produce results - which turns out to be a minority of cases. "Deep Loufah Wash" - Many people use a loufah sponge to rigorously wash and prepare the skin before applying Black Salve Salve. This serves to remove some of the dead cells in the top layer of the epidermis (the stratum corneum), so that Black Salve has less tissue through which to travel to get to the underlying cancer. "Needle Points" - This technique is more effective, but more invasive. It involves taking a sterilized needle and carefully making holes in the skin about a sixteenth to eighth inch deep, very much as an acupuncturist would except that the needle is removed as soon as the holes, usually spaced about a quarter-inch apart. Following the creation of the "skin holes," Black Salve Salve is then (re)applied. We recommend that this technique be used by practitioners and not end users. We also advise that practitioners prep the area by rubbing three drops of Lugol's into the freshly "pricked" skin before Black Salve is (re)applied, provided that the subject is not diabetic - a clear contraindication, in which case hydrogen peroxide (3-6%) will act as a suitable substitute.) --- (3) MANAGING THE ESCHAR --After 24 hours remove the bandage. Using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 - 3% and a Q-Tip, very lightly go over the lesion, removing any excess Black Salve and other organic debris (i.e. pus, serous fluid, etc. Normally one application is sufficient for small tumors (the size of a pencil eraser), but no more than three applications are required for larger tumors. There are instances, however, when repeated applications of Black Salve are required because of "accessibility" problems - although this can be limited using the techiques cited in the preceding section. In order to initiate the escharization process, however, and begin killing the cancer, it is vital that Black Salve be able to penetrate and reach the subject site. This can take multiple (three or more) applications, though one to two applications is more common. After the eschar has formed, keep it well protected. Normally the bandage can be left on for a period of 10 days: however, in advanced cases there is considerable "drainage," that is, a steady emission of pus. In the sense that Black Salve kills the cancer cells and takes certain leukocytes (defending white blood corpuscles) with it in the process of eliminating the neoplasm, it is a suppurative agent: that is, drainage should not be viewed as abnormal. The range of possible response is very little pus and only one bandage ever required, to a regular change of bandages required in the case of advanced melanomas. Your case will be somewhere in-between. --- (4) REMOVING THE ESCHAR --The eschar itself represents the death of the neoplasm, and this occurs shortly after application. Everything that follows from there is the body's own reparative responses. From here on out, the body knows exactly what to do and wastes no time doing it. However, to us the days and weeks that follow may seem lengthy. The next stage is the removal of the eschar, or scab. This usually happens within 10 days after initial application, unless the case is advanced and/or cancer(s) cover a large area of the body. As with any scab, let it fall out when it is ready. Do not pull it out prematurely, although you may find that it will eventually be attached with a small thread of skin tissue which can be easily and safely severed. If you remove the eschar premature, you further risk developing scar tissue. --- (5) DECAVITATION & "HEALING OVER" --After the eschar comes out, the pit or "decavitation" can look raw and unsightly. Nonetheless, if kept covered and the everyday principles of good hygiene are followed, there will be no threat of secondary infection. If you work in area that is less than clean, however, you might want to have hydrogen peroxide handy, and apply it liberally to the site once a day to kill any invasive germs. Another option is the use of SilverAloe which accelerates the healing process and unlike hydrogen peroxide, has a thicker viscosity that allows it to stay on the skin longer. Only in rare conditions does the cancer "come back" to the area applied, unless there is underlying metastasis. To be sure that the area is clear of cancer, many users elect to initiate a second, or even third, application after they get to the "heal over" stage. In other words, once Black Salve has finished its work, there are normally no residual cells from the original neoplasm. This rule finds more exceptions the larger the original cancer growth is, the deeper it is beneath the skin, the more instances of skin cancer the subject has experienced, and/or the more extensive a person's history of skin cancer is or has been. Remember, you may need to repeat this process if the skin cancer is sufficiently extensive such that residual cancer cells have been left behind after you finish your first "cycle." (Although, this same admonition would exist if you had your skin cancer surgically removed.) The current ingredients In Centreforce Black Salve are: zinc chloride (Cl2Zn), chaparral Larrea mexicata), bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis); galangal root (Alpinia officinarium) or ginger root (Zingiber officinale); graviola leaf (Annona muricata), DMSO and glycerine (used as a humectant, to keep the product moist). What's exactly in "Black Salve"? Black Salve Contains : The formula (ingredients, percentages, and manufacturing methods) has evolved over time, largely to improve performance and minimize pain management issues. The current ingredients are: • Zinc chloride (Cl2Zn) • Chaparral (Larrea mexicata) • Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) • Galangal root (Alpinia officinarium) or ginger root (Zingiber officinale) • Graviola leaf (Annona muricata) • Glycerine (used as a humectant, to keep the product moist). • DMSO (Dimethylsulphoxidein) Pain management and deep tissue transferer. Panacea Black Salve Production (reloaded) Black salve is now banned from sale in Australia and this ban may spread to other countries. If this was not enough, any black salve DVD documentaries showing others successful results are also being targeted and prevented from sale. Open source has secured many things in the public domain. This method is the non profit organizations heart and soul. Now others' black salve success testimonies and the method to produce this successful alternative cancer treatment is released into the public domain - DVD style and with step by step tutorials and background. Panacea has re produced our educational video entitled the "Panacea Black Salve Production" to help public education of alternative cancer treatments. This production features Panacea volunteers who obtained medical proof of this alternative cancer treatment working. This treatment like many others has a long history of neglect. This production also outlines the details needed for the creation of facilities or alternative cancer treatment research clinic for further security, support and public education. We have many more alternative cancer treatments ( like the Gerson therapy, Macrobiotic, and Budwig diet which critically need public education and security from suppression. All of these treatments including black salve are non toxic and have statistical efficacy over the standard chemo, surgery and radiation, but remain unknown to capacity. There is no security to ensure that doctors provide the public with informed consent of these treatments and of their successfully statistics. Nor do they have any security against vested interests. There are many conflicts of interests with this health education in what is now a multibillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. Presently, black salve is banned from sale by the TGA in Australia. To help gather further medical proof and educate the public, Panacea has created the Black Salve Facebook site ( Alternative treatments to Cancer, Black Salve information, and real case information will be posted here. If you have used Black Salve, please use this page to post your story to share with others. Also Panacea has created a new Panacea medical research site to help gather medical records of black salve working in human subjects and educate the world. Enjoy this production and please share it with your loved ones. Ash on behalf of The Trustees of Panacea History of Herbal Treatment for Cancer External Treatment for Cancer Compiled Excerpts from Trustworthy and Forthright web sites The external treatment of cancer with escharotic salves actually seeks out and destroys cancer cells. Escharotic pastes and salves are caustic compounds that are applied externally on the skin. These are directly applied over the affected area and will erode the tissue to eventually destroy and remove the underlying tumor. The direct application of herbs and herbal juices to tumors has been practiced in many different traditions and cultures far back into antiquity. It is known that the Native Americans commonly applied poultices of roasted onions and bloodroot as well as other substances, which eroded the skin to draw out cancers, tumors and other undesirable materials. These formulas were admired and used by medical doctors during the 18th century in Europe. Other examples of topical application of herbs and their expressed juice are the use of chelidonium or dandelion latex to remove warts and other excrescences. The Chinese have a tradition of breaking open the seed of brucea javonica and taping directly over warts and excrescences to stimulate their dissolution. The treatment of breast cancer particularly through the use of dandelion latex was described as a folk remedy by the Chinese. In the mid nineteenth century, Samuel Thompson, a leader of one of the most popular movements of natural healing based primarily on the use of Native American herbs, reported the successful treatment of breast cancer. This was done by using a paste of thickened decoction of red clover blossoms. It was repeatedly and thickly applied to the woman's breast and covered over with a protective bandage. After a short time the cancer literally sloughed off through the surface of the skin, leaving a shallow crater. It is presumed that if this case is at all similar to dozens that I have seen or heard of, that this healed over without any complications. Skin Cancer - Black Salve Around the mid-nineteenth century, Native American herbs became very popular in Europe and a Dr. J.W. Fell, working at Middlesex Hospital in London developed a paste made of bloodroot, zinc chloride, flour, and water. This was directly applied as a paste to a malignant growth and generally destroyed the tumor within two to four weeks. Bloodroot (Sanguinarea canadensis) is one of the most beautiful eastern North American woodland herbs and was commonly used to treat cancer by the Native Americans. Since that time it has been identified as a primary ingredient in most escharotic salves and pastes, as these are called, used for the treatment of cancer. The alkaloid, sanguinarine has been indeed found to possess powerful anti-cancer properties. The Eclectics medical doctors of the 19th century, especially Dr. Eli Jones, specialized in the treatment of cancer emphasizing internal treatment and lifestyle changes but evidently used escharotic Black salves and ointments with success. The late Dr. Raymond Christopher created a Black Ointment drawing salve that contained potent anti-cancer herbs such as poke root and black walnut bark. Many consider this to be only for drawing out slivers and such embedded in the flesh, but in fact, the salve is also used for drawing out cancers and tumors. In recent times various formulas for the salve has been sold or given away by various clandestine individuals who are mostly motivated by the desire to help provide patients with a less invasive and harmful method to remove cancers from various parts of the body. One of the most startling facts is that the use of escharotics has been and continues to be an accepted and recognized medical procedure. A medical text entitled Chemosurgery: Microscopically controlled Surgery for Skin Cancer was written by Dr. Frederic E. Mohs, B.Sc., M.D. and last published by Charles Thomas in 1978. It uses the same basic escharotic paste used by Eli Jones, Hoxsey, and others for application for topical application for the removal of various cancers, molls, warts and other growths and excrescences. Dr. Mohs was clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of Wisconsin Medical School However, of the modern researchers, the two most respected and well-known authorities in the use of this approach were Dr. J. Weldon Fell and Frederic E. Mohs, MD, both of the United States. Frederic Mohs Fell was a faculty member of New York University and later was one of the founders of the New York Academy of Medicine. In the early 1850s, he moved to London and built up a very successful cancer treatment practice based on escharotic therapy using bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) as the herbal base. He published his results extensively. We know today that the alkaloids in bloodroot do indeed have a strong anti-tumor effect. Frederic Mohs called his approach chemosurgery and used a fixative paste. His was more an integrative approach that combined the use of the escharotic paste with surgical tumor removal and analysis, rather than allowing for the sloughing off of the eschar. His contribution is immense as he put the procedure on a very sound, scientific footing, with a tremendous amount of research that spanned decades. The soundness of his approach was underscored in a 1990 report that stated he had a verifiable and documented 99% success rate in his treatment of skin cancers! As recently as the late 1960's Vipont pharmaceuticals under the name of Vipont Chemical Co. of Fort Collins, Colorado, was formed by a rodeo cowboy named Howard McCrorey and two friends specifically to research and develop the Black salve for FDA approval. At one point they informally sent it off to an investigator of Mayo clinic to be tested for its efficacy in treating cancer. The investigator sent back two letters stating he had not tested anything that even came close to the anti-tumor activity of the Black salve. In order to keep the company viable they performed various contract work. As a result they brought a toothpaste to market called Viadent which utilized the ingredients of their Black salve to maintain dental hygiene and prevent and cure periodontal disease. It was and still is very effective and the company was eventually bought up by Colgate who is the manufacturer of Viadent. Besides its topical use, there is a tradition of internal use for cancer and all infectious and inflammatory diseases. Vipont conducted an LD/50 toxicity study of the salve for internal use. It was reported that the LD/50 was around 700mg per kilogram of body weight. Since the recommended dose for internal use is no greater than 250mg, at this level toxicity is very low. However, it should never be taken on an empty stomach as it can be too irritating. The salve can be taken in a 00-sized gelatin capsule as it is taken each day. Vipont and company has documented the use of the salve for a wide variety of problems, ranging from the removal of warts, moles and skin cancers to other internal cancers, colds, eye problems (diluted in a saline solution, one part salve to 1000 parts water), staff infections, impotency, skin diseases, gastrointestinal inflammations and other conditions too numerous to list. One representative who reported this story and was on the Board of Directors of Vipont Chemical Company, Clark Bigham stated that "my inclination is to try it for just about any known condition other than stomach ulcers and autoimmune diseases." Source: What studies have been done by modern medicine to demonstrate that these Black Salves are a proven skin cancer treatment system? "In the orthodox community this question refers to a "longitudinal, peerreviewed, double-blind study with carefully monitored control groups, using strict statistics measures..." bla, bla, bla, bla. We believe in the time-honored tradition of empiricism. It is the fundamental principle underlying the development of homeopathic, naturopathic, and herbalist formulas, even entire volumes of formularies (pharmacopoeia), not to mention the healing techniques of dozens of other modalities. A formula is proven to be effective and safe, in our minds, when it has been tested upon thousands of individuals over a period in excess of one century (that's 100 years) and has been found to repeatedly, thousands of times over, cure legions of patients with little or no side effects. Such is the history of escharotics, the illustrious herbal tradition from whose roots Cansema has sprung. It is the foundation of our South American medical herb formulas, and virtually all herb-based products. The pecularities of modern food and drug law, based as they are on 19th century "atomist" theories on pharmacology, have totally turned the free market on its head - and this is something most people either don't know, or don't take the time to figure out. The simple fact is, escharotic preparations are not sufficiently proprietary for anyone to get a useful patent on them. No drug company on earth is interested in a compound if they can't get an enforceable patent on it. And why? Because no drug company on earth ---- no, make that no intelligent human being on earth -- would ever invest the $100 million plus it takes to get "drug approval" in the U.S. and other major Western countries without the reasonable assurance a patent provides THAT THEIR INVESTMENT WOULD BE PROTECTED FROM THE ENCROACHMENT OF COMPETITORS! The fact is, medicine today -- whether you live in Perth, Edinburgh, Nassau, or Los Angeles, is far more about the dynamics of making money, than it is about doing what is best for the patient. Only when you can clearly view this industry from the inside does the intensity of this concept become so solidified and crystal clear that you would no more question it than you would think to doubt the curvature of the Earth. Like the Mother Goose story about the Emperor who wore no clothes, the masses of those living in Western society live behind the veneer. Only when one stands back and innocently looks at the structure of modern health care for what it is -- only when one takes the time to follow the money trail, can you understand why the very best products on the market have no chance of becoming mainstream if the most powerful interests in health care cannot figure out a way of cornering the market. It can be a "cornering" of short duration (a patent in the U.S., for instance, lasts 17 years), but it must be a turf that can be legally protected, with artificially high margins, for at precalculated period of high, sustained profitabilit." Source: Alpha Omega Labs "Over the past decades, hundreds of caring, concerned, and conscientious alternative healers have been jailed and abused like common criminals for the "crime" of curing people of life-threatening diseases in an "unapproved" manner by heavy-handed government agents who swoop down on clinics with drawn guns, flax jackets, and Gestapo manners. All the while, these same agents and agencies posture themselves before TV cameras and the public under the ludicrous pretense of being servants of the people and protectors of the common good. The medico-drug cartel was summed up by J.W Hodge, M.D., of Niagara Falls, N.Y., in these words: 'The medical monopoly or medical trust, euphemistically called the American Medical Association, is not merely the meanest monopoly ever organized, but the most arrogant, dangerous and despotic organization which ever managed a free people in this or any other age. Any and all methods of healing the sick by means of safe, simple and natural remedies are sure to be assailed and denounced by the arrogant leaders of the AMA doctors' trust as fakes, frauds and humbugs Every practioner of the healing art who does not ally himself with the medical trust is denounced as a 'dangerous quack' and impostor by the predatory trust doctors. Every sanitarian who attempts to restore the sick to a state of health by natural means without resort to the knife or poisonous drugs, disease imparting serums, deadly toxins or vaccines, is at once pounced upon by these medical tyrants and fanatics, bitterly denounced, vilified and persecuted to the fullest extent.'" Source: ------------ More recent FDA and TGA activities regarding Cansema: InThe Website Closed, Owners Detained, Products Seized by FDA The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, heavily populated by former (and future) pharmaceutical-industry executives, has a long history of aggressively attempting to close down businesses that produce holistic healthcare products for cancer and other serious illnesses, even if (especially if) the products work. This often involves raiding, arresting, prosecuting, and imprisoning the owners of the companies. Terrorist raids have become the new cure-all for alternative cancer remedies. On September 17th, 2003 the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) suspended most activities at the Alpha Omega Labs fulfillment center in Louisiana (Makers of Cansema) and arrested owner and herbalist, Greg Caton. In all, Greg Caton estimates, the FDA took $250,000 worth of materials and $400,000 worth of buildings. This doesn’t include what he lost in the distress sale of Preservx and the one building he sold, his legal fees—which amounted to $50,000 for the criminal charges alone—or the ongoing revenue from Preservx and Alpha Omega. Source: fda_panacea.htm “The medical definition of "cure" is the non-reoccurence of pathology within five years after treatment. By the very definition used by orthodox medicine, Cansema is empirically a proven cure for skin cancer for the majority of those who use the product according to instructions.” Source: Alpha Omega Labs And In Australia: New TGA Laws Bevan Potter from Centreforce Australia could face jail terms for producing products like Cansema for human use. Even though there is a mountain of anecdotal evidence to suggest this therapy works with regards to an effective treatment for skin cancer. Mr Potter has already been warned by the TGA that he can not make any claims, that he can not produce Cansema for human use...You will notice on his site that he now only produces this cancer therapy for cats and dogs.... it works really well on cancer in cats and dogs but apparently not humans [irony intended]. http:// Also see picture and testimonial from AHFA member Margaret H. The new TGA amendment Bill, August 17, 2005 will make the penalties so prohibitive that it will be almost impossible to bring to market any herbal remedy or supplement unless it is backed by a million dollar trials, and even then it will be swept under the carpet at the NHMRC. Source: “Surely we, as adults, have the right to choose the type of healthcare treatment available to us without the government unilaterally eliminating our options. Isn’t it time for the FDA to heed what the patient at one alternative cancer clinic said to them during a raid? “We’re all adults here, making free-will choices. Why don’t you get out of here and leave us alone?” Aside from restricting our healthcare choices, what justifies the FDA’s gestapo/ KGB tactics in smashing, intimidating, demoralizing, and bankrupting its targets, even before a trial to determine their guilt or innocence? What justifies seizing their assets, impounding their computers and business records, confiscating their personal papers and effects, destroying their products and ingredients, and holding them in prison for extended periods? Very few people can do what the individuals described here have done. It takes tremendous initiative to come up with a product that works, make it available commercially, and assume the risks of being put out of business and perhaps imprisoned. Perhaps most important, these individuals have resisted the temptation to get rich on other people’s suffering, which can’t be said of the pharmaceutical industry. They could have made much more money and put enough away to cover their eventual ruinous legal expenses—but they didn’t. Shouldn’t we be encouraging and rewarding people like this rather than persecuting them and destroying their lives? “ Source: ALDARA – THE SKIN CANCER “CURE” THAT CAN KILL "Aldara. The chemical used in this widely-sold drug has been known since 1986 to cause cancer. It is so dangerous that the American Cancer Society, The National Cancer Institute and others have determined it is a carcinogen, and have placed it on their lists of most hazardous chemicals. It has even been listed as a laboratory chemical hazard by the US Occupational Safety Health Agency. Yet, doctors worldwide are prescribing it, willy-nilly, to “cure” skin cancers, even though there are safe vegetable-based creams and other proven remedies." Elaine Hollingsworth... at age 76 in 2004 "I have gone to extreme lengths to ensure the accuracy of my statements and the veracity of my evidence. Any offence and distress caused to organisations and companies criticised in this book is entirely intentional. They deserve it. It is the least I can do in defence of the millions of their victims who have suffered much more than distress as a result of their disgraceful, selfinterested conduct. In particular, should any of those I have singled out for dishonourable mention feel that my attack is unwarranted in their case, I would welcome the opportunity to debate the issue with them in court and in public. I can assure them that there is now a massive and growing worldwide audience of victims and their relatives who would be very interested to hear their defences. If they have any." Vivacious and energetic, Elaine is living proof that her theories work. A former Hollywood actress, she is Director of the Hippocrates Health Centre in Queensland, Australia, where she lectures on health issues and continues her research into natural ways of maintaining good health. Source: TGA Regulating Drugs Eve Hillary Like its U.S. FDA counterpart, the TGA regulates and approves drugs. Ten years ago in 1994 there were 157.5 million prescriptions issued annually. That figure has now increased exponentially as hundreds of new drugs have come on line. It would be reasonable to assume that a large part of the huge modern TGA building in Canberra would be devoted to ensuring public safety through monitoring of potent pharmaceutical drugs. However more oversight committees and manpower is devoted to herbs and vitamins. Why? A quick overview of just one drug regulating example will yield some disturbing answers and raise even more questions." "It is my intention to reveal the fact that trans-national pharmaceutical corporations have already assumed the role of government at least where health care is concerned. I intend to highlight what steps have already been taken by corporate interests to move Australia and New Zealand toward CODEX and toward international corporate governance in the Asia Pacific region. This being true, it would alter the basic premise and agreement which Australian governance was founded upon – Democracy. This agreement cannot be altered except with the informed consent of the majority and only after public debate and referendum. It is my educated guess that most Australians want democracy for themselves and that they would want to preserve it for future generations. It is my guess that Australians do not want to be governed by trans-national corporations. It is my intention to allow these issues to be debated, understood and corrected by the electors, the only legitimate proprietors of government at this time. Eve Hillary is a freelance medical writer and research analyst on issues pertaining to health care, environmental health and the ways in which globalisation erodes Democracy." She specializes in documenting the human impact of the politics of multinational industry, including medical and biotech corporations. She covers issues such as emerging epidemics, gene pollution, chemical pollution, government regulators, third world exploitation and the role of the media. She is the author of Children of a Toxic Harvest: An Environmental Autobiography, Health Betrayal; Staying Away From The Sickness Industry and numerous articles relating to environmental health issues. Source: --------------------------- Other Sources of information Panacea Black Salve Production (reloaded) Alliance for Health Freedom Dr Rath Foundation Dr Mercola Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments Educate-Yourself Overcoming Cancer Therapies Walter Last The FDA's Panacea "For the medical profession this era may well be one of the most shameful and ethically questionable periods of its history." Stanley Wohl, M.D. - The Medical Industrial Complex (1984) This Document can be viewed In PDF form at: or: Centreforce Australia, PO Box 227, Gin Gin Qld 4671 Australia Phone 0741574262 %5Bcat_id%5D=ALL&search_subcategories=0&submit=Search%21 Chaparral powder Was: $4.00 Now: $3.80 Larrea tridentata Wildcrafted - Mexico Availability: IN STOCK Select Options: quantity: 25g50g = $7.60100g = $12.16500g = $51.301Kg = $79.80 View Details - share Quantity: Galangal Root Powder Was: $4.25 Now: $4.04 Alpinia galanga India - Trade Availability: IN STOCK Select Options: quantity: 25g50g = $8.08100g = $12.93500g = $54.541Kg = $84.84 View Details - share Quantity: Graviola Powder Was: $6.25 Now: $5.94 Annona muricata Peru - Trade Availability: IN STOCK Select Options: quantity: 25g50g = $11.88100g = $19.01500g = $80.191Kg = $124.74 View Details - share Quantity: Vegetable Glycerine Price: $6.95 Availability: IN STOCK Select Options: size: 100ml500ml = $14.872.5Lt = $36.145Lt = $63.94 View Details - share Quantity: DMSO Price: $14.90 (99.9% pure) 70% + 30% Double Purified Water R.T.U. in a amber glass bottle. Availability: IN STOCK Select Options: size: View Details - share 25ml500ml = $89.90 Quantity: Bloodroot Powder Was: $16.08 Now: $15.28 Sanguinaria canadensis Wildcraft - America Availability: IN STOCK Select Options: quantity: 25g50g = $30.56100g = $48.90500g = $206.281Kg = $320.88 View Details - share Quantity: Zinc Chloride 250g Price: $24.00 Min 98% ZnC12-Max 2% NH4C1 Availability: IN STOCK Select Options: size: View Details - share 250g1Kg = $66.0025Kg = $945.00 Quantity: One answer to Cancer DVD, Elaine Hollingsworth Price: $17.00 Availability: IN STOCK View Details - share Quantity: %5Bcat_id%5D=ALL&search_subcategories=0&submit=Search%21 Vet Dosage "Please read carefully before using!" Background A wide variety of successful reports have come to our attention in the veterinarian area. The animals which have received the most attention are domestic cats, dogs; and horses. This page provides veterinary guidelines for the use of these products. --- (1) BLACK SALVE --The application of Centreforce Black Salve to animals is fairly straight-forward and the same User Instructions would apply. The same cannot be said of the internal versions: Centreforce Capsules, Centreforce Tonic I, and Centreforce Tonic III, so please read the dosage information below carefully. --- (2) CENTREFORCE CAPSULES --The standard human dosage for Centreforce Capsules, printed clearly on the label, is one capsule, twice daily -- a total of two capsules per day. This is a recommended "baseline" dosage. Many people with advanced cancers will take nine or more capsules per day, knowing that the body will let them know if they're overdoing it - (i.e. general nausea will set in, even when capsules are taken with meals, accompanied by excessive fatique... the symptoms go away when dosage is cut back to a manageable level. We do not, by the way, recommend that you exceed the "baseline" dosage unless you are under the care of a naturopath). Most animals will use far less because of smaller body weight. To create uniformity in dosage, we are recommending that 160 lbs. (72.5 kg.) be used a baseline with animals for our standardization of dosage. Prorating from there, and taking into account that a single double-O Centreforce Capsule is 750 mg., the following values would be produced for smaller animals (usually our pets: cats and dogs): Centreforce Capsule Dosage for Cats & Dogs If Animal Body Weight if ... Then Daily Dosage Is... 5 - 10 lbs. (2.2 to 4.5 kg.) 1/4 Capsule (about 180 mg.) 20 lbs. (9 kg.) 1/2 Capsule (about 360 mg.) 40 lbs. (18 kg.) 1 Capsule (750 mg.) 80 lbs. (36 kg.) 2 Capsules (1500 mg.) 120 lbs. (54 kg.) 3 Capsules (2250 mg.) Over 120 lbs Email us. Horses: The use of Centreforce Capsules with horses (and this is true as well for our other internal products) is limited. We have had users reporting pouring the contents of 15 to 20 capsules into their feed and seeing success, but our opinion is that the number of cases is too limited to draw useful, reliable dosage recommendations at this time. We invite veterinarians and end users to provide input. The same recommendations should apply with horses as with smaller animals: make sure the animal is taking Centreforce Capsules with a meal; be sensitive to any sign of nausea (i.e. signs of stomachic sickness, vomiting, etc.) --- (3) Centreforce Tonics --There are two versions of Centreforce Tonic -- the original version (Centreforce Tonic ) and Centreforce Tonic III. The usage instructions for both are quite different. Centreforce Tonic : Using one Tablespoon (or 3 tsp., roughly 15 ml.), as our baseline, we have calculated that you are safe by giving your animal 3 drops of Tonic for every pound of body weight, or roughly 6 drops per kilogram - daily. Keep in mind that you may break this up to ensure that you can safely hide the product in their food. So, for a 10-pound cat, you would give your animal 30 drops daily; however, this could be 10 drops, three times daily, or 15 drops, twice a day. As long as the aggregate daily dosage is the original 30 drops per day. Dosage for pets would be one drop per daily of Tonic III per pound of body weight, or roughly one-third the dosage level of Tonic I. --- (4) WHICH IS THE BEST INTERNAL PRODUCT? --There isn't one. If there were, we would drop the other products and stick to just one winner. We have testimonial letters where the pet owner swore by Centreforce Capsules, and other letters where the owner indicated that Centreforce Tonic was the better product. This should surprise no one remotely familiar with pharmacology, or the narrower field to which we devote our attention: phytopharmacology. Any PDR (Physician's Desk Reference) contains many alternative medications, so that if one does not work, the physician has therapeutic choices for his particular patient's need. The same goes for supplement products Based on our most recent information, we are recommending Centreforce Capsules or Tonic first -- and then we are shipping Centreforce Tonic III if, for whatever reason, the original product fails to provide the intended result. Australia: Ph 0741574262 International: Ph +61.741.574.262 Graviola Galangal, Blood Root Chaparral Zinc Chloride DMSO vegetable glycerine Chaparral powder Larrea tridentata Wildcrafted - Mexico Common Names: Creosote Bush, Chaparral, Breasewood, Gobernadora, Greasewood Common Traditional Uses: Actions: A potent anti-inflammatory, and analgesic, anit-oxidant. Fights free radicals and chelates heavy metals. Some say that it has anti-HIV activity. Protects against harmful effects of radiation, sun exposure, and the formation of tumours and cancer cells. Relieves pain. Good for skin disorders. Chaparral has been used traditionally in treating arthritis. It also contains a powerful antioxidant shown to help prevent cell damage which can lead to cancer. There are many claims made about chaparral leaf, known to the botanical community as Larrea tridentata. Some claim that dried Larrea tridentata is a wondrous natural herb that can cure everything from cancer to the common cold, while others claim that Larrea tridentata, while being an organic herb is actually a toxin that does more harm than good. Aside from the fact that many of those claiming that organic chaparral leaf is poisonous work for the same large pharmaceutical corporations that continually work to deny healthcare to average working Americans, here are some hard facts about the herb known as Larrea tridentata: Also known as the "creosote bush," Larrea tridentata is a flowering evergreen shrub native to the deserts of the Southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. One interesting characteristic of this plant, which was an important native American herb for centuries, is that it produces a sap that prevents competing species from growing near it. The plant from which we obtain organic chaparral leaf is virtually immortal; although its branches eventually die off, the crown of the bush literally clones itself. One Larrea tridentata growing in western San Bernardino County, California, appears to be over 11,000 years old. As a medicinal herb, Indians of the Southwestern desert regions used the sap as a sunscreen as well as in the treatment of blood poisoning and liver disease. The dried herb, when brewed in tea and ingested, appears to help the body rid itself of parasites as well as chemical toxins. Some studies indicate that some extracts of Larrea tridentata have cancer-inhibiting properties as well. However, it also appears to contribute to the development of liver cancer in those who are genetically predisposed to the disease. Caution: Not for use by those with kidney, lymph or liver problems. Recommended for external use only. Taken internally, especially in large doses and/or for prolonged periods, can cause liver damage. All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. Please seek professional advice before commencing any treatment. Information for eductation purposes only. more info: and Galangal Root Powder Alpinia galanga India - Trade Common Traditional Uses: Although sold with and classified with herbs, galangal root is actually a rhizome - a type of stem that grows underground and often sends out roots of its own. Ginger, which is related to the alpina galanga plant, is another example. While ginger and galangal root may be members of the same botanical family, they taste nothing alike. Commonly used in the cuisines of Southeast Asia, galangal has an exotic flavor unlike anything else. It is described as peppery with overtones of pine and a hint of citrus. Dried galangal root is crushed into powder and used to flavor redang, the spicy Indonesian beef-and-poultry stew; c/s galangal root is mashed up into Thai curry pastes. The fruit of alpina galanga is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a digestive aid; it is also used in Russia for the manufacture of a liqueur known as nastoika. Graviola Powder Annona muricata Peru - Trade Common Names: Soursop, Prickly Custard Apple, Brazilian pawpaw Vegetable Glycerine DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) DMSO (99.9% pure) 70% + 30% Double Purified Water R.T.U. in a amber glass bottle. Why a glass bottle ? Did you know DMSO is actually classed as a solvent ? However , this DMSO is not Industrial grade, it is a Premium Pharmaceutical grade . As DMSO is also a very powerful penetrant / carrier I don't want to risk contamination from any plastics for either the user or the recipient. Even though DMSO is a non-toxic product made from leftovers of the paper manufacturing process & the DMSO is made from exactly the same product , I do not offer DMSO for Human Use .What you choose to use DMSO for is entirely your choice. PS: Did you know that DMSO can also be used to help strike your garden plant cuttings too ? Did you also know that water is a solvent too ? Bloodroot Powder Sanguinaria candensis Common Names : Red Root, Red Indian Paint, Tetterwort. Common Traditional Uses: Actions : Expectorant, anti-spasmodic, emetic, cathartic, nervine, cardio-active, topical irritant. The flowering part of bloodroot root is native to central and eastern North America from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Distantly related to stinging nettles (which sanguinaria canadensis resembles), it is unique in that it is pollinated not by bees or even birds, but by ants, which carry home the seeds to their nests, where they germinate. Because of its color, sanguinaria canadensis has been used as dye clothing. Cautions: Organic herbs are like anything else used as medicine; in small amounts they can be very helpful and conducive to good health; however, used carelessly, many dried herbs and roots can be harmful and even toxic. Bloodroot root is no exception; in small amounts, sanguinaria canadensis tincture may be useful for the treatment of cold symptoms and make for more productive coughs. Some reported uses of bloodroot root powder mixed into a paste and applied to the skin suggests that it is effective as a treatment for skin cancer; however, this is not recommended. People who have attempted this have suffered disfiguring injuries as a result. “There is a principle which is a bar against all information which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” Herbert Spencer
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