June 2015 Published by the Town of Nackawic Updating Nackawic on Recreational, Social, and Cultural Activities TOWN HALL OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday - 8:15 am - 4:30 pm Council meetings for the month will take place on June 1st and 15th. Council meetings are open to the public and are called to order at 7:00 pm. No matter shall be placed on the agenda for consideration at any regular Council meeting unless the request for consideration of the matter is received by the Chief Administrative Officer, in writing, before 12:00 noon on the Friday preceding the day on which the meeting is to be held. TOWN OF NACKAWIC SCHOLARSHIPS Sam Bates Citizenship Award presented during Nackawic Senior High School Graduation Ceremonies to a Nackawic student who best meets the following criteria: Applicants must be a graduating student pursuing higher education at a university or college. Applicants must be a resident of Nackawic. Applicants must provide a written dissertation alluding to his or her contribution(s) to the community. Applications must be received no later than Wednesday, June 10th. The Forestry Capital scholarship is presented to a student who best meets the following criteria: Applicants must be accepted in a program of the environmental sciences, i.e. biology, chemistry, engineering or other related disciplines at a community college, forestry school, or university of his or her choice. Applicants must write a brief essay relating their career to the forest industry. Applicants can apply by completing the questionnaire and by mailing or delivering same to the Town Hall no later than Wednesday, June 10th. You can pick up the forms at the High School or the Town Office. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Please be advised that the Public Works Garage is open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday. BUILDING PERMITS It is that time again when we are all eager to renovate or start construction. As of March 17, 2014, all development and construction projects in Nackawic are overseen by Regional Service Commission 11 Planning and Development, if you have any questions regarding building permits call RSC 11 at 453-2956, or the Town Hall at 575-2241. PLEASE STOOP & SCOOP By-law S-3, A By-law relating to the Control & Licensing of Dogs, section 7.03 states, “any person having care, custody or control of a dog shall remove forthwith any excrement deposited by said dog on any property in the Town. This does not apply to the dog owner’s property.” Fines range from $25.00 to $200.00. __________________________________________________ NEWS ON THE RECREATION FRONT The Relay for Life Yard sale will run in the arena on Saturday, May 30th from 8 am until noon. Please note; you get to keep all funds you raise at your table – the only fee that is required is the $5.00 per table fee. To book your table, call the Rec office at 575-2240. Co-Ed Ball hockey in the arena – we will be going on Monday nights. This is a free program that is recreational in nature. Grade 4 to 8. A helmet, mask and hockey gloves will be required. Call to register. Relay for Life will run June 6th on our waterfront. It will be a 12 hour Relay running from noon until midnight. We are still looking for teams – volunteers. If this is something that interests you please contact the Rec Department. Lots of great events planned for this wonderful family event. Canada Day celebration will kick off the summer season – BBQ – fireworks – music by “The Common People”, Wednesday, July 1. The in Motion Western Valley Games are being hosted by the Town of Florenceville-Bristol this summer; the dates are July 16th & 17th. Information will be coming soon so stay tuned. Nackawic Community Days will run August 19th to the 23rd. The theme for this year’s event is “Good Ole Days”. The Rec Department is working on two summer co-ed camps this summer, one for Basketball and one for Volleyball. Please contact the Rec Department for more information. As a courtesy, if you plan to use the gazebo for a summer event, please call ahead to book, we are hoping to avoid conflicts. For all your recreational needs contact the Recreation Department at 575-2240, or email [email protected] . FIREMEN’S BREAKFAST There will be a Firemen’s Breakfast at the Nackawic Arena on Saturday, June 27th, from 7:00 – 11:00 am. Admission is by donation. Hope to see everyone there! **THERE IS ABSOULTLY NO GRASS BURNING AT ANY TIME IN THE TOWN LIMITS OF NACKAWIC** FIRE PERMITS Fire Permit forms are available at Town Hall. Section 14.01 of Bylaw S-11, A By-law respecting the Fire Department, states, “Any person who proposes to ignite a fire within the Town limits shall make a written application to the Fire Chief for a permit.” A new permit is required each time you burn. Back yard fire pits are to be inspected by the Fire Department prior to being issued a 2015 summer fire permit. Please drop by or call the Town Hall to complete a fire permit application. Fines for not having a valid permit range from $50 to $200. NACKAWIC PUBLIC/SCHOOL LIBRARY Summer Reading Club: The theme is “Reading Tails” and it’s all about animals! Starting Wednesday, June 24 th and each Wednesday until August 19th. Read-to-Me (ages0-5) at 10:30 am and Summer Reading Club (ages 6 and up) at 2:30 pm. Stories, songs, games and lots of Fun while keeping those literacy skills sharp during the summer months! Loonie Lottery: Support your library with the “original” Loonie Lottery – buy a number for $1.00 per week – you can pay $52.00 up front for the whole year, $5.00 or $10.00 (or any amount for that matter) at a time, or $1.00 each week. A 50/50 draw is held every Friday. Numbers can be purchased at the Library or at Ryan’s Pharmacy. Help us to raise funds for new books!! Congratulations to last month’s winners: Eileen Pellerin, Pat Collett, Bonnie Scarbro and Barb Brewer. Preschool Story Time: The last regular Wednesday story time will be on June 10th – Summer Reading Club starts on the 24th. This gives us time to prepare and decorate the children’s area for the summer. Regular Programs: Knitting Group (Thursdays 2:00 – 4:00 pm) and Browse ‘n Café (Fridays at 11:00 am) go on during the summer months. THE LIBRARY IS OPEN ALL SUMMER!! DROP IN ANYTIME…. The library will be CLOSED WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 for cleaning. Library Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.: 9:00 – 1:00 and 2:00 – 5:00 Thursday: 12:00 – 5:00 and 6:00 – 8:00 NACKAWIC AND AREA WELLNESS Thank you to all who supported the Nackawic and Area Wellness Committee’s & Community Living Nackawic versus Hartland Challenge. Our challenge was to collect 1,500 bags of clothing before Hartland did. While we didn’t make it to the 1,500 mark we certainly had great community support. Due to your support and efforts Community Living will make a financial donation based on the number of bags that we did collect to our Wellness Committee to support wellness endeavors in our area. The contest runs to May 31….still some time to empty those closets. While you are emptying those closets think of ways that you would like to see that money spent! Our Food Mentor/Food Safety Course has been rescheduled to start on September 17. The Food Mentor program will run for 4 consecutive Thursdays from 9:30 – 3:00 and the Food Safety Course will take place on Saturday, September 19 from 9:00 – 5:00. More information to follow but if you are interested or have questions contact Gail Farnsworth (575-8979) or Charlene Chatterton (575-8168). Bulk Buying – please have your order in by 4:30 on the 1st Wednesday of the month. Orders can be placed in one location only, the box at My Gym, new membership forms are available there also. Pick up is at the Kirk Church on the 2 nd Wednesday from 11 – 1 and 1:30 on at My Gym. We are strictly a volunteer based group so your participation for packing of the bags at the Kirk is always welcomed, we pack from 9:45 until 11:00 am. Last month we did 72 bags! Let’s Green Up Nackawic – our gentlemen in the Rec. Dept. are constructing 4 flower boxes to be placed on the medium in front of the mall to fill with flowers. The flowers and soil will be purchased locally from Tina’s and Cal’s Independent Grocer but we would like to have groups or individuals willing to invest some time to plant these flowers and perhaps to add their own touch. Watering will be taken care of but we would ask each group to weed and fertilize. Hope to have the boxes ready by the 2nd week of June. This is just a small start but a start of even a bigger investment next year. CO-ED SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT The Annual Clayton Stairs Memorial Co-ed Softball Tournament will take place on Saturday, July 11th. To register a team, please call Gloria Monteith @ 328-0007. RIVER VALLEY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY RVCA registrations ongoing for the 2015-2016 school year. Visit www.rivervalleychristianacademy.com for printable forms and information, phone 575-1010 or email [email protected] . Grades offered are Junior Kindergarten up to and includes grade 8 *Junior Kindergarten Program (age 4 by Dec.31/15). Our JK program is now full!! Please call to be included on our waiting list. NORTH YORK CHRISTIAN MENS GROUP North York Men’s Fellowship meeting will take place on June 25 th at 6:00 pm at the Millville Baptist Church. It is our annual husband and wife supper (covered dish). We look forward to seeing you all there. For more information contact Ralph @ 575-2366, or [email protected] . MACTAQUAC COUNTRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Great Succession: Challenges for Intergenerational Business Transfers in New Brunswick. Presented by Cedric MacLeod - Guest Speaker $25 per business (unlimited people from the business) $10 per person Date: June 4, 2015 Time: 7:00 pm Contact: 506-575-9622 Place: Moco Kitchen at Mactaquac (1265 Route 105 Mactaquac Lodge) Email: [email protected] TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets every Tuesday night at the Temperance Vale Hall. Weigh in is from 5:00 – 6:15 pm and meeting starts at 6:45 pm. If you have any questions, please call our Leader Pam Billings @ 575-2574. THE GARAGE - YOUTH CENTRE “The Garage” youth centre at 92 McNair Drive (beside Baptist Church) is open to all area youth Grades 6 – 12 each Thursday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 pm with adult supervision and free canteen. EXCESS EQUIPMENT UP FOR BIDS The Rec Department presently has 3 used dock sections in various states of repair to be offered as excess equipment. You will have until Monday, June 15th at 4:30 pm to submit a bid at the Town Hall. Please note all three sections are being offered as one complete package. The successful bidder is responsible for picking up and transporting the docks. The docks are as is where is and can be seen behind the arena. FESTIVAL ON THE BEND Remember the “Good Ole’ Days”? Take a walk down memory lane during Festival on the Bend 2015 from August 19th – 23rd. The theme this year is “The Good Ole’ Days”…bringing back the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and beyond. So start thinking about a float for the parade featuring one of these decades! The committee is also planning to bring back some good old games. It will be a fun filled weekend so mark your calendar! If you haven’t already, please support our weekly 50/50 draw. If you would like to join in, please contact Donna Gagnon at 5758739, Mike Flewelling at 575-2600 or sign on at Ryan’s Pharmacy and Whatchamacallits Diner. Draws take place every Tuesday at Robins. The bigger the pool, the bigger the pot, the bigger the festivities! Thank you to these businesses for their support! LION’S CLUB NEWS All proceeds from a Ham Dinner and two Jamborees went to a new Wellness Facility at the Portage Atlantic residence for youth with addiction issues. A thousand dollars was raised for this worthwhile project. Please mark your calendars for the Club 300 Dinner and Dance. The dinner, roast beef, will be served from 5 – 7 pm. This is only open to ticket holders and a guest. The draw will start at 7:30. The Dance will start at 9 pm and is open to everyone over 19 at a cost of $5.00. Those with tickets are admitted free. Bowling Alley is closed for the summer season however it is also available for parties. Please call Maryanne at 575-2361. Crib is Tuesday afternoons. For Hall Rentals and Health and Welfare please contact Sharon Berube @ 575-8464 or Brian Toole until further notice. Remember that our hall is now AIR CONDITIONED! For any other information please contact Brian Toole @ 575-2885. COFFEE HOUSE Sts. Simon and Jude Parish is hosting a celebration on Sunday, June 28th @ 1:15 pm in the Parish Hall. A Coffee House theme with an open mic ~ come along, sing a song or two, and share a poem/skit. Light refreshments provided. All are invited. May we suggest bringing an item for the Food Bank…. Hope to see you there! Need more information call Deb Albert 575-2532. BREAKFAST St. Clements church 6839 Route 102 Dumfries is having a breakfast / yard sale June 6th the breakfast runs from 8 – 10:30. MENU: Bacon – sausage - pancakes - baked beans – scrambled eggs – home fries – tea & coffee. Donations taken at the door. The yard sale will run from 8 – 12 noon. Hope to see you there for the many good buys. Breakfasts will continue the first Saturday of the month thru the summer. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL SUPPER Saturday, June 27th from 3 – 6 pm. MENU: Ham - Potato salad – coleslaw – baked beans – brown bread – rolls & strawberry shortcake. COST: Adults $12.00 – Children under 12 $6.00 and Preschoolers are FREE! Sponsored by the Prince William Pastoral Charge, Dumfries, at the Fire Hall (old TCH). ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 27 Regular monthly meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month starting at 3:30 pm at the Nackawic Lions Club. If you need to contact a member please see the contact list below: President Ralph LeBlanc 575-2366 Sec/Treasurer Ross Carruthers 575-2139 Service Officer Earl Scott 575-2419 Poppy Chairperson Joyce Hape 575-8680 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE KEY Notices for non-profit groups can be faxed to 575-2035, emailed to [email protected], or mailed to Town of Nackawic, 115 Otis Drive, Nackawic, NB E6G 2P1. The deadline for submissions is the 24th of each month. The Key can also be downloaded at www.nackawic.com .
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