NACRO 2015 Annual Conference Washington, D.C. Georgetown University, co-hosted with University of Maryland July 14 – 16, 2015 Anticipated Conference Agenda As of April 30, 2015 – Subject to Change Tuesday, July 14, 2015 7:00 – 11:30 • Registration Location: Outside Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building, Georgetown University 8:00 -2:00 • Preconference Option: NACRO Master’s Class “Generating Trust and Respect in Your Organization: Professional Communication” Location: Conference Room 415, Hariri Building For the first time, the NACRO Professional Development Committee will pilot a Master's Level workshop in conjunction with the annual NACRO Conference. Attendance at this workshop will be limited to 25 NACRO Members who meet the following criteria: must have 10+ years of Professional Experience with at least 3 being in a leadership role; must be responsible for leading the CR efforts at your institution; and must have responsibility for the training and development of your team. Registration for the Master’s Class is separate from NACRO Conference Registration. 9:00 – 5:00 • Preconference Option: NACRO Blueprint Day Location: Fisher Colloquium, Hariri Building Blueprint Day is hand crafted for new NACRO members, new corporate relations officers and those new to higher education. This optional first day of the conference will focus on the NACRO “blueprint” for holistic university corporate relations, and will also incorporate two of the best parts of any NACRO Conference: learning from each other and networking with other NACRO members. Those who have already attended a NACRO annual conference are respectfully asked to consider carefully before registering for this event, to avoid diluting the experience for our new members. 9:00 – 9:15 • Blueprint Welcome Co-Chairs: Brad Ricker, Associate Director for Corporate Relations, Michigan State University, and Robin Seth Shah, Assistant Director of Corporate Relations, University of Houston NACRO Co-Presidents: Mary Beth Maddox, Executive Director, The Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas, and Jon See, Director of Communications, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University 9:15 – 9:45 • NACRO Bingo mixer Facilitator: Morrel Wax, Assistant Director, Development for Corporate and Foundation Relations, Miami University 9:45 – 10:30 • The Evolution of Corporate Relations Offices The structure of corporate relations offices and their associated responsibilities differ greatly from one university to another. This presentation will utilize case studies to first describe current corporate relations models; and then discuss those specific variables that influence structure. Speaker: Cameron McCoy, Assistant Vice President, Office of Economic Engagement, Lehigh University 10:30 – 10:45 • Networking Break 10:45 – 11:30 • Corporate Outreach: Building Mutually Beneficial Partnerships Generating and maintaining new corporate partnerships, while coordinating corporate outreach efforts with many motivated players on campus, is a challenge. Corporate Relations Officers address the varied goals of their university and corporate partners, while connecting the dots to develop comprehensive strategies for engagement, support, and partnership. This session will focus on proven corporate outreach strategies and success stories from a philanthropic and research perspective. Speakers: Cynthia Sweet, Senior University Business Liaison, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Kyan Zeller, Associate Director for Corporate and Foundation Relations, Michigan State University 11:30 – 1:00 • Lunch – Networking with Mentors – Ally Program Launch The Ally Program seeks to create meaningful opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and provide professional development opportunities for corporate relations (CR) officers new to the field. Ally Cohorts will be based loosely on location, and consist of 2 facilitators experienced in the CR field and 5-10 participants that are new to CR or new to NACRO. Each cohort will meet at the NACRO conference during Blueprint Day and connect throughout the year on quarterly conference calls. Ally Cohorts will last for one year, beginning and ending at the annual conference. This program is an additional way to connect with colleagues at other schools and build your network. FIN NACRO 2015 Annual Conference AL Washington, D.C. Georgetown University, co-hosted with University of Maryland July 14 – 16, 2015 1:00 – 1:30 • Spider Web Mixer Facilitator: Morrel Wax, Assistant Director of Development for Corporate and Foundation Relations, Miami University 1:30 – 2:45 • Art of the Deal This session will guide you through the Art of the Deal. When do you push the ROI? When do you back off and take it slow? What do you do when the “deal” is getting diverted by a well-meaning but anxious faculty member who doesn’t have the strategic picture in mind? This HIGHLY interactive session will combine success stories, tales of woe, and maybe even a little role play to demonstrate proven techniques to close the deal. Speakers: Kathy Lynch, Director of Corporate Relations, Boston University, and Anne O’Donnell, Executive Director for Corporate Research Partnerships, UC San Diego 2:45 – 3:30 • Sharing the Love: Stewardship of Corporate Partners Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something that has been entrusted to you. In the context of corporate relations, it is imperative that in addition to prospecting for new partners and revenue, we also steward what we already have – show our institutional “love” for donors and other, existing corporate customers. The presenter will review common areas of academic engagement and share examples and best practices for stewardship, with the hope that it will become clear that this is a core activity in a successful, corporate relations program. Speaker: Mark Putnam, Director of Corporate Relations, University of Houston 3:30 – 3:45 • Networking Break 3:45 – 4:45 • From Blueprint to Reality: A University Panel Discussion This final session of the day will focus on pulling together all the essential elements as well as touch on the metrics of running a successful corporate relations team as described in the NACRO white papers on the same subject. The format will be a panel discussion led by NACRO members who are driving the strategies of each of their respective teams. We will have representation from public and private universities as well as small and large offices of corporate relations. The session will culminate with a Q & A session providing an opportunity to address any additional questions from presentations throughout the day. Speakers: Todd Cleland, Director, Industry Relations, University of Washington; Barry Dickerson, Senior Director of Development, University of Illinois; Mona Ellerbrock, Director of Corporate Relations, UC Davis; and Brandon Zollner, Director of Corporate Relations, Rose-Hulman 4:45 • Closing Comments 1:30 - 4:00 • Registration Location: Outside Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building 3:00: Preconference Option: Georgetown University Tour Location: TBD Walking tour of Georgetown University providing an overview of campus sites and historic buildings. Space is limited to the first 20 registrants for each tour. 4:00: Preconference Option: Georgetown University Tour Location: TBD Walking tour of Georgetown University providing an overview of campus sites and historic buildings. Space is limited to the first 20 registrants for each tour. 5:00 - 7:00 • Registration (badge pickup for pre-registered conference attendees only) Location: Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall 6:00 – 8:00 • Opening Night Reception Location: Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall Network with colleagues at the first official event of the conference. NACRO Committee Speed Networking. Wear your school colors. Speakers: NACRO Co-Presidents: Mary Beth Maddox, Executive Director, The Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas, and Jon See, Director of Communications, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University FIN NACRO 2015 Annual Conference AL Washington, D.C. Georgetown University, co-hosted with University of Maryland July 14 – 16, 2015 Wednesday, July 15, 2015 6:45 – 11:00 • Registration Location: Outside Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building 7:15 – 8:15 • Breakfast Location: Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall 8:15 – 8:30 • Walk to Morning Sessions (from Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall to Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building) 8:30 – 8:45 • Opening Remarks Location: Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building NACRO Co-Presidents: Mary Beth Maddox, Executive Director, The Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas, and Jon See, Director of Communications, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University Conference Planning Committee Co-Chairs Brian Darmody, Associate Vice President, Corporate and Foundation Relations, University of Maryland, and Justine Schaffner, Assistant Dean, Alumni and External Relations, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University 8:45 – 9:45 • Keynote Address Location: Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building Speaker: Dr. Willie E. May, Acting Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology 9:45 – 9:55 • Networking Break Location: Outside Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building 10:00 – 11:00 • Concurrent Session • Models of Success for Corporate Foundations Location: Fisher Colloquium, Hariri Building This session will feature a panel of corporate foundation leaders discussing different models used within their organizations for establishing and operating corporate foundations. The discussion will explore challenges that arise for corporations in establishing and growing their charitable foundations, different models and tools utilized in building successful programs, and trends anticipated for corporate giving models in the future. Speakers: GE Foundation (invited) and Bank of America Charitable Foundation (invited) Moderator: William Novelli, Distinguished Professor of the Practice, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University 10:00 – 11:00 • Concurrent Session • Working With Your University Government Relations Team to Amplify Corporate Partnerships Location: Case Room 240, Hariri Building Research universities have teams devoted to strengthening ties with the corporate community and other teams focused on building relationships with state and federal elected officials, but they don’t always work together. Former H-P and Cal Tech executive Wayne Johnson’s famous Continuum of Corporate-University Relationships shows the highest and most advanced strategic partner level including corporations lobbying state officials on behalf of universities. How do we incentivize both government and corporate relations teams working together? What are best practices? Speakers: Laura A. Frerichs, Director, University of Illinois Research Park and Director of Economic Development, UIUC Public Engagement; Jennifer Poulakidas, Vice President, Congressional and Governmental Affairs, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities; and Ross Stern, Assistant to President and Director of State Government Relations, University of Maryland Moderator: Brian Darmody, Associate Vice President, Corporate and Foundation Relations, University of Maryland 10:00 – 11:00 • Concurrent Session • Industry Capstones: Mutually Beneficial Partnerships Location: Case Room 250, Hariri Building Engaging industry and corporate executives on campus is key to the longevity of a university partnership. Industry Capstone Projects offer opportunities for companies to engage with top talent, develop an idea, interact with faculty and have access to university resources. Effectively managing these programs takes dedicated staff and an ample amount of time. Join us to hear from three universities that have developed programs that are mutually beneficial to their university, industry and students, and of course, bring in revenue for their school or department. Attendees will hear a brief history of the program, lessons learned and strategies they can implement at their own institutions to engage companies beyond the projects. FIN NACRO 2015 Annual Conference AL Washington, D.C. Georgetown University, co-hosted with University of Maryland July 14 – 16, 2015 Speakers: Ara Arabyan, Director, Engineering Clinic, University of Arizona; Barry C. Olsan, Director of Corporate Relations, Harvey Mudd College; and Jessica Watts, Director of Corporate Relations, University of Texas at Dallas Moderator: Todd Cleland, Director, Industry Relations, University of Washington 10:00 – 11:00 • Concurrent Session • Cybersecurity: The Industry-Government-Academia Nexus Location: Case Room 350, Hariri Building Cybersecurity is an important strategic priority for the United States and the international community, both from a national security perspective and from the point of view of protecting commerce. Universities are responding rapidly to industry and government demands for solutions and skilled workers by standing up research centers, academic programs and new collaborative initiatives. Our panel will feature industry representatives who represent different motivations for partnering with universities on cybersecurity, such as federal teaming, recruitment, workforce development, and joint research and technology development. Speakers: Charles F. Day, President/CEO, Charles F. Day & Associates, L.L.C.; Josephine Micallef, Executive Director, Applied Communications Sciences; Thomas Paonessa, Senior Principal, The MITRE Corporation; and Christopher Valentino, Director of Strategy, Cyber Division, Northrop Grumman Information Systems Moderator: Eric Chapman, Assistant Vice President, Research Development, University of Maryland 11:00 – 11:10 • Networking Break Outside Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building 11:15 – 12:15 • Keynote Address Location: Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building Speaker: Jim Dillard, Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs and Chief Innovation Officer, Altria 12:15 – 12:25 • Walk to Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall 12:30 – 1:15 • Lunch and NACRO Business Meeting Location: Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall NACRO Co-Presidents: Mary Beth Maddox, Executive Director, The Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas, and Jon See, Director of Communications, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University 1:15 – 1:25 • Walk to Concurrent Sessions (Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall to Hariri Building) 1:30 – 2:30 • Concurrent Session • Maximizing Your Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities: A CRM Overview Location: Case Room 240, Hariri Building As Corporate Relations has become more integrated into the fabric of the university, information sharing and transparency has become an essential feature of a successful program. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software has become the buzz amongst institutions looking to better integrate their internal business units and maximize the power of their corporate relationships. The demands of tracking the many interactions go beyond the basic capabilities of most philanthropic fundraising constituent tracking systems. This interactive session will provide insights into the process of building an institution-wide CRM including the opportunities, costs, and barriers to success. We will review programs including Blackbaud, Salesforce, and even custom-built programs. Speakers: Brent Burns, Director of Industry Relations, Michigan Technological Institute, and Mark Nolan, Director of IT and Economic Development, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Moderator: Anson Fatland, Associate Vice President for Economic Development, Washington State University 1:30 – 2:30 • Concurrent Session • Councils, Affiliates, Advisors: The How-To’s of Dating and Building a Corporate Relationship Location: Case Room 250, Hariri Building Companies like to date before getting married. What better way to date than to invite a company to join an Advisory Council? Like any dating relationship you need to remember to call, send flowers and keep the momentum going. Come learn about some successful dating tactics and if you’re lucky enough, how to put a ring on it. Speakers: Julie Brandis, Director, Corporate Relations, Oregon State University Foundation; Mark Putnam, Executive Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, University of Houston; and Morrel Wax, Assistant Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Miami University Moderator: Adria Shelton Alhadeff, Assistant Director of Corporate Relations, Washington State University FIN NACRO 2015 Annual Conference AL Washington, D.C. Georgetown University, co-hosted with University of Maryland July 14 – 16, 2015 1:30 – 2:30 • Concurrent Session • Cybersecurity: The Industry-Government-Academia Nexus Location: Case Room 350, Hariri Building Cybersecurity is an important strategic priority for the United States and the international community, both from a national security perspective and from the point of view of protecting commerce. Universities are responding rapidly to industry and government demands for solutions and skilled workers by standing up research centers, academic programs and new collaborative initiatives. Our panel will feature industry representatives who represent different motivations for partnering with universities on cybersecurity, such as federal teaming, recruitment, workforce development, and joint research and technology development. Speakers: Charles F. Day, President/CEO, Charles F. Day & Associates, L.L.C.; Josephine Micallef, Executive Director, Applied Communications Sciences; Thomas Paonessa, Senior Principal, The MITRE Corporation; and Christopher Valentino, Director of Strategy, Cyber Division, Northrop Grumman Information Systems Moderator: Eric Chapman, Assistant Vice President, Research Development, University of Maryland 1:30 – 2:30 • Concurrent Session • Case Study: Development & Career Services Together Build Effective University/Corporate Partnerships Location: Case Room 340, Hariri Building A strategic partnership between the Development Office and Career Opportunities and Employer Relations (COER) at the Missouri University of Science and Technology is resulting in new internship/employment opportunities for students, increased visibility of the university, and new and/or increased corporate giving. This session describes the growing relationship between Missouri S&T and Halliburton, and how combined efforts resulted in a 50% increase in Halliburton’s giving and helped put Missouri S&T in position for “key school” recruitment consideration for a new Halliburton initiative. Speakers: Lisa Cunico, Recruiting Specialist, Halliburton, and Edna M. Grover-Bisker, Director, Career Opportunities & Employer Relations, Missouri University of Science & Technology Moderator: Darla Harmon, Senior Development Officer, Corporations & Foundations, Missouri University of Science & Technology 2:30 – 2:40 • Networking Break Outside Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building 2:45 – 3:45 • Concurrent Session • Maximizing Your Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities: A CRM Overview Location: Case Room 240, Hariri Building As Corporate Relations has become more integrated into the fabric of the university, information sharing and transparency has become an essential feature of a successful program. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software has become the buzz amongst institutions looking to better integrate their internal business units and maximize the power of their corporate relationships. The demands of tracking the many interactions are beyond the basic capabilities of most philanthropic fundraising constituent tracking systems. This interactive session will provide insights into the process of building an institution-wide CRM including the opportunities, costs, and barriers to success. We will review programs including Blackbaud, Salesforce, and even custom-built programs. Speakers: Brent Burns, Director of Industry Relations, Michigan Technological Institute, and J. Mark Nolan, Director of IT and Economic Development, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Moderator: Anson Fatland, Associate Vice President for Economic Development, Washington State University 2:45 – 3:45 • Concurrent Session • “If it’s Tuesday, This Must be Beijing”: The Value Proposition of Corporate Relations in an International Setting Location: Case Room 350, Hariri Building This panel discussion for seasoned corporate relations officers features former colleagues who have taken on the challenge of working abroad and transformed their roles into international relations for their universities. Topics will include how to begin, what resources must be brought to bear, how the reality of the opportunity has stacked up against the expectations, what best practices have been discovered, and how the university has capitalized on the effort in a broader context. Speakers: Mike Hugel, Senior Director, International Relations, The Wharton School; Wendy W. Kuran, Associate Vice President for Business Development, Duke Kunshan University (DKU) and China, Duke University; and David Weber, Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives, MIT Sloan School of Management Moderator: Lucy Provost, Associate Director, Corporate & Foundation Relations, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania FIN NACRO 2015 Annual Conference AL Washington, D.C. Georgetown University, co-hosted with University of Maryland July 14 – 16, 2015 2:45 – 3:45 • Concurrent Session • Workforce Development: Forging New Industry-Academia Alliances Location: Case Room 340, Hariri Building Corporations and universities are partnering more closely than ever to develop new curricula and programs to meet workforce development needs, regionally and nationally. NACRO members want to better understand how to assist their institutions with forging this type of alliance. Our panel will feature representatives from industry, government and the Business Higher Education Forum who have been actively involved in establishing new programs at universities in fields such as cybersecurity, data science and media engineering. Speakers: Steve Barkanic, Senior Vice President and Chief Program Officer, Business Higher Education Forum; Jessica Clancy, VP, Corporate Social Responsibility, NBCUniversal; Michael Simpson, Director of Education and Workforce, Office of Naval Research; and Christopher Valentino, Director of Strategy, Cyber Division, Northrop Grumman Information Systems Moderator: Jennifer Schwartz, Senior Director, Corporate & Foundation Relations, A. James Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland 2:45 – 3:45 • Concurrent Session • Millions of Reasons to Develop a University Wide Holistic Approach to Corporate Relations Location: Case Room 250, Hariri Building Traditionally large corporate gifts to universities are for a single college, department or program. This session will share with attendees how the University of Minnesota Foundation brought together the leaders of Land O’Lakes, a Fortune 500 company, and University of Minnesota leaders to develop a $26M investment that supported faculty, scholarships, classroom renovations, construction of a new building, Freshman Orientation and Gopher Sports Properties. The investment supports Gopher Athletics, the Carlson School of Management, the College of Food Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences and the College of Science and Engineering and aligns with the strategic priorities of the company. Speakers: Land O’Lakes (invited); Erik Thurman, VP of Development, University of Minnesota Moderator: Mr. Steve Corkery, Sr. Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations, University of Minnesota 3:45 – 3:55 • Networking Break Outside Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building 4:00 – 5:00 • Find Your People: Affinity Group Discussions (Corporate Relations Structure) For the second year, NACRO members have the opportunity to participate in an Affinity Group. The groups are designed around the primary constituencies we serve in our Corporate Relations roles: Business, Central (Large and Small Offices), Engineering, Medical/Health Sciences, and Research & Economic Development. During these concurrent sessions, members will share interests, common goals and current challenges. Affinity sessions are designed to be conversational with a moderator and discussion leaders. In an effort to prepare the moderators, we urge participants to submit a question or challenge ahead of time. If you notice that we are missing an affinity group – please let Julie Brandis know. [email protected] Affinity Group: Business Location: Case Room 250, Hariri Building Moderators: Kelly Cline, Program Manager, Energy and Environment Initiative, Rice Energy and Environment Institute, and Angela Wimmer, Director of Corporate Relations, Auburn University Affinity Group: Large Central Office Location: Fisher Colloquium, Hariri Building Moderators: Julie Brandis, Director of Corporate Relations, Oregon State University Foundation; Jessica Shepard Watts, Director of Corporate Relations, UT Dallas; and Olof Westerstahl, Associate Director of Corporate Relations, Office of the Chancellor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Affinity Group: Small Central Office Location: Case Room 240, Hariri Building Moderators: Eric Bacyinski, Relationship Manager, University of Michigan-Dearborn, and Morrel Wax, Assistant Director of Development for Corporate & Foundation Relations, Miami University Affinity Group: Engineering Location: Case Room 340, Hariri Building Moderators: Brent Burns, Director of Industry Relations, Michigan Tech University, and David Lipari, Director of Corporate Relations, College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Affinity Group: Medical/Life Sciences Location: Case Room 350, Hariri Building Moderators: Kristine Haskett, Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations, College of Natural Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, and Linda Lopez-George, Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio FIN NACRO 2015 Annual Conference AL Washington, D.C. Georgetown University, co-hosted with University of Maryland July 14 – 16, 2015 Affinity Group: Research/Economic Devt Location: Case Room 150, Hariri Building Moderator: Mona Ellerbrock, Director of Corporate Relations, UC Davis, and Charlie Haseman, Assistant VP for Innovation & Economic Development, Michigan State University 5:00 – 5:25 • Networking Break (walk to Healey Family Student Center) 5:30 – 7:30 • Evening Reception Location: Healey Family Student Center Speakers: Mary Ann Rankin, Provost, University of Maryland, and Georgetown University (TBC) Thursday, July 16, 2015 6:45 – 9:00 • Registration Location: Outside Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building 7:00 – 9:00 • Luggage Drop-off This room is for holding luggage only, and will be locked and unsupervised between 9:00 and 11:00. We recommend that you keep any valuables with you. You leave your belongings at your own risk; Georgetown University and NACRO staff and volunteers assume no responsibility for anything left at this location. Location: TBD, Hariri Building 7:15 – 8:15 • Breakfast/Affinity Group Tables (University Type) Location: Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall We know that “affinity” comes from our structure as well as they type of university we represent. During breakfast, join a group of NACRO members from similar universities. This will be a less formal conversation than the Wednesday afternoon affinity groups. Still, we anticipate the conversation to be lively and informative. Grab your breakfast and join a table that suits you. • • • • • Public & Land Grant Universities: Mona Ellerbrock, Director of Corporate Relations, UC Davis, and Charlie Haseman, Assistant VP for Innovation & Economic Development, Michigan State University Private Universities: TBA Private & Public Colleges: TBA Satellite Campuses: Eric Bacyinski, Relationship Manager, University of Michigan-Dearborn, and Linda LopezGeorge, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio International Universities: TBA 8:15 – 8:25 • Walk to Concurrent Sessions (Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall to Hariri Building) 8:30-9:30 • Concurrent Session • Beyond the Career Fair: Building Creative University-Corporate Partnerships through Your University Career Center Location: Case Room 240, Hariri Building The need to secure a consistent talent pipeline often underlies corporate interest in building university partnerships. As companies focus their recruiting efforts on an increasingly limited number of “core” schools, multi-faceted relationships are sought to facilitate recruiting, shared research opportunities, advisory board membership, alumni philanthropy, brand affiliation, and other business interests, beyond career fair relationships. Campus career centers can play a key role in opening doors to new corporate partnerships, as well as maintaining core school status. Speakers: Caroline Baker, Assistant Vice President for Careers and Corporate Partnerships, University of Maryland Baltimore County; Christine Y. Cruzvergara, Assistant Dean & Executive Director, University Career Services, George Mason University; and Jeffrey D. Kudisch, Managing Director, Office of Career Services, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland Moderator: Tracy Lee, Director of Corporate Relations, University of Maryland FIN NACRO 2015 Annual Conference AL Washington, D.C. Georgetown University, co-hosted with University of Maryland July 14 – 16, 2015 8:30 – 9:30 • Concurrent Session • Achieving Success: Careers in Corporate Relations Location: Case Room 250, Hariri Building The road to success can have many twists and turns. How does a corporate relations officer navigate success throughout their career? Join us for a panel discussion from a diverse group of professionals, who have each taken their own route to success. They will share what helped guide them along the way, rocks and bumps to overcome, and how a fork in the road can sometimes lead to a better destination. Speakers: Jill Bond, Director of Corporate Relations, George Mason University; Joanne Morse, Associate Director of Corporate Relations, George Washington University; and Michael Ransom, Assistant Dean for Advancement, College of Engineering, Syracuse University Moderator: Sacha Patera, Director of Law-STEM Initiatives, Northwestern University School of Law 8:30 – 9:30 • Concurrent Session • Teamwork: Industry-Academia Partnerships in Pursuit of Federal Research Funding Location: Case Room 340, Hariri Building Many corporate relations professionals are seeing private sector collaborations on federally- funded projects increase. This may be in response to an industry request for partnership, faculty seeking industry collaborators in support of their proposals, or multiple universities partnering on major, federal funding opportunities. Whether working in the domain of Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, or beyond, what do I need to know to make these partnerships mutually successful? What are the issues and obstacles in forming these partnerships? Where are the opportunities? Representatives from companies and associations will discuss their views on a shared vision of success. Speakers: Richard Bendis, President/CEO, BioHealth Innovation; Will Goodman, Vice President for Policy, National Defense Industrial Association; and Art Morrish, VP & CTO, Electronic Systems Group, L-3 Communications (invited) Moderator: J. Mark Nolan, Director, IT and Economic Development, Office of Corporate Relations, Office of the Chancellor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 8:30 – 9:30 • Concurrent Session • Business Analytics, Eschew Obfuscation Location: Case Room 350, Hariri Building Business Analytics? Business Intelligence? Big Data? We have more information at our fingertips than ever before and those who clearly understand the data are poised to succeed. According to surveys of findings from faculty, students and industry practitioners in the Business Intelligence Congress II, there is a critical shortage of graduates with the requisite business analytics skill-sets entering the workforce. This has been a motivating factor for many universities to establish new programs and curricula, but what does it mean for university corporate partners? This session of industry executives will cover 100-700 level content on university/industry best practices around emerging Business Analytics programs. Speakers: Robert Dolan, Jr., Worldwide Industry Executive for Education, IBM Analytics; James M. Everidge, President, Rapid Learning Deployment, LLC; McAfee (invited); and Walmart (invited) Moderator: Angela Wimmer, Director of Corporate Relations, Auburn University 9:30 – 9:40 • Networking Break Outside Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building 9:45 – 10:45 • Concurrent Session • Times they are A’Changin: The Quest for More Comprehensive Metrics Location: Case Room 240, Hariri Building Corporate relations offices of all shapes and sizes are beginning to re-evaluate how they measure success. As corporate philanthropy shifts and universities evolve their approach to industry engagement, so do productive relationships grow beyond classic metrics. In this highly interactive workshop, individuals from different types of CR shops will guide groups as they discuss what makes alternative offices unique, consider what has and hasn’t worked, and review how metrics are evolving as priorities and tactics shift. This session will attempt to map and scale the metrics components used by institutions represented in the room and present best-practice examples of implementing new comprehensive measures for success. Speakers: Tracy Lee, Director of Corporate Relations, University of Maryland, and Lorena McLaren, Interim Director, Office of Corporate & Institutional Partnerships, Carnegie Mellon University Moderators: Kristen Palumbo, Associate Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations, University of Maryland; Robin Seth Shaw, Assistant Director of Corporate Relations, University of Houston; and Melissa M. Smith, Interim Development Associate, Center for Business Engagement, University of Rochester FIN NACRO 2015 Annual Conference AL Washington, D.C. Georgetown University, co-hosted with University of Maryland July 14 – 16, 2015 9:45 – 10:45 • Concurrent Session • Special Challenges for Undergraduate-Focused Institutions Location: Case Room 250, Hariri Building Recognizing the unique challenges that undergraduate institutions face in corporate relations, the Rose-Hulman corporate engagement team will facilitate a group discussion with session participants to identify best practices and ideas on how to work through challenges unique to undergraduate-focused institutions. Rather than research, an undergraduate- focused institution’s corporate relationships may be more centered on career services, student engagement, short term project work or sponsorship, continuing education initiatives, and long term curricular feedback. There are also challenges associated with making these types of collaborations feel less transactional and more relationship-driven. As a result, corporations may need coaching and help with constructing new frameworks in order to realize the benefits of partnering with various programs available within an undergraduate institution. Moderators: Elizabeth Hagerman, Vice President, Rose-Hulman Ventures, and Brandon Zollner, Director of Corporate Relations, Rose-Hulman 9:45 – 10:45 • Concurrent Session • International Corporate Relations—Is It in Your Backyard? Location: Case Room 340, Hariri Building The panel will showcase foreign firms who are building alliances with domestic universities. The moderator will introduce the topic and present reasons for and potential outcomes of engaging in international corporate relations at the local level, and will also provide information on resources for identifying countries with substantial investment in your state and locating agencies to assist in making connections. Foreign company panelists will present a 30,000-foot view of philanthropy and research in their home country and the nature of their interactions with U.S. universities. Speakers: Samuel Mclaughlin, External Research Mgr., N American Region, Volvo Group Trucks Technology Moderator: Melissa Erekson, Executive Director of Corporate, Foundation and Research Relations, Tulane University 9:45 – 10:45 • Concurrent Session • Centers of Excellence: An Industry Perspective (Benchmarking) Location: Case Room 350, Hariri Building Successful Industry/University (I/U) Centers require contributions from both parties and thoughtful channels of communication. In this session, we propose to ask three industry representatives to speak on their perspectives as to what has made their current Center engagement with respective NACRO members effective. Session participants will come away with a better understanding of industry perspectives as well as common “industry pitfalls” to avoid when working with an I/U Center. Speakers: Tom Shaginaw, University Research Program Manager, General Electric; John Lindbo, Research & Innovation Fellow, HM.Clause; and Ramesh Varma, Consulting Engineer, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems Moderators: Mona Ellerbrock, Director of Corporate Relations, UC Davis, and Victor Haroldsen, Partnership Coordinator, UC Davis 10:45 – 10:45 • Networking Break Outside Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building 11:00 – 12:00 Plenary Session: The Evolving Role of the Corporate Relations Officer in Economic Development Location: Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building Universities play a key role in economic development in their community, state and region. As the scope of the Corporate Relations Officer continues to expand, economic development is increasingly becoming a greater piece of their portfolio. In a number of universities, corporate relations offices are based in the Economic Development office. This session will explore the different facets of economic development in the context of higher education and the intersection of interests with the role of the corporate relations officer. Speakers: Anson Fatland, Associate Vice President for Economic Development, Washington State University; Marc Gibson, Senior Director of Corporate Engagement, University of Tennessee Knoxville; and Stella Wixom, Executive Director, University of Michigan Business Engagement Center Moderator: Jill Bond, Director of Corporate Relations, George Mason University Closing Remarks NACRO Co-Presidents: Mary Beth Maddox, Executive Director, The Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas, and Jon See, Director of Communications, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University Incoming NACRO Co-Presidents: Ryan Elias, Director of Corporate Relations, UT Dallas, and Stacey Willenborg, Director of Corporate Relations, Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida 11:00 – 1:00 • Luggage Pick-Up At your own risk. Room will be unstaffed and left unlocked after 1:00. Location: TBD, Hariri Building NACRO 2015 Annual Conference FIN Washington, D.C. Georgetown University, co-hosted with University of AL Maryland July 14 – 16, 2015 12:00 • Conference Close Location: Fisher Colloquium, Hariri Building Boxed Lunches to go Please do not book flight reservations departing before 3:00pm on Thursday.
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