Procedia Manufacturing Volume XXX, 2015, Pages 1–11 43rd Proceedings of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Validation of Pulsed Laser Cutting of Nitinol C.H. Fu1, M.P. Sealy1, Y.B. Guo1, X.T. Wei2 1 2 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China Tel.: +1 205 348 2615; E-mail address: [email protected] Abstract Nitinol (NiTi) alloys are widely used in laser cutting of cardiovascular stents due to excellent biomechanical properties. However, laser cutting induces thermal damage, such as heat affected zone (HAZ), micro-cracks, and tensile residual stress, which detrimentally affect product performance. The key process features such as temperature distribution, stress development, and HAZ formation are difficult to measure experimentally due to the highly transient nature. In this study, a design-ofexperiment (DOE) based 3-dimensional (3D) finite element simulation was developed to shed light on process mechanisms of laser cutting NiTi. The effects of cutting speed, peak pulse power, and pulse width on kerf width, temperature, stress, and HAZ were investigated. A DFLUX user subroutine was developed to model a moving volumetric (3D) heat flux of a pulsed laser. Also, a material user subroutine was used that incorporated superelasticity and shape memory of NiTi. Keywords: NiTi, Shape memory alloy, Laser cutting, FEA, Surface integrity 1 Introduction Nitinol (NiTi), a nickel-titanium alloy of near equiatomic composition, is well known for its outstanding properties such as superelasticity, shape memory, and good biocompatibility. Superelasticity means NiTi can have a wider elastic region (up to 8%) compared to conventional materials such as stainless steel. Shape memory describes the process in which NiTi returns to its previously defined shape when heated above the transition temperature. Both of these properties are based on a phase transformation process. There are two common phases at room temperature that are involved in the phase transformation process: (1) martensite, which is stable at lower temperatures and (2) austenite, which is stable at higher temperatures. The austenite to martensite transformation can be triggered by applying stress or thermal loading (Guo et al., 2013). Corresponding author Tel.: 1-205-348-2615; fax: +1-205-348-6419. E-mail address: [email protected] Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Programme Committee of NAMRI/SME c The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. 1 Pulsed Laser Cutting of Nitinol C.H. Fu, M.P. Sealy, Y.B. Guo and X.T. Wei Due to the excellent biomechanical properties, NiTi has received considerable attention since its discovery in 1962 at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory. The excellent biomechanical properties refer to similar mechanical behavior to human tissue, good biocompatibility, and non-toxicity. Many of the early applications of NiTi focused on the shape memory effect. In recent years, a lot of attention has been aimed towards the superelasticity of NiTi, with particular emphasis on biomedical applications (Duerig et al., 1999). A typical example is cardiovascular stents. A stent is a cylindrical medical device used to widen a narrow or stenosed lumen in order to maintain the patency of the lumen. Currently, stents are being increasingly used in blood vessels and gastrointestinal, renal, and biliary tracts (Chun et al., 2010). There are many materials such as stainless steel, cobalt-chromium, and NiTi alloys used in making stents. NiTi is preferred because of its flexibility and ability to maintain shape in a curved lumen. Moreover, the non-linear mechanical response of NiTi is similar to natural material, such as hair, bone, and tendon. The manufacturing process for stents is very complex. Traditionally, machining is done by laser cutting due to the stent’s complex geometry and NiTi’s poor machinability. (Stoeckel et al., 2004) reported that approximately half of the manufacturers use laser cutting for self-expanding NiTi stents. A common setup for laser cutting is to use a finely focused Nd:YAG laser beam that passes through a coaxial gas jet to impinge the working surface of the tube while the linear and rotary velocity of the tube is precisely controlled (Kathuria, 2005). There have been numerous studies aimed at understanding laser cutting of NiTi. However, due to the uniqueness of the NiTi material, the process mechanisms are poorly understood. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a finite element simulation of laser cutting NiTi to shed light on: (1) kerf width prediction and validation, (2) temperature distribution, (3) stress distribution, and (4) HAZ prediction at different cutting conditions. 2 Heat Flux Modeling in Laser Cutting Important process features in laser cutting such as temperature distribution, stress propagation, and HAZ formation are directly related to cutting quality. However, they are difficult to measure experimentally since laser cutting is a highly transient process. Therefore, finite element simulation was used intensively to gain insight into the process. Simulations have been used to aid in determining accurate thermal loading, verifying experimental data, and predicting temperature and residual stress profiles. An accurate thermal model is critical to simulate the laser cutting process. The most commonly used heat flux model has the form of ( ) (1) where I is the laser intensity, A is the laser absorption coefficient, P is the laser power, r0 is the spot radius, B is the shape factor of the Gaussian distributed heat flux, and r is the distance to beam center. Different geometrical shapes of heat flux were explored by many researchers (Lacki & Adamus, 2011; Yilbas et al., 2009; Li et al., 2004; Wang & Lin, 2007; Shuja et al., 2011; Luo et al., 2010; ZainUl-Abdein et al., 2010). It was shown that a volumetric (3D) heat flux has advantages over a surface (2D) heat flux in predicting the thermal response of the material during laser processing. Therefore, researchers proposed different forms of volumetric heat flux to simulate laser processing in different applications. (Yilbas et al., 2009) simulated laser cutting of thick sheet metal using a volumetric thermal model. The stress field and temperature field were predicted and found to be in agreement with experimental observation. (Shuja et al., 2011) used a similar volumetric heat flux to simulate laser heating of a moving slab. It was found that predicted melt thickness agreed with experimental 2 Pulsed Laser Cutting of Nitinol C.H. Fu, M.P. Sealy, Y.B. Guo and X.T. Wei measurements. (Lacki & Adamus, 2011) stated that the advantage of a conical volumetric heat flux versus a surface heat flux was that it better captured the shape of the thermal field in deep welds during laser melting. (Luo et al., 2010) and (Zain-Ul-Abdein et al., 2010) found that the use of a conical shape heat flux better simulated the laser-material interaction with high penetration depth. Pulsed laser operation is a key feature for current laser cutting processes. Different pulse durations and repetition rates significantly affect surface roughness (Pfeifer et al., 2010; Muhammad et al., 2012) and residual stress (Tönshoff & Emmelmann, 1989). Therefore, it is critical to incorporate the pulsed laser operation in modeling of heat flux. A simulation using a 3D moving heat flux in pulsed mode on NiTi is essential to improve the fundamental understanding of process mechanisms and the influence of process parameters. 3 Simulation Procedure 3.1 Mesh The mesh design is shown in Fig. 1. The dimensions of the workpiece were 6 mm (length) × 3 mm (width) × 1 mm (thickness). The laser cutting direction was along the X-axis. Element size was biased with a higher density of elements along the cutting direction (X-axis). Within the fine mesh in the analysis zone, the element size was 50 µm × 50 µm × 10 µm. The boundary condition on the bottom plane is fixed to provide proper constraint of the workpiece. Also, the model is symmetric with respect to X-Z plane so that only half of the workpiece needs to be modeled to decrease the computational time. The initial temperature was room temperature (20 oC). The simulation was performed using Abaqus/Standard since the moving heat flux subroutine DFLUX can only be programed with the implicit solver. The advantage of using the implicit solver was that the temporal discretization was more stable despite a certain reduction in computational efficiency. In order to determine the temperature and stress distribution after laser cutting, a coupled thermal-mechanical analysis was used. The laser cutting process was based on 3-D transient heat transfer. The criterion to model material removal was based on whether nodal temperature exceeds the melting temperature. X Y Z 1 mm Laser pulse Optics 50 µm Analysis zone 10 µm Fig. 1 Simulation schematic of pulsed laser cutting. 3 Pulsed Laser Cutting of Nitinol C.H. Fu, M.P. Sealy, Y.B. Guo and X.T. Wei 3.2 Modeling of moving volumetric (3D) heat flux of pulsed laser In order to understand the laser cutting process from a theoretical perspective, a schematic of 3D heat flux is shown in Fig. 2(a). The conical shape volumetric heat flux moves along the workpiece to generate a cutting kerf and form a heat affected zone (HAZ) on both entrance and exit sides of the kerf. To simulate the characteristics of the heat flux of laser pulses, a DFLUX user subroutine of conical shape volumetric heat flux was developed. The subroutine featured (1) a moving Gaussian heat flux from laser, (2) a pulsed operation, and (3) a conical volumetric (3D) heat flux. The output of the subroutine was the heat flux given by the following equation ( ) (2) where F is the applied heat flux, C is the energy absorption coefficient, P is the peak pulse power, R0 is the laser spot radius on the top surface, h is the sample thickness, f is the laser frequency, τ is the pulse width, and r is the instantaneous radius of the heat flux, which for a conical shape is given by (3) where Rb is the heat flux radius on the bottom surface and h is the sample thickness. The schematic of the conical shape volumetric heat flux is shown in Fig. 2(b). is a function of both frequency and pulse width to simulate laser modulation. When a laser pulse was used, the value of θ was set to 1. When there was no pulse within one laser pulse cycle (1/f ), the heat flux was turned off by setting θ to zero. { pulse no pulse (4) Gaussian distribution of heat flux HAZ Laser beam axis R0 Entrance X z h r Kerf Y Volumetric heat flux Exit Rb Z Fig. 2 (a) Schematic of laser cutting; (b) conical shaped volumetric heat flux. 4 Pulsed Laser Cutting of Nitinol C.H. Fu, M.P. Sealy, Y.B. Guo and X.T. Wei 3.3 Simulation conditions The simulation conditions are listed in Table 1. The design-of-experiment (DOE) simulation was a sensitivity analysis to determine the effects of cutting speed (cases 1-3), peak pulse power (cases 4-6), and pulse width (cases 7-9). The average power (P) and the pulse energy (E) were calculated by (5) (6) where P is the average power, P0 is the peak pulse power, τ is the pulse width, f is the laser frequency, and E is the pulse energy. The laser frequency was 100 Hz, the laser spot radius on the top surface was 300 µm, and the topto-bottom ratio of the heat flux diameter was determined by the entry-to-exit kerf width ratio in the experimental work (Pfeifer et al., 2010). Case # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Peak pulse power (W) 1600 1600 1600 1000 1600 2000 800 1600 4000 Table 1 Simulation Conditions Pulse Cutting Frequency width speed (ms) (Hz) (mm/s) 0.5 100 2 0.5 100 5 0.5 100 8 0.5 100 5 0.5 100 5 0.5 100 5 1.0 100 1.7 0.5 100 1.7 0.2 100 1.7 Avg power (W) 80 80 80 50 80 100 80 80 80 Pulse energy (J) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 3.4 Modeling of Nitinol Superelasticity and Shape Memory The material parameters used to define the mechanical behavior is described in (Fu et al., 2014a). The material constants were based on a curve fitting process between a quasi-static stress strain curve from Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar tests and the given theoretical model (Fu et al., 2014b) under the assumption that tension and compression curves were symmetric with each other. In previous research, these material constants successfully captured the superelastic-plastic mechanical behavior of NiTi (Fu et al., 2012). 4 Results and Discussions 4.1 The effect of cutting speed Fig. 3 shows the representative predicted kerf geometry with transient temperature contour. Elements that have temperatures above the melting point of Nitinol will be removed from the mesh to form the kerf. To study the cutting speed effect, three levels of cutting speed were used at constant peak pulse power, pulse width, and laser frequency. 5 Pulsed Laser Cutting of Nitinol C.H. Fu, M.P. Sealy, Y.B. Guo and X.T. Wei P = 1600 W τ = 0.5 ms f = 100 Hz v = 2 mm/s Temp. (°C) Kerf profile HAZ Exit kerf Entry kerf Taper Fig. 3 Representative prediction of laser cut kerf. Kerf width: The effect of cutting speed on kerf width is shown in Fig. 4(a). The predicted kerf width agreed with experimental data on trend. As the cutting speed increased from 2 mm/s to 8 mm/s, the kerf width decreased due to less heat input into the workpiece. The cause of discrepancy between the simulated and experimental width may be contributed to several factors. For example, the energy absorption coefficient C is not constant in laser cutting and could change at different cutting speeds. Also, the influence of temperature on material properties could be another error source to contribute the discrepancy. Subsurface temperature: Temperature distribution in the subsurface is shown in Fig. 4(b). The nodal temperature decreased dramatically from the laser beam’s center along the subsurface direction. At a cutting speed of 2 mm/s, the temperature difference within 200 µm was smaller when compared to other 2 simulation cases (5 mm/s and 8 mm/s). This was due to the fact that at a lower cutting speed the thermal energy had more time to conduct into the subsurface. Subsurface stress: Fig. 4(c) shows von Mises distribution in the subsurface. The maximum stress occurred on the cut surface with a magnitude of 520 MPa, 440 MPa, and 400 MPa corresponding to cutting speeds of 2 mm/s, 5 mm/s, and 8 mm/s. As the depth increased to 200 μm in the subsurface, von Mises stress decreased approximately 35%. Slower cutting speeds led to higher stresses on the top surface and in the subsurface. The slower cutting speeds allowed for more heat conduction which generated more thermal expansion leading to higher stress. The maximum von Mises stress was generated by the slowest cutting speed. The generated stress was still below the yield strength (2 GPa) of NiTi. Thus, it can be claimed that there was no plastic distortion in these simulation cases. It was shown that this thermal model is capable of predicting the stress distributions and can therefore be used to select cutting parameters to minimize thermal stress and avoid thermal damage. HAZ: It has been suggested that the prediction of HAZ can be based on a critical temperature. For example, phase transformation temperature was used as the critical temperature for HAZ prediction in laser-assisted machining (Singh et al., 2008). For NiTi, the phase transformation temperature from martensite to austenite is close to ambient temperature (20 oC). Hence, it was not suitable to use this temperature as the critical temperature. Based on a binary phase diagram given by (Frenzel et al., 2004), the critical temperature used in this study was 1025 oC, which is the solidus temperature for NiTi containing 50 at.% nickel. Fig. 4(d) shows the HAZ prediction based on this criterion. The HAZ thickness was 70 µm, 20 µm, and 18 µm for cutting speeds 2 mm/s, 5 mm/s, and 8 mm/s, respectively. It was expected that the lowest cutting speed generated the thickest HAZ due to the excessive heat input. 6 Pulsed Laser Cutting of Nitinol C.H. Fu, M.P. Sealy, Y.B. Guo and X.T. Wei 1400 300 200 Sim_entrance Exp_entrance Sim_exit Exp_exit 100 1000 600 200 0 (a) 2 4 6 8 10 Cutting speed (mm/s) 600 0 (b) v = 2 mm/s v = 5 mm/s v = 8 mm/s 500 300 200 50 100 150 100 80 400 0 50 200 Sim_entrance Sim_exit 60 40 20 0 2 200 Depth in the subsurface (µm) 150 Depth in the subsurface (µm) HAZ thickness (µm) von Mises stress (MPa) 800 400 0 (c) v = 2 mm/s v = 5 mm/s v = 8 mm/s 1200 Temp. (°C) Kerf width (µm) 400 (d) 5 8 Cutting speed (mm/s) Fig. 4 Effect of cutting speed on width (a), temperature (b), stress (c), and HAZ thickness (d). 4.2 The effect of peak pulse power To study the effect of peak pulse power, three levels of peak pulse power were used at constant pulse width, laser frequency, and cutting speed. Kerf width: Fig. 5(a) compares the calculated kerf width with the experimental data. The trends between the predicted values agreed with experimental data. As the peak pulse power increased, the kerf width increased due to more heat input. At the lowest peak pulse power, there was approximately 40% difference between the simulated and experimental width. This might be associated with the change of energy absorption coefficient at different laser powers. At a lower laser power, the temperature was lower on the workpiece surface and there was less energy loss due to radiation. Therefore, the energy absorption could be higher than the assumed value of 0.8. It is suggested that the energy absorption would be different at different laser powers. Subsurface temperature: Temperature distribution in the subsurface is shown in Fig. 5(b). The nodal temperature decreased with increased depth in the subsurface. In the subsurface zone of 50 µm, the temperature distribution was similar for all the three simulation cases. Beyond 50 µm in the subsurface, the temperature distribution was significantly different. It suggests that peak pulse power influences the temperature distribution in the deep subsurface while having little or no effect near the top surface. This is because higher peak pulse power penetrates deeper into the subsurface. Subsurface stress: Fig. 5(c) shows von Mises stress in the subsurface at different peak pulse powers. At the largest peak pulse power, the maximum stress occurred on the top surface with a magnitude of 520 MPa. At the smallest peak pulse power of 1000 W, the maximum stress was 280 MPa and located 75 μm in the subsurface. The reason why the maximum residual stress was 7 Pulsed Laser Cutting of Nitinol C.H. Fu, M.P. Sealy, Y.B. Guo and X.T. Wei located in the subsurface was due to more thermal radiation into the air on the top surface. It is clear that high peak pulse power produces higher temperature on the top surface and in the subsurface. HAZ: Fig. 5(d) shows the predicted HAZ based on the critical temperature of 1025 oC. The averaged HAZ thickness was 30 µm, 20 µm, and 20 µm for peak pulse powers of 1000 W, 1600 W, and 2000 W, respectively. It is interesting to note that the HAZ at the exit side of the kerf was generally wider than the entrance side even though the heat input was higher on the entrance side. It suggests that the heat penetration on the exit side was deeper than on the entrance side. This was most likely due conical heat flux being more concentrated on the exit side. 1400 200 Sim_entrance Exp_entrance Sim_exit Exp_exit 100 500 von Mises stress (MPa) (a) 1000 1500 2000 600 P = 1000 W P = 1600 W P = 2000 W 400 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2500 Peak pulse power (W) 500 Temp. (°C) 300 0 300 200 100 (b) 50 100 150 200 Depth in the subsurface (µm) 60 Sim_entrance Sim_exit 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 (c) P = 1000 W P = 1600 W P = 2000 W 1200 HAZ thickness (µm) Kerf width (µm) 400 50 1000 100 150 200 250 300 Depth in the subsurface (µm) (d) 1600 2000 Peak pulse power (W) Fig. 5 Effect of peak pulse power on kef width (a), temperature (b), stress (c), and HAZ thickness (d). 4.3 The effect of pulse width To study the pulse width effect, three levels of pulse width were used at constant laser frequency, cutting speed, and average laser power. Kerf width: Fig. 6(a) shows the comparison between the predicted kerf width and the experimental results. It was found that even though the pulse width changed significantly, the kerf width did not change. This suggests that changing pulse width does not have significant effect on kerf width. This is because the average laser power does not change in the three cases, indicating that the level of average power dominates the kerf width at these cutting conditions. Subsurface temperature: Temperature distribution in the subsurface is shown in Fig. 6(b). The nodal temperature decreased with increasing depth in the subsurface. Also, changing pulse width did not have a significant impact on the temperature distribution in subsurface due to the same heat input. 8 Pulsed Laser Cutting of Nitinol C.H. Fu, M.P. Sealy, Y.B. Guo and X.T. Wei Subsurface stress: The results of pulse width effect on von Mises stress distribution in the subsurface is shown in Fig. 6(c). The lowest pulse width generated the highest stress magnitude on the surface. This was because the lowest pulse width corresponded to the highest peak pulse power. As a result, the stress was concentrated in a localized area. HAZ: Fig. 6(d) shows the predicted HAZ thickness. The averaged HAZ thickness was 50 µm, 45 µm, and 70 µm for a pulse width of 0.2 ms, 0.5 ms, and 1.0 ms, respectively. It is suggested that at these conditions, decreasing the pulse width does not necessarily decrease the HAZ thickness. 1400 300 250 200 Sim_entrance Exp_entrance Sim_exit 150 1200 1000 100 800 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Pulse width (ms) (a) 0 600 500 400 300 100 150 200 80 HAZ thickness (µm) von Mises stress (MPa) Pulse width = 1.0 ms Pulse width = 0.5 ms Pulse width = 0.2 ms 50 Depth in the subsurface (µm) (b) 700 60 Sim_entrance Sim_exit 40 20 0 200 0 (c) Pulse width = 1.0 ms Pulse width = 0.5 ms Pulse width = 0.2 ms 350 Temp. (°C) Kerf width (µm) 400 50 100 150 Depth in the subsurface (µm) 0.2 200 (d) 0.5 1 Pulse width (ms) Fig. 6 Effect of pulse width on kef width (a), temperature (b), stress (c), and HAZ thickness (d). 5 Conclusion A 3D FEA model of laser cutting NiTi has been developed through user subroutines of moving volumetric heat flux, superelasticity, and shape memory. The key findings are summarized as follows: The kerf width was predicted and verified by experimental data. Increasing cutting speed decreases kerf width, stress magnitudes in the subsurface, and HAZ thickness, while the influence of peak pulse power is on the contrary. Pulse width does not have significant influence on kerf width, temperature distribution, and HAZ thickness. However, it will affect the stress distribution. Peak pulse power dominates stress formation and average power dominates kerf generation. 9 Pulsed Laser Cutting of Nitinol C.H. Fu, M.P. Sealy, Y.B. Guo and X.T. 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