UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA PERFORMANCE OF GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS NOR AZMAN HAJI NGAH FPV 1989 3 PERFORMANCE OF GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS By NOR AlMAN RAJ1 NGAH A Thesis Subaitted in Fulfil.ent of the Requireaents for the Degree of Master of Science in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Ani.al Science Universiti Pertanian Malaysia October 1989 This thesis is dedicated to .Y wife. Zuriyani binti Yusof .y two sona, Nor Azrin and Nor Azrai and .y late daughter, Allahyarha.ah Azyan Hafra for their patience. understanding and acral suppor t . ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I �ould Associate the like to express my gratitude to Professor Dr . Department of keen supervi s o r , of H a ji Mohd Hilmi bin Haji Abdullah Animal Science, Medicine and Animal Science, his my of Veterinary Universiti Pertanian Malaysia f o r continous interest, Faculty guidance, support and encouragement rendered throughout the duration of this study. I am grateful to Yang Berbahagia Datuk Dr. bin Haji Babjee, granting the Director General of Veterinary Services permission to use the facilities Rancangan Daging Penusu Padang Hijau, encouragement Ahmad Mus t a f f a given Kluang , for available at the trust and in conducting the breeding of the gaur x cattle hybrids (Selembu) at the farm. Special thanks are extended to Associate Professor D r. Ali bin Rajion, Professor M . R . Jainudeen, Professor P . K . Baseut and staff at Pertanian constructive t he Department Malaysia criticism for 01 Animal their SCience, valuable universiti suggestions during the final preparation iii of and th is manuscr i p t . Special thanks are a l s o extended t o Dr. Nazri bin Salim for his guidance on the statistical analaysis and to Mohd Dr. Zamri bin Saad f o r h is precious time in the final editing of this manuscript . Sincere the appreciation is given to En. National Artificial Insemination Center , assistance in the semen collection and Rosli bin Awaluddin, staff of evaluation. involvement and programme collection at the acknowledgements Department directly Dr. Abdul Latif bin Borhan and a l l the Ahmad bin or of Padang indirectly data in Hijau the Farm, in Wildlife and National help conducting the Seleqbu breeding Kluang. Further are also due for the Zoo Negara, of his Further Rancangan Daging Penusu Padang Hijau for their research the D r. Kluang for of Mahamood, acknowledgements are also due to En. and Amat bin Aswadi Parks Kelang for and their assistance in the study involving the gaur. The stenographic service of Puan Sohaila binti Abdul Karim in the preparation 01 This been manuscript and the work it represents could not have achieved support this thesis is greatly appreciated . without the patience, of my w i f e , undestanding Zuriyani and . y two wonderful Azrin and Nor Azrai. iv and sons, moral Nor TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE iii ACKNOWLEDGElIENTS LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF PLATES xii LIST o r ABBREVIATIONS xiv xv ABSTRACT xvii ABSTRAK CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 2 LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 Zoological Position of the Gaur and Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . 1 Breeds and Types of Gaur and Cattle .... ... 10 Phenotypic Features of Gaur and Cattle . . . . 12 World Distribution o f Gaur 14 . . . . . .... ...... . Numerical Distribution of Gaur i n Malaysia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chromosome Complement of Gaur. Caltle and Their Hybrids . . . . Interspec i f i c Hybridization . "ale Reproductive Status . . . . Breeding Soundness Evaluation v . . . . • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 15 16 19 22 23 Libido . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jlating Behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scrotal Circuaference . . . . Se.en Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 26 27 28 Interpretation of Breeding Soundness Evaluation ...................... .'...... . . 33 Testicular Histology . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Performance under Natural Mating . 34 Growth Performance . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Liveveight at Different Ages .... . . . . . . . . . . Birth Weight . . . . . . .. . . . Weaning Weights .. .. . . Yearling Weight ... . . 35 35 37 38 Average Daily Gain 39 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . Experimental Procedure 3 . 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 EXPERIMENT 1 COMPARISOM OM THE PHEMOTYPIC FEATURES OF THE GAUR, X CATrLE mRIDS AlfD THE SABIVAL-FRIESIAlf CROSSBRED CATrLE Introduction 42 Naterial and Methods . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Results Phenotype of the Gaur . . . . ... . Phenotype of Sahival-Friesian Cattle Phenotype of Gaur x Cattle Hybrids . . . . . . ... . . . . 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discussion . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi . 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 54 51 4 EXPERIMENT 2: EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF GRONTH PERFORMANCE BETNEEN GAUR X CATTLE AND SANIWAL-FRIESIAN CROSSBRED CATTLE Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material and Methods Ani_als . Manage.ent of Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE HYBRIDS . . . • S9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S9 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 60 Resu l t s Mean Liveweights a t Different Ages Average Daily Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percentage Advantage i n L iveweight Growth Pattern • . • • • . • • . . • • . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • • . . • • . • 6S • 67 69 . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . 11 Discussion Potential of Gaur x Cattle Hybrids as Meat Producers Growth Pattern . . Su..ary and Conclusion 5 . . . . . . .............. 73 77 19 EXPERIMENT l: EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE STATUS OF GAUR X CATTLE HYBRID AND SlBlfAL-FRIESIAH CROSSBRED CATTLE Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Materials and aethods L i bido and Mating Abil i ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . Libido Scoring System Mating Ability Scoring System Testicular growth ............. SeMen Evaluation and Collection Seaen Evaluation Breeding Soundness Evaluation . . . . . . . . . • . 81 81 82 83 84 84 . . . . . . • • . 81 . . . . . . . . . 92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Results Libido and Mating Behaviour vii 92 Testicular Capacity (scrotal circullterence) ... ......... ... .... .. Se.en Evaluation . Breeding Soundness Evaluation ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 95 . . • . . . . . � 102 Discussion Libido and Mating Behaviour .. . .. .. Scrotal Circu.ference . Se�n Evaluation . . . . .. .... .. . Breeding Soundness Evaluation . . . . • . . . . . 102 104 105 108 . . .. .. 108 . . . Conclusion . 6 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXPSIIIIIIIT 4 :m PUrolllAlC l E OF 1lAL!: AIID FOOL!: GAUR 1 CATTL!: HYBRIDS OIIDEI NATURAL IlATING AIID CONPAIED TO SAlIIAL - FRIKSIAII CIOSSBRED CATTL!: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . . . 110 Material and Methods 110 Results ................................... 112 ... . ... . 115 ....... 117 Discussion . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . Conclusion and RecOMaendation .... 1 . . . . • . . . . . . . . 118 GEIIIlRAL cotICLUSlOli AIID RECOIIIA IEIID TIOliS REFERENCES . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . • • • APPENDICKS • • • • • • • • • . • . • • . . . . . . • . • • • • . . • • . . • • • . • . BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SmrCB • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • • • • • • . . . . • • • • . • • • • • • • • . . . viii 121 149 151 LIST OF TABLES TABLE �PAGE I DISTRIBUTION OF THE MALAYAN GAUR IN THE STATES OF MALAYSIA 17 II THE NUMBER OF GAUR X CATTLE AND SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN HYBRIDS CROSSBRED CATTLE UTILISED IN THE EVALUATION OF GROWTH PERFORMANCE STUDY 62 III LIVEWEIGHTS OF GAUR X CATTLE SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN AND HYBRIDS • CATTLE (Mean CROSSBRED Standard Deviation) kg/day 66 IV AVERAGE DAILY GAIN OF GAUR- X HYBRIDS AND SAHIWAL CATTLE FRIESIAN CROSSBRED CATTLE (Mean ± Standard Deviation) kg/day 68 V PERCENTAGE ADVANTAGE IN LIVEWEIGHTS OF THE MALE AND FEMALE GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS OVER THE MALE AND FEMALE SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN CATTLE 70 VI GRADING OF SPERMATOZOA MOTILITY 89 VII SOCI�Y OF THERIOGENOLOGY SYSTEM FOR SCORING BREEDING SOUNDNESS EVALUATION 93 ix VIII MATING BEHAVIOUR SCORE OF GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS AND 94 SAHIWAL FRIESIAN CROSSBRED CATTLE IX SCROTAL GAUR (em) CIRCUMFERENCE X CATTLE HYBRIDS or 96 AND SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN BULLS X SEMEN CHARACTERISTICS OF GAUR CATTLE HYBRIDS AND X 97 SAHIWAL FRIESIAN BULLS XI INCIDENCE OF SPERM ABNORMALITIES 99 IN THE GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS AND SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN BULLS XII COMPARISON OF AND GAUR. OF SPERM MORPHOLOGY 101 GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN CROSSBRED CATTLE (MICRON) XIII BREEDING SOUNDNESS EVALUATION SCORE FOR GAUR X CATTLE 103 HYBRIDS AND SAHTWAL-FRIESIAN DULLS XIV THE NUMBER OF DIFFERENT METHODS or CROSSING HYBRIDS GAUR AND X 111 CATTLE SARIVAL-FRIESIAN BULLS XV PREGNANCY WASTAGE IN THE GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS. x 113 LIST or FIGURES FIGURE I PAGE ZOOLOGICAL POSITION OF THE GAUR 8 AND CATTLE 2 GROWTH PATTERN CATTLE HYBRID FRIESIAN OF THE AND GAUR X SAHIWAL- 72 LIST or PLATES PLATE PAGE 1 LATERAL rACIAL REGION or GAUR 46 2 FACIAL REGION LATERAL SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN CATTLE OF 46 LATERAL rACIAL REGION OF GAUR CATTLE HYBRIDS 46 4 FOREHEAD AND HORNS OF GAUR 47 5 AND FOREHEAD HORNS SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN CATTLE 6 FOREHEAD AND HORNS OF GAUR CATTLE HYBRIDS 7 PHENOTYPE OF ADULT MALE GAUR 49 8 OF PHENOTYPE ADULT SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN CATTLE "ALE 49 PHENOTYPE OF ADULT MALE CATTLE HYBRIDS GAUR 49 l X 9 OF X 47 47 X 10 PHENOTYPE GAUR FEMALE 50 11 FEMALE PHENOTYPE OF ADULT SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN CATTLE 50 OF xii ADULT 12 PHENOTYPE OF ADULT GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS FEMALE 50 ]J PHENOTYPE OF NEW BORN GAUR CATTLE HYBRIDS 14 NEW OF PHENOTYPE SAHIWAL-FRIESIAN CATTLE 15 PHENOTYPE OF GAUR WEANER 53 16 PHENOTYPE OF SAHIVAL-FRIESIAN WEANER 53 11 PHENOTYPE OF HYBRID WEANER 53 18 MORPHOLOGY OF SPERMATOZOA A. GAUR B. SARIWAL-FRIESIAN CATTLE C. GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS 100 19 PHENOTYPE OF F2 GAUR HYBRIDS 114 GAUR xiii X X X 51 BORN 51 CATTLE CATTLE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SF Fl HYBRIDS SAHIVAL FRIESIAN - GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS PKC PALM KERNEL CAKE CMR CALF MILK REPLACER BSE BREEDING SOUNDNESS EVALUATION ICUN INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION or NATURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES xiv Abstract of the thesis presented to the Sen�le of Univers i t i Pertanian Malaysia in ful f i lment �t the require.ent for the Degree ot Master ot Science PERFOIXAJCE OF GAUR X CATTLE HYBRIDS by Nor Azaan bin 8aj1 Ngab October 1989 Supervisor Assoc . Prof . Dr Haji Mohd Hilmi Abdullah, Ph . D . Faculty Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science The status were of phenotype, growth perfor.anee and the 60 heads of �ale and fe.ale gaur x recorded and coapared with reproduc tive cattle hybrids Sahiwal-Friesian c rossbred .ain objectives of this experi.ent were to evaluate cattle. The the phenotype of the hybrids, the growth potential for beef produc tion and to assess the reproduc tive capabilities of these hybrids for future propagation. xv The present result shoved that the phenotypic features could be utilised to identify this gaur x catlle hybr.�s . They showed similar growth pattern as the Sahiwal-friesian crossbred cattle indicating growth curve. the a faster growth rate at any phases of the The fast growth rate and high carcass value of gaur x cattle hybrids indicate that these animals have the potential for beef production. The gaur x cattle hybrids were not sterile as The aale but rated as questionable potential breeders due to the scrotal and poor hybrids hybrids showed normal libido and speculated. circuaference, spera were high incidence of spera quality. Natural aating related to low incidence of pregnancy wastage, as breeding bul l s . nor�al pregnancy, indicate that hybridization behaviour pregnancy rate saall abnoraalities involving the aale a high with therefore not suitable for use However the fe.ale hybrids can aaintain produce high calf crop and normal calf which they and .ating were not affected aay be used for the ani.al s . xvi by the interspecific propagation of these Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Senat Universiti Pertanian Malaysia sebagai .emenuhi keperluan Ijazah Haster Sa ins IEUPAYAAN lACUIAN SELADANG X LEMBU ( SELENBU ) ol eb Mor Azaan biD Raj1 Igab Oktober 1989 Penyelia Prof . Hadya Dr. Haji Hohd Hilmi Abdullah, Ph . D . Fakulti Kedoktotan Veterinar dan Sains Peternakan Ciri-ciri pegenalan fizikal (fenotaip) , kadar tumbesar dan status peabiakan seladang x untuk 60 ekor (jantan dan le.bu (Sele.bu) telah dianalisa betina) dan kacukan dibandingkan dengan le.bu-Ie.bu kacukan Sahival-Friesian (SF) . Objektif-objektif uta.a kajian ini adalah untuk menilaikan fenotaip kacukan pengeluaran potens} tersebut , pertuabuhan daging dan .enentukan keupayaan pe.biakan untuk .ena.bahkan bilangan pada masa akan datang. xvii untuk Sele.bu Keputusan fenotaip boleh digunakan untuk mengenalpasti kacukan Seladang x Ie.bu . Mereka mempunyai corak ciri-ciri menunjukkan aval tumbesaran yang serupa dengan le�t.: kacukan Sahival-Friesian tetapi telah menunjukkan Kadar tumbesaran yang lebih cepat dan aenunjukkan nilaian bahawa karkas ternakan yang ini tinggi mempunyai bagi Selembu potensi untuk pengeluaran daging. adalah diagakkan. _engavan Selembu yang pembiakan scrotal yang keeil , kualiti melibatkan kebuntingan jantan normal potensi dan didapati sperma Sele_bu tidak saperti .enunjukkan libido tetapi diletakkan dan dibavah keupayaan l i l itan terdapat banyak sperMa yang tidak yang jantan kurang baik. .enunjukkan Kacukan kaitan menghasilkan anak dengan antara spesis (interspesifik) dan .ena_bahkan bilangan ternakan ini . xviii yang Kadar dan tidak Tetapi Selembu betina yang normal dan .enunjukkan yang mereka tidak terlibat dalam masaaalah di normal tabii yan� rendah dan pembaziran kebuntingan mengandung. yang ciri-eiri yang dipersoalkan kerana mempunyai sesuai digunakan sebagai jantan pembiak. boleh mandul boleh digunakan ini kacukan untuk CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION In 1974, of the Malaysian Govern.ent through the Veterinary services (DVS) had decided a target of 80\ sufficiency tor beet by 1990. on DeDartqent various self Since then the DVS had embarked programmes in trying to increase and improve production towards achieving this goal. Among the meat progranmes that had been i.pleaenled were: a) up grading the s.all local indigenous Kedah-Ke lantan (KK) cattle by crossing thea with the larger exotic or improved breed of cattle through natural aating and artificial inseminations with the hope of establishing new breeds of beef cattle, importation of feeder calves for feedlot schemes. both h) in the government farms and smallholder schemes, c) importation ot frozen meat to satisfy the country's de.and for animal protein and d) utilization of dairy calves for s laugh t e r . When f a rms. to the a n interesting incident took place i n one o f the DVS the DVS has decided to add that as a special existing progra..e s . prograa.e This incident occured in 1 early 2 April, 1983 at Padang Hijau Farm. Kluanq where a lone gaur (Bos qaurus hubbacki) aated Seladang, �et and x Bos a "group of crossbred dairy heifers (Bas indicus taurus) . born or locally known as the As 12 calves a result of this chance mating, dif ferent which calves look phenotypically on the fara. Thus, blood samples f rom normal calves (Ah�ad Mabamood, 1984) . were sent to the Cytogenetic Laboratory. Medicine and Ani.al Science. were Faculty of Veterinary Universiti Pertanian Malaysia tor chro.osome analysis. karyotype of these calves were analysed and found The possess chromosoae complement 2n=58 , that crossbred and a complement d i f f e rent to the chroaosoee their parents; of to [or complements the heifers were 20=60 wbile tbe gaur were 2n=56 (80ngso 1989) . Hilmi, tbese Since the cbro�osome comple.ents of calves were intermediate to that of the dam (Sahiwal-Friesian) and the sire (Gau r ) , these new born calves were confirmed to be hybrids of interspecific hybridization between gaur and cattle. The resulting gaur x cattle hybrids were shown, observation, cattle by to exhibit showing better productivity on preliminary than better growth rate and bigger crossbred size. body They also showed no difficulties in the local envieo.ent . with this have characteristics, the Fl hybrids were thought to potential for increasing beef production in Malaysia. A special progra..e involving the interspecific hybridization between J Sahiwal-Friesian crossbred cows to the gaur sire was created by the DVS at the Padang Hijau Farm. The main objectives laid dovn for this programme were : a) to increase the number of gaur x cattle hybrids allowing the crossbred cattle to mate with gaur the far. as wel1 as using other on gaur in the country through natural the by lone sources of mating or artificial iose.ination, b) to deter.ioe the growth performance of gaur x hybrids cattle at d i fferent phases of growth under dif ferent planes of nutrition and ca.pare these values with those of cattle. c) to deter.ioe and co.pare carcass characteristics percentage between the gaue dressing x and cattle hybrids and cattle. d) to assess potential of gaur e) of x reproductive status the hybrids for continous to x and breeding propagations cattle crossbreds, to investigate the possible barriers o( through f) the hybridization chro.osa.al studies and e.bark on the conservation of a gene pool of cattle hybrids by backcrossing and upgrading. gaur 4 Hyb ri dization between two different species (interspecif i c hybridizatio n) often takes place a t experimental stations o r . chance matinq female hybrids are often associated with problems under natural condition. reproductive capabal ities fertility may not be animals. particularly co.p lement the affected between (B,enirschke. horse although those two related occassionally (Gray, with species The resulted male 1957) . Host different are be donkey effected males of their hybrid sterile typically (Me Govern, 1976) . Even (Basrur and Hoon, 1961) . rather affected. than the homogametic when sex (l922) occur, the should be The prediction has been borne out in the bison (Bos bison) x domestic cow (Bas taurus) hybrids (Basrur and Moon, 1961) , yak (Boa qrunniens) x domestic hybrids (Popescu, 1969) , mule x hinny 1961) the fertility Haldane that if such fertility problems were to heterogametic adversely to 1967) , as observed in the case of crosses between and predicated or chromosome chromosomes 01 the hybrids are apparently identical, .ay by zebra cross horse hybrids hybrids (King. 1967) cow {Benirschke, and female peregrine talcon x pairie falcon hybrids (Schmutz and Oliphant, 1981). However, report by Frechkops (1964) on equine hybrids buffaloes vith different chromosome co.plements. qaurus) x with pairs 2 crossbred cattle (80S taurus/80S of unidentical chromosoaes The gaur (80S indicus) ',Iybrids may have impaired fertility as reported in other species. Before embarking on extensive breeding programme, a proper and concise study should be done to assess its potential ·viability. So observations little far, other than scattered on the gaur x cattle hybrids and and preliminary other hybrids, study has been done in Malaysia or elsewhere to (urther justify the hybrids propagation programme. The present �tudy ��s divided into 4 experiments with a specific objective for each experiment: a) Experiment of the gaur, x 1 roaparison of the phenotypic features the Sahhal-Friesian cattle and the gaur cattle hybrid. To Objective establish identHication characteristics of the gaur x cattle hybrids. b) Experillent growth 2 : The evaluation and comparison on performances between the the Sahiwal-Friesian crossbred cattle and the gaur x cattle hybrids. Objective : To evaluate the beel potential of the gaur x cattle hybrids. 6 c) Experiment) Evaluation and comparison on the reproductive and status of Sahi�al-rriesian the gaur crossbred x cattl.� cattle lRale hybrids using the breeding soundness eValuation technique (8SE). To Objective deter�ine the reproductive capabilities of the male gaur x cattle hybrids. d) 4 Experiment perforMances under Comparison between the reproductive of male and fe.ale gaur x cattle hybrids natural Mating condition and the perforMance of Sahiwal-Friesian cattle. Objective : To determine the reproductive perfor.ance ot .ale and female gaur x catlle hybrids. The results sufficient breeding obtained frOB this study should basic information Lo help forMulate an policy productivity provide appropriate through hybridization ai�ed at increasing the of beef and conservation of the gaur which is now considered an endangered species.
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