Presentation - Nano One Materials Corp.

Changing H ow t he W orld M akes N anomaterials Investor Presenta;on TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a Forward Looking Statements 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Certain informa,on contained herein cons,tutes “forward-­‐looking informa,on” under Canadian securi,es legisla,on. Forward-­‐looking informa,on includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to: the Proposed Private Placement and the commercializa,on of Nano One Material Corp. (Nano One) technology and patents. Generally, forward-­‐looking informa,on can be iden,fied by the use of forward-­‐looking terminology such as “expects” or “it is expected”, or varia,ons of such words and phrases or statements that certain ac,ons, events or results “will” occur. Forward-­‐looking statements are based on the opinions and es,mates of management as of the date such statements are made and they are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertain,es and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of ac,vity, performance or achievements of Nano One to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-­‐
looking statements or forward-­‐looking informa,on, including: cycling, charging, capacity, target markets, target cost-­‐reduc,ons, target partners, capital expenditures, raw material and other costs, and financing and addi,onal capital requirements. Although management of Nano One has aOempted to iden,fy important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-­‐looking statements or forward-­‐looking informa,on, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as an,cipated, es,mated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those an,cipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-­‐looking statements and forward looking informa,on. Nano One does not intend, and does not assume any obliga,on, to update any forward-­‐looking statements or forward-­‐looking informa,on that are incorporated by reference herein, except as required by applicable securi,es laws. 2 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Nano One Vision A world where the remarkable proper,es of nanomaterials are no longer impeded by raw material and produc,on costs. Mission: To establish the Nano One Materials’ patent-­‐pending technology as a leading plaUorm for the global produc,on of a new genera,on of nanostructured composite materials. 3 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Nano One Team and Partners Dan Blondal CEO John Lando President Dr Byron Gates Advisor Paul Matysek Chairman Russell Barton Lead Engineer Dr Joe Guy 26 yrs as engineer, management and leader in high growth technology 30 yrs as CDN corporate entrepreneur having led over $2B in capital growth 26 yrs in venture capital mgt, equity markets & financing public companies 40 yrs experience in mechanical and electrochemical systems with 30 patents NORAM & BC Research Industrial Partner Globally recognized in process engineering, industrial knowhow, development, scale-­‐up & commercializa,on 4 Dr Ulrich von Sacken Advisor 20 yrs as GM of R&D at E-­‐One Moli and VP of Technology at BAK BaOery Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO SFU chemistry professor and head of Centre for Soe Materials at 4D Labs IP Advisor & Director Chemist with 23 yrs prosecu,ng patents and IP in material sciences and technology IRAP Gov’t Partner Industrial Research Assistance Program >$300K in grants w w w . n a n o o n e . c a 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Changing How the World Makes Nanomaterials Nanomaterials have remarkable proper;es With game changing poten;al if made affordable Nano One’s core technology is a process for producing affordable nanomaterials 5 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Innova;ve Technology for Many Markets 3 stage process of making nanomaterials First market: $2-­‐3B lithium ion cathodes Many high growth market opportuni,es + Health Care, Agriculture, Industry, Electronics … 6 US + 6 foreign patents pending 6 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Simple Low Cost Scalable Pla^orm Technology Low cost raw materials Li Ni Co Mn Al Ti … Controlled nuclea;on and par;cle growth High throughput high performance nanostructured composite Designed for rapid scale-­‐up 1 µm
Low Cost 3 Stage Process ①  Liquid Phase Reactor ②  Industrial Drier ③  Furnace 7 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO 1 µm
For ba`eries and much more … w w w . n a n o o n e . c a High Growth Ba`ery Materials Market Global Lithium-­‐ion Cathode Materials Market ($US Billions) 2015-­‐04-­‐28 •  High Growth $2-­‐3B Market •  Concentrated in few Asian & EU producers Cathode material 23% of cell cost Electrolyte & Separator Anode •  Large new entrants eroding margins •  Vulnerable to disrup;ve technology •  $100-­‐500M/yr royalty opportunity 8 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a Lower Cost Higher Performance ~ 30% raw materials savings ($/kg) 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Faster charges Longer las;ng 4x fewer steps ~40% savings ($/kg) Target 50% cost reduc;on ($/kWh) Current Industry Costs for LNMC Cathode Materials source Deutsche Bank, FMC 9 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a discharge capacity (mAh/g) Longer Las;ng – Be`er Performance Half Coin Cell Test -­‐ LiCoO2 Cathode @ 1C 150 Nano One Material 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Robustly Structured Longer las;ng 2-­‐3x longer las;ng 100 Faster charging 50 Fewer cells Commercial Material Less weight 0 100 200 300 cycle number 400 500 Lower cost Valida;on by key players and Canada’s NRC 10 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Timeline 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Financing, Proof of Concept & First Patents Filed Half Cell Op,miza,on & Third Party Valida,on Strategic Discussions towards Licensing Design For Scale Up & Pilo,ng with partner BCRI Full Cell Op,miza,on & Third Party Valida,on Develop New Markets, IP, License Deals 11 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a Nano One Capital Structure 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Share Structure Issued and Outstanding Stock Op,ons 44,793,599 2,825,000 Warrants 13,198,683 Fully Diluted 60,817,282 Disclaimer Nano One expressly warns readers not to rely on the informa,on herein for investment or other related purposes. Accordingly, any use of this informa,on is at the reader’s risk and without liability to Nano One. The informa,on contained herein is not to be construed as either a public or private offer or solicita,on to purchase securi,es in the capital stock of Nano One. The reader is referred to his/her professional investment advisor regarding investment or related decisions respec,ng the securi,es of Nano One. 12 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a Nano One Capital Structure 2015-­‐04-­‐28 Thank you Nano One Materials Corp. 620 – 650 W Georgia Street Vancouver BC V6B 4N9 Canada 604-­‐669-­‐2701 [email protected] 13 Nano One Materials Corp. TSX-­‐V: NNO w w w . n a n o o n e . c a