MAY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 4pm Relay for Life (Youth grade 7-12) @ Macungie Park 11am Corrado Baptism 12:15pm Relay for Life 6pm Holy Communion 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 10am ECEC Chapel 5 EASTER 3 8 & 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion, ELW 9:15am Sunday Sch 6pm Confirmation Class 4 6pm Kaleidoscope 6:30pm Stewardship Com 6:30pm Bel Canto Choir 5 2pm ECEC Chapel 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 6:30pm Evangelism Com. 6:30pm ECEC Board 8pm SPYA 6 EASTER 10 8 & 10:30am Contemporary Svc. 9:15am Sun. Sch. 11 9am Food Bank 12 10am ECEC Chapel 2pm ECEC Chapel 6 10am Women’s Bible Study 10am ECEC Chapel 6pm Literacy Ctr. Class 7pm Property Comm. 13 10am Women’s Bible Study 10am ECEC Chapel 11:45am Fellowship Com. Happy Mother’s Day! 6:30pm Bel Canto Choir 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 6pm Literacy Ctr. Class 7 EASTER 8 & 10:30am Holy Communion, HS 9:15am Sun. Sch. 9:30 Confirm. Reh. 17 11:45am New Member Class/Lunch 18 19 6pm Kaleidoscope 6:30pm Bel Canto Choir 7pm Council 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 7pm Christian Ed. Comm. 20 24 25 Memorial Day Holiday Church Office Closed 1:35pm IronPigs Game THE HOLY TRINITY 8 & 10am Holy Communion Honor Graduates 10am Pile Baptism 10am Recept. of New Members 31 (Summer Worship schedule begins today) 26 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 7pm Worship & Music Com 8 27 9am Food Bank 10am Women’s Bible Study 9 6pm Holy Communion 7pm Choir Rehearsal 7pm ECEC Mother’s Tea 14 4:15pm ECEC Chapel 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 15 7pm Choir Rehearsal 7:30pm Finance Comm. 21 9:30am ECEC Spring Festival! 11am Holy Communion @ Emeritus Comm. 8am CPR Class 8:30am NEPS Bike for Hunger (gr. 7-12) 1pm Mini Golf (gr. 5-6) 16 6pm Holy Communion 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 22 6pm Literacy Ctr. Class 7pm Social Ministry Comm. PENTECOST 10:00am Holy Communion & Rite of Confirmation 10am Women’s Bible Study 7 8:30am Youth Mulch Project 23 6pm Holy Communion 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 28 12pm Sisters in Spirit 29 30 6pm Holy Communion 6pm Literacy Ctr. Class 6pm Lehigh Valley AA JUNE VOLUNTEERS PLEASE BE DILIGENT IN CONTACTING YOUR VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE ALTAR CARE: DEBBIE BURRACK @610-966-3764 PENNIE BEISEL, JENNIFER BEISEL FLOWER DEACONS: PAT FORTE @610-398-2415 CONSTANCE & RICH PARKER, JOE HARGIS ACOLYTES: CATHY HORNUNG @ 610-530-1728 6/07 8:00 RYAN GLOSE 10:00 FAITH RHOADS CRUCIFER: DAVID SAUNDERS LAY ASSISTANTS: SHIRLEY WAGNER @610-398-7326 6/07 8:00 & 10:00 LUCY HAHN 6/14 8:00 & 10:00 6/21 8:00 & 10:00 6/28 8:00 & 10:00 6/14 8:00 10:00 6/21 8:00 10:00 6/28 JOHN SIGAFOOS ADRIANA GOETZ-MORALES EMILY AHERN JONATHAN RHOADS, LIZZIE SAUNDERS CRUCIFER: SARAH KOLASA 8:00 10:00 EMILY AHERN JONATHAN RHOADS CRUCIFER: SARAH KOLASA COMMUNION PRESENTERS: SUE MACHIK 484-951-1224 LEE WILLIAMS FAMILY 6/07 8:00 THE HORNUNG FAMILY 10:00 6/21 8:00 10:00 TED & ALICE KELLER MARIO & PAT FORTE COUNTING TEAM: NOEL CULLER @ 610-530-2925 6/07 TEAM #3: GROMAN/HUZAR/SAEGER 6/14 TEAM #4: MOORE/CULP/JENNINGS 6/21 TEAM #1: BARNETT/CULLER/SHELLY 6/28 TEAM #2: SEDGWICK/MACHIK/JACKSON USHERS: ELAINE WAGAMAN @ 610-437-6082 6/06 6:00PM DAVE & JANICE SMITH MARK & DANELL WOLFE 6/07 8:00 KEN & JANICE GERLACH LOIS KRIER, CATHY MORDOSKY 10:00 JOHN & ANITA DICKERT 6/13 6/14 6:00PM 8:00 10:00 GREETERS: JEAN DONMOYER @ 610-391-1380 MILT & BERNIE LYNN 6/07 8:00 DICK & LOIS BOHNER 10:00 6/14 8:00 10:00 KEN & JANICE GERLACH BRIAN & JOHN SIGAFOOS 6/21 8:00 10:00 REYNOLD & ELSIE SCHNECK DON HOFFMAN, NORENE SIGAFOOS 6/28 8:00 10:00 TINA MULLEN BETTY CULP, BONNIE SENESE 6/20 6/21 6:00PM 8:00 10:00 6/27 6/28 6:00PM 8:00 10:00 SHIRLEY WAGNER, ELAINE WAGAMAN SCOTT & STACEY ALDERFER RICH & COLIN KING CHRIS & EVA HAINES NORMA GROMAN, PENNY SHELLY AL & MARY HEINTZELMAN HANK KUNKEL, BOB STEIGERWALT TOM DONMOYER, TINA MULLEN DON HOFFMAN, BRIAN SIGAFOOS BRANDON & MELISSA WALSH RICH & CONSTANCE PARKER KEITH & LOLA WALTER DICK KOCH, JOAN MYERS ALAN & ROBIN SAUNDERS SUE SHIERY, ELEANOR WETHERHOLD COFFEE HOUR: BETWEEN THE SERVICES-APPROX. 9 AM JANICE & KEN GERLACH 6/07 9:00 EVANGELISM COMMITTEE 6/14 9:00 COUNCIL—ILIA MORALES 6/21 9:00 6/28 9:00 Are you interested in hosting a Coffee Hour or baking for one? A sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board. Questions? See or call Dick Koch, Fellowship Chair, 610-967-1518. JUNE 2015 Sun Mon 1 2 6pm Kaleidoscope 6:30pm Stewardship Com 6:30pm Bel Canto Choir 7pm Thrivent Board 2 PENTECOST 7 8 & 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion, ELW 8 9 3 PENTECOST 14 11:45am Fellowship Com. Flag Day! 15 July/Aug. Newsletter News Due! 6pm Kaleidoscope 6:30pm Bel Canto Choir 7pm Council Wed 3 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 6:30pm Evangelism Com. 6:30pm ECEC Board 8pm SPYA 9am Food Bank 6:30pm Bel Canto Choir 8 & 10:00am Contemporary Svc. Tue 10am Women’s Bible Study 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 16 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 6:15pm 2015 Youth 7pm Christian Ed. Comm. 21 Happy Father’s Day & 1st day of summer! 1:15pm Youth Gathering Rally @Muhlenberg 22 6:30pm Bel Canto Choir 23 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 6pm Youth leave for Retreat @Wildwood, NJ 5 PENTECOST 28 8 & 10:00am Service of the Word 1:30pm Swim Party (Gr. 4-6) @Stonecrest Swim Club 29 30 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 4 Fri 5 10 10am Women’s Bible Study 6pm Literacy Ctr. Class 17 10am Women’s Bible Study 6pm Holy Communion 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 11 12 24 13 6pm Holy Communion 7:30pm Finance Comm. 18 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 19 11am Holy Communion @ Emeritus Comm. 6pm Lutheran Youth Fellowship @Muhlenberg 6pm Literacy Ctr. Class 7pm Social Ministry Comm. 9am Collate Newsltr. 9am Food Bank 10am Women’s Bible Study Sat 6 6pm Literacy Ctr. Class 7pm Property Comm. 4 PENTECOST 8 & 10:00am Holy Communion, HS 10am Bus Trip to Sight & Sound 10am Women’s Bible Study Thu 25 12pm Sisters in Spirit 26 20 6pm Holy Communion 6pm Lehigh Valley AA 27 3pm Youth home from Retreat 6pm Holy Communion 6pm Literacy Ctr. Class 6pm Lehigh Valley AA Nativity Newsletter THE SEASON OF EASTER/PENTECOST MAY & JUNE 2015 VOL. 5 NO. 5 Desiring to be blessed together with Word and Sacrament and to be a blessing to others, we commit ourselves to the way of the Nativity, the Cross, and the Empty Tomb. SUNDAY, MAY 24 PENTECOST & RITE OF CONFIRMATION 10:00 A.M. On Sunday, May 24, there is only one worship service at 10:00 a.m. As is our tradition, Pentecost is also the day of confirmation. This year we will confirm seven young people. They are: Mackenzie Dimmig, daughter of Ray & Rana Dimmig; Adriana Goetz-Morales, daughter of Tim Goetz & Ilia Morales; Connor Inman, son of Greg & Liz Inman; Jason King, son of Rich & Yvonne King; Colin Krieg, son of Richard Krieg & Cindy White; Faith Rhoads, daughter of Garrett & Melissa Rhoads; and Kyle Strubeck, son of Richard & Kristie Strubeck. Plan now to be with us to share this special day with these young people and their families. NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED ON PALM SUNDAY On Sunday, March 29, we received the following folks into membership at Nativity: Michael & Megan Billowitch and Rose Keith & Beth Craley and Rowan Keith & Sherry Kibler William & Carol Kloosterman Jeff & Jess Kloosterman and Han, Gerrit & Kai Marelda Leibensperger Ryan & Christian Miller and Aryia Adam & Becky Burch Morton and Riley Burch Howard & Karen Nielson Zachary & Lori Zuber and Ellie, Lila & Arlo We welcome all of these new members into the Nativity Family! OUR SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE BEGINS ON TRINITY SUNDAY, MAY 31, WITH SERVICES AT 8 & 10 A.M. ATTENTION GRADUATES! If your child will be graduating from high school or college this spring, please contact the church office by Friday, May 15, at 610-395-5062 or email at [email protected]. We need to know what school they will graduate from and any future plans. Graduates will be honored on Sunday, May 31, at both the 8 and 10 a.m. services. FROM PASTOR MINNICH: My Friends of Nativity and Beyond: support. People are growing in the expression of their Christian faith because of all of these The month of May brings us the Festival of activities through which the Lord is nurturing us. Pentecost on May 24. Pentecost represents the Really, the miracle of Pentecost happens time giving of the Holy Spirit, commonly understood as and time again in the life of Nativity. the birthday of the church. That weekend also happens to be Memorial Day weekend when we With that in mind, I will share with you a little shift into our summer schedule of worship devotional written by our own Jacqueline Quigley. services at 8 and 10 AM. The Holy Spirit has Incredible things do happen as we open ourbeen abundantly active in our midst in tangible selves to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We are and intangible ways. The dramatic growth of our living proof of those incredible things. I’ll see you membership over these 10 years, the building of in church. our new church, are all dramatic tangible evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit. But then Love, there is also the intangible – the countless times Pastor and hours that our people are together sharing in worship, learning, service, witnessing, and DAY OF PENTECOST [READ ACTS 2:1-21] Did you ever think of the thoughts that must have been going through Peter’s mind on the evening of the first Pentecost? Maybe he was thinking: “Did this day really happen? Did I really preach with such enthusiasm to all those people? Timid me?” Not long ago I didn’t have the courage even to admit I was a companion of Jesus! The Holy Spirit IS present in our world today. Each one of us is touched by the Spirit’s gifts! If we respond to the Holy Spirit, incredible things can happen! Peter and the apostles were inspired to go forth and proclaim the Good News. That same Holy Spirit continues to be present in our lives today. All we need to do is look around us. It is the presence of the Spirit that enables us to use our talents and abilities to serve others. If we listen to the Spirit, all things shall become an adventure, shall be full of light; and strength will be given to use beyond our imagination provided we are open to the wind and the fire. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit upon us, and he will be faithful to the promise. PENTECOST STILL HAPPENS! —Jacqueline Quigley 2 FROM PASTOR STOUGH: Marcia. Maybe we can even get to a concert and a play once in a while. And, yes, I’m looking forThe fact that I have announced that I am expect- ward to doing some reading that isn’t directly ing to retire from “full-time” service at Nativity as related to such responsibilities as sermon of the first of September has prompted a number preparation and Bible studies. of people to ask about my hopes and plans for But it is my intention to continue my commitments the future. I respect that question and decided to several larger church related involvements with that a number of you would be interested in my which I have been involved alongside of my response to it. ministry in and through Nativity Church. For I need to start by reminding you that the choice of instance, I have been related in one way or a pastoral career involves a calling and not sim- another to the Jewish/Christian Institute of Muhlenberg College throughout its 25 year ply a career choice. The decision to serve the Lord of the Church as a Pastor, a Deaconess, a history. And at this time I am serving as chairperson of its Development Committee. It is Diaconal Minister, an Associate in Ministry, or a actually my intention to increase my involvements Synodically Authorized Lay Minister involves in support of this very significant program. something more than simply making a decision Further, I have been serving as a member of our as to where one wants to focus the attention of his or her life. Indeed, even though that exhausts synod’s Mission Support Team (Stewardship our Lutheran Church’s official categories for con- Program) and I intend to continue serving as their secretary. Similarly, I expect to continue serving secrated service, I am inclined to include the kinds of church musicians and parish secretaries as a member and secretary of our Lehigh Mission with whom I have been privileged to serve in this District Council. And I have also indicated to Pastor Minnich and the church council that I am list of people who have been called to serve within Christ’s Church. And I would suggest that prepared to continue serving as a volunteer this sense of having been called is not something visitor in support of Nativity’s pastoral ministry. Presumably that will at least include visiting a few that these individuals can turn on and off. It becomes the compelling focus of one’s life. So, members of St. Michael’s who were already shutin that spirit, even though I will no longer be serv- ins by the time we consolidated with Nativity. ing in the capacity in which it has been my privilege to serve in one way or another for more than There is indeed a uniqueness to this matter of being called to serve Christ’s Church. I thank 50 years, that sense of having been called to a God for the privilege of serving our Lord’s Church unique mission will continue to play a very and look forward to at least these continuing important role in my life. involvements. I pray that God will continue to bless all of us in our missions and ministries. Now that doesn’t mean that I am not going to take time to do and enjoy a few things which Shalom! have been on my wish list. I look forward to doing some walking and swimming. And it will be Pastor Stough delightful to have a little more time to spend with Called to Serve Would you like to join Nativity? On Sunday, May 17, there will be a luncheon/information session for those who would like to join Nativity or simply to obtain more information. We gather following the 10:30 service and begin with lunch. Following lunch, information will be shared and staff will be introduced. Childcare will be provided. New members will be received during worship on May 31. If you are interested in membership or information, please join us on the 17th and kindly inform Pastor Minnich. 3 Nativity Lutheran Early Childhood Education Center COUNCIL CORNER by Rev. John Minnich The Church council met for the regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 20 at 7 PM. Among the actions taken were the following: Alyssa Solt, Director the endowment brochure was discussed and approved; facility use approval was given for Donna Tercha to conduct a CPR event. a list of members missing in worship for more than 3 years was approved for removal from membership. The next regular meeting of Church council will be Monday, May 18 at 7 PM. In June you will receive a July/August Newsletter. In an effort to save paper, expenses, & have vacation times, during the summer months we prepare “double” newsletters. (May/June & July/August) INFORMATION FOR THE JULY/AUGUST NEWSLETTER IS DUE ON JUNE 15. We’ll collate on Wed., June 24, 9 a.m. As the year draws to a close, the Center will be helping caterpillars make the journey to becoming butterflies! Our 4 & 5 year olds will go on an adventure to the Lehigh Valley Zoo on May 14, and the Kindergarteners will follow the next day. Then we’ll wrap things up with the Spring Festival on the 21st! Another wonderful year is in the books. We thank you for making it special. May Schedule May 7 - Mother’s Tea, 7 p.m. May 14 - Field trip to the zoo May 15 - Kindergarten field trip to the zoo Elementary early dismissal, 1:45 May 20 - Last day of Preschool May 21 - Spring Festival at Nativity—Parent/ Chaperone must attend, 9:30-11 a.m. May 22 - Daycare only May 25 - Closed for Memorial Day May 26 - Interim Week June Schedule June 1-12 - Interim Weeks June 15 - Summer Preschool & Enter K-garten June 17 - Last day at Parkland June 18 & 19 - Summer starts for Primary & School Age (1st-6th grade) PA DUTCH DINNER! Saturday, September 19 We all missed not having the PA Dutch Dinner last year. This dinner is always a fun evening with good food and great fellowship. The Fellowship Committee has started planning for this dinner to held on Saturday, September 19. It requires lots of planning and preparation to feed and serve everyone. The Committee is reaching out to all church members asking for your help in planning, preparing the food, working in the kitchen, selling tickets, serving the food, and cleaning up afterwards. It is a big undertaking to pull off this event. We have two serving settings. So, in order for the workers to eat and enjoy the evening as well, we need to double some of the positions. If you would like to help us in any way, please contact me at 484-201-3437 or talk to anyone on the Fellowship Committee. Thanks! Dick Koch 4 the world. Visit museums, chapels and cathedrals in eight countries to view rare and sacred masterpieces. On May 10, we will have a planning session for the Kim Ring: Director of Christian Education 2015-2016 program year. On May 17, 484-241-0892 Pastor Heffelfinger will guide us as we study Luther’s instructions about Sunday School prayer. Martin Luther said, “Prayer is Sunday School meets from 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. and a very precious medicine, one that is offered for children ages three through adults. helps and never fails.” Sunday School nursery, for children under age 3, is available for parents who are serving as teachers or parents who wish to attend one of our adult classes. Our final day of Sunday School Confirmation Class is May 17. The following youth will receive the Rite of ConDuring worship on May 17, we will formally thank firmation on May 24 at the 10:00 service: Mackenzie Dimmig, Adriana Goetz-Morales, our teachers and present Bibles to our second grade students. Our graduates will be honored Connor Inman, Jason King, Colin Krieg, Faith Rhoads, and Kyle Strubeck. Rehearsal for conon May 31. firmands will be held on Sunday morning, May 17, from 9:30-10:00 in the sanctuary. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MINISTRIES Adult Sunday School Opportunities: Our Contemporary Christian Conversations class explores a wide range of topics which focus on the Christian’s responsibility in daily living and in our society. We are using Fearless Conversation Adult Sunday School curriculum from Group. This is a unique curriculum designed to build relationships through authentic conversation. A fearless conversation is a healthy open dialog that addresses “wondering” questions about faith and God in a compassionate environment, using the Bible as our source to find the truth. It’s all about sharing experiences openly and embracing doubts and questions. As we seek to understand others through active listening, we trust the Holy Spirit to guide our way as we explore the question “Why is Jesus so radical?” This class meets in the parlor. For our final class on May 17, we will have a pot luck breakfast and plan for the 2015-2016 program year. Monday Morning Bible Study Monday Morning Bible Study will resume in September. Women’s Bible Study Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesdays from 10 - 11 a.m. This groups studies the lessons for the following Sunday. Pastors Stough and Minnich serve as facilitators. Our final session will be held the last Wednesday in June...June 24. We will resume in September. Christian Education Committee The Christian Education Committee, co-chaired by Michelle Ahern and Brenda Mace, will meet on May 19 from 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Childcare is available. Our Traditional Track adult Sunday School will wrap up a series entitled “Mary and Jesus in Art” on May 3. We will continue to explore the dramatically different ways in which Jesus Christ and Mary have been represented in art around 5 Kidz Church Kidz Church is available at the 10:30 service for children age 3 - grade 2. If your child is participating in Kidz Church, we ask that you please bring them to worship with you. After the children’s message, the children will be dismissed to Kidz Church. Youth Ministries Events are posted on Facebook under Groups/ Nativity Youth/Events. Please text your RSVP to Kim at 484-241-0892. Chaperones are needed for all events. Please contact Kim if you’d like to chaperone! May 1-2: Relay for Life for youth in grades 7 12. 4:00 p.m. May 1 through 4:00 p.m. May 2 at Macungie Park. The Walk benefits the American Cancer Society. Registration is required. You can come for any portion of the event. May 9: ECEC Mulch Project for youth in grades 7-12. Help spread mulch on the ECEC playgrounds from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. RSVP to Kim by May 3. (Rain date is May 23.) May 16: NEPS Bike for World Hunger for youth in grades 7-12. The event takes place at the Rodale Fitness and Cycling Park in Trexlertown from 9 am to 1 p.m. Registration begins at 8:30 am. There is no registration fee; however, registration is required. A participant/ waiver form must be completed for each registrant. If anyone wishes to sponsor Nativity’s team, please see Kim or make a donation through your envelope, indicating “NEPS Bike for World Hunger” on the other line. Money donated goes to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. May 16: Mini-golf at George’s Oasis for youth in grades 5-6. Bring $10.00 to cover a round of golf and an ice cream! Meet at Nativity at 1:00 p.m. and return at 4:00. RSVP to Milagros by May 11. May 31: Picnicking and Kayaking at Lake Nockamixon for youth in grades 7-12. We will leave Nativity after worship, picnic at the lake, and take a guided kayak lesson/tour from 2-3:30. The cost for kayaking is $25 per person and includes the kayak rental and lesson. Reservations are required for the kayaking experience. Please bring your own chair, towel, lunch and beverages. June 19-21: Lutheran Youth Fellowship at Muhlenberg College for youth who have completed grades 8-12. Registration is due May 15. See Kim for forms. June 21: 2015 Gathering Rally for youth going to Detroit. Meet at Nativity at 1:15 and carpool to Muhlenberg College. Pick-up time is 5:15 p.m. June 23-27: Summer Youth Retreat at the Luther Inn/Holy Trinity in Wildwood, N.J. for youth that have just completed grades 7-12. We depart Nativity at 6:00 p.m. on June 23 and return at approximately 3:00 p.m. on June 27. Please give your registration form and deposit to Kim by May 3 to reserve your place. June 28: Junior Youth Group Swimming Party for youth who have completed grades 4 6. Come say goodbye to our outgoing sixth graders and welcome to our incoming fifth graders. We’ll meet at Nativity at 1:30 and carpool to the Stonecrest Swim Club in Allentown where we’ll be guests of the Ahern family. The cost is $5.00 per person. Youth will need to pass a swim test to enter the pool. If your youth cannot swim, a parent will need to accompany the youth in the pool and the parent will also need to pay the $5.00 fee. Hot dogs will be provided. Please bring a towel and a snack or beverage to share. We will return to Nativity at 5:00 p.m. RSVP to Milagros by June 22. May 24: Iron Pigs Game at 1:35 Two hour buffet and games. Tickets are required. 6 Vacation Bible School 2015 National Youth Gathering The following youth will be attending the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, July 15-19: Audrey Bolesta, Mackenzie Dimmig, Adriana GoetzMorales, Sarah Heckman, Scott Heckman, Anthony Hornung, Grace Hornung, Colin Krieg, Faith Rhoads, Jenny Ring, David Saunders, and John Sigafoos. Ilia Morales, Kim Ring, Al Saunders, and Justin Thorne will serve as chaperones. The mission of the ELCA Youth Gathering is to provide our youth with an encounter with Jesus that will energize their faith and help them discover their call to serve in the world. July 27 - 31, 2015 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Your ongoing support for our fund raising efforts is greatly appreciated. For our final fundraiser, we will be offering Kuhnsville Car Wash Certificates. The cost is $10 per certificate and our youth get to keep $5 for each certificate sold! (light supper at 5:30) Volunteers are needed! Please join our Everest Climbing Team! We need Crew Leader Guides (Small Groups Leaders) and Leaders for the following stations: Imaginations Station, KidVid Cinema, Glacier Games, Bible Expeditions, Preschool Bible Adventures and Missions, Preschool Games, Preschool KidVid Cinema, and Preschool Craft and Play. We also need photographers for our Spotlight VBS, registration helpers, kitchen helpers to prepare and serve our light supper and people to help decorate. Station leader descriptions and volunteer sign-up sheets are posted on the CE bulletin board by the church office. During the month of June, we will be collecting diapers for a Detroit Diaper Bank. For people who are poor, the cost for diapers is out of reach, and they too often have to choose between diapers and food. Please, place your diaper donations in the pack-and-play in the narthex. We will also be collecting non-perishable packaged food items for Detroit community food pantries. Place your donations in the plastic tub in the narthex. Thank you for your donations. On Sunday, July 12, we will have a special sending service for our youth. After the service, pins will be available with the initials of our youth and chaperones. We are asking members of the congregation to pick up a pin and pray for the youth/chaperones while we are in Detroit. Important VBS Dates: July 25 9:00 a.m. volunteer meeting July 25 10:00 a.m. small group planning & decorating July 26 8:00 & 10:00 Installation of volunteers August 2 10:00 a.m. VBS Sunday 7 EVEREST REGISTRATION FORMS ... are available on the table in the narthex. Please register ASAP as we are limiting registration to 100 participants. (One set of forms per child please!) EVEREST DONATIONS … Please help us by donating the items listed below. Donation request forms and a master donation list are posted on the CE bulletin board. Please sign up for an item and take a donation request form. Bring in your donations by July 12 and place the items in the labeled donation bins which are located in the kitchenette off the parlor. Attach the donation request form to your item. Indicate on the form if the item is borrowed. Base Camp: old fashioned alarm clock, small tent, packing peanuts to fill two buckets Summit Celebration: swim fins, snorkel, and mask, can of silly string, rubber chicken, inflatable pool toy, 2 large plastic tablecloths, 4 rolls of plastic white table covering, red duct tape, 125 resealable sandwichsize plastic bags, ice pick, sledgehammer, safety goggles, piece of 2’x3’ plywood, bright colored table cloth, cinder block, remote control car with batteries, 12’ beach ball, industrial box fan, 20 packets of Pop Rocks, box of 100 letter size envelopes Elementary Bible Expeditions: solid colored bed sheets, 4 shower curtain liners, large beige canvas tarp, 125 small paper cups, 20 small paper lunch bags, 2 boxes of saltine crackers, box of gluten free crackers, large brown paper grocery bags, newspapers, 4 green pool noodles, artificial greenery, brick, 5 dark sheets, 5 small baskets with handle, dark piece of material, 5 hula hoops Elementary Glacier Games: 5 large clear plastic mixing bowls, 30 water splash balls, 15 beach towels, child-sized wading pool, 6 pool noodles, 5 bundles of rope, 5 backpacks, 5 sleeping bags, 80 feet of rope, 8 tent stakes, 5 pairs of adult gloves, 10 orange safety cones, 20 gallon-size resealable plastic bags, 125 spring-loaded clothespins. Elementary Imagination Station: 3 clear wide-mouth vases, glue dots, 6 boxes of resealable plastic sandwich bags (100 bags in a box), 1 box of fine tip permanent markers, 5 large plastic serving trays, 6 soft bed pillows, Dawn dishwashing liquid, 5 packages of wet wipes, 5 large bottles of bubble solution, 5 hula hoops. Crews: 20 containers of wet wipes, 5 jump ropes Preschool Stations: cotton swabs, box of oat ring cereal, modeling dough, blocks, small tent, lantern, box of glue sticks, large plastic duplo blocks, wide drinking straws (Smoothie straws), 15 pool noodles, 5 large bowls, 50 three ounce paper cups, 5 buckets, red construction paper, 5 laundry baskets, 30 balloons, 25 plastic plates, box of 50 regular drinking straws, small plastic wading pool, bag of cotton balls, 5 playground balls, 5 pie tins, 5 small plastic bowls, 25 blue paper or plastic bowls, 50 wide craft sticks, 25 heart stickers, 5 containers of wet wipes, 30 coffee filters, 10 eyedroppers,3 boxes of waxed paper, measuring cups, 5 hula hoops, wooden blocks, glitter markers, 12 pair of men’s tube socks, 5 blue plastic table cloths, large-eyed craft needles, 5 foams balls. Food Donations are also needed. Look for sign-up sheets on the Christian Education bulletin board by the church office. Elementary KidVid: box of fine tip permanent markers 8 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Sally Reeser, 610-730-6357 The music on Easter morning was glorious! A heartfelt thank-you to all the singers and ringers for sharing their talents. This choir season is rapidly drawing to a close. The Chancel Choir will provide musical support until Sunday, May 24th. Kim and I will be looking for volunteers for the summer months. Please contact either one of us if you have a talent you would like to share. Praise Band Our next scheduled Sunday to play is May 10th. More information to follow. CHILDREN/YOUTH MUSIC MINISTRIES ADULT HANDBELL MINISTRIES Kim Ring: Director 484-241-0892 Sally Reeser and Kim Ring: Directors Sally 610-730-6357 Kim: 484-241-0892 Thank you to our children and youth for the beautiful music through out the program year. Thank you parents, for bringing your children/youth to rehearsals and worship. Your support is greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful summer! Thank you to all our ringers for the beautiful music on Easter and April 26. Chancel Ringers Chancel Ringers will rehearse Sunday evening, May 17 from 7:00—8:15. We will ring in worship on May 24 at the 10:00 a.m. service. Report time is 9:00 a.m. Please note: When being admitted to an area hospital, please inform its staff of your church code...261 GERANIUMS FOR PENTECOST Once again this year, we are planning to decorate our sanctuary with beautiful, red geraniums on Pentecost Sunday. If you would like to sponsor a plant in honor or in memory of someone, please see the sheet posted on the bulletin board or call Charlee in the Church Office (610-395-5062). Each 7 1/2” plant is available for a donation of $8.50. The deadline to place an order is Sunday, May 10. The attendance for the month of March was 1363 with an average of 273 each weekend. NATIVITY TRADING POST Check the blue bulletin board in the narthex to see what people are posting! Following Pentecost, the geraniums will then be planted on the church grounds to help beautify our grounds throughout the summer and early fall. Anything you are searching for or in need of? Post your own card or call us to post it for you. 9 IRONPIGS GAME SUNDAY, MAY 24 DIRECTORY CHANGES Address Changes Chris, Laura, Madison & Emerson Cope 25787 Donegal Dr., South Riding, VA 20152-2072 Jeremy Donmoyer 2623 Bleiler Hill Rd., New Tripoli, PA 18066 Linda Kleintop 839-12 W. Broad St., Wescosville, PA 18106 Helenne Yonkovitch 697 W. Franklin St., Slatington, PA 18080 Just a reminder to those who purchased tickets to see the IronPigs play the Charlotte Knights…this game is on Sunday, May 24, at Coca Cola Park. The game begins at 1:35 p.m., gates open at 12:15. Contact Danell Wolfe, 610-398-0260, with questions. Women of Nativity Get your pink on! E-mail Address Sandy Huzar: [email protected] Additions—New members Michael & Megan Billowitch and Rose 118 N. Adams St., Allentown, PA 18104 610-770-9780 Keith & Beth Craley and Rowan 9079 Pathfinder Rd., Breinigsville, PA 18031 610-653-3515 Keith & Sherry Kibler 2140 W. Washington St., Allentown, PA 18104 610-434-1960 William & Carol Kloosterman 731 Yorkshire Rd., Allentown, PA 18103 Jeff & Jess Kloosterman and Han, Gerrit & Kai 731 Yorkshire Rd., Allentown, PA 18103 Marelda Leibensperger 1216 W. Union St., Allentown, PA 18102 610-435-6584 The Women's 5K Classic is Saturday, October 17, 2015. Proceeds benefit Breast Cancer Research & Education in the Lehigh Valley. To register, please go to Use our team name "Women of Nativity." Registration fee is $30 until May 31 and then it will go to $35 until Sept. 13. If you are a runner and want a challenge, you can participate in the 1/2 marathon on the same weekend. This weekend of festivities is an awesome event—for women only—but if your “guy” wants to come out to support us & cheer us on, he is welcome too! There are many volunteer opportunities, or you ‘fan club’ can just stand along the course and make some noise for us! All are welcome! Smiles and Blessings to all of you! Donna Tercha FINANCIAL REPORT Ryan & Christina Miller and Aryia 5820 Paula Ct., Coopersburg, PA 18036 Adam & Becky Burch Morton and Riley Burch 5202 Vera Cruz Rd., Center Valley, PA 18034 Howard & Karen Nielson 1063 Mosser Rd., Apt. I-202, Breinigsville, PA 18031 610-398-3853 Zachary & Lori Zuber and Ellie, Lila & Arlo 5832 Holiday Dr., Allentown, PA 18104 MONTH – MARCH 2015 GENERAL FUND BENEVOLENCE Actual receipts $47,194 5,770 Actual Disbursements $39,077 $ 3,111 NET ACTUAL BUDGET (expenses) + $ 8,117 $37,173 $ 659 $ 4,643 General Fund Expenses exceeded Receipts by $8,117 in March. Construction Loan Balance is $610,122 at the end of March. Jim Barnett, Financial Secretary 10 SOCIAL MINISTRY CONTINUING CONCERNS BLOOD DRIVE - SUNDAY, MAY 31 The next Nativity Blood Drive will be held on Sunday, May 31, beginning at 9 a.m. Appointments will be welcomed in the narthex before and after worship on May 24 (one service at 10:00AM) and, as space is available, can also be made on the 31st. Representatives of the Nativity Parish Nurse Program will also be available to check blood pressures on the 31st. August 2 will be the next blood drive. Thank you! MAY & JUNE ARE PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY MONTHS AT THE FOOD BANK BEAR CREEK SUMMER CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Information about the summer programs at Bear Creek Camp is available. Camp programs are open for children who completed grade 1 thru those who completed grade 11. Nativity has scholarship money available for our youth. Contact Lee Williams, 484-201-9142, to request scholarship funds. To kick-start summer, let’s help the Food Bank stock up on kid-friendly peanut butter and jelly for families in need. Please consider picking up a few jars of smooth peanut butter and grape or strawberry jelly. Thank you for your donations! SISTERS IN SPIRIT THURSDAY, MAY 28 and THURSDAY, JUNE 25 12 P.M. ~ at Morgan’s Restaurant Our March 26th meeting was to be a review of the book “The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet” by Jamie Ford. Due to our intense candy making schedule, the majority of us had not read the book. Thanks to Edie Moore, our resident story teller, with help from Sue Young and Betty Ehrets, we were gifted with a wonderful review. We were also gifted with two new members, Hollie Diefer and Mary Jane Berger who is Bernadette Reinert’s sister. They are now “card carrying” Sisters-In-Spirit. April’s sharing topic was: ATTIC TREASURES. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Watch the bulletin for May’s & June’s sharing topics. At this reading we have not finished our financial statement for our candy sales this year. That report will be forthcoming in the immediate future. Each year we become more efficient and our outreach grows. At least four more church members became part of June Helfrich’s “Candy Making Team.” Five men contributed greatly to our growing business. There is no limit to Helping Hands from our Sisters-In-spirit members. Recently four of us collated the Synod’s newsletter when they asked for help. Our entire premise is sharing and caring. You can become a member of our group simply by joining us for lunch at Morgan’s Restaurant the last Thursday of each month. The sign-up sheet and directions will appear on the bulletin board outside of Fellowship Hall . If you need a ride call Beauty White-Hargis at 610-706-0330 or e-mail [email protected]. Bye for now ‘n God Bless! Beauty White-Hargis 11 NOTES OF THANKS Thank you to the entire congregation for the love, care and support you gave my mother, Alma Soraruf, during her life and in her death. Nativity Church meant so much to her, even after her move to Florida. I was thankful to have her here for her last year, but in the end, she missed her sisters, so I was accepting of her death. Thank you all for what you did. Patricia Smith Thank you for giving so generously to Lutheran Disaster Response. Your support of this ministry helps Dear Pastor, our church respond to the needs of our neighbors I wanted to send you a note the week after Palm in the long work of recovery. Sunday but didn’t get around to it. I wanted to tell Thank you! you how nice it was to actually have a Palm SunJanet Haiberg day service versus the Passion Sunday that so ELCA Disaster Response many churches switched to. I grew up with aspects like congregational processions from the parking lot Pastor Minnich, into the churches and always liked the Palm SunThank you for everything you have done for us. day service. We were especially disheartened a We really appreciate all of your visits to Chet. The support after his passing has been amazing. Know- few years ago when we went to the National Cathedral and even they had switched to the Passion ing you are always there for us is so appreciated. The funeral service was a beautiful tribute to Chet. Sunday. So, thanks for keeping Palm Sunday! See you soon! We received so many compliments about the serChris [Wallace] vice and the church. We are so proud and blessed to be part of the Nativity family. Also thank you for coming to the interment. We know the weather was Dear Pastor Minnich, not great for all of the events, and we do appreciate My mother, Steve, Mary, Bill and I want to thank you for making us feel so welcome on Palm Sunwe can count on you. Thanks again. Mark, Danell, Bill, Joe & Abby [Wolfe] day. Mother [Eleanor Boyer] thoroughly enjoyed the service, the beautiful music, and seeing so many of her dear friends who mean so much to her. There Dear Pastor Minnich, is such a vibrancy in your church that we felt from Thank you very much for welcoming us to the Nativity Church Family. Everyone we have met has the congregation. Your many visits to The Highlands are very much been so friendly, kind and welcoming. Thank you for baptizing Rowan. It was a very nice appreciated. You are a very special pastor. Most sincerely, service. Glad he was such a good boy too! Thank Pat Hinkle on behalf of you to Bill Furjanic for capturing some great photos. the whole family Also, thank you for the beautiful flowers. We look forward to many wonderful years at Nativity. To our 5th & 6th Grade Friends Beth, Keith & Rowan Craley at Nativity Lutheran Church, Tails are wagging at Mostly Mutts in appreciation of We at the Sanctuary at Haafsville, are so very a very generous gift from the 3rd & 4th Grade Sun- grateful for your kind and generous donation. day School Class. The Mutts send doggy kisses in Through that donation, we were able to provide thanks! All animals need a forever home filled with much-needed veterinary care for our Sanctuary dogs and cats. Again, thank you all very much for love and attention. This donation for our shelter your kindness and support. dogs supports us in our mission to improve Kate—on behalf of the the lives of companion animals. Thanks for Residents of the Sanctuary making a difference! at Haafsville Mostly Mutts, Inc. I would like to thank the congregation for their prayers & assistance with meals before and after my surgery. I’m happy to say the surgery definitely improved my comfort levels. We’re blessed to have such generous people in our lives. Thank you & God Bless, The Gross Family 12 M AY C E L E B R AT I O N S HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 7 8 - 9 10 11 - 12 14 - May Fenstermaker Cameron Shoudt H. Joseph Smith Christine Swoyer Charlotte Kercsmar Rachel Cichonski Rachel Glaser-Cherewaty Alexander Goetz-Morales Sarah Heckman Yvonne King LuAnn Fletcher Hans Hoppe, Jr. Paul Hummel Olivia Quinn Marianne Evans Kimberly Galli Eleanor Geisinger Jim Barnett Juan Morales III Nancy Eckert Liam Quinn Diane Kravelick Mary Beth Sia Alexander Smith Jennifer Ring Michael Billowitch William Evans Jonathan Rhoads Mary Jane Ritter Audrey Wallace 15 - 18 19 - 20 21 23 24 26 - 27 28 - 29 - 30 31 - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Grayson Laudenslager Peggy Muhr Tina Mullen Harvey Dannecker Matthew Glose Bruce Evans Kim Ring Millie Shankweiler Audra Leiderman Joyce Sell Mary Wavrek Kailey Alderfer Doreen Rantz Christy Bradberry Kayla Cugini Suzanne Finch Sarah Wallace Audrey Gable Melba Shaver Chad Brown Lori Galli Owen Hafner Jarrod Jones Michele Dannecker Madeline Koehler Annika Pile Anastasia Iosue Aryia Miller Rana Dimmig Linda Wanko 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 15 - 16 17 18 19 20 25 27 - 28 29 16 - Mario & Pat Forte David & Janice Smith Reynold & Elsie Schneck Charles & Diane Cichonski Chris & Renee Haines John & Jocelyn Minnich Ray & Donna Tercha Ted & Carole Neidlinger Tim & Michelle Shoudt Adam Gangewere & Elizabeth Ortiz Justin & Rachel Thorne Robert & Cynthia Moyer Jason & Milagros Jennings Sam & Cathy Rhudy Tom & Gail Shearer Bill & Carol Kloosterman Ryan & Christinia Miller Ken & Janice Gerlach Mark & Susan Pile Mike & Nicole Yoder Jeff & Sheryl Hegedus Donald & Debra Kline Jim & Susan Barnett Dick & Alma Anne Koch NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH St. Michael Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Nativity 4004 W. Tilghman Street, Allentown, PA 18104 Phone: 610-395-5062 Fax: 610-395-6491 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Rev. John P. Minnich, S.T.M., Pastor Rev. Richard Stough, S.T.M., Associate Pastor Kim Ring, Dir. of Christian Education & Instrumental Music Milagros Jennings, DCE Assistant Sally Reeser, Director of Music Charlee Hoff, Secretary Alyssa Solt, ECEC Director Timothy Grube, Sexton 13 Worship Schedule Sundays 8 and 10:30 a.m. Summer Schedule begins May 31—8 & 10 a.m. Eucharist celebrated 1st & 3rd Sundays and every Saturday—6 p.m. Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. thru May 17 JUNE CELEBRATIONS HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1 2 - 3 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 9 10 - 11 - 13 - 14 15 16 17 Annette Heffelfinger Robert Fletcher Lee Muth Andrea Neagle Tyler Wagner Janet Chuck June Helfrich Dorine Cope Eva Gangewere Zackary Hoffman Donna Sprunk Connie Ganey Sandra Smith (Mrs. Robert) Cindy White Bill Wolfe Emerson Cope Todd Moyer Teri Sheirer Ralph Snyder Bob Dayton Parker Kravelick Madeline Wallace Natalie Cugini Cathy Hornung Lori Albino Megan Brenkert Jennifer Smith Tom Weyer Pamela Fisher Melissa Knorr Beth Symons Eleanor Wetherhold Justin Driscoll Grace Hornung Mark Pile Julia Billig Ethan Lehr-Hoppe Daniel Billig Tony Pearson Sheryl Hegedus 17 - 18 19 - 20 21 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 27 - 28 29 - 30 - Happy Anniversary! Nate Ring Linda Sia Kristie Strubeck Beverly Woolever Mike Yoder Cynthia Jones Savannah Brown Ashlynn McDonnell Carole Neidlinger Scott Perin Keith Walter Avianna Pile Jeffrey Bombich Sam Hafner Priscilla Kayes Stefan Luengen Tristan Luengen Christopher Kayes Gail Shearer Jason Tercha Justin Thorne Malachy Dimmig Kyle Gable Ronald Long Christopher Beisel Cait Benner Nevin Kutzler Paige Spang Zachary Meyers Katianna Cherewaty Ashton Pile Garrett Rhoads Dylan Van Kooten-Mace David Kutos Thomas Ehrets Anne Houston Gloria Moser Gloria Wertman Keli Cichonski Joel Glaser 1 2 4 6 7 - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 21 22 24 25 26 27 29 30 Please note: If your birthday or wedding anniversary is not listed, please contact the church office so we can make certain the info is in our computer system. Thank you! 14 - - Matthew & Andrea Glose Scott & Andrea Kravelick Alan & Robin Saunders Ted & Alice Keller Ed & Mary Ann Tremba Josh & Stephanie Hall Brad & Linda Clark Chris & Laura Cope Paul & Helga Grundmann John & Cathy Hornung Mike & Cindy Kelly Chris & Sarah Wallace Jeff & Dianne Jackson John & Kate Kunes Tom & Evelyn Bitner Geoff & Karen Legg Bill & Jean Welty Luke & Kimberly Pile Jason & Kristin Hoffman Harvey & Anita Reiss Richard & Kristie Strubeck Dick & Lois Bohner Garrett & Melissa Rhoads William & Cheryl Nine John & Nancy Boyer Hugh & Karen Heckman Paul & Beverly Hummel Todd & Debra Moyer Harrison & Gladys Moyer Bryan & Debra Gault Scott & Nicole Perin Shawn & Jennifer Quinn Ron & Rachel Cherewaty Jim & Brenda Pierson Noel & Judith Culler Keith & Beth Craley Richard Krieg & Cindy White Harry & Beverly Moyer Ralph Trexler & Beverly Woolever Roy & Heather Werley MAY VOLUNTEERS PLEASE BE DILIGENT IN CONTACTING YOUR VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE ALTAR CARE: DEBBIE BURRACK @610-966-3764 KAREN & AUDREY BOLESTA FLOWER DEACONS: PAT FORTE @610-398-2415 LUCY HAHN, SHERRY KIBLER, HOWARD & KAREN NIELSON ACOLYTES: CATHY HORNUNG @ 610-530-1728 5/03 8:00 AUDREY BOLESTA CRUCIFER: WILLIAM EVANS 10:30 SARAH KOLASA CRUCIFER: MACKENZIE DIMMIG LAY ASSISTANTS: SHIRLEY WAGNER @610-398-7326 GRACE HORNUNG 5/03 8:00 SHIRLEY WAGNER 10:30 5/10 8:00 & 10:30 MIKE KELLY 5/18 8:00 & 10:30 5/24 10:00 5/31 8:00 & 10:00 DONNA TERCHA 5/10 8:00 JOHN SIGAFOOS SCOTT HECKMAN 10:30 LIZZIE SAUNDERS CRUCIFER: FAITH RHOADS CRUCIFER: 5/17 5/24 5/31 8:00 AUDREY BOLESTA CRUCIFER: WILLIAM EVANS 10:30 MACKENZIE DIMMIG CRUCIFER: RYAN GLOSE 10:00 JOHN SIGAFOOS CRUCIFER: DAVID SAUNDERS 8:00 10:00 EMILY AHERN JONATHAN RHOADS CRUCIFER: ADRIANA GOETZ-MORALES COMMUNION PRESENTERS: SUE MACHIK 484-951-1224 MIKE & CINDY KELLY 5/03 8:00 THE HORNUNG FAMILY 10:30 5/17 8:00 10:30 DICK & ALMA ANNE KOCH THE WAGNER FAMILY 5/24 10:00 JOHN 5/31 8:00 10:00 DAVE & DEBBIE BURRACK JEFF & DIANNE JACKSON & ANITA DICKERT GREETERS: JEAN DONMOYER @ 610-391-1380 MIKE & CINDY KELLY 5/03 8:00 HOLLIE DEIFER, SUE MACHIK 10:30 5/10 8:00 10:30 DON & DOTTIE MILLER JIM & BRENDA PIERSON 5/17 8:00 10:30 BERNADETTE REINERT JOHN & ANITA DICKERT 5/24 10:00 ROBERT 5/31 8:00 10:00 CARLTON RITTER STAN & CAROL STEPHENS COUNTING TEAM: NOEL CULLER @ 610-530-2925 5/03 TEAM #2: SEDGWICK/MACHIK/JACKSON 5/10 TEAM #3: GROMAN/HUZAR/SAEGER 5/17 TEAM #4: MOORE/CULP/JENNINGS 5/24 TEAM #1: BARNETT/CULLER/SHELLY 5/31 TEAM #2: SEDGWICK/MACHIK/JACKSON USHERS: ELAINE WAGAMAN @ 610-437-6082 5/02 6:00PM DAVE & JANICE SMITH DICK KOCH, HANK KUNKEL 5/03 8:00 TOM DONMOYER, CARL FISHER DAVE & LYNN SCHERB 10:30 CATHY & ANTHONY HORNUNG 5/09 5/10 6:00PM 8:00 10:30 5/16 5/17 6:00PM 8:00 10:30 5/23 5/24 6:00PM 10:00 5/30 5/31 6:00PM 8:00 10:00 NANCY ECKERT, ELAINE WAGAMAN DON HILL, DONNA TERCHA BRYAN GAULT, BERNADETTE REINERT DICK & LOIS BOHNER HOLLIE DEIFER, SANDY HUZAR DAVE & DEBBIE BURRACK KEITH & LOLA WALTER JEFF & BROOKE STEWART JASON, MILAGROS & SYLVIA JENNINGS LYNNETTE SAEGER RICH & CONSTANCE PARKER JOHN & SUE WILLIAMS MIKE & CINDY KELLY PRISCILLA KAYES, ELAINE WAGAMAN JIM, CHRIS & MATTHEW BEISEL NOEL CULLER, SAM HAFNER JIM & BRENDA PIERSON PAT FATZINGER, EDIE MOORE & LUANN FLETCHER COFFEE HOUR: BETWEEN THE SERVICES-APPROX. 9 AM DANELL WOLFE 5/03 9:00 EVANGELISM COMMITTEE 5/10 9:00 COUNCIL—JUNE HELFRICH 5/17 9:00 5/24 11:00 5/31 9:00
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