Patient Information file'.lllllKucaba-server0.IiermanDataiDentalWriterNet/Reports/out.hfinl Patient Registration Patient First rn:l_-l Chart FORM DATE: JJ- ro,[--___l Nam. Mr Middle Initiatf-ll,ast Name Other Physician Name Responsible Party (If someone other than patient) Name Patien t Information Sfeet Address sor"[*----l Home Phone Sex Cell Phone ( Work Phone Male Birth Date: zip Female Married Divorced Single /t Social Security Number E-mail Separated ) Widowed |]f= Spouse Name Student Status Employed Full Time Part Time Heigtrt: [-l r..t l-l rn.r,", Fa*tly Dentist Medical Insurance Information Primary Medical Insurance Information First Name of Insured: Middle Initial Self Spouse Child Relationship to insured Policy/Group No. t/ Insurance ID No. Employer Insured Address Last Name Other Insurance PIan Name Ins. Company if different than patient's Steet Address Street Address City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Patient Signature: Secondara Medical Insurance Information First Name of Insured: Policy/Group No. Insured Birth Date Employer Last Name Middle Initial [-l Insurance Plan or Program Name Sex Male Female Insurance ID No. Ins. Company Insured Address if different than patient's Street Address City, State, Zip Sheet Address City, State, Zip Patient Signatwe: I of 1 10/24/2011 10:59 AM Medical Hi story Questionnaire frle'.lllllKrrcaba-serverA{iermariD atalDentalWriterNet/Reports/out.hfinl Medical History Questionnaire /l FORM DATE: NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: Allergens No known allergens Iodine Antibiotics Latex Aspitin Local anesthetics Barbiturates Metals Codeine Penicillin Medicine Other Medical Significant Current Medical Condition Nrurr- purt Date / Note - Current Medical Condition Acid reflux Cancer Anemia Chemotherapy Arteriosclerosis Chronic fatigue Arthritis Ckonic pain futhma COPD Autoimmune disorder Current pregnancy Bleeding easily Depression Blood prossure - Hrgh Diabetes Blood pressure - Low Drffrculty sleeping Bruising easily Dizziness N.".r- pur, Date / Note rr Patient Signature: 1 of3 rc/2412011 10:55 AM Medical Hi story Questi onnaire file'.1 I ll lKucaba-serverA{iermanD atalDerfialWriterNet/Reports/orlt.hfinl Medical History Current Significant Medical Condition Never past Significant rc/Note / Note Date Emphysema n.:.I'T^. Date /Note Medical condition Muscular dystrophy r-----l Epilepsy Nasal allergies Fibromyalgia Neuralgia Glaucoma 0steoarthritis Gout Osteoporosis Heart attack Parkinson's disease Heart disorder P Heart murmur r----l Heart pacemaker r--] rior orthodontic treatrnent Psychiatric care Radiation treatment Heart valve replacement Rheumatic fever Hemophita Rheumatoid arthritis Hepatitis Sinus problems Hypertension Sleep apnea Hypoglycemia Sroke Immune system disorder Tendency for ear infections Kidney problems Thyroid disorder Liver disease Tuberculosis Meniere's disease Tumors Mifal valve prolapse t-*-] Urinary disorders Multiple sclerosis Other Medical Condition Current Past Date / Note Medical Condition Current Past Date I Note Confidential Medical History Significant Medical Condition Recreational drugs Current Never Past Date / Note Significant Medical Current Condition Never Past Date / Note HIV/AIDS Surgical Operations Appendectomy Back Ear Patient Signature: 2 of3 1012412011 10:55 AM Medi cal Hi story Questi onnaire file.l/lllKucaba-serverA{iermanDatalDentalWriterNet/Reports/out.hfinl Surgical Operations Gallbladder Lung Tonsillectomy Heart Nasal Uvulectomy Hernia repair Thyroid Periodontal Other Family History Has any member of your famrly (parent, sibling or grandparent) had: Cancer Heart disease Diabetes Ht& blogd pressure Sroke Sleep disorder Obesity Thyroid disorder Father snores Mother snores Father has sleep apnea Mother has sleep apnea Social History Patient's Occupation Employer Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Never smoked Current smoker # of packs per # Other Alcohol Use:Do you drink alcohol? yes Caffeine Intake: None Coffee/Tea/Soda tobacco: No aay[-_l ofyears [_l pipe Snuff Cigar If yes, # of drinks pe. # of cups per Quit When did you quit? Chew week:[--l Oay:l-_l Additional: Regular I authorize e><ercise Patient Signature of full report of examination findings, diagnosis, treatrnent program etc., to any referring or treating dentist or physician. I additionally authorize the release of any medical information to insuranie companies or for legal doJumentatioi to process claims. I understand that I am less of insurance coverage. the release Patient Signature: a Ourr,F ou,.,F 3 of3 l0/24l2AIl 10:55 AM Review of Systems file'.lllllKtxaba-server/NiermanD atalDerfialWriterNet/Reports/out.hfinl Review of Systems FORM DATE: NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: JJtt General Within Normal Limits Reported Denied Appetite changrs Reported Denied Sensitivity to heat or cold Reported Denied Marked weight change Reported Denied Tires easily Reported Denied Nrght sweating Reported Denied Unusual weakness Reported Denied Recent trauma or infection Reported Denied Other Reported Denied Head, Eyes, Earso Nose and Throat Within Normal Limits Reported Denied Dizziness Reported Denied Sore gums or tongue Reported Denied Headaches Reported Denied Sore throat or hoarseness Reported Denied Nose bleeding Reported Denied Sw Reported Denied Ringng in ears Reported Denied Trauma Reported Denied Sinus infections Reported Denied Ulcers or lumps in mouth Reported Denied allowing di{ficulties Other Reported Denied hleck Reported Within Normal Limits Denied Neck pain Reported Denied Reported Denied Stiffiress Other Reported Denied Lungs Within Normal Limits Reported Denied Persistent cough Reported Denied Swelling of ankles Reported Denied Shortrress of breath Reported Denied Wheezing Reported Denied Other Reported Denied Heart Reported Within Normal Limits Denied High blood pressure Other Reported Denied Reported Denied Patient Signature: I of2 10124/20ll l0:53 AM Abdomen Reported Within Normal Limits Heart burn Denied Other Reported Denied Reported Denied Hematologic Within Normal Limits Reported Denied Anemia Reported Denied Bleeding disorders Reported Denied Reported Denied Bruises easily Other Reported Denied Bone Joints Within Normal Limits Reported Denied Back pain Reported Denied Muscle cramps Reported Denied Joint stiffness Reported Denied Myalga Reported Denied Other Reported Denied Neurologic Within Normal Limits Reported Denied Cephalgia Reported Denied Headaches Reported Denied Dizziness Reported Denied Muscle weakness or paralysis Reported Denied Other Reported Denied Reproductive Reported Within Normal Limits Impotence Denied Reported Denied Reported Denied Lack of sex drive Other Reported Denied Other Within Normal Limits Other Reported Denied Reported Denied Patient Signature I authorize the release of full report of examination frndings, diagnosis, treabnent program etc., to any referring or treating dentist or physician. I additionally authorize the release of any medical information to insurance companies or for legal documentation to process claims. I understand that I am for all for freatment to me less of insurance coverage. Patient Signature: a Date:l Ou,.,F 2 of2 10124/2011 10:53 AM Sleep Consulation file.l ll I lKr:r;aba-serverAlliermanData/DentalWriterNet/Reports/out.htnl Sleep Consultation Version: SLPQVI CURRENT DATE: NAME: _-JJ- DATE OF BIMH: lt FEMALE contactton Referring PhvsicianJ 2 WFI,AT ARE THE CHIEF COMPIAINTS FOR WHICH YOU ARE SEEKING TREATMENT? Then rate your complaints for frequenry and intensrty Frequency l.SELDOM 2.OCCASIONAL 1. MALE number your complaints',uth g1 being the most severe, :? the next most severe, etc. 3.FREQUENT 4-EVERYDAY Please lntensity O=NO PAIN and 10 is MOST SEVERE PAIN Number #1 : Frequency l-4 the most severe symptom CPAP inrolerance n L__J Diffrculty falling asleep Fatigue L_J Frequent heav.v snoring n L-l Frequent heary snoring which affects the sleep others of Other:Write In IntensityNumber 1-10 TT nn n TT T TT I TN T Frequency #1 = the most severe symptom Gasping when waking up Nighttime choking spells Significant daytime drowsiness Sleepiness while driving Witnessed apneic events l-4 Intensif 1-10 T I l n n t-t lt n n T SLEEP STUDIES If you have had a Sleep Study, please check one of the following: Home Sleep Study Polysomnogaphic evaluation at a sleep disorder center Sleep Center Name: Sleep Study Date: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY The evaluation confirmed a diagnosis The evaluation showed: during REMSupine Side anRDr"fl-l anAHr"fl-l a nadir spoz n n n n ofl-l reol-l oDrl-l(o,cypn Slow Wave Sleep Decreased None REM Sleep Decreased None Desaturation rndex) Patient Signature: I of4 10124/2011 10:53 AM Sleep Consulation file . IIII lKucaba-serverAli ermanD ata/DefialWriterNet/Reports/out. htrnl Additional Questions Yes No fue you a current CPAP (Continuous positive Air If Pressure) user? settinp: Yes, what are the current CpAp CPAP Intolerance If you (continuous Positive Airway pressure device) have attempted treatment with a CPAP device, but could not tolerate Mask leaks Inability to get the mask to fit please fill in this section: CPAP restricted movements during sleep properly Discomfort from headpar Disturbed or intemrpted sleep An unconscious need to remove the CPAP CPAP does not seem to be effective Pressure on the upper lip causing tooth problems Does not resolve symptoms related \r NotsY Latex allerg' Noise disturbing sleep and/or bed parher's sleep it C . Cumbersome laustrophobic association s Other include: Other Therapy Attempts Dieting Smoking cessation Weight loss CPAP SurSry Qvuloplasty) BiPap Surgery (Urulectomy) Uvulectomy (but continues to have qzmptoms) Pillar procedure Uvuloplasty (but continues to have symptoms) Epworth Sleep Questionnaire How likely axe you to doze off or fall asleip in the following siluations? No Slight Moderate High chance of dozing chance of dozing chance of dozing chance oi dozing Sitting and reading Watching TV Sitting inactive in public place (e.g. a theater or a meeting) As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit Sitting and talking to someone Sitting quietly after a lunch without alcohol Patient Signature: 2of4 10/24/2011 10:53 AM Sleep Consulation file'.lllllKrrcaba-serverAliermanDatalDentalWriterNet/Reports/out.hrnl Epworth Sleep Questionnaire How likely ane you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations? No chance ofdozing Slight chance Moderate ofdozing chance ofdozing High oidozing chance In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffrc Fatigue Scale Durine the prst I feft vtek < 1234567 > yes No fatigued and had less motivation I fett fatigued and did trot desfe !o e,€rcis€ I felt fatigued often I felt fatigue that interfered with my physical functioning I feh fatigued which caused me frequent problems I felt fatigued which prevented sustained physical functioning I felt fatigued and couldn't carry out certain duties and responsibilities Fatigue was amongmy three most disabling symptoms Fatigue interfered with my work, famity or social life Total Score'f] Berlin Questionnaire Sleep Evaluation l. Complete the following: 7. Height:m,nt weight: []u. ee' [] How often do you feel tired or fatigued after you sleep? nearly every day 3-4 times a week 1-2 times a week 1-2 times a month never or nearly never 8. Drring your waketime, do you feel tired, fatigued or not up to par? no nearly every day don't know 3-4 times a week l-2 times a week l-2 times a month Ayou snore: (Answer questions 3-6) never or nearly never Patient Signature: 3 of4 10,24i2011 10:53 AM Sleep Consultation file./ll/lKucaba-serverA'liermanData/DentalWriterNet/Reports/out.hfinl Berlin Questionnaire Sleep Evaluation 3. Your snoring is? sli$tly louder than breathing as loud as talking louder than talking very loud. Can be heard in adjacent rooms 9. Have you evernodded ofror fallen asleep while driving a vehicle? es 4. How often do you snore? nearly every day 3-4 times a week If yes, how often does it l-2 times a week occur? nearly every day l-2 times a month 3-4 times a week never or nearly never 1-2 times a week 1-2 times a month Has your snoring ever bothered other people? never or nearly never 6. Has anyone noticed that you quit breathing during your sleep? 10. Do you have high blood pressure? es near$ every day no 3-4 times a week don't know l-2 times a week l-2 times a month never or nearly never scoring Questions: Any answer within a box is a positive response Scoring Categories category I is positive with 2 or more positive responses to questions 2-6 Category 2 is positive with 2 or more positive responses to questions 7-9 (BMI Category 3 is positive with a positive response to question l0 and/or a BMI > lhd k*1, 2 * T* pottbb t u hi$ lik.lihooa of lbep : 30 Bo4t Mass Index) I --__l dsordered breathing. Patient Signature I authorize the release of a claims. I understand that I am full report of examination findings, diagnosis]treaftnent program etc., to any referring or treating dentist or for treatment to me re I certify that the medical Patient SiErature: 4of4 10/2412A11 l0:53 AM Sleep Consultation file .l / I I lKucaba-serverA{iermanData/DentalWriterNet/Reports/orrt.hfinl Sleep Consultation Version: SLPQV2 NAME: CURRENT DATE OF BIKIH I I DATE: MALE Contact ID 2 WHAT ARE THE CHIEF COMPI.AINTS FOR WHICH YOU ARE SEEKING TREATMENT? Please I FEMALE Referrins PhvsicianJ 1. I Then rate your conrplarnts for frequenry and intensrty Frequerrcl 1-SELDOM 2.OCCASIONAL 3.FREOUENT 4-EVERYDAY number vour complaints with =1 being the =2 the next most severe, etC. mOSt Severef lntensity 0=NO PAIN and 10 is MOST SEVERE PAIN Number #l : Fre quency Intensity l-4 the most severe symptom CPAP intolerance I Diffrculty falling asleep n Fatigue I [-l I I Frequent heary snoring Frequent heavy snoring which alfects the sleep others Other: Write In of Number Frequency Intensity l-10 #l = the most severe symptom TN IT T rT n NT l TN l Gasping when waking up Nighttime choking spells Significant daytime drowsiness Sleepiness while driving Witnessed apneic events t-4 TT rT TT IT NT l-10 Patient Srgnature: I of4 l0l24l20ll l0:56 AM Sleep Consultation file'./llllKtacaba-serverA.iiermariDatalDentalWriterNeVReports/out.hfrnl Epworth Sleep Questionnaire How likely ane you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations? No Slight Moderate High chance of dozing chance of dozing chance of dozing chance of dozing Sitting and reading Warching TV Sitting inactive in public place (e.g. a theater or a meeting) fu a passenger in a car for an hour without a break Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit Sitting and talking to someone Sitting quietly affer a lunch without alcohol In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffrc SLEEP STUDMS If you have had a Sleep Study, please check one of the following: Study Home Sleep Polysomnogaphic evaluation at a sleep disorder center Sleep Center Name: sleen Studv ou*, l-/-l-_-l FOR OFFICE USE ONLY The evaluation confirmed a diagnosis The evaluation showed: EN[]T nnnr during REMSupine Side an RDI an a of AHI of nadir spo2 o{-l re0l-loDl[l(oxygen Sleep Decreased REM Sleep Decreased Slow Wave Desaruration Index) None None Additional Questions Yes No fue you a current CPAP (Continuous Positive Air If Pressure) user? settings: Yes, what are the current CPAP Patient Srgnature: 2of4 10/2412011 10:56 AM Sleep Consulation file'. l l l l lKucaba-serverA{i ermanData/DentalWriterNeVReports/out. hrnl CPAP Intolerance If you (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure device) have attempted treatment with a CPAP device, but could not tolerate it please Mask leaks Inability to get the mask to fit fill in this section: CPAP restricted movements during sleep properly CPAP does not seem to be effective Pressure on the upper lip causing tooth Discomfort from headpar problems Disturbed or intemrpted sleep Does not resolve syrnptoms related rr NotsY Latex allerg, Noise disturbing sleep and/or bed partner's sleep C An unconscious need to remove the CPAP . Cumbersome laustrophobic associations Other Other Therapy Attempts include: Dieting Smoking cessation Weiglrt loss CPAP Swgery Qvuloplasty) BiPap Surgery (Uvulectomy) Uvulectomy (but continues to have symptoms) Pillar procedure Uvuloplasty (but continues to have symptoms) History Of Treatment Practitioner's Name Specialty Tieatment Approximate Date Sleep History Previous Diagnosis Have you been previously diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep If yes, how long ago was it?[-lr tmber years ago Apnea? yes No Months ago Days ago Sleep: Patient Signature: 3of4 10/24/2011 l0:56 AM Sleep Consultation frI e . I I I I I Kucab a-s erv erA{i ermanDatalDental Wri terNet/Re p ortsl out. htnl Sleep History Sleep Onset Bruxism Latency [] Sleep minutes Normally goes to bed Dry mouth *fl E:rcessive movements Hours of sleep per night[--heu15 Gasping PM yes No If yes, name the medication: Hypnagogic Hallucinations Restless legs Waking up and having diffrculty returning to sleep Dreaming Getting up <number ltimep per I AM Aid night of [--_lFrequency of nocturnal I lurinarion (# of rimes) Wtnessed apneas are: Worse d*ing Worse following alcohol late at supine mdlt sleep Wake Sleepiness while driving Yes No Risks Discussed Yes No The patient: Awakens unrefreshed Snoring is reported as: Frequency seldom Worse during supine sleep never Worse following alcohol late at night darly often lisht moderate Severity loud Patient Signature I authorize the release of a full report of examination findinp, diagnosis, Gaftnent program etc., to any referring or treating dentist or ician. I additionally authorize the release of any medical information to insuranie companies or for legal doJumentatioi to process laims. I understand that I am Patient Signature: I certify that the medical 4 of4 rc/24/?A11 10:56 AM Affidavit For Intolerance To CpAp I have attempted to use the nasal CPAP to manage my sleep related breathing disorder (apnea) and find it intolerable to use on a regular basis for ihe following reason(s): D Mask Leaks f An Inability to get the Mask to Fit properly tr Discomfort Caused by the Straps and Headgear ,,,; tr Disfurbed or Intemrpted Sleep Caused by the Presence of the Device E Noise From the Device Disturbing Sleep or Bed/Partner's Sleep A CPAP Restricted Movements Durkij Sleep e CPAP Does Not Seem To Be Effective e Pressure e Larex Allergy e Claustrophobic Associations a An unconscious Need to Remove the cpAp Apparafus at Night U Other on The Upper Lip Causes Tooth Related problems Because of my intolerance/inability to use the CPAP, I wish to have an alternative method treatment. That form of therapy is oral appliance therapy (oAT). Signed Date of Release of Patient's Records 'l'hc toI lorving inlbr"rlatiorr is for recorcls on: I)atient's rrarne: Ilirthdate. r\clcilcss: [-clc'lthorre: hercbv authorize: to re Ie ase records to: Dr'. Waltcr J Krrcaba. DDS IVl S. PA lnlblnlrtion to be released: t I f fl I Dcrrtal rccorcls Paticnt reltort(s) prcpareci 1l'onr this ot'f rcc -fest r"esults - Itays Polysonlnography(PSC's) X Ite e ords arc ncede cl lbr': :l t I :l f C'oorclinatins Carc ol'Or-al Appliance 'fherap;, fbr Obsrrurctive Slcep Apnca Insurarrce Cornrtrunication lvitli yoLlr other health care pro\,'iders [-csul I)ur-1;oscs C'ctntinuinil crirc Orhcr i Lrrttlerstancl tltat thc ittlortttatiort to be released may irrclucle, history, cliagnoses, ar-icl or.rr.e:rrprr,i1 olllce. I also uncierstand that t[is agtftorizitiop llav bc r-cr..;kctj l) thc pc|sort giVills iirrthorizatiott by a tvritlcn and ciatcd noticc. except to thc extept thlt rir:eio.jrr-,, ol'infor-tttatiotl has bcen ntacJe prior to reccilrt of the revocation. This authorizatiop g'ill crltre './,, tlrtVs 1l'ont thc date ol signatllre. I liave read and urnderstancJ this consent and I irave sisiretl r: r oluntlrilt' and o1'rnv o\\ t.t tl.ce ri,ill. o1'tilcrrll))'r'e latctl to tilis clcntal SigrtrtLrr"e Date i'l.rlltlritiort ol'r'ctJisclosttre : l-lris inlbrrtration has bcen clisclose d to t,ou fl'ont rccorcls, u h iclt are conilcicrrtial. \'ou iire ltrohibited fl'onr rlakiltg any firrther clisclosur.e ol 'it lvithoLrt thc slleciflc u riricri collscllt of'the I)ersoll to ti'hont it pcrtains, or AS othenvise 1tc;rrritteci by, la*'. A gerreral arrtltorizution ii,r t'e leasc ol-delltal or otlter inlbrnration is not sLrff rcient lor tiris llurpose. I'lcuse lar rlre lollo* ing i'fbrrlation to (864) 5g5-0469. FINANCIAL POLICY As n conLlrtion olyour treatment by this office, financial arrangements must be made in advance. Paltctlts rr lro carry dental insurance understand that all dental services fumished are charged direcrly ro rhe p.rienr ;rrrd rhat he or she is personally responsible for payment ofall dental services. This otllce rvill help prepare the patient's insurance forms. However, this periodontal office cannor r!'ndcr service on t)re assumption that our charges will be paid by an insurance company. Medicare Insurance rvill only be liled for Sleep Apnea treatment. MEDICAID INSURANCE WILL NoT FILED BY OUR OFFICE. Repeated insurance filings will be subject to a small administrarive char'rc ol S 10.00. A service charge of ltA o/o per monlh (18% annual) on the unpaid balance will be cltrtur'd on all accounts exceeding 60 days, unless previously written financial arrangements are sirristlcrl. we accept cash, checks, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and care credit. BllolilaN APPOINTMENTS: t . Please call or.rr ot'fice at least 24 hours in advance to cancel or reschedule appointments. Patients thar do not cail and fail to show up for scheduled appointments will be charged a $25.00 ,.No Show Charge". I], II I, I.-.\S I OF I NFOR]VTATION 131'srgrrirrg rhis paper, you agree that we can release your information conceming the treatmenr necessAlv r.vith yottr General Dentist or any other Doctor involved with your care. Please back oI rlris page lor authorization to release your information to a family member. I)rr tic n t Si gn ittu l'e: Il.e.s1ton.sible Plrt.r Signature: Date: Relationship to Patient: fill our rhe Authorization for Release of Information Name of Patient Date of Birth Walter |. Kucab4 D.D.S., M.S, P.rL patient or others in keeping with the patient's instructions. Entity to Receive Information. i;H*ffi+iJ',jffig?iT#*t. Check each person/entity that you approve to receive information. Deccdption of information to be relessed. Check each that can be given to person/entiry on the left in the same section. fl E Results of lab testVx-rays Voice Mail f, oth.t fl spout. [l P..nt (provide name) D -J] Financial Vr"aical as follows: Q Finansial E rtl"Oical as follows: fl Otr,er (provide name) E Financial E Uraical as follows Patient Information I understand that I have the right to revoke this authorization at any time and that I have the right to inspect or copy the protected health information to be disclosed as described in this document. I understand that a revocation is not effective in cases where the information has already been disclosed but wrll be effective going forward. I understand that information used or disclosed as a result of this authorization nay be subjest to redisclosure by the recipient and rnay no longer be protected by federal or state law. I understand that I have the right to refuse lo sign this quthorization md that my treatment will not be cortdinoned on signing. This authorization shalf be in effea until revoked bv the nnrient Date Signarure of Patient or personal Representative Description of Personal Representative's Authority (attach necessary documentation) Revised October 2007 Complaints Complaints about your privacy rights, or how this practice has handled your health information should be directed to our privacy officer by calling this otfice. lf you are not satisfied with the manner in which this office handles your complaint, you may submit a formal complaint to, DHHS, Office of Civil Rights 200 lndependence Avenue, S.W. Room 509F HHH Building Washington, DC 20201 This notice is effective as of I have read the Privacy Notice and understand my'- rignts contained in the notice. By way of my signature, I provide this practice with my authorization and consent to use and disclose my protected health care information for the purposes of treatment, payment and health ca(e operations as described in the privacy Notice. Pattent's Name (print) Patient's Signature Date Authorized Facility Signature Date a T5e Notice of Privacy Practices Brochure is located in the office.
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