The Weekly Newsletter of the Rotary Club of North Bethesda May 29th, 2015, Issue 22 The newsletter this week is produced by David Fitzwilliam and Christine Syversen, Flagship Visit our Website to stay updated: District 7620 Rotary Reveille Upcoming: May 29th: Adm. Hector Soldi (Ret.) - El Nino June 5th: TBA This Week: Adm. Hector Soldi (Ret.Peru) El Niño and Climate Forecast Last week: Geoff Arnold - Frederick Keys El Niño is the strongest climate signal in the Ocean and Atmosphere systems. This called “phenomena” is a non-cyclic recurrent event that dramatically changes the weather patterns around the globe, producing floods and havoc in certain part of the world and sever droughts in others. Historical records show that El Niño has happened for centuries and some historians think the stronger ones may even be responsible for the collapse of ancient civilizations. Today scientists have very sophisticated tools to monitor and predict El Niño months in advance so that we can plan in advance how to prepare for events such as flooding risks, crop and fishing previsions etc. to minimize the impacts of this climate events. This year (2015-2016) several researchers and climate organizations are predicting that a moderate to strong El Niño event may happen and its impacts can be very strong in certain parts of the world. But not all the impacts of El Niño are bad news. Excess of rains may be a welcome prediction to states as California that is suffering an almost 6 years drought and consequent severe water shortage. Scientific advances in climate forecasting (different from weather forecasting) have been accelerating in recent years and are now tools available not only for researchers but business managers, policy makers and everyday citizens like farmers and fishermen whose lives depend on the weather and climate. Geoff Arnold is Frederick Keys (A+ Minor League Base Ball Team) Broadcasting and Public Relations Manager, since February 11, 2014. In this role, Arnold works as one of the teams broadcasters ( along with Doug Raftery) and serves as the primary liaison to the media. Arnold umpired in college and went to Pro Umpire School. He umpired one year in Minor League Rookie Base Ball and one year at Keys before taking the Broadcast Management job. Rookie B. B. is High School + B.B. with a short season of 60 to 70 Summer games. Minor A, A+, AA, and AAA teams play 140 games a year and are affiliated farm teams for the Major League teams. Keys has a staff of 18 and are in the Carolina/North League. One of the Keys promotions is the COWBOY MONKEY RODEO where monkeys ride dogs chasing sheep. 3-min speaker May 29th: Lawrence R Jackson June 5ht: Gerald L Lett June 12th: James M Manley June 19th: Reginald Mark-Hansen 3 min. Curtis Huff talked about the world's largest and longest living organisms; trees that live 450 years. Scholarship Ida Abijomaa, outstanding senior at Rockville High School, was awarded the Rotary Club of North Bethesda Scholarship to attend Montgomery College. Club President Gonzalo Accame presented the scholarship during the Rockville High School Senior Award Ceremony on May 21, 2015. (Photo by Katrina) Member Milestones May 29th - June 4th May 30th: Mario T Price - Anniversary Barry H Thompson - Anniversary June 1st: Gerald L Lett - Anniversary Fourth: WILL IT BE BENEFICIAL to all concerned? BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Third: Will it build GOODWILL and Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned? First: Is it the TRUTH? Of the things we think, say or do: THE FOUR WAY TEST Internet Web Site: Bethesda, Maryland 20814 10257 Old Georgetown Rd Oakville Grill Breakfast Friday Mornings at 7:15 a.m. District 7620 Club of North Bethesda The Rotary Club The application of the ideal of service to every Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life: Rotary membership, please contact : Robert Follit 8 Farm Haven Court Rockville MD 208552 [email protected] (240)401-2976 - Cell (301) 718-5039 - Work North Bethesda has a diverse membership of business and professional men and women, and has provided continuing community and charitable services since its inception. It meets on Friday mornings at the Oakville Grill in Bethesda to enjoy a hearty breakfast, camaraderie, and to plan activities and fund raisers for Rotary causes. The Rotary Club of North Bethesda, known as the first breakfast club in Rotary District 7620, was chartered in 1974. The club is one of more than 30,000 Rotary International clubs in 168 countries, including recently formed clubs in former Communist Block countries. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. High ethical standards in business and professional life and the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; The OBJECT OF ROTARY is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster Note: The immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of North Bethesda automatically becomes President of the club’s Foundation on January 1 of the year following his term of office. Rotary Charitable Foundation Of North Bethesda, Inc. Officers & Directors Jan. 1, 2015 to Dec. 31, 2015 President: Nick Martinez Vice Pres/Secretary: Barry Thompson ,M.D. Treasurer: James Osterman Directors: Gerald Lett, James Manley, Alexis Martinez, Stephen Vaccerezza Club Bulletin: Acting Christine Syversen, Flagship Sgt.-at -Arms: Rotating Monthly David Michael Phillips - Vocational Jay Davies - Public Relations Mario Price Nancy Pulley - Community Ron Singelman - Club Service Rob Follit - Membership James Manley Bruce Fowler - International Nick Martinez Directors Officers & Directors July 1, 2014 to June 30,2015 Officers President: Gonzalo Accame President-Elect: Ron Sigelman Vice President: Mario Price Secretary: Reggie Mark-Hansen Treasurer: Stephen Vaccarezza, M.D.
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