NORTH CAROLINA REPUBLICAN PARTY 2015 REPORT OF THE PLAN OF ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Overview The 2015 Plan of Organization Committee (the “Committee”) was created by the North Carolina Republican Party in accordance with the 2014 NCGOP Plan of Organization. Committee members were appointed by Chairman Claude Pope and the respective Chairs of the North Carolina Congressional District Republican Executive Committees. Participating Committee members are named below. The Committee conducted its business meetings via economical and efficient telephone conference calls with proper electronic notice to all members. Committee members were provided with proposed amendments, in writing, prior to each call. Business was not conducted unless a quorum was present during each telephone conference call. The Committee considered a number of proposals. After discussion, the Chair called for motions on each. Action was taken on several proposals, while certain proposals were not the subject of a motion and the consideration of those proposals ceased. Through submission of this Report, the Committee recommends modifications to the North Carolina Republican Party Plan of Organization. Each proposed modification will be set forth below and are set out in the document. The recommended changes are generally self-explanatory. 1 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Proposed Amendment #1 Article: VI Section: A.4.a Current Language Proposed Amendment If Adopted, Will Read a. A Presidential Election Year State Convention shall be called in every Presidential Election Year between the date of the Presidential Preferential Primary Election and 35 days prior to the Republican National Convention of said Presidential Election Year, by the Chairman of the Republican State Executive Committee after giving 60 days written notice of the time and place for holding same to all Members of the State Executive Committee. a. A Presidential Election Year State Convention shall be called in every Presidential Election Year on or before the date specified by the Republican National Committee Rules of the Republican Party for the selection or election of delegates to the national convention, by the Chairman of the Republican State Executive Committee after giving 60 days written notice of the time and place for holding same to all Members of the State Executive Committee. a. A Presidential Election Year State Convention shall be called in every Presidential Election Year on or before the date specified by the Republican National Committee Rules of the Republican Party for the selection or election of delegates to the national convention, by the Chairman of the Republican State Executive Committee after giving 60 days written notice of the time and place for holding same to all Members of the State Executive Committee. 2 Proposed Amendment #2: Article: VII: General Administrative Procedure Section: H: Party Officers as Candidates Current Language Proposed Amendment If Adopted, Will Read In the event that the chairman or vice chairman of the State Party, or any District, Legislative, Judicial or County Party, shall announce his intentions to run for public office or shall file a notice of candidacy with the Board of Elections, that person shall be deemed to have resigned his office within the Party, effective seven days after the close of filing, and the then existing vacancy shall be filled as provided for herein. In those cases where the Party office held by said person is at the county level, the Party official may petition the County Executive Committee for exemption from this provision and the County Executive Committee may, for good cause shown, grant such an exemption with a two -thirds affirmative vote. This exemption shall be deemed void if any other Republican files with the Board of Elections for the same public office within that election cycle. In the event that the chairman or vice chairman of the State Party, or any District, Legislative, Judicial or County Party, shall announce his intentions to run for public office or shall file a notice of candidacy with the Board of Elections, that person shall be deemed to have resigned his office within the Party, effective seven days after the close of filing, and the then existing vacancy shall be filled as provided for herein. In those cases where the Party office held by said person is at the District, Legislative, Judicial, or County level, the Party official may petition the relevant Executive Committee for exemption from this provision and the relevant Executive Committee may, for good cause shown, grant such an exemption with a two-third affirmative vote. This exemption shall be deemed void if any other Republican files for the Board of Elections for the same public office within that election cycle. In the event that the chairman or vice chairman of the State Party, or any District, Legislative, Judicial or County Party, shall announce his intentions to run for public office or shall file a notice of candidacy with the Board of Elections, that person shall be deemed to have resigned his office within the Party, effective seven days after the close of filing, and the then existing vacancy shall be filled as provided for herein. In those cases where the Party office held by said person is at the District, Legislative, Judicial, or County level, the Party official may petition the relevant Executive Committee for exemption from this provision and the relevant Executive Committee may, for good cause shown, grant such an exemption with a two-third affirmative vote. This exemption shall be deemed void if any other Republican files for the Board of Elections for the same public office within that election cycle. 3 Proposed Amendment #3: Current Language Proposed Amendment If Adopted, Will Read ARTICLE III - COUNTY ORGANIZATION 1. Amend Article III B.2. to read ARTICLE III - COUNTY as follows: ORGANIZATION B. COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The County Executive Committee shall cooperate with the District and State Committees in all elections and Party activities; shall encourage qualified candidates for office within the County; shall adopt a budget; and shall recommend nominees to the State Chairman for appointments for County Board of Election in accordance with Article VII D.2.d. and shall have active management of Party affairs within the County. It shall approve a Finance Committee and an Auditing Committee of not less than 3 Members each and may approve such other Committees as may be deemed necessary. The County Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be Exofficio Members of all Committees indicated in this paragraph. In the event that it is determined that the County Plan of Organization is not consistent with the State Party Plan of Organization, the County Executive Committee must at the next called meeting bring the County Plan of Organization into compliance with the State Party Plan of Organization. Under any circumstances, the County Plan of Organization must be brought into compliance within 90 days. If permitted by the County Plan of Organization the County 2. Powers and Duties The County Executive Committee shall cooperate with the District and State Committees in all elections and Party activities; shall encourage qualified candidates for office within the County; shall adopt a budget; and shall recommend nominees to the State Chairman for appointments for County Board of Election; and shall have active management of Party affairs within the County. It shall approve a Finance Committee and an Auditing Committee of not less than 3 Members each and may approve such other Committees as may be deemed necessary. The County Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be Exofficio Members of all Committees indicated in this paragraph. In the event that it is determined that the County Plan of Organization is not consistent with the State Party Plan of Organization, the County Executive Committee must at the next called meeting bring the County Plan of Organization into compliance with the State Party Plan of Organization. Under any circumstances, the County Plan 4 B. COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2. Powers and Duties The County Executive Committee shall cooperate with the District and State Committees in all elections and Party activities; shall encourage qualified candidates for office within the County; shall adopt a budget; and shall recommend nominees to the State Chairman for appointments for County Board of Election in accordance with Article VII D.2.d. and shall have active management of Party affairs within the County. It shall approve a Finance Committee and an Auditing Committee of not less than 3 Members each and may approve such other Committees as may be deemed necessary. The County Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be Exofficio Members of all Committees indicated in this paragraph. In the event that it is determined that the County Plan of Organization is not consistent with the State Party Plan of Organization, the County Executive Committee must at the next called meeting bring the County Plan of Organization into compliance with the State Party Plan of Organization. Under any of Organization must be brought into compliance within 90 days. If permitted by the County Plan of Organization the County Executive Committee may amend the County Plan of Organization upon a 2/3 vote after providing written notice via first class United States Mail of the meeting advising members regarding the substance of the proposed amendment and provided a quorum is present. County Republican Parties shall submit, by certified United States mail, return receipt requested, their county plans of organizations, and amendments thereto, to the NCGOP State Headquarters Executive Director, Political Director, and District Chairman within 30 days after their adoption, in order for the Plan and/or amendment to be considered valid. Executive Committee may amend the County Plan of Organization upon a 2/3 vote after providing written notice via first class United States Mail of the meeting advising members regarding the substance of the proposed amendment and provided a quorum is present. County Republican Parties shall submit, by certified United States mail, return receipt requested, their county plans of organizations, and amendments thereto, to the NCGOP State Headquarters Executive Director, Political Director, and District Chairman within 30 days after their adoption, in order for the Plan and/or amendment to be considered valid. Amend Article VI C.4.a. to read as follows: a. The State Chairman, with the ARTICLE VI - STATE advice and consent of the Central ORGANIZATION Committee, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the C. STATE EXECUTIVE Party within the State. He shall COMMITTEE preside at all Meetings of the State Executive Committee and 4. Duties of Officers shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the State a. The State Chairman, with the Executive Committee. He shall advice and consent of the Central appoint, with the approval of the Committee, shall have general State Executive Committee, a supervision of the affairs of the Finance Chairman and Assistant Party within the State. He shall Finance Chairman, who shall preside at all Meetings of the serve at the pleasure of the State State Executive Committee and Chairman. The State Chairman shall perform such duties as may shall appoint the Temporary be prescribed by the State Officers of the State Executive Committee. He shall Conventions. In accordance appoint, with the approval of the with Article VII D.2.d. the State Executive Committee, a Chairman shall nominate 5 circumstances, the County Plan of Organization must be brought into compliance within 90 days. If permitted by the County Plan of Organization the County Executive Committee may amend the County Plan of Organization upon a 2/3 vote after providing written notice via first class United States Mail of the meeting advising members regarding the substance of the proposed amendment and provided a quorum is present. County Republican Parties shall submit, by certified United States mail, return receipt requested, their county plans of organizations, and amendments thereto, to the NCGOP State Headquarters Executive Director, Political Director, and District Chairman within 30 days after their adoption, in order for the Plan and/or amendment to be considered valid. Amend Article VI C.4.a. to read as follows: a. The State Chairman, with the advice and consent of the Central Committee, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Party within the State. He shall preside at all Meetings of the State Executive Committee and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the State Executive Committee. He shall appoint, with the approval of the State Executive Committee, a Finance Chairman and Assistant Finance Chairman, who shall serve at the pleasure of the State Chairman. The State Chairman Finance Chairman and Assistant Finance Chairman, who shall serve at the pleasure of the State Chairman. The State Chairman shall appoint the Temporary Officers of the State Conventions. In Accordance with Article VI A.3 he shall appoint three members to each convention committee and a chairman of each convention committee from the committee's membership. The State Chairman may delegate authority to the District Chairmen to act on his behalf on any matter. ARTICLE VII - GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE shall appoint the Temporary Officers of the State Conventions. In accordance with Article VII D.2.d. the Chairman shall nominate persons to the North Carolina State Board of Elections to serve on County Boards of Elections. In Accordance with Article VI A.3 he shall appoint three members to each convention committee and a chairman of each convention committee from the committee's membership. The Amend and restate Article VII D. State Chairman may delegate to read as follows: authority to the District Chairmen to act on his behalf on D. APPOINTMENTS AND any matter. NOMINATIONS Amend and restate Article VII D. 1. Notification to read as follows: persons to the North Carolina State Board of Elections to serve on County Boards of Elections. In Accordance with Article VI A.3 he shall appoint three members to each convention committee and a chairman of each convention committee from the committee's membership. The State Chairman may delegate authority to the District Chairmen to act on his behalf on any matter. D. APPOINTMENTS 1. Notification It shall be the duty of the State Chairman to transmit notice of known vacancies on a County, District or State level to those persons having jurisdiction over such appointments. It shall be the duty of the State Chairman to transmit notice of known vacancies on a County, District or State level to those persons having jurisdiction over such appointments. D. APPOINTMENTS AND NOMINATIONS 1. Notification It shall be the duty of the State Chairman to transmit notice of 2. Filling Vacancies known vacancies on a County, District or State level to those a. When a vacancy occurs in a persons having jurisdiction over 2. Filling Vacancies governmental office for which a such appointments. Party recommendation is called a. When a vacancy occurs in a for, the vacancy shall be filled in 2. Filling Vacancies governmental office for which a accordance with the laws of the Party recommendation is called State of North Carolina and the a. When a vacancy occurs in a for, the vacancy shall be filled in terms of this Plan. The above governmental office for which a accordance with the laws of the mentioned recommendation shall Party recommendation is called State of North Carolina and the be provided by the committee for, the vacancy shall be filled in terms of this Plan. The having jurisdiction over the accordance with the laws of the abovementioned district which is subject of the State of North Carolina and the recommendation shall be vacancy. terms of this Plan. The above provided by the committee mentioned recommendation shall having jurisdiction over the b. In multi-county offices or state be provided by the committee district which is subject of the legislative offices, the having jurisdiction over the 6 vacancy. responsibility for calling the meeting rests with the State b. In multi-county offices or state Chairman. The State Chairman legislative offices, the may delegate this authority to the responsibility for calling the appropriate district or county meeting rests with the State chairman or the Congressional Chairman. The State Chairman District Chairman if the county may delegate this authority to the or congressional district, as the appropriate district or county case may be, encompasses all the chairman or the Congressional district or county in which the District Chairman if the county vacancy occurs. or congressional district, as the case may be, encompasses all the c. Unless otherwise provided by district or county in which the law, notice to committee vacancy occurs. members of the time, date, location and purpose of the c. Unless otherwise provided by meeting at which a law, notice to committee recommendation for filling the members of the time, date, vacancy will be considered, must location and purpose of the be made by certified United meeting at which a States Mail to the last known recommendation for filling the address of the committee vacancy will be considered, must member. Notice must be mailed be made by certified United at least ten (10) days prior to the States Mail to the last known date of the meeting, unless good address of the committee cause exists for shortening the member. Notice must be mailed time period. In no case may the at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting be scheduled for a date date of the meeting, unless good and time less than five (5) days cause exists for shortening the after the mailing of the notice to time period. In no case may the committee members. meeting be scheduled for a date and time less than five (5) days d. Nominations to the County after the mailing of the notice to Boards of Election for a full committee members. term by the State Chairman to the North Carolina State d. In those cases where the State Board of Election shall be Chairman or, by appointment, subject to the following the county, district, or procedures: Congressional District Chairman calls the meeting, the State i. At least ninety (90) days Chairman shall designate the prior to the date the State person to chair the meeting. The Chairman must submit vote shall be conducted in a nominees to the North method reasonably calculated to Carolina Board of Elections, assure accuracy and fairness to the State Chairman must give 7 district which is subject of the vacancy. b. In multi-county offices or state legislative offices, the responsibility for calling the meeting rests with the State Chairman. The State Chairman may delegate this authority to the appropriate district or county chairman or the Congressional District Chairman if the county or congressional district, as the case may be, encompasses all the district or county in which the vacancy occurs. c. Unless otherwise provided by law, notice to committee members of the time, date, location and purpose of the meeting at which a recommendation for filling the vacancy will be considered, must be made by certified United States Mail to the last known address of the committee member. Notice must be mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting, unless good cause exists for shortening the time period. In no case may the meeting be scheduled for a date and time less than five (5) days after the mailing of the notice to committee members. d. Nominations to the County Boards of Election for a full term by the State Chairman to the North Carolina State Board of Election shall be subject to the following procedures: i. At least ninety (90) days prior to the date the State Chairman all potential candidates for the position. notice by electronic and/or written means to the County Chairmen informing the e. Should any cause or provision County Chairmen of the found in this section be deemed deadline by which such inconsistent with the laws of the nominations from the County State of North Carolina, those Executive Committees must be laws shall govern as to the submitted to the State particular clause or provision and Chairman. The deadline for the remainder of this section nominations to be submitted to shall apply. the State Chairman shall be at least thirty (30) days prior to the date the State Chairman must submit the nominees to the North Carolina Board of Elections. ii. Each County Executive Committee, through the County Chairman, shall submit to the State Chairman by electronic and/or written means the names and the order of the names for the nominations approved by a majority of the County Executive Committee at least thirty (30) days prior to the date the State Chairman must submit the nominees to the North Carolina Board of Elections. iii. If the State Chairman fails to accept the nominations from the County Executive Committee (including the order of the names submitted), the State Chairman shall provide the County Chairman in writing by electronic and/or written means a list of his final nominations to the North Carolina State Board of Elections. must submit nominees to the North Carolina Board of Elections, the State Chairman must give notice by electronic and/or written means to the County Chairmen informing the County Chairmen of the deadline by which such nominations from the County Executive Committees must be submitted to the State Chairman. The deadline for nominations to be submitted to the State Chairman shall be at least thirty (30) days prior to the date the State Chairman must submit the nominees to the North Carolina Board of Elections. ii. Each County Executive Committee, through the County Chairman, shall submit to the State Chairman by electronic and/or written means the names and the order of the names for the nominations approved by a majority of the County Executive Committee at least thirty (30) days prior to the date the State Chairman must submit the nominees to the North Carolina Board of Elections. iii. If the State Chairman fails to accept the nominations from the County Executive Committee (including the order of the names submitted), the State Chairman shall provide the County Chairman in writing by electronic and/or written means a list of his final nominations to the North Carolina State Board of Elections. iv. If a vacancy occurs on a 8 iv. If a vacancy occurs on a County Board of Elections the State Chairman shall establish a procedure in which the following occur: (1) the respective County Executive Committee is given the opportunity to submit nominations to the State Chairman; (2) the State Chairman gives the County Executive Committee notice if the State Chairman intends not to accept the submitted nominations, including the order of the names of the nominations; (3) the County Chairman is notified of the State Chairman’s final nominations to the North Carolina State Board of Elections. County Board of Elections the State Chairman shall establish a procedure in which the following occur: (1) the respective County Executive Committee is given the opportunity to submit nominations to the State Chairman; (2) the State Chairman gives the County Executive Committee notice if the State Chairman intends not to accept the submitted nominations, including the order of the names of the nominations; (3) the County Chairman is notified of the State Chairman’s final nominations to the North Carolina State Board of Elections. v. In all events, the State Chairman shall give written notice to each County Chairman of the nominations submitted to the North Carolina Board of Elections within fifteen (15) days of the submission of the nominations. v. In all events, the State Chairman shall give written notice to each County Chairman of the nominations submitted to the North Carolina Board of Elections within fifteen (15) days of the e. In those cases where the State submission of the nominations. Chairman or, by appointment, the county, district, or d.e. In those cases where the Congressional District Chairman State Chairman or, by calls the meeting, the State appointment, the county, district, Chairman shall designate the or Congressional District person to chair the meeting. The Chairman calls the meeting, the vote shall be conducted in a State Chairman shall designate method reasonably calculated to the person to chair the meeting. assure accuracy and fairness to The vote shall be conducted in a all potential candidates for the method reasonably calculated to position. assure accuracy and fairness to all potential candidates for the f. Should any cause or provision position. found in this section be deemed inconsistent with the laws of the e.f. Should any cause or State of North Carolina, those 9 provision found in this section be deemed inconsistent with the laws of the State of North Carolina, those laws shall govern as to the particular clause or provision and the remainder of this section shall apply. 10 laws shall govern as to the particular clause or provision and the remainder of this section shall apply. Proposed Amendment #4: Article: VII Section: G Current Language G. REFRAIN FROM UTILIZING POWERS OF OFFICE IN REPUBLICAN PRIMARY Each Officer and each Member of the State Executive Committee shall refrain from utilizing the powers and dignity of his or her office or position in any Republican Primary for public office at any level. Proposed Amendment If Adopted, Will Read Amend and restate Section VII.G as follows: Amend and restate Section VII.G as follows: G. REFRAIN FROM UTILIZING POWERS OF OFFICE IN REPUBLICAN PRIMARY G. REFRAIN FROM UTILIZING POWERS OF OFFICE IN REPUBLICAN PRIMARY As set forth below, each Officer and each Member of the State Executive Committee shall refrain from utilizing the powers and dignity of his or her office or position in any Republican Primary for public office at any level. As set forth below, each Officer and each Member of the State Executive Committee shall refrain from utilizing the powers and dignity of his or her office or position in any Republican Primary for public office at any level. VII.G.1 The term “Republican Primary” is any election, including any run-off election, which determines the nominee of the Republican Party in the general election for public office at any level. The term “primary endorsement” shall mean the action of publicly declaring one’s personal or a group’s support of the election of one or more candidates running in a Republican Primary over one or more other candidates running in the same Republican Primary. The terms “Republican VII.G.1 The term “Republican Primary” is any election, including any run-off election, which determines the nominee of the Republican Party in the general election for public office at any level. The term “primary endorsement” shall mean the action of publicly declaring one’s personal or a group’s support of the election of one or more candidates running in a Republican Primary over one or more other candidates running in the same Republican Primary. The terms “Republican 11 Primary” and “primary election” do not include non-partisan elections and the provisions of Article VII, Sections A. and I. shall govern the conduct of Committees organized under this Plan and Members of the State Executive Committee in non-partisan elections. Primary” and “primary election” do not include non-partisan elections and the provisions of Article VII, Sections A. and I. shall govern the conduct of Committees organized under this Plan and Members of the State Executive Committee in non-partisan elections. VII.G.2 No Committee organized under this Plan nor any Chairman or Vice-Chairman of any Committee organized under this Plan shall make any primary endorsement of any candidate for public office at any level. VII.G.2 No Committee organized under this Plan nor any Chairman or ViceChairman of any Committee organized under this Plan shall make any primary endorsement of any candidate for public office at any level. VII.G.3 No Chairman or Vice-Chairman of any Committee organized under this Plan shall become involved in any Republican Primary as a candidate for public office nor shall any such person volunteer for or receive payment or other remuneration for performing work or services of any type from any person involved in a Republican Primary for public office at any level. VII.G.3 No Chairman or Vice-Chairman of any Committee organized under this Plan shall become involved in any Republican Primary as a candidate for public office nor shall any such person volunteer for or receive payment or other remuneration for performing work or services of any type from any person involved in a Republican Primary for public office at any level. VII.G.4 In the event that a VII.G.4 In the event that Committee organized under this Plan provides facilities, a Committee organized equipment or resources to under this Plan provides any candidate in a facilities, equipment or resources to any candidate Republican Primary, such in a Republican Primary, facilities, equipment or resources must be made such facilities, equipment 12 or resources must be made equally available to all of the candidates in such Republican Primary. equally available to all of the candidates in such Republican Primary. VII.G.5 If an affiliated group (e.g., the Republican VII.G.5 If an affiliated Women’s or Men’s group (e.g., the Federation) issues a primary Republican Women’s or Men’s Federation) issues a endorsement, then that group shall immediately primary endorsement, forfeit its right to name then that group shall designees to the State immediately forfeit its right to name designees to Central and Executive Committees for the the State Central and Executive Committees for remainder of the election cycle in which the the remainder of the election cycle in which the endorsement occurs and designees named by the endorsement occurs and group to these Committees designees named by the group to these Committees shall be deemed to have automatically resigned from shall be deemed to have these Committees and their automatically resigned absence shall not effect from these Committees and their absence shall not quorum. effect quorum. VII.G.6 The subsection above (VII.G.5) shall also VII.G.6 The subsection above (VII.G.5) shall also apply to any County, Judicial, Senatorial, House, apply to any County, or Congressional District Judicial, Senatorial, Organization where that House, or Congressional organization’s plan provides District Organization where that organization’s for representation on committees from designees plan provides for of affiliated organizations; representation on provided, that the actions of committees from local affiliated groups shall designees of affiliated not cause the removal of organizations; provided, any state organization or that the actions of local affiliated groups shall not federation related to such local affiliated group from cause the removal of any the State Central Committee state organization or federation related to such and Executive Committee if local affiliated group from such state organization or federation has not issued a the State Central Committee and Executive primary endorsement. 13 Committee if such state organization or federation has not issued a primary endorsement. VII.G.7 In the event of extraordinary circumstances (including, without limitation, a candidate seeking a Republican nomination whose extreme views or criminal background could damage the reputation of the Republican Party and its other candidates), a Committee organized under this Plan can apply for a waiver to any or all of the provisions in this article. VII.G.7 In the event of extraordinary circumstances (including, without limitation, a candidate seeking a Republican nomination whose extreme views or criminal background could damage the reputation of the Republican Party and its other candidates), a Committee organized under this Plan can apply for a waiver to any or all of the provisions in this article. In order to obtain such a waiver, such Committee shall provide to a committee comprised of the State Chairman, State ViceChairman, National Committeeman, National In order to obtain such a Committeewoman, and waiver, such Committee General Counsel (“Waiver shall provide to a Request Committee”) a committee comprised of the State Chairman, State waiver request setting out the reasons for not Vice-Chairman, National recommending a particular Committeeman, National candidate and an Committeewoman, and General Counsel (“Waiver affirmation by the secretary of such Committee that Request Committee”) a waiver request setting out such waiver request was approved by a 3/4s vote of a the reasons for not quorum present at a duly recommending a called meeting of such particular candidate and Committee. an affirmation by the secretary of such The Waiver Request Committee that such Committee shall grant or waiver request was approved by a 3/4s vote of reject such waiver within 10 days of receiving such a quorum present at a waiver request. In the event duly called meeting of the Waiver Request such Committee. Committee does not 14 The Waiver Request Committee shall grant or reject such waiver within 10 days of receiving such waiver request. In the event the Waiver Request Committee does not approve the waiver request within 10 days, the waiver request shall be deemed to be denied. Such waiver shall be limited to the circumstances described in the waiver request. The Waiver Request Committee shall be entitled to revoke any such waiver that is granted by the committee. The Committee requesting such waiver shall not disclose the waiver request unless such waiver is granted. 15 approve the waiver request within 10 days, the waiver request shall be deemed to be denied. Such waiver shall be limited to the circumstances described in the waiver request. The Waiver Request Committee shall be entitled to revoke any such waiver that is granted by the committee. The Committee requesting such waiver shall not disclose the waiver request unless such waiver is granted. Proposed Amendment #5: Article: III Section: A.2.b Current Language Proposed Amendment If Adopted, Will Read i. In every odd-numbered year, the County Convention shall elect a Chairman and ViceChairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such other Officers as may be deemed necessary, who are registered Republican as of January 31 of that year and who shall serve for a term of 2 years or until their successors are elected. i. In every odd-numbered year, the County Convention shall elect a Chairman and ViceChairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such other Officers as are otherwise provided for in the State or County Plan of Organization, who are registered Republican as of January 31 of that year and who shall serve for a term of 2 years or until their successors are elected. i. In every odd-numbered year, the County Convention shall elect a Chairman and ViceChairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such other Officers as are otherwise provided for in the State or County Plan of Organization, who are registered Republican as of January 31 of that year and who shall serve for a term of 2 years or until their successors are elected. 16 This report has been ADOPTED and is RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, this the 6th day of May, 2015. Phil Strach, Chairman Katie Sullivan (At Large) Claire Mahoney (At Large) Emily Walker (1st District) Charles Staley (2nd District) Keith Kidwell (3rd District) Beth Onyenwoke (4th District) Theresa Esposito (5th District) Chris McCoy (6th District) Helen Pannullo (7th District) Zach Almond (8th District) Mark Dibasio (9th District) Tommy Luckadoo (10th District) Candler Willis (11 District) Roxanne Laxton (12th District) Stephanie Ciaramitaro (13th District) 17 3. 18 2. 17800713.1
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