L A N D, PEOPLE, P L AC E : REGISTRATION DEADLINE: MAY 1, 2015 To apply, detach and complete this form. Enclose a check for $800 (includes $50 non-refundable registration fee) payable to NCHC Honors Semesters Committee. NCHC Federal ID #52-1188042. Mail registration form, check, and a brief description of your interest in experiential education, history, and/or cultural studies to: National Collegiate Honors Council 1100 Neihardt Residence Center University of Nebraska-Lincoln 540 North 16th Street Lincoln, NE 68588-0627 (Dis)Connections in New Mexico For online registration, credit card payment, and submission of statement of interest, go to www.nchchonors.org. REGISTRATION FORM Please type or print clearly. Name: __________________________________________ Institution: ______________________________________ Address for mailed materials: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 1100 Neihardt Residence Center 540 North 16th Street Lincoln, NE 68588-0627 STATEMENT OF INTEREST: In the space below, please briefly describe your interest in the Institute, experiential learning, education, cultural studies etc. national national collegiate collegiate honors honors council council Discipline: _______________________________________ Enclosed is check #______________for $____________. NCHC Faculty Institute July 14-19, 2015 A project of NCHC Honors Semesters Committee New Mexico is home to a variety of cultures and peoples, reflecting a myriad of identities and worldviews resulting from centuries of resisting, clashing, blending, and negotiating. This faculty institute will consider questions of how natural and built places of the region create connections and/or divides among the diverse peoples in New Mexico. Explorations will focus on the neighborhoods of Albuquerque and the contrasting pueblos of Isleta and Acoma as well as the landscapes in and around these destinations. Questions to be considered include: How do the natural and built environments in and around Albuquerque work? How does this rapidly growing urban environment contrast with the longstanding Isleta and Acoma pueblos? How do the two pueblos register their unique histories? Who lives and works in these places? Through readings, discussions, explorations, and observations, participants will discover how a range of identities, spaces, and places shape this unique part of the country. The Institute will be housed at the historic Hotel Andaluz, built by New Mexico native Conrad Hilton in 1939, with easy access to Albuquerque, the pueblos, and Santa Fe. I N S T I T U T E AT A G L A N C E Participants will engage in direct observation, discussions, interviews, writing assignments, and mapping exercises. The Institute will culminate with a workshop on adaptations of City as Text™ methodology to participants’ home campuses and to residential travel programs or academic service-learning immersion projects. Both the structure and content of this particular Institute apply remarkably well to travel sites of all kinds; we will explore and compare these possibilities together. PA R T I C I PA N T S The Land, People, Place: (Dis)Connections in New Mexico Institute is designed for honors and non-honors faculty and administrators who wish to incorporate interdisciplinary and field-based elements into their courses and programs. Alumni of earlier Institutes have used City as Text™ pedagogy in disciplines ranging from the arts and social sciences to math and science. Ideal as integrative learning modalities, these experiential strategies include reflective practices and writing assignments that can be adapted for use in student orientations, campus assessments, and professional development workshops. Identifying and transferring principles of integrative experiential learning are important goals of this Institute. S C H E D U L E J U LY 1 4 - 1 9 , 2 0 1 5 Arrive at Hotel Andaluz by 2pm Tuesday and leave Sunday morning. Please make flight arrangements based on these times. Late arrival or early departure will interfere with participation in the Institute. T U E S D AY, J U LY 14 Preliminary briefing at 2 pm followed by initial walkabout of downtown Albuquerque. Debriefing seminar (snacks provided) followed by opening reception. Writing time in the evening and dinner in small groups. W E D N E S D AY, J U LY 15 Brief meeting to discuss initial writings and to organize travel routes. All-day explorations of Albuquerque neighborhoods. Afternoon seminar on readings and site-specific observations. Dinner in small groups followed by writing time. T H U R S D AY, J U LY 16 All-day exploration to Isleta Pueblo and tribal casino. Afternoon seminar on readings and site-specific observations. Dinner in small groups followed by writing time. F R I D AY, J U LY 17 All-day explorations of Acoma Pueblo. Preparation of Turning Point essays. S AT U R D AY, J U LY 18 Daylong workshop. Analysis and discussion of group observations and individual Turning Point essays will be followed by close consideration of participants’ proposals for possible applications to other kinds of projects. Discussion of Institute writing and assigned readings will frame this workshop. The Institute will wrap up with a closing dinner. S U N D AY, J U LY 19 Departures. FAC I L I TATO R S A N D CO N TAC T S Sara Quay, Endicott College [email protected] Jesse Peters, UNC Pembroke [email protected] Susan Cannata, UNC Pembroke [email protected] I N S T I T U T E CO S T S REGISTRATION DEADLINE: May 1, 2015 COST: $800 (includes non-refundable $50 fee) This cost covers Institute reading materials, instructional fees, final group dinner, and incidental charges. It does not include travel to Albuquerque, some local transport, accommodations, or most meals. ACCO M M O D AT I O N S Participants will be housed at Hotel Andaluz (www.hotelandaluz.com) in Albuquerque. The cost is $129 per night per person (+ tax); Two additional nights before or after Institute may be added to stay at this special rate if arranged in advance. Reservations can be made by calling Hotel Andaluz at 505-923-9019. (Group Code: NCHC) T R AV E L D I R E C T I O N S Fly into Albuquerque International Airport. Hotel Andaluz is a short 4-mile taxi ride from the airport.
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