Bill O’Reilly and many others have made the word “spin” a very popular word in reporting the truth or reality of a given subject. We live in a society that seems to be vulnerable to the spin zone on every subject. News media can spin a story until it is hard to recognize the facts of the story. The Gospel is not exempt from the spin-zone. We can spin it the way we want it to be or prefer it to be. Only truth is reality and everything besides truth is fantasy, delusion, or deception. Whatever God says is reality. Anything that contradicts what He says is not truth or reality; it is a spin into fantasy and deception. Today, the scriptures are being brought into the spin zone to the point that we evangelical believers now feel approved to experiment with things that are a part of our culture that God in the Scripture declares is not good for us. Consequently, believers are attaching themselves to things that pull them down. Some are choosing to taste of the forbidden fruit, to nibble at the destructive side of life. In I Corinthians 6:9-11 Paul makes some pointed statements about the lifestyle of believers. It is interesting that nowhere in scripture are we given instructions on how to live in Heaven. Every instruction has to do with how to live and how not to live life in this world, here and now. The apostle Paul puts us into a past or present state in our relationship with Christian behavior. He mentions 11 sins we may have lived out in our old life before our new life in Christ began. He tells us that all of us are in one of these two lifestyles today. We either are what we were, or, we are no longer what we were. Don’t be under any illusion; don’t be fooled by yourself or anyone else. He warns us not to be deceived; don’t live in the fantasy of a spin zone. Oh!!! The peril of experimenting with something God has declared is not good for us. Let us not forget that Adam and Eve were enjoying the abundant life, enjoying walks and talks with God on a regular basis, until they encountered a spin zone. The spin went something like this: “You will not die, you must have misunderstood God. The fruit of this tree will be good to you and for you.” It did, indeed, look good to her, so “she ate and gave some to her husband.” We know the rest of the sad story… because of one spin zone long, long ago. In I Corinthians 6:9, Paul said, “Don’t be deceived, disillusioned or fooled.” Nothing is good or right for us that God has not approved as good and right. None of the 11 sins listed in I Cor. 6:9-11 are good or right for us. We can be drawn away of our own lust and when our lust conceives, it brings forth sin and sin when it is finished, it brings forth death. James 1:15 Let us all beware of the spiritual spin zones of our day both in the church and in the world. IN THIS ISSUE The Danger of the Spiritual Spin Zone ..................................................... 1 Stan Toler Event ....................................................................................... 2 Great Commission Meals ......................................................................... 2 As 1 Prayer Walk ...................................................................................... 3 Heritage Lectures ..................................................................................... 3 “Unstuck” Women’s Event ....................................................................... 4 Sanctity of Life Golf Tournament .............................................................. 4 Deborah’s Daughters Training Event .......................................................... 5 Multicultural Ministries............................................................................. 5 NC WIN Event ............................................................................................6 Lois Brafford Celebrates 93 Years! ...........................................................6 PowerChicks ‘15 .......................................................................................7 School of Ministry ......................................................................................7 Examining Committee ...............................................................................7 Prayer Corner/New Assignments/Open Churches ....................................8 Conference Office Closure Dates ..............................................................8 Falcon Youth Camp ...................................................................................8 Young Adult Retreat ..................................................................................8 2 YOU WILL LEARN: How to Develop a Vision Plan Qualities of an Effective Vision Keys to Becoming a Great Communicator Steps to Building Winning Relationships Characteristics of Great Leaders/Coaches Five Skills that Every Leader Must Possess Nine Characteristics of a Transformational Leader Presented by N.C. Conference Evangelism Ministries, in conjunction with the Conference School of Ministry. We are now over halfway through our Great Commission Meals. There is still time to be a part of this exciting & informative event!! If you haven’t already attended and still want to participate, contact Nicole Turransky at the Conference World Missions office TODAY (910-980-1162 OR [email protected]) and reserve your spot! DAY April 13 April 14 April 20 April 21 April 24 LOCATION Grace Family Fellowship PH Church 24093 NC Highway 903—Robersonville The Capital PH Church 1308 US Highway 70 West—Garner Saint Paul PH Church 3251 East 10th Street—Greenville Wallace PH Church 311 South Cumberland Street—Wallace Maranatha PH Church 130 Airport Road—Beaufort SPECIAL GUESTS INCLUDE: Missionaries: David Arthur | Rose Boyd | Darrel & Bonnie Clowers Albert & Jiep Gonzales | Allen & Debbie Mayo Ron & Phyllis Roy | Kevin & Summer Sneed World Missions Ministries Leaders Dr. Harold Dalton, Asst. Director—World Missions Ministries Rev. Steve Cofer, Director—Global Outreach, Coffee House and Missionary Itineration Rev. Matt Bennett, Director—People to People Ministries Every believer, church pastor, and lay member in the states of North and South Carolina is invited to join us as we pray for our cities, states and nation. The walk begins at 10 AM on Saturday, April 11th in Festival Park, downtown Fayetteville NC. We will stop at 5 prayer stations along the route with the first being Veterans Park and Airborne Museum to pray for our active and non-active in the military and their families. The second stop is at City Hall where prayer will be focused on regional civic leadership and law enforcement as well as our nation’s leaders. The third stop is Cumberland County Detention Center to pray for persons incarcerated and their families. Racial diversity will be the emphasis of prayer at the Market House with the final stop at the Fayetteville Public Library where a special prayer will be directed to education leaders, children and families. The AsONE Prayer Walk will conclude back at Festival Park for a prayer for all spiritual leaders followed by music, food and fellowship. The AsONE Prayer Walk is a silent rally and organizers ask that all participants wear AsONE T-shirts to signify their proclamation of unity. Festival Park OPENS at 9:00 AM. Parking attendants will be onsite to help you find a place to park. Churches are strongly encouraged to car-pool in your church bus or van. HELP SPREAD THE WORD! For information, please visit NCIPHC Archives & Research Department presents Saturday, May 16, 2015 | 8:30am-2:30pm Culbreth Memorial PH Church| Falcon, NC FEATURED SPEAKER Appalachian State University Pastors and Youth Pastors will want to join their local church historians for this unique lecture series. Dr. Goff, who is currently the department chair of History at Appalachian State University, is a published author and a well-experienced lecturer who has a special interest in the Pentecostal movement. He plans to present to us how Pentecostal history and American pop culture have been intricately intertwined through youth movements and popular music. This is an ongoing relevant topic in our churches today. We have intensely strived from our earliest days to be as approachable as possible while maintaining a holy lifestyle. We have also heralded the unique abilities and insights of our youth by encouraging them to lead the way in ministry to the next generation. You will not want to miss this lecture series as Dr. Goff equips us to more intelligently endeavor to interpret and discuss both the positive and negative lessons from our history so that we can move forward with greater positive Kingdom influence in today’s contrasting culture. THERE IS NO COST TO ATTEND THE CONFERENCE BUT SPACE IS LIMITED. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST AND LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED REGISTER YOUR ATTENDANCE AND / OR RESERVE A ROOM THROUGH THE CONFERENCE OFFICE 910-980-1162 | [email protected] 8-8:30am—Registration | 8:40am—Opening Comments | 9:00am—Shotgun Start Limited To First 30 Paid Teams $60 Per Person / $240 Per Team Meal Provided Prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Mulligan packages will be available Hole Sponsorship*: $100 (*For your business, church, civic organization, or in honor of or in memory of a loved one) The mission of THE ROYAL HOME is to offer birth mothers and their unborn babies the necessary support, care, & encouragement to ensure their health & to provide future opportunities to set appropriate goals and make wise decisions that will chart their “course in life.” The Royal Home ministers to clients & their families as they deal with the difficult situation of unplanned pregnancy. For registration information, contact Dennis Daniels (252-521-5241 / [email protected]) Rev. Janice Marshburn Rev. Dr. Lydia Figueroa Registration 8:00-8:45am Rev. Louise Thompson Training 8:45am-1:00pm Rev. Rhonda Rigsby Registration Fee: $10.00 For additional information contact Janice Marshburn: [email protected] | 910-324-4388 Heart for the Harvest “After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before His face into every city and place, whither He himself would come. Therefore said He unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth labourers into His harvest. ” (Luke 10:1-2) These two verses of scripture have stirred my spirit this month. As I began to meditate on what they mean to me, I realized how much we can learn from the text. I noticed that Jesus is constantly in transition in His assignment. Many times we tend to get locked into a place in our minds which hinders us from noticing the potential in others around us. Luke 9 records the summoning of the 12 Disciples of Christ to go into the cities with the power and authority of the kingdom of GOD. With this power they were to take authority over demonic influence and strongholds, bring healing to those who were diseased, and to proclaim the kingdom of GOD to all who were sick. As it may seem that this team was sufficient in carrying out the vision, Jesus took the opportunity to continue to reproduce HIMSELF in others while the 12 were dispatched. I believe we can learn a valuable lesson from this! Jesus understood that HE was not living this life on earth for HIMSELF, but rather HE was living today on behalf of those who would come behind Him to finish the work in which HE started. The 70 whose names were not mentioned individually, as were the original 12 disciples, were sent out in twos where ever He was about to go. In fact the scriptures note that HE sent those 70 to prepare the hearts of the people for the visitation of the Messiah. I am intrigued by the fact that He sent them out in twos. I believe this is an awesome pattern for us to study and eventually follow. Teamwork in ministry is one of the keys to effectively reaching the lost, and introducing them to Jesus Christ. That leads us to our main point of our discussion. We must possess a heart for the harvest. There is much work to be done. In fact there is so much to be done, that we can all exhaust ourselves in efforts to do it alone. However, as we develop and dispatch teams that are trained to witness to those who do not know Christ Jesus as their LORD, Savior, and Redeemer, we will experience the beauty of bringing in the harvest that belongs to the LORD. Maybe some of you sense the call to evangelize dry areas or witness and serve the homeless and hurting. Is the Holy Spirit leading you to go into the missionary work or REV. KEVIN D. ROBINSON Pastor a local church? Do you feel that GOD has called you to plant a church? Well, Director, Multi-Cultural Ministries —NC Conference whatever the call of GOD is that you feel upon your life, I would urge you to zealously seek Apostle/Senior Pastor —Divine Empowerment Int’l. 910-391-3092 | [email protected] it out, and begin to serve! For the LORD has need of laborers. “GOD’S HEART FOR THE WORLD” Prayer Evangelism Missions REACH UP AND REACH OUT Saturday, September 5th 9:00am-2:00pm Conference Training Center, Falcon, NC Registration: $25 per person (checks payable to NCWIN) Send to: Rev. Lydia Figueroa, PO Box 9346, Fayetteville NC 28311 For more info 910-705-8055 MRS. LOIS BRAFFORD CELEBRATES 93 YEARS! The year was 1921. The place was Sims, NC. The event was the birth of a precious baby girl, whom her parents—Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fulghum—named Lois Cornelia. She grew up on the farm in Sims. After graduating from high school at age 17, she went to Wilson to live with her Aunt Lillie May. During this time, she met her future husband, Bob. Son, God called Bob to preach, and that began forty years of faithfully assisting him as he pastored churches throughout the North Carolina Conference of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. She also served for a number of years on the N.C. Conference Women’s Ministries Board. Since retiring, she has lived in Sanford, NC and has attended the Sanford 1st PH Church. She is so well-loved and respected that her church family wanted to make her 93rd birthday special. Planning this party was a pleasure. Keeping it a secret from her was no small feat! The evening began when her daughter and son-in-law went to “take her out to eat.” When they arrived at the church, the parking lot was full of cars and the fellowship hall was “all lit up.” She wondered what was going on and how she’d missing hearing about it! But when she entered the door and heard “Happy Birthday!” being sung, someone said, “her mouth flew open in surprise.” After being taken to her special place, surrounded by 15 members of her family, Gail Johnson placed a lit birthday cake in front of her and “Happy Birthday” was sung a second time. This was followed by the singing of one of her favorite hymns, “Amazing Grace.” Pastor Greg Long then brought a devotional, taken from Proverbs 31, “The Virtuous Woman.” A prayer of thanks, “Be Present at our Table, Lord” was sung by Sue Parker and her daughter, Patricia Coble (learned while in South Africa from British Missionaries). After a delicious dinner of Ron’s Barn barbecue and fried chicken, along with scrumptious sides and birthday cake, a church quartet sang some of Mrs. Brafford’s old favorites: “I’ll Live in Glory” and “The Little Brown Church in the Vale.” The quartet changed some names in the old song “Aunt Dinah’s Quilting Party” and sang “ ‘Twas from Aunt Lillie May’s Quilting Party, Bob was Seeing Lois Home.” Next, special “tributes” were given to the Guest of Honor, and several people asked her “Do You Remember?” questions, pertaining to events in her past. Donna Long, our pastor’s wife, and Emily Berry, a special friend, involved us in a time of fun and games. Mary Lois (Mrs. Brafford’s daughter), along with her daughter Dawn, and her grandson, Louis, presented a funny skit based on the many times when, as a pastor’s wife, she had to pack up and move. This included running down and catching the chickens! Lastly, everybody stood and sang “Deck the Halls” and “Auld Lang Syne.” When asked if she had been surprised, Sister Lois responded with “NO! I WAS SHOCKED!” We love her and know that she’ll not soon forget this special day! Submitted by: Rev. Mrs. Sue Parker Registration packets and information are available for download at: April 17-18 SEMINAR: Leadership I (MCP 3.07) Seminar Leader: Dr. Stan Toler No books to order. SOM Students will submit a reaction paper for course credit towards licensure. Class: IPHC Articles of Faith & Government (MCP 1.02) Instructor: Bishop Jim Whitfield Texts: IPHC Manual & “Light for the Journey” LifeSprings Kit #: 4600102 The Examining Committee will meet on June 16th at 8:30a.m. in the Cafeteria/ Training Center in Falcon. If you are pursuing license or ordination this summer, please contact Sheila Oglesby at the Conference Office immediately so that all required file information is in proper order. Your ministerial file MUST be in order BEFORE coming before the Committee on the 16th. For more detailed information, or to register for classes, please call the Conference office, or visit Mrs. Sheila Oglesby: 910-980-1162 OR [email protected] May 1-2 Class: Spiritual Formation—Pastoral Ministry (MCP 1.07) Instructor: Rev. Jonathan Altman Texts: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life & Study Guide LifeSprings Kit #: 2100277 & 4601407 May 1-2 N OR T H C A R OL I N A C O N F E R E N C E OF T H E I N T E R N A T I ON A L P E N T E C OS T A L H OL I N E S S C H U R C H Post Office Box 59 Falcon, North Carolina 28342 Prayer Corner: Mrs. Westa Barefoot Mrs. Lois Brafford Bradshaw Mrs. Edna Cordon Rev. Ralph & Mrs. Vadie Leggett Rev. Matthew Horne Savannah Locklear (granddaughter of Rev. Ray Faircloth, Sr.) Rev. Daniel Moss Rev. Jesse Parson Rev. Karen Sapp Revs. John & Edna Parker Mrs. Helen Warwick (wife of Rev. Horace Warwick) Rev. Samuel Weaver Mrs. Jean Williams New Assignments: Hopewell—Rev. Mitchell Norville Open Churches: Bethel Brock’s Chapel Lighthouse (f.k.a. Hamilton) Moore’s Chapel Nakina Niagara Saint Paul Thompson Chapel Wades Point The Conference Office will be closed on the following days: April 3 & 6—Easter May 25—Memorial Day July 2 (beginning at noon) & 3 Independence Day Primary Week June 11-14, 2015 Grades: 1st-3rd Speaker: Reta Ewell Elementary Week June 14-18, 2015 Grades: 4th-5th Speaker: Angie Burroughs High School Week June 18-21, 2015 Grades: 8th-12th Speaker: Brad Davis Middle School Week June 21-25, 2015 Grades: 6th-7th Speaker: Kevin Lewis
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