2015 North Carolina Pickle Festival Sponsorships Mount Olive Area Chamber of Commerce/Waylin Area Foundation Festival Yard Sign Logo Advertising Saturday On Site Banner/Other Saturday Hospitality Suite Friday Night Spare Chance Concert Thursday Pickle Party on the Patio $100 Sweet Relish X X 2 $250 Sweet Gherkin X X 4 $500 Super Dill X X 4 2 $1,000 King Kosher Dill X X 6 4 2 $1,500 Bread & Butter X X 8 6 4 $2,000 Zesty Kosher Dill X X 10 8 4 Pickle Train Car $100 (Limit 10) X X X Mascot Race $250 X X X NC Festival Brochure $500 (Limit 2) X X Logo on 2,000 Brochures 2 Author Alley $500 X X X 2 Children’s Area $500 X X X 2 Volunteer T-Shirts $1,000 X X Logo on 100 Volunteer Tees 4 2 Circus Stella $1,500 X X X 6 2 GENERAL INDIVIDUAL EVENTS Description of Benefits: Receive a Proud Sponsor yard sign to display at your business. Logo advertising will be included in all printed sponsor listings for the N.C. Pickle Festival, including www.ncpicklefest.org. Sponsor must provide logo by deadline to be included. Individual event sponsorships are offered on a first come, first-served basis and are limited to one per event unless otherwise noted. For individual event details, see attached. 2015 Festival Dates: Pickle Party on the Patio - Thursday, April 23, time TBD. Friday Night Concert - Friday, April 24, 8-11:30 pm. Festival Main Day - Saturday, April 25, 9am-5 pm. N.C. Pickle Festival Worship & Praise Service - Sunday, April 26, 6 p.m. Yes! I want to be a 2015 N.C. Pickle Festival Sponsor! Mark your desired sponsorship at left and complete the requested information below. Make your check payable to: Waylin Area Foundation Mail this form and your check to: N.C. Pickle Festival 123 N. Center Street Mount Olive, NC 28365 Email your camera-ready company logo to: [email protected] by APRIL 1, 2015 Questions? Don’t see a package that fits your needs? Contact Julie Beck at 919-658-3113 or Lynn Williams at 919-581-3628 *BROCHURE SPONSOR DEADLINE: MARCH 20, 2015 ALL OTHER SPONSORS: DEADLINE - APRIL 1, 2015 General Individual Events ____ $100 Sweet Relish ____ Pickle Train $100 ____ $250 Sweet Gherkin ____ Mascot Race $250 ____ $500 Super Dill ____ Festival Brochure $500* ____ $1,000 King Kosher Dill ____ Author Alley $500 ____ $1,500 Bread & Butter ____ Children’s Area $500 ____ $,2,000 Zesty Kosher Dill ____ Volunteer T-shirts $1000 ____ Circus Stella $1,500 $ ________ Sponsorship Total Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Individual Event Sponsorship Opportunities Pickle Train Car, $100: Have your logo placed on one of 10 “cars” made from pickle barrels. The cars will form a pickle train that children will be able to ride all day Saturday in the Children’s Area. Mascot Race, $250: Sponsor a new addition to the N.C. Pickle Festival—a race involving as many local mascots as will step up to the challenge! To be held at 2 p.m. at the Argus Idol Zone, corner of Center and East James. N.C. Festival Brochure, $500: Sponsor the award-winning N.C. Pickle Festival Map & Schedule of Events, the handy pocket goto-guide for festival goers to help plan their day. NOTE EARLIER DEADLINE OF MARCH 20. Author Alley, $500: New to the N.C. Festival this year, Author Alley will serve as a gateway to the new Friends of the Library Book Sale location off West Main Street. This area will feature several authors, and performances by Abby the Spoon Lady. Children’s Area, $500: With a new home this year at the corner of Center and East Main Street, the Children’s Area features fun games and activities, the pickle derby, the new pickle train, and a petting zoo. Volunteer T-Shirts, $1,000: Sponsor the t-shirts that our volunteers will wear throughout the week as we prepare for the festival, and all day on Saturday, April 25. Up to 100 t-shirts featuring a distinctive design and your logo! Circus Stella, $1,500: Circus Stella is a one-ring circus featuring trapeze, rope walking, aerial silk, and performing rescued dogs, all with loads of family fun and great humor. This festival favorite offers three shows throughout the day at the Corner of Pollock and South Center.
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