March – April 2015 Volume 20 Number 2 Registration Deadline is March 21 Speedway IV Meet Coming Together Volunteers are still needed Duane Ravenberg, Event Chair If you haven’t done so already, be sure to register soon for our NCRS regional meet scheduled for April 23–25 at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Judged car spaces are still available in all judging classes, but they are filling up. If you want to get your Corvette judged, get the registration in as soon as you can to be guaranteed a spot. Remember, car registration closes March 21, and late charges are in effect for all registrations after that date. Other activities besides car judging are Thursday afternoon judging school Advanced Judging Seminars on Friday and Saturday Thursday night at Hendrick Motorsports with dinner, race shop tour and walk through of the Heritage Center (There is still room but register now) Scrumptious ladies lunch Friday noon with an entertaining fashion show by Talbots, plus door prizes Track laps around the speedway in your Corvette on Friday evening Saturday night awards banquet finale To get everything in place and make it work isn’t easy or cheap. The planning committee has been working feverishly. While the committee’s work is almost done, it’s time to get out the “cheap labor” (volunteers) to do the hard work. Here is what you can do: If you haven’t yet volunteered, contact volunteer coordinator Bob Condrey at 229-559-4614 (H), 229-561-0350 (C), or [email protected] . SEE PAGE 6 FOR NEEDED POSITIONS. If you have already volunteered to work thank you very much, we can’t wait to see you. Attend the all-volunteer meeting and walkthrough scheduled for April 18 at the speedway. Team leaders will walk you through the area while describing your specific responsibilities. Register for the event ahead of time. It is NCRS policy that all NCRS members working at or just attending an event must be registered. Bob Condrey or another committee member will contact you several weeks before the meet to confirm your work schedule and who your team leader is. Any questions about volunteering should be addressed to Bob There are also sponsorship opportunities for chapter members or their companies. In particular there is an opportunity to joi n other members in sponsoring judges’ meals. These people come from great distances to help us put on a great event and we can show them our gratitude by having a great noontime meal. Contact me at [email protected] or 336-880-5343 if you are interested in helping. For questions regarding judging, contact Fred Jenkins at 252-268-9624 or [email protected]. He does NOT choose judges for this meet. The national team leader is responsible for that from those who indicated interest on their registration. For questions about volunteering, contact Bob Condrey as listed above. If you have general event questions, contact me, Duane Ravenberg, at the email or number listed above. INSIDE THIS ISSUE REGULAR FEATURES Chairman’s message CHAPTER CALENDAR 3 Financial report 10 Classified ads 14 Board meeting Chapter tee shirts 15 Speedway volunteers walkthrough Membership report 16 Speedway Regional IV Membership form 16 Tech session March 14 April 18 April 23-25 Raleigh May 30 Hinklin scholarship 4 Florida Regional 4 Motorama judging school 5 New chapter website 6 Speedway volunteers 6-7 Board meeting minutes C6 clutch maintenance Tech session registration Chapter schedule is incomplete at this time. 8 9 11 CMS Regional registration 12 March-April 2015 The Redline Times Carolinas Chapter Board of Directors Chair Dave Barrett [email protected] 847.910.9142 Vice-Chair John Liner [email protected] 336.420.3460 Secretary Mary Barrett [email protected] 704.236.9699 Treasurer Louis Kolb [email protected] 803.345.2257 Judging Chair Fred Jenkins [email protected] 252.268.9624 Membership Manager Peter Stout [email protected] 919.749.8061 Charitable Activities Manager Janet Kennedy [email protected] 864.923.4445 Reba Whittington [email protected] 336.667.4226 Mike Sams [email protected] 706.647.2435 Assistant Judging Chair Newsletter Editor Webmaster Region IV Director The Redline Times is the newsletter of Carolinas Chapter NCRS and is published six times per year—the first week of January, March, May, July, September, and November. It is sent electronically to all who have an email address on file and mailed to those chapter members who have no email. NCRS registered names used in this newsletter are Founders Award,® Performance Verification Award,® Sportsman Award,® Folz Memorial Award,® Heritage Award,® Master Judge,® and Duntov, McLellan, and Hill Mark-of-Excellence Awards.® These are registered with the United States Department of Commerce and Trademark Office. Flight Award, Red Hat, and Challenge Car Award are pending. Material for the newsletter should be sent to the editor at the above address. We especially welcome technical articles and human-interest stories about you and your Corvette. Deadlines are the 25th of the month preceding publication unless a change is announced. Unless otherwise noted, all material is original to this publication. All articles contained in The Redline Times are the property of the authors and cannot be reprinted without their permission and proper credit given to them and this publication. NCRS Regionals and National Conventions 2015 March 19-21 Tucson AZ April 23-25 Concord NC May 14-17 Joplin MO July 19-24 NATIONAL CONVENTION Denver CO September 10-12 Delafield WI October 22-24 Frisco TX 2016 July 17-22 NATIONAL CONVENTON Warwick RI 2017 July 9-13 NATIONAL CONVENTION San Antonio TX TOP FLIGHT® CHAPTER 2011 2012 2013 2014 CCNCRS Board meeting Saturday, March 14 Embassy Suites Concord, NC 11:00 a.m. 2011 Chapter members who plan to attend should notify Dave Barrett 2012 2 March-April 2015 The Redline Times Chairman’s Message One Leadership Position Filled and Website Updated by Dave Barrett At the board meeting on January 17, Janet Kennedy was appointed charitable activities manager. Janet is no stranger to the board, having served as secretary in past years. Please join me in welcoming Janet by assisting her with the many charitable activities conducted at our local events. Congratulations, Janet, on your board appointment. Board appointments are still open for the positions of assistant judging chair and website manager. With considerable effort by Peter Stout, who is membership manager, we have contracted with a web page designer for updating our website. We will also have a new web host. If we chose a web manager internally, the volunteer should know Word Press or be willing to learn that editing tool for the administration of the CCNCRS web page. Please contact Dave Barrett if you are interested in the web manager position. Please contact Fred Jenkins if you are interested in the assistant judging position. Participate on the board and be a driver and planner along with the rest of the board. The next board meeting will be held on March 14, at the Embassy Suites in Concord. As immediate past chair, Dick Whittington was serving as an ex-officio board member. On Monday, January 19, Dick resigned his position on the board. Please join me in commending Dick on his many years of service as a regional director, chapter chairman, web manager of the Carolinas Chapter and NCRS. Did I miss something? I have reorganized leadership for the Speedway Regional scheduled for April 23 – 25, 2015. Duane Ravenberg has agreed to accept the appointment as event chairman. Duane has moved quickly in confirming the following: Janet Kennedy and Jane Ravenberg will be directing the planned activities at the host hotel (i.e. awards banquet and ladies event); Chip Drennan will be coordinating activities at the speedway (i.e. car & trailer parking, car placement, water & food, track laps, photos); Fred Jenkins is managing the judging activity at the Xfinity garage (PV route, judging layout, tabulating); Toni Sams is the registrar (registration, help desk, sales) for the event and; and Bob Young will manage vendors / sponsors. Don’t wait to be asked. Volunteer by contacting Bob Condrey, who is the staffing manager . (229-561-0350 or [email protected] ) Since the last RLT, many of the Carolinas Chapter members attended the Florida Regional January 22 to 24 in Lakeland, FL, participating as judges, attending judging school and a tech session, submitting cars for flight judging, displaying cars, setting up a vendor spot for used and new car parts and just hanging around the event site for a good time. We also completed a judging school on February 7 at Motorama in Monroe. Through the contributions of different attendees, Reba was able to assemble detail and photos about these events in this edition of RLT. Looking ahead at the 2015 calendar, there will be a technical session in the Raleigh area at the end of May. A registration form is found in this newsletter. We have already started planning for the fall chapter judging meet and annual meeting. Dates for this event are proving to be a challenge. Nuts and bolt to all. . . Janet Kennedy Fills Position of Charitable Activities Manager Chapter Earns Its Fourth Top Flight® Designation Janet Kennedy has volunteered to fill the vacant position of charitable activities manager for the Carolinas Chapter. The board welcomes her addition, and because of her past involvement, it is confident that she will bring strength to this valuable position. After filing the fourth-quarter report, Vice Chair John Liner received notification from the NCRS that the Carolinas Chapter NCRS had earned its fourth consecutive Top Flight certification. As outlined in an article in the January Redline Times, the chapter went far above the minimum event requirements. The official recognition will come at the national convention in Denver this July, where the chapter will receive its add-on decal for the banner. The 2015 chapter charity will continue to be Wounded Warriors Project. It was erroneously recorded in the November 16 board minutes that the 2015 chapter charity had been changed. A clarification of that is found in the January 17 board minutes found on Page 10. 3 March-April 2015 The Redline Times Chapter Members Make Trek to Florida Regional Brian McIntyre This year the Florida regional relocated from Kissimmee to the Fun-‘n-Sun facility at the Lakeland airport. Lakeland is about 36 miles west of Kissimmee. The Sun-‘n-Fun facility has an air museum and a number of other aviation-related venues. Due to judging, I did not see much besides the cars. Overall, the facility was quite nice. Judging was in a hanger, so when it rained, as it usually does in Florida during the regional, we were dry. Nice! The vendor spaces seemed a little easier to walk through. There were some challenges as this was a new venue. One of the major differences from Kissimmee is that the hotels are located several miles from the judging field. The Florida Chapter set up an email address to collect comments to provide input for next year’s event at [email protected] Carolinas chapter members observed in attendance (with cars registered in some category) included Dave and Mary Barrett, Bill and Gale Coffin, Jimmy Gregg, Hank Hale, Fred Jenkins, Harold and Janet Kennedy, John Liner, Tommy and Brenda Loftin (1996), Brian and Carol McIntyre (2006), Dave Mizell, Bob and Sarah Puls (1967), Mike and Toni Sams, Rich Vaughan, and Don and Anne Warmuth (1987). Twenty-one people is a pretty good showing. As there was no list of cars or judges posted, the attendees and cars listed may not be complete. On Friday, Dave facilitated a group dinner. The Loftins’ 1996 received a Top Flight award and the Warmuths’ 1987 (Snowflake) passed the Founders Operations. The McIntyres’ 2006 was a sportsman entry. Jimmy continued his parts-be-gone program. Tommy and Brenda Loftin’s 1996 earned Top Flight ® Photos by Dave Barrett and Brian McIntyre Those attending the Friday night dinner at GrillSmith were Hank Hale, Dave Mizell, Wayne Mizell, Brian and Carol McIntyre, William and Debi Logue, Greg and Sue Norton, Tommie and Brenda Loftin, and Dave and Mary Barrett. Jason Hinklin Receives Third NCRS Foundation Scholarship Jason Hinklin, son of chapter member Darrell Hinklin, has for the third consecutive year received one of the annual Automotive Scholarships from the NCRS Foundation. The first was when he lived in Minnesota, and the second one was after he moved to North Carolina. (The editor regrets that she did not know of this at the time.) Jason worked part time at a performance shop specializing in LS engines while in high school. Upon graduation in 2004, he relocated to North Carolina to attend NASCAR Technical Institute. At the completion of this course, he started working for Evernham Motorsports in the engine shop in Concord. After five years, he realized that an engineering degree was necessary to accomplish his career goals and enrolled at UNC-Charlotte. Jason is currently in his senior year, majoring in mechanical engineering with a motor sports concentration. He will be graduating in May and is currently seeking employment opportunities within the motor sports industry. Jason is very grateful for the assistance that he has received from the NCRS Foundation. 4 March-April 2015 The Redline Times Rolling Chassis Judging School Held at Motorama Classic Cars by Fred Jenkins, Judging Chair First of all I would like to thank Carlton Tyson for the use of the Motorama Classic Cars facility and Brian Sistar for setting things up for our judging school, chairs, tables, coffee pot and the rolling chassis. Initially, we had the use of one 1967 bigblock rolling chassis that Brian had restored. Just a week or so prior to the school, Jamie Bulman volunteered his recently restored 1965 small-block chassis, done by fellow chapter member Doug Aldridge. We sure needed the second one with the number of registrations that came in. There were twenty-three attendees, quite a turn out for a judging school. At my request Brian McIntyre and Jimmy Gregg agreed to be instructors. Thanks to both of you very much and great job no doubt. Since we had two examples, I thought it would be great to do both chassis and mechanical sections for the judging school. Reba Whittington printed sample judging sheets for both sections for students, just like we use on the judging field. We are continually teaching the NCRS matrix system of judging and standard deducts. I felt that everyone left this judging school with something positive that they could take to the judging field and pass on to others. We will continue this type of format as I believe that hands-on is the best way to learn and retain what you have learned. Again thanks to everyone for your participation and support. ← Ray Culbertson makes a close examination of the oil pan. Jimmy went over the 1965 chassis (left) and Brian (above) had mechanical on the 1967 in the morning and then opposite in the afternoon. It worked out really well with lots of positive comments. As Brian McIntyre said during our lunch break “This is fun.” Photos by Peter Stout & Reba Whittington 5 March-April 2015 The Redline Times VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED FOR REGIONAL Bob Condrey, Volunteer Coordinator We still need more members to step up and commit to helping at the upcoming Regional at Charlotte Motor Speedway, April 23-25. I have received some sign-up sheets, but If you have not yet signed up to help, please get in touch with me as soon as possible. Help us make this event successful. A sign-up form is found on the next page. Below are a few SPECIAL jobs that need to be filled by SPECIAL people: Wednesday-- several set-up areas at Embassy Suites and inside the speedway Thursday through Saturday-- Embassy Suites lobby INFORMATION DESK attendant(s) Thursday through Saturday-- (8 a.m. – 7 p.m.) at Embassy Suites, SECURE PARKING attendant(s) in 3-4 hour shifts Thursday through Saturday -- the speedway, SCORE SHEET runners to tabulation room Thanks in advance for your help and please commit as soon as possible. Bob Condrey, [email protected] (phone 229-561-0350) Chapter Website Receives Much-Needed Renovation The Carolinas Chapter website has undergone a complete overhaul, with a terrific web design by an outside consultant, Teresa Williams. It will contain pictures of recent events, copies of the current and past newsletters, and much more. Please help us maintain this website with the latest information. Peter Stout is temporarily in charge. Classified ads can now be placed on the website. They can be kept up to date here more often than in the newsletter. Know of an event that the Carolinas Chapter has interest in? Send information to Peter Stout at [email protected]. But most of all, check out the new design 6 March-April 2015 The Redline Times April 23-25, 2015 Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet Volunteer Chairman: Bob Condrey Cell: 229-561-0350 [email protected] Tell us about you Name: ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City, State & Zip: ________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Arrival Date: ____________________________________ Dates available to work: 23rd___ 24th ____ 25th ____ Please tell me if you have a preferred assignment/duty Print and mail to Bob at 5101 Hickory Grove Rd N Valdosta GA 31606 or scan and email to [email protected] 7 March-April 2015 The Redline Times CCNCRS Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 17, 2015 The Board of Directors of the Carolinas Chapter NCRS met on Saturday, January 17, 2015, at Motorama in Monroe, NC. The meeting was called to order by David Barrett at 12:24 p.m. Attendees were Alan Beaver Dave and Mary Barrett Jimmy Gregg Fred Jenkins Janet and Harold Kennedy Louis Kolb John Liner Toni and Mike Sams Rich Vaughn Reba Whittington REPORTS MINUTES John Liner moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting as published in the newsletter and attached to the agenda. Reba Whittington seconded the motion and the minutes were approved. CO-CHAIR REPORT John Liner announced that he had received notification from NCRS that the Carolinas Chapter had again obtained the Top Flight® Award for 2014. FINANCIAL - Louis Kolb presented a detailed financial report for the period January 1 - 14, 2015. Overview was Income $11,106.00 Expenses 7,145.91 Net Income 3,960.09 Total liabilities & equity 13,398.43 MEMBERSHIP Peter Stout was unable to attend but reported through Dave Barrett that renewals were pouring in and he would officially remove those unpaid before the next newsletter. JUDGING REPORT Fred Jenkins reported that there were 17 people registered for the February 7 judging school at Motorama. The school will make use of two rolling chasses and perform a body drop on one. There is a planned tech session in May at Peter Stout’s house in Raleigh. NEWSLETTER Reba Whittington is unable to attend the Florida meet and asked for someone to send her pictures from the meet. She noted that Tommy Loftin would have a 1996 Flight car there and she would like pictures of it. CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES There is currently no one heading the charitable activities committee. However, 50/50 tickets were sold at the Hendrick judging school in November. A total of $140 was collected and payout was $70. ACCESSORIES REPORT Alan Beaver discussed inventory of shirts and his next order. It was decided to concentrate on shirts needed for the regional at this time. Peter will send the logo file to Alan. We decided on light grey for the color. The tee shirts will be screen printed while the polos will be embroidered. OLD BUSINESS Website Dave Barrett shared with the board that Peter Stout has found a person who can bring the website up to date. The cost would be $1600 plus $65/hour to maintain. With this option, the builder would be open to training someone to maintain the site. Peter was willing to be that person. Peter also shared that might be able to get a student to build the new site for $199. By choosing this option, Peter would not be the person to maintain the site. The board opted for the student to build the site as it is much easier on the budget; however, we still need to find a webmaster and revisit how the site will be hosted. Fall Meet Location Reba Whittington checked out the Meadowbrook Inn Resort in Blowing Rock and shared a facility map. There is a large parking lot but the layout is not conducive to judging. They do have banquet facilities. Mary Barrett is expecting to hear back from the Best Western in Banner Elk. The manager was going to try and fit us in the first weekend in October (2-4). She will not hear till March. 2015 REGIONAL MEET at CHARLOTTE MOTOR SPEEDWAY Jimmy Gregg brought up PayPal fees as they relate to registrations. PayPal charges 2.3% + 30 cents per transaction, and he was concerned about people giving to the Hendrick charity through PayPal because the chapter will have to pay fees associated with the Hendrick charity dinner. He suggested that people pay for registration through PayPal and write a check for the charity donation. We all agreed that would be nice but not something we can fully control and the chapter will have to absorb any cost necessary. Jimmy Gregg (Track) Will get Fred Jenkins layout of the garage area Hopefully Alan will be there on Thursday to take pictures in winner’s circle for the awards presentation. Copies can be sold to car owners for $10. Food vendor has to be one approved by the speedway. Judges and workers will be given Speedway Bucks to buy food. Pins – ordering 300 Offered Hendrick two free registrations for judged cars if he wishes Owner of Harley Earl show car hopes to have it on display Tom Hill has offered to bring 3-4 cars (Do we offer to comp his registration?) Need a lot of volunteers on Thursday Still need a decision on whether to charge for more than one set of track laps Budget spreadsheets were distributed. Jimmy will make some changes as noted and re-distribute. Janet Kennedy (Hotels and Food) reported: Asked if there are any banners that need to be hung at the hotel. Dave will bring banners that we have for Janet to see. Janet and Jane will meet with Scott the week after the Florida meet to finalize some of the hotel plans Secure parking at the Hotel – There will be 30 spaces reserved at $35 per space. We will print RESERVED laminated plaques to display on the dashboards Banquet Hotel provides manager’s reception from 5:00 - 7:00 We will start at 6:30 with a cash bar from 6:30 - 7:45 Dinner will start at 7:00 with awards presentation to begin at 7:45 Janet is going to follow up with the hotel about people being told the block of rooms is full. Janet will check to see if the hotel has a bus available to transport people the night of the Hendrick charity event Toni Sams (Registration) Tax deduction letters for Hendrick Marrow Program donations – Jimmy offered to create them Toni said she would create a spreadsheet that Jimmy could use to layout the garage. (Mary Barrett offered to help with the spreadsheet ) Continued on Page10 8 March-April 2015 The Redline Times C6 Corvette LS2, LS3 and LS7 Clutch Maintenance Compiled by Peter Mihaltian #47240 Many C6 Corvette owners have experienced clutch woes ranging from weak pedal pressure, hard pedal pressure, slow pedal return or lazy pedal, and a clutch pedal that refuses to return to its ready position. Over the years various theories have been advanced as to the root causes of these various problems. In general there seems to be no concrete consensus regarding the solution to these ailments. However, there is good news at hand as regular preventative maintenance, which includes frequent flushing of the hydraulic clutch fluid via the master cylinder reservoir, definitely works to alleviate the aforementioned clutch pedal problems. Although if the hydraulic clutch system seals are already damaged by an excessive accumulation of clutch dust, no amount of clean fluid will repair damaged seals. However, one factor seems to remain constant. When confronted with continuing clutch pedal problems, replacing all of a Corvette’s hydraulic clutch components with new stock parts does not prevent a rapid return of the same clutch pedal symptoms. These pedal symptoms are particularly prominent if the Corvette is driven aggressively or even occasionally participates in club track days or drag racing. The critical cornerstone in preventing C6 clutch pedal problems is proper prevention whereby clutch dust is never allowed to accumulate in the hydraulic clutch fluid. If the hydraulic clutch fluid is discolored, cloudy or murky, you must replace it with fresh clean DOT 4 brake fluid. A simple and failsafe method of flushing clutch fluid involves completing the following steps: Step 1 Inspect the Corvette’s clutch master cylinder reservoir to determine if the clutch fluid clear and clean. If the fluid looks like ink as indicated in this photo, move to Step 2. Step 2 Flush the fluid in the clutch master cylinder reservoir by following these steps: ● Draw out the discolored hydraulic fluid with a syringe, keeping the corrosive fluid off the Corvette’s paint. (See sidebar below.) An inexpensive shower curtain makes a good fender cover. ● Wipe down the reservoir and the reservoir cap diaphragm using a clean, lint-free towel. Identify the full level line marked on the clutch reservoir. Refill the reservoir with DOT 4 brake fluid to just below the fill line. Always use DOT 4 fluid from a new unopened can. Do not overfill the reservoir. Clean the clutch reservoir cap diaphragm if necessary and properly seat it on the reservoir cap. Replace the reservoir cap and secure it snugly. Step 3 With the engine off, pump the clutch pedal from the full-top position to the full-bottom position a minimum of 30-50 times. This action causes fluid in the clutch hydraulic system to circulate, thereby blending the new hydraulic fluid with the old fluid. This clutch-pedal-cycling process also helps scour dust residue from the actuator slave and displaces the dirt and debris upward into the reservoir. The pedalcycling process also helps relieve any air trapped in the hydraulic system. Step 4 Re-inspect the hydraulic fluid in the clutch reservoir. If the hydraulic fluid is totally clear and shows no signs of contamination or discoloration, the fluid flushing process is complete. However, it is unlikely that the clutch fluid will be clear or light yellow with just one 30-50 cycle flush. If, as will most likely be the case, the hydraulic fluid is still not clear, return to Step 2 and continue to flush the hydraulic fluid as many times as necessary with the full top-to-bottom pedal pumping motion until the clutch fluid is absolutely clear and clean. A Hopkins model #10111/6 2cycle oil mixing syringe makes quick work of removing the dirty clutch fluid. What’s more, this syringe is an inexpensive addition to any toolbox. Step 5 Inspect the Corvette’s hydraulic clutch fluid each time you stop for fuel and prior undertaking any spirited driving including drag racing or club track days. If inspection reveals that the hydraulic clutch fluid is not clear and clean, revisit Step 2. Going forward, it will take two or three flushing cycles to return the clutch fluid to a clear, clean condition. Even badly degraded, ink-colored clutch fluid can be substantially cleaned up in 10-20 reservoir changes. This entire flushing process takes less than an hour and costs under $10 for DOT 4 brake fluid and a syringe. Following this simple inexpensive hydraulic clutch preventative maintenance process will keep the Corvette’s hydraulic clutch system in good working order while avoiding unnecessary and expensive visits to the local dealership service department. 9 March-April 2015 The Redline Times Financial Report Louis Kolb, Treasurer January 1 – February 20, 2015 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Chapter dues Charitable activities Judging school Newsletter advertising Speedway Regional Total Income Expense 2,070.00 70.00 450.00 220.00 25,471.00 Board meeting Internet expense Judging materials Judging school Membership Nametags 69.37 Postage 18.27 Newsletter PayPal fees Regional awards Regional expenses Regional prepaid expenses Service charge (bank) 28,281.00 Total Expense 58.98 399.00 94.58 136.64 87.66 14.80 474.97 426.00 295.29 6,500.00 36.00 8,523.92 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operations 2016 Chapter dues 75.00 2017 Chapter dues 45.00 Cash at beginning of period 4,264.60 Net cash increase for period 24,777.08 Cash at end of period 29,041.68 Board Minutes continued from Page 8 Toni will need volunteers to assemble the registration envelopes. We talked of meeting on Tuesday, April 22. Fred Jenkins (Judging Chair) To date, there are 33 cars registered: 20 Flight cars and six PVs. NEW BUSINESS Dave Barrett suggested we let board meetings slide and focus all further meetings on the regional. There will be two more official regional meetings before the event: March 14 and the weekend before the regional Correction to minutes regarding Charity Proposed in the November newsletter: At the November 16 meeting, Dave Gregorino proposed that we consider a donation to Doug Herbert’s B.R.A.K.E.S from any profits made at the regional meet. It was reported incorrectly in the minutes that his suggestion was to change the official 2015 chapter charity. The chapter will consider B.R.A.K.E.S, along with other charities if funds are available following the regional meet and all obligations have been met. (See November newsletter for a description of the B.R.A.K.E.S program.) ADJOURNMENT – Dave Barrett made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:05 p.m. and John Liner seconded. Respectfully submitted, Mary Barrett, Secretary From the NCRS Discussion Board February 15 Document Validation Service posted by Dave Brigham, National Judging Chairman NCRS is pleased to announce that the Document Validation Service is now available. Tim Gilmore is the Document Validation Administrator. Tim and I will manage the service. You can find the DVS order information under the Services and then Historic Document Services tabs on the NCRS website. Thank you for your patience. Dave 10 March-April 2015 The Redline Times Technical Session 1969 350/350 Engine Installation Saturday, May 30, 2015 Hosted by the Carolinas Chapter at the home of Peter Stout 219 Waterville Street Raleigh NC 27603 9:30 No judging points given Coffee and doughnuts, Onsite registration (with late fee) Engine and transmission installation 10:00 – it’s in One of the benefits of belonging to a chapter is the knowledge and assistance gained when doing a project on one's own car. On May 30, the Carolinas Chapter will meet at Peter Stout's home to help him re-install the completely rebuilt 350/350 engine in his 1969 coupe. All skill levels from novices and observers to gearheads are welcome to help. Haven’t installed a motor before? Come enjoy some food and beverages and partake in the process. Do you do this on a nightly basis? Come impart your knowledge! MAIL REGISTRATION FORM BY MAY 9 PRINT PLAINLY Name _________________________________________________________________ NCRS # _______________ Number in family for lunch ______ Address____________________________________________ City___________________ ST ____ ZIP________ Phone ________________________ Email ____________________________________________________ Registration (family) (includes lunch) Late Registration Fee (after May 9) Non-NCRS guest includes lunch 15.00 15.00 10.00 _______ ____ x 10.00 _______ Guest(s) name(s) ___________________________________________________________________ Total Enclosed _______ NO REFUNDS AFTER MAY 9 Make check to CCNCRS and mail with registration to Peter Stout 219 Waterville Street Raleigh NC 27603 For questions about sessions, contact Fred Jenkins [email protected] or 252.268.9624 I AGREE to insure my vehicle and property against loss, damage and liability and to provide proof of such insurance to NCRS at time of registration. I AGREE to assume risk of any and all damages or injury and to indemnify and hold harmless NCRS, it’s officers, directors, agents, employees, chapters and event workers for any acts or omissions which may result in the theft, damage or destruction of my property or injury to me or others occurring during or as a consequence of this event, wherever located. I AGREE to abide by the NCRS Policy on Drugs and Alcohol (revised 2006). The use of illegal drugs is prohibited by anyone attending any NCRS events. The use of alcohol is prohibited by anyone participating in any NCRS event while on the judging field, participating in driving tests and/or road tours, etc. except during social events. . SIGNATURE___________________________________________ 11 DATE ________________________ March-April 2015 The Redline Times April 23-25, 2015 Register online at Name _______________________________________________ NCRS # ________ Phone____________________ Spouse/Companion/Children (if attending the meet) ________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ City_____________________ ST/ZIP _____________ Email __________________________________________ Chapter(s) affiliation ______________________________ Names of Non-NCRS Guests __________________________________________________________________________ Registration (per family) 60.00 ______ Late registration (postmarked after Mar.21) 30.00 ______ NO CARS & NO REFUNDS AFTER March 21 Non-NCRS Guest ____ x 25.00 ______ Awards banquet (adult) ____ x 65.00 ______ ___ salmon Ladies luncheon/fashion show ____ x 35.00 ______ ___ club sandwich Event tee shirt ___ filet mignon ___ grilled chicken salad (indicate quantity in blank) 25.00 ______ M ____ L ____ XL _____ 2X ____ 3X ___ Event polo shirt (indicate quantity in blank) 45.00 ______ M ____ L ____ XL _____ 2X ____ 3X ___ Flight Judging 70.00 ______ Performance Verification 70.00 ______ Enclose proof of Flight award in past three years Founders operations check 20.00 ______ Enclose proof of Flight award in past three years Sportsman display 20.00 ______ Check here for Bowtie, Crossed Flags, Heritage sign-off Display at no charge: Bowtie, Crossed Flags, Duntov, McLellan, Hill, Heritage, Challenge Trailer parking (no trailers allowed at hotel) 30.00 ______ Secure overnight Corvette parking at hotel 35.00 ______ Track laps on speedway 40.00 ______ 15.00 ______ Fee to mail award (if not attending banquet) (circle award and give car info below) Corvettes only; no registered cars except Sportsman Total Enclosed _______ Thursday evening Hendrick Motorsports will host a special event which includes dinner and tours of the Heritage Museum and a race shop. Admission is a minimum donation of $25 per person to the Hendrick Marrow Foundation and is tax deductible. This must be paid separately from your registration total above. Limited to 300 people Enclose a separate check payable to Hendrick Marrow Program Car Information Year __________ ______ Make copies if registering more than one. Body Style _________ Paint Code ________ Number of tickets VIN _________________________________ HP _______ Build date ____________ Trim Code _____ Trim Color ___________________ Body Number (for 1963-67) ___________ Exterior Color____________________ Interior Material_________________ Insurance Company ________________________ Policy #_______________________ Exp. Date ________ A copy of current liability insurance card or policy or current registration card (or title) for all registered cars must be submitted with this form. Original documents must be presented when checking in at the event. I would like to judge: 1st Ch: Yrs. ______ Tee shirt size ________ (Name) Sect ______ 2nd Ch: Yrs.____ Sect ____ Judg. Level ______ I would like to be an observer judge ________ (indicate preferences above) ___________________ would like to tabulate. Tabulating Level_______ Tee shirt size ________ WAIVER LIABILITY I AGREE to insure my vehicle and property against loss, damage and liability and to provide proof of such insurance to NCRS at time of registration. I AGREE to assume risk of any and all damages or injury and to indemnify and hold harmless NCRS, it’s officers, directors, agents, employees, chapters and event workers for any acts or omissions which may result in the theft, damage or destruction of my property or injury to me or others occurring during or as a consequence of this event, wherever located. I AGREE to abide by the NCRS Policy on Drugs and Alcohol (revised 2006). The use of illegal drugs is prohibited by anyone attending any NCRS events. The use of alcohol is prohibited by anyone participating in any NCRS event while on the judging field, participating in driving tests and/or road tours, etc. except during social events. SIGNATURE ___________ _ ___________________ 12 DATE ______________ March-April 2015 The Redline Times HOTEL INFORMATION Embassy Suites 5400 John Q Hammons Drive NW Concord NC 28027 704.455.8200 Group rate of $159 ends March 22 Code CRS Book online at Courtyard by Marriott 7201 Scott Padgett Pkway Concord NC 28027 (across street from Embassy) 704.453.2600 $129 rate ends March 25 Code NCRS Book online at TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS UPDATED (subject to change) Thursday, April 23 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Registration opens in NASCAR Xfinity garage PVs and Founders ops by appointment Please contact your National Team Leader to schedule an appointment. Operations check before entering NASCAR Xfinity garage All cars must be checked in, processed and in place Judging school at Embassy Suites Garage closes and security begins Dinner and tours at Hendrick Motorsports Secure parking at the Embassy Suites 9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 –10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m. Friday, April 24 8:00 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 12:00 – 2:00 Garage opens Judges’ meeting NASCAR Xfinity garage Owners’ meeting NASCAR Xfinity garage Observer Judges’ meeting NASCAR Xfinity garage Flight judging begins for (will list years when known) Advanced judging seminar (with lunch break) Both sessions required for credit Ladies’ luncheon/ fashion show/ great door prizes Talbots will be presenting a spring fashion show and great door prizes with a charge for lunch. Garage closes and security begins Track laps for Corvettes on the speedway (no registered Flight or PV cars allowed) Speedway Club available for dinner--reservations on your own 704-455-3216 Secure parking at the Embassy Suites . 5:00 p.m. 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m. Saturday, April 25 8:00 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 10:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m. Garage opens Judges’ meeting NASCAR Xfinity garage Owners’ meeting NASCAR Xfinity garage Observer Judges’ meeting NASCAR Xfinity garage Flight judging begins for (will list years when known) Advanced judging seminar (with lunch break) Both sessions required for credit Garage closes and security begins Awards banquet Embassy Suites Presentation of awards Secure parking at the Embassy Suites Sunday, April 26 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Secure parking at Embassy Suites ends All cars must be removed from the speedway All registered cars must be checked in and parked by 4:00 on Thursday and remain in place until the completion of judging on Saturday afternoon when released by the judging chair. Meet information Duane Ravenberg [email protected] 336.880.5343 Judging information Fred Jenkins [email protected] 252.268.9624 Volunteers Bob Condrey [email protected] 229.561.0350 1) complete registration form 2) make check payable to CCNCRS for total registration amount 3) make separate check to Hendrick Marrow Program if applicable 4) mail all to Toni Sams 554 McCrary Road Molena GA 30258 Direct questions re: registration to [email protected] or 706.647.2435 or register online at 13 March-April 2015 The Redline Times Chapter members may run one free personal ad 2” x 3” per issue. Include your NCRS number along with contact information. Commercial rates: $10 business card, $20 one-quarter page, $30 half page, $40 entire page Ads will not be carried over, but must be re-submitted for each issue. Ads will not be disseminated by special email between issues. Items for Sale Cars for Sale Hendrick Performance features rare, classic, and high-performance cars that exceed the expectations of the world’s most passionate automotive enthusiasts and collectors. View current inventory at or call 888.641.0942 Various new and used OEM, NOS and reproduction C2 parts and accessories. Complete list & prices on chapter website Price reductions on some Shipping not included in price. Bob Sundeen #34588 [email protected] 828.693.8551 C4 battery cut-off switch, bronze guillotine-style, like new condition, fits all C4s with side-mount terminals, $25 shipped. 1984-91 Corvette ignition coil and seal kit, $22 shipped. Pete Mihaltian #47240 704.542.8562 2014 Z51 coupe, 3LT preferred equipment group, magnetic selective ride suspension, NPP performance exhaust, MXO 6-speed paddle shift transmission, Crystal Red exterior with carbon flash stinger hood stripe, Z51 black aluminum 19” & 20” wheels, black napa leather interior, 985 rain-free miles, complete documentation from order to delivery. $63,750 Dale Holden #2181 803.788.3355 or [email protected] th 1993 40 Anniversary Ruby Red convertible, 26,600 miles, exc cond, 5.7/300 HP, 6-sp MT, Ruby Red leather 6-way pwr seats, tilt strg wheel, soft ride selective ride and handling suspension, Delco/Bose stereo, pwr windows and locks, cold AC. One of only 137 with two-top option and 6speed MT; includes matching color front bra and mirror covers. $20,000 or make an offer. Four OEM P255/60/R15 Goodyear GT radials, 1.5" outline white letters, matched set coded MJUT250168, 9/32" tread (not for highway use). These were original 1978 Indy Pace car and ’78-’79 option QBS. $500 OBO. Four 1978-79 YJB slotted aluminum OEM wheels $400 OBO. Shipping extra. Photos available. Tony Caracciolo #2009 910.371.2375 [email protected] 1974 original spare Goodyear Steelgard raised white-letter tire and wheel, never on road, $300. Complete original 1974 ignition and spark plug shielding $350. Four 1980-82 replacement wheels, like new $500. Tom Lombardo #22194 704-845-0947 home, 978-423-8567 cell 1971 Corvette NOS left and right grille assemblies, PN 5964683 and 5964684. I purchased them in 1985 from a Chevy dealer in Greer, SC, and they have been stored ever since. They have only been out of the boxes 3 or 4 times and never installed. $1200.00 for the pair. I will not separate. Dennis Hamann #44500 704-572-0744 or [email protected] NOS 1953-55 6V headlight bulbs guide, metal backed, 1957 NOS headlight bulb, 1967 complete black shoulder harness set, RB12 Trico refills w/ dots and end caps, 1961 voltage regulator dated (0M) $200, F70 x 15 original tires, whitewall and redline. Jim Gregg #2756 [email protected] So that they can plan for 2016, give the Florida Chapter feedback on its new location of the winter meet at [email protected] 14 March-April 2015 The Redline Times Wanted Hendrick Performance is looking to purchase NCRS Flight-judged C1, C2, and C3 Corvettes We are also looking for late-model, low-mileage Z06s and convertibles. Contact Dale Ledbetter 704.226.8431 for more information. To All Classic Car Lovers Motorama Classic Cars was founded in 2005 for the love of classic cars. The business started with a few cars to show and restore and has grown into a reputable classic car dealership and restoration shop. Our technicians have many years of experience in working with classic cars, from the smallest oil change to a full award winning frame-off restoration. We work on all types of classics. Let us make your Classic Car a masterpiece. Give Brian Sistar a call at 704-226-9400. Chapter Tee Shirts Carolinas Chapter tee shirts with a new design are now available in a 100% cotton basic crewneck tee with a front pocket on the left. The chapter logo will be screen printed in full color on the pocket and the back. At this time, the only available color is medium gray as pictured. The chapter is working on more color options, polo shirts and jackets with embroidered logos, and ladies’ styles. Contact Alan Beaver if you have suggestions. Men’s sizes Small – X Large $20 2X and 3X $23 Name ____________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ Phone _________________________________ Quantity Description Size Make check to CCNCRS and mail to Carolinas Chapter NCRS Alan Beaver 1104 South Highland Ave Landis NC 28088 State _______ Apt. _________ ZIP ____________ email _________________________ Color Item Price Orders can also be picked up at a chapter event if ordered at least ten days in advance Total Price Merchandise total Shipping (if applicable) Total amount enclosed 15 if there is a question 5.00 March-April 2015 The Redline Times 2015 Membership Now Stands at 138 Peter Stout, Membership Manager After a long renewal period, the chapter membership has settled in at 138 members. Several members have been removed after repeated contacts regarding dues. We start the new year by welcoming our newest members: Jamie and Paula Bulman (welcome back) and their restoration ’65, Bobby and Barb Marotta and their unforgettable ’73, and Gene Jones and his Silver Anniversary ’78. Welcome aboard, all. A 2015 roster will be sent to all members by the end of this week. Name _______________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ NCRS # ______________ City __________________________ State _____ Zip ______ Email ___________________________________________ Home Phone (_______)_____________ Cell (_______)_________________ Spouse or significant other _______________________________ Work (_______)__________________ Email _______________________________ Name(s) as you would like it to appear on your name badge, if different from above: ___________________________________________ Corvette(s) currently owned: Year Model │ │ Color Year Model Color │ Would you be willing to help with any of the following? ______Judging ______Tabulating ______Newsletter ______Photography ______Event planning List any talents or abilities that you may have that would contribute to the success of the chapter. Chapter dues 15 per family Amount paid (check one) Payable with application and renewable each December 31. ______$15 for 1 year _______$30 for 2 years _________$45 for 3 years Make checks to CCNCRS and mail with this form to: Peter Stout 219 Waterville Street OR PAY ONLINE at Raleigh NC 27603 I hereby state that I am a member in good standing with NCRS Inc. and that I agree to abide by the NCRS and Carolinas Chapter bylaws. Signature __________________________________________________ For new members only: The Corvette Restorer Date _______________________ Circle how you heard about the Carolinas Chapter: NCRS website Chapter website Friend Other car event Chapter invitation letter Other_____________________ 16 The Driveline
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