THE NORTHERN COUNTIES SBTC HANDLING CLASS st Every 1 Tuesday in the month Every 1st Tuesday in the month Starting from 3rd February 2015, 7:30pm @ Hemsworth Miners Welfare social Club @ Hemsworth Miners Welfare Social Club Wentworth Terrace, Fitzwilliam, Pontefract, WF9 5AA Wentworth Terrace, Fitzwilliam, Pontefract, WF9 5AA £1.00 per person, £0.50 per dog £1.00 per person, £0.50 per dog Licensed Bar and Raffle Licenced Bar and Raffle vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv v 1943 2015 v NORTHERN COUNTIES v STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER CLUB v v Life Vice Presidents: Mrs C J H Lee, Major J G Turner M.B.E. & Mr I Keyes v v President: Mr B Owen Chairman: Mr P Naylor v v v Y PRIZ E N v EM MO ON O ONEY v RIZE FFER P FFER v ON O v v v 1943 v v v v Schedule of Unbenched 20 Class v v SINGLE BREED OPEN SHOW v (To be held under Kennel Club Limited Rules & Regulations) v At Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall, Leeds Road, v Selby, N Yorks. YO8 9PA v On Sunday 14 June 2015 v v Show opens 10.00am (DOGS FIRST IN RING) Judging 11.00am v v JUDGE v v v MR FRANK KANE v v v GUARANTORS TO THE KENNEL CLUB v Chairman: Mr P Naylor, 44 West Crayke, Bridlington YO166XW v Secretary: MrsK Waltham, 2 Dringshaw, Orchard Park, Hull, HU6 9DA. Tel: 01482 807712 v Treasurer: Mrs W Southworth, 7 Glendale Cres, Lostock Hall, Preston, PR5 5YA. Tel: 01772 627445 v Entries and fees to the Show Secretary:- Mrs J Marachowska, v v 47 Tombridge Cres, Kinsley, Pontefract, WF9 5HB v Tel: 01977 610997 Mobile: 07830 880070 EMail: [email protected] (on no account will entries be accepted late or without fees) v v VETERINARY SURGEONS ON CALL: Holmefield Veterinary Clinic, v Brayton Lane , Brayton, Selby, N Yorks YO8 9DZ v v ENTRIES CLOSE: Monday 25 May 2015 (Postmark) v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv th Our Handling Class is designed to teach you everything there is to know about the world of dog shows. Equipment, attitude, timing, how to move, KC Breed Standard and more are covered at every class. In addition, you will learn how to prepare for a show ʹ what to expect in the ring, etiquette, faux pas, how to stack your dog, show culture, etc. :ŽŝŶƵƐĂŶĚŵĂŬĞLJŽƵƌĚŽŐ͛ƐƐŚŽǁĐĂƌĞĞƌĂĨƵŶĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ͊ CONTACT: Chris Lister t: 0113 3807579 The Judge at this show agree to abide by the following statement: ìIn assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider would be detrimental to the soundness, health and well being of the dog.î th A DOG DOCKED ON OR AFTER 6th APRIL 2007 MAY NOT BE ENTERED FOR EXHIBITION AT THIS SHOW 3 ! Show Information F ENTRY FEES: £5.00 Per Dog - £1.00 per additional class with same dog VETERAN CLASSES - FREE £2.50 - Not For Competition (Entries only accepted for Staffordshire Bull Terriers - must be over 4 calendar months of age.) Details to be given on entry form CHEQUES ETC TO BE MADE PAYABLE TO NORTHERN COUNTIES STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER CLUB NO CASH WITH ENTRIES - as there is no proof of posting should it get lost. ON NO ACCOUNT WILL ENTRIES BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT THE CORRECT FEES. MEMBERSHIP: Single £5.00: Joint £6.00: Overseas: Single £10.00: Joint £12.00 plus £1.00 for any additional Members of the Partnership New/Renew members please fill in the enclosed Membership Form and post with entries. N.C.S.B.T.C. ROSETTES FOR: N.C.S.B.T.C. 1943 First to Fifth in every Class 1943 Best Dog : Reserve Best Dog Best Bitch : Reserve Best Bitch Best Puppy Dog : Best Puppy Bitch Best in Show : Reserve Best in Show : Best Opposite Sex Best Puppy in Show and Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Show PRIZE CARDS: First to Fifth in every Class PRIZE MONEY: £20.00 Best Dog, £10.00 Best Opposite Sex & £10.00 Best Puppy in Show ADVERTS: Full page £10.00 - Photo £5.00 Extra CLUB SHOP: The Northern Counties Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club Shop will be at the Show REFRESHMENTS: Committee members will be serving refreshments throughout the day. 1 CLASSIFICATION TROPHIES ~ JUDGE ~ The following are offered for competition and may be held until the next Open Show Mr FRANK KANE DOG CLASSES 1. MINOR PUPPY 2. PUPPY 3. JUNIOR 4. MAIDEN 5. NOVICE 6. GRADUATE 7. POST GRADUATE 8. LIMIT 9. OPEN 10. VETERAN BITCH CLASSES 11. MINOR PUPPY 12. PUPPY 13. JUNIOR 14. MAIDEN 15. NOVICE 16. GRADUATE 17. POST GRADUATE 18. LIMIT 19. OPEN 20. VETERAN Best in Show will be judged after class 20 Followed by Best Puppy in Show Your Judge - Mr FRANK KANE Frank Kane started showing his first dog as a school boy and has been involved in the dog world ever since. His first involvement was with Cocker Spaniels but whilst still at university he made up two Sealyham Terriers in partnership. After university he established his foundation stock for American Cocker Spaniels and 13 UK champions and 3 group winners were produced along with other champions abroad. He first awarded Challenge Certificates in 1974 and now is approved to award CCs in 110 breeds and judges all Groups and Best in Show at Championship level. He judged Best in Show at Crufts 2012. NAME OF CUP CHWAWOCAN BENITA CUP CH JUDAEL VESTA JAY OF LINESTAFF SHIELD TORLINE TROPHY BENEXT GOBLET SPARSTAFF TROPHY AWARDED FOR: Best in Show Reserve Best in Show Best Opposite Sex Best Puppy Best Opposite Sex Puppy IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL EXHIBITORS: Clear up dog mess! You are required under Kennel Club Rules to clear up any fouling done by dog/s in your charge within the environs of the Show. Exhibitors are reminded that if they bring children to the Show they have a responsibility to keep them under control. Please DO NOT exercise your dogs outside the area provided. THANK YOU Exhibitors are reminded that if they bring children to the Show they have a responsibility to keep them under control. Please ensure that the venue is not damaged and the enjoyment of the Show by fellow exhibitors is not compromised by the bad behaviour of your children. CAGES / CRATES The Kennel Club requests that all dogs in soft cages are NOT left unattended at any time, for safety reasons and that all cages/crates are correctly and clearly labeled with exhibitors contact information or ring number. F DIRECTIONS TO VENUE F F THORPE WILLOUGHBY VILLAGE HALL The author of three books and a frequent contributor to the canine press, Frank is also a part of the television commentary team at Crufts. FROM M62: At junction 34 exit onto the A19 (York/Selby). Continue on the A19 until the A63 - signpost Leeds. Follow the A63 to the second roundabout at the end of the by6-pass where Thorpe Willoughby is signposted (A1238). The Village Hall is about º mile on the right. FROM A1(M): Take the A63 (Selby) junction and continue towards Selby through Monk Fryston and Hambleton. At the roundabout, Thorpe Willoughby is signposted (A1238). The Village Hall is about º mile on the right. 2 3 Frank was one of the instigators of lectures on Conformation and Movement and is a KC accredited trainer. He is Chairman of the Breed Standards Committee at the kennel Club and is a member of the General Committee and Chairman of one of the Dog Health Committees. DEFINITIONS OF CLASSES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. In the following definitions, a Challenge Certificate includes any Show award that counts towards the title of Champion under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club Wins at Championship Shows in Breed classes where Challenge certificates are not on offer shall be counted as wins at Open Shows. In the case of a dog owned in partnership and entered in Members classes or competing for Members Specials, each partner of such partnership must at the time of entry be a Member of this Society. In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to & including the seventh day before the date of closing of entries shall be counted when entering for any class. ie. 18th May 2015 Wins in variety class do not count for entry in breed classes, but when entering in variety classes wins in both breed & variety classes must be counted. A first prize does not include a Special prize of whatever value. Exemptions from this regulation are: 1) A puppy, unless a class for dogs under 12 months of age for which it is eligible is provided. 2) A dog in any Variety Field Trial class 3) A dog in Any Variety Veteran class. 4) As provided in Kennel Club Definitions of Class. 5) A dog which is withdrawn from exhibition in breed classes as a result of the appointment of an emergency judge. 6) A dog in Good Citizen Dog Scheme Classes 7) Exhibits bred by the scheduled breed judge. If an exhibitor reports before the judging of a class or classes that a dog has been entered which is ineligible, the exhibitor may choose one of the following options: Withdrawal - the dog may be withdrawn from competition subject to the conditions of Regulations 9(j) & 20. Transfer - a) If a dog is ineligible for a class or classes as regards its colour, sex, weight or height the Show Secretary shall transfer it to the equivalent class or classes for the correct, colour, sex, weight or height and, in the event of there being no equivalent class, Minor Puppy & Puppy excepted to the Open class for the correct, colour, sex, weight or height. b) If an exhibit entered incorrectly in a Minor Puppy class, Puppy class or Junior class, which is over age but under 12 calendar months of age, 18 calendar months of age or 24 calendar months of age respectively, the Show Secretary shall transfer the exhibit to the Puppy class, Junior class or Yearling class respectively for the correct, colour, sex, weight or height and in the event of there being no Puppy, Junior or Yearling, to the Open class for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height. c) For any reason other than above, the Show Secretary shall transfer it to the Open class for the correct colour, sex, weight or height. d) If an exhibit arrives late & misses a class, even if it is the only class in which the dog is entered, the dog may NOT be transferred to any other class. MINOR PUPPY: PUPPY: JUNIOR: MAIDEN: NOVICE: GRADUATE: For dogs of six and not exceeding nine calendar months of age on the first day of the Show. For dogs of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the first day of the Show. For dogs of six and not exceeding eighteen calendar months of age on the first day of the Show. For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or a First prize at an Open or Championship Show (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy Classes excepted whether restricted or not). . For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or three or more first prizes at Open and Championship Shows (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy & Special Puppy classes excepted whether restricted or not) For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or four or more first prizes at Championship Shows in Graduate, Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit or Open classes, whether restricted or not, where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed. POST GRADUATE: For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificates or five or more First prizes at Championship Shows in Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit Limit & Open classes whether restricted or not where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed. 4 LIMIT: OPEN: For dogs which have not become show Champions under the Kennel Club Regulations or under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club or won seven or more First prizes in all at Championship Shows in Limit or Open Classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or not, at Shows where Challenge certificates were offered for the breed. For all dogs of the breeds for which the class is provided & eligible for entry at the Show. VETERAN: For dogs of not less than seven years on the first day of the Show. NOT FOR COMPETITION: Entries will be accepted of Staffordshire Bull Terriers over 4 months old on the day of the Show. Details of each dog so entered must be recorded on the entry form and must be KC registered. SHOW RULES & REGUL ATIONS REGULA 1. OPENING OF SHOW: The Show will open at 10.00am 2. ARRIVAL OF DOGS: Dogs will be received at any time but it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that exhibits are available for judging when required. 3. JUDGING TIME: Judging will commence at 11.00am. 4. REMOVAL OF DOGS: Exhibits may be removed from the Show after their judging has been completed. The Show will close half an hour after all judging has been completed. 5. COOKING STOVES: The use of cooking stoves is forbidden except as authorised by the Show Management. 6. ENTRY FEES: £5.00 per dog,£1.00 all subsequent entries with the same dog. Veteran classes - FREE, NFC £2.50 per dog 7. PRIZE MONEY: £20.00 to Best Dog, £10.00Best Opposite Sex & £10.00 Best Puppy Bitch. 8. REFUSAL OF ENTRIES: The Committee reserves to itself the right to refuse entries. 9. PUPPIES: Puppies under six calendar months of age on the first day of the Show are not eligible for exhibition. 10. MATING OF BITCHES: The mating of bitches within the precincts of the Show is forbidden. 11. BEST PUPPY IN SHOW (if Scheduled): From 1st January 2015, and for a period of two years the Kennel Club Show Regulations which stipulate that dogs must be entered & exhibited in a breed class before exhibiting in an Any Variety Class/Stakes Class and that only unbeaten dogs are eligible to compete in the group or best in competitions are suspended. a) Where a Best Puppy in Show competition is scheduled the Best Puppy in Show is a puppy which has competed and is unbeaten by any other puppy exhibited at the same show. A Puppy is a dog of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the first day of the show. Where the Best in Show is a puppy it will also automatically be Best Puppy in Show. Similarly, if the Reserve Best in Show is a puppy which has only been beaten by an adult dog it will also automatically be Best Puppy in Show. Consequently, selection of Best Puppy in Show must follow the selection of Best in Show. Best Puppy in Show must be selected from puppies which have been judged and which are unbeaten by any other puppy. b) WITHDRAWAL FROM OTHER COMPETITION: Puppies which become eligible for Best Puppy in Show may be withdrawn from all other competition, other than Breed classes prior to the competition for Best Puppy in Show as appropriate, in order to remain unbeaten. A puppy beaten in competition for Best Puppy in Show may subsequently be exhibited in all competition for which it was previously eligible. The dog declared Best Puppy in Show, however, must not compete in any subsequent competition. c) PROVISO : For the purpose of the Regulation, dogs beaten in competition for Stud Dog, Brood Bicth, Progeny, Brace and Team or a Special Sward confined to a single breed will not be considered to be a beaten dog. 12. BEST IN SHOW: From 1st January 2015, and for a period of two years the Kennel Club Show Regulations which stipulate that dogs must be entered & exhibited in a breed class before exhibiting in an Any Variety Class/Stakes Class and that only unbeaten dogs are eligible to compete in the group or best in competitions are suspended. a) The dog declared Best in Show is a dog which has competed & is unbeaten by any other dog exhibited at the same Show. Best in Show must be selected from the exhibits declared Best of Sex providing they are unbeaten winning dogs. Reserve Best in Show must be selected from the Best Opposite Sex and the Reserve Best of Sex to the exhibit declared Best in Show. The dogs declared Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show must not compete in any subsequent competition. 5 SHOW RULES & REGULATIONS Con'd b) WITHDRAWAL FROM OTHER COMPETITION: Dogs which become eligible for Best in Show maybe withdrawn from all other competition, other than breed classes prior to the competition for Best in Show as appropriate in order to remain unbeaten. A dog beaten in competition for Best in Show may subsequently be exhibited in all competition for which it was previously eligible. The dogs declared Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show however, must not compete in any subsequent competition PROVISO: For the Purpose of this Regulation, dogs beaten in competition for Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Progeny, Brace & Team or a Special Award confined to one breed, will not be considered to be beaten dogs. 13. Exhibits will not be admitted to Best in Show competition after a period of 10 minutes has elapsed since the announcement that exhibits are required for judging, unless they have been unavoidably delayed by previous judging not being completed on time, and then only with the special permission of the Show Management. 14. REGULATIONS: No modifications will be made to this schedule except by permission of the General Committee of the Kennel Club, which will be followed by advertisement in the canine press wherever possible. 15. PREPARATION FOR EXHIBITION: All exhibitors must be familiar with Kennel Club Regulation F Annex B - Regulations for the Preparation of Dogs for Exhibition. 16. OVERSEAS EXHIBITS: All dogs resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the show/event can be made. All overseas entries without an Authority to Compete number will be returned to the exhibitor/competitor. 17. Your dog is vulnerable and at risk during hot weather and the Kennel Club offers the following guidance to help guide you through the doís and doníts travelling to and whilst at KC licensed events. 1) When travelling to a show please take a moment to consider whether the route to the show is on a busy holiday route, and leave earlier to avoid increased time in traffic jams. 2) If your vehicle is not air-conditioned seriously consider whether travelling to the show is a good idea at all. 3) The vehicle should be as fully ventilated as possible, and plenty of stops should be taken, with lots of water available to drink. 4) Ensure your dog is not sitting in full sunlight. There should be plenty of free flowing air around the dog. 5) When at the show, never leave your dog in the vehicle. 6) Keep the dog in the shade - take your own shade for example a large umbrella and always have plenty of water available to drink so you dog stays well hydrated. 7) Avoid your dog taking part in unnecessary exertion, or from standing in exposed sunlight for extended lengths of time. Remember, if you feel hot your dog is very likely to feel much hotter and dehydrated, and this could lead to dire results. Please look after your dogís welfare.WARNING: IF YOUR DOG IS FOUND TO BE AT RISK FORCIBLE ENTRY TO YOUR VEHICLE MAY BE NECESSARY WITHOUT LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED. Anyone whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should not put a dogís health and welfare at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise. Breach of Kennel Club Regulations in this respect may be referred to the General Committee for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. RIGHT TO REFUSE ENTRIES: Exhibitors/competitors are reminded that SHow Societies have the right under KC regulations to refuse any entry. 18. NOT FOR COMPETITION: Not For Competition entries will be accepted. Details of each dog entered must be recorded on the entry form and must be Kennel Club registered. 19. DOG FOULING/GROOMING WASTE: Any owner, exhibitor, handler or any person in charge of a dog is requested to remove immediately any fouling caused by their dog/s and also any grooming waste at any Kennel Club Licensed Show within the licensed venue and within the environs of that event including car and caravan parks and approaches. Adequate receptacles for the disposal of such fouling will be provided. 20. EXHIBITION OF DOGS: a) No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog at any time whilst at the licensed venue including its environs, car park and caravan parks and approaches. b) The owner, exhibitor, handler or other person in charge of a dog at Kennel Club events must at all times ensure that the dog is kept under proper control whilst at the licensed venue, including its environs, car & caravan parks & approaches.. 6 NORTHERN COUNTIES STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER CLUB APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP FORM Tick Box if renewing membership RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO Membership Secretary, Mrs J Marachowska 47 Tombridge Cres, Kinsley, Pontefract WF9 5HB. Tel: 01977 610997/07830 880070 Email: [email protected] Tick Box if new member RETURN COMPLETED FORM WITH ENTRIES Name/s Address Post Code Tel No: I/WE WISH TO JOIN THE ABOVE NAMED CLUB AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE PRESENT CLUB RULES AND REGULATIONS. I/WE ENCLOSE THE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION OF £5.00 SINGLE OR £6.00 JOINT. OVERSEAS MEMBERSHIP OF £10.00 SINGLE OR £12.00 JOINT PLUS £1.00 FOR ANY ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE PARTNERSHIP. (PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES ETC. PAYABLE TO N.C.S.B.T.) Date Signature of all applicants Proposed by (Name & Signature) Seconded by (Name & Signature) * APPLICANTS MUST ENDEAVOUR TO OBTAIN SIGNATURES OF TWO CURRENT MEMBERS OF THE CLUB WHEREVER POSSIBLE FOR CLUB USE: DATE APPROVED BY COMMITTEE REC NO DATE PROCESSED BY TREASURER R.V. No 7 Date for your Diary Championship Show Due to K ennel Club rrota ota tion, the ne xt Kennel otation, next Championship Show will be on Sunday 19 th September 2015 Dog Judge : Mr Peter Naylor Bitch Judge : Mrs Lesley McFadyen BIS Judge : Mr Neill Evans Please see website for details VISIT OUR WEB SITE: @ REFRESHMENTS: Committee members will be serving refreshments throughout the day. 8 REGULATIONS FOR THE PREPARATIONOF DOGS FOR EXHIBITION F (B) 1. These regulations must be observed when a dog is prepared for exhibition and/or exhibited at any Kennel Club Licensed event. Objections may be referred to the General Committee for disciplinary action under these show regulations and/or for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rule A42.(a) A dog found to have been exhibited in breach of these regulations will automatically be disqualified from exhibition at the show and from any award gained there. (b) Unless the exhibitor provides a satisfactory explanation for the dog being exhibited in breach of these regulations, he/she may be subject to further penalties of either a fine or as listed under rule A42. 2. (a) No substance which alters the natural colour, texture or body of the coat may be present in the dog's coat for any purpose at any time during the show. No substance which alters the natural colour of any external part of the dog may be present on the dog for any purpose at any time during the show. (b) Any other substance (other than water) which may be used in the preparation of a dog for exhibition must not be allowed to remain in the coat or on any other part of the dog at the time of exhibition. 3. No act or operation which alters the natural conformation of a dog or any part thereof may be performed except: (a) Operations certified to the satisfaction of the General Committee. (b) The removal of dewclaws of any breed (c) Operations to prevent breeding provided such operations are notified to the Kennel Club before neutered dogs are shown. Nor must anything be done calculated to in the opinion of the General Committee to deceive. 4. The General Committee without previous notice may order an examination of any dog or dogs at any Show. Any examination thus ordered will be made by a person having executive authority who shall have a written directive from the Kennel Club in their possession. Samples may be taken for further examination & analysis. 5. An individual has the right to lodge an objection to a dog only if he/she is the owner or handler of a dog competing in the same breed or class. An objection may, however, be lodged by any official of the Show or by anyone so deputed by the Kennel Club. It will be the responsibility of the individual who lodges the objection or the official (as appropriate), to substantiate the grounds for the objection. The Kennel Club will substantiate the grounds for an objection made on its behalf. ~ Dogs in Cars on Hot Days ~ Your dog is vulnerable and AT RISK if left in a vehicle in high temperatures and even on days considered as slightly warm. Please take care of your dog. If your dog is found to be at risk forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused. 6. Any objection by an individual related to an infringement of these regulations must be made in writing to the Show Secretary at his/her office before the close of the Show & the individual must produce evidence of identity at the time of lodging the complaint. The Officers & Committee of the Northern Counties Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club do not accept responsibility for any products advertised or sold by Stall Holders and/or Trade Stands at this Show. Exhibitors are reminded that products on sale by Trade Stands for the preparation & grooming of dogs may not meet the requirements for the Regulations for the Preparation of Dogs for Exhibition. Schedule Compiled & Printed by: - Canine Information Directory Tel: 07860 598 379 Fax: 01527 471656 E-mail: [email protected] ENTRY FEES: NORTHERN COUNTIES ST AFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER CLUB STAFFORDSHIRE 20 CLASS OPEN SHOW (UNBENCHED) (Held under Kennel Club Limited Rules & Regulations) On Sunday 14 June 2015 At Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall, Leeds Road, Nr Selby, N Yorks. YO8 9PA th 1943 INSTRUCTIONS This form must be used by one person only (or partnership). Writing MUST BE IN INK OR INDELIBLE PENCIL. Use one line only for each dog. The name of the dog and all the details as recorded with The Kennel Club must be given on this entry form. If an error is made the dog may be disqualified by the General Committee of The Kennel Club. All dogs must be REGISTERED at The Kennel Club in the name of the exhibitor. If the registration or transfer of ownership has not been confirmed it must be applied for before the closing date of entries. In case of dispute proof of postage of such applications may be required by The Kennel Club. Puppies under 6 months of age on the first day of the Show cannot be entered for competition. On no account will entries be accepted without fees. If a dog is in the process of Registration or Transfer at the time entry is made, add the letters NAF or TAF as appropriate after itís name. Please put classes in numerical order and USE BLOCK CAPITALS throughout when completing this entry form. The Kennel Club Authority to Compete number (for dogs registered and resident outside the UK) must be stated or the entry will be returned. PLEASE CHECK ALL DETAILS BEFORE POSTING. REGISTERED NAME OF DOG (Followed by *ATC No if applicable) (*Kennel Club ATC No.) (*Kennel Club ATC No.) (*Kennel Club ATC No.) (*Kennel Club ATC No.) Staffordshire Bull Terrier BREED A DOG DOCKED ON OR AFTER 6th APRIL 2007 MAY NOT BE ENTERED FOR EXHIBITION AT THIS SHOW .......... @ £5.00 per dog .......... @ £1.00 all subsequent classes with same dog .......... Veteran Classes .......... @ £2.50 Not For Competition (Give details below) CATALOGUES: .......... Pre Paid @ £2.00; On the day £2.50 MEMBERSHIP: (For 2015) .......... @ £6.00 Joint / £5.00 Single .......... @ £12.00 Joint / £10.00 Single - OVERSEAS £1.00 each additional member or partnership ADVERTS: ........ @ £10 Full Page / £5 extra if photo to be included CLASS SPONSORSHIP: ........ @ £5 per class TOTAL ENCLOSED: NOTE: Dogs entered in breach of Kennel Club Show Regulations are liable to disqualification whether ornot the owner was aware of the breach. £ £ £ £ £ £ ENTRIES CLOSE: Monday 25 th May 2015 (Postmark) Entries and fees to the Show Secretary:- Mrs J Marachowska 47 Tombridge Cres, Kinsley, Pontefract WF9 5HB. Tel: 01977 610997/07830 880070 Email: [email protected] (on no account will entries be accepted late or without fees) BREEDER SIRE DAM Exh) Usual Signature of Owner(s)ÖÖÖÖ......................................ÖÖ..................................... Date .......................... £ Please make cheques & P.O.'s payable to Northern Counties SBT Club and NOT the Show Secretary SEX FULL DATE (if owner put DorB OF BIRTH DECLARATION: I/We agree to submit to and be bound by Kennel Club Limited Rules & Regulations in their present form or as they may be amended from time to time in relation to all canine matters with which the Kennel Club is concerned and that this entry is made upon the basis that all current single or joint registered owners of this dog(s) have authorised/consented to this entry. I/We also undertake to abide by the Regulations of this Show and not to bring to the Show any dog which has contracted or been knowingly exposed to any infectious or contagious disease during the 21 days prior to the Show, or which is suffering from a visible condition which adversely affects its health or welfare or to bring any dog which has been prepared for exhibition contrary to Kennel Club Regulations for the Preparation of Dogs for Exhibition F (Annex B). I/We agree without reservation that any Veterinary Surgeon operating on any of my/ our dogs in such a way that the operation alters the natural conformation of the dog or part thereof may report such operations to the Kennel Club. I/We declare that where any alteration has been made to the natural conformation of the dog(s) the relevant permission to show has been granted by the Kennel Club. I/We further declare that I believe to the best of my knowledge that the dogs are not liable to disqualification under Kennel Club Show Regulations. £ £ £ FREE £ Your address will appear in the Catalogue unless you tick here In the case of joint registered ownership the name of every owner must be given here NAME/S (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) ADDRESS: POST CODE: E.MAIL: TO BE ENTERED IN CLASSES NUMBERED TEL: (Please Includ STD Code) @
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