Adult Sanctioned Tournament Homepage Requirements & Suggestions (12/14) Highlighted= required Please customize the information below before adding it to your website. LIMITED DRAWS Divisions will be limited to 8,16, or 32 or draws are unlimited LIMITED EVENTS A player may enter xxx singles & xxx double xxx mxd??? SELECTION OF PLAYERS Nothing to lose so register to play. If a division in this tournament does not have sufficient entries, your credit card will not be charged the entry fee or the tennislink service/processing fee. Don’t be left out. Register now. NTRP SELF-RATING All players need to have an NTRP rating prior to playing this tournament. If you do not have a rating, you can self-rate yourself by: 1. Go to 2. Click on TennisLink under Quick Hits on the right side of the page. 3. Log in to your USTA account or CREATE an account (right side of the page in RED) if you do not currently have one. Player will need his USTA#. 4. Click on "Self Rate" under the "Find NTRP Rating Info" search box. 5. Follow the instructions and answer the questions provided. If your minimum rating allowed is higher than you anticipated, make sure to click on the link to file a self- rate appeal. JUNIOR AGE RESTRICTIONS or Adults ONLY This Adult NTRP tournament allows Juniors to play Or ADULTS (18 & over) only However, the Junior must be at least XXX years old before the start of the tournament. If you have questions about this, please contact the Tournament Director. FRIDAY PLAY OR NO FRIDAY PLAY Matches will begin as early at 5:00 PM Friday afternoon if draws dictate.. COMBO MIXED DOUBLES ELIGIBILITY Mixed Combo 5.0-9.0 doubles with the players’ combined ratings not exceeding the Combined NTRP level and with no more than One (1) point difference in players’ NTRP ratings WITHDRAWALS If you need to withdraw before entries close, you must do so online. Click on "Edit Registration," then "Withdraw." You will need your original confirmation number. All withdrawals after entries close must be sent BOTH in writing by email (to the Tournament Director's address above) and by phone to the tournament site. PLAYER AMENITIES Each player will receive a xxxx. Lunch will be provided for all players Saturday 11:00-1:00 at the main site. Guest fee will be $10.00. Bananas & Bagels are available at the tournament desk daily. FORMAT AND SCORING The format is FMLC (First Match Loser Consolation) Or Full Feed in(FIC) All matches will play a 10 point match tiebreaker for the 3rd set. A Coman Tiebreak will be played SELECTION PROCESS: The top players applying from the USTA/NC most current standings list will be selected into the draw. Selections will be posted no later than XXXX after the deadline . The names of players who have been selected will appear as “Competitors.” If you are not selected, you will be on the alternate list. Please contact the TD if you wish to be removed from the alternate list. SEEDING This tournament's seeding will be done in accordance with USTA Regulations. They will be compiled and examined by the Head Referee, Tournament Director, and members of the Tournament Committee. HOST HOTEL The XXX Hotel has King rooms for X$ per night. Ask for the ____ Tournament rate. Contact info SPONSORS Thank you to our sponsors who have made this tournament possible- XXXXXXXXXX COURT SURFACE matches will be played on hard/clay courts-indoor, combination TYPE of BALLS PLAYER’S RESPONSIBILITY It is the PLAYER'S responsibility to know their next match time and show up in a timely manner. Check website often for updated match times. PLAYERS MUST CHECK IN FOR EACH MATCH 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO SCHEDULED START TIME. USTA RULES WILL BE ENFORCED FOR LATENESS. Rain Policy Awards Addresses of off- site facilities for GPS purposes. STATE CLOSED Tournaments must also add residency requirements 1. Tournaments sanctioned in North Carolina shall be designated by the local Tournament Committee, as “closed” or “open” and entry eligibility within the age classification for any tournament, depending upon its designation, shall be as follows: a. “Closed”: Any person who is a resident of, and domiciled in, the State of North Carolina for at least thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the tournament and who during the current ranking year has not entered a closed tournament in any other USTA District (State) or any Section other than the Southern Section of USTA. The entrants for all Adult/Senior, NTRP, Wheelchair and Family State Closed tournaments must meet the following criteria: 1. Must be a US Citizen or meet the resident alien requirements. 2. Hold only one USTA membership card, residency for which must be NC. 3. Players may not play in State Closed tournaments of other states (districts) or Sections of the USTA if they play in a NC State Closed. 4. College students who live in another state or country must meet requirements #2 and #3. Please use our website at Click on “tournament directors” at the bottom of the page and then click “tournament packet” for additional rules and links. How to add these notes: In your online sanction form (administration log-in) go to the general tab & open. In the middle of the page is TOURNAMENT MESSAGES. On the bottom right side click on CREATE NEW MESSAGE. Add a title (Ex. medical release form). Now, copy & paste the above corresponding links into the link section. Add any message or not into the body. Click update when completed. To add additional notes to the existing message, click update & add. The arrows on the left move messages up & down. Be sure to click Public at the top so messages appear online. Click SAVE SANCTION FORM at the top of the page
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