Workshop MASTER CLASS IN MICRONEEDLING Wednesday April 8th, 2015 Dubai 15th Dubai World Dermatology and Laser conference and exhibition Dermal Needling is quickly becoming the skin rejuvenation modality of choice for many aware aesthetic skin care practitioners around the world. In the face of so many high profile modalities, such as lasers and other micro-injury techniques that can deliver less than optimal results, dermal needling is providing, in many cases, equal or better results with less cost and effort. In this Master Class you will learn the mechanisms of microneedling, discover its vast domains of application, the results and the opportunities this treatment offers. Dr. Lance Setterfield M.D. About the speaker: Dr. Lance Setterfield M.D. Dr Lance Setterfield M.D. is a renowned Canadian dermatologist, author of The Concise Guide to Derma Needling and a prominent expert in microneedling. In Dr Setterfield’s own words: "I really feel we need to educate people on how to do this properly before the FDA restricts its use after one too many misadventures. The other thing is that it is not just about needling. We are selling a result and needling is just a small part of a means to an end.” Dr. Gabriel Serrano Sanmiguel Workshop Content 9.00 am to 9.45 am Brief Overview of Microneedling / Introducción la micropunción Scarring / Cicatrices Detailed history, exam, diagnosis, treatment plan / Historia detallada, examen, diagnóstico y tratamiento Acne - Summary of treatment / Acné - Resumen de tratamientos 9:45 am to 10:30 am Anti-Aging and Wrinkles / Antienvejecimiento y arrugas Detailed history, exam, diagnosis, treatment plan / Historia detallada, examen, diagnóstico y tratamiento 10:30 am to 11:00 am COFFEE BREAK 11:00 am to 11:30 am Hyperpigmentation / Hiperpigmentaciones Detailed history, exam, diagnosis, treatment plan / Historia detallada, examen, diagnóstico y tratamiento 11:30 am to 12:15 pm Pitfalls & Precautions - Rosacea and Sensitive Skins / Dificultades y precauciones - Rosácea y piel sensible 12:15 pm to 13:00 pm Dermal Needling Best Practices / Buenas prácticas en micropunción cutánea Contraindications & Side Effects / Contraindicaciones y efectos secundarios 13:00 pm to 14:00 pm LUNCH / Q & A DISCUSSION 14:00 am to 14:30 pm Micropunction as a method of transannexial and transepidermic penetration / Micropunción como método de penetración transepidérmica y transanexial 14:30 pm to 15:30 pm Needling demonstration / Demostración en micropunción Q & A / Preguntas y respuestas Space is limited to 30 participants, So register now! Special offer To reserve your space contact Mediderma by phone +34 961414228 or via web. Hurry seats are limited! Registration Fee: $499 (Will be credited on your next Mediderma order). Event Details: Date: Wednesday April 8th, 2015 Dubai Hour: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Place: Hotel Novotel World Trade Centre Dubai 10% discount of to the first 5 participants to register Address: Zabeel Road 2nd, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Room: Diamond REGISTRATION FORM MASTER CLASS IN MICRONEEDLING / Wednesday April 8th, 2015 Dubai Last Name............................................................................. First Name......................................................... Company..................................................................................................................VAT................................. Address........................................................................................................................................................... City.............................................................State................................................Zip code................................ Phone........................................................ e-mail........................................................................................... Specialty.......................................................................................................................................................... REGISTRATION FEE Registration / number of attendans ....................x $499 TOTAL AMOUNT........................................... Name 1º registered.................................................................................................................................. Name 2º registered.................................................................................................................................. Name 3º registered.................................................................................................................................. Name 4º registered.................................................................................................................................. Name 5º registered.................................................................................................................................. Are you currently a Mediderma customer? YES / Customer NO / New customer METHOD OF PAYMENT Attached proof of payment to Mediderma SL in the bank account La Caixa Nº IBAN ES34 2100 2965 9602 0000 4765. SWIFT CAIXESBBXXX (Please attach the proof of payment to this registration form). Online with credit card by: INVOICING INFORMATION Company...................................................VAT........................Address............................................................ ..............................................City....................................... State............................Zip code:.......................... TERMS AND CONDITIONS A efectos de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, se le informa que los datos recabados por este formulario serán incluidos en un fichero propiedad de Mediderma, S.L., cuya finalidad es el envío de información sobre la compañía, los productos que comercializa y eventos que organice. Igualmente, se le informa de la posibilidad de ejercer los derechos de acceso, cancelación y oposición dirigiéndose por escrito al Departamento de Marketing de Mediderma, S.L., C/. Massamagrell, 3 (Polígono Industrial Rafelbuñol), 46138 Rafelbuñol-Valencia. + 34 961 414 221 80000597 Limited seats (30 attendees). No registration form will be accepted if it is not accompanied with its proof of payment. The amount of this registration form fee will be deducted on your next order to mediderma Sl (offer valid only 3 months thereafter the event). Please submit a copy of this registration form correctly filled to Mediderma Sl: FAX +34 961414 018 / [email protected]
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