ADD-A-LINE Published in Northeast Florida Since NOVEMBER 1962 Hi and I’m Cheryl Ann, Alcoholic, happy to serve you as chairperson of the Grapevine Committee. One of the reasons I came to this position is because of my love for reading and in fact, I loved to read and drink. Sometimes I even remembered some of the things I read drunk. Luckily, now that I’m sober, I remember a lot more. If you haven’t read any of the Grapevine publications, it’s like reading some of your favorite personal stories in the back of the Big Book. Fellow Alcoholics, sharing their struggles and joys in recovery, write their innermost thoughts on living a sober life. And as we all know, living sober in today’s world isn’t easy. So please consider a personal subscription, via mail or email, to gain a fresh modern perspective on recovery and sobriety. Or suggest a subscription for your home group as new AA material for open discussion purposes at meetings. Finally, you may wish to give a close friend, cherished sponsor, or significant other the gift of a subscription to celebrate their recovery. And what a gift our sobriety is! One more thought in closing. I have learned only too well that the “committee of one”, whether it’s that little voice kicking round in my mind, or my insistence in tackling a challenge on my own, just doesn’t work well for Alcoholics. We need generous support, fellowship and open mindedness to grow in our sobriety. Therefore, as the current Grapevine Committee of me, myself, and I, please consider joining me to grow this LITTLE committee toward BIG service to our fellow alcoholics. Thank You. Cheryl Ann L. April 2015 Volume 65, Number 04 Northeast Florida Intergroup Newsletter INTERGROUP OFFICE 3128 Beach Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 32207 Tel. 399-8535 Fax 399-8537 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 5 pm Sat. 1-4 pm Intergroup Breakfast Speaker Meeting Saturday May 2nd, 2015 Gateway’s Dining Room 555 Stockton St. 8 :00 am ~ All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet $4 per person 8:30 am ~ Speaker Meeting Mystery Speaker * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * 9:45 AM, Saturday May 2, 2015 Meeting In The Gateway Front Conference Room Intergroup Office Log February 2015 A. A. Information 198 Administrative & Other Information 24 12 Step Calls 3 Visitors to The Office 63 APRIL 2015 ADD-A-LINE Page 2 of 8 I wonder if sometimes we in AA take for granted the importance and functions of our Northeast Florida Intergroup Office. In fact, I wonder if some of our members and groups even know what the Intergroup office does or how it serves the groups in our area. For starters, our NEFL Intergroup (IG) office serves as a “central office” for every AA group within Districts 1, 3, 4, 6, 24, 25 and 30. That means we offer our services directly to the groups. The area stretches from Fernandina Beach in the North to St. Augustine in the South and from the Beaches in Jacksonville out West to Green Cove Springs and Palatka. What actually happens at the IG Office? I’m going to split this up into a few parts because the IG Office has so much to offer we can’t get it into one edition of the Add-A-Line. Here are just two ways the IG Office serves groups and members. To me, the single most critical function of our NEFL IG Office is reaching out to the still suffering alcoholic. For many of us, an Intergroup was our first point of contact with AA. Our office provides and coordinates phone coverage so an alcoholic can speak directly to a member any time day or night. Many of these calls are a “call for help” from a still suffering alcoholic who may have hit bottom and needs the hand of AA to guide them into the Fellowship. How can you put a price on this? This is life-saving work done regularly by our staff and the volunteers. A 24/7 phone service doesn’t just happen; it takes dedication and coordination by the IG Office. In 2014 alone we received over 2,778 calls for help, or 12th Step calls, that got directed to members and groups near the caller. The partnership of our staff at the office and the Phone Army also field hundreds of calls each month for general information about AA. Some of these calls are from spouses, parents, friends or employers of a suffering alcoholic looking for some guidance or AA literature. I called the NEFL IG Office before relocating to Florida over three years ago to get an idea of the meetings in different areas of NE Florida. I’ve also been helped by IG offices in Kansas City, Savannah, Phoenix, Sedona, Allentown and Toronto. When I called the IG office in Montreal they helped me find an English speaking meeting and the driving directions. The IG Office in London, UK even told me which trains to catch to get to meetings while I was on business there. A few weeks ago the IG Office in Atlanta helped one of my sponsee find a meeting near the area where he was visiting family. A lifeline for the still suffering alcoholic along with communication and information for members and the public are just two of the NEFL IG functions. And even more will be revealed… ….next month. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ by Michael H. Present Intergroup Steering Committee Chairman STEP FOUR “Made a searching and moral inventory of ourselves.” Next we launched out on a vigorous course of action, the first step of which is a personal housecleaning, which many of us had never attempted. Though our decision [Step 3] was a vital and crucial step, it could have little permanent effect unless at once followed by a strenuous effort to face, and be rid of, the things in ourselves which had been blocking us. Our liquor was but a symptom. So we had to get down to causes and conditions. Reprinted with permission from the “Big Book” Copyright ® Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. TRADITION FOUR “Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or AA as a whole.” Reprinted with permission from the “Big Book "Copyright ® Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. CONCEPT FOUR Throughout our Conference structure, we ought to maintain at all responsible levels a traditional "Right of Participation," taking care that each classification or group of our world servants shall be allowed a voting representation in reasonable proportion to the responsibility that each must discharge. Reprinted with permission from Twelve Concepts for World Service Copyright ® Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. APRIL 2015 ADD-A-LINE Page 3 of 8 What better way is there to show than by service work! We will need many volunteers to help with ticket sales, the cake auction, decorations, set up, cooking, keeping the buffet line full (tray schleppers), beverages, and clean Sat. April 11, 2015 up. We try very hard to keep the cost at a minimum by relying on our own North East Florida AA members to volunteer for most of the work that has to be one. We encourage you and the people you sponsor to give back RAMALLAH CLUB 3128 to AA what AA has given to you by continued service work for the North Parent Home Road East Florida area. “Many Hands Make Light The Work” Jacksonville, SPRING BANQUET Florida 32216 Many Volunteers are still needed to make this banquet a success for your Intergroup. Please attend our banquet committee planning meetings at 6:00 PM Monday, April 2nd at the intergroup office at 3128 Beach Boulevard. Service work also available the morning of the banquet at 8:30 AM at the Ramallah Club. We need help with: Cooking, Decorations, Coffee and Ice Tea Helpers, Cake Auction, Ticket Sales, Clean Up Detail, And other Misc. Helpers. Tickets will be available at the March Intergroup Business Meeting or at the Intergroup Office. Reserved tables that seat 10 are $150.00 paid for in advance. Single tickets can be purchased at $15.00 each from your intergroup rep or the IG office. Doors open at 5:00 pm for fellowship and cake preview. Cake Auction 5:45 pm, Dinner 6:45 pm the sobriety countdown following dinner and he speaker is scheduled for 8:00 pm. Our speakers are Shane M. from the YPG and Steve V. from the Fiesta Group To volunteer or for more information: Banquet Chair, Holly C. 662-0646 Co-Chair Linda G. 608-1634 or the IG Office at 399-8535 C A K E B A K E R S ! Donate a cake for the cake auction! Be Creative and let YOUR Cake be the most Imaginative Cake to be auctioned! Contact the Cake Chairman Holly C. at 662-0646 or the IG Office at 399-8535 **Cake plates will not be returned So Please plan accordingly. REQUESTING DESSERTS FOR THE DESSERT TABLES If you are not baking a cake for the cake auction PLEASE help us out by donating a dessert for the dessert table. These items can be home made or store boght for your convenience. APRIL 2015 ADD-A-LINE INTERGROUP OFFICERS Chairman: Carl G. Phone: 497-9769 Email: [email protected] Vice Chair / Treasurer: Rick T. Phone: 652-4214 Email: [email protected] WORKING WITH OTHERS “Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics.” Add-a-line Committee — Mike M. 568-4836 Banquet Chair (Spring Banquet) Frank S. Banquet Volunteers contact the Intergroup office 399-8535 631-0506 Corrections Committee — Nathan B. (men in jails) Monique S, (women in jails) 598-4124 210-8111 CPC/PI — Cooperation with the Professional Community & Public Information Committee — 303-7019 Andrew O. Grapevine Committee — Cheryl Ann L. E Mail: [email protected] Phone Army — Holly C. 401-6412 E Mail: [email protected] 662-0646 Treatment Facility Committee — Craig W. E Mail: [email protected] 238-3333 New Intergroup Representatives Orientation Sat., May 2nd, 2015 NEW INTERGROUP REPS Our Monthly Intergroup Steering Committee Meeting will be held at 5:30 pm, Tuesday, April 28, 2015. We will be meeting at the Intergroup Office. All AA members are welcome to attend. 807-8750 Contact Mike at [email protected] to submit an article. All articles due to Intergroup by the 20th of each month. Archives Committee — Chaz H. E Mail: [email protected] Page 4 of 8 Held in the same room as the NEFL Intergroup Meeting. (Gateway, 555 Stockton St.) Held the 1st Sat. of the month @ 8:30 am. To familiarize the new IG Reps with the flow of the Business Mtg, Parliamentary Procedures, Robert's Rules of Order, The 12 Concepts To World Service, and why General Service is vital to the survival of AA. FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING: The next finance committee meeting will be held at 5:30 pm on April 21st, 2015 at the Intergroup Office. Please call the IG office at 399-8535 for more information. We are in need of additional members to serve on this committee Our Archives Committee Will Meet at Noon, on April 6th at the Intergroup Office 1) DISTRICT ONE MEETING: Time: 6:45 pm When: 3rd Tuesday of Every Month Contact: Steve H. Email: [email protected] Intergroup Office, 3218 Beach Blvd 2) The NF Area 14 Delegates Preconference Workshop was a huge success! Thanks to everyone from Districts 1, 3, 4, 6, 24, 25 & 30 who attended and helped. The agenda items we reviewed have been delivered to DCM's for distribution to your GSR. DISTRICT FOUR MEETING 7:00 PM, Every third (3rd) Thursday of the month. Meets at the Olive Garden, River City Marketplace, 13040 City Station Drive, Jacksonville, FL. Contact Deb B. at [email protected] APRIL 2015 ADD-A-LINE Page 5 of 8 Share Your SOBER NEWS FOR 2015. . . . . If you would like to share with all of us: what it was like, what happened and what it’s like now; or what the Steps and Traditions mean to you, any sober News, E Mail submission to: Mike at [email protected] or Amy at the Intergroup Office at [email protected] Month 2015 Regular Topics Suggested Topics May Step 5, Tradition 5, Concept 5 One, Among Many June Step 6, Tradition 6, Concept 6 Living Sober July Step7, Tradition 7, Concept 7 Insanity and Recovery 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Of ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 2 TO 5 PM, In theGeorgia Ballroom Area 14 North Florida & Area 15 South Florida Will be co-hosting The FLORIDA Hospitality Suite, For 2015 Atlanta Convention Where: Atlanta Chestnut Suite at the Omni Hotel When: July 2, 2015 - 10 am to 6pm, (Open meeting at 5pm) July 3 & 4, 2015 - 9am to 5pm Questions? Email [email protected] VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR ATLANTA CONVENTION Volunteer Position Descriptions: All Registration Volunteer Positions will be indoors in the Georgia World Congress Center. Some volunteers will distribute badge holders and information Packets for pre-registered attendees. Others will staff Convention Information Tables. Others will assist Professional Staff with On-Site registration. Contact Information for Registration Volunteers: • To Volunteer: • Email questions or suggestions: [email protected] Both Area Committees are grateful to again have the opportunity of hosting a hospitality suite at the 2015 International Convention. Sign up to be a volunteer at the hospitality Suite in Atlanta. (You should register for the convention on your own - go to for current details.) Please help get the word out by announcing this in your Home Group meetings, District meetings, Intergroup newsletters and web sites. To volunteer or for more information visit our websites at: or or contact us at: [email protected], [email protected] APRIL 2015 ADD-A-LINE Page 6 of 8 CELEBRATING SOBRIETY MARCH 2015 Beaches Unity Dan B. 39 yrs. Central Group Ben W. Jerry W. Bonnie P. Jules Monique S. Jeff W. Milton H. Cat H. 57 33 33 25 20 4 3 2 yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. District 6 St. Augustine Alice G Mary V Larry K Dinah M Guerry B Melissa Geneo Michael H Janice S Jason L Jeanne W April Lenny N Kathleen D 58 42 26 25 19 15 14 6 4 2 2 1 1 1 yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yr. yr. yr. MARCH 25 5 5 3 3 2 1 yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yr. MARCH Free To Be Group Kate L. Gwen D. Synthia R. Sherry Monique S. Neil B Mike Y Edsel H Tim L Alice H Karen D Keith M Neil B Brian K 2 yrs. 20 yrs. Orange Park Step Sisters Group Mary G. Michael J. Orange Park Group 33 26 12 12 6 5 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. Faithful Bob C. Christopher G. Jack B. Sam L. Things We Cannot Change. . . . The Following Member Will Be Fondly Remembered and Sadly Missed: Ben ‘H U. —Free to Be Group CENTRAL 6 yrs. 27 yrs. 26 yrs. 10 yrs. 10 yrs. 8 yrs. 8 yrs. 6 yrs. 3 yrs. Third Street Third Tradition Group 28 yrs. Bonnie P. Cyndi B. Richard L. Jack M. Hugh Mark Y. Reb C. Jackie B. Steve S. Kristina Keith M. Cody C. Yolanda B. 2015 SOJOURN GROUP 30 yrs. 8 yrs. 3 yrs. Mandarin Women’s Group Fiesta Group Gary S. Craig W. Scott Douglas H. Mitch Laura Alen S. 2015 5 yrs. Trout River Group Ted B. Joe P. Tim 22 yrs. 17 yrs. 3 yrs. Westside Group Twila J. Leo V. Tony T. James. G. — Bob H Faith L Jack G. Susan I Walter S. 32 18 4 3 yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. Fivers Charlie M. Fred H. Mary M.C. Tim L. BIRTHDAY CLUB BETSY F. JIM F. ….When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that….. G R O U P — 41st Annual Old-Timers Fish Fry HONORING MEMBERS WITH 20+ YEARS, Saturday - APRIL 25, 2015 1 pm-5:30 pm 3645 Spring Park Road Food served from 1pm-2pm Please bring a favorite dessert Speakers start at 2:00 PM PLEASE CONTACT DIANA M. TO VOLUNTEER (904) 554-3703 APRIL 2015 ADD-A-LINE Page 7of 8 A COMMON SOLUTION 59TH Florida State Convention Orlando, FL Aug. 12-16, 2015 Web Site: Programs: AA Workshop, The history of AA Workshop, AL-Anon Meetings and Workshop, Young People in AA, Meetings and Workshops, LGBT or Spanish Meetings and Workshops, Marathon Meetings, Grapevine Displays, Out-Of-Town Achieves Displays, Old Timers Meeting, Mediation, and Yoga. Activities: Friday and Saturday Banquets, Ice Cream Social Gold Tournament, Dance and Entertainment, DJ Party, Craft Room, and Talent Show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rosen Plaza Hotel 9700 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819 Phone: 800-627-8258 Or 407-556-5700 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Room Rate $105 per night Self Parking Free and Registration $35.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To volunteer at the 59th Florida State Convention email: [email protected] February 2015 YTD Group Contributions APRIL 2015 ADD-A-LINE Page 8 of 8 BROKEN AND READY Jason S. (From Mandarins Young Peoples Group) This jackal is an architect who builds you up like a conniving engineer, But you are in awe by its design, and you don't understand why you feel so queer. Though you have found something new to fear, Your old thoughts refuse to disappear. You have changed your habits but your mind is not yet here. Your regrets are loud, yelling obscenities into your ear; "When you die you are not worth even the shadow of a tear." So you beat yourself up until you feel ready to down another beer. When will it end? When will your conscience be clear? A day, a week, a month, a year? You need to find a friend, a true peer. Someone who will not leave you and who is always near. Someone who drives you and takes the wheel when you cannot steer. Someone who will not judge you and who will not sneer. Someone who could be coveted, like a precious souvenir. Is that someone God? Is it to Her will to which you should adhere? To allow Her to be present, so you are no longer cavalier? You are on this journey for the first time, you are a pioneer, Forging uncharted territory in this new frontier. How do you rid yourself of this tempest that has become so severe? You have been hanging yourself and you are fragile, you are a chandelier. You need a new seat to sit on with a fresh new veneer. You will pay handsomely, but where is the auctioneer? The one who sells happiness, the one who sells cheer. You are done feeling hopeless, it is time for change and you will persevere. You will stay on course if you hold your compass dear.
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