2nd Quarter 2015 New Website: http://www.neksscottishrite.org 1 April 2015 VALLEY OF NORTHEAST KANSAS—ORIENT OF KANSAS Please come join us for fellowship and more Masonic light. Ill Hugh W. Gill, III, 33o Saturday, May 9th, 2015 S. G. I. G. of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., in the Orient of Kansas 6:45 – 8:00 Breakfast & Final Set Up 7:30 – 8:00 Registration, Pre Conferral Survey, Candidates Orientation: AASR History, Themes Degrees, Programs & Blue Lodge 8:00 - 8:45 4th Degree Conferral 8:45 - 9:30 Communication 5th - 13th Degrees Executive Secretary 9:30 - 10:30 14th Degree Conferral & ten minute br eak Michael A. Kupsch, 32o, KSA(C) 10:30 - 11:00 Communication 15th thru 17th Degrees Arthur G. Franke, 32o, KCCH 11:00 -11:45 18th Degree Conferral 11:45 - 1:30 Lunch 1:15 - 2:15 Communication 19th thru 28th degrees & break 2:15 – 3:15 29th Degree Conferral 2:15 - 3:45 30th Degree Conferral Joe N. Johnson Jr., 32o Communicator of Degrees and 3:45 – 4:15 Communication 31st Degree 4:14 - 5:45 32nd Degree Conferral Aaron Goldblatt, 32o, KSA Audio Visual Technician James C. Nelson, 32o 5:45 - 6:00 Remarks, presentations & Class Photo & Prayer for Dinner 6:00 - 6:45 Dinner Ill David F. Kinzie, 33o Personal Representative to the S. G. I. G. in the Orient of Kansas o Ill. H. Wayne Rector, 33 Almoner of the Bodies Treasurer Debbie Denton Administrative Assistant William P. Leonard, 32o, KSA Director of the Work Fred A. Lockard, 32o, KCCH Class Director Valley Chaplain Webmaster Donald E. Matteson, 32o Wardrobe Master HEADS OF THE BODIES: William P. Leonard, 32o, KSA Venerable Master Northeast Kansas Lodge of Perfection Marvin Hammontree, 32°, KSA(C) Wise Master Northeast Kansas Chapter of Rose Croix Richard Sobek, 32o Commander Northeast Kansas Council of Knights Kadosh Edward A. McConwell, 33° Master of Kadosh Northeast Kansas Consistory M.R.S. William P. Leonard, 32o, KSA Venerable Master Knights of St. Andrew Times shown are subject to minor adjustments. Message from the Personal Representative Dear Brethren and Ladies: Please allow me a moment to discuss one of my favorite subjects and pursuits: Leadership! I share some ideas drawn from the Army Times newspaper, 23-Feb-15 (even though I have been aware of these concepts for years.) 1. Exceptional bosses promote inclusion over exclusion. They refuse to hoard information, control decision-making, or focus their attention and energy on small, cliques. They prefer to create a wide-sense of belonging. Belonging is one of the most basic needs each person has. As such, exceptional bosses understand the importance of making others feel included. The leaders we want to follow make inclusion a priority. A sense of belonging creates conditions to fulfill people’s innate desire to flourish, thrive and come alive. 2. Exceptional bosses prefer substance to superficial. They strive to bring together and accept diverse opinions, views, ideas and styles. They are unafraid to pursue a different path or take an unpopular stand. They marshal confidence to take smart risks and make the most of every opportunity to communicate respect. They inspire others to raise the bar on their performance and achieve their dreams—less by their words, more by their actions, always by their example. 3. Exceptional bosses make connection a priority. They understand the most valuable commodity in life is relationships. Therefore, they refuse to engage in idle gossip which could damage someone else. They don’t interrupt or make others look inferior. They are humble and never boast about their own accomplishments, nor blame others for errors or mistakes. They are quick to share credit, selflessly accept blame, and offer constructive criticism rather than destructive or damaging remarks. They understand interpersonal relationships are what paves the path to success. A genuine desire to connect is what influences others to be and do their best, no matter how challenging the circumstances. 4, Exceptional bosses are unafraid to color outside the lines. They are unafraid to deviate from the status quo. They recognize they don’t need to have all the answers before making a decision or establishing a direction. Instead, they see instability and uncertainty not as barriers to overcome but as enablers to achieving a higher level of success. They make it a priority to reorganize, reshape and re -engineer if doing so will make the organization stronger. They understand and accept Albert Einstein’s timeless truth that, “you have to color outside the lines once in a while if you want to make your life a masterpiece.” The above information reminds me of some sage advice I received in the military when I was called upon to change from strictly administrative roles to lead section and much larger elements in combat training jobs. A wise old Master Sergeant reminded me that, as a leader, I did not have to know all the answers; my job was to know when, who, and where to find them. That knowledge is not always readily available but I never stopped searching. So what is the meaning of a discussion on leadership. With the challenges of the past and the need for improvement in some Valley areas in the future, none of us are qualified to assume the task of improving our valley by ourselves. We need everyone involved...young and old, experienced and inexperienced, long term Scottish Rite Masons, and those who have only recently joined. What is happening in this Valley? In a nutshell, members who have stood on the sidelines in the past are taking on challenges about which they care. We have scaled down on being individuals and started working as teams. One example is our KSA Chapter. I.e., several members who are trained chefs have assumed the responsibility for meal preparation while other members have assumed greeter and KP (kitchen police for 2 those not familiar with this term) duties. The result of serving excellent, delicious meals is a 75-100% increase in attendance, all the while at reduced expense per meal. Furthermore, they are making plans to improve the layout and equipment for the kitchen. Other members have volunteered to chair various VMAP committees, not only to qualify for recognition, but to improve all areas of the Valley: membership recruitment, engagement, and retention; degree proficiency and experience; candidate/member education; officer responsibilities and engagement; philanthropy and public image. For these members who have volunteered, we are extremely grateful. Continue to move forward with this work. We have taken, and will continue to take, steps to improve our financial standing. E.g., improved monitoring of expenses and investments; review of current expenses with a view to reduction of costs by obtaining alternative bids for services, taking advantage of special sales, and other opportunities to utilize our resources. The future is ours to determine. Here’s hoping each and every one of you will participate in the decisions which set our course for the future. The main point of this discussion—I am finding more of our Valley members stepping up to the challenges which face our Valley. I will not attempt to name them, but you know who you are. And I, among many, appreciate the forward progress our Valley is making. Thank you!!! May God bless you, the Scottish Rite, our Valley, all service men/ women, and the USA! So mote it be! TEAMWORK Teamwork is the merging of the skills and talents of a group of people into a single force much greater and stronger than that of any individual. This force is unbeatable. It enables those who work together to win together. David F. Kinzie, 33 o Personal Representative to the Message from the Executive Secretary Brethren and Sisters, I pray that you are in good health and are having a good year. If the Valley can help you an any way, please call the office. If you need a ride to our meetings, just let us know. We want you here with us. If you haven't been for a while, we invite you to visit your old friends and make some new ones. We hope you had a chance to attend Grand Lodge in Topeka in March. We should all support the Grand Lodge of Kansas and our Lodges. We should be attending Lodge meetings and encouraging our Brother Masons to join us at the Scottish Rite. The Valley is working on the Valley Membership Achievement Project aka VMAP which Supreme Council has crafted. We are using this program to help our Valley grow. We hope you can join with and help us grow together. There are different parts to the program. If you would like to help in some way, please let the office know. A lot of things are going to be happening in and around our Valley. At our April 1st dinner meeting we will have the "Extinguishing of the Lights" to honor our deceased Brethren which will be performed by the Chapter of Rose Croix officers, and the play "Were You There?" performed by the Scottish Rite Players. Both of these performances are performed annually and are inspiration to see. The Brethern dress up in costume and makeup and put on a good production. The Knights of St. Andrew are hard at work helping out at our dinner and business meetings, and also taking care of the Center and cooking our meals. If you haven't been here for awhile, we invite you to come and break bread with us. You will enjoy the food and fellowship. Saturday, April 4th, is the Grand Master's reception. Hope to see you there. Easter is Sunday, April 5th. If you would like to attend a sunrise service, you are hereby invited to join Brother Masons at the Liberty Memorial, in Kansas City, MO at 8:00 a.m. for the third annual "Knights Templar, Easter Sunrise Service". The Job's Daughters will be there with their families. We hope you can be there with yours. At our Wednesday April 15th, Business meeting, the Chapter of Rose Croix officers will perform the "Relighting of the Lights" ceremony in costume. You may/should bring your ladies with you to our meetings. Saturday April 18th, is our annual "RiteCare" pancake breakfast at Rosedale Lodge. We hope you will come have breakfast with us. If you can't be there, we hope that you send in a contribution to help with our "Rite Care" mission. The "RiteCare" helps many children across the Southern Jurisdiction. Their lives have been changed because of your generosity. You support is greatly appreciated. Saturday, May 9th, is our Spring Reunion. We have several candidates in waiting. We are expecting more. We hope that you can join us for this event. The Knights of St. Andrew will be putting on the 29th Degree in full form. Have you ever seen the 29th Degree? If you have been around for a while you might have, or if you have been to the Guthrie, OK, Reunion, you have. Now you have the opportunity to see something not many around here have seen before. Some of your Valley 3 Brothers are going to Guthrie on April 9-12 to see all 29 degrees put on in full form. You don't have to go that far to see the 4th, 14th, 18th, 29th, 30th, and 32nd Degrees in full form and costume. These degrees are very impressive. Come enjoy them with us. We invite you to be here for that special ceremony. Help us welcome our new Brethren. We lose too many Brethren to death each year and some to suspension. We hope you have paid your 2015 dues. If you are not sure, now is the time to check. We want you to be in good standing. If your dues are in arrears, you are not in good standing. Dues for the current year are due by December 31st of the previous year. Don't take a chance, pay your dues on time. The Grand York Rite of Kansas Annual Communication is April 811 at Topeka, KS. On Saturday, May 16th, the Valley will be hosting a" Celebrating The Craft" event in conjunction with the Supreme Council" Celebrating the Craft Web-a-thon. It will start at 5:00 pm. Your are invited to join us at the Northeast Kansas Masonic center for this event. Bring your families and friends. The Abdallah Shrine Rodeo and Demolition Derby is May 21-23 in Tonganoxie, KS. Our Valley members, in conjunction with Overland Park Lodge, will be attending a T-Bones baseball game on Saturday, June 9th, at 5:00 pm in Kansas City, KS. We will have seats in the shade. Come join us. Thank you for all you do for the Scottish Rite and Masonry. We will keep you in our thoughts and in our prayers until we meet again. God Bless you and your families. H. Wayne Rector, 33 o Executive Secretary Marvin Hammontree, 32o, KSA ,Wise Master, NEKS Chapter of Rose Croix Brethren: The Jewel of the 18th degree Rose Croix has a very symbolic meaning. The main symbol featured on this beautiful gold jewel of course is the mother Pelican pecking her breast to feed her babies. The pelican feeding her young with her blood is a prominent symbol of the Eighteenth, or Rose Croix, Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and was adopted as such from the fact that the pelican, in ancient Christian art, was considered as the emblem of the Savior. Now this symbolism of the pelican, as a representative of the Savior, is almost universally supposed to be derived from the common belief that the pelican feeds her young with her blood, as the Savior shed his blood for mankind; and hence the bird is always represented as sitting on her nest, and surrounded by her brood of young ones, who are dipping their bills into a wound in their mother's breast. But this is not the exact idea of the symbolism, which really refers to the resurrection, and is, in this point of view, more applicable to Christ, as well as to the Masonic Degree of which the resurrection is a doctrine. In an ancient Bestiarium, or Natural History, in the Royal Library at Brussels, cited by Larwood and Hotten in a recent work on the History of Signboards, this statement is made: "The pelican is very fond of his young ones, and when they are born and begin to grow, they rebel in their nest against their parent, and strike him with their wings fly- gory of the destruction by death and the resurrection to eternal life. John (Marvin) Hammontree Wise Master Northeast Chapter of Rose Croix ing about him, and beat him so much till they wound him in his eyes. Then the father strikes and kills them. And the mother is of such a nature that she comes back to the nest on the third day, and sits down upon her dead young ones, and opens her side with her bill and pours her blood over them, and so resuscitates them from death; for the young ones, by their instinct, receive the blood as soon as it comes out of the mother, and drink it." Dr. Mackey believed the true theory of the pelican is, that by restoring her young ones to life by her blood, she symbolizes the resurrection. The old symbologists said, that the male pelican, who destroyed his young, represents the serpent, or evil principle, which brought death unto the world; while the mother, who resuscitates them, is the representative of the Son of Man of whom it is declared, "except ye drink of His blood, ye have no life in you." Hence the pelican is very appropriately a symbol of Freemasonry, whose great object it is to teach by symbolism the doctrine of the resurrection, and especially in that sublime Degree of the Scottish Rite wherein, the old Temple being destroyed and the old Word being Lost, a new temple and a new word spring forth -- all of which is but the great alle4 FOR RENT The Northeast Kansas Masonic Center is available for social and business rentals. Our facilities are very suitable for weddings, banquets, receptions, conferences, et cetera. We have an assembly hall (seating 150), dining hall (seats 160) assessable by stairs or chairlift. The lower level is easily accessible by stairs from the rear parking lot. A kitchen is available for limited food preparation, but no cooking or baking. A small conference room (6-8 seats) is available as well. Our parking lot is well lit with room for 60 vehicles. You will be amazed at the dining hall attractions such as the magnificent 105-year old leaded-glass doors and many stained-glass pictures which are lighted and also 100-years old. Our rental rate is reasonable and comparable to surrounding facilities. Contact the Scottish Rite office at 913.831.7267 for reservation details and prices. Annual ritecare pancake breakfast Rosedale Lodge #333 6161 Slater, Merriam, KS Saturday, April 18, 2015 7:00 a.m. — 11:00 a.m. $6 per person or 4 for $20 Tickets available at the door. Proceeds to benefit RiteCare® Fund Shown above: Ill David F. Kinzie, 33o, PR, presented Ill Bob Anver, 33o, with a certificate from the House of the Temple for his support and contributions. (Somehow Ill Bob got it prior to the Valley presenting it publicly. Sorry, Bob!) Will You Still Love Me? I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror one evening admiring my reflection, when I posed this question to my wife of 30 years: “Will you still love me when I’m old, fat, and balding? She answered, “I do.” Up or Down Shown above: (L-R) J anuar y Bir thday Boys—Bro. Tom Brandtonies, 32o; Ill J.D. Beasley, 33o; Bro. Lowell Thomas, 32o; Ill Ed McConwell, 33o; and Bro. Bob Jones, A long line leading to the ladies’ room greeted my friend’s wife. Since desperate times call for desperate measures, my friend took her into the empty men’s room, then stood guard. When she exited a few minutes later, a man waiting his turn called out, “I hope you remembered to put up the toilet seat.” Would you like to be part of a cadre of Scottish Rite Members ready, willing and able to assist blue lodges with degree work, if requested? This Valley is desirous of implementing a roster of well-qualified, excellent ritualists who may be called upon to help fill degree trestle boards if requested. Simply contact our office, 913-831-7267, or Ill H. Wayne Rector, 33o, (C) 913669-2473, [email protected], and let us know with which degree(s) and role(s) you would be available to assist. [This could possibly include some travel as some of the more distant lodges, i.e., Southwest, Western, and Northwest lodges may submit requests for assistance.] 5 ~ IN MEMORIUM ~ Our most sincere sympathies and condolences to all the families of our members who have passed on to a better life. I am Ready for My Last Degree An old man lay sick in the Masonic State Home His face was as white as the white sea foam. His eyes were dim; his hair was gray. His back was bent with the toils of the way. He unflatteringly spoke, and I heard him say, I'm ready for my last degree. I've come to the end of that level of time That leads us all on to that Grand Lodge sublime. From whose sacred form none ever returns. More light in Masonry there I shall learn By an altar where light ever more burns I'm ready for my last degree. With the apprentice's gauge, I divided my time And this I have found amidst life's' great turmoil: Time for work, for worship, and rest from my toil. My wages are due in corn, wine and oil – From this last task, I will not recoil. I'm ready for my last degree. Each day from life's quarries I've hewn out a stone, With the gavel, I've shaped them each one alone And shipped them alone beyond that bright strand To build me a house in that bright better land. A spiritual house not made by hands – I'm ready for my last degree. I've squared each stone by the virtue square And plumbed them all true as I shipped them there. With the compass, I've measured the Master's Designs And kept in the due bounds with his points and his lines. My blueprints are folded –I've answered his signs. I'm ready for my last degree. A few moments later the old man was dead. And I fancy I could see his soul as it fled Upward and onward to that great door Where he gave his alarm and a voice did implore The old man made answer with these words once more: I'm ready for my last degree. That night in a lodge free from strife and from storm He took his last Degree – his last in due form So may I live as to build day by day A spiritual house in that land far away So when I meet my Grand Master I can say, I'm ready for my last degree. Last Name Acock Eastland Heathman Hornbuckle III, Lorenzen Moore Rasdall First Middle James Albert Morris Eugene Robert Allan Sterling Price Robert L. Raymond Ralph Gerald Francis Brothers, We Remember Date of Death 3-Feb-14 27-Feb-15 11-Jun-14 22-Dec-14 12-Sep-14 25-Feb-15 19-Jan-15 Every year we think of those who fell for us to live. We know not names or faces, only what they had to give. They all laid down their lives for us, strangers from the past Their sacrifices changed the world and will forever last. Many would be brothers from a host of different parts Strangers to each other, but fraternal in their hearts. They fought for what was righteous, their absolute belief Then gave their lives for us to live, the ultimate Relief. Let not their sacrifices go unmarked; remember every year That these brave men enabled us to have what we hold dear. May they all be with the Mighty High, there in Heaven above. They showed the real Truth of living life with Brotherly Love. I Am Freemasonry I was born in antiquity, in the ancient days when men first dreamed of God. I have been tried through the ages, and found true. The crossroads of the world bear the imprint of my feet, and the cathedrals of all nations mark the skill of my hands. I strive for beauty and for symmetry. In my heart is wisdom and strength and courage for those who ask. Upon my alters is the Book of Holy Writ, and my prayers are to the One Omnipotent God, my sons work and pray together, without rank or discord, in the public mart and in the inner chamber. By signs and symbols I teach the lessons of life and of death and the relationship of man with God and of man with man. My arms are widespread to receive those of lawful age and good report who seek me of their own free will. I accept them and teach them to use my tools in the building of men, and thereafter, find direction in their own quest for perfection so much desired and so difficult to attain. I lift up the fallen and shelter the sick. I hark to the orphans' cry, the widow’s tears, the pain of the old and destitute. I am not church, nor party, nor school, yet my sons bear a full share of responsibility to God, to country, to neighbor, and themselves. They are freemen, tenacious of their liberties and alert to lurking danger. At the end, I commit them as each one undertakes the journey beyond the vale into the glory of everlasting life. I ponder the sand within the glass and think how small is a single life in the eternal universe. Always have I taught immortality, and even as I raise men from darkness into light, I am a way of life. I Am Freemasonry. - Ray V. Denslow 6 DATE TIME ACTIVITY OR EVENT 1-Apr-15 Stated Dinner Meeting: Consistory Presides - "Were Y ou There?" Scottish Rite Ceremony and 6:30 p.m. "Remembrance and Extinguishing the Lights" Scottish Rite Ceremony conducted by Chapter of Rose Croix 13-Apr-15 1:00 p.m. Valley Luncheon - Salty Iguana, 8228 Mission Rd 15-Apr-15 18-Apr-15 Light Snack at 6:00 p.m. followed by Advisory Business Meeting at 7:00 p.m.; 6:30 p.m. All members/ladies invited. "Relighting the Lights" Scottish Rite Ceremony conducted by Chapter of Rose Croix 7:00 a.m. Annual RiteCare Pancake Breakfast - Rosedale Lodge, 6161 Slater 10:00 a.m. 25-Apr-15 TBA York Rite Spring Festival 2-May-15 TBA York Rite Spring Festival 6-May-15 9-May-15 11-May-15 6:30 p.m. Stated Potluck Dinner Meeting: Lodge of Perfection Presides TBA 1:00 p.m. Valley Luncheon - Longhorn Steakhouse, 16689 W. 119th 16-May-15 TBA 20-May-15 6:00 p.m. 3-Jun-15 8-Jun-15 Scottish Rite Spring Reunion [Details to be listed in the Scottish Knight, on our website, and by InfoGrams] Supreme Council Celebrate the Craft Webathon Light Snack at 6:00 p.m. followed by Advisory Business Meeting at 7:00 p.m.; All members/ladies invited. 6:30 p.m. Stated Dinner Meeting: Chapter of Rose Croix Presides - 25-Year Membership Presentations 1:00 p.m. Valley Luncheon - Cinzetti's Restaurant, 91st & Metcalf 13-Jun-15 TBA 17-Jun-15 6:00 p.m. Arab Shrine Ceremonial, Topeka, KS Light Snack at 6:00 p.m. followed by Advisory Business Meeting at 7:00 p.m.; All members/ladies invited. Shown above: At the March 4th, 2015, Dinner Meeting, Past Commanders of NEKS Valley’s Chapter of Knights of Saint Andrew were presented with their gold Past Commanders pins to be worn on the KSA caps. They are (L-R): Bro. Ron Harger, 32o, KCCH; Bro. Jon Robbins, 32o,, KSA; Bro. Bill Leonard, 32o,, KSA; Bro. Maverick Bolen, 32o,, KSA; and Bro. Dennis Taylor, 32o,, KSA. Our KSA is a very important part of this Valley and are well respected for their impact. Indispensable?? In Daddy’s Steps Sometime when you’re feeling important, Sometime when our ego’s in bloom, Sometime when you take it for granted You’re the best qualified in the room; I watched him playing around my door, My neighbor’s little boy of four. I wondered why a child would choose To wear his dad’s old worn out shoes. I saw him try with all his might To make the laces snug and tight. I smiled to see him walk, and then, He’d only step right out again. I heard him say, his voice so glad, “I want to be just like m dad.” I hope his dad his steps would choose, Safe for his son—to wear his shoes. And then the shout and cry of joy, A “Hello, Dad” and ”Hi, ya boy.” They walked along in measured stride, Each face aglow with love and pride. “What have you done today, my lad?” “I tried to wear your old shoes, Dad. They’re big, but when I am a man, I’ll wear your shoes; I know I can.” They stopped and stood there hand-in-hand, He saw his son’s tracks in the sand. His words—a prayer—came back to me, “Lord, let my steps lead him to thee.” Sometime when you feel that your going Would leave an unfillable hole— Just follow this simple instruction And see how it humbles your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it up to your wrist. Pull it out and the hole that’s remaining Is a measure of how you’ll be missed. You may splash all you want when you enter, You may stir up the water galore— But stop and you’ll find in a minute, That it looks quite the same as before. The moral in this quaint example: Always serve the best that you can; Be true to yourself, but remember There’s no indispensable man. Please Check Your Dues Card My Forgetter Are your Northeast Kansas Scottish Rite Valley dues current? My forgetter's getting better But my rememberer is broke. To you that may seem funny But, to me, that is no joke Are you a member in good standing? Please know that your membership is very important to us. We try our best to serve your needs and create an atmosphere which is in line with our Masonic Teachings. Per the Statutes of the Supreme Council your dues for 2014 were payable no later than December 31, 2013! If you do not have a 2014 dues card in your possession at this time, you are not in good standing, and admission to any Scottish Rite event can be denied to you! Furthermore, this year there is a change. Please keep your plastic Membership Card. Why? Because the Supreme Council has produced a 2015 sticker to be applied over the ‘2014’ in the lower right corner of your card. When your 2015 dues are received, you will be sent the 2015 sticker. If we have not received your 2014 dues by December 31, 2014, we will be required to automatically suspend you on January 1, 2015! If you are experiencing financial difficulties or are unable to pay your dues for any reason, please contact the Northeast Scottish Rite Valley office at 913.831.7267 at your earliest convenience, so we may be of assistance in possibly alleviating the problem. Also, if you are 80+ years old or a 50-year member, you are not required to pay dues; however, your Valley must pay $20 per capita fees. Therefore, if it is within your means, your payment of the $20 per capita fee would be greatly appreciated and improve the budget of the Valley. In addition, please note that your 2015 dues are payable upon dues notice but not later than December 31, 2015 as well. Thanks for all you do for your Valley!! We are looking forward to seeing you in 2015. 8 For when I'm "here" I'm wondering If I really should be "there", And, when I try to think it through, I haven't got a prayer! Oft times I walk into a room, Say, "What am I here for?" I rack my brain, but all in vain, A zero is my score. At times I put something away Where it is safe, but, Gee! The person it is safest from Is, generally, me! When shopping I may see someone, Say "Hi" and have a chat, Then, when the person walks away, I ask myself, "Who was that?" Yes, my forgetter's getting better While my rememberer is broke, And it's driving me plumb crazy And that isn't any joke. Northeast Kansas Valley of Scottish Rite Masonic Services Directory “Northeast Kansas Valley of Scottish Rite Masonic Services Directory’s advertisers subscribe to providing high quality customer service, delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual price, respect, honesty, and fraternal spirit.” ACCOUNTING & TAXATION Ann M. Thornton, CPA Ann M. Thornton, CPA 913-441-1736 FINANCIAL PLANNING R.M. Phillips Mike Phillips 913-708-8120 INSURANCE Kansas Preferred Insurance Group Keith Turnbaugh 913-585-1981 LIMOSINE SERVICE Point to Point Tom Brandtonies 913-754-6700 PRINTING Shawnee Copy Center Inc Jim Shippee 913-268-4343 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS JDF Consulting Jerry Flora, Ph.D. 913-648-7081 Advertising Insertion Order Form Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ for insertions as indicated below. 1st Line 2 line listing 2nd Line ($40—4 quarterly issues) Heading requested Business or Service Name FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address City Phone State ZIP Mail to: Northeast Kansas Valley Scottish Rite, ATTN: Scottish Knight Editor, 5201 W. 75th St., Prairie Village, KS 66208-4402 Shown above on left: (L-R) Bro. Tom Brandtonies, 32o; Bro. Fred Kemp, 32o; and Bro. Brian Kremer, 32o after their installation as the newest members of NEKS Chapter of Knights of St. Andrew. Shown above on right: (L-R) Kathy Olds, Secretary; Jazmin Burch, Guide; Justice Merriman, Honored Queen; Joyce Olds, Bethel Guardian; and Ill David F. Kinzie, 33o, NEKS Valley Personnal Representative, who presented the members of Bethel #27, JDI, with a certificate of appreciation for delivering a program on JDI for the benefit of our members and guests present at the March 4th, 2015 dinner meeting. A good time was had by all. Great Truths In my many years, I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.—John Adams If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.—Mark Twain A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.—George Bernard Shaw I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.—Will Rogers Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.—James Bovard We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.—Aesop (c. 580 BC) My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3 a can. That’s almost $21 in dog money.—Joe Weinstein I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.—Rita Rudner Ever consider what a dog must think of us? I mean we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul—chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we’re the greatest hunters on earth.—Anne Tyler Anybody who doesn’t know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.—Franklin P. Jones The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog.—Ambrose Bierce If your dog is fat, you aren’t getting enough exercise.—Author Unknown Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.—Robert A. Heinlein The man who doesn’t read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.—Mark Twain 9 Shown above left: Our Mar ch Bir thday Boys (L-R): Ill Robert Hines. 33o, Bro. Don E. Matteson, 32o, Bro. Jerry Flora, 32o, KCCH. Shown above right: (L-R) Bro. Fred Kemp, 32o, Bro. Tom Brandtonies, 32o, and Bro. Brian Kremer, 32o in preparation to be installed as Knights of St. Andrew in our NEKS Valley Chapter of KSA. Congratulations, all. Want to leave a lasting legacy? My Influence Please consider remembering your Northeast Kansas Scottish Rite Valley in your annuities, gifts, estates, and wills. My life shall touch a dozen lives before the day is done. Leave countless marks fore good or ill. Ere sets the evening sun. This is the wish I always wish, The prayer I always pray. Lord, help my life help other lives It touches by the way! If you want/need advise on this process, please contact Bro. Mike Phillips, 32o, at 913.708.8120 or [email protected]. Building Sustainment Fund A (Very) Little Humor There are some repairs, additions, re-modeling which needs to be done to better utilize the facility. E.g., add electrical outlets, re-arrange the kitchen to make it more useful, purchase some new kitchen appliances, and many other things. Most of the work to do this will be accomplished by Lodge and/or Valley members if at all possible. But we know it will still cost money. Therefore, we are establishing a building sustainment fund to which we will accept donations to be used exclusively for this purpose. If you would like to make monthly, quarterly, yearly, or one-time donations, simply send your check to the office and note “Bldg Sustainment” on the memo line. All donations will be gratefully accepted and kept confidential unless otherwise requested.. Thank you in advance for your support!! Thoughts on Change I believe it was George Bernard Shaw who said, “Some men see things as they are and say why; I dream of things that never were and say why not.: Interestingly enough, I recently read that Shaw was a Mason. I like this quote because of how it defines change. Change, it seems to me, requires faith. All men of faith have courage, and so having the courage to have the faith to accept change is the point I want to make. [From the V irginia Masonic Herald, RW William C. Phillips, Jr.] 10 I’m going through my second childhood right now. It’s my fourth time through. He’s such a slow reader. By the time he finishes a murder mystery, it doesn’t matter who committed the crime; the statute of limitations has run out. You might have heard of our IT department. It’s known as a house of ill compute. An inventor came up with a knife that sliced two loaves of bread at a time and sold it to a large bakery. Then he developed a knife that sliced three loaves at a time and sold it, too. Finally, his ultimate invention came: a knife that sliced four loaves at a time. And so was born the world’s first four-loaf cleaver. A moth said to another moth, “Have a bite of this delicious sweater.” “I can’t,” the other moth replied. “I’ve given them up for lint.” We’ll have a mixture of sun and clouds today with wind and maybe some precipitation. So basically … weather. A woman, shocked at the behavior of her friend’s child, said, “Doesn’t your son swear terribly?” “He sure as heck does,” the mother replied. “No expression in it at all.” When filling out an application, where it says “In case of emergency, notify,” I always write “Doctor.” Shown clockwise from above left: (L-R) Br o. Max & Angela Kmeck and Emily & Br o. Robert Walker, all our guests {Both brothers completed petitions for our 9-May-15 reunion}; Ill David Kinzie, 33o, PR, presented Bro. Fred Kemp, 32o, accompanied by his lady Linda with his 32o patent; and Bro. Jim Burns,32o, Bro. Fred Kemp, 32o, and Ill David Kinzie, 33o, PR, were our February Birthday Boys. Malapropisms (For those who might not know, a malapropism is a verbal blunder in which one word is replaced by another similar in sound but different in meaning.) People who live beyond their means should act their wage. If your wife wants to learn to drive, don't stand in her way. The image of you playing Frisbee with a dog isn't so farfetched. The wise never marry, and when they marry, they become otherwise. He's a wolf in cheap clothing. It was a case of love at Versailles. He's got one of those sight-seeing dogs. In Algiers, they spend most of their time at the cash bar. My sister has extra-century perception. A fool and his money are some party. All's fear in love and war. Nip it in the butt. Some viruses can lie doormat for years. To each his zone. Michelangelo painted the Sixteenth Chapel. No more negotiating - it's a dumb deal. It's a long road to hold. All I want from you kids is a little piece of quiet. Perforation is a rip off. What do you call a sleepwalking nun? A Roaming Catholic. Dilbert's Laws of Work A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a kick in the rear. When the bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking about themselves. If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a fool about it. Everything can be filed under "miscellaneous." 11 Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted. You can go anywhere you want if you look serious and carry a clipboard. Eat one live toad the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. Never delay the ending of a meeting or the beginning of a cocktail hour. To err is human, to forgive is not our policy. Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he/she is supposed to be doing. If you are good, you will be assigned all the work. If you are really good, you will get out of it. You are always doing something marginal when the boss drops by your desk. People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't. If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done. When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried. When confronted by a difficult problem you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?" No matter how much you do, you never do enough. NE Kansas Scottish Rite Valley 5201 W. 75th Street Prairie Village, KS 66208-4402 Phone: 913-831-7267 Fax: 913-831-7268 E-mail: [email protected] NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID KANSAS CITY, KS. PERMIT NO. 99 Change of Address? Please notify the Postmaster and the Scottish Rite office six weeks in advance. Please enclose the mailing label and your new address. Opinions expressed in signed articles are not necessarily those of the Northeast Kansas Scottish Rite Bodies. Any article appearing in this publication expresses only the opinion of the writer and does not reflect the official position of the Northeast Kansas Valley, Staff or Officers. Please mail or e-mail items to: David F. Kinzie, 33o—Editor 21929 Kissinger Road Leavenworth, KS 66048-6116 E-mail: [email protected] Deadline: 15 days prior to start of calendar quarter. 12
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