- New England Paint Horse Club

New England Paint Horse Club
2015 Sponsorship Agreement
NEPHC would like to extend the invitation to be part of our
year long 40th celebration by becoming a club sponsor!
We would like to THANK all our previous sponsors & WELCOME all our new 2015 sponsors! Formed in 1975 by a handful of people represen ng all New England states, the New England Paint Horse Club is a non‐
profit organiza on that supports and promotes the American Paint Horse through various breed and open horse shows, an annual trail ride, clinics and dissemina on of informa on. Addi onally, we provide the Silver Heels Riding Club and New England Horse & Trail with year end awards for Paint horse exhibitors. NEPHC club members can also earn club points and awards by par cipa ng in open shows or trail rides. How does NEPHC put your sponsorship $$ to work? Your contribu on supports our youth program, weekend and year end awards, added $$ classes, exhibitor apprecia on par es & gi s and random giveaways. What do you get as a sponsor? We will promote your business or branded item mul ple mes during ALL NEPHC spon‐
sored events. For 2015 we plan to sanc on 3 APHA horse shows, co‐sponsor one APHA/Open show, 1‐2 clinics, 1 fall trail ride and a year‐end awards banquet. Please visit our website, www.nephc.com, for addi onal details. SPONSORSHIP LEVELS: We will gladly accept any amount/item(s) you would like to contribute.  $25 Sponsor ‐ Provides lis ng on our website and in our newsle ers.  $50 Sponsor ‐ Same as $25 level and you can choose a CLASS on the show program which will be announced throughout the 2015 show season.  $100 Sponsor ‐ Same as $50 sponsor and we provide a business card size adver sement on the website, newsle er and social media recogni on.  $250 Sponsor ‐ Same as $100 sponsor and display your banner or flyer at our 2015 events. Plus a free 1/2 page ad in our 2015 show programs.  $500 Sponsor ‐ Same as $250 sponsor and you can choose a DIVISION to sponsor. Plus one year end banquet cket.  $1,000 + Sponsor ‐ Same as $500 sponsor. Plus two year end banquet ckets. And designa‐
on of YEAR END AWARD sponsor! Sponsor/Business Name: Contact: Address: Email: Phone: Website: Contribu on Amount: CASH CHECK Item(s) Class Sponsored ($50 to $499) Division Sponsored (Over $500) Mail completed form, business card and check payable to NEPHC. Thank you!! Any ques ons please contact Kerry Mayer. Kerry Mayer ~ % NEPHC SPONSORSHIP ~ PO BOX 437 ~ W. GROTON, MA 01472 ~ [email protected] ~ 978.758.1154