Meeting (No) Neston Town Centre Committee (No 7) Time & Date 6.00 pm Place Town Hall Document Draft Minutes 28 April 2015 Present: Cllrs Wilkie (Chair), Shipman, Griffiths, Jilani, & Kynaston. In attendance: Cllr Loch, Katy Pierce (Town Centre Manager) & Mrs N McMahon 110 Questions to Council None 111 Apologies for absence Received from Cllrs Barker, C Lloyd and Kynaston and accepted 112 Declarations of Interest None. 113 Minutes of the last meetings Meeting 6 - 24.3.15 Resolved Minutes agreed as true record. Minutes signed by Cllr Wilkie 114 Delegated Authority Report The Town Centre Manager presented report TC7/114 Resolved That delegated authority be given to the Town Centre Manager in consultation with the Chair/Deputy Chair. 115 Update on issues raised with CWaC a The Town Centre Manager presented report TC7/115 The committee received the report and the following issues were raised; An advert has been placed for a suitable Manager to re-open the lodestar pub. It was suggested that NTC continue to engage with CWaC to assess how the area can best be utilised. Proposals are also included in the draft Neighbourhood Plan. b The Town Centre Manager reported that letters had now been received back in relation to items 95.2 and 96.1 on the agenda for the meeting 24.3.15. Resolved That the Town Centre Manager responds to both letters. The committee thanked Cllr Kynaston for all her hard work in organising the re-decoration of the Hall. 116 Working Groups a Noted the notes of the Economic Development Working Group from 14.4.15 Chairman’s initials and date______________________ Resolved That the Town Centre Manager write to Anita Steel (CWaC localities) to invite her to come to meet with NTC. b Noted the minutes of the S106 working group meeting on 14.4.15 c Resolved That BelowZero be asked to update the website to facilitate the Art Competition. At a cost of no more than £200. Funding to come from the Town Centre initiative budget. Resolved That an item be added to the next Town Centre Committee meeting to discuss the future of the S106 group. 117 Finance Noted the income received from room hire and market rent of 31/3/15. The Town Centre Manager reported that the Market has regular traders and continued good attendance. Cllr Kynaston joined the meeting at 6.30pm 118 Additional Funding Sources a Noted report TC7/118 b Resolved That the proposal for the Town Clerk to write to Network Rail is agreed. c No further action required. 119 Other Items None 120 Next Meeting Noted that a date has not yet been set. 121 Exclusion of the Press and Public 122 Resolved to exclude public and press for the remaining items because of likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Promotion and Marketing Contract a Noted the report TC7/122 and its recommendations b i Resolved That an extraordinary meeting be arranged before 12th May for the Town Centre Manager to present quotes to the committee, for agreement to appoint a marketing consultant. This company will not be tied in and will be reviewed in 6 months. ii Resolved That delegated authority be given to the Town Centre Manager in consultation with the Chair or Deputy Chair, to appoint a specialist marketing company when required. Chairman’s initials and date______________________ iii Resolved That the existing appropriate. company continue with work 123 Community Unit Proposal a Noted the report TC7/123 and its recommendations. b Resolved already commenced, as That the proposal is agreed. 124 Town Hall Management Agreement a The Town Centre Manager gave an oral report to the committee. b Resolved That a meeting between the Town Centre Manager, The Town Clerk and Cllr C Lloyd would need to be held to discuss the matter before reporting back to CWaC. The meeting closed at 7.05 pm. Chairman’s signature and date______________________
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