Boost Your Metabolism and explosive plyometric exercises.
Boost Your Metabolism
Fire up your metabolism with this mix of slow strength moves
and explosive plyometric exercises.
By John Hanc; Photos by Jason Todd
“Swift motions and jumps give your metabolism an instant kick while
building muscle in the long term,” says Jon Giswold, a master trainer
at PUSH, an online personal-training service. Add this power-packed
routine, developed by Giswold, to your regular workout three times a
week—you’ll burn more than 100 calories in each 10-minute session.
Minutes 0:00 – 2:00: Single-Leg Squat
Targets: Core, Quads, Glutes
Lift right leg off floor, bending knee 90 degrees, and place hands on hips.
Bend left knee, lowering into a squat.
Hold for 1 count, straighten leg, then repeat.
Do 1 minute per leg.
Minutes 2:00 – 4:00: Crunch Ball Toss
Targets: Abs, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
• Lie on back holding a medicine ball with both hands at chest level, knees bent.
• Crunch up and toss the ball a few inches above you; freeze in that position until
the ball falls back into your hands.
• Slowly return to start and repeat.
Boost Your Metabolism, continued
Minutes 4:00 – 6:00: Single-Arm Diagonal Clean and Press
Targets: Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
• Holding a 5-pound dumbbell in right hand, bend knees 90 degrees and lower weight
toward left foot.
• With an explosive lift, stand and swing the weight up to your right shoulder.
• Extend arm overhead; return weight to shoulder.
• Repeat 10 times on each side.
Minutes 6:00 – 8:00: Explosive Jump
Targets: Quads, Calves, Glutes
Stand with knees bent 90 degrees.
With arms by sides, bend elbows, bringing fists just below chest.
Keeping abs and glutes tight, jump as high as you can.
Land with knees slightly bent.
Return to start.
Do 12 times; rest for 30 seconds and repeat.
Minutes 8:00 – 10:00: Metabolic Bike
Targets: Obliques, Core
Lie on back with knees bent, feet on floor.
Place hands lightly behind head.
Raise upper body and extend legs about 12 inches off floor.
Bring left elbow and right knee toward each other.
Continue, alternating sides.
Originally published in Fitness magazine, May 2005.