Small College. Big Bang!

Small College. Big Bang!
Perspectives from an Art & Design College
on Cloud-Based ERP Services
California College of the Arts
Founded 1907
Non-profit art and design college in San
Francisco and Oakland California
2000 students. 2/3 UG, 1/3 Grad
Founded in the Arts and Crafts Movement
Fine Arts, Design, Architecture, Humanities
Pride ourselves on being nimble and
“scrappy”… Using iterative processes
Doers and Makers
Innovation is in our DNA
Technology is embedded in our disciplines
About Me
Fine Arts and Instructional
Technology degrees
e-learning since 1995
UC Berkeley, ACIO for Academic
Active in Community Source
efforts: Sakai, Fluid Project,
Strong advocate for usercentered design practices
CCA CIO for 2.5 years
CCA IT Landscape
Datatel/Colleague school since 2004
ADP for HR/Payroll until January 2015
Hobsons for Student Recruiting and applications
Raisers Edge for Advancement
Moodle LMS
Many manual processes and small tools to make up for
lack of integration
Small school, but significant breadth
Often only a single FTE deep in critical areas
Why Change?
Carrying a large level of risk
No way to scale significantly with existing staffing
Legacy systems the largest complaint from faculty and students
Inability to be responsive with current system
Cost of customization — incredibly brittle systems
Work-arounds a very large human hour cost — largely invisible
Expectations require a modern technology stack
Strategy + Goals
Extend services by leveraging cloud services
Increase understanding & empathy for end-user goals and
Deliver long term impact through phased/iterative approach
Fill gaps & largest pain points first
Clarify decision-making — functional ownership
Cultivate and promote business process review & project
Take advantage of the moment to revisit business process
Managing Decision-making
Governance - priority and funding
CIO Administrative Advisory
CIO Academic Advisory
Administrative Managers Users Group
Project management tools and sponsorship
Data Governance
Cloud Solutions
Platform As A Service
Configuration rather than customization
Engagement is their business
Third party tools and implementation partners can
help us expand
Reasonable Higher Ed. pricing via Foundation
Filling gaps rather than replacing legacy systems
1 platform for managing and tracking student
Career Services, Academic Programs, Student
Affairs Counseling, Industry Partnerships, Center for
Art and Public Life
Activities: Internship mgmt., mentor matching,
alum tracking, industry partnerships opportunities
and CAPL partners mgmt.
Native Cloud — prepared for change
Utilizing new technologies offering flexibility
Company willing taking a UCD approach
Partnership programs enable CCA to engage
without having development staff
Workday HR/Payroll phase 1 released January 2015
Staff Recruiting released March 2015
June 2015 Release:
Faculty Recruiting and Contracting
Student Recruiting
Financials Review & Decision Summer 2015
Working with Workday
Student Strategic
Influence and shape
Bring the talent and unique
perspective you have
Student Design Sprint
[Straw Man] Roadmap
Building a shared sense of need
Managing change — costs and expectations
Data management
The Start of the Storm...
Max Davis-Johnson
May 2015
Boise State University
What are we going to talk about?
new strategy
 Starting the transition
 What’s next
Boise State University
Boise State Facts
Fall 2014 Enrollment – 22,259
Full Time Faculty & Staff – 2,104
Offer 12 Doctorate, 76 Master’s and
84 UnderGrad Programs plus 23
Grad Certificates
FY 2015 Budget - $450M
FY2014 Research Expenditure - $35M
Boise State University
It is not a question of if…it is only a
question of when.
Boise State University
Our Reality is…
Doing more with what we have or in some
cases with less
 Growing expectations
 Increasing pace of innovation
 We can’t get rid of stuff or turn anything off
Boise State University
… and this
ERP upgrades that cost millions
Servers under peoples desks
Faculty members still using Windows 95
Chemistry server storing credit card numbers
Manual shaping network packets to block abusers
Distributed staff doing the “same thing but different”
Boise State University
Higher Ed Tech is unique…
Boise State University
Unique because…
Transactional & Administrative systems
Classroom Technology
High Performance Computer (HPC) / Research Technology
Huge data sets
Labs/Classrooms with 100’s of applications
Open networks/easy hacking target
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
ISP to ResNet & Housing
Refresh of customers
Educated trained debaters
Consensus style of governance
Boise State University
 Why
do we think we can do this
by ourselves?
Boise State University
Why a new strategy?
Boise State University
Like technology from an advanced alien
Boise State University
Move from this…
Boise State University
… to this
Boise State University
Flip the Pyramid
Boise State University
Fundamental Strategies
 IT
 IT
 Do
more core technologies than
context technologies
 Embrace the SMAC stack
Boise State University
IT Rationalization
Determine the best source of IT services and reduce
non-productive redundancy in IT Solutions
Think Cloud First when upgrading or acquiring
Emphasize virtualization of servers and storage
Centralize commodity technology
Get control of technology infrastructure
Embrace the concepts of IT Simplification – concept of
one & zero, keep score, free the data, amazonification,
team sport, and stop doing stuff
Boise State University
From Context to Core
Core processes … are the ones that
differentiate you … so that customers
select you over your competition.
Everything else is context.
-- Geoffrey Moore
Dealing with Darwin
Boise State University
Embrace the SMAC stack
Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud - SMAC
 Lead with Mobile in Development
 Incorporate Social in Development
 Working hard to extend the data (warehouse)
 Working hard to extend reporting/analytics
with new tools and dashboards
 Think Cloud first
Boise State University
Why Oracle Cloud Financials?
Current state
Boise State University
Current State
Boise State was one of the Original 13 for PeopleSoft (Pre Y2K implementation)
Planning for a significant PeopleSoft Financials upgrade (8.x to
 Process mapping
 COA update
 Project culture in place
 Upgrade Budget identified
Looking at a large PS licensing increase due to significant
University Budget growth
Cloud is evolving part of our culture/strategic direction
Boise State University
Annual Avoidance Cost
Software Maintenance
Annualized Upgrade
Additional SW License
Other Cost Reductions (after 2nd Year)*
Software & Hardware Maintenance/Replacement
Cloud Subscription Costs
*Cost shifts
The technical benefits of moving to a cloud-based
system are all there:
reducing infrastructure costs *
the opportunity to repurpose staff to other needed areas *
keeping the system current
eliminating costly upgrades
the ability to grow and scale as needed
robust web services
* Cost Shifts
Boise State University
Functional – Critical to ERP Cloud
Mature fully functional financial cloud system (This is
the “fusion” product) – modifying for public sector
and higher ed
As a charter partner (read beta) it is an opportunity
to influence product functionality and direction
Includes integrations to PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
and Human Capital Management
Focus less on the technology and more on
automating and transforming business processes
Boise State University
High Level Plan and Status
Plan and Tasks
High Level Plan and Status
Change Management
The Good
Fully functional modern financial system with social,
mobile, built-in analytics
Grant functionality (post award)
Flexible and configurable – we do not see a need to make
our own customizations
Oracle development has been responsive – added refund
direct deposit
Lots of attention from Oracle
Opportunity to improve and build consistent business
Boise State University
The Ugly
Taking too long to learn to dance at
the same tempo
Too many cooks (sales )from Oracle – no
unified cloud vision
Data Warehouse path is evolving
Learning the product – both from a functional and web
Historic data archiving is undetermined
Boise State University
What’s Next for Boise State?
Go-Live Oracle Cloud Financials – Jan 1, 2016
Considering the following:
 Summer/Fall 2016 start our Oracle
Cloud HCM transition to the cloud –
starting with Recruiting, On-boarding,
and Learn
 Start full Oracle Cloud HCM implementation 2016
 Extend Data Warehouse to Oracle Cloud 2016
Wait and see on Cloud Campus Solutions (Student) until it
Boise State University
[email protected]
Boise State University