BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 39, 1039-1050 F Prostaglandins (1988) Function as Potent the Postovulatory PETER W. SORENSEN,2’3 Female J. TOSHIAKI HARA,’ Olfactory Stimulants Sex Pheromone NORMAN Department That Comprise in Goldfish’ E. STACEY,3 and FREDERICK WM. GOETZ5 of Zoology3 University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9 Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans4 Fresh water Institute Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T2N6 Canada and of Zoology5 Department University of Notre Notre Dame, Indiana Dame 46556 ABSTRACT This they study establishes stimulate strated that Next, using male that ovulated spawning ovulated and female behavior goldfish and recording F type the goldfish female goldfish prostaglandin-injected electro-olfactogram release comprise (EOG), we prostaglandins determined that waterborne potent olfactory stimulants for mature male goldfish. Prostaglandin F2a (PGF2) prostaglandin F2a (15KPGF2a) were the most potent prostaglandins; the former 10 PGF ‘#{176}M and the latter a detection threshold metabolites are an important component low concentrations of waterborne the odor of ovulated fish. Together as a preovulatory “priming”pheromone may commonly serve of 10’2M. Studies of the pheromone. PGFs with as reproductive spawning 1982; goldfish, that behavior Stacey et like many teleost rapidly stimulates (Partridge al., 1986). et The al., prostaglandins and function had a detection 15KPGF2a that male as 15-ketothreshold indicated of that using the EOG that are indepengoldfish exposed to elicited by hormone and their leasing” actions of this pheromone physiological or “priming” actions mone that is released by female ovulation. We recently discovered fish, male 1976; behavioral where exposure functions metabolites to in fish. INTRODUCTION Recently ovulated release a pheromone(s) water and its metabolite exhibit reproductive behaviors similar to those our recent discovery that a steroidal maturational for goldfish, these findings suggest that hormones pheromones to the of prostaglandin-injected fish Cross-adaptation experiments have separate olfactory receptor sites for PGF2a other olfactory stimulants. Finally, we established demonstrated that goldfish dent from those that detect (PGFs) postovulatory pheromone. We first demo nrelease immunoreactive PGFs to the water. Liley, or goldfish mone, “re- release the oocyte maturational 1 7a ,2013-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3 to the water where it functions Waterborne 17,20P stimulates the Accepted July 13, 1988. Received March 1, 1988. ‘This study was supported by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (Fellowship to P. W. S.), the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Contract# FP430-6-9064/01-1SF to P. W. S. and T. J. H.), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (Grant# A7576 to T. J. H. and #A2903 to N. E. S.), and the National Science Foundation (Grant#DcB-85 17718 to F. W. G.). 2 Reprint requests and present address: Peter W. Sorensen, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Minnesota, 200 Hodson Hall, 1980 FoIwell Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108. of mature males via increase milt (sperm tion sen, by the time 1986; Dulka 1987). In this fish postovulatory signal 1039 contrast with the of another pherogoldfish prior to that preovulatory that study, differentiates -one steroid hor(17 ,20P), as a pheromone. endocrine system their olfactory system to and seminal fluid) produc- of spawning (Stacey and et al., 1987; Sorensen we hypothesized pheromone (the ovulated that specific from Sorenet al., the goldchemical nonovulated 1040 SORENSEN goldfish) is likely compound 17,20P is to be a hormone or hormone-like closely associated with a candidate for poor ovulation the pheromone because its synthesis declining by the time of ovulation 1987), and because waterborne minor effects on male behavior itself. postovulatory and release are (Dulka et a!., 17,20P has only (Sorensen, unpublished Kittredge et a!. (1971) first suggested that aquatic organisms are likely to have evolved to use hormones and their metabolites as sex pheromones because they represent pre-existing and relevant chemical cues whose detection need only involve an externalization of internal hormone receptor mechanisms. More recently, Doving (1976) suggested that this possibility also apply have since for teleost implicated AL. tory pheromone because, where studied in mammals, PGs have been found to be rapidly metabolized and excreted (Samuelsson et al., 1975; Hoult and Moore, 1977; Granstrom is known about duration of the and Kindahl, 1982). Although little PG metabolism in fish, both the short spawning response elicited by PGF2a injection (Stacey and Goetz, indomethacin (a cyclo-oxygenase results). might studies ET fish. Although several steroidal pheromones in quickly blocks 1976) rapidly. indicate Several spawning that 1982) in ovulated goldfish predictions and inhibitor) also arose from the fact that treatment females (Stacey, metabolize our PGF2a hypothesis that prostaglandins and/or their metabolites function as the goldfish postovulatory pheromone. First, recently ovulated and PGF2 a-injected goldfish should release PGFs to the water. Second, the olfactory sense of mature males should detect waterborne prostaglan- fish (Colombo et a!., 1982, van den Hurk and Lambert, 1983; Lambert et al., 1986; van den Hurk et a!., 1987; Stacey et al., 1987), no study, with the exception of ours on the goldfish preovulatory pheromone, has simultaneously demonstrated pheromone release, olfactory sensitivity, and a relevant biological response (i.e., a neuroendocrine reflex or dins because olfactory ablation blocks the responsiveness of goldfish to pheromones (Partridge et al., 1976; Stacey and Kyle, 1983). Third, PGF2a-injected goldfish should release a potent olfactory stimulant(s) sexual arousal). identified a fish We suspected should be relatively specific and not respond to other odorants. Fifth, mature male goldfish exposed to physiological concentrations of waterborne PGFs Similarly, postovulatory for several no previous pheromone. reasons that postovulatory pheromone could glandins (PGs). First, circulating F type prostaglandins (PGFs) (and other te!eosts) fard, 1979: Cetta probably reflecting rupture Second, apparently on the ovulated and a the time the goldfish consist of prostaand ovarian levels of increase in goldfish of ovulation Goetz, role in has (Bouf- 1982; Goetz, 1983), modulating follicular detected by olfactory receptors that also to prostaglandins. Fourth, those olfactory that respond to waterborne prostaglandins should exhibit the same reproductive elicited by exposure to water from ovulated This study sought to test these predictions variety water of techniques, including samples, electrophysiological behavioral 1979; Stacey as a hormonal behavior and Goetz, signal that in goldfish brain (Stacey and goldfish injected Peter, with exhibit normal female spawning 1976; Stacey and Goetz, 1982), odor that elicits male reproductive MATERIALS 1982; triggers Goetz, female Prostaglandin direct actions and through 1979). PGF2a behavior but also behaviors Third, not nononly (Stacey, release an identical to those elicited by the odor of ovulated females (Sorensen et al., 1986). Spawning males do not distinguish between naturally ovulated females and PGF2ainjected females (Stacey, 1981). In particular, we believed that PGF2a metabolites might be an important component of the postovula- Release Prostaglandin-Injected We female behaviors females. using radioimmunoassay recording, a of and observation. (Dennefors et a!., 1983; Goetz, 1983). circulating prostaglandin F2 a (PGF2 a), the most abundant PGF in goldfish (Bouffard, 1983), acts spawning at study that is respond receptors first sought to goldfish release AND by METHODS Ovulated Goldfish determine PGFs to whether the water. ovulated Mature vitellogenic females (Ozark Fisheries, Stoutland, MO) were induced to ovulate using an established protocol (Stacey et a!., 1979). Briefly, they were moved from stock tanks (14#{176}C,16L:8D photoperiod, lights on at 0800 h) into 70-1 flow-through aquaria (20#{176}C; 16L:8D) containing aquatic vegetation (spawning substrate) at 2100 h on Day 1; on the morning of Day 3, they were checked for ovulation by applying gentle pressure to their abdomens. Ovulated fish were PROSTAGLANDIN divided into from males to spawn 2 groups: (“ovulated”) with released ovulated, one group and the males for several was other hours all their eggs (“spawned-out”). and spawned-out fish were individual glass aerated jars water. containing After until they was released/excreted female i.m. with either 10 pg (an amount equivalent had sensitivity odorants nares and 1041 because olfactory tranquilizing epithelia by using an collected by goldfish entially bridged diameter positioned female pheromone the release 1986]), [Stacey and Goetz, 1982; Sorensen et al., or buffer alone, placed into jars, and their doses of anesthetic reduce olfactory Five-second pulses the flow perfusing apparatus designed to fluctuations response was reference electrode was procedures). (Sorensen positioned minimize (Evans and recorded differ- et al., 1987), at the location skin recording electrode was that produced a maximal 3.5 with 0.1 N HCI, which was extracted ethyl acetate was and at 37#{176}C and PGF”) using Goetz, 1982). assayed for an established Siliconized PGF2a (“immunoprotocol (Cetta glassware was used sample collection, extraction, and radioimmunoassay. Extraction efficiency for PGF2a was estimated greater reacts 90%. than 100% with with PGE1, The PGF2a; PGE2, 1 5-keto-prostaglandin Olfactory fish Sensitivity to Waterborne and PGA2; F2 a a metabolite Ozark glandins was gram (EOG) and of Male Gold- for to be a concentration able in responses cross0.01% 0.2 3% of PGF2 of from Fisheries) determined responses. mature which to male sperm waterborne by recording The EOG with A protocol previously used a goldfish could be prosta- goldfish 3 mg/kg Montreal stand, and dechlorinated their body Que., gills and 11#{176}Cwater. wieght; Canada), Rhone-Paulene placed on nares were perfused with These animals were not series. 106M to a grounded. Because PG solutions methanol the standard because goldfish is representative because we used it the response L-serine after water control olfactory responses was employed (Sorensen et al., 1987). Briefly, mature male goldfish were immobi!ized with an i.m. injection of Flaxedil (gallamine triethiodide; Pharmacie, were a Electrical (Grass prostaMI) in and placing 17 !1l to create a 106 M diluted to create methanol (7 X control and odorant was 104M were detect- methanol), tested in its as potency of other a standard as an odorant for L-amino acids and in earlier studies (Sorensen et al., 1987). Amino acids are important components of food odors and are potent olfactory stimulants for fish (Caprio, 1984; Hara, 1986). Each test stimulus was tested 3 times, and 2 mm were allowed between stimuli for recovery. Responses were averaged and then expressed as a percentage of electro-olfactois a multiunit to record fish standard water (no conjunction with each series of solutions. A blank water control (no odorant added) and an amino acid standard (10 M L-serine; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) were also tested at the beginning and end of each concentration series. L-Serine was chosen as transepithelial voltage transient recorded from the surface of the olfactory epithelium and reflects olfactory receptor potentials (Ottoson, 1971; Getchell, 1974). The M L-serine a “blank” glass-distilled methanol at 1 mg/mI into 50 ml of dechlorinated water dilution that was then progressively Prostaglandins The olfactory sensitivity (fish with tubercles and expressed; antiserum employed 24% with PGF1a; control. surface experiments signals were amplified by a DC-preamplifier 7Pl) and displayed on a pen recorder. Test solutions were prepared by dissolving glandins (Cayman Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, nitrogen reactive 10 to the on the in previous response minimal and split into 2 aliquots, each of with 5 ml of ethyl acetate. The evaporated under a stream of to the response placed As water was collected and frozen 2 h later. Water samples from both the ovulation and PGF2 a-injection experiments were later thawed, acidified to a pH of added) of the using Ag/AgCl electrodes (WPI Type EH-lF) to saline/gelatin-filled glass pipettes (tip 60-80 pm). The recording electrode was just above the olfactory epithelium, and (noninvasive evoke and 1985). into (Lewis et a!., were introduced pressure and temperature Hara, 1985). The EOG PGF2a in 10 p1 to that used to behavior IN GOLDFISH anesthetized destroy fish Nonovulated, then placed into 2 h, 10 ml of water spawning isolated allowed 1.5 1 of dechlorinated, from each jar and frozen. To determine if PGF2a is PGFz-injected fish, nonovulated were injected of saline buffer kept was PHEROMONE 10-6 M portion a Responses PGF2a, (Stacey elicited by the most recent iO M responses to the most recent blank had been subtracted. Responses to solutions of the were were response tested PGF3a, and Goetz, corrected attributable to remove that to methanol. to all 5 prostaglandins PGE1, 1982). and PGE2) (PGF1a, found in fish SORENSEN 1042 Pheromone and Release Olfactory Sensitivity To test the PGF metabolites cy of by PGF2c,.-Injected water Fish to PGF2a possibility that we determined collected from goldfish olfactory release poten- PGF2a-injected fish compared its potency to that of PGF2a added ly to the water. Twenty-five-gram females nonvitellogenic ovaries were injected i.m. with 10 pg PGF2a immunoreactive rinsed, and (the PGF placed dechlorinated into water sponses of mature recorded using dose release) used earlier to or 10 p1 buffered beakers males the 45 to these water established undiluted water evoked both water samples were mm. 1.5 1 of EOG re- samples protocol. extremely diluted and directwith either measure saline, containing (11#{176}C) for were Because large 10 and AL. tory also Metabolites female the ET receptors respond to the stimulus. adapting stimulus We adapted the olfactory epithelia of male goldfish PGF2a or 107M 15K-PGF2a, and tions of salineand PGF2a-injected to either 10 8 M tested 10% dilufemale water to see if adaptation to PGFs would selectively responses elicited by PGF2a-injected fish Responses were analyzed in mV rather than reduce water. relative to L-serine, because it could not be assumed that responses to the L-serine standard were not influenced by adaptation. Adaptation was initially verified by demonstrating that and 108M PGF2a equal concentrations Although relationships responses, 100 times responding the test to responses to 1 0 were abolished of themselves. the different to PGF2a M 1 5K-PGF2a by adaptation to EOG concentration-response and its metabolites suggested with dechlorinated water for testing. Responses to salineand PGF2 a-injected fish water were expressed relative to a 10 M L-serine control and were compared using paired t-tests. Because the EOG responses elicited by PGF2a- that goldfish have more than one class of olfactory receptors for PGFs, the specificity of these receptors remained to be demonstrated. Therefore, the cross- injected fish water were too large to be attributable to PGF2a alone (see Results), we next determined EOG responses of mature males to PGF2a metabo- established categories of potent in fish (Hara, 1986; Sorensen sentative amino acid (105M lites. fish (10 The only known study of PGF2a metabolism in found that goldfish ovaries produce 15-keto- prostaglandin results). F2a in vitro 1 5-Keto-prostaglandin and 13, 14-dihydro1445KPGF2a) are PGF2a in a variety 1975; Kindahl, Hoult 1982). determined arachidonic Specificity Receptors PGFs, and (Goetz, F2a unpublished (1 5KPGF2 a) 1 5-keto-prostaglandin F2 a (13, also the initial metabolites of of mammals (Samuelsson et a!., and Moore, EOG responses to both of these acid, the precursor of Prostaglandin to PGF2 a-Injected Other Odorants 1977; Granstrom of mature males and were compounds of PGF2a. as to as well Olfactory Fish Water, To verify whether the EOG response to PGF2ainjected fish water was attributable to the olfactory receptors responding to PGFs a cross-adaptation experiment was conducted. In cross-adaptation, the EOG response to a test odorant is first measured, and then the olfactory epithelium is perfused with an adapting odorant to which pulses of the test odorant (made up in the adapting stimulus) are added (see Caprio and Byrd, 1984). Reductions in EOG response magnitude to the test odorant during adaptation are interpreted as reflecting the extent to which olfac- adaptation experiments variety of PGs were as well M taurocholic Sigma Chemical Sigma Chemical similarity between carboyxl group, acid-which is a acid we to made up as a sodium salt; for different (Hara, 1982; did not test specifically amino Caprio acids are and Byrd other amino acids. whether goldfish Last, to possess for PGF2a and of each comadapted to the PGF. Behavioral fish a three olfactory stimulants et a!., 1987): a repreL-serine), bile acid separate classes of olfactory receptors 15KPGF2a, various concentrations pound were tested while a fish was other include of the Co.), and a steroid (108M 17,20P; Co.). Because the only structural PGs and amino acids is a terminal a feature also shared by arachidonic poor olfactory stimulant, and the receptor types proposed not mutually exclusive 1984), determine extended as representatives Responses to Waterborne Finally, determine chasing ovipores mone females weeds a behavioral when experiment male exposed behavior of females and sides source; allow where, Gold- Pros taglandins whether behavior reproductive of Male (as goldfish was exhibit to waterborne is characterized and constant if trying to conducted to reproductive PGFs. Male by extensive nudging identify of the their phero- Partridge et a!., 1976). If receptive, themselves to be pushed into aquatic in a reflexive action, they oviposit in PROSTAGLANDIN synchrony male(s) 1976; with the of sperm groups and/or of males nonovulated 1976; personal the odor of females become the odor occasionally females and interact pursuing (Partridge other et a!., with visual images of females (Partridge et a!., 1976; Sorensen et a!., 1986). Grouped males exposed to these odors exhibit dramatic increases in nudging and chasing; these behaviors are not elicited by exposure to food odor, the odor of nonovulated females, or the odor of waterborne 17, 20P (Sorensen et a!., 1986). The here protocol of the behavioral is based directly on that used experiments in earlier grouped males (Sorensen et al., 1986). not included in these groups because tive females would act and trolled elicits behavioral variable that some chasing. Tests offered nonreceptive a controlled, could test by exposure of 5 males gravel number a 1 5-mm presumably of nudges pre-test (10-6 M or less) was the aquaria through experimental period an uncon- held with which in flow- for (social contact) were during which an ethanol pumped aerators started of midline on the tank of times fish picked searching food), Release Approximately PGF was found 20 times more in water collected and observed control by peristaltic pump into at lOml/min. A 15-mm when the input solution reactive those of the PGF were also found in water samples fish injected with PGF2a; approximately injected PGF2a had been released. Olfactory Sensitivity Goldfish to Prostaglandins The olfactory epithelium from PGF2a at bond; group concentrations longer observed. ranks test for and were repeated progressively using difdecreasing of PGFs until responses were no Results were analyzed by the signeddependent samples. goldfish was one position be saturating, those elicited response differ (PGF1a curves structurally has an for extra PGF lacks a double bond; PGE2 substituted for a hydroxyl group), has a were similar to the PGF2a curve in shape but shifted to the right by one log unit. PGE1, which differs from PGF2a at two positions, was the least stimulatory (Fig. la). A structural isomer of PGF2a, 11I3PGF2a, was also considerably and its response (data not shown). sure and less to PGs had relatively small tonic components, similar odorants to the (Fig. 5po.o1 than EOGs large but elicited by to that elicited exposure F prostaglandin period (x ± S EM). (PGF) to compared released PGF (ng) (10) 5) 1.6 23.8± 2.1 2.3 142.8 ( compared (ng) Sample size ( 6) ( 2) when of by PGE1 expo- phasic components were fundamentally ( when PGF2a, other 2). Nonovulators Ovulated Spawned-out Saline-injected PGF20-injected +p,005 stimulatory curve was similar EOG responses Group procedures of fish male appeared to than 3 times M L-serine. Concentration PGF3a, and PGE2, which tration was injected, dye ly encountered testing groups of acutely sensitive to all PGs tested, especially PGF2a (Fig. la). PGF2a had a detection threshold of approximately 10’#{176}M, and at a concentration of 106M, TABLE 1. Immunoreactive male goldfish during a 2-h These ferent from 2% of Male was switched to 108M PGF2a, 108M 15KPGF2, or another ethanol control. Observers were unaware of the treatment given. Although final tank concenonly 0.4% that of the concentration injection indicated that males repeated“wisps” of slightly diluted odorant. immunoreactive from ovulated females than in water from either nonovulated fish or spawned-out fish who released equivalent, marginally detectable levels (Table 1). High levels of immuno- double ketone responses elicited were reproductive overnight Pros taglandin by 10 PGF1a, we (20#{176}C;16L:8D) that contained vegetation (spawning substrate). swimming activity (number fish crossed a vertical feeding activity (number up bottom the for means were 1043 where response magnitude it elicited responses more pheromone represent repeatable through 70-I aquaria gravel and aquatic The next morning, were recep- we know occasionally using grouped males whether the behavioral to waterborne PGFs behaviors. Groups times glass), females used tests of Females sexually as an independent source, GOLDFISH RESULTS observations). Single males exposed to ovulated females or PGF2a-injected more active, feed less, are attracted source, IN by a companion (Breder and Rosen, 1966; Partridge et a!., Stacey and Kyle, 1983). Spawning is chaotic with males to release PHEROMONE 3) to nonovulators to saline-injected and fish. spawned-out ± ± ± ± by 0.19 7.50 0.51 0.48 2i.74 fish. fe- 1044 SORENSEN 300 (c) 400 B [I C) AL. (b) 400 400 ET Saline-injected fish water 300 #{149}13,14-15K-PGF2z 300 (I) PGF2.injected C 0 PGF2 #{149} 15K-PGF2ca #{149} Arachidonic fish water Acid ** 0. Cl) 200 C) 200 200 C) > 100 CC 100 ** C) 0 100 B AB 0 0 -11 -9 Log Molar -7 -5 0.01 -13 0.1 Concentration Concentration -11 Log -9 Molar -7 -5 Concentration FIG. 1. (a) Semi-logarithmic plot of the electro-olfactogram recording (EOG) responses of male goldfish to waterborne prostaglandins (PGs). Average response magnitude is represented as a percentage of that induced by io M L-serine. Vertical bars represent standard error. Abbreviations are as in the text. Sample size is 8-19 fish. (b) Average EOG responses (t SEM) of male goldfish to water containing salineand PGF20-injected female goldfish (wide bars) that has been diluted 10 (0.1; n = 17) and 100 times (0.01; n = 7). Responses to salineand PGF20-injected fish water are compared by paired t-tests (**p0.01). Average response magnitude (± SEM) is represented as a percentage of that induced by 10’M L-serine. The narrow bars represent the hypothetical EOG responses that PGF20-injected fish water would have evoked if half the injected PGF20 had been released as either PGF20 (A) or its metabolite 15-keto-prostaglandin F20 (B; see Fig. Ic and text). Their bases correspond to the level of responses evoked to control (saline-injected) female water. (c) Semi-logarithmic plot of the EOG responses of male goldfish to PGF20, its metabolites and its precursor, arachidonic acid. Average response magnitude (± SEM) is represented as a percentage of that induced by 10’M L-serine. These data were collected from the same fish used in Figure la and Ib, and the values plotted for PGF20 are the same. Sample size is 8-19. Pheromone and Release Olfactory by PGF2a-Injected Sensitivity to PGF2a PGF2ainjected fish greater LOG responses injected fish (p0.01 for Goldfish could not explain the magnitude of If half of the PGF2a had been released Metabolites water consistently evoked than water from salineboth 0.1 and 0.01 dilutions), confirming that PGF2a injection a potent olfactory stimulant(s) simple release and/or leakage evokes the release of (Fig. ib). However, of the injected PGF2a water (a liberal estimate; see Table 1) it would had a concentration of 10-8 M. Accordingly, the dilution of PGF2a-injected fish water would contained should elicited have by 109M PGF2a, and EOG responses been only marginally larger than saline-injected fish. Similarly, the concentration have contained able concentration lmV _L1_L1_ Ii III -8 -8 PG F20 male sure and ized. each division = 5s. released other recorded by than to found to an 15K-PGF2a of a mature longer expocomponent) to be visualTime signals, to it those 0.01 be PGF2a-injected fish PGF2a. PGF2a metabolites exceedingly potent of 1012 M, 100 ic and 3). EOG to approach at a concentration of i0 M, where responses slightly larger than 10 M Lshape of the LOG response to 15K-PGF2 rounded (reflecting a slower response) than that elicited of the PGF2a metabolized ences between have 0.10 have PGF2a-injected fish water would only 1010M PGF2a, an undetect(Fig. ib). These findings suggested that the pheromone contained components EOG responeses saturation they evoked serine. The was more 1 5-Keto-PGF20 FIG. 2. Electro-olfactogram recording (EOG) responses goldfish to 108M PGF20 and 105M 1SK-PGF20. A time (30 a) was used to allow the phasic (initial sharp tonic (subsequent plateau) components of the EOGs Responses were recorded on curvilinear graph paper. of odorant with a detection threshold times lower than that of PGF2a (Figs. responses to 15K-PGF2a appeared IiIIIIIIIIIJ._1__1_i._1_1_ I I EOG responses. directly to the by PGF2a (Fig. 2). In theory, if half injected into female fish had been and released the EOG as 15K-PGF2a, responses elicited the by differPGF2a- PROSTAGLANDIN PHEROMONE IN GOLDFISH (a) -__ -5 L-SER CON -8 17,20P -10 CON 1045 15K.PGF2 -7M Response _J__ -9 -8 0 -7t4 -7 PROSTAGLANDIN (mV) 1 .: (b) -8M .-‘ PGF20c Response 2 3 #{149} ‘ 0 -SM PGF2cz (mV) 1 j 2 3 15K ] DPro F20 OPre Duflg - -SM E -11 -9 -10 -8 Cl) -7 P.&O1 -SM TCA .#{231}__ -8M 4- 1 5-KETO-PROSTAGLANDIN F20 L-Sar -7M 17,20P -SM #{149} P=o.o5 P.*O.O1 L-Ser -7M -12 CON P.*o.05 * ** TCA 17.20P 0) 8) I- -7M PGE2 #{149} -7MPGFI #{149} -7M PGF3ca CON 13,1 FIG. sponses taglandin 17,20P, are not methanol -8 -9 1 5-KETO-PROSTAGLANDIN 4-DIHYDRO- 5s. saline-injected fish ib). 13,14-15K-PGF2a olfactory stimulant PGF2a and similar acids; it could imately with to that not by PGF2a-injected weak olfactory water the fish. stimulant, PGFaa -7M PGF2 less and EOG than other injected fish 15K-PGF20. t-tests (pO.05; response Arachidonic acid with a threshold of In the Receptors Water and cross-adaptation elicited that was a very of approx- both and **p0.01). “Pre’ 15K -SM 15K #{149} #{149} L-serine; TCA = taurocholic acid; 15K responses were compared by paired Sample size ranged from 4 to#{243}fish. = = “During’ 15K-PGF2a table to olfactory PGF2a and tO 15K-PGF2a PGF2a-injected PGF2a M PGF2a elicited (Fig. are not by these receptors 4; the shown), compounds that data for suggesting are attribu- are most sensitive to 15K-PGF2a. Lastly, although adaptation and PGF2a reduced responses elicited exposure to adaptation lower concentrations never concentrations experiments, and to 10 responses PGF, PGFs eliminated of the other of responses the other to equal PGF. neither 107M 15K-PGF2a nor adaptation to decreased the EOG responses to fish water (Fig. 4). In contrast, adaptaand 15KPGF2a reduced (p0.05) the by L-Ser water; adaptation by adaptation to 108M PGF2a saline-injected tion to PGF2a #{149} -9M FIG. 4. Electro-olfactogram recording (EOG) responses elicited (in my) prior to adaptation (light-colored bars) and later during adaptation (shaded bars) to either (a) 10’M 15K-PGF20,or(b) 10’MPGF20. Stimuli concentrations are log molar. Abbreviations are as given in the text with the following exceptions: Sal-inj = 0.10 solution (10% dilution) of saline-injected fish water; PG-inj = 0.10 solution of PGF20- that of amino 107M. Specificity of Olfactory to PGF2a-Injected Fish 15K -iON would be explained was a relatively weak a potency of L-serine explain PGF2 -SM F20 Representative electro-olfactogram recording (EOG) reof a mature male goldfish to log molar concentrations of pros(PG) F20, 15K-PGF20, 13, 14-15K-PGF20, L-serine (L-Ser), and controls (Con; no odor added). Responses to 106M PGFs shown because a portion of these responses are attributable to carrier. Curvilinear graph paper was used. Time signals, each = -SM -7 3. division and (Fig. 10 responses evoked Adaptation sponses to 1 5K-PGF2a to 109M 15K-PGF2a also reduced rePGF2a-injected fish water, suggesting that was an important constituent of PGF2a- fish water. Behavioral Responses Waterborne Exposure evoked to PGFs to 108M immediate and PGF2a dramatic and 108M increases 15K-PGF2a in swimming and social activity (nudging) of male goldfish, which coincided with decreases in feeding (Fig. 5). Exposure to ethanol control did not affect the behavior of male goldfish. The activity evoked by waterborne PGFs injected fish water (data not shown). In other cross-adaptation experiments, responses to 10M L-serine, 107M taurocholic acid, and 108M 17,20P were not reduced by adaptation to either was characterized by chasing, a behavior characteristic of sexual arousal (data not shown). The behavioral thresholds for responses elicited by PGF2a was 10-8 M and 10#{176}M for 15K-PGF2a. There was no apparent PGF2a responses exposure abolished or 15K-PGF2a to PGF1a, during (Fig. PGF3a, adaptation 4). Conversely, and PGE2 to equal were concentrations EOG all difference both in the to compounds nature PGF2a of the and were responses 15K-PGF2a. relatively elicited Responses short in duration, by to SORENSEN 1046 PGF2 U 20 30 500 > = 400 Pre 300 During E * E ioo Ci) 0 ** * much higher serum PGF2a employed metabolites. PcO.01 Molar i:J[t latory Concentration 30 * may i:J Molar ijj pound), of 4, 4, xc _ 30-I I 4,1 20 I i0.I I C E rr 100 ___9 Cl) Log FIG. centrations z10J . Molar 5. Behavioral responses of male of waterborne prostaglandins 0Ir72-8 within 30 mm 10 (data mm not U. [1 centrally results). conan olfactory odorants; suggest 01 .8 Concentration fish exposed to different (PGF20, 15K-PGF20) ethanol control (ETOH). Median response values are centrations are log molar. Because of limited space, feeding is not shown for concentrations less than same trends were apparent. Results were analyzed test for dependent samples (paO.05; ‘p001; 5 fish for each concentration). peaking within I and declining shown). and shown. Stimuli condata on nudging and 10 M although the by the signed ranks n = 11 groups of to basal levels DISCUSSION This study establishes F prostaglandins component of the goldfish postovulatory To our knowledge, this is the first release PGFs to their environment. goldfish release considerable quantities active PGF to the water and cease as a critical pheromone. report that fish Ovulated female of immunorereleasing these compound(s) shortly after spawning when they are no longer reproductively active. Furthermore, PGF2injected female goldfish, which are known to release odorant(s) with actions similar to those of the postovulatory pheromone also release immunoreactive actual quantity of PGFs (Sorensen et al., 1986), PGF. It is likely that the released by ovulated fish is 1987). tracts as the anti- Although washings of Sorensen (see Stacey P. et a!., contributing known olfactory appear to and their acids first the LOG W., 1986), source. bile somewhat low do were detection only goldfish acids prostaglandins less to PGFs size, of stimulants in a vertebrate. possess at least two classes other to staturate; odorant in and report PGFs, one highly specific (or a similar unknown responses large tendency potent Controls 400 developed. in crude 1979; fish receptors for to 15K-PGF2a PGF2a. 30 because and several studies have suggested is an important source of postovuin is the olfactory sensitive Concentration 500 being is found be an important functioning Male goldfish ** Log here 20 This ** report very low cross-reactivity with An antiserum for 15K-PGF2a (Bouffard, results), fluid pheromones urine ** we had currently PGF eggs unpublished that ovulatory F2 .500 EtoH is ovulated Log than compound immunoreactive P’cO.05 .r.r! 1 5K-PG :20 ** ET AL. specific notable 17, 20P represents and responses not saturate transduced (Sorensen Neural responses to to because thresholds, and to a more amino (Sorensen Electrical recording from the has confirmed that responses of and com- medial to et al., olfactory PGFs are P. W., unpublished PGFs are similar to responses transduced in response to other there is currently no empirical evidence to that a specialized neural system such as the terminal nerve ates responses Because both (Demski and Northcutt, 1982) to the postovulatory pheromone. classes function independently other known categories of PGF of receptors of odorants, olfactory medi- receptors that respond prostaglandins represent a fourth, previously unsuspected, of potent olfactory stimulants for fish. both cross-adaptation (this study) and experiments (Sorensen P. W., unpublished to category Although mixture results) suggest that PGF olfactory receptors specifically recognize PGF2a and 15K-PGF2a at low concentrations, considerable cross-reactivity was evident when concentrations of 10 M and greater were tested. We believe that the dramatic increase in the LOG evoked by 106M 15K-PGF2a in the water was caused by cross-reacting PGF2a receptors. However, because levels of PGF2 in the water and serum of ovulated goldfish (this study; Bouffard, 1979) are less than 10 M, olfactory to distinguish naturally PGFs. This study goldfish release specificity occurring confirms that potent odorant(s) should be adequate concentrations of PGF2a-injected which female are detected PROSTAGLANDIN by those olfactory receptors that Although the size of the water from PGF2a-injected that a PGF2a metabolite important component mone’s exact chemical to reduce (Van 17,20P is pheromone. not washings et PGF2 sponses. odorants et a!., been 1980; 1985; Bryant 1988) 1984; Hara et a!., and Atema, of exhibited exposed The (108M Saglio nor to thresholds for PGF2a a!., 1980) that re- these (Doving Fauconneau, although it is PGFs similar to fish, and that the (Sorensen et a!., of similarity analysis. has yet to waterborne observed of ovulated et and fish release ovulated are similar and in males PGF2a-injected 1976; for and behavioral responses 10’#{176}M for 15K-PGF2a) chasing (Partridge it is likely that be PGFs al., were approximately an order than the thresholds determined probably due to odor dilution effectiveness of our experimental that repeated brief exposure to stimulate strong behavioral goldfish spawning behavior extensive observations), that control Lastly, behaviors odors (Partridge et these suggested mixtures 1987). exposed same to the goldfish 1986). PGFs males the suggest Doving 1984; exact degree by chemical Groups release the postovulatory to 1 5K-PGF2 for authors have to pheromonal clear that PGF2-injected those released by naturally actions of these odorants 1986), the determined of to PGFs fact that 17,20P strongly responsible Various contribute et a!., a!., stimulate by decreased the EOG responses fish water, suggesting that the bile acids commonly found in fish and (Hara have not is an phero- verification failure of adaptation to 17, 20P and the a component Neither adaptation adaptation to to saline-injected L-amino acids could requires does Kraak PGFs. elicited by indicated (probably 15K-PGF2) of the pheromone, the analysis. The EOG responses Der to LOG responses fish strongly composition PGF2a-injection respond PHEROMONE Sorensen et a!., to of magnitude higher by EOG recording, during injection. The design indicates wisps of an odor can responses. Because is characterized by et a!., 1976; males naturally personal encoun- ter traces of female odor plumes in a manner similar to that tested here. The short duration of the behavioral response to waterborne PGFs could indicate that, as suggested by Partidge et a!. (1976), the social context of pheromone exposure is important; behavioral feedback female may Goldfish may be (visual, tactile, essential for have evolved etc.) from a prolonged to ignore a receptive response. the presence IN GOLDFISH of lingering Unfortunately, to address 1047 pheromones our simple the specific relevance of waterborne PGFs may have different ity that goldfish gender-specific tests of future. It is goldfish mones after spawning has ceased. bioassay does not allow us behavioral/endocrinological PGFs, the functions, that the possibil- also release species-specific and/or chemical cues. More sophisticated pheromone function now apparent sequentially that release that possibility and the have are planned for periovulatory two hormonal important and the reproductive physiology Through their initial actions quent roles as pheromones, differing the female pheroeffects and behavior of as hormones and these compounds on males. subsesyn- chronize female and male reproductive physiology and spawning behavior. Accordingly, the reproductive physiology and behavior of spawning male goldfish can be modeled as a “dual pheromone system” ogy of ovulatory Many about both based on females important questions this dual pheromones analysis and of their release particularly metabolism principle PGF2. remain pheromone require both the have temporal yet to the postovulatory Because endocrinolto system. The verification be answered identities of by chemical pattern and be determined. important to in goldfish to metabolite/pheromone Similarly, component determined. the reproductive (Fig. 6). examine determine is method It will be prostaglandin whether the actually 15K- significance of pheromone also 15K-PGF2a saturates a multi- has to be at a low concentration, its ability to function as a close-range signal is probably limited; it may act as a long-range cue signifying the presence of an ovulated female(s), while fying PGF2a functions the ovulated that these pheromones Finally, because males females experience gonadotropic hormone is possible that one as a close-range individual. It is synergize spawning each with signal identialso possible other’s actions. PGF2a-injected rapid elevations in circulating and milt (Kyle et a!., 1985), of these PGFs has an endocrine it function. Our discovery that both the preovulatory and postovulatory pheromones in goldfish are hormones with reproductive functions in a variety of fish (Goetz, Canario, theoretical 1983; 1987; Stacey Goetz arguments and Goetz, et a!., 1987) that sex 1982; strongly hormones Scott and reinforces and their 1048 SORENSEN ET AL. highly specific Sorensen glandins GD hormonal FEMALES or achieve (RELEASE TO THE appear + 1200 = 2000 0400 Time 1200 of Day FIG. 6. A model of the dual sex pheromone system employed by goldfish. Environmental cues trigger an ovulatory surge in gonadotropic hormone (GtH) in vitellogenic females in the afternoon in the late spring (Stacey et al., 1979), which subsequently stimulates 17,20P synthesis by the ovary (Kobayashi et al., 1987). Hormonal 17,20P induces final oocyte maturation (resumption of meiosis; Nagahama et al., 1983) and is released to the water where it functions as a preovulatory priming” pheromone. This pheromone evokes a surge in circulating GtH in males (Dulka et al., 1987), which stimulates the synthesis of testicular 17,20P. Elevated hormonal 17,20P in turn evokes an increase in milt production by the time of ovulation and spawning (Dulka et al., 1987). Later at the time of ovulation, females produce F type prostaglandins (PGFs) to mediate follicular rupture and to trigger female spawning behavior (Stacey and Goetz, 1982). Circulating PGFs are subsequently metabolized and released to the water where they function as a postovulatory pheromone that stimulates male sexual arousal, effecting spawning synchrony. their metabolites are pheromones. species-specificity. This commonly used as raises important We believe that reproductive questions because about phero- mones are greatly diluted under natural conditions selective pressure for the evolution of species-specific pheromones probably only exists among species that spawn in close proximity. Both species-specific (Liley, 1982; Honda 1982a, b; McKinnon and Liley, 1987) and nonspecies-specific 1965; Chen and Martinich, McKinnon and Liley, 1987) in fish, Because although goldfish (Hunter 1975; pheromones and Hasler, Rossi, 1979; have been their identities are olfactory receptors be in common 1982). perceived cues unare are selected prostaglandin among Finally, within (chemical, metabolites effectively mammals pheromona! the context auditory, also that used visual, provide essential prostaglandins as postovulatory by many externally fertilizing teleosts, spawning in these species coincides with and prostaglandins appear to play a funrole in modulating ovulation (Dennefors et a!., 1983; Goetz, 1983; Stacey et a!., 1987). have already been shown to trigger female behavior in a variety of externally fertilizing (Stacey Liley and and Stacey, also and PGF2a pheromone promelas; believe males and preovulatory soon after hormone pheromone. PGFs sexual species Goetz, 1982; Cole and Stacey, Tan, 1985; Villars and Burdick, 1987), to elicit (Pimephales that injection release Cole are Thus, fertilizing closely and whose ovulation, are or metabolite been found in the fathead minnow and Smith, 1987). We externally females period, has 1984; 1986; fish associated females whose during the must spawn likely to use a maturational as a preovulatory priming although female sex pheromone systems in fish may differ in detail, it is likely that most species use similar hormonal compounds. It seems ironic that the original definition of a pheromone reported known. behavioral and/or Male Sex) Behavior + (Milt) to 1987; prostain either where differences and Kindahl, is probably al., and could species-specificity (Granstrom information other et results) variations pathways Species-specific pheromones because ovulation, damental e-17,20P-b. (Sorensen electrical, and tactile) that may species-specific information. We believe it is highly probable Spawning Synchrony MALES metabolic metabolism of WATER) steroids pheromonal for. ixo for P. W., unpublished (this study), minor stated that “unlike hormones ... the substance is not secreted into the blood but outside the body; it does not serve humoral correlation within the organism but communication between individuals” (Karlson and Luscher, 1959). It now appears that, at least in the goldfish, hormones and reproductive pheromones can be one and the same. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank K. J. Chamberlain iments and G. 0. Sorensen for Peter for his enthusiastic support for her help with her editorial advice. of these studies. the behavioral We also thank experR. E. REFERENCES Bouffard tion, RE, 1979. ovulation The role of and spermiation prostaglandins in the during goldfish, sexual Carassius maturaauratus. PROSTAGLANDIN PHEROMONE M. Sc, Thesis, Univ. British Columbia, vancouver, BC, p. 155 CM Jr, Rosen DE, 1966. Modes of Reproduction in Fishes. 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