DRAFT BAY COUNTY RESTORE ACT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING May 12, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Bishop, Chairman Wayne Stubbs, Vice-Chairman Adam Albritton Kimberly Bodine Gail Carmody Becca Hardin W.C. Harlow Dr. Steve Leach Todd Neves ALSO PRESENT: Jim Muller, Bay County RESTORE Act Coordinator Kathy Jones, County Planning Staff A. Call to Order and Roll Call The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m. and asked the clerk to call roll. The clerk noted a quorum was present. B. Approval of Minutes (February 24 and March 10, 2015) Mr. Harlow made a motion to approve the minutes from February 24 and March 10, 2015. Mr. Stubbs seconded the motion. The motion carried 9 to 0 to approve both sets of minutes. C. Announcements Mr. Muller stated that the meeting was being recorded and the video and meeting documents may be downloaded from http://tinyurl.com/BayRESTOREdocs. There were no other announcements. DRAFT MINUTES OF THE BAY COUNTY RESTORE ACT COMMITTEE May 12, 2015 Page 2 of 5 D. Agenda – additions, deletions, changes and acceptance The agenda was accepted with no additions, deletions, or changes. E. Public Participation Mr. Phil Mount, 110C Alabama Avenue, stated he found out that the County was going to bid out the same services his proposal was going to provide so he decided not to provide the additional information to the Committee they had requested. He felt it would give the competition an unfair advantage to know more about his proposal. Mr. Paul Johnson, Gulf World Marine Institute Board of Directors, thanked the Committee for their continued support and consideration of their proposal. Mr. Norman Capra, 728 Blanchard Drive, with the Audubon Society, read a prepared statement and then recommended several proposals to be considered that he felt were consistent with conservation. He also stated that there was a need to develop an educational system that will help support environmental science in Bay County. Ms. Jessica Koelsch, National Wildlife Federation, stated that she had a graph of the proposals showing the proportion of Gulf funds that went to the different types of projects. Mr. Dan Rowe, Tourist Development Council, explained that the TDC and the beach feels that their proposal will help bring in much needed revenue that will help offset the problems that the Beach and County are experiencing during spring break. Mr. Doug Smith, member of the Conservancy and RMA, recommended that the Committee prioritize environmental proposals to help improve the environment for years to come. F. Update on Gulf restoration topics: Jim Muller, Bay County RESTORE Act Coordinator Mr. Muller gave updates to the Committee on the following: • • • BP Deepwater Horizon trial – re Clean Water Act fines. The judge’s ruling is still pending – the maximum amount Bay County will receive is about $87 million Treasury issued new grant funding opportunities for Direct Component (Pot 1) funds – for preparing the Multiyear Implementation Plan and projects identified in plans Gulf Consortium – FL Gulf Coastal counties Pot 3. The State has submitted the Gulf Consortium’s Planning State Expenditure Plan (PSEP) to the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council – a step toward getting funding to prepare the Plan. The Consortium will hold a workshop in August to set goals for the State DRAFT MINUTES OF THE BAY COUNTY RESTORE ACT COMMITTEE May 12, 2015 Page 3 of 5 • • • • • G. Expenditure Plan for the Pot 3 funds. The plan process will take about 2 years, and will include technical advisory committees and opportunity for public input. Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council / Pot 2 – the Council released its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) procedures for Pot 2 funds. NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program – the program recently released its finalized Science Plan for Pot 4 funds. NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund – the state is working on a strategy for how to use the funds NRDA Early Restoration Phase IV – the 10 proposed projects include multi-state projects for sea turtles, longline fishing bycatch reduction The State of Alabama economic damages trial will be the first trial of a Gulf state against BP about DWH economic damages. The trial will start in about a year Vote to select Bay County RESTORE Act Direct Component Proposals to recommend to the Bay County Board of County Commissioners The Committee voted to forward fourteen of the twenty-two proposals to the Board of County Commission for consideration. They are as follows: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Nine votes for Proposal Number 2014-001 - Restoring Bay County’s Recreational Fishing Industry through Artificial Reef Construction and Monitoring Six votes for Proposal Number 2014-006 – Bettering Bay through Environmental Science and Policy: Postsecondary partnership between GCSC and FSU PC Eight votes for Proposal Number 2014-011 – City of Panama City Beach and Bay County Continuous Outfall Sediment Reduction Projects Nine votes for Proposal Number 2014-016 – Bay County Master Plan and Capital Improvement Strategic Plan Update Nine votes for Proposal Number 2014-0017 – AMIkids Panama City Marine Institute Dock Repair Eight votes for Proposal Number 2014-022 – Bay County East Pass Project Design and Permitting Nine votes for Proposal Number 2014-026 – Bay Technology Initiative Seven votes for Proposal Number 2014-027 – Gulf World Marine Institute Marine Animal Stranding, Rehabilitation and Necropsy Facility Nine votes for Proposal Number 2014-028 – Porter Park Improvements 2014 Eight votes for Proposal Number 2014-033 – Mid City Storm Water Project Seven votes for Proposal Number 2014-040 – Identifying the cause of beach swimming advisories at Carl Gray Park Eight votes for Proposal Number 2014-041 – Carl Gray Park Boat Ramp Eight votes for Proposal Number 2014-043 – Port Adventure Six votes for Proposal Number 2014-044 – Economic analysis for project prioritization, water quality and habitat The dollar amount requested totaled $6,717,538. (The voting sheet is attached.) DRAFT MINUTES OF THE BAY COUNTY RESTORE ACT COMMITTEE May 12, 2015 Page 4 of 5 BREAK – 15 minutes H. Vote to rank the Bay County RESTORE Act Direct Component Proposals selected to recommend to the Bay County Board of County Commissioners The Committee ranked each of the fourteen selected proposals from one to fourteen; there was a tie with two proposals receiving enough points to be ranked number nine. Ms. Hardin made a motion to rank proposal 2014-017 number nine and 2014-040 number ten. Ms. Bodine seconded the motion and it carried 8 to 1. The rankings from one to fourteen are as follows. 1. 2014-026 – Bay Technology Initiative 2. 2014-001 – Restoring Bay County’s Recreational Fishing Industry through Artificial Reef Construction and Monitoring 3. 2014-041 – Carl Gray Park Boat Ramp 4. 2014-028 – Porter Park Improvements 2014 5. 2014-022 – Bay County East Pass Project Design and Permitting 6. 2014-016 – Bay County Master Plan and Capital Improvement Strategic Plan Update 7. 2014-027 – Gulf World Marine Institute Marine Animal Stranding, Rehabilitation and Necropsy Facility 8. 2014-011 – City of Panama City Beach and Bay County Continuous Outfall Sediment Reduction Projects 9. 2014-017 – AMIkids Panama City Marine Institute Dock Repair 10. 2014-040 – Identifying the cause of beach swimming advisories at Carl Gray Park 11. 2014-033 – Mid City Storm Water Project 12. 2014-006 – Bettering Bay through Environmental Science and Policy: Postsecondary partnership between GCSC and FSU PC 13. 2014-043 – Port Adventure 14. 2014-044 – Economic analysis for project prioritization, water quality and habitat Mr. Stubbs made a motion to accept the selection group to send to the Board of County Commission. Mr. Harlow seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harlow made a motion to forward the ranking to the Board of County Commission. Ms. Bodine seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. J. Public Participation Ms. Patrice Couch, Friends of St. Andrews Bay, thanked the Committee for all their hard work. K. Adjournment at 3:30 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES OF THE BAY COUNTY RESTORE ACT COMMITTEE May 12, 2015 Page 5 of 5 *****ACTION SUMMARY***** 1. Minutes Motion carried unanimously to approve the minutes from February 24 and March 10, 2015. 2. Ranking Motion carried 8 to 1 to choose proposal 2014-017 as number nine and proposal 2014-40 as number ten in rank. 3. Vote Motion carried unanimously to accept the selection group to send to Board of County Commission. 4. Rank Motion carried unanimously to send the ranking order to the Board of County Commission for consideration. Bay County RESTORE Act Proposals Selected to Recommend to Board of County Commissioners May 12, 2015 Proposal Number Bay PRP 2014 - 001 Bay PRP 2014 - 003 Bay PRP 2014-006 Bay PRP 2014 - 008 Bay PRP 2014-011 Bay PRP 2014-016 Bay PRP 2014-017 Bay PRP 2014-022 Bay PRP 2014-023 Bay PRP 2014-026 Bay PRP 2014-027 Bay PRP 2014-028 Bay PRP 2014-033 Bay PRP 2014-035 Bay PRP 2014-038 Bay PRP 2014-040 Bay PRP 2014-041 Bay PRP 2014-042 Bay PRP 2014-043 Proposal Name Restoring Bay County's Recreational Fishing Industry through Artificial Reef Construction and Monitoring Mexico Beach - Beach Restoration Feasibility Study Bettering Bay through Environmental Science and Policy: Postsecondary partnership between GCSC and FSU PC Panama City Beach Sports Village - Phase 1: The Sporting Grounds (Rectangular Athletic Fields) City of Panama City Beach and Bay County Continuous Outfall Sediment Reduction Projects Bay County Master Plan and Capital Improvement Strategic Plan Update AMIkids Panama City Marine Institute Dock Repair Bay County East Pass Project Design and Permitting Updated estimated propo cost Career Bay EDA - Port PC - Source Hardin Stubbs Bodine FSU PC - Dist 1 - Dist 2 Leach Carmody Albritton Dist 3 Neves Dist 4 Harlow Dist 5 Bishop # of Yes votes Selected? (6 Yes needed) 9 369,125 519,865 y y y y y y y y y 135,000 135,000 n y y y n n n y y 234,600 356,100 y y y y y n n n y 2,000,000 6,400,000 y y y y n n n n y 1,000,000 1,100,000 y n y y y y y y y req $ selected propos total est cost propos Yes 369,125 519,865 Yes 234,600 356,100 5 6 5 8 Yes 1,000,000 1,100,000 Yes 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 y y y y y y y y y 9 250,000 250,000 y y y y y y y y y 9 Yes 250,000 250,000 Yes 1,000,000 1,000,000 Yes 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 y y y y n y y y y 8 Laguna Beach Sanitary Sewer Project 1,500,000 3,000,000 n y n y y n n n n 3 Bay Technology Initiative 1,000,000 1,500,000 y y y y y y y y y 9 Gulf World Marine Institute Marine Animal Stranding, Rehabilitation and Necropsy Facility 750,000 1,250,000 y y y y y y n n y Yes 750,000 1,250,000 Porter Park Improvements 2014 450,000 874,500 y y y y y y y y y 9 Yes 450,000 874,500 y 8 Yes 228,190 238,190 Mid City Storm Water Project 7 228,190 238,190 y y y y y y n y St. Andrew Bay Water Quality Report Card 100,000 150,000 y y n y y y n n n 5 RESTORE Jobs Identifying the cause of beach swimming advisories at Carl Gray Park 400,000 733,610 y n y y y n n y n 5 320,888 390,088 y y n y y y y n y 7 Yes 320,888 390,088 Carl Gray Park Boat Ramp Restoration of St. Andrew Bay Submerged Grassbeds 500,000 802,010 y y y y n y y y y 8 Yes 500,000 802,010 250,000 250,000 y y n n y n n n y 4 Port Adventure 274,735 274,735 y y y y y n y y y 8 Yes 274,735 274,735 40,000 40,000 n n n y y y y y y Yes 40,000 40,000 25,000 38,600 y n n n y n n n n 629,000 984,000 y y y y y n n n n 11,756,538 20,586,698 6,717,538 8,895,488 Bay PRP 2014-044 Economic analysis for project prioritization, water quality and habitat Bay PRP 2014-045 Continued Development of FL Sea Grant's WebBased Emerald Coast Anchorage Guide Fostering Business and Econmomic Growth Through Business Incubation Bay PRP 2014-046 Updated $ request 6 2 5 Total # Proposals selected Cumulative total of selected proposals 14 Bay County RESTORE Act Proposals Selected to Recommend to Board of County Commissioners May 12, 2015 Proposal Number2 Proposal Name2 Restoring Bay County's Recreational Fishing Industry through Artificial Reef Construction and Monitoring Bay PRP 2014 - Mexico Beach - Beach Restoration 003 Feasibility Study Bay PRP 2014 001 Bay PRP 2014006 Bay PRP 2014 008 Bay PRP 2014011 Bay PRP 2014016 Bay PRP 2014017 Bay PRP 2014022 Bay PRP 2014023 Bay PRP 2014026 Bettering Bay through Environmental Science and Policy: Postsecondary partnership between GCSC and FSU PC Panama City Beach Sports Village - Phase 1: The Sporting Grounds (Rectangular Athletic Fields) City of Panama City Beach and Bay County Continuous Outfall Sediment Reduction Projects Bay County Master Plan and Capital Improvement Strategic Plan Update AMIkids Panama City Marine Institute Dock Repair Bay County East Pass Project Design and Permitting Bay PRP 2014035 Bay PRP 2014038 Porter Park Improvements 2014 369,125 519,865 234,600 356,100 y y y y 1,000,000 1,500,000 y 450,000 874,500 St. Andrew Bay Water Quality Report Card Bay PRP 2014041 Carl Gray Park Boat Ramp Bay PRP 2014- Restoration of St. Andrew Bay Submerged 042 Grassbeds Port Adventure Economic analysis for project prioritization, water quality and habitat Continued Development of FL Sea Grant's Bay PRP 2014- Web-Based Emerald Coast Anchorage 045 Guide Bay PRP 2014- Fostering Business and Econmomic 046 Growth Through Business Incubation y 1,000,000 1,100,000 y 300,000 300,000 y 250,000 250,000 y 1,000,000 1,000,000 y 750,000 1,250,000 y 228,190 238,190 320,888 390,088 40,000 40,000 3,889,078 4,568,278 y Mid City Storm Water Project RESTORE Jobs Bay PRP 2014- Identifying the cause of beach swimming 040 advisories in Bay County Bay PRP 2014043 y total est cost Primarily requested $ this econ environmen requested $ total est cost econ propo propo env propo this env propo proposal? Laguna Beach Sanitary Sewer Project Bay Technology Initiative Gulf World Marine Institute Marine Animal Bay PRP 2014- Stranding, Rehabilitation and Necropsy 027 Facility Bay PRP 2014028 Bay PRP 2014033 Primarily economic proposal? y y y y 500,000 802,010 y y 274,735 274,735 Bay PRP 2014044 y y y 11 11 2,828,460 4,327,210 Bay County RESTORE Act Proposals Ranking to Recommend to Board of County Commissioners May 12, 2015 Proposal Number Bay PRP 2014-026 Bay PRP 2014 - 001 Bay PRP 2014-041 Bay PRP 2014-028 Bay PRP 2014-022 Bay PRP 2014-016 Bay PRP 2014-027 Bay PRP 2014-011 Bay PRP 2014-017 Bay PRP 2014-040 Bay PRP 2014-033 Bay PRP 2014-006 Bay PRP 2014-043 Bay PRP 2014-044 Proposal Name Bay Technology Initiative Restoring Bay County's Recreational Fishing Industry through Artificial Reef Construction and Monitoring Carl Gray Park Boat Ramp Porter Park Improvements 2014 Bay County East Pass Project Design and Permitting Bay County Master Plan and Capital Improvement Strategic Plan Update Gulf World Marine Institute Marine Animal Stranding, Rehabilitation and Necropsy Facility City of Panama City Beach and Bay County Continuous Outfall Sediment Reduction Projects AMIkids Panama City Marine Institute Dock Repair Identifying the cause of beach swimming advisories at Carl Gray Park Mid City Storm Water Project Bettering Bay through Environmental Science and Policy: Postsecondary partnership between GCSC and FSU PC Port Adventure Economic analysis for project prioritization, water quality and habitat Updated $ request Updated estimated proposal cost Bay Port Career Dist 1 Source - FSU PC Carmod Dist 2 Dist 3 EDA - PC Hardin Stubbs Bodine - Leach y Albritton Neves Dist 4 - Dist 5 Harlow Bishop Total 1,000,000 1,500,000 1 1 2 1 11 1 1 1 1 369,125 519,865 2 7 4 2 12 7 2 5 9 500,000 802,010 3 8 12 3 13 5 4 4 5 20 RANK requested $ selected propos cumulative requested $ 1 1,000,000 1,000,000 2 369,125 1,369,125 57 3 500,000 1,869,125 4 450,000 2,319,125 50 450,000 874,500 8 9 11 5 9 2 5 3 6 58 1,000,000 1,000,000 5 6 5 14 14 6 6 2 2 60 5 1,000,000 3,319,125 300,000 300,000 10 5 1 9 1 8 8 6 13 61 6 300,000 3,619,125 750,000 1,250,000 7 3 6 8 4 12 13 9 3 7 750,000 4,369,125 1,000,000 1,100,000 13 14 3 4 2 3 7 14 14 8 1,000,000 5,369,125 250,000 250,000 6 10 8 12 8 11 10 7 7 79 9 250,000 5,619,125 320,888 390,088 4 4 13 13 3 10 11 13 8 79 10 320,888 5,940,013 228,190 238,190 12 2 10 11 6 4 14 10 12 81 11 228,190 6,168,203 234,600 356,100 9 12 7 10 7 14 12 8 4 65 74 83 274,735 274,735 11 11 9 6 10 13 3 12 11 86 40,000 40,000 14 13 14 7 5 9 9 11 10 92 6,717,538 8,895,488 12 234,600 6,402,803 13 274,735 6,677,538 14 40,000 6,717,538 6,717,538 Bay County RESTORE Act Proposals Ranking to Recommend to Board of County Commissioners May 12, 2015 Proposal Number Bay PRP 2014026 Proposal Name Bay Technology Initiative Restoring Bay County's Recreational Fishing Bay PRP 2014 - Industry through Artificial Reef Construction and 001 Monitoring Primarily economic proposal? total estimated cumulative Primarily total est requested $ cost this econ requested $ environment requested $ cost this env econ propo propo primarily econ proposal? env propo propo cumulative requested $ primarily environ y 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 0 y 369,125 519,865 1,369,125 0 Carl Gray Park Boat Ramp y 500,000 802,010 1,869,125 0 Porter Park Improvements 2014 Bay PRP 2014- Bay County East Pass Project Design and 022 Permitting Bay PRP 2014- Bay County Master Plan and Capital 016 Improvement Strategic Plan Update y 450,000 874,500 2,319,125 0 Bay PRP 2014041 Bay PRP 2014028 Bay PRP 2014027 Gulf World Marine Institute Marine Animal Stranding, Rehabilitation and Necropsy Facility City of Panama City Beach and Bay County Continuous Outfall Sediment Reduction Projects Bay PRP 2014- AMIkids Panama City Marine Institute Dock 017 Repair Bay PRP 2014- Identifying the cause of beach swimming 040 advisories in Bay County Bay PRP 2014011 Bay PRP 2014033 Mid City Storm Water Project Bettering Bay through Environmental Science Bay PRP 2014- and Policy: Postsecondary partnership between 006 GCSC and FSU PC Bay PRP 2014043 Port Adventure Bay PRP 2014- Economic analysis for project prioritization, 044 water quality and habitat 2,319,125 y 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,319,125 y 300,000 300,000 1,300,000 2,319,125 y 750,000 1,250,000 2,050,000 2,319,125 y 1,000,000 1,100,000 3,050,000 2,319,125 y 250,000 250,000 3,300,000 2,319,125 y 320,888 390,088 3,620,888 2,319,125 y 228,190 238,190 3,849,078 y 234,600 356,100 2,553,725 3,849,078 y 274,735 274,735 2,828,460 3,849,078 2,828,460 6 y 40,000 40,000 8 2,828,460 4,327,210 3,889,078 4,568,278 3,889,078
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