Moral and Just U.S. Law Ed2.15.05.23

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Let Us Establish “Just” U.S. Law
— For Freethinkers and Traditionalists —
This discourse is presented to democratic, republican, and
independent political parties and voters throughout our
homeland: Establishing Just Law in the United States
should be the duty of all patriotic citizens of America.
© 2015 by Global KumpielurSM. Freely us this work under Fair Use.
Some is drawn from Frederic Bastiat's 1850 book entitled “The Law”.
¶1. As seen over several administrations of the United States, the law
and police powers have become more and more perverted because of
unscrupulous and well-meaning public officials and agents, citizens,
organizations, and various other entities. Thus, American Law turned
from its proper purpose and was made to follow a contrary purpose.
The law is now the weapon used for every kind of greed! It was
supposed to check crime and punish it, but now law is guilty of
usurping our inalienable rights—this is about law perverted and NOT
about any political party: You can see this perverting of American Law
taking place by taking note of President Obama's speeches and
actions, and the things that he falsely initiates as “for the public
good,” and those things he incorporates into our legal system and
society. And of course this perverting of American Law applies to
those who support and approve of such persons as President Obama,
or any person who would perpetrate such perversion of law—
thievery through law—within these United States. Such perversion is
known as “Legal Plunder,” which is an essential element of socialism.
¶2. If that is true, it is a serious fact, and moral
duty requires me to call the attention of my
fellow-citizens to it for the sake of establishing
law on the principles, precepts, and spirit of the
Founding Documents of these United States of
America. What follows shows what should be,
and that it has never been fully achieved, but we
should strive to establish it to have “Just Law”:
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§2. The Law Explained
¶3. What is law? It is The People's
collective organization – the just
form of government and law –
which protects and promotes the
“individual” right to lawful defense
of “ones” life, liberty, and property for the sake of justice and morality.
¶4. The essential principles, precepts, and spirit of American Law are
given in the founding documents of our nation, these 50 United States
of America. Two of our nation's essential, sociopolitical documents
say this about where a moral government will receive its just powers:
¶5. ►1776, America's Declaration of Independence: "We hold these
truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator [God] with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness [property].
— That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among
Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
¶6. NOTE: Such a Declaration proclaims those principles, precepts,
and spirit for which a people (a nation) are going to establish their
country (homeland), and they all take an oath to live by those ideals
and standards and to pass them on to their future generations.
¶7. ►1789, United States Constitution: "We the People of the United
States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, . . .
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of
America. . . . Amendment XIV, Section 1. . . . No state shall . . . deprive
any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor
deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the
¶8. NOTE: Such a Constitution is that binding document sanctioned
by the people to protect and promote those principles, precepts, and
spirit which were proclaimed in their “most essential” document, and
in these “United” States we call it “The Declaration of Independence”.
¶9. So we can see from those two U.S. documents that each of us has
a natural right – from God – to defend his life, his liberty, and his
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property. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these
three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior
to it. It can be seen in America's founding documents that Life,
liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On
the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed
beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place. (To
follow-up on this, read the Mayflower Compact of the settlers to
America in 1620: “combine ourselves … into a civil body politic ....”)
¶10. Life, liberty, and property are three lifelong essentials of any
individual, and the preservation of any one of them is completely
dependent upon the preservation of the other two. For what are our
faculties but the extension of our individuality? And what is property
but an extension of our faculties? If every person has the right to
defend even by force — his person, his liberty, and his property, then
it follows that a group of men have the right to organize and support a
common force (a system of government and laws) to protect these
rights constantly. Thus the principle of collective right (group right,
public right) — its reason for existing, its lawfulness — is based on
individual right. And the common force (the system of government
and laws) that protects this collective right (group right, public right)
cannot logically have any other purpose or any other mission than
that for which it acts as a protector for individual right. Thus, since
an individual cannot lawfully use force against the person, liberty, or
property of another individual, then the common force (the
government and its laws) — for the same reason — cannot lawfully be
used to destroy the person, liberty, or property of individuals or
groups, as Mr. Obama is doing with ObamaCare and executive
overreach, which is usurpation. (The term “ObamaCare” seems to be
a statement by President Obama saying, “What I enact is about me!”)
¶11. Such a perversion of force by President Obama is contrary to the
principles, precepts, and spirit of America. The force that we gave the
government was given to them to help us defend our “inalienable”
rights. Who will dare to say that force has been given to us by God to
destroy the equal rights of our brothers? No individual acting
separately can lawfully use force to destroy the rights of others. So it
logically follows that the same principle also applies to the common
force (the government and its laws) that is nothing more than a
system sanctioned by the individual forces, the citizens, to help them
protect their God given right to life, liberty, and property; to maintain
that right for each citizen, and to cause justice to reign over all living
within these United States of America. (ObamaCare is Legal Plunder.)
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§3. Just and Enduring U.S. Governments
¶12. If the federal, state, and local governments and administrations
complied with the principles, precepts, and spirit of America, it seems
to me that order would prevail throughout America, in thought as well
as in deed. It seems to me that we would have the most simple, easy
to accept, economical, limited, just, and nonoppressive form of a
“Constitutional Democratic-Republic” which restricts the powers of
the federal government's sociopolitical duties concerning the life,
liberty, and property of each “individual,” which ultimately belongs to
the individual citizens of each of the 50 sovereign States, respectively,
to what rightfully belongs to each citizen as “inalienable” rights, and
that which they “rightfully” possess along with those rights.
¶13. Washington D.C. is a district within America, and it is the capital
of these United States, but this Federal District is not under control of
any “one” of the 50 States. It should be the common property of, and
should be under the control of the citizens of all 50 Sovereign States
of America, but that has been usurped by political party factions of
the past and of the present for their own benefit at our expense. Thus,
it seems most politicians have the least of integrity, and not the most.
The federal government has made itself sovereign over the 50 States.
¶14. How did that happen? Americans have been brainwashed into
wanting to vote for a factious candidate who belongs to a particular
political party because that preferred candidate is saying what they
want to hear. But a voter should be independent of any political party,
and then cast ones vote for a candidate who is aligned more with the
principles, precepts, and spirit of America. Political parties created a
competitive game style of government where one team (party faction)
is contending against another team (faction), and winning is more
important than following the rules of the game, which is to protect the
individual's lawful right to defend ones life, liberty, and property. This
perversion of law is an evil game of “my preferred cause against your
preferred cause”. Only one can be right, and so contrary rights make
one cause and party, if not all, the wrong cause and party to join.
¶15. So for the sake of justice and morality, Personal Responsibility
should be your cause and party, which is fixed in the United States'
Declaration of Independence as ones “inalienable” rights endowed by
God, and ones patriotic duty as a citizen of our nation, as one people,
who supports and promotes its defense from any and all foreign and
domestic disturbance or usurpation, as the United Nations endangers
United State's sovereignty, and should be removed from our country.
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§4. Establishment Gives A Worldview Persistence
¶16. Concerning usurpation, legal plunder, and political parties (as
such factions weaken moral government and just law), the principle of
establishment says “that if you allow a thing to develop into a system,
whether it is good or bad, it will almost be impossible to dismantle it”.
Thus, it is important to always be watchful for anything which might
undermine the justice and morality of your society so as to stop it
before it becomes established as some sort of a system or group.
This is where the Personal Responsibility of each U.S. citizen and
politician is important as regarding their living and voting by those
principles, precepts, and spirit, those ideals and standards, of
America's founding documents, the U.S. Declaration and Constitution.
¶17. If an evil thing becomes a system (a faction) and people join it, it
will almost be impossible to get rid of it because of the persistence of
its followers and those they are now recruiting and those currently
becoming part of that system. It will seem like that evil organization
is running on perpetual motion and unstoppable. That is why even
though Hitler and the Nazi organization had been eradicated, there are
still those following some sort of Nazi organization today. That is why
that evil group called the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) still has its followers
today. Worldview is why you can't convince the followers of Isis that
what they are doing is not consistent with a God of creation and love.
That is why it will probably be impossible for America to remove the
United Nations from its borders in spite of the fact that it endangers
the sovereignty of the United States. The followers of the worldview
of a particular group are convinced that what they are supporting is
just and moral, and as they belong to that “established” system of
followers who believe like they do, they “believe” they must be right.
And voters do that today when they vote party faction and not ideals.
§5. Worldview Is An Establishment's Foundation
¶18. A worldview consists of those presuppositions and preferences
of a particular person, group, or society which makes its members
feel what they are doing is just and moral, whether it is true or not. Of
course one can have a self-serving, hateful worldview. Such a group
or society doesn't care if what it wants is seen as just or moral by any
society because what they want to see come to be is all that counts.
This is the true teaching of the Koran, and true followers of Islam will
eventually oppress those who are not Muslim until they convert, or
they kill them. Those calling themselves Muslim who do not believe
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this way do not know the Koran and those related religious books of
Mohammad and his evil proteges. So there is no such things as
moderate and radical Muslims, but only intolerant, sly Muslims who
strictly follow the Koran. All other so-called Muslims are pretenders.
If you know some truly nice people calling themselves Muslims who
believe Islam is a peaceful religion, they are westernized Muslims.
Such so-called Muslims have a westernized worldview and not a
Islamic worldview, and the people of the world need to recognize this.
§6. Good Law Is Built Upon God's Moral Ideals
¶19. God's Moral Ideals (truths) are unchangeable and unalterable
regardless of the majority vote of any nation or any group for any
reason. So where do we start in determining what Moral Ideals are?
¶20 We start with one phrase from the 1st paragraph and two from
the 2nd paragraph of America's Declaration of Independence of 1776:
“When ... the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, ....
We hold these truths to be self-evident, ... unalienable Rights, ….”
¶21. From those quotes of the Declaration of Independence one can
see that Moral ideals for law come from the God of the universe and
His Laws of Nature for physics, biology, and other sciences of man.
Furthermore, one can see that the Natural Laws for moral and social
behavior are self-evident, which means that common sense and
examining history will prove Moral Ideals to be true. And lastly, they
are unalienable Rights, morals, laws, and other aspects of society by
which God would have governments and their laws maintain societies
worldwide so as to bring all their inhabitants under “true” justice and
morality. And it is clear by reading the full text of the Declaration of
Independence that God's Moral Ideals (unalienable rights) are not the
same as amendable laws and statutes of man's Constitutions and
judicial systems, such as those of these 50 United States and federal
government. God's Moral ideals are unchangeable, but man's
Constitutional law is amendable to bring law more in line with God's
Moral Ideals. God's Moral Ideals show people, groups, and societies
what they “ought to do” and if what they “want to do” is allowed by
law. So what are some God given Moral Ideals for United States Law?
§7. Only One God And Source of Moral Ideals
¶22. To answer that question, “What are some God given Moral Ideals
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for United States Law,” we must first realize that there can only be
one true God, and that all other so-called gods are false gods. Why is
that? First, because “God” means “Supreme Being”. If there is more
than one god, then he is not supreme, but he has competition, and the
laws of physics would be dependent upon which god won on a certain
day. Second, the various so-called gods and religions of the world
contradict one another. Only one can be true and the others must be
false. Or maybe all are false and you need to look for the true “one”.
For example, if I asked two people who do not know my father what
my father looks like, and one said, “He probably is about 6 feet tall
and has brown hair.” And another person said, “He is about 5 feet 8
inches tall and has red hair.” It wouldn't matter what either of those
persons believe, or if they got a half a billion people to follow them in
what they believe, or if they met every Monday to worship my father.
What does matter is how tall my father “actually is,” and not what
someone believes about my father or how many people they can get
to follow what they believe. So what matters, if you want to know the
truth, is what is true, and not what people come to believe as true.
¶23. I can easily prove that there is a God, that there is only one God,
and that those supposed spaceships and aliens from other planets
which are being promoted today are really apparitions of angles and
demons—spiritual beings, and “not” dead people visiting us. That is
why no one will ever physically show you such a spaceship or alien.
They might show pictures or videos which might be showing such an
apparition, or maybe it is a doctored up picture or video to make it
seem like some being from another planet is here on earth, but they
cannot capture a spiritual being regardless of what Hollywood, a
public figure, the History Channel or CNN, or any such entity says. I
say, “Physically show it to me.” But they can't do it or ever will do it.
The true God and His created spiritual beings live an existence that
transcends the reality and capabilities of human experience. (If any
scientist, philosopher, etc. would like to openly debate this issue with
me, I would be more than pleased to do so and record it for posterity,
providing there is a guarantee that it will be publicized on television.)
¶24. And that takes us up to what are those Moral Ideas of God which
common sense and history shows to be true? It stands to reason that
if there is only one true God that He would give all of humanity “one”
rulebook to following for living their lives. And that is true. However,
at this time I will not give the name of God's guidebook from ancient
history which is for all of humanity, but I will give this quote from it
concerning the Moral Ideals for “Good Law” for all nations and races:
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“We know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, knowing
this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for
the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for
sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers
and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators,
for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if
there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine.”
NOTE: This is a work in progress. This is the 4th Edition (2015.05.23)
and it is far from being finished and it is unedited.
§1. Preamble:
¶1 ¶2
§2. The Law Explained:
¶3 ¶4 ¶5 ¶6 ¶7 ¶8 ¶9 ¶10 ¶11
§3. Just and Enduring U.S. Governments:
¶12 ¶13 ¶14 ¶15
§4. Establishment Gives A Worldview Persistence:
¶16 ¶17
§5. Worldview Is An Establishment's Foundation:
§6. Good Law Is Built Upon God's Moral Ideals
¶19 ¶20 ¶21
§7. Only One God And Source of Moral Ideals
¶22 ¶23 ¶24 ¶00 ¶00 ¶00