8 a.m. The Railway of Life — Proverbs 3:5-6 11 a.m. Herod’s Last Hurray! — Acts 12:21-25 Order of Worship — 8 a.m. Order of Worship — 11 a.m. The Call To Worship and The Invocation — 8 a.m. The Deacon-led Devotional Period 10:45 a.m. Opening Hymn #30 The Call To Worship and The Invocation — 11:00 a.m. We Have Come Into This House *** The Word of God — Proverbs 3:1-14 Opening Hymn #30 We Have Come Into This House Hymn #468 When We All Get to Heaven *** The Word of God — John 1:1-14 The Musical Praise Period — The Singing Churchmen Hymn #257 Standing on the Promises The Prayer Period The Musical Praise Period — The Singing Churchmen Offertory Period — The Prayer Period (You may give on-line anytime, anywhere at www.newpilgrim.org.) Offertory Prayer The Announcements and Welcome Period His Tithes and Our Offerings Responsive Reading # Musical Praise Period — The Singing Churchmen Offertory Period — His Tithes and Our Offerings (You may give on-line anytime, anywhere at www.newpilgrim.org.) The Offertory Prayer The Message — Responsive Reading #582 Regeneration Rev. Dr. James H. Brooks The Railway of Life Proverbs 3:5-6 The Invitational Period During this period we welcome those who wish to unite with us by asking to be baptized; or by transfer of membership from another Baptist church (by letter); or by Christian experience (if the letter cannot be obtained); or by restoration (returning to New Pilgrim as your church home). Come, join the pastors at the pulpit. You are welcome here! The Bread of Life Offering Closing Prayer Dismissal to Sunday School “Every Christian is a Student of God’s Word” The Musical Praise Period — The Singing Churchmen The Message — Rev. Dr. James H. Brooks Herod’s Last Hurray Acts 12:21-25 The Invitational Period During this period we welcome those who wish to unite with us by asking to be baptized; or by transfer of membership from another Baptist church (by letter); or by Christian experience (if the letter cannot be obtained); or by restoration (returning to New Pilgrim as your church home). Come, join the pastors at the pulpit. You are welcome here! The Bread of Life Offering The Benediction Veterans Hospital - Bro. Matthew McShan Plantation Manor Nursing Home — 6450 Old Tuscaloosa Hwy. McCalla 35111— Bro. Ronald Jelks Oak Knoll Rehabilitation — 824 6th Avenue West 35204 — Sis. Rosie Boyd (March) Arlington Healthcare - 1020 Tuscaloosa Ave. SW 35211 — Sis. Juanita Colbert #139-B (Nov.) East Glen Rehabilitation — 53 Medical Park Drive Room #28 — Sis. Ruth Kennedy At Home Sis. Felicia Minor (recuperating from surgery) Sis. Altha Tipton, 3037 Wenonah Road SW 35211 (December) Sis. Catherine Smith, 908 7th Street SW, 35211 (March) Sis. Joyce Cousette, 3631 Cedarbrook Dr. Apt. A 35216 (August) Sis. Jackie Collins, 910 Ridge Place 35214 (August) Sis. Betty Ellsberry, 1696 Dennison Avenue SW 35211 Sis. Rosa Norman Davis, 909 Princeton Avenue SW #506 35211 (Dec.) Sis. Mattie Dudley, 269 Stonebridge Road 35210 (December) Sis. Margaret Bickerstaff, 3224 Steiner Avenue SW 35211 (March) Bro. Watt Brown, 744 Belwood Circle Fairfield 35064 Sis. Rose Wilson, 861 Lincoln St. SW 35211 (October) Sis. Katherine Hayes, 9908 Bryant Avenue 35217 (April) Sis. Barbara Fields, 1352 Hall Street SW 35211 (Sep.) Sis. Ida E. Tarver, 701 21st Street SW 35211 (August) Sis. Evelyn Craig, 18457 Harlow Detroit, Michigan 48235 (October) Sis. Betty Tarver, 4936 Scenic View Drive 35210 (August) Bro. Lovejoy Clay, 1429 - 17th Street SW 35211 Sis. Margaret Myree, 3740 Valpariso Circle, Decatur, GA 30034 (Nov.) Sis. Beatrice Kroninger, 1312 Hatfield Lane 35215 (Jan.) Sis. Janie Safford, 801 Bolin St. SW 35211 (Nov.) Sis. Ella Mae Perkins 3690 Hickory Ridge Dr. 35217 (March) Sis. Sylvia Steele, 24 - 17th Court South 35205 Sis. Carrie Jarrett, 1644 Matt Leonard Dr. SW 35211 (Sep) Sis. Cynthia Brown, #7 - 20th Avenue South 35205 (Jan.) Sis. Eloise Hargrove, 2720 Autumn Chase Drive Chattanooga, TN 37421 Sis. Ella Lois Harper, 2131 Ridge Road South Apt. W127 Largo, Florida 33778 (October) Sis. Carolyn Mills, 2131 Ridge Road South Apt W127 Largo, Florida 33778 (Jan.) Sis. Willie Nell Harris 5456 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. #175 Atlanta, GA 30341 Sis. Brenda Graham, 4645 Spring St. Apt. 1221 Acworth, GA 30101 (May) Christian Sympathy To Sis. Linda (David) Cunningham in the passing of her brother-in-law, Mr. John Anderson. Funeral service was held yesterday at Holt Street Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL. To Sis. Lillie (Edward) Harper in the passing of her brother, Rev. Darren Morgan. Funeral service was held yesterday at New Zion Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, AL. To Sis. Carol (Jesse) Brown in the passing of her grandmother Mrs. Rosemary McDaniels Johnston, who was funeralized last week at Holy Family Catholic Church. She was 100 years old. In Case of Pastoral Need, the Pastor is Always on-call at 205.432.9225. COME GROW WITH US: The Youth Ministry is always open to youth and teens who are excited to learn about the WORD of God. Join Rev. Lamar D. Johnson us every Wednesday @ the Pavilion. 6:00 — 6:30 Sack Snack Associate Pastor of Attack! 6:30 — 7:30 Teaching Youth The Word of God Youth and Family Life NEW PILGRIM ACADEMIC TUTORING PROJECT This Week in Youth Ministry: Free Tutoring program every Tuesday night from 6pm to 8pm. We are in the process of getting every child the help he or she needs. So, please bare with us as we try to do ministry in a more excellent way. We are still in need of a Calculus tutor. So please spread the word that we have tutoring for any child in our community. Young people we have the Tutors, now we need you. This Week in Youth Ministry: Youth United Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, May 20th at 6:30 pm. Thought for the Week: People remember and appreciate those who affirm and encourage them. Be one who blesses others today. The Joe Webb “Real Deal Skills” FREE FOOTBALL CAMP Saturday, June 13, 2015 @ 9am Wenonah High School For more info: See Deacon Keith Mims SUMMER BIBLE FUN — VBS 2015 NEW PILGRIM BAPTIST PAVILION June 8-12 | 6:00—8:00 PM Register Now! Invite your friends! Come, study God’s word with us. New Pilgrim BREAD OF LIFE MINISTRY Homeless Meals Monday-Friday Church of the Reconciler Groceries Distribution Twice Monthly Benevolence Ministry Weekly Reaching Out to The Last, The Least, And the Lost Rev. Jerry Cunningham Associate Pastor Giving & Attendance for the Week of May 10, 2015 The people came……... 8:00 a.m. Worship 260 11:00 a.m. Worship 386 Midday Manna 51 Youth Ministry 60 Evening Enrichment 34 Food Boxes 60 The people gave …………… 8:00 am Worship $4,234.44 11:00 am Worship $10,535.40 Other $1,757.41 Total for Last Sunday $16,527.25 Kingdom Builders 100 $827,622.59 140 Second Court North Every Friday and Saturday 6:30 p.m. The Bible teaches in Luke 12:48 that to whom much is given, much is required. Or, in other words, “the blessed of us must help the rest of us.” At New Pilgrim we have been blessed to be a bigger and brighter blessing unto others. The progress that has been ours over the past few years is nothing short of amazing. God has been good to us right here in Titusville. With every blessing comes the “burden” to serve and sacrifice commensurate with one’s gratitude for the blessing. So, I am burdened — challenged — to do more for God who has done so much for me. We, too, at New Pilgrim are challenged and commanded to do more for our God who has so bountifully blessed us. And to that end I am challenging the Pilgrims to remember the goodness of God, reflect on the greatness of God, and respond to the glory of God. Through service and sacrifice, we will show our God just how grateful and thankful we are for the progress he has wrought at New Pilgrim. As God has charged those to whom much is given, I call Pilgrims to rise and dig more deeply, shout more fully and to share more widely. www.newpilgrim.org Remember His tithes and your offerings. Join us by sacrificially giving in support of New Pilgrim. We have structured and presented a variety of ways above and beyond the tithe for you to share financially: RTR (Raise The Roof), KB100 (Kingdom Builders 100), MTM (Meet The Mortgage), and PFP (Provisions for the Pavilion). I know that you will respond, for God is not through blessing us yet! The Month of May at-a-Glance MONDAY 05/11/15 Benevolence Committee, 10 am, Annex 05/11/15 Bread of Life Meals, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler TUESDAY 05/12/15 Bread of Life Meals, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler 05/12/15 Church Operations and Administrative Support Team Meeting, Noon, Annex 05/12/15 Youth Ministry Academic Tutoring, 6pm, Pavilion Room # 68 WEDNESDAY 05/13/15 Midday Manna Bible Study, Noon, Sanctuary 05/13/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/13/15 Youth Ministry, 6 pm, Pavilion 05/13/15 Church Bible Study, 6:30 pm, Sanctuary 05/13/15 Singing Churchmen Rehearsal, 6:30 pm, Chapel of Friends THURSDAY 05/14/15 Benevolence Appointments, 9am 05/14/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/14/15 Grocery Distribution ,8am, Bread of Life Building 05/14/15 City of Birmingham Planning Implementation Committee, Titusville Community Framework Plan, Community Planning Meeting, 3:30 pm, Pavilion Bookstore 05/14/15 Cathedral Choir, 6:30 pm, Chapel of Friends 05/14/15 Praise Dancers Practice, 6:30 pm, Pavilion Room #85 FRIDAY 05/15/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/15/15 New Pilgrim Jail Ministry, Juvenile Detention Center, 140 Second Court North, 6:30pm SATURDAY 05/16 /15 Prayer Group 7:00am Chapel of Friends 05 /16/15 Coupon Clippers Club, 9am, Pavilion Gymnasium, All are invited. 05/16/15 New Pilgrim Jail Ministry, Juvenile Detention Center, 140 Second Court North, 6:30 pm SUNDAY 05/17/15 Matthew McShan 90th Birthday Reception, 1 pm, Pavilion Gymnasium (postponed) 05/17/15 Ramsay High School Baccalaureate Service, 3:30 pm, Sanctuary Pastor Brooks will deliver the 2015 Baccalaureate Message Reception follows in the Pavilion MONDAY 05/18/15 Benevolence Committee, 10am, Annex 05/18/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/18/15 New Pilgrim Readers Book Club, 5:30 pm, Pavilion Room #68 05/18/15 Youth Greeters Meeting, 6 pm, Sanctuary TUESDAY 05/19/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/19/15 Church Operations and Administrative Team Meeting, Noon, Annex O5/19/15 Youth Ministry Tutoring, 6pm, Pavilion Room # 68 WEDNESDAY 05/20/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/20/15 Midday Manna Bible Study, Noon, Sanctuary 05/20/15 Youth Ministry, 6 pm, Pavilion Gymnasium 05/20/15 Youth Choir Rehearsal, 6:30 pm, Chapel of Friends 05/20/15 Church Bible Study, 6:30 pm, Sanctuary THURSDAY 05/21/15 Bread of Life Community Grocery Distribution, 8am, Bread of Life Building, 6th Avenue South 05/21/15 New Pilgrim Outreach Financial Assistance Ministry, 9am, Annex, by appointment only 05/21/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/21/15 Mass Choir Rehearsal, 6:30 pm, Chapel of Friends 05/21/15 Praise Dancers Practice, 6:30 pm, Pavilion Room #85 Friday 05/22/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/22/15 New Pilgrim Jail Ministry , Juvenile Detention Center, 140 Second Court North, 6:30 pm SUNDAY 05/24/15 Embry Baby Dedication, 11 am, Sanctuary 05/24/15 Graduate Recognition Service, 11am, Sanctuary TUESDAY 05/26/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/26/15 Church Operations and Administrative Team Meeting, Noon, Annex 05/26/15 Youth Ministry Academic Tutoring Program, 6 pm, Pavilion Room #68 WEDNESDAY 05/27/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/27/15 Midday Manna Bible Study, Noon, Sanctuary 05/27/15 Youth Ministry, 6 pm, Pavilion 05/27/15 Youth Choir Rehearsal, 6:30 pm, Chapel of Friends 05/27/15 Bible Study, 6:30 pm, Sanctuary THURSDAY 05/28/15 New Pilgrim Outreach Financial Assistance Ministry, 9am, Annex,by appointment only 05/28/15 Bread of Life Feeds the Homeless, 3pm, Church of The Reconciler, 112 14th Street North 05/28/15 Mass Choir Rehearsal, 6:30 Chapel of Friends A New Ministry is here for you! A family life ministry to teach money-saving strategies through avid couponing. Your life will be blessed. Searching, Snipping, Sharing, Saving Yes, I would love to participate. I’ll plan to join you at your next meeting. Name _____________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ ST _____ ZIP _____________ Phone: ___________________ Email: ________________________________ Detach and placeOut in any offering Reaching to tray today. Or turn in to church office. Tune Us In Sunday Nights 6:30 WJLD AM1400 FM 104.1 This Week at New Pilgrim Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Glen Iris Graduation Midday Manna Sunday School Council Youth Ministry Evening Enrichment Happy 90th Birthday Bro. Matthew McShan 9:00 am Noon 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm Pilgrim Readers Book Club Monday, May 18, 2015 5:30 pm A Christmas Prayer by Kimberla Lawson Roby If you have not picked up your New Pilgrim Family Directory (A complimentary family directory is provided for each family/individual portrait and for each purchased ad), please feel free to pick up your directory on any Sunday after the 11:00am worship services (1:00pm-2:00pm). If this is an inconvenient time for you, please contact the church receptionist, Sis. Carol Williams, at 326-0923. Additional directories can be purchased for $30.00 each. Proceeds will support New Pilgrim’s Raise the Roof capital campaign. Apartments for the elderly (62 and older). Apartments for Persons Requiring Accessible Units. Call about Available Units 3416 7th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35222 205.323.3940 205.328.2283 Ms. Jamesel Lewis, Mgr. Email: [email protected] Rent based on 30% of income. Deductions for medical expenses. Convenient to shopping, pharmacy, hospitals and doctors. There is a MAX bus stop in front of our building! Coordinator on staff for planned activities. Call or come by and see us for an application! Our Furniture Needs for Seating 800 Pilgrims The 1st 400 banquet chairs @ $25.00 each = $10,000.00 The 1st 50 banquet tables @ $80.00 each = $4,000.00 The 2nd 400 banquet chairs @ $25.00 each = $10,000.00 The 2nd 50 banquet tables @ $80.00 each = $4,000.00 Detach here and include with your gift. Provisions for the Pavilion Gift Card Name _________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State _________ ZIP____________ Phone __________________________ Email _______________________________ Pastor, here’s my sacrificial gift for ____ $28,000.00 for all the seating and tables for 800 Pilgrims ____ $14,000.00. (Seating and Tables for 400 Pilgrims) ____ $10,000.00 (400 Chairs for the Pavilion) ____ $4,000.00 (50 Tables for the Pavilion) ____ $___________ for ______ tables ____ $___________ for ______ chairs ____ $___________ for Furnishing the Pavilion. Use as most needed for the Pavilion. Please register this gift in memory/honor of __________________________________ (Optional) Please make checks payable to New Pilgrim Baptist Church. Every dime and dollar given will be used to purchase needed furniture for the Pavilion. —— All gifts are tax deductible. —— Jeff and Tracey Adams Olivia Alford Lola Allen Preston Angion Roosevelt, Janice and Michael Avery Ruthie Avery Willie Avery Monnette Baker Fredrick Bandy Willie and Nellisa Barham Loretta Beasley James Bell Quiturah Bell Karzetta Bester Sharon Bolden Pauline Bonham Eulalia Bonner Carolyn and Nadia Brooks Dorothy Brooks James and Delisa Brooks Linda Brown Ida Mae Bryant William and Jane Butler Cathy Byner Charles and Jo Chambers Janice Chambers Demariea Charlie Theresa Cheatham Dale P. Cole (Lucy Hayes Memorial) Eddie and Pearl Coleman Jennifer Coleman Tommie Coleman Cassandra Collins Geraldine Collins Laura Crenshaw Loree Crenshaw David and Linda Cunningham Derek and Melody Cunningham Deloris Custard Louis Custard III Charles and Carolyn Davis Decatur Davis Elijah and Ernestine Davis Sharon and Justin Davis Willie Davis, Jr. Willo Dean Davis Washington and Shellane Day Denise Deloach Lula Deloach Pattie Dowdell Charles and Vicki Downs Yolanda Dukes Shirley Duncan Anita Durr James Edwards Sandra Edwards Leon Embry William and Emily Ellis Ashley Estelle Nekitris Estelle Minnie Etheridge Christine Evans Sam Ezell Fareedah Fields Niya Fields Eula Foster Cirri Fritz Phyllis Gaines Garry Garrett Cynthia Gales Monderic Gales Aurelia Gholston Henry Gibson Angela Gilmore The Girls at Childrens Village James and Deloris Goodwin Paul, Teashia & Lydia Goodwin Freddie Gregg Jason Grubbs Bronwyn Hall Rosie Hampton Catherine Hardrick EloiseHardy Lillie Harper Selwyn Harper Alvenia Harris Irene Harris Laura Harris Johnny and Sarah Hawthorne Mary Haygood Pamela Haywood Carlton Henderson Catherine Hendrick Harvey and Emma Henley Edwin Hicks, Sr. Candace Hill Davidian Hill C. Ray and Loretta Holley Wilbert Hoskins, Jr. Ja’Marria Hudson Gwen R. Ikner Leroy Jackson Rosalind Jackson Barron and Christie Jefferson Bridget Jefferson B. Jelks Wayne Jelks Alvin and Carole Johnson Ann Johnson Evadne Bell Johnson Debra Johnson Henry Johnson Linda Johnson Shelia Johnson Carolyn Jones Rhonda King Gerald & Miranda LeBlanc Lavaria Leshoure Annie Levison Jalia Lewis Arthur Liggon Gloria Liggon Denise Little Franklin Littlejohn Paul Littlejohn Lozetta Lowe Angela Malone Glenn and Angelia Marcus Yvonne Marshall Lillie Martin Kenneth and Alma Matthews Robert May Daniel Mayfield Braxton McKinney Sallie McMillan Olivia McGaha Mathew and JoAnn McShan Doris Melton Vivian Melton Leon and Veronica Mickens Melinda Mickens Sandra, Rod, Tyra Middlebrook Kendrica Miller Shirley Case Miller Jason Mims George Minnifield Adrian,Felicia, Adrienne, Jamal Minor Curtis and Delisa Mitchell Deidre Mitchell Ezra and Irene Mitchell Delorise Moore Harold Moore James Moore Miracle Moore Juanita Motley Jerome and Debra Munford William L. Myles Liberty Nealy Flora Nelson Vincent and Brenda Northrop Dwight Newton Yohance Owens Hannah Parker John Austin Patterson Sheila Patterson Zayuana Patterson Pearlie Perdue Pearlie Pugh William Pennell Ruby Perdue Doretha Pilgrom Juanita Polk Kenneth and JoAnn Polk Doris and Michelle Pugh Alberta Reese Justin Ray Alex and Alice Richardson Ernestine Richardson Joyce Richardson Gennetter Ricks Clarence and Brenda Roberts Joyce Roberts Wayne Rogers Victoria Rudolph Ralph and Guarnett Ruggs Sherone Ruggs Clara Jean Ryan Curtis and Mary Ann Sanderson Vivian Seals Marjorie Shorts Ella Simmons Donna B. Simpson Michael and Vanessa Simpson Catherine T. Smith Deborah S. Smith Eddie and Diana Smith Eddie and Loisteen Smith Our capital campaign to pay for roofing & coating our sanctuary $250,000 $115,604.97 Each Pilgrim Family and/or Member is asked to prayerfully consider giving $1,000.00 to help us reach our goal! Leroy and Janice Smith Marcella Smith Sandra Smith Theophilus Smith, Jr. Southside Reunion Jacquelyn Stephens Valencia Stephens-Oliver Mayme Stewart Mary Stone Sylvia Steele Cody Sutton Ida E. Tarver Ida P. Tarver Iola Tate Dorothy Taylor A’Lissia Thomas Lottie Thomas Natharene Thomas Miriam Thornton Cynthia Tipton Barbara Todd Mike & Wanda Toolabi Linda Vandiver Carolyn Walker Gwendolyn Wallace Sadena Ward Fannie Warren Lufthansa Washington Della Watkins Alexis Watts Queen Watts Thomas Weaver Louise Webb Nia Wells Rosalyne Wheeler-Butts Carol White Carrie White Robert G. White Everett Whitfield Dorothy Wiggins Ashley Williams Barbara Williams Carol Williams Debbie William Jackie Williams Juanita Williams Anita Wilson Leon Wilson Rebecca Wright Wilson and Malera Wright Six Anonymous Pilgrims New Pilgrim Graduate Recognition Service Sunday May 24, 2015 11:00 a.m. We will honor all of our New Pilgrim graduates — high school, junior/ community college, college, university, graduate school, trade school, college certificate, professional school, law school, medical school, etc… Our Missions Ministry and Deaconess Ministry will have special gifts for all registered high school graduates. New Pilgrim and New Pilgrim Federal Credit Union will honor all 2015 graduates present and registered with church office. All of our graduates are requested to register by turning in your graduation date, school, and other information to the church office. We also need your graduation announcement, a senior/current picture and a baby picture for our special Graduate Recognition Day service bulletin. Time is of the essence; so we need these items as soon as possible. All pictures and items will be returned. Join with us this afternoon as we welcome Birmingham’s Ramsay High School as they celebrate their annual Baccalaureate Service 3:30 PM Pastor Brooks Baccalaureate Speaker — Dr. Mark Sullivan, Principal ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING SENIORS!! The New Pilgrim Educational Fund, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of the 2015 J. Arthur Jordan Scholarship and the Jennifer E. Williams Scholarship Interested students must satisfy the following criteria: Applicant must be a member of New Pilgrim Baptist Church. Applicant must be a high school senior with a cumulative GPA of B (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) or above and eligible for graduation within the current school year. Applicant must also have a demonstrated commitment to community service, i.e. church involvement and participation (extracurricular activities, affiliations with service organizations, church/Youth Network involvement and participation, community service involvement, etc.). Additional information, application requirements, and applications are available at the Media Table or in the church office. Interested parties may contact any member of the New Pilgrim Educational Fund, Inc. Applications must be submitted by Sunday, May 17, 2015, 1:00pm. Scholarship recipients will be announced during the 11:00am worship service on Sunday, May 24, 2015. “Where Members Matter” 205-326-3852 www.npfcu.com Maximum loan APR Months to repay Need a getaway? If you’re looking for some extra cash to take that trip for Spring Break, then look no further than our 12/12/12 Spring Break Loan! That’s 12% annual percentage rate for up to $1200 and 12 months to pay. Stop by or call the Credit Union today and then start packing. Terms and conditions: APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Actual rates may vary based upon credit qualifications and are subject to change without prior notice. Offer excludes all loans already financed at the credit union. Promotion ends 05.31.15. Federally insured by NCUA Pilgrims are encouraged to attend. I am Blessed to be teaching one of my original Compositions during this music seminar. Hope to see you there, too! — Eldrick Brown, Minister of Music Vacation Bible School June 8 - 12, 2015 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm To Volunteer please contact the Church office 326-0923 or Sis. Sherry Knight Detach and place in any offering tray or return to church office. Name __________________________________ Address ________________________________ Parent’s Name___________________________ Email __________________________________ Age Group: (Please, circle one below. 5 and under 6-9 10-12 13-19 Adult
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