Double Deal Home Loan rate change Discharge

Double Deal Home Loan rate change
Effective Tuesday, 21 April 2015 the introductory rate for the Double Deal Home Loan will change.
Current rate
4.68% p.a.
Current discount
comparison rate
off SVR
5.06% p.a.
0.96% p.a.
New rate
4.79% p.a.
New comparison
discount off SVR
5.08% p.a.
0.85% p.a.
Note: This change applies to new applications only.
Discharge Settlement Attendance Fee
Effective Tuesday, 21 April 2015 the Discharge Settlement Attendance Fee will increase from $28.00 to $38.50.
The Discharge Settlement Attendance Fee is charged in recovery of third party costs in relation to settlement.
As the third party cost has increased, we have increased this fee accordingly.
As a result of this change, the Super Start Home Loan comparison rate (based on $150,000 for a term of 25
years) will change from 5.20% p.a. to 5.21% p.a.
Bankwest offset account fee changes
Effective Saturday, 9 May 2015 changes are being made to the fees on Bankwest offset accounts, as below:
Offset facility
Offset Transaction Account
Current monthly fee
New monthly fee effective
9 May 2015
To notify customers of this change, a notice will be published in the Australian on Friday, 17 April 2015.
Customers will also receive a statement message on their next statement to issue after fee goes live to notify
them of the change.
Note: The Bankwest Offset Transaction Account is the only account eligible for new offset links.
Please speak with your Broker Development Manager with any queries.